Trust Ze Science - Part VI

Are we living through a massive psychological operation?

This is the final article in this series. We finished Part V showing that the CIA were carrying out an array of mind control and human-behavior experiments. We showed how the truth of these maniacal experiments sometimes emerges 50-years after the event, along with a sub-narrative gently confirming people’s belief that these things could never be taking place today. We showed how the invisible enemy is conditioning the collective mind that humans are best understood as “ecology”, meaning we will need to be well-managed to ensure our right to breathe doesn’t unbalance the ecosystem. As humanity is conditioned in this fashion, we become acclimatized to such narratives; accepting the Enlightened Despot’s offer to manage humanity - for the greater good.

In Evolution of Slavery – Part III, we discussed that there is a very real battle over who controls the will of humanity. The battle for the will of humanity is a primary theme in this article. As a quick refresher, World Economic Forum advisor and confidante of Klaus Schwab, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, clearly spells out the intentions of these megalomaniacs, including their opinion about free-will (1:14 mins):

In the 1960s, the MKULTRA program was being exposed and they needed some rebranding, in order that these mind-control experiments remained away from public awareness. This rebranding arrived in the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology in 1955; a name that was later shortened to the Human Ecology Fund.

The use of the term “ecology” in this context was not new. Indeed, those who first popularized it over a century ago now, were also pushing a very dark agenda:


Today, the purpose of this old British Society reveals they are the ones bringing “settled science" to our governments:

We will come back to these ecological think-tanks and their role in public-policy making, later in this article.

We focus briefly on the players around the British Ecological Society for a reason. After its founding in 1913, the progression of Huxley and Nicholson’s “crusade”, saw them both go on to establish the World Wildlife Fund with Prince Philip and Prince Bernhard, further consolidating this insane “ruling doctrine” that was being thrust upon the world.

These are not random coincidences. This was a carefully planned operation upon the collective mind of humanity. Prominent environmentalists were all getting involved. It is not lost on us that many of these ‘thought-leaders’ seem to have unusually close relationships with the Royals:

Close friend of Prince Philip, Sir David Attenborough, paid tribute to his “extra-ordinary friend” after his death:


Attenborough had already started to show his true colors back in about 2011; appearing to channel his inner Paul Ehrlich, the maniac who wrote “The Population Bomb”, Attenborough started the narrative suggesting people were “a plague on the earth”. “Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now,” he said.3

This mission by prominent scientists and friends of the British Royals certainly did appear like a “crusade” – a crusade to seize control of the global depopulation narrative!

Do our biddings:

The declassification of the CIA documents we are showcasing in this series allows us to see the intent behind these projects. If you like, these files are moving us beyond “a” story that we’ve been given, and revealing “the” story of what was really going on:

Source: CIA CREST Database4

The above screen shot notes two subtle details which are so significant, we cannot gloss over them:

  1. The research had “early on developed offensive objectives”; and

  2. The victims of the CIA’s mind control program would “do our biddings against his will…”

A declassified 1954 Memo confirms the CIA’s ability to make people “do our bidding” was already extremely advanced. It was even tailored to certain ethnic groups and people’s philosophy. This maniacal line of research was named Operation Artichoke:


A sub-program within ARTICHOKE was name BLUEBIRD, and it revealed some hideous detail about the CIA’s research into the possibilities around hypnosis (noted as “H”):


Is it possible that some of the odd train and plane crashes in recent years are somehow related to this research?

This shows why the nature of this research had to be hidden from the public. For those interested in this behavioral research, there is a treasure trove of declassified CIA files in the link above, and here.

Just as the CIA were hiding this insane research in the 1950s, we can see today that the world is still being lied to about the CIA’s activities:


Whatever was taking place in Wuhan, we have shown earlier in this series that a simultaneous psychological operation was deployed in relation to Covid-19. We have shown that corporations were involved, NGOs and global think-tanks were involved, universities were involved, governments were involved, and the media were leading this assault upon the minds of the people. Recognizing this alone, should be cause for serious concern, and at least activate questions about our current reality.

