#PrussiaGate is back for the month of October. While things heat up in America and around the world in the lead up to the most important election in world history, we thought it would be appropriate to provide some historical context for what is transpiring.
To truly understand the enemy of individual life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we intend to provide our knowledge on who they are and where they came from. We will delve into the origins of their philosophical worldview, how it evolved, and how they apply their craft in today’s civilization.
We are going to explore the origins of liberal progressivism and how they infect their useful minions with a mind-virus that seeks to destroy everything in their path, in order to be unburdened by what has been.
A Curious Credit Score
Let’s begin this series with a simple financial snapshot of the last 4 years of the Biden-Harris administration.
In January 2021, the US National Debt stood at $28 trillion.1 At current trajectories, we can expect this to be approximately $37 trillion by the end of the year.2 Over the same 4-year period, federal tax revenue will amount to approximately $18 trillion.3 Therefore, the Biden-Harris administration will have spent around $27 trillion by the end of their 4-year reign.4
$27 trillion amounts to $81 thousand per American citizen, or $206 thousand per US taxpayer.
What has the average American received in return for the $81k spent on their behalf?
The highest inflation rate since the 1970s, dramatically reducing the standard of living in America and diminishing their real savings.
A dramatic drop in US bond prices, which not only sent a few banks to the wall in the process, but also increased the interest burden of millions of mortgaged American households.
The rise in living costs has forced many Americans to limit their discretionary spending habits, leaving businesses across the country no choice but to close down or declare bankruptcy.
How, exactly, did the Biden-Harris administration spend $27 trillion so poorly? Ironically, the wheels started to fall off with something called the Inflation Reduction Act.
Recall in our Not Since 1917 series, the Weimar hyperinflation really kicked off around the same time as the Ruhr occupation. When the French and Belgians annexed the coal-rich German region of the Ruhr, an energy shortage immediately hit Germany. As the price of energy rose, everything else rose with it because energy is the core input for modern industrialized economies.
The German Weimar economy was already terribly mismanaged by a radical socialist government, but it was the 1923 energy shortage that ignited a hyper-inflationary apocalypse that effectively destroyed the German middle class.
The Biden-Harris klown-show obviously has not learned from history, and appear to be making the same deadly mistake. Their policies and spending are all geared toward solving the illusionary issue of climate change. The Inflation Reduction Act works to dramatically increase the cost of energy and potentially unleash a Weimar-like hell on America. However, it is a mere drop in the bucket compared to another climate based spending policy. While everyone was still in shock over the installation of resident Joe Biden in January 2021, it only took a few weeks for his handlers to put a fresh pair of adult diapers on him and get him to sign off on a landmark climate change Executive Order:
What has been the impact from this EO? Firstly, let’s look at what the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, recently blamed for the record number of illegal migrants entering America under his watch.
Biden’s EO 14013 provided the perfect screen for Mayorkas to deflect the question of uncontrolled migration, and simply blame climate change. However, the Executive Order was not an original work. It was created so that the United States could “bend the knee” and submit to the United Nations’ demands:
The “23 objectives for State action” is effectively a list of orders that member States must carry out as a means to maintain their membership status within the United Nations.
However, for the UN there is a certain type of migration that is not only unavoidable, but admirable:
So when we take another look at Mayorkas’ nonchalant response to the question of illegal immigration into America, he is simply parroting and supporting the United Nations and carrying out the Executive Orders that were signed off by his President during the first few weeks of the Biden-Harris administration.
Nearly 4 years later, this radical and unprecedented wave of illegal immigration into America is championed by many politicians who have bent the knee to the UN. In particular, California:
As politicians gain UN brown-nose points by providing illegal immigrants with legal identities, hotel lodging, cash payments, health care, food stamps and the “right to decent work”, the average American has been forgotten and is struggling to make ends meet:
The $27 trillion spent over the last few years, apart from the enormous “non-discretionary” items, can be summed up as follows:
A few hundred billion for Zelensky and his war in Ukraine and few billion for wars in the Middle East, setting the stage toward WWIII,
The Inflation Reduction Act, which increases the baseline cost of energy and forces the price of everything up in the process,
Climate based, UN directed immigration, complete with food, lodging, and all the trimmings.
Put simply, the Biden-Harris administration has used funds from the American taxpayer to outbid the average citizen on food, rent and healthcare. They have also worked diligently to create policies that provide migrants with jobs, over and above Americans.
