This #PrussiaGate article is nothing more than a mind excursion into several interesting periods in history over the last century. We will casually observe these events to see if there are any strange coincidences happening today that may require further scrutiny.
We will conclude the article with a pitch for a fantastical SciFi movie, based on our casual observations. You are welcome to skip to the end to get a brief overview, but we believe you will find our observations leading up to this pitch quite interesting.
A Slow, Unconventional Pedophile
We begin our story with an unashamed and notorious pedophile, and Nobel prize recipient, Dr. Daniel Carleton Gajdusek:
Consider his statement, “Now, come on; that’s the rule of the game”!
One might be currently wondering what kind of freak show this scumbag was associated with. We are not entirely sure of what sort of “game” Gajdusek is referring to, but there are two startling comments he makes in his one-minute defence of pedophilia.
How Brainwashed You Are?
The first point of note is that Gajdusek declares the interviewer to be brainwashed when he referred to the practice of sex with boys as unwanted, and therefore rape. Gajdusek’s belief that the interviewer is brainwashed is reminiscent of the men who founded the German “Wandervoegel” movement.
In our Urania series, we outlined how the birth of the gay rights movement, the transgender movement, and the plight for the legalization of pedophilia all originated in Germany. When the pedophiles realized that the gay movement would not legalize sex with young boys, they were flung into fits of rage, and began their own separate campaign. Luminaries such as Karl Fischer, Adolph Brand, Benedict Friedlander, Hans Blueher, Wilhelm Jansen, and many others banded together to form the German boy-scout movement, which became known as the “Wandervoegel”.
The kultur and philosophy behind the Wandervoegel was the Ariosophy of Guido von List and the esotericism of Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels. Liebenfels claimed to have directly given Hitler his ideas, while the Runes in von List’s book are where the Nazi movement adopted the Swastika, the SS lightning bolts, the “Sieg heil” and “mein Fuhrer”. Von List and Liebenfels were both known to enjoy playing with young boys, and both men believed that the Aryan race had been brainwashed and weakened by Judeo-Christian culture.
The second point emerging from the Gajdusek video is when he declared that “all boys want a lover”. In addition to suggesting that the interviewer was brainwashed, Gajdusek may have been fantasizing about the days of Ernst Rohm and his gang at the bar in Munich named the Bratwurstgloeckl; a place where young teenage boys were so brutally raped by Rohm and his entourage. The only place the victims could seek treatment in Germany was with Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld; the same man who performed the first sex-change operations. Hirschfeld’s sex institute housed many of the dark sexual crimes of key Nazi leaders.
Some of the injuries sustained by children at the hands of Nazis were so horrific, that a concoction of surgeries and mind-altering drugs were needed to try and get the victim to forget their ordeal. It is no surprize that within two weeks of the Nazis seizing total power, that Hirschfeld’s Sex Institute was the first target of elimination:
How did Gajdusek inherit the concepts of radical Uranianism and find it so acceptable to practice pederasty with 300-400 boys? The answer to that question may lie with who he associated with in his professional life:
In our series, Trust Ze Science, Council of the Gods and Urania, we provided evidence of how many key players in Nazi Germany migrated to America under the guise of Operation Paperclip. In 1951, Gadjusek was drafted into the military and served as a research virologist. Was this where Gajdusek was influenced by the Swastika boys and their pederastic beliefs and practices?
What exactly did Gajdusek’s career as a Nobel prize winning biologist actually entail?
A Kuru-ous Life
Gajdusek was a studious boy, and in 1943, amidst the brutality and chaos of WWII, he graduated from the University of Rochester with a degree in biophysics. From there, he attended Harvard, where he received his MD. After that, he got his post-doctoral fellowship at California Institute of Technology. Obviously a proven academic, things got really interesting for Gajdusek when he was drafted as a research virologist at Walter Reed.5
At this moment, the academic brain of Gajdusek was immersed in post WWII experiments; predominantly overseen by ex-Nazi scientists that were imported via Operation Paperclip.
Gajdusek became obsessed with viral diseases, fevers and plagues. When his official military service came to an end, Gajdusek did not know what to do with all the experience he gained as a military research virologist. He decided to move to the other side of the world, and join a prestigious research facility in Melbourne, Australia.
