Urania - Part III

The Pink Aryans

Content Warning: This article contains graphic information of a sexual nature.

Acknowledgement to Scott Lively and the Pink Swastika:

Before we begin, it is important to note where most of the sources came for this article. Scott Lively’s book, The Pink Swastika, is filled with a plethora of quotes and documented sources relating to the Nazis and their love of all things Uranian. #PrussiaGate has added a Prussian lens to the discoveries made by Scott. Where we have quoted his works, we provide links and page numbers so that you can search his work directly and the sources he provides.

Let’s begin.

In Part II we delved into the pseudoscience of Hirschfeld and his sex institute which undertook the first known gender re-assignment surgeries. We ended the article with the 1933 raid on Hirschfeld’s office by the Nazi Secret Service (SS). The SS began as a small subdivision of the Sturm Abteilung (SA), which was headed-up by Ernst Rohm, who was an open homosexual. After the raid on Hirschfeld, the homosexuals in Nazi Germany were publicly vilified as inferior beings. Throughout the Reich they were rounded up and sent to concentration camps, where many of them perished. 1

In 1930, Hirschfeld embarked upon a lecture tour in America, where he was marketed as the “Einstein of Sex”. By 1932, he knew he could not return to Germany, and instead moved to France with his two boyfriends, Li Shiu Tong and Karl Giese. After hearing of the destruction of his beloved sex institute at the hands of the Nazis, Hirschfeld’s physical and mental health deteriorated rapidly and he died of a heart attack in 1935. 2

Another prominent homosexual, Ernst Rohm, who hated Hirschfeld with a passion, suffered a much nastier fate nearly a year earlier:


By 1934, the SS and the SA were separate entities. The SS was headed up by Heinrich Himmler:


There was something not quite right about the Nazi betrayal of Rohm, and the brutal purge of so many SA members, most of whom were gay:


In other words, the “Night of the Long Knives” and the execution of Rohm appeared nothing more than a public relations exercise, whereas the private reality was quite different. What was really behind the destruction of Hirschfeld’s sex institute and the open denouncement of homosexuals by the Nazis?

Before we bring the Urania series into the modern era, we must present a final piece of the historical puzzle. Parts I & II are essential reading before embarking on this incredibly dark part of human history.

This will be an excursion like no other. Viewing these events through the #PrussiaGate lens will be essential in understanding what is about to be presented. We are not reviewing the history of a nation; we are exposing an invisible army that controls nations.

When Gay Prussians Go to War

We have already detailed Ulrichs’ ‘third sex’ theory, where he defines all gays as Uranians. This theory could only be made possible by Ulrich accepting the narrow Prussian definition of male and female, which was strictly enforced by the State following Prussia’s loss to Napoleon in 1806. Hirschfeld later adopted Ulrich’s Uranian theory, which led him to believe he could surgically change the gender of a biological male or female. Both men were practicing gays, but there was one line they never crossed:


Ulrichs’ was gay, but he understood the crime of pedophilia. Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, as the head of the gay rights movement in Germany, agreed with Ulrichs:


In Part II, we briefly introduced another gay rights activist of this era, named Adolf Brand. He violently disagreed with Hirschfeld on the topic of a ‘third sex’:


Rather than identifying as a third gender, Brand saw himself as being a part of a superior race. The name of Brand’s poem, “The Superman” is relevant to this story, and establishes the general context for what will be revealed. Keep this in the back of your mind as we unpack the detail that follows.

Originally, Brand had been somewhat united with Hirschfeld in trying to repeal the anti-gay laws of the Reich, but when Brand and his followers discovered the details behind Hirschfeld’s emancipation of gays, they became irate. Put simply, Brand was a pedophile who hated Christianity and wanted to revive the pederastic behaviors of the Ancient Greeks:


Disgusted by Hirschfeld’s morals which prohibited under-aged sex, Adolf Brand, Benedict Friedlander and Wilhelm Jansen formed the “Community of the Elite”. Friedlander had been a part of Hirschfeld’s institute until 1906, but in the end it was too restrictive for what he was looking for:

The membership of the Community realized that the Committee’s petition, which called for the legalization of same-sex relations only between those over the age of sixteen, neglected their interests. They were also affronted by Hirschfeld’s personal effeminacy and his sweeping classification of all homosexuals in one category [as “Fems”]” 10


