It is now time to use the tools of history to make sense of the present. History allows us to observe the past and discover patterns that have been threaded through the arrow of time. Understanding these patterns provides us with valuable insights into what is taking place in the “here and now”. Using these insights, we can emulate the successes of our ancestors, while avoiding their disastrous mistakes.
President Trump recently Truthed out an interesting play on history:
Is “MAGADONIA” referring to the ancient Macedonian empire which easily conquered and unified the Ancient Greek city-states?
In Part I of this series, we described how the city-state of Thebes developed an elite-army exclusively formed by homosexual warrior-partners. King Philip II had once been a hostage in Thebes. Whatever happened to Philip in Thebes, it must have left a lasting impression. When he returned to conquer the city, he wiped it from the face of the earth:
Philip’s son, Alexander the Great, took over the Macedonian empire and the rest, as they say, is history. Philip provided his son with a tutor; a philosopher by the name of Aristotle. It was the wisdom of Aristotle and the tactical genius of King Philip that shaped Alexander the Great and provided Western civilization with one of the greatest empires in history. Many empires and civilizations have come and gone since the days of Alexander the Great.
The Republic for the United States of America was born at a time when “Enlightened Despotism” was de rigueur. America’s grand experiment into self-government proved to be a monumental success, while the despots of Europe became relics of the past.
There was one despotic regime, however, that managed to survive and thrive; Prussia. Prussia was unique because it was not a nation, but an army that controlled nations. America and Prussia could not be more diametrically opposed. America is a nation born on the principles of freedom of individuals, supporting their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Prussia, on the other hand, maintained a tyrannical army that demanded the loyalty and servitude of its conquered subjects, and from which emerged the ideologies of Marxism, fascism, Thule, Nazism and Urania.
For the last 250 years, America and Prussia have battled in the shadows for supremacy. Globalist elites today believe that the Prussian way will prevail, and that they will be the world’s new Enlightened Despots. These “neo-Despots” continue to march in lockstep in their quest to convert humanity into a Greco-Uranian hell. As they do, the one nation whose citizens are empowered with the ability to mobilize against the forces of tyranny, is America. The US constitution, and the inalienable rights it bestows on every citizen, can not only stop tyranny in its tracks, but become a shining light for patriots around the world to shake off this “horrible, invisible enemy”.
Hegel once mused:
Prussia definitely knows its history, and wishes to bring about a resurgence of the Ancient Greek world and the institutional pederasty it embraced. Prussia is a master of twisting the musings of great philosophers to suit their end-goals. Hegel was a devout Prussian loyalist, and what he was implying in this statement is that the ignorant will be doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. Ergo, Prussia will easily conquer its enemies by keeping them ignorant of history.
Is Hegel correct, or will humanity Awaken to the invisible attack against it; learning from history in order to defeat its enemy?
In this series, and the entire #PrussiaGate project generally, readers have armed themselves with the weapon of understanding history. In doing so, we can see the playbook of this “horrible invisible enemy” and the footprints they leave behind. We will not make the same mistakes that our ancestors have done in the past, especially when it comes to Prussian infiltration.
Exposing the enemy, coupled with the Constitutional rights bestowed on Americans, the war against tyranny can be clean and swift. This is by no means an easy task, but the reward of victory will ensure freedom and prosperity will return and remain for generations to come.
The Enemy Within
Remember the words of Aristotle:
Aristotle’s observation was a clear warning about the process of how republics eventually descend into tyranny. The Thule society used this approach as their blueprint to destroy the Weimar Republic from within. Today, the same forces are at work, trying to destroy America from within.
In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Trump revealed who he thought was the real enemy of America:
Trump’s reference to “sick radical people” are the same forces Aristotle observed that destroy republics. They are the same forces that destroyed the Weimar Republic, from within. They are not Marxists, or Communists, or fascists; they are all of them combined:
Weimar Germany was a disaster from the get-go. However, it was the combined efforts of radical communists and fascists that sealed the Weimar’s fate, and allowed the rise of Nazi tyranny in Germany. When Hitler suspended the Weimar constitution, a totalitarian government merged with mega-globalist corporations and seized total control of Germany’s resources and supply-chains.
