What is a Cult?
Warning: This article contains some distressing content.
The first three parts of the URANIA series were pieces of a puzzle. They are essential reading in order to understand the material presented here in part IV. Here is a brief summary:
Part I introduced the origins of the ideology behind the transgender movement. Prior to the declaration of a ‘third sex’, gays were always seen as men or women. When Karl Ulrichs presented his ‘third sex’ theory, he postulated that the gender of gay men and women were not binary, but transitory; a combination of man and woman. He named these people Uranians.
Part II presented how the theory of the ‘third sex’ was popularized by one the world’s first sexologists, Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. He firmly believed that his patients were Uranian, and in some cases they underwent gender reassignment surgery. He performed the world’s first known sex change operation. Throughout his career, Hirschfeld completely ignored the possibility that most of his gender-challenged patients were suffering from severe mental illness and trauma.
Part III offered a different look at the origins and evolution of the Nazis. Many of the highest ranking Nazis were sado-masochistic homosexuals who believed it was their right to satisfy their desires with children. For many years they were attached to the German gay rights movement, but violently split from them when they realized the movement would not support sex with children under the age of 16. In 1917, these men reorganized themselves into the Thule society, which later launched the Nazi party. Their vision of an Aryan society consisted of a master-race of gay men who would rule over the rest of the world, and exterminate all inferior races.
What is worth noting about the first three parts of this series is that the major players are almost exclusively Prussian. Ulrichs, Hirschfeld, the Thule society, along with the Nazis, were all deeply influenced by the kultur of Prussia. Whether it was their theories, their militancy, or their homosexuality, everything originated from the state of Prussia.
When the Nazis took control over Germany in 1934, they wasted no time in destroying all evidence of their criminal past. Their first raid was Hirschfeld’s Sex Institute, which held records of the gay victims of their sado-masochistic escapades during the 1920s and early 30s. Many of these victims had approached Dr. Hirschfeld to seek help. The first line of business for the Nazis was to confiscate all of Hirschfeld’s documents, revealing what they feared the most. From here, the Nazis rounded up all the gays who were potential witnesses to their child-sex crimes. These men were the first interns at the concentration camps. Finally, the Nazis recruited thousands of medical researchers to the camps where the prisoners were subjected to torture, dissection, and chemical experiments.
In this article, we will look at the hell that these prisoners endured during WWII. We will then look at the fate of the Nazi medical researchers after WWII, and finally address the question, “Where are they now?”
What is a Cult?
Before we dive deep into the modern day Thule, we must first understand the basics behind the formation of cults.
Applying this definition, we can try to understand and learn from the evolution of the Thule Society and its militant political arm, the Nazi Party.
Was the Thule society quasi-religious?
The foundation of the Thule society was based on the works of Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Guido von List. List believed he was one of the last authorities of the old Aryan world. His book, The Secret of the Runes, provided a list of symbols that the Nazis used, such as the Swastika and the SS lightning bolts. List completely rejected Christianity, and instead embraced Wotanism, which was the ancient German god of storms. This religion, he claimed, would bring about the rebirth of the ancient German race.
Guido von List was also known to practice various tantric sex rituals for his religious purposes.
We shall investigate Guido’s religion in more detail later. What is important at this moment is that Guido and Lanz von Liebenfels’ had developed a religious based movement, which was later adopted by the Thule Society and described as “Ariosophy”; the philosophy of the Aryan race.
Did the Thule Society have unusual or atypical beliefs?
In Part III we presented the primary objective of the Thule society:
That statement on its own is enough to prove the strange beliefs of the Thule Society and its Nazi sub-division. We also know that they believed the Aryan Supermen were hyper-masculine homosexuals, destined to rule the world as a “male state, organized on a homosexual basis”. 5
If this were not enough, the origin of the name Thule provides even more insight into the thought process of the Society’s members. It was derived from the Ancient Greco-Roman geographers who named a faraway place in the North as Thule. Today, Thule is a region in Greenland.
Greenland was of significant importance to the Nazis, and it played a huge role during World War 2, as Hitler had some very ambitious plans:
It was Hitler who had the original idea to take out a tall building in New York. At the time, the technology was not advanced enough to send the payload from Germany to New York, meaning the Nazis had to devise an alternate plan; they found a place half-way between Europe and America. Their selected location was Greenland; the land of the Thule.