As a result of their desire for sex with minors, Adolf Brand and his colleagues became sworn enemies of Hirschfeld and his bunch of “effeminate fairies”. Brand began making his own communities and committees. By 1923, the legacy of Brand’s groups had been re-organized:


Under the leadership of Rohm, the Nazi SS were becoming aligned to the pedophile ideology of Brand, and began to identify as part of a new class of “supermen”:


These women-hating, sadomasochistic pedophiles had laid the foundational philosophy for Rohm’s Sturm Abteilung, and later the Nazi party. The Nazi movement did not just spring to life during the 1920s; it was a planned evolution that could only be forged by the militancy of Prussian kultur.

The Origins of Nazi Ideology and Customs

The Nazis developed a range of strange customs and sayings. The origins of some of these are unpacked in the wonderful work of Scott Lively’s “The Pink Swastika”.

The Wandervoegel

Have you ever wondered where the “Sieg Heil” salute and the term “Fuhrer” originated? The Wandervoegel provides some answers.


The Wandervoegel attracted many pedophiles who led young boys into the German wilderness. These men were unashamedly attracted to the youth they were leading, and explained this in no uncertain terms to those who questioned their principles:


This was no more than a pedo-grooming exercise, and one that would recruit boys who became future high ranking Nazis:


The Swastika, SS and the “Storm”

Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels is credited with being the man who shaped the mind of Hitler.


While Lanz was poisoning Hitler’s mind with mysoginy and violent anti-semitism, his contemporary, Guido von List, was developing the occult symbols that would later be used by the Nazis. In particular, these included the swastika and the SS lightning bolts:


Hitler maintained a personalized book from Guido von List which on the inside cover read, “To Adolf Hitler, my dear brother in Armenen”.

What is “Armanen”?

In short, it was a brotherhood where Guido von List claimed to be one of the last authorities of the old Aryan world. It completely rejected Christianity, and instead worshipped Wotan, the ancient German god of storms. 19

With Lanz and List, we get the swastika, the SS symbol, and the name attributed to the Sturm Abteilung - later referred to as the Storm Troopers.


Perhaps one of the most bizarre aspects of Nazi ideology was the reasoning and philosophy behind their violent opposition to Jews. To understand this connection, we must first return to Ulrichs’ and Hirschfeld’s assertion that homosexuality should be legalized for all consenting people, but only those over the age of 16. The latter restriction enraged parts of the Prussian gay community, who wished a return to the Ancient Greek days of pedophilia:


Friedlander is clearly explaining to the world his general disregard of women, as well as his belief that only pedophiles can make good teachers.

This insane viewpoint not only attracted many followers, but was rapidly turning Nazism into a Prussian kult. Why was it Prussian? As Napoleon and many others had observed, the sole purpose of Prussian culture was war. They would regularly look to history in order to learn from the most powerful militant forces on earth. At this juncture, the leaders of the Nazi SS believed the power and success behind the Ancient Greek military was a result of the pederastic practices of their army. Brand and Friedlander went even further; they believed these practices would not only strengthen the might of the German military, but was the foundation from which they would create a master-race of “Supermen”.

When the Nazis took power, a man by the name of Kurt HildeBrandt explained the pathway to the master race:


The Nazi culture was embracing the ways of the ancient Greek pederasts as a means to attaining global military supremacy, and eventually create a master race. All of this was being hidden in plain sight.


However, one question still remains: Where did the Nazi hate for Jews come from?

One could argue that the pedophile movement hated Hirschfeld for not including them in the gay emancipation movement. Since Hirschfeld was a Jew, this may provide enough impetus for the hatred of all Jews, but one person doesn’t usually cause such a national reaction.

Another argument could be that luminaries such as Guido von List and Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels both violently rejected Christianity, and therefore the Nazis blamed the rise of Christianity on Judaism.

