Birds of a Feather
In Part IV we concluded that there were clear connections with the Smithsonian Institute, WWF founders - Princes Bernhard and Philip, Royal Duch Shell, Hakluyt, Trilateral Commission, the US National Taxpayer Union, and the Bank of England. We also revealed connections to the Rockefeller family, British intelligence (MI6), the US State Department, Henry Kissinger, the Shah of Iran, Charles de Gaulle of France, and Queen Wilhelmina from the House of Orange. It seemed that quite a network had emerged around the Smithsonian and the WWF.
A humble scientist named Thomas Lovejoy not only had the support of this global juggernaut; he sat on their Boards and directed their environmental programs, slowly installing the climate crisis narrative we face today. Government leaders in the US and UK were all singing from this globalist hymn book; the Scientific Industrial Complex was emerging very nicely.
The only question at this point, was whether the invisible enemy would succeed in their quest for total and absolute control of the US people, or whether the Constitutional power that presides with the US people, would eventually prevail; serving as a beacon for the entire world.
This article will explore whether these globalist environmental partnerships were less about saving the environment, or more about controlling human behavior. We will close out this series by showing how universities, institutions and intelligence agencies worked together to conduct experiments on the human mind. We will even enquire as to whether such experiments may have also shaped the propaganda machine we face today.
This series is demonstrating how this embedded invisible enemy has weaponized itself against those who engage in independent research or offer a different opinion to that of their governments. Such an attack upon humanity carries a profound, and very dangerous consequence - it discourages human enquiry, which is the very essence of life. The media messaging aimed to discourage independent enquiry continues to escalate in intensity:
Smithsonian Secret Missions:
The early 1960s were halcyon days for the invisible enemy. The CIA was already engaging monopolistic corporations to carry out their operations, as we showed in Parts I - II. Following the arrival of the Paperclip scientists after WW2, the next phase of infiltration was already being planned. Led initially by bankers and energy moguls, this cabal of monopolists, royals and spies, were eagerly preparing for a world of financial freedom that would greet them after 1971, after which they would essentially own the financial printing press. The 1960s was a decade of preparation.
The WWF was founded in 1961 in readiness for the 1001 Club which would arrive a decade later; Siegmund Warburg created Eurobonds in 1962; John F. Kennedy issued silver certificates in 1963 in opposition to Warburg’s new Eurodollar bonds, and was assassinated a few months later; the Cold War was rolling on with the Berlin Crisis and the Cuban Missile Crisis; and the Vietnam war was right on the horizon.
1962 – 63 was a global tinder box, and the threat of another world war was extremely real. The 1960s was also a period when Trust Funds were being designed to be linked to environmental groups, scientific foundations and non-government organizations (NGOs). This would provide the necessary infrastructure for new international funds to aggregate around these emerging global think tanks and NGOs.
We showed in Havens, Horse Heads and Hermann – Part III, that Siegmund Warburg had quietly commenced a world-changing currency war in 1962, creating an innovative new way of unlocking vast amounts of hidden wealth via ‘eurobonds’ which were tax free, could operate in any country, and were free from US regulations.
History reveals that wars and currency resets tend to go hand in hand. Preceding periods of chaos and hardship make the arrival of new money more palatable, particularly if it also brings ‘relief’ to hardship and suffering. This same playbook is being deployed today, as we stand on the cusp of a central bank digital currency being “offered” to the world, with globalist war-mongers trying to foment a war somewhere; anywhere.
Let’s come back to 1962. Amidst all this global unrest, the UK Government was concluding Operation Grapple, which involved a series of nuclear tests in the Pacific. Following these tests, the US and the UK teamed up for Operation Dominic, and released another 31 nuclear detonations on Christmas Island.2
This was a time on earth where the pristine atolls and islands of the Pacific region were under nuclear assault. However, let’s take a moment to think logically about what was happening here. At the same time that there was a massive environmental push by the British Crown and a Dutch Prince to protect wildlife areas and save the planet from muh-climate change, these Pacific islands were being obliterated by nuclear tests run by the US and the UK governments. Neither prince used their powers-of-influence to stop these tests.