That is quite the financial snapshot, especially when one considers it cost each American approximately $81 thousand to be in the position they now face.
Think Global. Think Lockstep!
One would be remiss to believe this is only an American problem. Every Western nation on the planet is facing the same issue. From Ireland to Australia, governments are drowning themselves in debt to accommodate hundreds of millions of migrants. Combined with the rapid decommissioning of fossil fuel based power plants, this is forcing prices up for everything around the world and rapidly diminishing the Western middle class in the process.
This in turn is causing civil unrest and sparking protests by residents who are watching their society and living standards collapse. Perhaps the most interesting aspect to the protests is the swift justice doled out by authorities to those they deem “xenophobic” and promoting hate speech online.
Considering that Western nations were founded on the principles of national sovereignty and freedom of speech, how is it possible that their governments are operating in lockstep to ban free speech and destroy national sovereignty through open borders?
The key piece to this puzzle is in the UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. Due to “climate change”, illegal migrants now must have a legal identity, and any speech deemed hateful or xenophobic must be eliminated. Member nations, according the UN, must adhere to these principles because they are bound by international law.
In other words, governments no longer follow their sovereign laws. They are taking orders from the UN’s interpretation of international law. Politicians like Herr Starmer, police and judges are now working on behalf of the UN, not their citizens.
However, the “climate change illegal immigrant champions program” is not the only scheme that has been globally deployed in lockstep over the last 4 years. Here is a brief overview:
In early 2020, the original outbreak of the China virus was declared “not an emergency”, and everyone that blamed China for the virus was declared a racist.15
By March 2020, the WHO declared the exact opposite, and the planet was placed in an emergency 2 week lockdown to “flatten the curve”.
DNA altering injectables were hurriedly developed and approved throughout the world.
Vaccines mandates became the de rigueur, especially in developed Western nations. Many took the shots to keep their job, go on a holiday, or get into a pub.
By mid 2022, the bulk of the working Western middle class were injected. International travel was possible only for the vaccinated, but when it came to the huge wave of migration taking place at the same time, migrants did not need to be vaccinated to cross borders.
Gender identity and genital mutilation also became a hot topic, and the 2SLGBTQI+ community were adorned with exclusive new rights and privileges.
Genital mutilation of children without parental consent has become the new battleground attempting to be normalized.
Euthanasia programs are being made legal, with Canada’s MAID program leading the way by trying to legalise assisted suicide for teenagers.16
This is just a brief overview of how Western governments around the world have circumvented their traditional customs, cultures and legal frameworks to hurriedly implement radical new schemes. However, all of these new policies and programs originate from the same source; the United Nations and their subsidiaries (eg: WHO and UNESCO).
Citizens and their sovereign rights have now become hindrances to global governance. Politicians are working overtime to bypass their constitutions, crush resistance and thwart the free exchange of ideas. They now operate in lockstep with their global counterparts to implement the will of the United Nations.
How has the world found itself in this situation?
A Prussian Tale
To understand the present we can look back to history for data points that rhyme with our current situation.
Hegel is an important player in the PrussiaGate series. He was revered by his followers, who blindly followed Hegel’s philosophical worldview. His work was not original, but more of an expression of what Frederick the Great cultivated during his reign. Frederick’s intellect, love for Prussia, and military genius transformed his kingdom into a European superpower.
Hegel’s philosophy provides valuable insight into the thought processes behind Prussian autocracy. He developed the concept of “dialectic idealism”, in which ideologies must literally clash in order to progress to a new, synthesized ideal. Eventually, the world progresses through a series of cataclysmic ideological battles towards a single, one world, perfected ideology.
This concept gave rise to the justification of war on the basis that the empires who conquer the world progress humanity toward an ideological utopia.
Hegel merely defined existing Prussian political philosophy. The idea originated from Frederick the Great. Voltaire once mused that Prussia was not a nation, but rather an army that controls nations. Gabriel Riqueti quipped that “war is the national industry of Prussia”. Napoleon believed that “Prussia was hatched from a cannon-ball”.
Voltaire and Gabriel Riqueti knew Frederick personally, while Napoleon studied his military mentor incessantly. Frederick was not just a military genius devoted to Prussia. He was also an avid disciple of the Age of Enlightenment.