Laugh My Brains Out
Despite Gajdusek’s outing as a serial pedophile, the Australian Academy of Science still celebrates the contributions made by this man. In 1955, he worked in Melbourne for the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI):
We must never forget that the most severely locked-down place on the planet during the plandemic, was Melbourne. The Victorian Premier, Dan Andrews, sought advice from the state’s top medical researchers, and WEHI is considered one of the world’s top research facilities with respect to infectious diseases and immune disorders.7
During the plandemic, Dan Andrews was empowered by the scientism of WEHI, and morphed into a genetic cocktail which tasted more like Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot. Throughout the 262 days of lockdown, he concocted demands on the public which were borderline comical (0:16 seconds):
It must be noted that Dan Andrews is also a proud supporter of the CCP’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative. In 2016, he and the WEHI established a medical research partnership with the CCP.
We are not sure what discoveries WEHI and the CCP have made since 2016, but that might become clearer as our story unfolds.
Regardless, why did Gajdusek move straight from the US military to join up with the WEHI?
For the fresh brains, of course!!
In the 1950s, gold production was in high demand. Papua New Guinea has bucket-loads of gold deposits, and ambitious Aussies scrambled to New Guinea to take part in a potential new gold rush. There was just one problem; New Guinea is perhaps one of the most inhospitable places on Earth. Snakes, crocodiles, sharks, giant monitor lizards, dengue fever and malaria are serious dangers, but they are nothing compared to the dangers posed by the natives. They were tough as nails, completely undeveloped and many had never seen Europeans before.
People risked their lives to go to New Guinea in search of fortunes; the region made America’s Wild West look like a child’s playground. What’s-more, many New Guinean natives still enjoyed the practice of cannibalism.
Foreigners who were brave enough to reside in New Guinea began to notice a few strange things about the natives. One of them was their custom to eat dead people as part of funeral proceedings. It was this peculiar custom that caught the eye of Gajdusek and his peers:
Australian anthropologist, Shirley Lindenbaum, was one of the first to observe the practices of the native people, and urged scientists to take a closer look at the “kuru” disease that was taking out entire communities.
Since Australia administered the New Guinea territory in the 1950s, they had direct and legal access to the natives, their dead, and their brains. Therefore, the WEHI and Gajdusek could receive the freshest of New Guinean bodies for analysis.
When Gajdusek acquired a fresh brain from a boy who recently died of kuru, he jumped straight on a plane back to America. He and his business partner, Joseph Gibbs, drilled holes in three healthy chimpanzees’ skulls, poured the kuru-infected brain puree into the chimps’ heads so that it had direct contact with their cerebellums, and began monitoring the apes to observe the “science”.
For about two years, nothing happened. However, at the two year mark, things changed rapidly. One of the chimps began to have trembling fits. She began to lose her balance, her jaw began to droop, and she became slower and slower. Soon after, the other chimps followed a similar trajectory. Their decline was over a period of a few months, and although they wanted to eat, they couldn’t coordinate their movements or even digest their food. They became emaciated, unable to cognitively register anything.
During the observation toward certain death, Gajdusek noted:
The chimps had contracted kuru, and suffered a terrible end to their lives.
On the upside, Gajdusek’s time in Melbourne and the acquisition of a fresh kuru-infected brain from New Guinea launched his career to new heights. He had successfully transmitted kuru disease from a human to a chimpanzee, proving the existence of a new type of transmissible “virus”. The gang over at Nobel were suitably impressed:
Gajdusek’s career was on the up and up. He returned to the US, along with his adopted harem of young boys:
Release Ze Prion
Gajdusek was ecstatic at the discovery of a new type of infectious agent. By the 1980s, the science community worked out what was really happening:
It was an amazing discovery, one which is 100% fatal for the victim. Gajdusek continued his work with the NIH at Fort Detrick in Frederick County. One might begin to ask the question, could prions potentially be weaponized?
