In Part I, we presented a brief history of gays throughout the ages; from Ancient Greece, Rome and even the legendary king of Prussia, Frederick the Great. Without question, gays and lesbians have been around for thousands of years, with each civilization developing their own customs and laws on the matter. Some gays, like Frederick the Great, occupied the highest echelons of power. What was certain, however, was that gay men and women were always regarded as men and women.
This all changed in 1806 when Prussia had its proverbial ass handed to them by Napoleon. It was a severe shock to the collective psyche of Prussia. Such a brutal defeat at the hands of the “sissy-boy” French was interpreted that Prussian society had descended into a bunch of “girlie-men”.
Just as Frederick the Great’s father had tried to “beat the gay” out of his son, Prussia’s leaders tried to do the same to their society as a whole.
Mandatory military service for every Prussian man was introduced. Irrespective of whether war was on the horizon, the Prussian men would be highly trained, drilled into military precision, and indoctrinated into the belief that they were superior men.
Compulsory schooling for children was also to be done as early as possible, and Prussian children were considered property of the state. Their role in society would now be clearly defined by a corps of teachers whose job was to indoctrinate these young minds to accept everything that was fed to them. We presented how this became the template of modern public education in The Prussian Origins of Modern Education.
At the very bottom of Prussia’s societal pile sat the gay community. It was understood in no uncertain terms, that homosexuality had no role to play in the “universal homogeneous state” that Hegel and his army of Prussian philosophers had envisioned. It was a crime against the Prussian state to be gay.
With the State now in control of every aspect of its citizenry, what could possibly go wrong?
In the 1860s, while Prussia was busy annihilating Denmark, Austria-Hungary and eventually France, one man stood up to Prussian totalitarian rule: Karl Heinrich Ulrichs published his gay rights newsletter, Uranus, declaring that homosexuals and lesbians were neither male nor female, but something in between. Ulrichs “third sex” theory gave birth to the idea that “other genders” existed. Ulrichs adopted a term from Plato’s Symposium to describe them.
Ulrichs referred to himself, and other gays, as Uranians.
This is perhaps the most important point in the transgender movement’s history. Prior to Ulrichs’ theory, gay men and women were still considered men and women. By defining himself as a Uranian, Ulrichs had inadvertently ACCEPTED the insane personality-traits which had been mandated to define Prussian men and women; he pronounced himself to be neither. While he may have been trying to avoid the radical stereotyping of genders, the concept of gender identity was born. In Prussian society, Uranians were viewed as anything other than male or female.
The history of how this came to be an issue shows that it is possible that transgenderism was the indirect result of a Prussian mass psychosis induced by the loss to Napoleon.
De-Humanizing the Ubermensch
Another Prussian philosopher of notoriety was Friedrich Nietzsche. One of his most famous ideas was the concept of the Ubermensch, or ‘Superman’:
Ulrichs referred to himself, and other gays, as Uranians.
This is perhaps the most important point in the transgender movement’s history. Prior to Ulrichs’ theory, gay men and women were still considered men and women. By defining himself as a Uranian, Ulrichs had inadvertently ACCEPTED the insane personality-traits which had been mandated to define Prussian men and women; he pronounced himself to be neither. While he may have been trying to avoid the radical stereotyping of genders, the concept of gender identity was born. In Prussian society, Uranians were viewed as anything other than male or female.
The history of how this came to be an issue shows that it is possible that transgenderism was the indirect result of a Prussian mass psychosis induced by the loss to Napoleon.
De-Humanizing the Ubermensch
Another Prussian philosopher of notoriety was Friedrich Nietzsche. One of his most famous ideas was the concept of the Ubermensch, or ‘Superman’:
For Nietzsche, the Ubermensch was a personal journey toward self-perfection. One thing he would never have intended was for it to become the template for the Prussian state to use as justification for genetic purification. In fact, he abhorred the idea:
Standing up to the Prussian machine was no easy task, and it took a strength of character to do so. In this vein, one must honor the courage it took for Ulrichs to stand against the might of the German Reich. The Prussian humiliation by Napoleon was over three generations earlier, but it was still an open sore amongst the Prussian elite. Never again would the Reich descend into effeminate weakness, and yet here was Ulrichs arguing for the repeal of Article 175 of the German criminal code:
This code contained very clear language. Homosexuality was put on par with bestiality, effectively lowering the status of a gay to that of an animal.
This may sound like an exaggeration, but in our article, Evolution of Slavery – Part II, we presented an open letter presented by Frank Weston, Bishop of Zanzibar. It was titled “The Black Slaves of Prussia”, and it was a desperate plea for the British military to put an end to the torture of African slaves at the hand of the Germans… in 1917.