Neither of these arguments hold enough water to justify what the Nazis eventually tried to accomplish against Jews. However, if we apply a #PrussiaGate lens to the situation, we can see something that all Prussians hold dear to their heart; victory in war. The Prussian leaders were looking at who or what to blame for losing the Great War:


Hans Blueher was heavily involved with the Wandervoegel movement:


Blueher was addressing an issue that the Prussians found totally unacceptable; military defeat. Blueher unpacked his reasons for why he blamed Jews, the family model, and women:


To really understand this, we must focus on the Prussian hatred for losing wars. When they do lose, they tend to blame themselves as being weak and effeminate. Blueher is telling a bunch of boy scouts that the reason Germany lost the war was because they had become weak and lost their “warlike virtues”. The lesson was that they needed to embrace a much more virulent, homoerotic male community in order to regain those “warlike virtues”.

The Jews, in the eyes of Blueher, were to blame for the mess of Germany because a Judeo-Christian society embraced the family unit and the role that women play in that culture. Therefore, Jews were bad.

What better way to groom a Prussian boy than to tell him that he needs to become gay to become a better warrior, and that Jews are preventing the nation’s ascension towards a warrior-nobility. It sounds like pure insanity, but Prussia will always do whatever it takes to win a war and maintain its control over nations.

Boys who were successfully groomed by pederasts like Blueher became obsessed with the idea of a revived Prussian militancy, and believed it was their duty to serve Blueher in any way possible. Using the Ancient Greeks as a template, Scott Lively brilliantly summarizes the situation:


This concept became the foundational reasoning behind the eradication of Judaism from Germany.


Let’s briefly review what has just been revealed. When Hirschfeld’s gay rights movement did not allow for sex with boys under 16, a splitting of the movement occurred. Those who wanted to legalize sex with children began to mobilize their own committees.

Those who led this emerging movement (Brand, Friedlander, Blueher, etc.) started the German Wandervoegel movement as a means for grooming and recruiting boys for sexual exploitation. What was essentially a German version of the boy scouts, would later morph into the Hitler Youth movement.

Others in the movement took on a more intellectual role, using both history and occultism to justify their pedophile positions. This is where a majority of the symbols and euphemisms were adopted by the Nazis.

The “sieg heil”, “mein Fuhrer”, swastika, SS lightning bolts, “Sturm Abteiling”, the masculine homosexual warrior, and the hatred of the Judeo-Christian community, all originated from this movement.

They believed they were a part of a master-race, and that pedophilia should be legalized in order to hone their “warlike virtues”.

They are the Pink Aryans.

Not Since 1917: The Aryan “master-race” De-coded

Perhaps this section should become an addendum to the Not Since 1917 series. It is without a doubt the most important aspect to 1917 that we missed when analyzing the period. However, #PrussiaGate is an evolution of discovery, and what we now present can only add to the library of information that is being compiled.

This discovery is best launched by Trump’s infamous “Not since 1917” statement, in which everyone believed was referring to the Spanish flu (0:27 seconds):

What else occurred in Germany in 1917 that Trump may have been referring to?


Some may recognize the swastika symbol from Guido von List’s book cover. That is because the philosophy behind the Thule society was inspired by List, Lanz, and the other German luminaries who believed in the Hellenic practice of ancient Greek pederasty.

The word “Thule” also has an interesting origin:


With their ‘declaration of faith’ excluding colored races, it is worth looking at the stated mission of the Thule society:


Previous #PrussiaGate articles have gone to considerable length to present evidence of a Prussian-driven depopulation agenda. Hopefully this research provides some additional evidentiary reinforcement.

We must understand the context surrounding the Nazi belief that they were “Supermen” and the master Aryan race. We begin with a reference from Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels:


So, the Thule society were anti-colored, anti-Jewish, and anti-female. Who else was left to become part of this ruling Aryan race?



This creates a rather interesting conundrum. If a nation-state is to be built on a homosexual basis, how did the Aryan nation plan to replace its population?


This shows that those leading the intellectual and philosophical part of the Aryan movement believed in the hierarchy of global rule, with pedophiles at the top of the caste system.

We will return to the Aryan “breeding machines” later, but what is being revealed is incredible. A bunch of militant, sado-masochistic, misogynistic ‘boy lovers’ established the Thule society in 1917. They believed themselves to be the leaders of the future Aryan master-race, which would rule over the rest of the world and exterminate all inferior races in due course.

1917 marked the year that they organized, embarking on their highly-ambitious recruiting program. Their brutality knew no bounds, and they rapidly infected the whole of Germany with their poisonous cult ideology.