It appears the weaponization of prions keeps more than a few military analysts awake at night. However, we must return to Gajdusek and the continuation of his research into kuru disease from the 50s to the 80s. His experiments have raised some eyebrows with respect to another, horrific infectious disease which emerged during the same period:
SIV, or “Simian Immunodeficiency Virus”, is considered to be the ancestor of the humanized version, HIV:
By the mid-1980s, the world was in collective shock as the AIDS epidemic ran rampant throughout the gay and drug-taking community. Previously healthy, young people deteriorated rapidly without warning, toward certain death. Television advertisements in 1987 were scaring the living daylights out of people about this “terrible plague” (1:04 minutes):
Suffice to say, medical researchers in the 1980s were working around the clock trying to work out just what the hell AIDS was. One of the first steps in research is observation. Some began to observe a frightening correlation (1987):
There is a common saying frequently used by the ‘Trust Ze Science” community: “Correlation is not causation”.
This might be true, however those who are more mathematically minded also know that causation must always present as correlation. Therefore, observing correlations are the foundational keys that unlock scientific discovery.
In the above article, we note that the medically untrained missionaries and police had already observed that cannibalism was the cause of kuru. Gajdusek, however, wanted to first test out his theories about sex-transmission; perhaps with some of the young boys he later adopted.
Whatever the case, throughout the 1980s and beyond, debate raged over the origins of HIV/AIDS. As science caught up with the disease, its origins remained somewhat of a mystery, with several theories still persisting.
In Trust Ze Science – Part I, we presented documents from the website which outlined the biological weapons research programs carried out by the CIA in Fort Detrick during the 1950s and 60s. The primary biological weapons program was named MKNAOMI.
If “BW agents and toxins” were maintained and stored, the discovery made by Gajdusek would almost-certainly be part of that “stockpile”. While the exact particle causing kuru may not yet have been discovered, they knew that the pureed brains of New Guinean cannibals contained the pathogen. Ergo, by using Gajdusek’s contacts in Australia, it was time to stock-up!
Gradually, scientific research would discover exactly what causes kuru. Prions were isolated as the fatal culprit that literally blows tiny holes through peoples’ brains until they die. We are unsure if this particular discovery was already known at Fort Detrick. However, if it was, a prion would potentially be the mother of all future bioweapons.
Was this the point in history when the prion was transferred and stored to a “commercial laboratory”?
WEF Dreams about Public-Private Partnerships
Part of the mantra adopted by the psychopathic WEF team at Davos is the desire to govern the world through “Public-Private partnerships”. What this effectively means is that the role of governance will be outsourced to unelected WEF companies, for profit and at the expense of We the People. However, we will save this nightmarish-scenario for another day, and return to our story about mysterious prions.
1971 was not just the year when President Nixon broke from the USD gold standard. With the Vietnam War still raging, he decided to declare another war:
Trying to find a cure for cancer is, of course, a very noble cause. The National Cancer Act promised a cure by 1976, which in hindsight is laughable. However, the billions of dollars also promised by President Nixon caught the eye of the corporate industrial complex:
Therefore, if MKNAOMI carried out the mission of “having it stored in a commercial laboratory”, one of the best ways to do that would be to allow a commercial laboratory to take over the biological weapons laboratories. Nixon’s National Cancer Act allowed the government to set up the “National Cancer Institute” and join forces with Litton Bionetics – which could now use the biological weapons facilities as a “commercial laboratory”.
This public-private partnership allowed for MKNAOMI to become a commercial enterprise.
Furthermore, Litton Bionetics could use the old military bio-weapon labs to study all the viruses they wanted. No doubt, this research included the kuru brains acquired by Gajdusek.
Litton Bionetics was not a company that magically appeared on the scene. They had been working with the military since the 1960s:
Back in the 70s, with the full support of the US Government, Litton was the Amazon of deadly biological pathogens. Whatever deadly disease you needed at the time, Litton delivered, worldwide:
One of the key researchers overseeing operations at Litton Bionetics was Dr. Robert Gallo. In Trust Ze Science – Part I, we showed a video in where Gallo was presented with his own research to accuse him of being part of a group that developed AIDS-like viruses. (For reference, the 8 minute video can be seen again here.)
Gallo claimed to be the co-discoverer of the virus that allegedly causes AIDS, known as HIV. However, Gallo’s integrity was destroyed after a federal inquiry into his scientific practices.