Frederick studied history and embraced the ideas of the ancient philosophers, particularly Plato. Plato’s “The Republic” 17 appeared to have grabbed Frederick’s attention, especially the idea of a nation state ruled by an autocratic noble elite who knew what was best for the people. Frederick combined the ideas of the Enlightenment with Plato’s Republic, to create a new form of governance.
As a self-professed student of the Enlightenment, Frederick believed he knew what was best for his kingdom. He built museums, concert halls and libraries throughout his land so that his subjects could also become Enlightened. By doing so, Frederick believed a new social contract was formed. By adorning his subjects with Enlightenment, he could declare his right to absolute rule.
He wasted no time implementing his version of Enlightened Despotism. Apart from the public buildings, he developed the most elaborate espionage network throughout Europe. He established a Prussian central bank to monopolize the currency used in Prussia. He bestowed privileges on Jewish bankers who were able to facilitate the trade of his Prussian currency throughout Europe, and also employed those bankers as spies. He created a command economy where he would decide what goods and services could be imported or exported from Prussia. Most importantly, he streamlined Prussia’s permanent standing army into a military machine that operated in lockstep at all times.
Frederick considered himself the quintessential liberal, and that if he managed to enlighten his citizens, Prussia would progress to become a superior state to anything else in the world. Hence, Frederick was one of the world’s first Liberal Progressives.
His newly enlightened, liberal progressive kingdom was not easy to control. It required a vast bureaucracy to ensure everything in the kingdom was progressing as expected. Anything that threatened Prussian progress would be viewed as an act of war.
Frederick’s version of liberalism was a centralized, autocratic, top-down structure of government, where he sat as the absolute ruler. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was not an individual’s concern. Citizens only needed to serve their king, for he knew best how to collectively manage individuals. After all, he was enlightened.
Any state that threatened his order would be targeted for elimination. More importantly, any idea that threatened his version of Enlightened Despotism had to be proven to be inferior and stamped out into the ashes of history. This clash of ideas served as the basis for Hegel’s hypothesis of dialectic idealism.
Interestingly, the Enlightenment also fomented the American Revolution and its subsequent Constitutional Republic that created a nation based on the complete opposite ideology. While Enlighted Despotism centralized power in the hands of an absolute ruler, America decentralized power to create a “government of the people, by the people, for the people”. Any citizen could become President, so long as they pledged an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. For America, freedom was the crucial element for its sovereign citizens to practice life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Hegel could not have disagreed more:
We must thank Hegel for letting the proverbial Prussian cat out of the bag. His philosophical musings provides a window into the thought process behind the Prussian machine. It highlights the motivation for Prussia’s constant state of war, as well as the need for the nation to be at the top of the military, cultural, and ideological pile.
“Dialectical Idealism”, later to become known as the Hegelian Dialectic, ensured that if Prussian culture was not superior to a rival state, then that rival state would become the new, superior culture. However, the opposite was also true. Therefore, Frederick believed, if the liberalism of the Enlightenment could be shoved down the throat of Prussian society, the kingdom would always have a morally and intellectually superior culture. Simultaneously, Frederick’s war-machine could be mobilized to destroy rival states, while his espionage network could be used to destroy nations slowly over time, from within. This was the essence of Frederick’s liberal progressivism.
With all this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the Prussian milestones which have changed the course of history and the way we live today:
The modern PhD started at the University of Berlin. This certificate verified a person’s knowledge, and therefore their intellectual superiority amongst their peers. Hegel was one of the first to oversee the University and many from around the world travelled to hear him lecture about “dialectic idealism”.
German secret societies permeated Universities throughout the world; the most famous being Skull & Bones at Yale. Interestingly, Yale began issuing the PhD in 1861. The combination of elite academic status and a selective process into secret fraternities served as the basis of capturing the future elite of America and beyond.
State-mandated, public education whereby a corps of teachers operate in lockstep, teaching children the virtue of the state over and above their familial ties.
This was how Prussia fought on the ideological battleground. If their ideas and philosophy could permeate to the top of international academia, the battle was already half won.
We do not have to detail the successes of the Prussian military. It was one of the most successful armies in history. Frederick’s campaigns are renowned. The lightning destruction of Denmark, Austria and France led to the second German Reich and the Prussian king as emperor. While they were defeated by Napoleon, in WWI and WWII, they were vastly outnumbered and as we shall see, always managed to turn a defeat into a long term victory.