In America during the 1960s and 70s, students were radicalized by Marxist professors. They instantly became staunch opponents of the Vietnam War, but also demanded the end of America and her Constitution. While they were getting high, running around naked and burning the American flag, the Vietnam War was a boon for globalist bankers in Switzerland and in the City of London. Untold profits were generated from the explosion of Eurodollars flooding the global financial markets.
The sexual revolution during this period became a launching pad for the legalization of abortion in America and around the world. Around the same time, the Eurodollars used to finance the war effort were re-packaged and deployed to attack the USD gold standard, and in 1971, Nixon took America off the gold standard. Compared to previous generations, who were paid with gold-backed money, American workers are now getting paid less than ever before:
Today, Trump is warning America that radical Marxists, communists and fascist “pigs” are back again, to destroy the nation from within.
In this final article, we will draw on history to expose every weapon that has been deployed against America, and the world at large. By exposing the enemy’s tactics, they remain invisible no more.
Summers of Love and Meatgrinders
The stakes in this invisible war have never been higher. This is not just about destroying America, it is about establishing a global hegemony that rules over humanity forever; the enemy truly does intend to establish a New World Order.
The Republic for the United States of America, along with the power of the Constitution, are the last barricades in establishing their global government. This government is not for the people; it is for these self-appointed globalists. If America falls, the rest of the world will rapidly follow. It is not just us who are observing the patterns of history. The “horrible invisible enemy” has learned from the past, and merged the knowledge gained from the Weimar Republic, Nazi Germany, and the LSD-laced 60s.
They are now ready to launch their final assault on the Republic, and intend to take down the greatest nation in history.
Where are the communists, Marxists and fascist “pigs” today? How are they trying to destroy freedom and install their new version of tyranny?
Marxist Summers
The Marxists are the easiest group to find. In Weimar Germany, Antifa took to the streets and engaged in senseless violence. In the 1960s and 70s, university students were radicalized by their Marxist professors and used the anti-War protests as a means to burn the American flag and call for the end of the Constitution.
Today, the Marxists have combined both periods in history, and unleashed senseless, drug-fuelled violence upon America. They have incubated this strange blend of communism and Marxism at some of the most prestigious universities in the nation.
The students who were radicalized by Marxist professors began to wreak havoc on the streets of America in 2020. When the entire world was suffering lockdowns and mask mandates during the plandemic, Antifa believed they were exempt, and took to the streets in protest:
For Marxists, the point of the revolution is the revolution, and nothing more. In other words, they just want to tear shit down, permanently; just for the sake of tearing shit down.
Marxists are simply Prussian tools to collapse nations and usher in tyrannical rule. In 2020, Antifa were doing quite a good job of it in America, while the people cowered in their homes donning multiple masks. This was not happenstance; it was a plandemic.
Antifa was not the only group wreaking havoc on the streets during 2020. Black Lives Matter (BLM) were also out in force. Recall that the Weather Underground was a domestic terrorist organization from the 1960s which had ties back to George Soros:
Both organizations used the plandemic lockdowns as a means to promote their Marxist ideology. Colloquially known as the “Summer of Love”, cities across America descended into carnage, which was not dissimilar to the experience of Weimar Germany. There was, however, a key difference. Marxists during the Weimar-era were proud to promote their communist ideology, and never hid their identities. The Antifa protesters of 2020 used the mask-mandates to their advantage, so they could remain invisible:
The Marxist attack on America and the West at large appears to lack any real strength. Perhaps the men involved in these organizations have paid one-too-many visits to a Nazi-themed dominatrix club, and lost their balls to an Ilsa Strix look-alike?