Nothing would stand in the way of Prussia’s pursuit to become the superior race. Humans that were not considered fit enough for the future of their society were no longer viewed as human beings. This barbarous and inhumane trait of Prussian society inspired yet another man to rise against the totalitarian state. That man was the Prussian, Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld:
It was most likely that this imprisoned gay man was charged under Article 175. This showcased the brutality of the Prussian regime, which completely disregarded the humanity of those they deemed unfit for their society. Hirschfeld was one of the few who were inspired to stand against such tyranny.
However, Hirschfeld operated under the same false principles as his predecessor, Ulrichs. Once again, he ACCEPTED the Prussian premise which applied a narrow, character-based definition of male and female. By continuing to define gays and lesbians as neither man nor woman, but Uranian, Hirschfeld was validating the Prussian gender identity insanity.
In his bravery, Hirschfeld promoted the idea of the ‘third sex’, and the possibility of a multi-gender identity. He considered himself a Uranian, or “Urning” in German. Those who looked to him for medical help regarding their gay-plight, also began to identify as Uranians. It seemed that Prussians were just not willing to accept a world where there were only two genders, each of which may contain people with a broad range of different personalities and talents.
It was here that the militant march toward a hyper-masculine Prussian Ubermensch society took a poignant twist.
The Uranian Army
In 1893, Hirschfeld experienced yet another life altering event:
The soldier had referred to himself as a Uranian. He also left a suicide note which asked Hirschfeld to educate other Uranians. A few years later, Hirschfeld founded the Wissenschaflich-humanitares Komitee, or Scientific Humanitarian Committee. This was a platform which aimed to repeal Article 175, and decriminalize homosexuality. 8
With Hirschfeld now at the forefront of gay-rights in the German Reich, he became the “go to” man for all things Uranian.
In his pursuit to justify and decriminalize homosexual behavior, Hirschfeld formed a relationship with German psychiatrist and criminologist, Paul Nacke. It was critical to win the favor of Nacke, because as a leading criminologist, he had strong views on how criminals should be treated in the Reich:
If Nacke wanted to cut the balls off degenerate criminals, Hirschfeld wanted to make sure that it did not include gays. In 1904, he invited Nacke to a “night on the town” in Berlin:
We must pause to digest the societal context of Berlin in the early 1900s. Don’t lose sight of the detail that this was taking place nearly a decade before WWI. Impacted by the suicide in 1893, Hirschfeld had been dealing ever since with many gay soldiers. Even though 1904 Europe was peaceful, gay German soldiers were openly violating Article 175; even going as so far to prostitute themselves:
Nacke was duly impressed at the decorum displayed in these bars, and declared that homosexuality was definitely not a degenerate crime which deserved castration. Nacke then fell under the spell of the “third sex” theory, and went to even greater extremes to describe certain characteristics of the Uranian people:
Yes, you read that correctly. Even the insane notion of male menstruation was developed in the Prussian capital of Berlin. Is there no end to the material that exists for #PrussiaGate?
What is more important to note is the staggering number of homosexuals that were in the German military, some of whom were openly prostituting themselves near the Berlin barracks. Why did the might of the German military; the pride of Prussian uber-masculinity, accommodate so many gays?
Integral to the Wehrmacht were the very people who had allegedly feminized and weakened their beloved military machine; the very folk they despised as an unacceptable part of Prussian society. It was an incredible paradox.
In short, since the Prussian definition of a man and a woman was so perverted back in 1806, gays had simply found a way around the intolerance.
The result a century later? Within the mighty Reich’s army was a vibrant, gay community. Essentially, an army of Uranians.
Preparing for the Great War
In the Not Since 1917 series, Parts I and II, we presented how the German Reich had been preparing for the Great War for decades prior to 1914. Far from being a spontaneous conflagration started by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, events leading up to WWI prove that Germany was carefully preparing the moment to strike and swiftly take over Europe. There was a financial preparation (which we shall address in a future article), as well as an intense military preparation. The latter was known as the Schlieffen Plan.
Recalling the Schlieffen Plan is very important to our story here, because it illustrates that even in a time of world peace, Germany was ferociously preparing its Reich for all-out war. This brutal military preparation viciously impacted the soldiers under the Reich’s command. They were drilled into submission; forged into a unified force, with a military precision that the world came to fear.