University Kinder-Gardens:

While the media were attacking everyone without fear or favor, the youth were the enemy’s real focus. To understand the assault being waged upon the youth, we will go back to the Human Ecology Fund, and gather some more context.

All commentary below is sourced from the featured article, unless otherwise referenced. The reference to ‘Keeney’, the chairperson of the Human Ecology Fund, is to Barnaby Conrad Keeney who was also the 12th President of Brown University8 from 1955 – 1966. In 1951 Keeney was the Dean of Brown University’s Graduate School. At this time, he took a leave of absence to join the CIA. Keeney was regarded as highly skilled in developing CIA assets and had designed training programs for new CIA recruits. Furthermore, the Political Science Professor at Brown University in 1965 was Lyman Kirkpatrick, a colleague of Keeney’s, who had himself been a CIA executive-director prior to joining Brown University.

Now, here’s where the detail matters. In 1962, while Keeney was still President of Brown University, he became chairman of the Human Ecology Fund, who were financing the MKULTRA programs.

Having established this context around Barnaby Keeney, we can make sense of the rest of the article:

Source: CIA CREST Database9

The CIA was using Keeney at Brown University to monitor students; recruiting the ‘cream of the crop’ to work for the CIA.

Keeney even admitted that these covert funding strategies were justified by the need for secrecy so that “enemy nations” didn’t find out about the research they were doing. However, this invisible enemy only cares about what people believe to be true, not what is actually true. They offer “a" story, but never reveal “the” story. The truth was that it wasn’t just other nations that were in the dark; the US people were also in the dark.

In another stunning example of the CIA using the media bullhorn to lie to the American people, then CIA Director Stansfield Turner (who had, in 1977, pretended to be remorseful about Sidney Gottlieb’s “abhorrent” LSD experiments) assured the world that there was no evidence that Brown University was connected to the CIA:

Source: CIA CREST Database10

Despite Keeney being President of the Human Ecology Fund in 1962, while also being President of Brown University, the CIA Director gave the public a completely different story. Case closed; stop thinking; please move on from exploring these baseless conspiracy theories. The brazen ability of these despots to lie, and the power of the media-narrative to support their lies, is truly unbelievable.

We have unpacked this particular example to show the coordination, the intent, and the secrecy behind these government-funded behavioral research projects. Regrettably, humanity is now realizing that the word “intelligence” in the CIA name is not offered within a protective context; it was weaponized against the people long-ago. Is it possible that the CIA is now fulfilling its “offensive objectives”, as their internal documents reveal they were studying decades ago?

Admiral Stansfield Turner was a controlled asset and a liar; his narrative was embraced by the main stream media to make the nasty truth disappear, back into the shadows.

In case you were wondering, the CIA’s access to the Brown University kinder-garden was not a one-off occurrence:

Source: CIA CREST Database11

In previous articles we revealed that Yale and Harvard Universities had some very dark goings-on. Keeney was also Harvard trained (Ibid. p.45) This document reveals that covert research operations inside universities may be far more extensive than anyone realized. The ongoing extent of these MKULTRA programs remains somewhat debatable, as research was continually being outsourced via obscure funding arms, sometimes with very odd names.

What we do know is that it did expand into Canada in the early 1960s, enjoying government funding. It seems that universities were providing the perfect base for the CIA to carry out these types of research projects:


While neither the US or Canadian governments have ever confirmed the above assertions, the following declassified letter from the CIA in 1984 confirmed this Canadian research project, as well as the use of a program called “psychic driving”, which involved repetitive audio messaging:

Source: CIA CREST Database13

It is noteworthy that the CIA’s letter to the Senate didn’t dispute their connection to the Human Ecology Fund, and nor did they deny funding the Canadian program. They just stated that they provided no direction or supervision to Mr. Cameron. This is another example of the magician’s sleight of hand. For those interested, we exposed the hideous nature of Cameron’s work in Urania – Part V.