Perhaps the most important contribution to the modern world are the ideas that were hatched in Prussia and remain with us today: Hegel’s dialectic, Uranianism (transgender, or “3rd gender”), Marxism, Fascism, Nazism and radical Islam. Prussia was also the origin of the modern welfare state, and the central bank created by Frederick became the model for central banking around the world. As PrussiaGate has already detailed, the US Federal Reserve is based off the German central bank.
Without question, Prussia has had enormous influence over how we behave today. Not only have their philosophical principles gradually infiltrated the world’s largest institutions, but the ideological battles fought since the 18th century have culminated into the biggest turning points in modern history.
And yet, Prussia is the forgotten empire. A rarely mentioned topic, and even rarer subject in history classes or on the internet. How did Prussia become so invisible?
After WWII, the Allied forces decided to officially abolish the state of Prussia. Signed in Berlin in 1947, Control Council Law No. 46 liquidated the State of Prussia, and distributed its provinces to British, American and Soviet control.
Therefore, the Prussian state is no more. However, we also know that Prussia was never a nation, but an army that sought to control nations. A few years before the abolition of Prussia, a new, powerful institution was born. The United Nations.
This is where the 2 parts of our story begin to merge…
How to Control Nations
As we have tirelessly mused, the hypothesis of #PrussiaGate is that while the state of Prussia disappeared, the men who sought to control nations did not. Therefore, the kult of Prussia continued after WWII, operating in the shadows, invisible.
Instead of a nation, they transferred power and capital into a myriad of globalist corporations and central banks around the world. These corporate executives and bankers operated in lockstep after WWII by convening annually and colluding at globalist conferences such as the Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove and the World Economic Forum.
The United Nations serves as the final key to unlocking the horrible invisible enemy that seeks not only to control nations, but the entire world.
In the first part of this article, we presented how political leaders of sovereign nations have kowtowed to the UN. They claim that international law supersedes their domestic laws, and policies must be implemented to accommodate the UN’s globalist demands. Many of these politicians later enter the revolving door to join the UN or the ReichsWEF.
The partnership between the ReichsWEF and the UN is powerful. Central banks manipulate the supply of credit to allow corporations to maximize their operations in various regions. By doing so, these corporations are able to monopolize and control regional supply chains and resources. The United Nations lays out the globalist agenda and in turn writes the policies that provide a blueprint for politicians of sovereign nations to follow; the voting citizens be damned.
In addition, the army of ReichsWEF corporations also use these blueprints to implement policies within their own organizations. Employees who do not conform are terminated. Clients who do not conform have their contracts dissolved. And users of their platforms who do not conform are cancelled.
The policies of the UN are adhered to based on international law. Therefore, for every nation that kowtows to the UN, their sovereign laws are no longer relevant. The UN has become their new master.
A centralized, top-down structure of government where unelected bureaucrats sit at the top as absolute rulers. The UN believe they are morally and intellectually superior as they convene panels of PhD certified experts on every topic; from climate-change, transgenderism, illegal migration, pandemics and mandated DNA-altering injectables. They are uber liberal-progressive, and believe if the world bends to their will, we will march together in lockstep toward utopia.
If the United Nations and World Economic Forum are indeed partners, the old Prussian goal of an army controlling nations around the world is hidden in plain sight.
Trust the UN
The union between the UN and the WEF serves as a global benevolent dictator. A quasi form of governance that forces nations to operate in unison. However, the problem of sovereign nations still exists. It is simply by international agreement and coercion that countries follow UN organizations like the WHO. If the citizens of a nation were to suddenly wake up to the rigged game, a populist uprising could occur, and that government could “re-declare” their independence and turn their back on the UN.
Declaring independence could become infectious, and nations around the world might soon follow. If this were to occur, a Great Awakening would serve as a death blow to the one world utopian government dreamed of by Prussia centuries ago. It would be the end of the New World Order.
Therefore, before such an awakening occurs, sovereign nations would need to collapse entirely so that their government, laws and treaties evaporate. If that were to happen, the UN and its army of WEF corporations could be the savior at the ready, and place the ungoverned territory under UN control.