Why would Gallo risk his career so that he could be the one who would be known as the discoverer of HIV?
Gallo’s original development of azidothymidine (AZT) was back in the 1960s to treat certain cancers. It was a disastrous project. But, somehow, AZT made a comeback with respect to AIDS treatment in the mid-1980s. The man who made the call on the use of the drug was the infamous Dr. Anthony Fauci:
With Fauci’s blessing, AZT was approved by the FDA. At the time, the incredible speed by which the drug was approved by the FDA was unheard of. Burroughs Wellcome, which has since merged with BigPharma giant GlaxoSmithKline, owned the patent on AZT, and reaped enormous fortunes:
For some, AIDS was now generating vast fortunes.
At the time, AIDS was ripping through the world and terrifying humanity. The news of a potential cure did not need much persuasion. However, there were some very smart molecular biologists who were continuing their own research and observing the Klownshow that was unfolding around Fauci, Gallo, and AZT. They could smell bullshit:
Ummm… WTF!!??
We must remember that this was 30 years ago, when everyone was still trying to work out what was really going on with AIDS. But having a guy jabbing himself with HIV positive blood to prove his point? This man had taken things to the next level.
Dr. Willner was not alone with his hypothesis:
These men were on the other side of the AIDS argument to Fauci, Gallo, and the AZT factories. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the now infamous PCR test, developed a particular disdain for Fauci (3:07 minutes):
Kary Mullis makes a point about Fauci that many now instinctively know, especially after the last 4 years of the plandemic mania. More importantly, Mullis made his call on Fauci well before the plandemic emerged, because he unfortunately died in 2019.
So, if Mullis is correct, why is his invention (the PCR test) being used for HIV today?
If Mullis is wrong, then we must accept that the Nobel prize winner did not understand his own invention. If he is correct, then we must accept that the medical establishment had no idea what they were doing, with respect to HIV.
This stunning claim by Mullis compels us to explore his assertions, along with those of Deusberg and the man who injected himself with HIV blood, Dr. Willner.
Once again, we must remind ourselves that the debate about the origins of AIDS was raging in the mid-1990s. It was Fauci and Gallo vs Mullis and Deusberg etc. Notably, at the same time this prize-fight was taking place, the proud pedophile, Gajdusek, found himself exposed:
Finally, the sick bastard was exposed for his heinous abuses. The man who had discovered kuru, which subsequently led to the discovery of deadly prions, had come to a swift demise. Unfortunately, we will probably never know who Gajdusek trafficked those poor little boys to, or the details of how they were used and abused. However, when it comes to pedophiles, it is always interesting to know the company they keep. In this instance, Gajdusek had some loyal friends who posted bail for him:
(Note: the Bill Clinton photo with a white rabbit was the image directly next to the NY Times article, as it appeared in the paper that day. There is no inference that Bill or the white rabbit were implicated in the trafficking and ritual sexual abuse of young children from a third world nation.)
Gallo was either extremely close to Gajdusek, or found himself somehow “compelled” to cough up $60,000 for the pedophile’s bail. Gallo had a lot going on during these years; he was professionally disgraced, embroiled in a hot debate about the origins of AIDS, and also posting bail for his disgraced pedo friend.
Presumably, Gallo and Gajdusek’s relationship stemmed back to their days at Fort Detrick. Gallo was with Litton Bionetics, leading their research into viruses and cancers. Gajdusek was a military virologist who worked with the NIH after his discovery of kuru, which later turned out to be prions.
During the 90s, the real thorn in Gallo and Fauci’s side was Kary Mullis. His knowledge about his own PCR invention was an extremely awkward narrative that contradicted what the scientific establishment were pushing. If Mullis was correct, and his PCR test was useless for detecting HIV, then what exactly was it that Gallo and Fauci were trying to detect?
As it turns out, at about the same time the HIV/AIDS debate was raging, biochemical research was trying to develop a PCR technique to detect prions, which would be a huge advancement in the battle against neurodegenerative diseases.
Could it be that the PCR test for HIV was simply a test to detect prions?
