Romancing the Reds
Once the Bolsheviks consolidated power, the newly formed Soviet Union instantly descended into chaos and failure. This was not how Enlightened Capitalism was supposed to work. The Russian people were meant to be “unburdened by what had been” and enter into a new era of productivity via a socialist utopia.
All of this, of course, was complete garbage. The Marxist revolution would have been impossible if it were not for the gold, cash, passports, financing and political aid from both the German and American progressive capitalists. The million dollar payment from Federal Reserve member, William B. Thompson, and the suitcases of gold from the German chancellor were down payments for contracts to be signed by Lenin and Trotsky once they seized power. These contracts would be handed to German and American corporations to industrialize the Soviet Union. The gold seized from the Russian people was deposited into banks and used as collateral for Soviet loans. In theory, enormous fortunes were to be made while the Russian people prospered and found joy under a communist dictatorship.
Things did not start well at all:
Within no time, Russians were killing and eating each other to survive one of the worst famines in history. Once again, America was on hand to try and save the Soviet Union from collapse. So, why was the US State Department so obsessed with saving a regime that openly declared their citizens to have no rights whatsoever? Because, if the Soviet Union evaporated, so too would all the corporate contracts in place to modernize Russia. Enlightened Capitalism would have died within just a few years; an utterly unacceptable outcome for the social engineers of humanity.
Making Communism Cool
The Soviet Union was a mismanaged mess right from the start, and for a variety of reasons. A centralized command economy that is run by Marxist revolutionaries who are more focused on killing off their enemies than creating a functioning society tends to disintegrate quite rapidly. Lenin and Trotsky spent most of their time prophesizing about the virtues of Marx and creating lists of men and their families, who they deemed enemies of the state. The industrialization of the Soviet Union was a project left to the international crony capitalists who were filling their coffers with payments from Lenin and Trotsky.
Money was pouring out of the regime at an astounding rate. The answer to this problem was simple; communism needed more money to become successful. By the early 1920s, it was clear that the Soviets would fail if they could not keep up their payments to import machinery from the successful, industrialized Western economies.
While the Soviet regime dreamed up inventive ways to finance their utopian vision, communist sympathizers from around the world worked around the clock to promote the virtue, strength and vision of Marx, Lenin and Trotsky.
It was time to make communism cool.
The ComIntern
In the days when Karl Marx was still alive, socialists from around Europe gathered in Switzerland for an international conference. Most of the members in this conference were either on-the-run or living in exile. Their collective goal was to use the wisdom of Marx to foment revolutions around Europe and install their respective communist utopias.
These were exciting times for anarcho-communists, and the event became quite popular for wannabee revolutionaries. By 1889, the event was moved to Paris and had representatives from 20 countries. The Marxist men and women who were considered societal rejects found solace in each other’s Epicurean head-fantasies, and whispered sweet Marxisms to each other throughout the evenings.
When the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia, Lenin reconstituted the international conference, and formed the Communist International; otherwise known as the ComIntern. The first congress was held in 1919, and hosted an array of delegates from all over the world. It was a global super-spreader event for the Marxist woke mind-virus.
Lenin believed that the economic and social demands to build their socialist system were so great that the only way it could survive was for the Bolshevik revolution to expand and progress on a global scale. The ComIntern allowed aspiring Marxists from around the world to gather and form a global network. This network could then disperse and begin grooming and recruiting revolutionaries from every corner of the planet. When required, the ComIntern could be deployed on a global scale to inflict devastating blows to nations that were on the brink of revolution.
The ComIntern was an early form of the Antifa and BLM flash-mobs that occur today. The popularity of the ComIntern was that it appealed to everyone who identified as oppressed. They promoted Marx’s “dialectical materialism” as a means for their members to become radicalized and justify the robbery, rape and destruction of civilization; all in the name of equity.
As a result, the ComIntern became a cool group to join; a means to rebel against societal norms. Communism became popular amongst rebellious youths, and a social outing for the indoctrinated young men and women.
Make Marx Make Sense!
So far in this series, we have only discussed the path to a communist utopia as a violent Marxist revolution. However, during the 1800s, it was becoming clear that the people were not really interested in fomenting revolution and destroying everything they have in the name of Karl Marx. To be honest, no one really understood, or even cared about the Marxist cause, because the industrial revolution was bringing millions out of poverty and into a bright, new middle class.
