What is to Be Done?
In this final article, we will ask ourselves the same question, and provide our own skeleton plan to destroy the woke mind-virus, once and for all.
Before we venture down that path, we must remind ourselves how the Marxist machine has worked throughout history.
When the Bolsheviks seized power in October 1917, there were elections scheduled for the Russian Constituent Assembly. This represented the last remnant of democracy in Russia, and Lenin brought forward the elections to November 12. The elections proved a disaster for the Bolsheviks:
That was the final straw for Lenin. The elected members of the Constituent Assembly were to be seated in January, 1918. The Bolsheviks arrested members of the electoral commission, and launched attacks against elected members of opposing parties. Chaos ensued, until Lenin put the final nail in the coffin:
Lenin would only tolerate elections that he could win. Over a decade later, the same thing occurred in Spain. In the 1931 elections, radical socialists and freemasons were elected into power. By 1933, the Spanish people had endured enough of their garbage, and voted in a conservative government that believed in Spain and the Catholic church. The socialists were not happy with this outcome. They activated corrupt judges to imprison anyone they could with conservative values. They rioted wherever possible, and terrorized the people. By 1936, Spain was embroiled in a war for its very existence. Political prisoners were executed on the spot, and by 1939, over 500,000 people had become casualties of the war.5
Mao did not win any elections, nor did Pol Pot or Fidel Castro. Fidel’s revolution comprised less than 100 men, and his views on elections were clear:

Ergo, elections are meaningless to Marxists. Their goal is to progress their revolution and install their version of an Enlightened socialist utopia, irrespective of who or what is in the way.
Yet somehow, even though a majority of people disapprove of these radical, unintelligible, woke mind-virus zombies, their long-march to seize power continues, and sometimes triumphs over and above the will of the people.
In 2016, Nigel Farage led a brilliant Brexit campaign which saw the British people re-declare their sovereignty, over and above the tentacles of the EU. Today, Fabian socialist Keir Starmer, the man who turned a blind eye to Jimmy Savile, is the UK Prime Minister. The nation has now become crippled by rampant climate-migration policies, and is on the brink of becoming a 3rd world economy as the country de-industrializes to save the planet.
In 2022, the Brazilian elections appeared to be a fait accompli for the nationalist populist incumbent, Jair Bolsonaro. Somehow, after spending 580 days in jail for corruption, the radical left-wing socialist Lula da Silva won a highly questionable election. Today, Lula and his corrupted Supreme Court have tried to imprison their political opponents and ban the ability for X (Twitter) to allow Brazilians to speak freely on the platform.7
In 2023, the Netherlands held elections, and the anti-Islam nationalist populist Geert Wilders’ Freedom party was victorious. It was a glorious day for Dutchmen, and something Geert had pursued in parliament for over 25 years. However, during subsequent coalition formation talks, Wilders announced that he was withdrawing his bid to become prime minister, citing a lack of support from potential coalition partners. A year later, the appointed Dutch Prime Minister is the former spy chief of the Netherlands, Tricky Dicky Schoof:
When we consider the Dutch situation, it becomes evident that while the people voted for Freedom, they got perhaps one of the most powerful Dutch Deep State operatives as their Prime Minister. When the British voted for freedom, they now have Keir Starmer as their Prime Minister. When the Brazilians voted for Brazil, they now have Lula and his radical Darth Vader cosplay Supreme Court judge.
We can also look to the recent French snap elections of 2024. After the preliminary elections, Marine Le Pen looked almost certain to win. However, President Macron formed alliances with extreme far-left parties, and the final election result placed power into the arms of Jean-Luc Melenchon.10 Even though the people wanted Le Pen, the nation now has a radical far-left politician as their leader.
Let’s now go back 8 eight years and reflect on the amazing result of the 2016 US Presidential election. America voted for a man who wanted to Make America Great Again. Now that we understand the origins and evolution of Marxism, President Trump’s slogan was a complete slap in the face to those who had been working so hard to destroy nation states and install their Enlightened global network of SMARTCities. Trump’s policies, once implemented, would not only have Made America Great Again, but would have returned the world toward peace, prosperity, and freedom.
While President Trump made incredible achievements during his first term in office, particularly with the Supreme Court, he was faced with an onslaught of Deep State temper tantrums from his opponents. Operatives around the world were activated to put an end to everything he was trying to achieve. From Russia Gate, blocking the building of the wall, defunding the police, pAntifa and BLM riots, and multiple impeachment attempts, Trump marched on with the support of hundreds of millions of Americans. He also had the support of billions of people, worldwide.
Since January 2021, America has had an incoherent, child-sniffing, diaper soiling geriatric appointed to preside over the most powerful nation on earth. Today, his cackling communist sidekick is having a run at the Oval Office. While she may appear to have the IQ of a fence post, and has as much appeal to a voter as a dead-fish in an automotive air conditioning unit, the lady and her klozet-CCP running-mate appear confident as ever that they will ascend to the White House.
This is by far the most important election in modern history. President Trump has never been more popular as more and more people wake up to the enormous potential he and his policies will have for America. Onlookers around the world are also extremely hopeful for a Trump presidency because he appears to be the only adult in the room when it comes to looking for peaceful solutions in the Ukraine, the Middle East and beyond.
And yet, the mainstream media and their political operative klowns have never been more vitriolic towards Trump.
They believe the only option for America is Kamala Harris, guided by the invaluable experience she learned while under the tutelage of Willie Brown. Meanwhile, Kamala continues to fail at every public appearance, as her gun-wielding running-mate learns how to load a shotgun for the first time.
This is the most unprecedented Prussian Klownshow of all time. Many are fobbing off Kamala as a blithering, incoherent, cackling idiot. Make no mistake, there are trillions of dollars at stake in this election, and those who want to transform the world into their neo-Marxist Utopia, desperately need Kamala to reside in the Oval Office.
We do not think Kamala is an idiot, although we feel really stupid saying that. This entire series has focused on how revolutions have unfolded over the last two hundred years. We focused on their psychological patterns and how they prepare the world for chaos. When the shit hits the fan, events unfold so quickly that decades happen within only a few weeks.
Let’s have a brief look at what Kamala and her sidekicks have been parroting this election cycle.
Kamala, “let’s be unburdened by what has been”:
Kamala also likes to embrace the idea of moving forward, and never turning back:
While we are all trying desperately to find the joy in Kamala’s campaign, and her supporters try to unburden us from what has been. Despite her explaining to us that none of her slogans are related to past Marxist revolutions, we find a sense of panic in her voice in her recent attack on Donald Trump:
The last time a radical socialist panicked at those words was way back in 1936, in the early days of the Spanish Civil War.
The term Fifth Column was coined by Spanish General Mola, who had four military columns surrounding Madrid in the early weeks of the war.
This statement turned out to be a disaster for Mola. The Marxists inside Madrid lost their collective shit, and became paranoid that they were heavily infiltrated with “an enemy from within”. They immediately suspected everyone, and executed tens of thousands of suspected fascists, and their families, on the spot.
This became known as the Spanish Red Terror, and it was not just suspected fascists who were executed:
Could it be that Kamala and her band of merry Marxists are in panic mode, and continually ranting slogans that resonate with communist revolutions of the past to invoke some sort of new uprising?
To the average person, none of Kamala’s incoherent rants make much sense, except for the astute modern-day Marxist revolutionary who is well-studied in the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Castro. They have become indoctrinated by every insane word of these Epicurean head-fantasists, and know a call to action when they hear it!

If we think about it, the events that have transpired over the last decade, Kamala and the huge, trillion dollar machine behind her, are not really interested in winning the election. This is just a means to maintain their grip on power, and the progress towards the SMARTCity network of the New World Order.
When Trump wins the 2024 Presidential election, do we really think these Enlightened Despots will stand back, lay down, and watch their entire world crumble around them? Or is Kamala simply trying to solidify her base by echoing Marxist slogans of the past?
Fidel Castro’s seizure of Cuba did not require a popular majority; far from it:

This ensures that the 2024 US Presidential election is the most important election in modern history. By all measures, President Trump is so far ahead in the polls that the level of manipulation required to “pull off a Biden” this time is close to impossible. However, that will never deter the Deep State or their passion to ignore the people and continue their march toward a socialist hell.
For those who think we are winning, I suggest you watch this short video:
With the finish line in sight, now is not the time to slow down. The legal votes in this election will be a referendum on the future of humanity. Regardless of the level of election tweaking, legal citizens who make the effort to vote will be determining how the world will look in the immediate future.
Some may also be asking “why bother”, because if Trump wins, it will be followed by a repeat of 2016, or perhaps worse. There is a saying that “winners never quit, and quitters never win”. No matter what transpires in the future, it is important to continue to fight, fight, fight.
Enlightened Despotism depends on a compliant population that kowtows to a self-declared morally and intellectually superior cabal. The worst form of Enlightened Despotism is Marxism, because it hands power to the worst vestiges of society, who see humanity as a soulless lump of meat that must be carved and cooked to their liking.
So, what can we do to defeat the Marxist Orcs at the gate, hungry for revolution?
Looking to History for Data Points
Communism has been a scourge on humanity since the French Revolution. Throughout the 19th Century, communist uprisings always ended up in complete disaster. Furthermore, if it wasn’t for the enormous support by central banks and crony corporations, the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution would have ended before it began.
Today, we have a problem, because Marxist ideology has captured our governments, our academia, and our corporatocracies throughout the Western World. But there remains a simple solution to the problem, and our ancestors from the 1800s showed us the way forward.
This series has focused on the dark side of the Enlightenment, but there was another, extremely positive aspect to this period that changed humanity forever. The boom in scientific discovery led to so many inventions that it improved the standard of living of humanity, raising many out of squalor and poverty. Technologies that we now take for granted allowed our ancestors to build the cities and raise the children who have fought and died to provide us with the world we live in today.
Simple things we take for granted today, such as toilets, running water, sewerage systems, transport, and food production, were what everyone was striving for in the 19th century. Nobody was particularly interested in going to the toilet in a bucket and hurling their bowel movements onto the street. When engineers found a way to literally get themselves out of the shit, the world changed forever.
By the mid-1800s, everyone could see the enormous potential of the technologies that were being rolled out. In addition to sewerage infrastructure, railways were connecting the world in ways never imagined.

To understand why communism was a complete failure in the 1800s, we must take ourselves back in time and understand what our ancestors were seeing at the time. On one hand they could partake in the greatest Industrial Revolution in history, which was seeing the birth of a middle class that could raise families, ride trains, eat well and go to the bathroom without the threat of rats, rabies and cholera coming to kill them and their kids.
On the other hand, they could follow Karl Marx; a fat, incoherent, slovenly pig of a man who stank beyond imagination, and raised his family in continual poverty and squalor. Not only was he offering his lifestyle as something to look up to, he encouraged his followers to tear down civilization, kill off the people who created the beautiful trains and toilets, and hand over everything to the State, who in-turn would “manage the people” in a socialist utopia.
It is not hard to see why our ancestors turned their backs on Marx, and thought that all his followers as weirdos, infected with some sort of mind-virus. They walked away, and got on with their lives, while the Marxists seethed in their collective rage, living in abject poverty; literally, in their own faeces.
The 19th Century was by no means perfect, but many of us today would not be here if it were not for the Industrial Revolution. America, destroyed by the Civil War, bounced back in no time. Riddled with debt, the country boomed beyond anyone’s expectation. From 1871 until 1913, the American Industrial Revolution saw the greatest boom in prosperity in world history; without a central bank, without income tax, and with a few tariffs to encourage production within America.
It is worth looking back to what could have been. Imagine if Czar Alexander II succeeded in transforming Russia into a US Constitutional-style Republic, and if the two great nations worked together as Abraham Lincoln and Alexander II envisaged. Imagine if the British, who were found guilty of illegally aiding and abetting the South during the Civil War, had their US government bonds nullified by the 14th Amendment. Not only would it have reduced America’s indebtedness at the time, it would have dealt a crushing blow to the investment portfolios of Bismarck and Bleichroder, and perhaps the Prussian infiltration of the American banking system would never have happened; culminating in Paul Warburg’s installation of the Federal Reserve.
Considering what could have been does not work in a world that keeps moving with the arrow of time. We must be eternally grateful for the contributions of our ancestors. Their accomplishments and today’s living standards far outweigh any burden these deranged Marxists whinge about.
Today, we are the beneficiaries of massive technological innovations. We can either believe the Marxists, and be corralled into SMARTCity depopulation centers so “we can have nothing and be happy”, or we can do as our ancestors did, and continue to build a phenomenal world for our children, their children, and their grandchildren.
The Skeleton Plan
It is now time to make our own pamphlets to counter the Soros-funded Marxist revolutionary madness we are all facing, no matter where we live in the world. When we ask ourselves “What is to be done?”, we will arm ourselves with the weapon the Marxists fear the most; history:

Our skeleton plan to destroy Marxism is as follows:
1. Do not Socialize With Them
Today, social experiences are a multi-app business. Marxists like to pick fights, and rout out their enemies through doxxing and other unsavory methods. Marxists in a non-Marxist social circle will not only attempt to convert their friends, but seek to argue and destroy the anti-communists within their group. It’s like having an Australian brown snake as a cuddle-buddy.
It is best to let Marxists feed ‘each other’s’ wants and desires, because not only will they end up with little to no money, but they will spend yours with wanton abandon, if you give them the opportunity.
2. Do not Argue With Them
As we have shown, Marxism is a derivative of Hegel’s dialectic idealism, except they argue about material things. Marxists love arguments because it forms the basis for a dialectic. This is a form of opium to these people. They are not interested in your opinion whatsoever, and will be willing to go to war to prove their warped ideology is superior.
Without a dialectic, they cannot feed their narrative. Gradually, they will be exhausted by their own anger that nobody is paying attention to them. Eventually, it will be time to get a job.
3. Do not Employ Them
Marxists believe that when they get a job, they are perpetually underpaid, and their bosses are the enemy that must be crushed. They are poisonous to any productive workplace, and will seek to undermine the capitalist “pigs” that are providing them with a job.
4. Do not Work for Them
As we have shown, there are lots of exceptionally wealthy people who believe in Marxism and the Bolshevik cause. Today, there are thousands of ReichsWEF companies and other organizations which have committed to implementing the Terra Carta mandate from King Charles. When you work for these organizations, there is a high probability that your boss, and their boss, are Marxist DEI hires. Your productivity will most likely result in an increase in their salaries, and a reduction in your social credit score.
5. Do not Use their Technology
We have shown how SMARTCities will use technology to determine a resident’s pattern of life. This is a highly data-dependent, energy intensive enterprise. There is a reason why most tech-apps today are free. Data is the new gold rush, and free apps get their money from somewhere. Not only is your data being scraped for $$$, the data centers housing your data are sucking the world of cheap, abundant energy, so that the AI algorithms can determine your digital pattern of life. If you are wondering why we are marching blindly toward the SMARTCity network while prices for goods and services keep skyrocketing, look down at the type of phone you are using.

Today, many believe that their personal iPhones, Word docs or FitBits are somehow immune to the collation of their digital patterns of life. This is patently false. Regardless of how you use these devices, they are data-scraping at a phenomenal rate and determining where the person behind the screen will fit in the future SMARTCity network.
There are many alternatives to the phones, computers, operating systems and apps people have become dependent on over the last few decades. These companies pledge to protect your family’s data footprint. The market share for these products remains very small, but as people begin to wake up to the reality of how their devices have been corralling them into solar-powered, AI controlled coffin pods, demand for SMART-free technology will skyrocket.
6. Do not Buy Their Stuff
In our article, Schooled By the Enemy, we showed the enormous power of the consumer when a tranny-fluencer mocked women by downing a few Bud Lights in a bubble bath. The DEI hire executive who dreamed up the marketing campaign is one of hundreds of thousands of college-graduates who have become infected with the woke mind-virus.
If we continue to buy their products, these companies will continue to make profits, which in turn will be used to hire more woke zombies. There are many companies which are trying to eradicate the woke from their operations. They should be supported, and in turn they will employ our children who will not only be grateful for the job, but will most likely use their earnings to raise a family.
A consumer is one of the most powerful tools in the war against woke. Buying carefully could be the difference between helping a family or financing an LGBT genital mutilation.
7. Do not Use Their Medicine
Seriously, does this need expanding?
8. Don’t Send Your Kids to Their Schools
We have provided many articles on the origins of education. Many teachers around the world now believe they are moulding our children for the collective good of the State. These are all Prussian models of education that do not brighten the intellect of the student, but instead indoctrinates them toward the Marxist darkness.
Not all schools are Marxist shit-holes, and there are many alternatives to traditional education. If your child cannot hand-write, does no homework, and comes home with fluorescent died hair and a Straight-A report card, you are most likely sending them to a Marxist indoctrination camp.
9. Do Not Use Their Money
#PrussiaGate has outlined many times the origins of today’s central banks, in particular the Federal Reserve. In short, they are based off Frederick the Great’s central bank he created in the 18th Century. Central banks were both endorsed by Karl Marx and Lenin for their ability to control the people, and destroy the middle class through crushing inflation and taxation.