At the same time, an almost-identical model was rolled out in Australia’s Sydney University, in June 196014. Professor Martin Orne, remembered as one of the 20th century’s greatest psychologists, commenced a three-month sabbatical at the University of Sydney, attracted by its world-renowned psychology faculty. The project focused on drugs and hypnotism. During the 1950s, Sydney University’s reputation meant it was regarded in the top five most-significant hypnosis labs in the world. The public story offered was that the Soviets were developing mind-control capabilities, and so we had better learn how to do it, as well. The people never challenged this narrative, and so the invisible enemy rolled on, unabated.

These trials had Sydney University psychology students performing a series of seemingly dangerous acts, including picking up a venomous snake, and throwing a vat of nitric acid at an experimenter. While it was claimed that Sydney University staff were unaware of the fundwe being the CIA, we remain less convinced. Whatever the case, the truth was eventually revealed in the 1965 edition of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology:


At this point, we can see that there is almost zero distinction between the CIA, MKULTRA research and the Human Ecology Fund. It also seems that senior leadership has a revolving door linking them all to any university around the world willing to offer access.

These seemingly separate entities, function more like management-units within a large organization.

Controlling the humanities:

The shadowy connections we are exposing within the scientific research community go far deeper than we initially realized. In 1963, during the nuclear testing taking place in the Pacific (which we showcased in Part V) AND during Keeney’s tenure at Brown University and Human Ecology Fund, an extremely interesting gathering took place:


The Atomic Energy Commission’s involvement in this national commission was notable, because in 1946 Congress had passed the McMahon/Atomic Energy Act which transferred control of atomic energy from military to civilian hands. This shift gave the members of the AEC complete control of the plants, laboratories, equipment, and personnel assembled during the war to produce the atomic bomb.

The goal of this 1963 national commission was clear, and you won’t believe who the leader was:


Coincidently and ironically, it was the Smithsonian publishing this detail. The National Endowment for the Humanities website provided some additional detail, which is relevant to understanding the Prussian regime of control that was slowly wrapping itself around the world:


We do not intend to gloss over the reference to Phi Beta Kappa, particularly given it is America’s oldest secret society, but before we go there, lets first focus on “the humanities”.

The outcome of this 1963 commission was a mandate to properly integrate “science” with the “study of the humanities”.

Was this commission a gathering of Enlightened Scientific Despots preparing to implement a new regime that would control the public narrative around scientific research? Was it just a coincidence that this occurred at around the same time as the arrival of the World Wildlife Fund, the 1001 Club, and other NGO funding arms, just before 1971?

The commission noted why “humanities” were essential to US democracy:


Why on earth would the commission’s report suggest that “humanities” were necessary to gaining wisdom, vision and “world leadership”? Why did Congress also create a funding arm for the Humanities? Actually, what the blazes even are “the humanities”?


The National Endowment for the Humanities is advised by the National Council on the Humanities,21 a board of twenty-six distinguished private citizens appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

Was this organization established to oversee studies concerned with human culture; to govern “stories, the ideas and the words” so that us poor “unenlightened ones” understand our own lives, and what our reality means for us?

Whatever the case, this organization wasn’t just government funded; it was a government agency:


Their scope covered language, linguistics, literature, history, philosophy, archaeology and religion. This organization has the potential to contextualize every aspect of human experience; telling the world what history means; even defining what is true and what is false?

Here are a couple of the sections within this agency:


Not only does the NEH have their own Inspector General, they have their own councils:


Once you recover from the shock of realizing that your tax-payer dollars are being spent on programs to create stories and ideas designed to inform you about what your life means, we have even more joy to bring you.

To really understand what was taking place here, let’s revisit who was driving the establishment of this organization. In addition to the Human Ecology Fund’s Chairman, Barnaby Keeney, one of the “scholarly” organizations pushing the NEH Bill through Congress was Phi Beta Kappa. This name caught our eye, because we revealed the origins of this secret society in Prussian Weaponized Philosophy.