Kurious Kuincidences
The missionaries and police constables in New Guinea observed a correlation between the native ritual of eating dead people at funerals, and the future outbreaks of kuru. Similarly, we can look back and observe these strange events as they unfolded over time. When sets of events emerge as coincidences, we note them as a potential correlation. By no means does correlation amount to causation, but causation, by definition, will always present itself as correlation.
Therefore, like the missionaries, we hunt for curious coincidences in the hope of finding a new discovery, or two.
We found it kurious that pedophile biologist and kuru expert, Daniel Gajdusek, served his military service as a research virologist, immediately after Nazi scientists had been smuggled into the US via Operation Paperclip. As we discovered in the Urania series, many Nazis were ideological pedophiles and there were multiple weapons research programs being carried out in Nazi camps, including bioweapons.
We found it curious that after his military service, Gajdusek did not travel to third world countries in search of cures. Instead, he travelled to third world countries in search of diseases that were wiping out entire populations. After enthusiastically exploring the false hypothesis that kuru was a sexual disease, Gajdusek managed to work out that kuru was a transmissible pathogen, and his career at Fort Detrick took off.
We found it curious that Gajdusek’s experiments with kuru were claimed to have been what triggered the emergence of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV), which is consiedered the parent to HIV/AIDS.
We found it curious that, during the 1980s, scientists were observing the frightening similarity between kuru and AIDS. Both had incubation periods of a similar duration, and when the disease finally expressed itself, the gruesome death of the patient was 100% assured.
We found it curious that the culprit that caused kuru had been isolated; it was a misfolded protein known as a “prion”. When a kuru victim started to degenerate, it was due to these prions shooting through their brains like tiny bullets, slowly destroying the brain and central nervous system. We found it curious that researchers have discovered something decidedly similar with respect to AIDS:
The NIH goes on to note that this characteristic of HIV-1 even has its own name - NeuroAIDS:
We found it curious that Gajdusek developed a close friendship with Robert Gallo while working for the NIH at Fort Detrick. Their relationship was so close that Gallo chipped in to bail out Gajdusek after he was accused of pedophilia.
Recall that Gallo worked for Litton Bionetics at Fort Detrick, a company which was granted contracts by the federal government in the “War on Cancer”. Litton Bionetics was given complete access to the recently closed bioweapons laboratories at Fort Detrick, and proceeded to experiment with a plethora of “viruses” and other pathogens in the hope to cure cancer.
We found it curious that during Gallo’s tenure, the drug AZT was developed as a means to battle cancer using “chemical therapies”. The drug was a joke, but during the peak of the AIDS scare in the 1980s, Gallo’s friend, Dr. Anthony Fauci, started trials with AZT on HIV patients. He injected men, pregnant women and children, and the results were terrifying. Regardless, with the urging by Fauci, the FDA rushed through an approval granting the use of AZT.
We found it curious that molecular biologists in the 90s were claiming that HIV had very little to do with AIDS, and that AZT was potentially causing AIDS. Kary Mullis claimed that his PCR test was useless in detecting HIV, however, during the 90s, the PCR test was being developed to test for prions.
We found it curious that there are genuine fears that prions could be used as a potential bioweapon. They are infectious, hard to detect, potentially created synthetically, and can exhibit gain-of-function capabilities.
We also find it curious that despite Robert Gallo’s work on cancer at Fort Detrick in the 1970s and his relationship with his prion-hunting friend, Gajdusek, that it is only a recent discovery about the role prions play with respect to cancers:
Gajdusek first travelled to New Guinea in the 1950s. However, it was not until the 1980s that prions were isolated and known to be the cause of kuru disease. It has since been discovered that most fatal neurodegenerative diseases contain prions.
Real medical research continues to slowly catch up to the discoveries of Gajdusek and Gallo. While nothing is yet conclusive, there are speculations on the role prions play in many other diseases:
There are so many things that are yet to be discovered about the infectious prion. However, as we discovered with the AIDS pandemic and the recent Covid plandemic, the disease-industry makes serious money; not billions, but trillions.
When the CIA operation MKNAOMI was brought into the light by the Senate Intelligence Committee in 1975, there was the reference to the transfer and storage of bioweapon agents to a commercial laboratory. In yet another curious coincidence, around the same time, a commercial laboratory was installed in Fort Detrick’s old bioweapons labs.