During all of this military preparation in the early 1900s, the two main Prussian sexologists were commentating on the phenomenon of the number of gays in the German armed forces:
Notably, it was ten years before the outbreak of WWI that Hirschfeld and another sexologist, Adolf Brand, were developing competing theories as to why gays were so prevalent in the German military.
The debate was about why gays were in the German military, not if they were. According to Article 175 of the Reich’s criminal code, there were to be zero practising gays anywhere in the kingdom, let alone in the military. The gay German soldier became as confused as ever, wondering if he was Arthur, Martha, or some strange new Uranian hybrid.
The Shell Shocked Uranian
As soon as the Great War began, Germany was on a tear to implement their beloved Schlieffen Plan. As the Not Since 1917 series outlines, this did not go as planned, and the global conflict lasted for years. The enormous bloodshed and suffering during this time can never be forgotten, but there was an even greater blow to the psyche of humanity, particularly in Germany.
The German soldier gave every last fiber of their being to the Great War. They followed their commanders’ orders to the letter, and by 1917 they had almost achieved victory. It was the first time that total war with modern weaponry had engulfed the world. From the air, sea, and land, soldiers on both sides faced death at almost every moment.
The psychological toll was unimaginable:
Knowing the German military had so many gay soliders, some who were even prostituting themselves in Berlin, it is little wonder that an unusual coping mechanism was being used at the front line:
The German soldier may have represented physical perfection, but psychologically they were breaking down:
Recall, if you were a Prussian man who had any ‘feminine’ emotions, you were not considered a man; you were considered to be Uranian. Under the immense stress of war, fear is a very natural emotion. However, for the German soldiers, fear was a validation of weakness, therefore confirming that they were not real men, but Uranian.
The psychology of the German soldier was of great interest during the Great War. Once they identified as Uranian, they were free from the Prussian definition of hyper-masculinity. Poetry on the front-line began to emerge:
All of this was taking place as horrific trench warfare was raging. Severe trauma was altering soldiers’ perceptions of themselves. Some men fantasized about becoming females, while others validated their new love of men by considering it to be a superior form of masculinity. German war veteran Georg Pfeiffer explained:
Pfeiffer and his colleagues suggested they were the “ideal warriors” and saw themselves as more masculine than their heterosexual comrades; they were embracing a form of uber-masculinity. Regardless, the ravages of the Great War accelerated debate in Germany regarding homosexuality and the military.
Prussia had not been defeated since their humiliation in 1806 to Napoleon. The loss of WWI would be catastrophic to the German Reich, its economy, and the collective soul of the State. Things were about to get a lot worse. The German Reich would collapse, hyperinflation was just around the corner, soldiers were grappling with their sexuality, and sexologists were busy rationalizing that it was their psychological trauma that was turning them into a third “Uranian” gender.
Weimar, War and Art
Make no mistake, Germany was in psychological trauma after WWI. The Weimar Republic and the debauchery that followed is viewed by many liberal progressives as a period of ‘liberation’ and celebration of the emerging Uranians. Nothing could be further from the truth. On the surface, a carefree Berlin was the place of raunchy parties, cabaret shows, and tolerance for all things non-heterosexual. However, the Weimar underbelly was a place of poverty, desperation, prostitution, murder, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality and a host of other atrocities that were plunging everyone into a living hell.
Otto Dix was a famous German artist during the Weimar era. He was a volunteer in the German military, served as a machine-gunner, and was badly wounded during the Great War. His art was a clear display as to what happens to a society that has been psycho-socially destroyed by war.
The explosion of Uranians was not just confined to men. Women too, who were essentially forced to fend for themselves as the ravages of hyperinflation took hold, began to have “masculine feelings”, connecting with their own inner-Uranian.
When the Nazi regime seized Germany, Dix was a target. He was not gay, but his art revealed the massive trauma to the human psyche brought on by war. Unbelievably, the Nazi’s conscripted Dix in WWII, and he became a prisoner of war.
Dix’s art had served as a clear warning about the psychological cost of war, but not enough people paid attention. Berlin was not a party town, it was a hell-hole, with its people experiencing a collective trauma. Those doing the partying did not understand that their fates were already sealed; economic hardship was already hitting the nation. “Partying in the now” with a total disregard for the future, never ends well.
On the other side, the Nazi party was building throughout the 1920s, and signing deals and partnerships with the biggest corporations in the world. The open debauchery in Berlin was disgusting average Germans, and this would later serve the Nazi political machine, and eventually hand power to Hitler.
The only person who appeared to make sense during this time was Otto Dix, who was desperately trying to point out that Germany needed to recover and stop pursuing war as an industry; a notion that was an affront to the Prussian old-guard.