Phi Beta Kappa was a notable arrival because of all that was taking place at the time of its founding. It is hard to believe that Phi Beta Kappa was not an initiative of Frederick the Great and the Enlightened Despots in the UK, given the date on which it commenced:

It is also notable at that just one day short of 3 years after its founding, Phi Beta Kappa found its way into our two favorite universities!


Supporting the assertion that Frederick was likely involved in founding America’s oldest secret society, we will demonstrate that the Freemason activity taking place at this time was ‘off-the-Richter’. Leading into the first presentation of the US Constitution, the ‘Institutes and Grand Constitutions of the Scottish Rite’ were being formulated, with private Constitutions also being issued by the Supreme Council in various countries around the world. Frederick was involved in all this up to his eyeballs:

Source: Lindsay, R.S. 1957. The Scottish Rite for Scotland.26

Having signed “The New Secret Institutes” document in Berlin on 1st May 1786, it was noted that the “busy events of his reign” had delayed Frederick’s signing. This was somewhat notable given that Frederick died a few months later, in August. Was Phi Beta Kappa’s arrival in 1776 one of the “secret institutes” keeping Frederick’s schedule so busy?

Having proclaimed himself the Grand Master of pretty-much everything, including the Philosophic Rite, Frederick had essentially given himself the title, The Grand Despot of all Despots.

We highlight the extent of activity around secret societies at this time, because the Crown absolutely knew they were losing control over the US people. King George III was receiving petitions in 1774, and the Declaration of Independence was made in 1776. None of this activity would have been lost on Frederick. Such goings-on would certainly constitute the “busy events of his reign” that delayed his signing of “The New Secret Institutes” document in 1786.

The detail of Masonic events around this time will need to be the subject of a future article that we will probably call “The Oranges of Freemasonry”.

Our Prussian Weaponized Philosophy article in December 2021 summed up the situation perfectly:

The emergence of Phi Beta Kappa suggests that a new ideological weapon was covertly being established within the US from 1776 onwards. It was a kingdom of the mind, parading around as absolute truth. “Trust the science”, it would say. This invisible enemy were creating a realm of philosophy. Without realizing it, humanity was being placed into a mind-control program. Eventually, it would be a crime to question anything, let alone suggest there is an invisible enemy, or a Deep State!

With Phi Beta Kappa having been established in Harvard and Yale in 1779, it is extremely notable that Phi Beta Kappa was a lead player in the 1963-push for the National Endowment for the Humanities, along-side Brown University’s Barnaby Keeney.

The NEH would go on to provide a mechanism to contextualize history and control the public narrative around any event taking place within modern society, particularly in relation to science and philosophy. Their government-status gives them incredible access into US Congress, government agencies and universities all around the world. This was looking like the perfect system in which to put the collective mind of humanity into a contextualized thought-form, or idea, from which it would be very difficult to leave.

Offensive objectives:

Earlier in this article, we noted that “offensive objectives” The possible connection between the two is even more-likely given that Barnaby Keeney was the leader of both. This begs the question, was the NEH just another CIA-front organization to allocate funding to ongoing covert research programs?

Because we know the deceptive tactics of the enemy, we understand they are willing to fall back, rebrand and re-emerge in a slightly different form.

If a rebranding had occurred, we would see evidence that such projects were ongoing after they were “officially” closed. This 1988 paper prepared by the Air War College clearly shows that offensive mind-control objectives were still being pursued within US military circles: had crept into the CIA-funded mind-control programs, even testing whether subjects might crash planes. We also know that the CIA’s Human Ecology Fund was “officially” shut down in 1965. Given this date, we are almost obliged to be curious about the arrival of the National Endowment for the Humanities, in the same year!

The possible connection between the two is even more-likely given that Barnaby Keeney was the leader of both. This begs the question, was the NEH just another CIA-front organization to allocate funding to ongoing covert research programs?

Because we know the deceptive tactics of the enemy, we understand they are willing to fall back, rebrand and re-emerge in a slightly different form.