Rohm’s Harem

We have covered in detail the hellish debauchery that Weimar Germany plunged into after WWI. Freedom of expression aside, the dark underbelly of Germany’s metropolitan areas, particularly Berlin and Munich, were awash with prostitution of men, women, children and even animals. Understanding the mission of the Thule society, and its Aryan homo-based transformation, meant that these cities were a perfect breeding ground for grooming and recruiting eligible young men.

With the wounds of WWI still fresh, and the German economy falling apart, there was a particular type of man the Thule society were seeking. They wanted WWI veterans:


Rossbach was part of the Wandervoegel Movement, and he used his recruiting talents to form the SA, and later a branch of the Freikorps. His branch of Stormtroopers were ruthless and highly competent. They were also almost exclusively gay.


It is claimed that Rossbach had “groomed” Ernst Rohm, and that the two men engaged in a love triangle with a ruthless killer and pederast, Lieutenant Edmund Heines 36. In the early days of the Thule society, Rossbach was calling the shots for Rohm and Heines, and Heines was appointed to run a youth squad:


Apart from an interesting reference to “shills”, the origin of the organization’s name is startling. It seems that Prussians never, ever, forget their military defeats. In fact, the pain of defeat must be etched into the national psyche.

Rossbach is also the man who deployed Rohm to form a violent sub-division of the Thule society:


This sub-division was wreaking havoc in Germany as a socialist terror squad, mostly made up of ex-military gay men. And so was born the Nazi Party.

Notably, the Bratwurstgloeckl, or “Sausage Bells”, was owned by a fellow Brownshirt and pedophile, Peter Granninger.

(edit: A correction for the Bratwurstgloeckl was provided by a reader, Aelred A., in the comments below. Perhaps a more appropriate, and even darker, translation is “Happy Sausage”. Either way, I believe one gets the point of the gay bar name.)


With the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) and Sturm Abteilung now operational, there were regular meetings taking place at the Bratwurstgloeckl. Granninger was part of Rohm’s inner circle, and his mission for his boss was clear:


What is implied above is that Rohm’s inner circle was effectively a brutal pedophile network that were deployed to supply Rohm with a harem of young boys, some who were still in high school. Many of those kids who fed Rohm’s sexual appetite, and remained loyal to him, would be promoted within the SA. Granninger served as a pimp; others worked as enforcers. Anyone who did not remain loyal to Rohm were brutally executed by other members of his inner circle. Bludgeoning people to death was something that one of Rohm’s other gay partners, Edmund Heines, enjoyed immensely.


The violence was not just about maintaining a harem for Rohm’s perversions, it was about amassing an army of violent, like-minded, psychopaths. The purpose of this army, referred to as the SA, Brownshirts, or the Black Reichswehr, aimed to transform Germany’s society completely; moving it from a Judeo-Christian culture into the Greco-Uranian Thule Society.

There were many murders in Weimar Germany from 1919-1923. They were known as the “Feme murders”, and were labelled as political assassinations performed by Rohm’s army of Brownshirts.


There were hundreds of assassinations during this period, many were politically motivated, or based on a politician’s Jewish heritage. However, there were also many murders which included men who no longer wished to be part of Rohm’s sado-masochistic army of perverts:


Those who left the organization were potentially hunted down and killed. This was not just about revenge following a lover’s quarrel; it was about keeping their atrocities a secret, as we shall soon discover.

This section has exposed the recruiting and promotion methods of Rohm and the SA. The debauchery of the Weimar Republic provided a perfect smoke-screen to implement their strategy. In the public eye, Rohm was just a regular gay man, but Rohm’s intentions were quite different:



As unbelievable as all of this may sound, Rohm’s strategy proved remarkably successful. By the time Hitler had come to power, Rohm’s organization was significantly larger than the German military:


As we join the dots, we begin to see how the Thule Society’s vision of a homo-Aryan Germany was already taking shape. Through coercion, violence, murder and political-persuasion, Rohm became Hitler’s right-hand man throughout the Nazi rise to power.

Once the Nazis seized power in Germany, it was time to implement the next phase of the “Great Thule Transformation”. There needed to be some house cleaning, and while Rohm actively participated in the clean-up, he was blissfully unaware of what it would ultimately mean for him and his harem.