This is not a fanciful conspiracy theory. Recall in our previous article about prions and the UN’s simulation of “DiseaseX”, the pedophile Gajdusek discovered prions in the brains of dead children and then injected the infected brain-milkshake into chimpanzees to see if it could be transmitted. Where did he retrieve these dead children’s brains? New Guinea. At the time, New Guinea was not a sovereign nation, but a territory controlled by the UN.
Not only were prions extracted from the UN controlled territory, Gajdusek managed to also adopt dozens of young boys from the region. He legally migrated them to America, where he and his friends systematically raped them for decades.
The New Guinea experiment serves as an important historical precedent. The territory did not have any established government, and as soon as the UN was formed, it placed the land into a “Trust Territory”.
Back then, Australia was a sovereign nation with a modern and sophisticated constitution. The delegation of a legislative council would most likely have adhered to their national legal system. With this structure, the UN partnered with the Australian government to manage New Guinea through a council. Today, the UN has partnered with the ReichsWEF, and they already have the councils ready to go.
It may sound fanciful to correlate the administration of post-WWII New Guinea to today’s modern, technologically sophisticated global world. However, let’s consider what might happen if a modern sovereign nation were to fail. It could happen through financial collapse, famine, plague, war or revolution.
After Victoria Nuland’s visits to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, all of those nations are now embroiled in revolutions and government overthrow.
After Victoria Nuland’s visit to Ukraine in 2014, the Maidan revolution overthrew the duly elected government which eventually led to the installation of Volodomyr Zelensky.
When nation-states fail, a power vacuum ensues. Power hungry parasites flock to the region to secure what remains of the supply chains and resources, and look to install their enlightened version of governance over a decimated population.
Revolutions destroy nations, including their laws. Post revolution, if these nations could be placed into UN Territory Trusts, their sovereignty and right to govern could be replaced by administrators, whereby international law could be permanently installed.
The UN already has the agenda, think tanks, and legislative ability for one-world global governance. The WEF already has the councils ready for a “global future”. The corporate army, we term ReichsWEF, already have a monopoly on most of the world’s supply chains and resources, and the globalist executives to employ and deploy labor around the world.
All that is needed is the collapse of nation states around the world, and the “UN Territory Trust” could gobble up most of the Western world, ushering in a New World Order.
For that to happen, there would need to be some kind of worldwide revolution.
The Science of Revolution
One of the greatest achievements during the Age of Enlightenment was the enormous leap in scientific discovery.
Observation, hypothesis, experimentation and conclusion. These words are well-known in high school classrooms today, but it was a revolutionary concept a few centuries ago and transformed the modern world into the scientific industrial civilization we all enjoy today.
Man began to question the world around them and develop cause-and-effect theories to explain various phenomena. The experiments required more and more sophisticated instruments and methods to try and prove, or disprove, the latest theories of the day. When man questioned, ground-breaking inventions soon followed. Our planes, trains and automobiles transformed economies, as did the discovery and production of ammonia from the air.
To make these observations, we needed real-world data points. Things that we could detect, and our brains worked to build cause-and-effect relationships all over the place.
When the French Revolution destroyed the powerful French monarch seemingly overnight, a venomous new set of data points were revealed. If revolutionary theory could explain how a nation’s citizenry could turn on itself and tear down everything in an instant, empires could be destroyed from within.
Revolution could become the most potent weapon in an army’s arsenal. Harnessing the power of the people to destroy their own culture was a megalomaniac’s utopian fantasy, and Prussia wasted no time in trying to understand how the French Revolution transpired.
Hegel was the first to theorize the situation as a cataclysmic clash of ideologies. The French royalists versus the enlightened French philosophers espousing the virtues of “egalite, fratenite, liberte” could not be more polarized. The wealth inequality between the nobles and the people added fuel to the social fire. The people were gradually believing that their terrible existence was the result of inequality. The only way to solve their situation was to take from the rich and wipe out the bastards in power that created the situation in the first place.
In other words, the French Revolution was ignited once a critical mass of people began to believe communist doctrine. When the rage spread like a mind-virus throughout the land, many believed the only way forward was to overthrow the government, and march in lockstep toward a new, equal, socialist utopia.
Decades after Hegel, Karl Marx explored the nature of the dialectic as it pertains to revolution. In 1848 he published the “Communist Manifesto” and it sparked revolutions across Europe. France, predictably, collapsed again.