If a rebranding had occurred, we would see evidence that such projects were ongoing after they were “officially” closed. This 1988 paper prepared by the Air War College clearly shows that offensive mind-control objectives were still being pursued within US military circles:


We can see that in 1988, the US Air Force was urging against fear and cynicism in term of exploring untapped human capabilities. If fear and cynicism was successfully overcome, and these far-reaching explorations continued, where might we end up today?


What could possibly go wrong?

Trust ze Experts:

We might leave “Homo Robocopus” out of the picture at this stage, as we remain unconvinced as to how many people might enlist for this particular military assignment.

Whatever the case, it seems that research on the human mind hasn’t slowed down. The 1988 Air War College Research Report caught our eye because understanding that the invisible enemy considers the mind to be a new “battlefield dimension” is probably worth taking very seriously. We highlight this given the media is now working full-time, telling us what to believe, and what everything means for us. Take a moment to really contemplate what our governments are pushing upon the people, at this point in history.

In the face of this insane propaganda onslaught, people are slowly remembering that it is more-beneficial to be taught how to think, rather than be told what to think. This is happening slowly, but it is happening.

It would be fair to say that more people are questioning government’s instruction to “trust ze science” and “trust ze experts” than at any other point in history.

At the time of writing this article, we are seeing evidence that the three-letter intelligence agencies in the US have been compromised. They are happy to lie to Congress, lie to the public, take political prisoners and weaponize a corrupted legal system. The entire world is watching on, completely agog.

There are some days where reality feels like a pantomime. Truth is extremely illusive at this time in history, and people are realizing that something is horribly wrong with society, and something is horribly wrong with the governments that run it.

During the Covid pandemic in 2020 - 2022, people noticed that we were no longer being passively asked to “trust ze experts”; we were being ordered to “trust ze science, or else.” The insane media narrative became a daily call for compliance; almost like the invisible enemy was in a panic at how many people were questioning the foregone conclusions being presented.

While the establishment’s talking-heads yelled at the cameras, the people were disregarding their bull-shit narrative, and remembering that the genuine scientific method is the art of ongoing enquiry and continual exploration. The battle lines had been drawn.

Dr. Anthony Fauci became a household name in most western countries. He became a centerpiece of the information war. Despite evidence emerging that his corrupt NIH directed a grant of $3.1 million USD to the US health organization Eco Health Alliance, and that some of those funds were directed to Wuhan, the media propaganda machine ignored it all, and moved into top gear with a very different message:


The subliminal messaging was obvious - it was now critical for human survival that we “trust ze science”. Of course, this narrative is more easily accepted when the pre-eminent scientist is on the cover of magazines; appearing to be so wise, so relaxed, and so handsome. He was even placed on the short-list for Time Magazines person of the year in 2020. Frankly, the propaganda during this period was downright sickening.

Anthony Fauci had become a modern-day Sidney Gottlieb. Just as the media propaganda machine gave Gottlieb an easy passage out of the limelight after the 1975 Church Commission, so too, the public are being distracted from the dark history of Tony Fauci’s AIDS research, and his more-recent gain-of-function virology research.

Fauci was deployed as a visual propaganda tool conveying an image of trust and authority in government; telling us that the virus was deadly, and the vaccines were “safe and effective”. When it comes to Anthony Fauci, we’d like to place a strong emphasis on his role as a “tool”.

These Enlightened Despots are shameless in their capacity to ignore scrutiny. Almost as if they don’t realize that people are watching, Fauci decided it was a good idea to spend some more tax-payer funds:


Photo: Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance and Anthony Fauci

For those interested, the Documentary – Plandemic 3 The Great Awakening exposes Anthony Fauci, and is a fantastic summary of why many are no longer “trusting ze science”.

Many are beginning to realize that we are living within a carefully created reality; a reality which invites our agreement to the Enlightened Despot’s chicanery; a reality deliberately and carefully designed to manipulate and control the will of humanity.