Eurodollar-Fuelled Meatgrinders
Having reintroduced the topic of transgenderism, we can now switch gears to see how the fascist “pigs” are undermining American sovereignty. Not since the Cuban missile crisis has the world been so close to the possibility of nuclear war. The conflict in Ukraine has brought out the worst in many people, and the cast of characters escalating the call for war are curious personalities:
Ukraine’s Zelensky is a very interesting character indeed. Before becoming President of Ukraine and a household name throughout the world, he was a comedian on Ukrainian television. Ukraine is one of the poorest nations in Europe, but apparently that does not affect the immense wealth that can be made as a Ukrainian comedian:
Zelensky began his excursion into tax-havens back in 2012, just before the Euromaidan Revolution in 2014, which violently overthrew the elected government of Ukraine. Since then, Ukraine has been pillaged by oligarchs using the nation as a piggy bank and money-laundering facility. Zelensky’s old employer, Ihor Kolomoisky, is perhaps the most notorious oligarch of them all:
Kolomoisky is much more than just a media-mogul employing wealthy, cross-dressing comedians. He is a dangerous and corrupt man that is now banned from visiting America. Kolomoisky is by no means invincible, and his empire is at risk of collapsing as the Russian-Ukraine conflict progresses. However, he has many friends in high places which he uses to protect himself and his business partners. (1:15 mins)
Regardless, money is pouring into Ukraine at a rate not seen since the Vietnam War. What is also similar, are the huge profits to be made when war and money are mixed together:
When corrupt Ukraine oligarchs, Presidents and Generals have a vast network of offshore trusts and companies, coupled with a never ending flood of Eurodollars sent into the country to finance a war, what could possibly go wrong?
Perhaps the most disturbing correlation with Vietnam is that the cost of the war will be borne by the American middle-class. The people will pay for the debt incurred, and suffer the slow financial death inflicted by inflation upon their savings and wages.
According to Lindsey Graham, it’s the best money America has ever spent:
The war in Ukraine is not going well for Zelensky, or anyone that supports his regime. Recently, one of the most strategic towns in the nation, Bakhmut, fell to Russian forces. It is a hard place to stay alive if you are a Ukrainian military asset:
We are somewhat confused as to what Lindsey Graham is referring to with respect to “money well spent”. During the conflict, Zelensky had to make some very tough decisions. There are rumors the military is rapidly running out of soldiers. Zelensky has decided to open the prison doors, and unleash evil onto the frontline:
At the beginning of the conflict, President Putin vowed to “deNazify” Ukraine. Prior to the war breaking out, it was common knowledge within main-stream media (MSM) circles, that there were vast numbers of neo-Nazis operating in Ukraine:
The Nazis in Ukraine have long since been forgotten by the MSM once Western money began flooding in to support Ukraine in their resistance against Russia. Nevertheless, we return to the imprisoned animals Zelensky had released and sent to the battlefront against Russia. The leaders of the neo-Nazi “Tornado” battalion, including Danil Lyashuk and many others, committed crimes beyond imagination. According to Zelensky‘s decree, prisoners with combat experience would be allowed to “compensate for their guilt” by fighting in the “hottest spots”:
The sick details of the cases against these men also include the kidnapping, raping, torture and genital mutilation of men, women and children. When these men were interrogated regarding their crimes, not only did they confess to them, but they also explained how they had filmed this brutality for their “sexual amusement”.18
Recall Ernst Rohm’s lust for the sado-masochistic abuse of young men. Also recall the woman who helped her husband, Larry Wachowski, transition into a woman. Her once proud boast of inserting 333 needles in a single penis was a shout-out to Liber 333, a neo-Nazi satanic manual.
These are the hidden worlds of evil, and their intent is clear - to transform the world into a global Aryan super-state. Those deemed inferior, will be subjected to the Liber 333 manual.
We certainly hope this is not what Senator Lindsey Graham meant with respect to “money well spent”.
This is the world of communists, Marxists and fascist pigs. They are deranged, satanic cowards and losers, and making a fortune in the process. Tyranny lurks in the shadows, desperately trying to destroy freedom at every turn. Today, they have been dragged out of the shadows, in preparation for their final assault on humanity.
Their weapons are out for everyone to see, but their desire to destroy America and the free-world is much deeper than a few corrupt oligarchs, puny Antifadians and some bloodthirsty neo-Nazis.