Today, we coin the term “woke mind virus”. However, it is simply a derivation of Karl Marx’s theories on communist revolution, and how to instigate them. Marx waffled on about “dialectical materialism”, but what he was really referring to was the ability to transform the normal human mind into a radicalized communist in order to tear everything down and start again. The “woke mind virus” is simply a pre-condition to the revolution, known as Marxism.
Contrary to what many believe, Marxism is not a political ideology. It does not have a solution, nor does it seek a desired end-state. It is a verb. A collective human action that works to destroy a nation from within until there is nothing left. No government. No laws. No culture. No history. No Sovereign. When the revolution eventually burns everything down, the people are no longer burdened by what has been.
There have been many revolutions since the French experiment and 1848. Lenin and the Russian revolution of 1917. The German revolution of 1918. Mao and the birth of the CCP. Castro, Pol Pot, and many more.
To borrow another phrase from Kamala, if we “look through the passage of time”, we can see that each revolution becomes more sophisticated. Similar to the evolution of any weapon, the power of Marxist-based revolutions improves with the passage of time.
Today, the “woke mind virus” is exceptionally powerful, and it is being deployed all over the world at a level never seen before.
We have not yet seen the full brunt of the revolution brewing throughout the Western world. But like a farm animal, western nations are being fattened up. Never before have so many aspects of various revolutions in history lined up simultaneously and with seemingly clear and reckless intent. However, when the proverbial match is lit, history will move at warp speed.
We are entering a period when decades happen. If nation states are going to fall to marxist-style revolutions, they will be without governance, laws, or sovereignty. Like Papua New Guinea after WWII, the UN will be there to guide them into their “mandated Territory Trusts”, and the World Economic Forum will be at the ready to administrate the daylights out of us.
When Decades Happen
The primary driver of the Enlightenment was for man to observe the world around him; for him to question and dare to think. Today, around the world, we have two-tiered justice systems, the weaponization of justice, rampant inflation, crime, and a flood of migration that has never been seen before. The globalist media apparatus nonchalantly describe these events as the result of climate change, and our politicians have vowed to eliminate xenophobia and hate speech.
If we question wtaf is going on here, we arrive at a rather uncomfortable hypothesis; that we are on the verge of a globally coordinated Marxist revolution, orchestrated by the UN and administrated by member-corporations of the ReichsWEF. The woke mind-virus has already infected large swathes of Western civilization, and if we do not pay attention to what is transpiring, humanity will surely once again learn from history that which was not learned from history.
Many notable social media pundits are already sounding the alarm about the pending communist takeover of the West. President Trump is also holding nothing back on what will transpire if Kamala is installed as President and initiates the “unburdening of what has been”. However, this is not an American problem. It is global. Marxism, the verb, is already underway in Europe, Australia, Canada, Brazil, and many other nations.
We will attempt to contribute to the awakening of this nightmare in a slightly different way. In the lead up to the most important election in modern history, we hope to provide insight into the deranged mind of Marxists, and how they managed to succeed in the Art of Revolution. The origins of their ideology, as well as their “purpose: method: end-state”.
We will explore various Marxist revolutions throughout the last few centuries. The nightmarish societies that followed. The hundreds of millions of lives lost, the brutal gulag-style crackdowns, and the empowering of former prisoners to administrate the non-criminal population.
We will also look at the philosophical underpinnings that allowed those infected with the deadly mind-virus to blindly go along with the complete breakdown of their cultural heritage. We will find that as Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao or Pol Pot systematically destroyed the history of “what had been”, many people were simply building an Epicurean garden in their mind, pretending nothing was happening, and hoping that in the near future someone or something would deliver them toward Utopia.
We will extrapolate and overlay those data points to the world we all live in today. At the end of the journey, it is up to each person to individually determine the nature of their own reality.
Lenin provided great inspiration for those who wished to revolt and destroy the beautiful creation that is Western civilization. When we understand the mind of the enemy, we will know their strength as well as their weakness. When it comes to Marxists, they are exceptionally weak.
The research for this series has been dark and uncomfortable. However, there is a shining light at the end of the tunnel whereby everyone can contribute to the destruction of the most horrendous invention in history. When we are finished, we not only hope that they will not be able to walk down the street, but that their ideology is soundly defeated and swept away into the dustbin of history.
To be continued…
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