This maniacal plan was foiled when Greenland allowed the American military to set up bases there in 1941. Perhaps President Trump was pointing to a renewed Nazi threat, and a repeat of history, when he raised the idea of purchasing Greenland in 2019:
While the origin of Thule’s name is interesting, it also points to a much darker aspect of the society’s members. Its Greco-Roman origins paid homage to the Thule Society’s belief in a culture run by powerful men with an affinity for “boy love”. They believed that sex with boys was not only their right, but the secret to forming a powerful military that would one day take over the world.
Were these unusual or atypical beliefs? Of course, but perhaps it is more appropriate to realize that these men were seriously ‘fucked-up in the head’. Quite literally, these people were sick.
Did the Thule Society have an authoritarian structure?
We are dealing with fascists here, so absolutely! Apart from the obvious Hitler jokes, the evolution of the Thule society into the Nazi Party adopted a completely authoritarian approach to rule. Decades prior to the Nazi regime, pedophile groomers running the German boy scouts indoctrinated young boys to integrate the “Sieg Heil” salute and the phrase “mein Fuhrer” into their daily routine. By the time Hitler rose to power, these former boy scouts were now grown men, some of whom had become powerful figures within German industry, judiciary, politics and military. They had never forgotten their days as boy scouts, nor had they forgotten the symbolism that had become deeply ingrained in their psyche.
When the Nazi party emerged during the Weimar-era, many of the men immediately recognized the symbolism from their boy scout days. The pedophiles running the boy scout expeditions had indoctrinated the boys, espousing the virtues of the rise of the Aryan master-race, often over a campfire. For them, the rise of the Aryan was inevitable. Watching Hitler and Ernst Rohm violently rise to power confirmed only one thing - the Aryan master-race was emerging in Germany, just as they had been told decades ago in the Wandervoegel.
The “Sieg Heil”, “mein Fuhrer”, swastika and SS lightning bolts were all symbols that were used back in the boy scout days. As boys, they were groomed to believe in the rise of an Ariosophic cult. When these symbols re-emerged with the Nazis, it was a call to arms. Many of these men rose to the occasion to fulfill the destiny of a new Aryan master-race. Many also understood that this cult was run by violent men who believed in the ancient Greek pederastic practice of “boy love”.
In the old days, their “Fuhrer” was their boy scout leader, such as Adolf Brandt, Benedict Friedlander, or Hans Bleuher. By 1934, complete with all the symbolism and “Sieg Heils”, these men knew exactly who their new Fuhrer was; Adolf Hitler.
When we look back at the rise of the Thule Society and the Nazi Party, we can observe a quasi-religion, a sick and twisted belief system centralized around pedophilia, and an authoritarian leadership structure. The real truth of the Thule Society is that it was a highly organized, secretive grooming campaign that began decades prior to the foundation of the Thule. We also see an organization that enjoyed doling out violence on an unimaginable scale to anyone who was not a member. Victims of their sado-masochistic sexual perversions were rounded up and placed into concentration camps, as a means of covering up their heinous crimes.
Was it a cult?
When we look at the establishment of the Thule in 1917, it combined a quasi-religion with exceptionally strange beliefs and pedophilic practices. It was cohesive, organized, secretive, and hostile to non-members. It displayed one of the most authoritative, hierarchical structures in history.
The Thule, and its Nazi subdivision, was more than just a cult. It’s presence heralded the beginning of the most destructive and deadly period in human history. Men were groomed from childhood to believe the maniacal vision of an Aryan master-race; a society run by pedophiles.
Anyone who fell for this garbage had fully disconnected themselves from the Judeo-Christian world, and attached themselves to a Greco-Uranian one. It was a cult like no other, and it affected the psyche of its members at the deepest level. Essentially, it was a disease of the mind, and it spread like a pandemic until 1945. At this point, the death and destruction surrounding the Nazi regime was so abhorrent, many of the soldiers had begun experiencing serious withdrawal symptoms from their crystal meth addictions. They were simply too sick to fight.
The Legacy of a Cult
Unfortunately, cults often continue well beyond the lifespan of any individual. When Hitler left the world diplomatic stage, it was irrelevant what happened to him. Whether he shot himself in the Wolfsschanze bunker, escaped to Argentina, or lived happily ever after in some sort of Nazi paradise in a sub-Antarctica bunker, it mattered little. What mattered was that the poisonous Ariosophic ideas now embedded throughout Germany, and the world, did not disappear with the fall of Hitler and the Nazis. Instead, the apparent fall of the Nazi’s opened a Pandora’s box of evil that has morphed into the horrible invisible enemy we face today.