Strong Women. Strong Mothers. Strong Families
One of the principal foundations of Western civilization is the strong family unit which underpins it. The family unit allows for children to be protected and raised in accordance with the cultural values that the family embrace. From the moment of birth, a child is loved, nurtured and gradually exposed to the real world that awaits them as an adult. They are taught the daily rituals of cleaning, cooking, and making the bed; they learn critical life-skills that transform a child into an independent and productive member of society.
The most important factor in creating and maintaining the family unit is the person that brings a baby into the world; the mother. When the world descends into tragedy, chaos and uncertainty, the family unit acts as a shield, and the mother is usually the one holding up that shield. Whether it is broken bones, bad grades, break-ups, or losing a game of football, when tragedy comes into the home, the mother is usually the one that picks the child up, dusts them off, and sends them back out into the world with a renewed confidence.
Motherhood is no easy task. It requires enormous amounts of strength and resilience. When the world gets ugly, the family unit acts as a refuge, even for the hardest of men. While it is the mothers who work tirelessly to keep the family together, it would not be possible without a society that embraces and encourages strong women.
Whether it be via academia, careers, politics or sport, a society that allows women to build the life-skills necessary to take on the arduous task of motherhood, is a society that builds strong and resilient women. Strong women are strong mothers. Strong mothers are the backbone of strong families.
The Nazis had a disdain for the power of the family unit, particularly the women who maintained them. Recall in Part VI, the League of German Girls, which was the girl’s wing of the Hitler Youth movement, were being sexualized. While their fathers were conscripted into the military, their mothers had to work long hours in the factories. The children were left to the state, and many joined the Hitler Youth. Rampant sex amongst teenagers occurred, along with numerous teen pregnancies. The fabric of German society was collapsing in a state-endorsed orgy, as was the family unit.
The Nazi regime actively sought to break down the family unit; not directly, but indirectly. Motherhood was rendered obsolete, and the children became wards of the state.
In Part VI, we presented statistics that show single parent families have exploded since 1970. So has the percentage of families where both parents must work to financially survive. These busy work schedules leave a gap in a parent’s ability to be available for their children. The government is only too happy to fill in these gaps wherever possible, beginning with story time:
Story-telling was a task normally performed within the family unit. For some reason, transgenders believe their storytelling is more “progressive” than the previous generations of parents reading Dr. Seuss and Little Golden Books to their children at home.
Transgenders are not working alone in their story-hour performances. They are endorsed by most schools throughout America, and the western world. Parents who have awakened to this nightmare in schools have begun to fight back to protect their children:
We have no idea why a school library would include books about the pedophile abuse of a young boy. However, this concept is exactly what the early luminaries of the Thule society were endorsing. Sexual abuse at the hands of the Nazis was documented by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld and included many accounts of the masochistic abuse of young boys. We also noted that the neo-Nazis in Ukraine were routinely raping men and young boys as part of their terror campaign against pro-Russian communities.
We also have no idea why a children’s book of this nature is called “33 Snowfish”, as it sounds remarkably similar to the neo-Nazi handbook on rape, torture and murder; Liber 333.
Moms across America, and the entire world, have now risen to take on the insanity that has infiltrated the education system. We must always remember that the world’s education system is based on the Prussian education model, and everything we have presented thus far has originated from Prussia.
However, this is a battle that is far more pervasive than transgender story hour or library kids’ books about rape. Transgenders are not simply content with taking a role as a storyteller. They want to completely replace the role women currently have in society, including childbirth:
Not only are transgenders trying to replace mothers, but they are also out to strut their physical prowess on the athletic stage:
At every turn, transgenders are trying to find ways in which they can replace women. Storytelling, pregnancy, breast-feeding, sport and even sexiness. They have no chance in succeeding in any of those endeavors, except for women’s sport.
Sport is a platform where athletes, successful or not, learn to build strength, resilience and discipline. For girls, this is an invaluable opportunity to become a strong woman, and perhaps one day, a strong mother.