The Great Aryan Cover-Up

Hopefully we have presented enough evidence to show that many high ranking Nazis were globohomo, sado-masochistic pedophiles who believed that their sexual perversion would turn them into Aryan “Supermen”. At this point, we must circle-back to the beginning of the article and recall Rohm’s mission to destroy Hirschfeld’s Sex Research Institute.

Rohm and his homo-harem detested Hirschfeld. History shows that in 1920, when the SA was just getting started, Hirschfeld was beaten so badly by the gay terror squad that he was declared dead when he was delivered to the hospital. He went on to miraculously survive the attack, and continued his work at the institute. 47

There were several reasons for Rohm’s hatred of Hirschfeld. There was the fact that he was Jewish, and that he did not support gay sex with minors. But the origins of Rohm’s real hatred for Hirschfeld perhaps lay in the core philosophy of the Thule society:


Hirschfeld believed that gay men had become partially female, and in some cases required gender re-assignment surgery. This view was a complete abomination to gay Nazis, who believed they were more masculine than heterosexual men. In addition to this, the militant Greco-Roman origins of the Thule society mandated that penetrating another male was an act of power, while being on the receiving end created a useless and ‘effeminate’ man.

Herein lies the ultimate paradox for Rohm and his harem of groomers, rapists and murderers. If they detested those who had been the passive partner during their sex romps, what became of these unfortunate youngsters?

While many of these poor souls were brutalized, raped, or even killed, those who survived likely sort help at Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld’s Sex Research Institute.


The above is a quote from Ludwig Lenz, a man who worked alongside Hirschfeld at the institute. He did not release his memoirs until 1941, but his claim is that the destruction of Hirschfeld’s Sex Institute was due to the voluminous testimonies they held with respect to Nazi sexual abuse:


The Nazis seized total power in 1933, and on the 26th April, they reformed the Gestapo, or Nazi secret police. Within 2 weeks, on May 6th, the Sex Institute was raided 51 52. This raid was literally the Nazi party’s first act of business. The destruction of evidence was clearly a priority.

Lenz outlined exactly this point:


With the institute now having been ‘disappeared’, it was time to round up anyone who could act as a witness to the many sex-crimes of Nazi leaders. Using Article 175, thousands of gays were arrested and sent to the first concentration camps of the new fascist regime:


Rohm and his harem were willing participants in the destruction and internment of thousands of gays.

This was not about stopping gays; this was about covering up the atrocities of wannabee Aryan “Supermen”.

The last act in this public relations exercise would catch Rohm unawares.

The Thule Returns to “De Klozet”

It is hard to believe that Rohm would not have contemplated that the public anti-gay sentiment may eventually find its way to him.

Since 1917, Rohm had been the public face of the hyper-masculine, openly gay military man. His harem had been grooming and recruiting boys who were delivered to him in horrific and unsavoury ways. Whether it was in a bar, or at his private residence, the atrocities that were being carried out were not really a secret. The issue was that everyone was simply too scared to stand-up against him and his “Brownshirts”. A victim’s only real means for counselling or treatment was at Dr. Hirschfeld’s offices, where everything was being documented.

With Rohm heading up the SA, the purge of homosexuals from Germany was implemented with frightening efficiency. History recalls the “Night of the Long Knives” brought an end to Rohm’s powerful SA, and the end of gay rights within the Nazi regime:


The SS was Hitler’s personal bodyguard, and was headed up by Henrich Himmler. The elite SS guards executed many gays during the Night of the Long Knives, including Rohm. Many label Himmler a staunch anti-gay homophobe. However, as we pointed out earlier, there was a problem with this character assessment:


With what we now know about the savagery of the Nazi SA, how could Himmler have been so anti-gay, and yet launch his career under the watchful eye of Ernst Rohm?

Given the insanity taking place during this period, this was not a natural flow of events. In short, the purge of Rohm and his harem was more akin to a public relations exercise. Rohm was the public face of gay Nazis, and therefore he and his harem had to be rounded up, humiliated, and executed.

Hirschfeld’s Sex Institute held over 40,000 pieces of evidence relating to the sexual perversions of the Nazis. Once in power, the institute and all its evidence was immediately “destroyed”.