There are an awful lot of coincidences occurring when it comes to pandemics and disease.
A question beckons; is the prion being deployed for a darker purpose?
A Kuru-pocalypse?
In our An Ode to the Prussian Pickle series, we paid homage to Charles and his love for nature. In particular, he wishes that humanity devolve back to the living standards of the Transylvanians – one of the poorest regions in Europe. Armed with genes he inherited from Count Dracula, Charles appears determined to carry out the will of his late father, Prince Philip:
The obsession with population control by the disconnected aristocracy has plagued the planet for centuries. Their theories have been continually debunked, and yet they press on relentlessly. What if Philip didn’t reincarnate as a virus, but instead decomposed into a steaming pile of prions?
This is the stuff of nightmares, but not for deranged depopulationists like Paul Ehrlich. In 1968, he wrote the book “The Population Bomb”. It instilled so much fear into the public consciousness, that Henry Kissinger decided to also write his thoughts on the subject, and suggested that population control is an essential part of national security.
Regardless, in 2018, Ehrlich returned to the spotlight with a strong message for the global community:
This is crazy stuff, especially when we consider how completely incorrect his predictions have been over the last 50 years. Why are these people so determined to see the world depopulate as quickly as possible, and why do they appear so confident that it will happen?
The answer may lie in the recent research regarding deadly pathogens:
Hmmmm… A new Covid strain that attacks the brains, and then results in rapid weight loss and sluggishness? Where have we heard of that experiment before? Ah yes, from the pedophile Gadjusek. If it walks and talks like kuru, it is most likely a prion.
Why would the CCP be working on a new strain of Covid to produce a prion-like disease?
Medical researchers are beginning to explore this peculiar coincidence as well:
So, we now live in a world where prions are being discovered everywhere, and prion-like brain infections are actively being developed in China, for some strange reason.
But prion research is not only happening with humanized mice in China. In North America and Europe, a deadly disease is ripping through the deer, elk and moose populations, where the poor animals become “zombies”:
Sadly, the deer’s brains are slowly getting blown out by prions, making them wander around aimlessly, without fear. This reminds us of a crazy scene in the cheap fear-mongering Netflix film, Leave the World Behind (1:00 minute):
The deer were obviously suffering from the prion “Zombie Deer Disease”. At the same time in the movie, Julia Robert’s son’s teeth were rapidly falling out of his mouth, and they were seeking emergency help. As it turns out, rapid tooth loss might have something to do with prions also:
So, is the garbage Netflix movie insinuating that the young boy’s teeth loss is due to a prion disease that he had potentially caught from the deer who are dying from prion disease? If so, that would mean that, somehow, the deer prion has mutated to infect humans. Surely not:
Why anyone would be interested in infecting humans with a deer zombie disease while it is still running rampant through deer, moose and elk populations, is beyond explanation. But that is exactly what appears to be happening.
This puts a new spin on the Obama Netflix movie, don’t you think?
At this point some may be wondering what sort of fresh hell awaits humanity. If nature only manifested disease and death, without any cure, we would already be a biologically dead planet. This is most certainly not the case, which means we must ask another important question.
What if Cures Already Exist?
Prions are nasty, scary things that could easily be deployed as bioweapons. They can also be made invisible by blaming the disease on something else. This is what Peter Duisberg claimed about HIV and AIDS. However, is there anything out there that could help people who may be in the incubation phase of a prion disease, unaware of the terrible demise they may be about to face?
Researchers have been working hard for decades to find something that could prevent or significantly slow down the prion disease:
As it turns out, methylene blue is being looked at with respect to the latest plandemic:
One of the toughest doctors in the world uncovering the madness of the plandemic, is Dr. Peter McCullough. With respect to the “spike protein”, he suggest the following (1:14):
These are interesting ingredients.