The insidious nature of transgenders in women’s sport is directly related to the Nazi playbook. Humiliating a female on the wrestling mat or basketball court has only one purpose; a woman must know their place in the new Greco-Uranian world. If sport builds strong, independent and resilient women, who will one day run a strong family unit, then they should be replaced in sport.
Looking through a #PrussiaGate lens, we can see the Thule society operating in the shadows, trying to transform the world. The Thule had a particular distaste for women, and particularly for the family unit. With both parents working, single parenting exploded, and kids were left to the state to be “educated”. The Miliary State that controls nations saw their opportunity. Susceptible men had been hypnotized, feminized, transgenderized and deployed to replace women wherever they can.
Transgenders, whether they know it or not, have been deployed upon the earth, en-masse. This was an army of Manchurian Candidates for the New World Order.
A Pandemic of Hypnosis
In Part I we brought up the serious problem that a majority of recent mass-shootings in America were carried out by transgenders. In Part V we presented the idea of a “Manchurian Candidate”, and how the CIA was using MKULTRA experiments as a means to create the perfect assassin through mind-control.
The reality of these mass-shootings is that some within the transgender community believe they are under an existential attack, and they are lashing out:
Whether or not the transgender killers in these mass shootings are under mind-control, we do not know. Mind-control experiments typically involve a susceptible individual who is under the influence of mind-altering drugs, traumatized and hypnotized. Interestingly, many of those seeking to enter the world of Urania and the myriad of genders on offer, are willingly becoming hypnotized to do so:
There are thousands of hypnosis programs out there for those wishing to transition into believing that they are something other than their genitalia indicates. In addition to hypnosis, many transgenders use ketamine recreationally.
Curiously, ketamine is also used to enhance the effects of hypnosis:
Recall that Ilsa Strix allegedly used a combination of hypno-sissyporn, ketamine and BDSM on Larry Wachowski. This is exactly what the transgender community are using today to assist in their transitions. Coupled with hormone therapy, this chemical cocktail resonates with the mind-control experiments performed by the Nazis, and later the CIA’s MKULTRA project.
The final part to this strange world is the staggering costs associated with becoming trans:
When we put all this together, we discover that globalist corporations and governments around the world are uniformly supporting the transgender movement. For some corporations, it has cost them dearly, as in the case of the Budweiser fiasco. Yet they are relentless in their promotion of transgenders.
There are thousands of hypnosis programs out there to “feminize” men into believing they are women with the ability to do everything a woman can do. There are also a myriad of companies offering everything from ketamine assisted hypnosis, hormone therapy, surgery and genitalia maintenance.
Are we witness to a new industry; the Tranny Industrial Complex?
As working families around the world struggle to pay their bills and raise their children, governments are using taxpayer funds to aggressively promote the transgender cause. Many transgenders are in a drug-assisted hypnotic state, believing they can menstruate, give birth, and chest-feed. They tell stories of child abuse to school-aged children. They believe they are the mothers of the future; biology and the family unit be damned.
Is this the new Prussian army, comprising of Uranian Manchurian Candidates. They are hypnotized, drugged, and believing in a world that does not exist?
As working families around the world struggle to pay their bills and raise their children, governments are using taxpayer funds to aggressively promote the transgender cause. Many transgenders are in a drug-assisted hypnotic state, believing they can menstruate, give birth, and chest-feed. They tell stories of child abuse to school-aged children. They believe they are the mothers of the future; biology and the family unit be damned.
This is the new Prussian army, comprising of Uranian Manchurian Candidates. They are hypnotized, drugged, and believing in a world that does not exist.
Bring Me the Boy
By all accounts, Aristotle was not a pederast. However, in his stark observations of humanity, he saw benefits in the institutionalization of pedophilia:
We presented in ReichsWEF, An Ode to the Prussian Pickle, and Death Squared, numerous examples of the globalist plans to depopulate the planet for the sake of “sustainability”. If the Thule society studied Aristotle and his views on population control, it provided the necessary logic to justify their desire to practice pedophilia. Aristotle believed pedophilia could control population levels:
Did luminaries like Benedict Friedlander, Hans Blueher, Ernst Rohm and Lord Dickie Mountbatten truly believe their escapades with young boys was helping to solve the “problem of overpopulation”?