The violence of revolution, the political assassinations and terror attacks were somewhat of a turn-off for the average citizen. However, many of the upper-class chardonnay-socialists throughout the West were still intent on bringing about a global socialist utopia. Most of this crowd considered themselves a part of an Enlightened intelligentsia that knew what was best for society. In other words, they were all invoking the spirit of Frederick the Great, and his Enlightened Despotism.
As we know, the Bolshevik Revolution and the Soviet Union were only made possible by means of mass-financing and capital production provided by free-market Western economies. Communism had found a true friend in crony capitalism:
To wit, there was a growing collective of uber-civilized gentiles who began to think that communism may be possible without the need for violent revolution.
Members of the Fabian Society thought they could utilize their superior intellect and gradually convert civilization into a socialist shithole through propaganda, debate and political discourse.
What the Fabians symbolized was an alternative pathway to Marx’s communist vision. The Fabian Despots used fancy word salads as a means to guide the unsuspecting reader toward Marxism. They believed they were the self-declared moral and intellectual superiors to the middle class, so no one should ever question their writings or their motives.
However, the Fabian motive was simply communism. One of its most famous members, George Bernard Shaw, was unashamed of his desire to communize the globe, and he proudly supported the Soviet Union.
(Note: The Fabian Society is alive and well today. Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, is the Vice President of the Fabian Society. The current Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, has his thoughts published by the Fabians. There have also been many Australian Prime Ministers who have sworn allegiance to the Fabian Society. The closet communist is alive and well in the British Commonwealth!)8
Returning back to the 1920s, the ComIntern and Fabian society served as vectors to popularize the Soviet Union. The ComIntern focused on the revolutionary spirit of the young, while the Fabian Society attracted the chardonnay socialists who dared not question the wit, wisdom and celebrity status of the Fabian elite.
These two vectors worked as a type of psyop that kept normal people ill-informed about the Bolshevik atrocities that had befallen Russia. Everything that was reported by real journalists was countered by the Fabian fact-checkers, and glorified by the ComIntern revolutionaries.
This misinformation was vital, because the Soviet regime was rapidly falling apart. The middle-class was effectively being wiped out. Instead of trying to work hard and raise a family, Russians were terrorized into submission and simply tried to find ways to stay alive, and out of a gulag. The industrialization of Russia was costing a fortune and producing very little in terms of real economic output.
The Soviet Union needed to stay somewhat-popular globally and get their hands on some serious cash to survive.
Stalin and the Economist
When Stalin seized power in 1924, he wanted to better understand why the Soviet Union was not economically performing as predicted. He assigned a brilliant economist and statistician to the task of analyzing the Soviet economy. Nikolai Kondratieff developed a compelling hypothesis to describe the long economic cycle of modernized economies; today this is known as the Kondratieff Cycle:
What this meant for Stalin was disastrous. Nikolai postulated that modern industrial economies go through long, natural cycles. The supply and demand of commodities are affected by these cycles, and therefore their prices will be determined by the resulting market forces. Centralized command economies can do nothing meaningful to control prices or alter the economic cycle without causing massive disruptions to supply chains in the future.
Stalin was not impressed. The dire economic situation of the Soviet Union needed to be able to control commodity prices to stabilize the economy and engineer the Russian people toward a socialist utopia. Nikolai Kondratieff outlined why this was not possible and provided numerous data points to support his case. Stalin was pissed, and Nikolai was sent to the gulags for his research. After several years in a slave labor camp, Nikolai was retried and sentenced to death in 1938. He was executed by firing squad on the same day he received his guilty verdict.
However, Stalin was no idiot. While he did not appreciate Nikolai’s truth bomb, he knew that the Soviet Union was on the brink of collapse. The gold they were exporting to the West was not enough to keep the communist economy from falling apart. At the same time, Western journalists were continually praising the Soviet Union as the future model for all of humanity. Stalin realized he needed to export more than just gold to continue his industrialization program.