There are studies looking at how Nattokinase can degrade prions.53
There are also studies showing the effectiveness of Curcumin in reducing the fibrillation of prions.54
There are also studies showing the power of Quercetin against prions.55
There is also Dr. Judy Mikovits, the research scientist who worked with Anthony Fauci and featured in the documentary, Plandemic. She provides her insights on how to deal with what she calls, “Vaccine AIDS”:
While research into ivermectin is also providing valuable insight into treatments of various cancers, suramin has another interesting effect on prions:
Whether it is ivermectin, quercetin, suramin, nattokinase, curcumin or methylene blue, all of these compounds share a few things in common:
They were viciously demonized as treatments during the plandemic,
They are all now becoming recognized therapies for those affected during the plandemic, particularly those who were vaccinated,
They are cheap and unpatentable products, and therefore make no profit for pharmaceutical companies, and
They are all being used to try and treat, or potentially cure, the nightmare of prion diseases.
These are certainly a curious set of coincidences. However, we are simply like the missionaries and police constables observing the origins of kuru disease in New Guinea. We are not mad-scientists looking to adopt 50 young boys from the 3rd world, and can only rely on our God-given senses to try and make sense of the reality we find ourselves in.
This brings us toward the end of our mind excursion. All of these curious coincidences brought up an idea for a movie which we would like to pitch to our readers as the conclusion to this #PrussiaGate article:
MOVIE: Leave the New World Order Behind (SciFi – Adult Content)
After WWII, a top secret Nazi bioweapons program was discovered. The program researched and developed deadly pathogens that could potentially wipe out entire nation states, or target specific races. Rogue elements in the US military decided to transfer and continue the program in America, along with some of the Nazi scientists.
Due to the illegal nature of the program, secrecy was paramount. Recruiting scientists that could maintain the secret was a problem, until the Nazis suggested recruiting pedophile scientists. They could easily be controlled via blackmail, and their desire to rape children proved that they had no empathy for humanity, or animals. They would make the perfect researchers for humanity-ending bioweapons.
The program was a huge success. A deadly prion disease was isolated from the jungles of New Guinea. The bioweapons program was transferred to private corporations, who could not only store the bioweapon agents covertly, but also generate enormous profits. Synthetic compounds could be patented ahead of time to treat diseases that were yet to appear in the public. Trillions of dollars were made and, in order to maintain secrecy, the operation expanded their recruitment to include politicians, judges, law enforcement, CEOs, journalists, scientists, and even actors. They were recruited using the same pedophile strategy as before, and were deployed to form a protective layer of propaganda, Klownshows and kangaroo courts, all designed to take out anyone who would dare expose the conspiracy.
Human beings became nothing more than sheep; a bank of disease incubators and profit-machines for a network of self-described “globalist elites”.
However, the strategy to keep the conspiracy silent would eventually fail. A handful of whistle-blowers gradually exposed a variety of the scams that were being deployed against humanity. A few investigators, journalists and police exposed huge pedophile networks involving the rich, powerful and famous. A light began to flicker as a small portion of the public began to Awaken to the idea of a horrible, invisible enemy.
Gradually, more and more evidence started bringing the evil network into the light. Code words and symbols used by the pedophile-elite were revealed. Citizen journalists, disgusted by what they were uncovering, continued triangulating events to expose even more horrendous secrets, and crimes. At every turn, whenever the network of ‘elites’ tried to cover things up, things only got worse.
The Awakening began to grow exponentially. Political movements declaring a return to law and order started to gain power in governments around the world. A man running for President expressed his desire to apply the death penalty to convicted pedophiles. They tried to stop him, and yet he still became President. They tried everything to remove this President and suppress the will of the people. These actions only served to Awaken more and more people.
However, the invisible enemy had one last weapon in their possession. They developed the mother of all bioweapons - The Kraken of misfolded proteins; the prion. Knowing that the neurodegenerative effects of the prion would take a few years to manifest, they used what was left of their propaganda machine to seed it into public conscious.
Pretending to run a simulation of a potential new pandemic that was about to hit the world, the idea of a deadly brain infection was used as the test case:
But the Awakened were having none of it. With new eyes, they could see everything that was unfolding, and took appropriate steps to end the madness.
One side used panic, fear and force to create digital gulags that were ringfenced by desperate illegal migrants.
The other side used truth, a parallel economy, and cheap generic and natural cures. They provided an opportunity to leave the New World Order behind.
The choice to know, would be given to every individual. But everyone had to choose.
And that’s when real battle for the survival of humanity begins…
We can’t give away how the movie ends, but we think you will like it.
The End.
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