The Thule society takes the words of Ancient Greek philosophers very seriously. If Aristotle believed that institutionalized pederasty controls the population, then so be it. However, one has to wonder why they have decided to groom school-age children using transgenders and pornographic books. The answer to that question lies in the disastrous theories of Dr. John Money:
Are the children being sexually programmed to believe they are something other than their biological sex? Recall, many transgenders use psychedelics and hypnosis to convince themselves of their new gender. Children, on the other hand, may not need drugs to become hypnotized. They are known to be much more susceptible when it comes to hypnosis:
Are corporations, with the full endorsement of the state, creating a new, immensely profitable market of future transgenders?
Consider the possibilities: Millions of children, worldwide; being groomed and sexualized. It is a vast market, and corporations love to open up new markets.
What would be the result of their creation? Pedophilia is no longer an abomination on humanity; it is normalized and decriminalized. The next generation of children become hypnotized into believing they are a new type of gender; a Uranian. The profits generated for “gender transition” could run into the trillions.
Those who have completely fallen into the deep dream of gender dysphoria do everything they can to prove to the world they are the perfect expression of a woman; a menstruating, lactating, uber-athletic birthing-person. Most importantly, they are encouraged and employed by the globalist corporations to entice future generations into this dystopia; the amazing world of Urania.
In the background, the invisible enemy is also solving the “problem of overpopulation”. For once you become a fully-transitioned Uranian, God’s gift for you to have children has been permanently taken away.
Regrettably, this is not some demented dystopian fantasy that we have dreamed up. This Urania series has shown that since the 19th century, Prussians have become obsessed with gender and the theory of a “third sex”.
The first gay rights movement originated in Prussia. When they discovered there was a pedophile network within their ranks, trying to legalize pedophilia, they expelled them. A war between a legitimate gay rights movement and pedophiles exploded in Germany in the early 20th century. In 1917, the plight for institutionalized pederasty morphed into the Thule society and its political wing - the Nazi party. When tyranny seized Germany in 1933, Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld paid the highest price for removing pedophiles from his gay rights movement.
The push to legalize pedophilia is once again at our doorstep. The transgender movement is a strange twist in today’s attempt to destroy the world and install a tyrannical Greco-Uranian tyranny. However, when we understand the goal of the Nazi regime was to destroy the family unit, we can see transgenders serving that same purpose. They are currently trying to convince millions of people to “transition”, and in the process corporations stand to make trillions if they are successful.
Wall St and the Index of Forced Compliance
In Prussian Origins of Modern Education, we outlined how the Prussian model of education was adopted in American schools. Prussia was not interested in building an individual to find life, liberty and happiness; they wanted to produce a servant, loyal to the needs of the State. This method of education became known as “Behaviorism”:
Behaviorism is the key concept behind Dr. John Money’s theories on creating trangender children. His failed experiment with twin boys led to their eventual suicides. Regardless, one Wall St. luminary not only believes in behaviorism, but is happy to force it upon people: (00:10)
Larry Fink is no slouch. The company he heads up, BlackRock, is one of the largest asset management companies in the world:
With over $8 trillion to invest, every publicly traded corporation wants BlackRock to invest in their company. Generally speaking, if your company ends up in one of the major stock market indices, BlackRock will start adding your company’s shares to their portfolio, making you part of their huge Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) network.
Once you are in, passive investors from around the world pour money into your corporation via the ETF market. You now have the ability to raise capital, and your share price will be buffered by trillions of dollars of pension fund capital.
If you are forced out of the index, BlackRock, and other asset managers like Vanguard, will be forced to sell your shares at whatever price they can get. Your company’s share price will not only collapse, but you will no longer be able to raise capital for expansion. The index is like a big club, and we, most certainly, ain’t in it!
When Larry Fink declared his intention to force behaviors, he was not talking about individuals, but the corporations within the BlackRock portfolio, who employ hundreds of millions of people around the world.