Prussia was not a nation, but an army that controlled nations. Today, Prussia is an army seeking to control the world. It no longer uses bombs or bullets to defeat nation states; it uses fear, lies, propaganda, grooming, indoctrination, intimidation, and chemical warfare to proliferate its Ariosophic cult throughout the world. The playbook we see today was exactly the one used by the Thule Society back in 1917.
While this controlling force is invisible, many are now sensing its presence. The modern origins of this highly-sexualized enemy are Prussian; probably beginning when Napoleon crushed them in 1806. The resurgence of this cult is like an old-dog with very few new tricks. An awkward question now beckons: What became of them, and where are they now?
The Experimenters
When the Nazis took control of Germany in 1934, they wasted no time in covering up their violent sex crimes. As we noted, Hirschfeld’s Sex Research Institute was immediately raided, records were seized, and thousands of gays were interned in the first concentration camps.
One of Hirschfeld’s colleagues, Dr. Erwin Gohrbandt, was part of the sex change operations overseen by Hirschfeld. However, Gohrbandt was never arrested. Instead, he joined the Nazis and travelled to Dachau, where some of the arrested gays were imprisoned:
It is claimed that Gohrbandt was only performing deadly human experiments involving hypothermia at Dachau. However, given his surgical expertise involving gender re-assignments, it is highly unlikely that he was not called upon to advise on other experiments being performed on homosexuals. This assertion is supported by the fact that there were many other Nazi researchers who relied on Gohrbandt for his knowledge and experience. One such person was Dr. Carl Vaernet.
We introduced Vaernet in Parts I and II. He was deployed to concentration camps throughout the Third Reich with a mission to “cure” homosexuality; something we now know to be a false assertion. This narrative was a pretext for experiments involving hormones and a concoction of drugs. He set about his work with frightening efficiency:
If we combine the skillsets of Gohrbandt and Vaernet, an ominous picture begins to emerge. One man had the most advanced surgical skills in the area of gender reassignments; the other had access to tens of thousands of incarcerated homosexuals. With a cocktail of hormones and chemicals at their disposal, the sky was the limit as to what these two could achieve. However, the introduction of another Nazi researcher would take human medical research to a new level of evil.
Details in the book, Mengele: The Complete Story, show that the brutality of this man appeared to know no bounds.
Mengele was not the head doctor of the Reich, but he was perhaps its most ambitious researcher. Consumed by his passion to create the Aryan master-race, there was no experiment too gruesome for Mengele.
When the Nazis were searching for ways to stop the reproductive capacity of undesirable races, Mengele believed their approaches were not ambitious enough:
Mengele was performing medical experiments by the thousands on those who had been sent to the camps. He had a special affinity for children, particularly twins. As we recall some of his experiments, one is forced to ponder what the hell was driving this monster:
In other experiments, Mengele would inject colored dye into the eyes of children, only to have them gauged out and nailed to a wall for his inspection. He forced dwarves to impregnate Romani or Slav women, and then would remove the premature baby from the mother’s womb for medical inspection. He was even recorded taping mother’s breasts to stop them from breastfeeding their new-born babies in order “to see how long the baby can live without food”. The atrocities documented at the hands of Mengele make any horror movie look like a child’s nursery rhyme. But perhaps the strangest part of the Mengele story is the relationship he developed with his future victims:
How could such a monster be adored by his victims? These children had been permanently separated from their parents, most of whom were likely already dead or experimented on in the concentration camps. What’s more, many of these children knew that the worst was yet to come for them, and yet somehow they adored their abuser.
For Mengele, he believed that everything he did during WWII was for “science”. The suffering they endured, and the inexplicable emotional connection being displayed by the children in his care, did not go unnoticed. It was all being documented, and it marked the beginning of what we now know as trauma-bonding:
We have briefly summarized the careers of Gohrbandt, Vaernet and Mengele. There is one more man that deserves some time in the spot light; his name is Kurt Plotner:
Plotner’s line of work involved destroying the minds of his test subjects, and then rebuilding their brains in order to serve the Nazi cause. The goal behind using mescaline as a ‘truth serum’ on his subjects is perhaps the least of his project’s objectives. Ultimately, his quest was to gain absolute control of the mind of an individual:
Plotner became the leading researcher in the field of psychopharmacology, world-wide. His tests required psychedelics such as mescalin and mushrooms, as well as a vast array of chemical compounds:
These four men provide a valuable insight into the heinous goings-on inside the Nazi concentration camps:
Gohrbandt had superior knowledge and expertise in sex change operations, including the hormones and chemicals required to complete the transition.