He decided to export as much grain as possible from the Ukraine in order to continue purchasing equipment for factories. This not only provided the desperately needed hard currency to pay for imports, but it also fed the Western propaganda machine. The grain exports were lauded as a fantastic example of the excess productivity coming out of the Soviet Union.11
The grain sales caused prices to fall precipitously throughout the world. This further exacerbated the deflating prices created by the Great Depression and forced many farmers in the West into bankruptcy:
Secondly, Stalin did not actually have any excess grain; far from it. He squeezed the grain from the Ukrainian people, which caused one of the worst genocidal famines in world history.
The Holodomor caused by Stalin starved tens of millions of Ukrainians, and millions died from hunger. He was not fazed by the catastrophe, and continued his progressive march toward a communist utopia. Similar to Marx, Stalin’s head-fantasy was turning into an Epicurean nightmare of biblical proportions.
However, the horrific news in the Ukraine managed to reach the West. The Fabian fact-checkers and their associates were instantly mobilized, creating a counter narrative to the Ukrainian genocide:
On the political front, the French were riddled with radical, socialist politicians throughout the 1920s and 30s. Edouard Herriot was a radical French politician who served three times as the French Premier. He was the perfect stooge to provide an “on the ground” report regarding the alleged famine in Ukraine:
In other words, while the Ukrainian people were resorting to cannibalism in order to survive, the chardonnay socialists around the world rejoiced and declared “there was nothing to see” in Ukraine.
Not only did the Bolsheviks require near-infinite amounts of capital to survive, they also required the complicity and support of the media to hide the genocidal crimes that transpired as a result of “building back a better Russia”.
MOAR Marxism
No amount of money, slave labor, famine or death was enough to satiate the Marxist beast. However, there was a silver cloud that the Soviets and their monopolist banksters and capitalists could see over the horizon. Spain possessed some special qualities that placed the country in the Marxist cross-hairs:
The Spanish colonies around the world were connected by well-established trade routes. Not only could these trade routes help support a communist regime, Marxism could also be exported to the colonies and used to plunder regions, just as the Soviets had done with Ukraine. More importantly, Spain had one of the largest gold and silver reserves in the world. These reserves could be raided and deposited into banks throughout the Western world, allowing central bankers to continue their expansion of global money supply and credit.
If a Marxist revolution could overcome and destroy Spain, it may have been an even greater triumph than the fall of Russia. Whats more, Enlightened progressive capitalists around the world would once again make untold riches, while at the same time Spain would descend into an unimaginable hell.
From a ComIntern, Fabian, Enlightened Capitalist point of view, the Bolshevization of Spain seemed like the appropriate liberal progressive thing to do.
El Primo
By 1923, Spain was not in a good way. The German and Russian monarchs had already fallen to socialist republics, and the Spanish King Alfonso XIII looked likely to be the next crown to fall. The Spanish empire suffered from massive corruption which did not allow the nation to prosper from the industrial revolution like other European nations. Most of the country was underdeveloped and an uneducated population relied mainly on agriculture to survive; making these people highly susceptible to the woke mind-virus.
In 1923, General Miguel Primo de Rivera and other military men close to the King, staged a coup. The king acquiesced, and Primero de Rivera immediately suspended the constitution and imposed a state of martial law.
The General’s urgency surrounding his actions was proliferated by the suspicion of a Marxist uprising. Members of Spanish military intelligence determined the communist revolution was being plotted within the lodges of Spanish Freemasonry:17
While it sounds like the General spent too much time on the internet exploring the latest masonic conspiracy theories, we shall soon discover his fears were well founded.
Primo de Rivera tried to modernize and industrialize Spain, but ultimately this proved unsuccessful. There were continual attempts to oppose his regime, at home and abroad. In 1929, major uprisings throughout Spain were slowly destroying the General’s dictatorship.
In 1930, the end was near for Primo de Rivera and King Alfonso XIII. The monarchy was overthrown, and a second Spanish republic was formed. After the elections of 1931, the Spanish Republic was controlled by Republicans, who were radical left wing socialists.
In other words, Spain had been captured by Marxists. However, there was more to the story:
From the mouths of freemasons themselves, it appeared that General Primo de Rivera was not a tin-foil hat wearing conspiratorial dictator after all. Not only had the brethren in the masonic lodges taken power over Spain, they represented a far-left coalition of radical socialists. The monarchy and its constitution were now a thing of the past, and they could start with a blank slate.