Don’t for one minute think that the two Princes didn’t know what was happening in the Pacific:
While Prince Philip did acknowledge that the nuclear arms race was ridiculous, his statement was made in 1981, which was twenty-two years after his visit to Christmas Island.
This pattern of moving around the world, feigning concern, and yet doing nothing about it, is becoming all too familiar. In 1959, politicians and royals touring the world all seemed very dignified. Today, this fake concern is becoming far-more pronounced and nonsensical, as people no longer believe the bullshit being offered by our so-called leaders. In 2019, US bartender-turned-politician, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, took things to an entirely new level:
Despite Prince Philip’s apparent “concern” about Operation Grapple in 1959, he apparently could do nothing to stop the nuclear mayhem that continued during Operation Dominic in 1962; an operation carried out in partnership between the UK and the US.
This is the magnificent environment that was being destroyed:
It will not be lost on readers that the Prince’s WWF was founded right in the middle of all this nuclear testing in the Pacific. In Part IV we showed that that the WWF was controlling US government policy by 1973, and yet we are expected to believe that these emerging global influencers could do nothing in the decade prior. Was the chaos of the 1960s a contrived ’softening’ for the new environmental think-tanks and NGOs that were planned to arrive after 1971?
Are we seeing a similar war-time narrative being forced upon humanity today?
The early-1960s was the exact point in history that another very intriguing alliance came to light, thanks to a Washington Post investigative piece from 12 May 1985. This alliance revealed the Smithsonian secret missions:
Source: CIA CREST Database6
As we revealed in earlier in this series, Fort Detrick was a hub of corruption and deception. The CIA’s work certainly did not stop in the 50s, 60s or the 70s, for that matter, despite them telling the 1977 Senate Enquiries that it had all ceased. It also seems that nukes may not have been the only weapons being tested in the Pacific. They were planning to weaponize wildlife, and the Smithsonian Institute was involved up to its eyeballs!
Many died after the Pacific nuclear tests, just as many are dying from the Covid-19 vaccines today. Whatever the truth about exactly what took place, our own research shows that these government-sanctioned operations were covered up.
To be fair, it is appropriate to contemplate that the volatile war-context of the day meant all this crazy testing was justified. While, this may be correct, it is equally valid to consider the possibility that many of these wars may have been ‘designed’ by the invisible enemy who had already infiltrated nations, and were now controlling the intelligence that was available to their respective governments. Both these points of view deserve consideration, particularly after the research we presented in An Ode to a Prussian Pickle, Havens, Horseheads and Hermann, 1871 and The Council of the Gods.
With their interest in birds and bioweapons, the October 1962 contract between the Smithsonian Institute and Fort Detrick deserved some more attention. The head of Smithsonian Institute at this time was Leonard Carmichael who was a psychologist with a Harvard PHD. It is fair to say that leading psychologists and scientists with Harvard or Yale PHDs tend to make us a bit nervous these days.
Our nervousness was justified, because at this point, the Smithsonian research takes a nasty turn. You see, Carmichael was also on the Board of the Human Ecology Fund (HEF), which was a CIA brainwashing operation, working within the MKULTRA projects:
Source: CIA CREST Database7
Pause for a moment and really digest the magnitude of what was taking place here:
“At the time the Smithsonian contract was signed the late Leonard Carmichael, a psychologist, headed the Smithsonian. During the early 1960s – while the Pacific bird study was under way – Carmichael served on the board of a CIA-front organization called the Human Ecology Fund. That body channeled money to various programs of interest to the CIA under “Project MKULTRA” which, according to 1977 congressional testimony, conducted the CIA’s chemical and biological research.”
We showed earlier in this series that the Army and Navy were used to conceal the CIA’s funding into mind control research. It seems that the Human Ecology Fund was another vehicle used to conceal CIA involvement in these experiments.
While a direct connection between the Smithsonian and the CIA was tough to demonstrate, one cannot simply disregard the Agency’s funding of the “Role of Avian Vectors in Transmission of Disease” and the Smithsonian’s bird testing in the Pacific. Adding more weight to this body of evidence, significant attempts were being made to keep the operation hidden, and to keep the Smithsonian name out of the picture:
Source: CIA CREST Database8
Part IV showed that during the Age of Enlightenment, James Smithson and his “elite” friends, believed that “scientists would dominate the hierarchy of the future”. I wonder if the 1846 US Congress knew that Smithson’s original vision for an “increase and diffusion of knowledge” would end up being involved in this type of activity?