In the US context, this covert infiltration really started with Frederick the Great and the English Crown, following the Revolutionary War. Recall that Frederick tried to install his brother as king of America, but this was rejected. The invisible enemy folded back into the shadows, re-imaged itself and re-emerged decades later offering a new narrative for the US people – “trust my bankers; trust my scientists; trust my educators; trust my intelligence agencies”. Phi Beta Kappa’s arrival in 1776 was no coincidence.

Adopting the mantra, “infiltration instead of invasion”, the Enlightened Despots flooded into the US in 1848 after an ‘aperture of permission’ was created by the Smithsonian Institution’s founding two years earlier, in 1846. The Prussian 48’ers arrived from ‘over the sea’, heralding their PHDs, scientific prowess, philosophical views and banking expertise. We outlined this transition of the 48’ers into the US in The Prussian Origins of Marxism. This gave the invisible enemy two decades to ‘till the soil’ for the infiltration that was planned during the 1871 – 1917 Prussian window.

Despots are masters of arriving in positions of power and commanding the right to govern public opinion; guiding people through the “humanities”, if you like. One example of a current-day “enlightened one”, is Peter Daszak. Here he is espousing the importance of Rapid Medical Counter-Measures (MCMs) which are essential to EcoHealth’s need for never-ending dollars:


Nothing much has changed since the 1960s; the Despots just got craftier at remaining invisible; lurking just outside our collective awareness. They maintain a fear-based narrative, using tricky language around concepts of disease, research, protection… and ecology:


A final parting word:

Our educators have sought to harness human enquiry, rather than release it. They have controlled young minds, rather than empowered them. We detailed how Prussian ideology has comprehensively influenced the world’s education system in Schooled by the enemy.

This subtle and insidious enemy has succeeded in gathering many who are “willing to do its bidding”. This concept brings us back to Brown University’s, Barnaby Keeney. His comments indicated that this embedded regime had developed “offensive objectives” that would have people “do our biddings”.

Surely the Brown University connections would not still be in place today, would they?

Regrettably, we must inform you that Brown is still actively involved in “influence peddling” at the very highest levels. This interview with Sky News and Marco Polo representative, Garrett Ziegler, says it all:


Knowing that universities remain an access point for foreign businesses, NGOs and the CIA, invites another question: Could behavioral weapons focused on racial, cultural and philosophical groups be more-advanced today than what they were in the 1950s? Is it possible that certain ideological views might now have been weaponized?

Whatever the case, the entire world is now experiencing the full force of some kind of mind-control operation. While many remain asleep, it is now becoming evident that we are experiencing a staged-release of our collective mind from a deep dream; a mind that has been trapped in a prepared reality, willingly doing the bidding of a tyrannical master.

The invisible enemy controls our collective mind by obliterating free thinkers, and rewarding those who agree with its “approved doctrine”. Those challenging the public narrative are still being ‘burned at the stake’, while the sleeping masses are metaphorically glued to the six-o’clock news, happily adding fuel to the fire burning beneath anyone daring to explore a different truth.

The Enlightened Despots declare that we exist in darkness, when really, our light has just been imprisoned by a belief in the Despot’s narrative.

This invisible ideological force feeds us, employs us, worships with us, teaches us, transacts our money, sits in our Board meetings, markets itself to us, and brings us our nightly news.

President John F. Kennedy summed it up perfectly in his address to the General Assembly of the United Nations on September 25, 1961:


True freedom for humanity will be found when the spell is broken; when we see the magician’s methods; when we awaken from our hypnotic slumber. It is only at this point where we can leave the master-slave narrative entirely.

This is not a work of violence; it is a deep knowing. This is our journey from dark to light. True enlightenment exists within each of us; it understands that we are responsible for our own pursuit of happiness.

Governments will exist to “secure” the right for its people to pursue such freedom. In this fashion, the government gains ALL power from the consent of the governed. Really, government will become a direct expression of the will of the people.

This awakening is well underway. We can see that the masses are no longer in a deep sleep. Many are now are tossing and turning in their beds; right on time, as the “dawn’s early light” begins to dissolve the long darkness that we have slept through.

It will be glorious.

The End.

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