From his French villa, the Bolshevik Banker, Olof Aschberg, started working with the new Republic to see how they could “monetize” the successful capture of Spain:
For the Spanish, the Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevik conspiracy looked more like a reality with each passing day. As a result, the military generals who witnessed the take down of General Primo de Rivera and their king were now aligning with Mussolini and the ideology of Adolph Hitler.
But it was only 1931, and the games were just getting started.
Il Duce and the Third Position
General Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship was almost identical to what Benito Mussolini accomplished a year earlier. Mussolini was once a devout Marxist, but he then declared war on the poisonous ideology, believing he had come up with an even better system:
The fascists were simply plagiarizing the Bolsheviks. The only difference was that communists tried to hide the fact that corporations and banks were helping them build back a better Russia. The fascists, on the other hand, were proudly engaging crony capitalism as part of their socialist agenda. Regardless, by the 1930s it was becoming blatantly obvious that the fascists and Marxists were the same pig, with slightly different shades of lipstick:
This is notable because General Primo de Rivera adopted similar economic policies to Mussolini. While promoting Spanish patriotism, he embarked on an ambitious public works campaign. Initially, this created an economic boom in Spain, providing many jobs to build roads, railways, hospitals and other critical infrastructure needed to modernize Spain.
However, the government contracts that were granted favored the monopoly companies and cartels. Small business owners and other entrepreneurs were forgotten for El Primo’s “corporate system”. Taxes were continually raised to pay for a ballooning debt, and finally the currency began to collapse, causing the cost of goods and services in Spain to skyrocket.
Things got so bad, that the uprisings that led to El Primo’s demise were supported by conservatives who once supported the General and his dictatorship. When his regime eventually collapsed, the Marxists took control of the country, and most of them were brothers of Freemasonry; the very thing El Primo was trying to avoid.
The Spanish general’s demise was due to the fact that he followed Mussolini’s strange new branch of socialism, which was known as “State capitalism”:
These policies should sound familiar, because every Western nation on the planet is currently following the same path. General Primo de Rivera was the first leader in the world to find out that it leads to a catastrophic failure, 100% of the time.
There was something very wrong with Mussolini’s fascist ideology. His socialist upbringing would never allow him to embrace free market capitalism. On the other hand, his patriotism for Italy would never allow him to accept the fall of his nation to global communism. Therefore, Mussolini believed he had discovered a third position, whereby he could be anti-capitalist AND anti-Marxist at the same time.
The strangest aspect to Mussolini’s fascist ideology was that it mirrored Frederick the Great’s Enlightened Despotism, Hegel’s “dialectical idealism” and justification for war, British mercantilism, and Karl Marx’s “dialectical materialism”, all at once.
Essentially this ideology offered communism for the people, state-funded capitalism for the crony corporation, and a declaration of war against everything and everyone who got in the way. To top it off, Mussolini was even declared to be “Il Duce”, or “the leader” of this fantastic new totalitarian state.
Was this really a new, ‘third position’ in the world of 20th century political ideologies, or was it simply the re-incarnation of Frederick the Great’s Enlightened Despotism, with Il Duce as the undisputed Italian boss?
Hitler, of course, took fascism to its logical conclusion. He was so fanatically convinced of the superiority of National Socialism that he took Hegel’s words literally, and openly declared war on the world. There was no more obvious clue to what Hitler was thinking at the time, than the fact he carried around a portrait of Frederick the Great nearly everywhere he travelled.
To understand the similarities between Hitler and Frederick the Great, we recommend reading our article, The Power of the Prussian Micropenis.
The final point regarding fascism and the rise of the ‘third position’, is that it uses the same mode of thinking that generated Marxism in the first place. That is, that the Enlightenment movement and the Freemasons believed they could socially engineer humanity toward a socialist utopia. Fascists may have hated the Marxists and the Freemasons, but without them they could not have arrived at their ideology of a centrally planned, socially-engineered command economy.
General Primo de Rivera was the first victim of fascism, but he was definitely not the last. He was trying to save Spain, but he did not realize he had fallen into the trap of trying to use the socialism of fascism to eradicate the socialism of Marxism.
When Spain collapsed into the hands of radical socialists and Marxists in 1931, the battle for the country went into overdrive. It is here where we get to witness the true horrors of Marxism and its criminal intent to completely annihilate Spain, as it sought to secure Spain’s gold and silver reserves.