Public perception is the most critical factor in the deep state’s apparatus. For this reason, these maniacal organizations are more interested in “what the public believe” rather than “what actually happens behind the scenes”. This subtle detail illuminates why a powerful propaganda machine is essential to their survival. They are happy for the ‘sheep’ to receive “a” story, provided we never know “the” story. All they care about is our ongoing agreement to a reality where they carry out these clandestine activities.
As has been the case for the last two centuries, it was the scientists and phycologists who lead the public deception:
Source: CIA CREST Database9
In 1977, investigative reporters knew that something smelt off, and were grilling the Smithsonian. This attention forced a meeting with Smithsonian officials and a CIA attorney on August 23, 1977. The CIA initially advised that “there was no official Smithsonian role” in these projects, and the Smithsonian advised the public accordingly. Their press release did note that there was an unnamed “someone” who had worked as a consultant for a CIA-front organization, but really there was nothing to see here. Leonard Carmichael’s name, and the involvement of the Smithsonian, remained hidden.
However, truth is like a force of nature, and a couple of months later, the CIA reviewed their advice:
When asked if “the Smithsonian should continue to be protected against disclosure”, the response from Ripley was telling:
The original vision in James Smithson’s last will and testament was accepted by the US Congress on July 1, 1836, and debated by Congress for a decade, until they passed the Act to establish the Smithsonian on August 10, 1846. By November 1977 the Smithsonian vision had metastasized into a “congressional mandate”.
Having been granted such an honored jurisdiction, the Smithsonian suggested that their nefarious activities should be hidden from the public, or else the people may not trust them anymore, which would jeopardize their capability to “diffuse knowledge”. The disclosure of their involvement would be a “disservice” to the people! It’s easy to be a “trusted” organization when you can simply cover up any evidence that you’re not.
Human Ecology:
Such vast government cover-ups at a scale of this nature, essentially puts people under an elaborate spell; it places our collective mind away from the reality that is actually taking place.
This series has shown that scientific institutions and large corporations were working closely with the Central Intelligence Agency on bioweapons research, while simultaneously conducting mind-control experiments on humans. The implications of this realization may take a while to emerge in our collective mind, because these truths are extremely difficult to comprehend, and integrate into our awareness.
It would be nice to believe that all this scientific nonsense has been resigned to pages of history, however the recent Covid-19 revelations continue to show that the Pentagon was funding research on viruses12, which included gain-of-function research; with some funding going to China, and possibly elsewhere. As seems to be established protocol now, the funding is not made directly, but via an organization with a safe, environmentally friendly name – in this case it was via the Ecohealth Alliance.
So, we can now notice that the funding vehicle used in the 1950s and 60s was the “Human Ecology Fund”, and today it is the “Ecohealth Alliance”.
If the name “ecohealth” makes you feel all safe and cozy in your natural habitat, we have even more safety and comfort to offer you. Just as the Navy was used to obscure the source of funding in the 1960s and 70s research programs, today we see the same thing taking place. The only discernable difference we can identify is that the names allocated to these government departments today, are becoming more nonsensical:
Everyone, please calm down – The Defense Threat Reduction Agency is here to save you, and we are actively working to reduce any threats that may be on the horizon! The patterns of these despots are becoming all too clear:
Health = sickness
Prevention = provision
Reduction = expansion
Defense = offence
Research = weaponization
The scale of this invisible force that has captivated humanity, in the name of science, is truly impressive. It makes sense as to why people don’t believe us when we talk about these things. That’s because they truly are unbelievable!
It is an incredible thing to successfully trick billions of people, while simultaneously controlling their collective beliefs and behavior. While we can all wonder how something so vast could have been achieved, we all experienced it in real time.
However, like any magic trick, once you see the magician’s sleight-of-hand, the illusion is over. The talent of the magician can still be revered, but the audience is no longer deceived by the theatre.