The Weimar Goose Is Cooked
In the Not Since 1917 series, we detailed the horrors occurring in the Weimar Republic. A radical left-wing government had taken over the Republic and they had no idea how to manage the economy. The hyperinflation began with an energy shortage (coal), after the French and Belgians occupied the Ruhr. The Ruhr occupation was slap in the face to patriotic Germans, but the hyperinflation that followed destroyed what was left of the nation.
Those who celebrate the Weimar as a period of “free-expression” and wild parties, simply ignore the ugly truth of this period.
Women, men and children were so poor from the hyperinflation that they had little choice but to prostitute themselves in order to live. Pharmacies pimped out children using a code language for the child’s prescription (age, sex, hair color, etc.), with the child being delivered directly to the paying pedophile:
Since the value of the German currency had been utterly destroyed, foreign visitors could indulge in their wildest fantasies for a mere few billion Weimars; the equivalent of a couple of dimes:
This was not a celebration of freedom; it was a descent into madness and pure evil. When Napoleon humiliated Prussia in 1806, the Prussians blamed themselves for being too effeminate, resulting in a maniacal focus on gender identity. Over a century later, they would lose yet another war. History would once again rhyme, and the Germans would become obsessed with gender identity once again.
Just like the front-line soldiers, sexual fantasy had become a national coping mechanism for the trauma of living in Germany at this time.
The Prussian obsession with defining everything through the masculine and feminine took on a whole new meaning. Despite the obvious social warning signs, their sexual perversions became even more horrendous. No one was safe; adults, children, and even animals were all open season. They had even found a disgusting new meaning to the idiom, “your goose is cooked”:
These atrocities are important aspects of the Weimar Republic that go unnoticed by the liberal-elite who celebrate this period. The German nation was clearly in a form of trauma, and some began to hate women for their humiliating predicament.
The middle class and below were sexually objectifying themselves in order to survive. With this, came an explosion of Uranians of every perceivable variety. Worse still, there were brutal murders that were being diagnosed as mere fantasies, sexual transgressions, or simply explained away as artistic expression.
It was one of the most fucked-up periods in history. Very few people living through this nightmare were enjoying their time in the Weimar Republic.
However, there appears to have been two exceptions: The sexologists and the Nazis. Both were looking on with equal curiosity, but for very different reasons.
Confirmation Bias and Castration
The sexology business was booming in Weimar Germany, and the exploding population of Uranians was a major talking point.
As we presented earlier, the highly-revered Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld adopted the Uranian theory developed by Ulrichs – anyone not aligning with the state-sanctioned character traits which defined a male or a female, was some sort of gender hybrid. Since the late 1800s, Hirschfeld had promoted the rights of gays, however his advocacy work would not be limited there:
The Prussians sure love a good certificate!!
By the 1920s, Hirschfeld was a legend in the field of sexology. However, his Uranian theory was based off no scientific evidence whatsoever. Hirschfield was unphased by this detail, as the insanity taking place in Weimar appeared to validate his theory:
As Hirschfeld’s fame expanded, so did his outrageous claims. As the pre-eminent ‘third sex’ practitioner, he had thrown the scientific process and rigor out the window. Not once did Hirschfeld, or any of his colleagues, explore the booming Uranian phenomenon on the basis of mental illness or trauma, even though the signs were everywhere.
Uranians from around the world were flocking to Berlin. In Hirschfeld’s mind, this explosion of gays, lesbians, transvestites, pedophiles, necrophiliacs and the like, provided the necessary confirmation that multiple genders existed between the traditional definitions of male and female. Hirschfeld was suffering from severe confirmation bias.
Hirschfeld was invested in his theory being correct, and skewed his observations to support his theory. Once under the spell of his own “genius”, Hirschfeld began taking things to a whole new level:
Hirschfeld was experimenting with gender surgery well before 1930. His first experiment was in 1906 and the patient was Martha Baer, a lesbian feminist activist, who referred to herself as Karl:
Karl Martha Baer suffered from trauma, mental illness and suicidal tendencies, and for Dr. Hirschfeld to disregard these factors and simply suggest experimental gender reassignment surgery is simply staggering.
The success rate of transgender surgeries in the early 20th century were horrendous, and Hirschfeld was there to oversee most of them during the Weimar Republic. However, it would not be until 1930 when Hirschfeld would attempt the first male-to-female surgery.
Elbe’s real name was Einer Wegener. Einer had already identified as his own sister, indicating that serious signs of a split personality disorder were present. For Hirschfeld, this was another irrelevant factor in deciding the necessity of Einer’s surgery:
Einer’s transition cost him his life. Those documenting his history as the “first known male to female surgery” rarely mention the surgical failure or Einer’s personality disorder, which is evidence of a complete lack of any rigor or application of scientific method through this entire process.