There is little doubt the Gestapo viewed these 40,000 confessions, and then went about interning gays into concentration camps. Most likely, the arrested gays were potential eye-witnesses to crimes against humanity, and their silence needed to be ensured.

Rohm’s harem was the final piece of the puzzle. Their open aggressiveness, gayness and pedo-ness within the Nazi party ensured that rumors of their crimes could never be shut down. Publicly arresting and executing these people was what the enemy believed would quash these rumors. Such a brutal example of national discipline was a reminder to those who did know the truth, to “shut up”.

And with that, the rampant homosexuality of the Thule Society and its vision of creating a super-masculine Aryan elite, was placed neatly back into the closet.

However, there was one man who knew the truth. The purge of Rohm and his depraved army did nothing to deter the Nazi’s belief that pederastic practices were the pathway to ultimate power. The truth still resided with a man who had worked along-side Hirschfeld at the Sex Institute; his name was Ludwig Lenz:


The Nazi party continued their psycho-sado, pederast behavior until the end of WWII.

Life After Rohm

Nothing really changed for the Nazi party after the purge. The man whom Rohm shared a throuple with was Gerhard Rossbach. He was arrested during the Night of the Long Knives, but magically escaped execution. Publicly, he split from Hitler, but he continued to support the Nazi concept of an Aryan elite.

Rossbach can be credited with the creation of the Brownshirts, as well as the creation of the various youth movements that were used for grooming and recruitment. Another man who carried on the youth movements in Germany was Alfred Rosenberg:


Baldur von Schirach was arrested for his “perversions”, but he was exonerated by Hitler. He also worked with the Hitler Youth organization:


The man who became Hitler’s deputy, Rudolph Hess, was a Thule society aficionado:


It was even alleged that Hitler had a little dabble with the ‘Thule’:


Perhaps this is why Hitler took a portrait of the greatest Prussian leader in history everywhere he travelled. He would look to him for guidance and inspiration. This leader, of course, was Frederick the Great:


The point being made here is that homosexuality was never purged from the Nazi regime after the execution of Ernst Rohm. When concentration camps became the “in-thing” throughout the Third Reich, many young men fell victim to the sexual perversions of the Nazis:



The atrocities did not stop after the purge; in fact, they blossomed. As the evidence of perversions mounted, the Nazis realized that it would be hard to cover up everything by repeating another Rohm-like purge, which killed everyone involved. Such action would be too obvious now.

The Nazis would look to science for a solution. They needed to find a way to wipe a victim’s mind of the memory of the trauma they had experienced. Drugs would be the answer, but it would require an enormous amount of experimentation, and an even greater number of ‘lab rats’.

The Science of Brainwashing

At the end of Part II, we touched on a Danish Nazi doctor, Carl Vaernet, who specialized in hormone research that aimed to “cure” homosexuality:


From what we have uncovered thus far, it would be safe to say that the end-goal of Vaernet’s hormone therapy had nothing to do with curing homosexuals.

What we can assert is that most of the gays in concentration camps were likely victims of sexual abuse at the hands of Nazi luminaries. These victims were most likely traumatized, and sought the counsel of Magnus Hirschfeld.

The most likely reason behind Vaernet’s research was looking into ways to avoid the trauma associated with the sexual violence that Nazi leaders were doling out to their victims.

If a victim could not remember the crime and trauma experienced at the hands of Rohm, Hess, Heines, Schirach, or any other Pink Aryan, then how can it be reported as a crime?

Furthermore, if a victim did not see what happened to them as trauma, how could it be seen as a crime?

Finally, if a victim began to enjoy the violent experience, not only would they not see it as a crime, but would look forward to the next time.

Using a concoction of hormone and drug therapies, Vaernet looked for ways to psychologically alter a victim’s perception of trauma. It would forge a way to psychologically legalize pedophilia. This would achieve the very thing that the early Prussian pederasts were after all along.

In the eyes of the Nazis, this would be seen as an act of permission. They could still groom and recruit youngsters for their perversions, but with the right hormone therapy, accompanied by a brainwashing cocktail of psychiatric drugs, their victims would not be traumatized, but instead would enjoy their place in the New Pink Aryan World Order:


We now know that the Nazi party was merely a sub-division of the Thule society. The roots and origins of the Thule society aimed to bring back the military supremacy of the Germanic people. The Nazis were determined to complete this mission and create a new master-race of Pink Aryans to rule the world.