The Spanish Civil War Revolution
From 1931 until 1936, Spain was locked in a vicious internal political battle. One side fought to keep Spain and its cultural identity alive, while the other side wanted to “unburden Spain from what had been”, and completely destroy the nation.
The constitution of the Second Republic of Spain clearly favored left-leaning socialist agitators, while simultaneously punishing nationalism and any anti-socialist rhetoric. From the beginning, the Spanish people were not impressed by the virtue signalling and deterioration of their country at the hands of socialists.
In a few short years, Spanish elections began to remove power from the left, placing it into the hands of nationalist, fascist and Catalan independents. The Marxists in Spain were losing their grip on power because no one was embracing their insane policies or their intellectually disabled ideology. This did not phase the Spanish socialists, and they merely doubled down to maintain power.
From 1933-1934, the socialists continually threatened an uprising if the growing popularity of the fascists and nationalists was not curbed. In 1934, they made good on their promise and started the October Revolution. This was the equivalent to the 2020 “Summer of Love” riots in America.
Things deteriorated rapidly from 1934, and by 1936 Spain devolved into a brutal and violent war. It became known as the Spanish Civil War, but as we shall soon discover, this was not an accurate description of what took place.
While one side tried to maintain Spanish sovereignty, the other wanted to destroy it. The radical socialists formed a group called the Popular Front. From his French villa, Olof Aschberg financed the Popular Front, but we also know that he was the Bolshevik Banker and was also financing the ComIntern.
Olof Aschberg understood the magnitude of the financial windfall that lay ahead if he could get his hands on Spain’s gold and silver reserves. He stopped at nothing to empower the Popular Front. The global members of the ComIntern were mobilized to fight in the Spanish “Civil” War.
The mainstream media at the time commented vigorously on the battles taking place in Spain. Ironically, the leftists who wanted to destroy Spanish sovereignty were labelled Loyalist Republicans, while General Franco and the nationalists who wanted to preserve Spain, were accused of being Rebels or fascistas.
The Spanish Civil War marked the beginning of a new era of warfare. The scientific destruction of the enemy was enabled by Stalin on one side, and Hitler and Mussolini on the other. The loss of life was unfathomable, but the violence descended into something that could only be paralleled by the French Revolution.
Almost everything we have been taught about the Spanish Civil War was wrong. Marxist and Fabian-leaning academics have misrepresented the plight of Franco. Even though he embraced the miserable ideology of fascism, he was trying to save Spain, its culture, and the church from complete annihilation.
One of the best documentaries on the Spanish war is presented by Zoomer Historian. He claims that it is the most important video he has made because the information he discloses resonates very closely with current events. We could not agree more with his assessment, and strongly suggest listening to every minute of this 2 hour presentation.
Final Thoughts…
The next article will be the final part of the When Decades Happen series. At this juncture, we have critically analyzed the fascists, Freemasons, communists, Marxist revolutionaries, crony capitalists, Bolshevik financiers and the central bank cartels.
All of these groups are derived from the same radical philosophy of Enlightened Despotism and the belief that a small group of self-declared elite know what is best for humanity. This is the essence of a mind-virus that has cost the lives of 100s millions over the 19th and 20th centuries. If they succeed in the 21st century, the cost will be measured in the billions.
In our final article, we will outline what we believe to be the Marxist game-plan for the 21st century. This plan features climate-change policies, rampant immigration, skyrocketing debt and inflation, academic indoctrination, Uranian gender mutilation, supply chain disruptions and choking-off the energy supply to humanity. It now sits in full view that this Marxist plan is a modern-day attempt to “unburden us from what has been”.
The final article will not be for those who feel the situation is hopeless, nor will it comfort those who believe there is an Enlightened force operating in the background that will liberate them. Nor will it be for those who think they can beat the Marxists, fascists, or Bolshevik bankers in open combat. It will definitely not be for those who are uninterested in history, because they will simply learn from history what they did not want to learn. All of these character traits play into the hands of Enlightened Despotism, the extermination of Western civilization, and the march toward a global socialist “utopia”.
However, there may be a simple solution to this global Marxist mess we find ourselves in. The capacity for human agency is limitless, and the ability of every man, woman and child to take an active role in the wholesale destruction of the Marxist mind-virus may be possible.
To be continued…
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