Vaernet’s was given access to thousands of interned gays, with a mandate to experiment on them as he saw fit.
The crazed mind of Mengele had a license to dream up any human experiment possible, while fastidiously documenting the results, which included preserving the body parts of his victims.
Plotner was a world-renowned researcher, specializing in the absolute control of the human mind. His victims would either confess or completely forget the trauma they had experienced; others would perform specific tasks of the Nazi’s choosing.
It is hard to imagine that any human could be capable of the atrocities that were carried out in the Third Reich during WWII. However, when we view these men’s actions through the lens of the cult they had joined, we can see that they did not believe they were doing anything wrong. In their minds, the new Aryan master-race was rising, and many of their victims were simply too weak to be part of their future world. Before their inevitable extermination, it only seemed logical to perform a few experiments on them; after all, everything was being done in the name of “science”.
Such was the mindset of those indoctrinated into this cult. With the end of WWII on the horizon, many began awakening to the inevitable repercussions that these evil deeds might incur.
With respect to these four men, lets look at what became of them in a post WWII world.
Where Are They Now?
We begin with Erwin Gohrbandt:
It appears that nothing happened to Gohrbandt, and he lived his days peacefully in West Germany. His association with the Red Cross is extremely interesting. Recall in ReichsWEF – Part V that the Red Cross were protecting the Nazis from Allied bombings in Ravensberg; the very place that Klaus Schwab’s father was managing the Escher-Wyss factory and building parts for a Nazi atomic bomb. The complicity of Red Cross in this evil did not go completely unnoticed:
Next, we look to Dr. Carl Vaernet. He fled to Denmark and was immediately arrested once Denmark was liberated. His guilt was undeniable, and the British Major running the prisoner camp had almost no doubt that Vaernet would be found guilty. However, things turned out a little differently than he predicted:
We now look to Mengele; possibly the most heinous of all Nazi doctors. When the Nazis were collapsing at the beginning of 1945, Mengele was in the territory that would be taken over by the Soviet Union. He saw the writing on the wall, and fled:
Mengele escaped the grasp of the Red Army, but was later arrested by the Americans:
Like Vaernet, it seems that Mengele also found his way to Argentina, and remained in South America until his death:
Finally, we come to Dr. Kurt Plotner. Surely his torturous psychopharmacological experiments would end in his arrest, and subsequent trial at Nuremberg… Nope:
These Nazi-cult doctors seriously believed they were conducting legitimate scientific research, and therefore documented everything they were doing. Incredibly, those in key positions of authority around the world, seemed to agree. Their research findings, regardless of their evil and criminal intent, greatly interested Allied forces. Having discovered the papers, they wanted to know everything, and they were willing to turn a blind-eye to their atrocities in order to obtain the research:
Not only was Plotner not arrested, he was permitted by American intelligence to continue his research. He was also protected by them from those trying to arrest him for war crimes.
Gohrbandt, Vaernet, Mengele and Plotner should have all been arrested and put on trial for war crimes. Instead, all were freed and allowed to continue their work in various jurisdictions around the world, particularly in Argentina.
(For those interested, our article, The Prussian Pontiff, looks at the incredible connections between the modern history of Argentina, the Nazis, the current Pope, the Dutch Royal Family, pedophilia and the pandemic of recent celebrity suicides surrounding the entire affair. It will perhaps join many more dots with respect to this series.)
This story slowly reveals a truly evil cult that miraculously survived the fall of the Nazi regime. These four men lived their lives unaffected by their atrocities of the past; experiencing zero consequences. Let’s continue our journey as we following this cult into the modern era.
The Kult and the Paperclip
During WWII, it was well-known that Germany possessed some of the most brilliant minds in the world. If the war continued, there was little doubt that those brilliant minds would eventually create weapons that would win the war, placing the Nazis in control of Europe, and possibly the entire world.