As we showed, one of the first Federal Reserve governors, William B. Thompson, travelled to Bolshevik Russia to financially help Lenin and his Prussian agents complete the revolution. As Lenin mused, central banking is 90% of the journey to communism.
Wherever possible, central banks need to be kept in check, and hopefully one day in the future they are exposed as a poison that needs to be purged from humanity. If America experienced the biggest boom in history without a central bank, income tax, and with a few tariffs, why is the world currently doing the exact opposite?
10. Do Not Vote For Them
Regardless of where power resides in nation states, a vote is a referendum of the people. It provides a record of what the people wanted, and can be contrasted against what the people get. Across the world, people are voting for populist nationalist candidates, and most of the time they are getting Enlightened globalist Marxists instead. While this sounds bad, it only further exposes the horrible invisible enemy that is trying to herd humanity into their Orwellian, bug-eating boroughs.
Never vote for anyone who sells visions of collective utopias. Never vote for anyone who promotes a dialectic. Such people are race-baiting, divisive dream peddlers that only want the people to sacrifice more, get less, and go nowhere.
The Ten Point Pamphlet
The year is 2024. Karl Marx published his 10-point Communist Manifesto pamphlet 176 years ago, and the world has suffered ever since. While we don’t profess #PrussiaGate’s 10-point antidote to Marxism is perfect, it is certainly a good start.
Currently, most of us would be lucky to get a 3/10 on the Plan outlined above. Most of these points are self-evident, but society has made it largely impossible to achieve a perfect score, but has also made it convenient to live with a 0/10 report card.
It is worth recalling a General Flynn quote: “the hard path is always the right path”. When you can place yourself in the future that they are planning, where the digital patterns of life are controlling life, today’s hard path will have seemed like the easiest of options.
At this moment, we still have enough Freedom to forge ahead and destroy Tyranny. Tyranny seeks to destroy Freedom by crushing it, however Freedom can always destroy Tyranny by giving it freedom, and letting it burn itself into the ashes of history.
If you think you can get into the face of the Marxist scourge and battle it head-on, think of the hundreds of millions of lives over the last century that tried, failed and died. Marxism is steeped in Hegel’s dialectic that holds that “war is progress”.
If you think you can run to the hills and live away from it all, remember the plan to “rewild” the West. This may be a safe haven for the birds, bees and trees, but may also be home to tens of millions of military aged climate migrants who no longer have unfettered access to debit cards, health care, food or women.
If you think you can find a quirk in the law that can be used to save you, think about what every Marxist revolution has done to the law in the past. Think about the political prisoners in the Soviet Union and in the Spanish Civil War. Today, think about the J6 prisoners, as well as Steve Bannon, who was in prison for a similar reason as General Primo de Rivera’s son in 1936 (ie: no reason). Marxists do not respect the law; they only respect power.
Over the last ten years, we have witnessed the blatant disrespect of the will of the people by a self-declared moral and intellectual elite. They are the new Enlightened Despots, and if we do not change our ways while we still can, humanity may get Fredericked for eternity.
The Way
It is easy to present a set of self-evident endpoints to deal with the Marxist scourge that is currently plaguing humanity. If we were simply able to turn our backs on the poisonous woke mind-virus zombies, the klownshow we are constantly facing would fade away. Marxists cannot create, they can only take or destroy. If they were left to their own devices and subjected to the rule of law, this Marxist pandemic would disappear quite rapidly.
However, this is not the world we live in today. The real puzzle is HOW we can change our ways to destroy this tyrannical beast. What is the pathway from Tyranny to Freedom?
Imagine if there was an easy way, and #PrussiaGate knew the path:

Imagine if #PrussiaGate acted as a type of mental, spiritual and physical guide, and each stop represented a milestone to launch to the next step in your journey toward freedom. Once you completed the journey, you could go back, and get other people to follow you, until everyone was able to follow a well-trodden pathway toward Freedom. In the end, we could all walk the path blindfolded, with complete faith that the original guides had your best interests in mind and had steered humanity accordingly.
This is how Enlightened Despotism works, and many well intentioned people fall into this simple trap. In the above example, The Way becomes nothing more than a simple algorithm, where very few people need to think, and even the blind can tell you the path. By behaving this way, humanity becomes highly predictable in their actions, and extremely vulnerable to social pariahs, such as Marxists.
Now imagine if the pathway still existed, but without any external guide:

The stepping stones needed to get to Freedom are still there, but in this example, it is up to the individual to trust themselves, and make the journey on their own. This requires a completely different mindset, and if a person succeeds in finding The Way, it will be very hard to convince anyone else to follow them. In this example, there are only a few flickering lights in the darkness, and only a madman would attempt such a difficult journey without a guide.
In the final example, now imagine a person who not only has succeeded in finding The Way, but on their journey they discover flickering lights in the distance. They double back and venture off the path, toward the flickering lights. By doing so, they not only find another path to Freedom, but discover so many lights in the darkness that they realize there are an infinite amount of pathways which are also The Way.

These people have discovered how to get to Freedom, but they have also discovered that the darkness was filled with light all along. When they travel back to the Marxist shithole called Tyranny, they try to explain to their fellow man what is outside of the AI-controlled SMARTCity. Even though everyone hates their rations of mealworm porridge and their daily vaccinations, the leap forward into the darkness of the unknown is simply too terrifying to consider.
As it turns out, we all need the right brain to find The Way to Freedom. The good news is that everyone has one.
The Right Brain
The scientific discovery of the brain has come a long way since Hegel and Fichte believed they could mould every Prussian citizen into an algorithmic death-bot.

The image above is perhaps the best way to describe the world today. It is the right side of our brain which allows us to see what we can see.
The left side of the brain acts like an algorithm, habitually carrying out the routine tasks required for us to go about our lives. It is highly predictable, meaning it can be replicated with the technology that surrounds us today, such as Artificial Intelligence. The left side of the brain is critical for us to get the simple things done. It makes sure we eat, clean ourselves up and maintain a basic level of decorum throughout the day.
The right side of the brain, however, is chaos personified! It continually tries to explore outside of the algorithms, always looking for something different. Like a child that keeps wandering off in a zoo, the right brain is not interested when it’s time to have lunch. It wants to go see the Rhinos copulating, the hyena sleeping, or the gorillas staring back at them. By doing so, the child eventually comes back to the lunch table and tells everyone what they just witnessed with intense excitement.
If we now return to the images in The Way to Freedom, it becomes clear that the right brain is the secret to finding the undiscovered lights, discovering the path, and enjoying the ride!
If it were that easy, why are we surrounded by algorithmic NPCs who can’t seem to see the results of mRNA shots through their clots?
As it turns out, there is literally a war going on for control of our minds. It appears there is nowhere safe from the lunatic left who are trying to put the right into prison:
Iain McGhilchrist provides a critical piece to the puzzle of today’s woke society. His brilliant book, the Master and his Emissary, explores how the left side of the brain has imprisoned the right. This two minute video summarizes his book:

There is obviously a lot to unpack here, and we highly recommend the documentary McGilchrist made with the comedian John Cleese, The Divided Brain, whereby John Cleese discovers that the origins of his brilliant comedy lies within his right brain.
If the left side of our brain has imprisoned the right, McGilchrist offers a key insight into understanding how this changes the perception of an individual.
“The left thinks it knows what it does not know”.
We will take this one step further, and postulate that the left does not want to know what it does not know.
If McGilchrist is correct, then vast swathes of humanity have their right brains in a prison, held hostage by their left brains, which not only thinks it knows everything, but refuses to entertain anything that it doesn’t know.
Without the right brain, the path from Tyranny to Freedom is not only impossible, but it is ridiculed.
At the collective level, this manifests itself as self-declared moral and intellectually superior idiots who become our politicians, our teachers, our bosses or our bureaucracies. It presents itself as the head of BigPharma and their “safe and effective” mRNA injectables.
In their world, they are right, and if you disagree with them, regardless of the evidence you provide, you are dangerous to their democracy.
The Prism of Prussia
For a brief moment, let’s use our right brains to review this entire series. It began with the Age of Enlightenment, and the explosion of the Freemason movement:

Frederick the Great was the embodiment of The Enlightenment and Freemasonry. He viewed the world through sets of rules and regulations, which if humanity blindly followed, man would ascend toward utopia.
The path to utopia, of course, would be met with violent opposition. This, the Prussians postulated, was a good thing. Wars and revolutions were the locomotives of progression. The French Revolution was the first:
However, Jeremy Bentham’s profitable panopticon prison system also incorporated the same logo as part of his marketing campaign:
However, Jeremy Bentham’s profitable panopticon prison system also incorporated the same logo as part of his marketing campaign:

What if the eye represents the right brain of humanity? It is inquisitive, creative and constructive. It is capable of infinite discovery, and can build anything when it is free. The Wright brothers, Nikola Tesla, and Johannes Gutenberg are fantastic examples how individuals changed the world forever with their inventions.
The triangle represents the left brain of humanity. It contains the rules and regulations designed to maintain civil order and administrate society. Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution are prime examples of the collective left brain at work.
What happens if the eye becomes imprisoned within the triangle? No longer can humanity explore, discover, or build. It must submit its every ambition to sets of rules and regulations. Not only that, the left brain does not want to know what it does not know. Creativity would not only be stifled, but ridiculed, beaten down, imprisoned and ultimately, executed.
In 1633, Galileo was imprisoned for life for his scientific theory that the Earth revolved around the Sun.26 In 1936, Jose Primo de Rivera was executed by Spanish Marxists after he was arrested for wanting to make Spain great again. In 1938, Nikolai Kondratiev was executed by Stalin after spending a decade in a gulag for his economic theory on the Kondratiev Cycle. In 1943, pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer was imprisoned by the Nazis and in 1945, Hitler ordered his execution after reading some of his Letters from Prison.27
The ultimate manifestation of the eye imprisoned by the triangle is a totalitarian, Marxist hell-scape labelled as utopia. The Emissary has betrayed the Master, and takes down the entire civilization with it.
Is now the time to set the right brain free? Is now the time to take down the entire diseased temple, once and for all?
The Right Brain Warriors
When Rudy Giuliani received a copy of the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s laptop, he described it as “the laptop from hell”, and provided a copy to the Delaware authorities, which is required by law. When he questioned the results of the 2020 election, he was ridiculed, sued, debarred and is on the brink of bankruptcy. The Laptop from Hell was then dismissed by 52 intelligence officials as “Russian misinformation”.
The left hate Giuliani, while the right brain knows he is correct.
When former Trump economic advisor, Peter Navarro, refused to comply with a subpoena from the House Select Committee, invoking the right to Executive Privilege, he was found guilty of contempt of Congress. At the age of 75, he was sent to a Federal prison for a misdemeanour.28
The left hate Navarro, but the right brain understands and endorses his sensible economic advice.
When the exiled Chinese Billionaire, Miles Guo (aka Guo Wengui) vowed to “take down the CCP”, and unveiled a flurry of information about the corruption at the top of the Chinese regime, he was arrested just before he was going to testify in the nasty Malaysian fraud case, known as 1MDB.29
The left, and the CCP, absolutely detest Miles Guo, but the right brain can see the corrupt web of the CCP, ReichsWEFfers, and the DOJ, working to stifle Miles. Today, he sits in prison, having been found guilty of securities fraud.
When Steve Bannon started Warroom Pandemic on YouTube, it had a receptive audience, but very few people understood the urgency of the situation like Bannon. He provided a platform for voices that were being shut-down by the mainstream media, such as Rudy Giuliani and Miles Guo. It was one of the first programs to begin daily reporting on the plandemic, and has continued its quest for the truth on the scam ever since. Dr. Naomi Wolff, Dr. Peter McCullough, and many others have appeared regularly on Warroom and uncovered the greatest crime against humanity, ever!
Steve Bannon was sentenced to prison for the same reason as Peter Navarro.
The left hate Bannon because he gives people the chance to “see what you can see”. His platform allows right brains to look, listen and gain a new understanding of what is transpiring, not just in America, but the world.
Alex Jones once said that Atrazine were turning the frogs gay. He was ridiculed.
When he exercized his right to free speech, and began questioning the narrative behind the Sandy Hook massacre, he was also ridiculed. However, this led to a billion-dollar law suit that has bankrupted Alex Jones. The government not only wants to see this man bankrupt, but also ensure he never has the right to speak freely on any platform, ever again. As the forced sale of Infowars is imminent, Alex Jones is as defiant as ever, and vows to continuing to fight the globalists with everything he has.
The left think Alex Jones is a dangerous right wing conspiratorial nutjob. However, for those who have listened to him with their right brains, not only does he make sense, he provides the right stuff to wake people up to the horrendous Marxist triangle closing in around humanity.
These patriots are part of the right brain warrior class, working around the clock to give humanity their last chance at overcoming the horrible invisible enemy.
However, none of them compare to the man the left presently decry as Hitler reincarnated. ‘Orange Man Bad’ has faced a slew of indictments and kangaroo courts that have tried everything to incarcerate him before he becomes President again. He has been ridiculed by mainstream media, and blamed for everything in the world; from working at McDonalds to the weather. There is nothing this man has not been accused of.
With only days left to the most important election in modern history, the left have thrown bullets and a barrage of bullshit at Trump. Their frothing rage cannot be contained, and yet nothing appears to be working.
In America, the people can now see what they can see. Their right brains are firing, and ready to be freed from the horrendous Prism of Prussia.
Final Thoughts
For those who don’t know, the #PrussiaGate substack began with a conversation about the idiosyncrasies of President Trump. After his apparent numerous faux pas’, we decided to see if there was anything to his continual request to “get to the Oranges of the Investigation”.
It started with the House of Orange, which led to the House of Hohenzollern, which led to Prussia, and here we are. #PrussiaGate is our contribution to the right brain of humanity; reviewing history from a right brain perspective, no matter what anyone thinks about it.
With days until the election, we want to review The Way to Freedom. It is not a pathway that can be determined by anyone but ourselves. Enlightened Despotism acts as a guide so that the right brain can switch off, and a person can remain forever in the dark.
Consider this as we outline some of President Trump’s potential future policies:
Replacing income tax with tariffs? Not only does more money go into the hands of the worker, the bureaucracy that collects tax will no longer be the All Seeing Eye on the back of American business activity. Tariffs will encourage production to be on-shored, thereby employing more Americans, who in turn will pay little to no tax.
Make crypto great? How would this be possible if crypto is measured and taxed as capital gains? In order to make crypto great, it must compete with Federal Reserve Notes on an equal basis, and be freely used to buy, sell and trade without being taxed first.
Drill, baby, drill!!! Opening up the oil, coal and gas fields will provide Americans with cheap and abundant energy that will be able to ramp up American productivity and re-industrialize the nation. Millions of jobs will be created in the process, alongside the rebirth of America as a Scientific Industrial Economy.
The largest deportation of illegal immigrants in history! There will be no rewilding in Trump’s America.
RFK and Make America Healthy Again. This is perhaps one of the most important programs on the Presidential agenda, especially when Americans realize the poisonous crap they have eaten, inhaled and injected.
This is a basic outline of Trump’s Presidential proposition.
He is providing a blank slate for Americans to begin their journey from Tyranny to Freedom. The pathway will be for every individual to decide, but it will be paved with opportunity and Freedom like never before.
At that point, there is no point in even discussing the enemy and their maniacal, bug eating plans. They will become irrelevant. When the right brain is freed, the light will be there for everyone to see their own Way.

The End.
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