We must now ask ourselves, was NAZISM every truly destroyed?

If the answer to this is no, then what happened to Nazism? Where did it go, and where is it now?

To be continued…

  1. https://www.theholocaustexplained.org/the-nazi-rise-to-power/the-nazi-rise-to-power/sa-and-ss/ ↩︎

  2. https://www.grunge.com/243705/magnus-hirschfeld-the-tragic-story-of-a-gay-rights-pioneer/ ↩︎

  3. https://daily.jstor.org/ernst-rohm-the-highest-ranking-gay-nazi/ ↩︎

  4. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 34 ↩︎

  5. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 34 ↩︎

  6. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 47 ↩︎

  7. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 41 ↩︎

  8. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 62 ↩︎

  9. Ibid ↩︎

  10. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 67 ↩︎

  11. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 63 ↩︎

  12. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 6 ↩︎

  13. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 9 ↩︎

  14. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 30 ↩︎

  15. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 76 ↩︎

  16. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 30 ↩︎

  17. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps2.pdf p 16 ↩︎

  18. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 31-32 ↩︎

  19. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps2.pdf p 16 ↩︎

  20. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 21 ↩︎

  21. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 21 ↩︎

  22. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 17 ↩︎

  23. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 26 ↩︎

  24. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 25 ↩︎

  25. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 26 ↩︎

  26. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 20 ↩︎

  27. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps2.pdf p 21 ↩︎

  28. https://www.scribd.com/document/333263345/Thule-Society-pdf# ↩︎

  29. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps2.pdf ↩︎

  30. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps2.pdf p 18 ↩︎

  31. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 17 ↩︎

  32. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 77 ↩︎

  33. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 64-65 ↩︎

  34. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 4-5 ↩︎

  35. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 85 ↩︎

  36. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 33 ↩︎

  37. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 88 ↩︎

  38. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 3 ↩︎

  39. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 38https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 38 ↩︎

  40. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 103 ↩︎

  41. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf p 32 ↩︎

  42. https://www.nytimes.com/1926/02/06/archives/feme-murders-linked-with-voelkish-party-deputy-wulle-is-again-under.html ↩︎

  43. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps2.pdf p 21 ↩︎

  44. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 98 ↩︎

  45. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 100 ↩︎

  46. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 101-102 ↩︎

  47. https://forummuenchen.org/en/blog/2020/10/05/the-attack-on-magnus-hirschfeld-on-october-4th-1920/ ↩︎

  48. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 41 ↩︎

  49. Duberman, Martin B., et al. Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past, Penguin, New York, 1991, pp. 369 ↩︎

  50. ibid ↩︎

  51. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/gay-men-under-the-nazi-regime ↩︎

  52. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/gay-men-under-the-nazi-regime ↩︎

  53. Duberman, Martin B., et al. Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past, Penguin, New York, 1991, pp. 369 ↩︎

  54. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 37 ↩︎

  55. https://www.britannica.com/summary/Night-of-the-Long-Knives ↩︎

  56. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 93 ↩︎

  57. Duberman, Martin B., et al. Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past, Penguin, New York, 1991, pp. 369 ↩︎

  58. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 79 ↩︎

  59. https://www.scottlively.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pink-Swastika-5th-Book-One-ebook.pdf p 91 ↩︎

  60. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps2.pdf p 24 ↩︎

  61. https://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps2.pdf p 23 ↩︎

  62. https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/10/27/15/39C5B0D400000578-3878752-image-a-25_1477578150739.jpg ↩︎

  63. https://www.jta.org/2012/10/24/opinion/on-nazis-sexual-abuse-of-boys ↩︎

  64. https://academic.oup.com/gh/article-abstract/39/1/78/5843417 ↩︎

  65. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/may/05/nazi-doctor-gay-people-carl-vaernet-escaped-justice-danish ↩︎

  66. https://www.npr.org/2019/09/09/758989641/the-cias-secret-quest-for-mind-control-torture-lsd-and-a-poisoner-in-chief ↩︎