The #PrussiaGate method has been to look to history in order to understand what is taking place now. In this vein, we will select one example which illustrates what we mean by the ‘magician’s deception’. The invisible enemy are highly-talented ‘word-smiths’. They have incredible abilities to craft public catch-phrases and shape the global narratives. This skill, along with having completed decades of mind control research, meant that the CIA were masters of manipulating the human mind through language. The term “conspiracy theory” is one such example.
When it comes to the climate change narrative and their insane depopulation agenda, a good example of narrative-shaping is found in the phrase “human ecology”. Take a few moments again to ponder that the funding arm of the CIA’s MKULTRA program was named the ‘Human Ecology Fund’.
We showed in Urania – Part IV, and earlier in this series, how the MKULTRA programs grew out of the arrival of Nazi scientists in Operation Paperclip. We showed in our Council of the Gods series that the CIA knew all about the Nazi War Criminals, and they knew about their covert connection to US monopolists and the international banking cartel.
We’ve already noted that the Secretary of the [trusted] Smithsonian Institute was also on the Board, and later was the President, of the Human Ecology Fund that was channeling CIA-approved funds through to specific research projects and universities. One typical project was at the institution where the fund originated. The ‘Cornell University College of Human Ecology’ was carrying out covert research into brainwashing and anthropology.
Relegating human life to ecology is a subtle strategy being used as part of this depopulation psychological-operation that humanity is currently being subjected to. After all, a devalued human identity makes it much easier for the slave-masters to control their slaves. With people’s tacit agreement, the Enlightened Despots declare their enslaved subjects are in darkness, and deserving of everything they receive because they are too dumb to see what is happening.
Tacit agreement is not easily obtained though, which is why obscure language patterning and repeated-phrases are used to slowly penetrate the human mind. This enemy has moved at the speed of a glacier to ensure people don’t notice what they are doing.
Placing human life on an equal footing with ecology is exactly what King Charles’ Terra Carta Mandate was aiming to achieve. We exposed Terra Carta in An Ode to the Prussian Pickle – Part V. The then British Prince announced this at the “Sustainable Markets Initiative” at Davos in 2020. Knowing that the invisible enemy hides in plain sight, Pickle – Part V explored what lay behind this global initiative:
Just as Charles announced at Davos in 1992,15 it would be globalist corporations, NGOs and governments who were entrusted to implement the Terra Carta mandates:
Charles’ Terra Carta program expressly states that it will “reunite people and planet”, by giving “fundamental rights and value to Nature”. Rather than take away the rights of the people, Terra Carta wants to give rights to nature, thereby placing the people back on an even footing with the soil, plants and animals. Effectively, this will reinstate the captivity that people were freed from under Magna Carta, 800 years ago.
The US government responded by creating a new role:
While we completely support the idea that we are all connected to our natural environment, creating a system where globalists control human behavior is a part of the enemy’s depopulation agenda. Terra Carta is a slippery slope whereby the ‘carbon emissions’ narrative can be used to declare that the human population is out of balance with ecology; really, it is a road to genocide.
Before we discount this idea of genocide, or that we are still being treated as slaves, consider the experiments that have been done upon the human population; many without permission. Consider the evidence offered in this series alone, which is a fraction of the overall truth. These deeds are being done by our own governments, who are supposedly meant to reflect the will of the people, and to protect us from harm.
The eroding of our known-identity is a key issue being revealed in this series. Suppressing people’s true identity requires that we are: (1) offered a narrative that suggests we should be herded into a labeled group, and (2) be lured into agreeing with a false-belief about ourselves – in one example, that humans are causing the planet to overheat.
This level of mind-control would require psychological engineering at an extremely public level. The use of language-manipulation and coordinated media propaganda, all designed to influence how people identify themselves, would provide evidence that such a psychological operation is being deployed.
We are also seeing this take place with the narrative-shaping around gender identity, conservative thinking, and race. This provides evidence that a deliberate operation against the human mind has been engaged.
Media operations aiming to control the minds of people are becoming more and more evident. More people are noticing that the Main Stream Media are waging a world-wide assault on the collective human mind. This coordinated media narrative is luring people to identify with various “beliefs” about themselves. These compartmentalized identities attract labels such as racist, nazi, liberal, conservative, left-leaning, extreme-right, xenophobe, homophobe, transphobic or anything-a-phobe. This list appears to be limited only by the script writer’s ability to dream up new categories.