Earlier in this article we showed the geographical origin of Thule, and how the Nazis wished to launch their “Amerikabomber” from Greenland, inflicting ‘shock and awe’ upon New York. As a parallel strategy, Hitler had also amassed a group of scientists to develop rockets capable of delivering deadly payloads to every corner of the globe:
Once the V2 rocket began raining down on the UK and Europe, the Allied Forces knew they were in a race against time. They had to defeat Germany and Japan before another devastating weapon was developed. Fortunately, history records that the Allied Forces defeated the Nazis in 1945. Unfortunately, we are learning that this did not mean that the Allied Forces put an end to the technology and research the Germans were undertaking; far from it:
When U.S. Army Major Robert B. Staver obtained the list of scientists, the hunt was on to capture them as quickly as possible. The entire project was known as Operation Paperclip. Over 1600 Nazi scientists were transported to America and employed by the government.
The most famous of these scientists was the engineer behind the V2 rocket, Werner von Braun. He continued his career with the US Army, and later with NASA.
However, it is important to understand that V2 rocket technology was not the only scientific asset that interested the American military industrial complex. They were fascinated by the human experiments performed by Gohrbandt, Vaernet, Mengele, Plotner and others. They wanted to know it all.
When it comes to weapons of war, the thirst for knowledge in this field comes at a cost. In this case, the Americans were forced to turn a blind eye to the war crimes of many of these individuals in order to obtain their knowledge. With America moving from WWII and into the Cold War, the cost associated with obtaining Nazi knowledge was justified. The thousands of souls that were tortured, dismembered, or experimented on by Nazi scientists, would never see justice.
We must reiterate that the Nazis were deeply embedded within the much larger, Ariosophic cult of the Thule society. By not bringing these men to justice, the Nazis appeared to have been defeated, but the cult survived, and it was able to continue within the American military industrial complex.
(Source: CIA CREST Database)
If ex-Reich spies had somehow gained control of the CIA, it would potentially mean that the Ariosophic cult that wreaked havoc upon the world from 1917-1945 was now embedded within the American intelligence services. This infiltration would most likely include its allies, such as the “Five Eyes” nations, allowing the cult to fester within their respective intelligence agencies, and beyond.
Left unchecked, this cult morphed into a “Deep State”, spanning across every nation who did not rout them out. This cult had become an invisible army, controlling nations from within.
This embedded enemy would explain why Nazi war criminals were given immunity, and in some cases able to operate directly under the nose of the CIA, Mi6, and other intelligence agencies:
The ‘Butcher of Lyon’ was not the only Nazi involved with South American drug cartels:
It appears that the natural career progression for a Nazi researcher was to either be recruited into NASA, the CIA, or to dabble in illegal narcotics trafficking with South American drug cartels. Suffice it to say that #PrussiaGate has found another investigation to pursue; The Prussian Origins of the US Southern Border will be coming soon.
We will provide a more detailed look into Operation Paperclip in our next multi-part series titled, Trust Ze Science. This series will reveal exactly how the infiltration of the entire US government took place, who was involved, and what the consequences were.
An Ode to the Prussian Dickie
Living it up in South America, Mengele and Barbie were not alone; Carl Vaernet was in Beunos Aires enjoying himself at the expense of the Swedish government. Vaernet was aided by the British, which begs the question: Which Brits were involved in rescuing Nazi war criminals?
Recall in our article, Marburg Files, Prince Philip, Hitler and the Queen of England, we presented the cozy relationship Edward VIII shared with Adolf Hitler. This scandal eventually forced Edward VIII to abdicate the British throne. However, he did not foster this relationship on his own; backchannels were needed to maintain communication. Who cultivated this royal Nazi relationship?
Lord Louis Mountbatten, or ‘Dickie’, had all the necessary relationships in place to nurture the Nazi backchannel with the British royals, as well as organize the Swedish pension plan and relocation of Dr. Carl Vaernet to Argentina.
We will probably never know the exact communications between the British Royals and the Nazis, because they were stored deep within the Marburg castle vaults. However, they were discovered by American military intelligence, and have been in safe-keeping away from the public eye, ever since.
There are revelations about Dickie Mountbatten that point to his affinity for Greco-Uranian “boy love”:
It would appear that Dickie may have partaken in the same perversions as the Nazi and Thule luminaries of the day. His lust for boys and keen interest in military operations are signature passions for those in the Ariosophic cult:
As was the case with Ernst Rohm, it appeared that Dickie kept his own harem of men in Ireland to deliver the young boys to his lair. But there was more to Dickie than just his passion for Greco-Urania love.