Hirschfeld was from a conservative Prussian-Jewish family, and the rise of the Nazis drew his career to a dramatic close:
At this point, it is worth noting that the head of the Nazi SS, Ernst Rohm, was gay 43. Rohm was the leader of the feared “storm troopers” and one of Hitler’s closest associates 44. Rohm headed up the militant arm of the Nazi Party, and they wasted no time in moving on Hirschfeld’s institute once they took power. Considering Rohm was gay, it makes no sense that he would willingly oversee an operation to cleanse homosexuality from the Fourth Reich. Was there something else going on?
Weaponized Urania
In our article, Prussian Weaponized Philosophy, we showed how the Prussian state weaponized philosophy to serve their own state agenda. For Prussia, the concept of the master-slave dialectic was all encompassing, laying the foundations for the rise of fascism in the 20th century, and the evolution of Marxism which we are facing today.
The kult of Prussia will always conceptualize and understand phenomena through the lens of war. Everything discovered is assessed for its ability to be weaponized. Prussia has succeeded in this endeavor with philosophy, education, central banking and the use of corporations. They were able to do this because they had mastered the art of infiltration instead of invasion.
When Germany descended into sexual anarchy after WWI, the old-guard Prussians would have looked on in amazement. Recall, Prussia is not a nation, but an army that controls nations. The Prussian regime had no attachment to the German people whatsoever. As Germany’s men, women and children were being prostituted, raped, and even killed, the Prussians were noticing something incredible; something they could possibly use in the future.
Men were turning into women; women into men. Even animals were being violated in ways no one could previously have imagined. Germans were losing their shit. There was nothing normal about what was taking place in Weimar Germany. It was a nation that had been plunged into a deep trauma.
Unlike Hirschfeld, who completely ignored trauma and mental illness as a cause for the sexual madness unfolding, the kult of Prussia observed the power of trauma in causing numerous personality disorders. Had Prussia discovered something that could alter the psyche of human beings; both individually and collectively?
Could trauma alter a person’s psyche? Could trauma induce a new personality? Could trauma change sexual preference?
There is little doubt the Prussian rulers were exploring these questions. There is also no doubt that the Nazi’s knew that a plethora of information on these topics was stored within Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld’s sexology institute:
The Nazis confiscated Hirschfeld’s material. Whether they destroyed it or not, we may never know. It was claimed that the material was burned on the street, but there was another curious event within the Hirschfeld community that requires further attention:
Gohrbandt had infiltrated the dark surgeries performed under the supervision of Hirschfeld. When he joined the Luftwaffe as chief medical advisor, he would be under the watchful eye of the infamous Joseph Mengele. The Nazis obviously valued Hirschfeld’s work to such an extent that they were prepared to employ Gohrbandt’s expertise. This detail suggests that it is unlikely they destroyed the decades of highly valued notes and research observations prepared by Hirschfeld. In fact, the Nazis were obsessed with knowing what made homosexuals tick:
The Nazis were interrogating the minds of gays, and building a huge database along the way. They, like Hirschfeld, were developing a theory on homosexuality. While Hirschfeld’s theorized that gays and lesbians were no longer male or female, the Nazis’ theory was circling around the concept of trauma as a means of altering sexuality.
The database the Nazis were building by interrogating arrested gays would be used to validate future research projects.
Like Hirschfeld, the Nazis also had preconceived ideas as to the nature and origins of homosexuality. It was treated as a disease, caught by traumatic experience, such as war.
Gays were terrorized by the Gestapo. When arrested and placed under interrogation, many of them would simply agree with their interrogators in order to be set free; “they were not really homosexual”, “they were men with a disease”, “they needed to be treated for their disease so they would no longer be gay”.
As the Nazis began compiling their huge database, they began to believe their own bullshit. They completely disregarded that most of the answers they had received from arrested gays would be under duress. They were convinced that trauma was a major cause of homosexuality.
The Nazi scientific community continued to ponder. What else could be “caught” through trauma?
Gays were an easy target and already ‘on the radar’, and so they were rounded up as guinea pigs for the psychiatric lab:
There was now an unlimited number of gay specimens locked up in concentration camps that could be used for experiments:
Joseph Mengele, the father of “trauma-bonding”, led the entire research project, and expanded it in a way no reasonable human being could ever imagine.
The world was about to enter a new phase of darkness.
To be continued…
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