The presence of an invisible hand guiding the collective human mind is a difficult pill to swallow. In essence, it provides a glimpse into the dark workings of the evil Prussian ideology of control and despotism. As we showed in our Urania series, this regime considers themselves super-human, and all others as sub-human. While it is not easy to conceive of such evil, this horrible truth has been trying to surface for quite a while. We showed earlier in this series, that the CIA was exposed for its horrendous mind-control programs during the Church Commission in 1975. Here is an example of one specific tactic the enemy uses to minimize government accountability for such activities:
Sidney Gottlieb was anything but a harmless chemist; he was a psychopath. Essentially, he was contextualized as the sole mind behind the entire MKUTRA program. This was all part of narrative-shaping.
Under Gottlieb’s leadership, the CIA approved funding for one of MKULTRA’s sub-programs, named Operation Midnight Climax, which used brothels to conduct sexualized mind-control experiments. In an impressive claim to fame, Gottlieb made an impressive purchase to complete his mission:
Following the earlier Church Commission In 1975, newly appointed CIA Director, Admiral Stansfield Turner had his work cut out for him; immediately pulled in front of two joint senate hearings, in 1977. A link to this full report can be found here.
He was also questioned by an Oakland news outlet about the covert CIA programs:
Source: CIA CREST Database20
The same ‘slippery’ language was used back then, as we see today. The CIA claimed that they didn’t want to influence justice; they don’t investigate Americans; and that they don’t really know any detail. All this nonsense was aimed to conceal the truth, while keeping the people trapped in the illusion.
Ironically, it was the Smithsonian Magazine who recently revealed Gottlieb’s depraved research:
The only problem with this 2017 Smithsonian release is that it is about a-half-a-century after these atrocities all happened. Don’t forget that the Smithsonian was also a contractor to the CIA in the early 1960s. This 2017 Smithsonian article is pure propaganda, presented as being from a “trusted source” letting everyone know that this scientific tragedy existed way back in history, and would certainly not still be happening today. We are now learning that this assertion is complete rubbish. In fact, pretty much everything these despots tell us is total bullshit.
This Smithsonian article went on to detail the startling scale of the CIA programs in the early 1960s:
We can also learn how the invisible enemy behaves once they are really exposed. The Church Commission in 1975 had gathered all this information about the CIA; Senator Ted Kennedy even knew about the brothel/ LSD experiments when he addressed the 1977 Senate Hearing:
Kennedy seemed to make a reasonable attempt at questioning Admiral Turner about Gottlieb, however incredibly, the CIA hadn’t spoken to Gottlieb, because he’d resigned from the organization! This was a coverup of the highest order, and yet accountability always remains so elusive:
Despite the thousands of documents uncovered by the Church Committee, and the testimonies to the Senate Hearing on MKULTRA, the CIA calmly blamed the Department of Justice, and that they never really talked to the main offender. The reckoning for their actions never seems to arrive. The media propaganda machine went straight to work, positioning and contextualizing all these shocking revelations. The official public narrative cleverly downgraded Gottlieb, the chief perpetrator of the MKULTRA programs, to that of a humble chemist, thereby concealing the darker intentions behind these government-led programs. Essentially, Gottlieb was thrown under the bus to conceal a much larger presence; coordinating internationally; operating deep in the shadows.
Here is a critical point to understand in an information war: The human mind will always gravitate towards the most comfortable reality, in order to avoid trauma and anxiety. The US people found it easier to accept that MKULTRA was a reckless drug experiment carried out by solo rogue operator with a weird German name, ahead of really exploring why the CIA may have been conducting and funding such experiments in the first place. The despots know this, and continue to offer stories which provide an easier ‘truth’ for our minds to gravitate to. Again, the people get “a” story, but not “the” story.
This subtle, but brilliant chicanery, is how this invisible enemy remains invisible. They simply carry out their sinister activities just outside our collective awareness; just beyond our belief that such things could really be happening.
It is not our intention to provide a deep dive into the MKULTRA programs. The links we have provided allow for anyone to undertake deeper dives in to these covert government experiments. Our focus is to identify the techniques and patterns of mind-control which the invisible enemy still deploys today.
You cannot leave a captivity that you cannot see.
To be continued…
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