It is important to consider Larry Fink’s declaration in the context of who he is threatening to “force behavior” upon. It is not individuals or families with retirement portfolios, or the over-paid pension fund managers who blindly allocate capital to one of BlackRock’s ETFs. He is talking to corporations who are addicted to the easy-money provided by Wall St.
The recent debacle with Dylan Mulvaney and Anheuser-Busch highlights that corporate executives are clamouring to be a part of the exclusive BlackRock club. Share markets rise and fall, and corporate jobs come and go, but if you are kicked out of the BlackRock club of “forced behavior”, your company and career will be relegated to the dustbin of history.
Out of weakness and fear, corporate executives worldwide are operating in lockstep to promote an ideology that originates from 19th Century Prussia. Corporations are no longer behaving as independent free-market enterprises, but instead openly colluding to provide the same product; LGBT everything.
Hidden in plain sight, are we witness to the biggest monopoly in free-market capitalist history?
Can Freedom Defeat Tyranny?
We are at the end of the Uranian series. It has been a dark analysis of the attack not just against America, but the entire world. We must go through the darkness before we can see the light, but the question remains; can freedom ever defeat this horrible invisible enemy and the global tyranny they want to impose on the world?
When we look back at what transpired in Germany from 1917, the German people were collectively traumatized from the humiliation and horrors of WWI. Hyperinflation plunged average Germans into poverty. They resorted to drugs and sex to forget their desperate situation. The Weimar Republic was an attempt to give Germans the rights and freedoms that the rest of the Western world already enjoyed. However, the sharks of communism, Marxism and fascism began circling the fledgling republic, looking for any opportunity to strike at the new freedoms bestowed on the German people.
Broke, traumatized, drugged and hypnotized, the German nation fell into a deep trance, thanks largely to the propaganda repeatedly thrown at them from the Nazis. They succumbed to tyranny in 1933, and would not wake up until the end of WWII.
Today, the same sharks are circling nations around the world and attempting the same attack; an attack that has not been seen since 1917. Whether it is fascism, Marxism, the Thule society, Nazism, Urania, or the ReischsWEF, we know they all have one thing in common; they all originated from Prussia. Citizens around the world are suffering from inflation, and have been traumatized by the devastation caused by the plandemic. A catastrophic war in Ukraine is threatening to metastasize, and our children are being groomed by state-endorsed transgenders.
Many around the world appear to have entered into a deep trance and are now willing to succumb to the tyranny that is offered to them as an escape from their increasingly desperate situation.
There is one document in the world that can empower its citizens to overthrow tyranny, and allow the people to get back to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness; the US Constitution. There is one particular aspect of the constitution, however, that deserves careful attention. It is fundamentally based on freedom of the individual.
As long as freedom is allowed to operate for everyone, as prescribed by the constitution, tyranny cannot exist. Freedom provides a clean slate for an individual to find happiness in any way they can, with one caveat; so long as you do not infringe upon the rights and freedoms of another.
Freedom does not eliminate the will of a tyrant; it merely places them in check. Whilst you cannot stop someone from believing in tyranny, you can stop them from acting out their tyrannical fantasies in the real world. The Bill of Rights and the Rule of Law ensures this.
Therefore, a tyrant can never “force the behavior” of another, no matter who they are, or how many of them there are; not even if they are the federal government, a rabid mass of mask-wearing Marxists psychopaths, or the world’s largest asset manager.
We must also never forget that “forced behavior” includes any attempt to control the mind of another; where it be in a Nazi concentration camp, an MKULTRA experiment, or a tranny-storytelling hour in a local kindergarten.
Protection from this kind of tyranny is the intent of the US Constitution and the Republic for the United States of America. It bestows freedom as a fundamental right to its citizens, and affords them the ability to uphold and defend it against all enemies - foreign and domestic. America is a Republic, if you can keep it.
Tyranny will always tell you otherwise, and repeat the lie more times than Goebbels and Hitler could have ever dreamed. (1:41)
The End.
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