The Coronation of Charles is now complete. Perhaps now is a good time to reflect on the men who have surrounded and influenced Charles the most. Whether it was Charles’ father, Prince Philip, espousing his depopulation agenda; his brother Andrew, with his close ties to Jeffrey Epstein; his close friend and necrophiliac pedophile Jimmy Saville; or his mentor and great-uncle Dickie; we can safely assume that the new King will carry the torch of the British Commonwealth with the vigor and grace that is expected of him.
(0:41 seconds)
The young man trying to escape Buckingham Palace certainly seemed to be in a hurry to get away from the place. If the cult had infected the British Royal family, perhaps the ghosts of Ernst Rohm and Dickie Mountbatten had appeared before him, and tried to do unspeakable sado-masochistic things to the poor boy. It is hard to imagine what else would explain why he chose to leave one of the most public buildings on earth, butt naked out of the top floor window.
Regardless, the British now have Charles in charge. As we presented in Part IX of An Ode to the Prussian Pickle, Charles is now the “keystone” of the British Commonwealth’s Constitutional Monarchy, and is therefore above the law. With his vision to use the Terra Carta mandate to transform the world into a Transylvanian poorhouse, we wait with bated breath to see Charles’ next move.
The Kult and The Evolution of Science
We began this series with President Trump’s tweets regarding the immediate removal of transgenders from the military. From there, we dived deeply into the origins and evolution of gender identity. As we progressed, we discovered the true intent of the Nazi movement was to implement the vision of an Ariosophic cult; one that was rife with symbolism. Its ultimate aim was to transform society to a point where it would be ruled by sado-masochistic homosexual men who could have their way with underage boys, while simultaneously exterminating all races and cultures that disagreed with them.
When the Nazis were destroyed in 1945, the cult continued. The gruesome experiments they performed provided findings that no sane civilization could ever achieve. The knowledge obtained from the torture of thousands of victims was priceless, and some of the Allied Forces wanted that knowledge, whatever the cost. As a result, the Nuremberg trials provided the illusion of justice, but the truth was that a blind-eye was being turned on the Nazi atrocities of the past, and plans were made for them to continue. The cult was able to re-group, re-organize and re-capitalize.
To re-capitalize, many of the Nazis escaped to South America, involving themselves in the drug trade. As a historical sidenote, the isolation of cocaine from the Coca leaf was a German chemist, Albert Niemann, in 1859 39. This was yet another Prussian invention which changed the world forever. Cocaine became prolific throughout the world by the 1880s, with psychoanalysts like Siegmen Freud declaring it could cure depression and erectile disfunction.
However, the process of transforming the Coca leaf into cocaine requires three things; knowledge, technology, and chemicals. By 1945, the Nazis were the leaders in all three; producing narcotics in Germany on an incredible scale. In order to make money in a post-WWII world, many Nazis in South America used their know-how to provide high quality cocaine for drug cartels. This provided much-needed cash for the Old Guard Nazis to rebuild.
Strangely, American and British intelligence were aware of these happenings, and yet nothing happened. The reason for this will be revealed in the next series.
Regardless, the knowledge of cocaine manufacturing was just a small part of the Nazi regime’s CV. From Crystal Meth to hormone therapy, the Nazi scientists developed chemicals that could do almost anything to a human being. Soldiers took meth to enhance their fighting skills, while others were forcefully injected with other chemicals to wipe their minds, and alter their identities.
These chemicals were produced in abundance by none other than IG Farben.
Now, this knowledge was in the hands of the Allied Forces who appear to have allowed the Ariosophic cult to continue within the walls of their democratic institutions.
They understood how to weaponize propaganda.
They understood the power of trauma bonding.
They knew how to induce schizophrenia.
They understood the effects of chemicals on the human mind.
They wanted to control the human mind.
Over the next few decades, this cult would have access to the most advanced scientific research and laboratories in the world. Their knowledge on mind control techniques were so advanced that no one questioned their methods, nor their end-goals.
What could possibly go wrong?
To be continued…
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ibid ↩︎
https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1761124/lord-mountbatten-king-charles-relationship-spt ↩︎
https://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/cocaine/a-short-history.html ↩︎