Trust Ze Science - Part IV

Smithsonian - Big Associations

Part III showcased one of the first scientific institutions that emerged in the United States. It was made possible thanks to an extremely generous “gift” which arrived from ‘over the sea’. The Smithsonian Institution didn’t just organically emerge thanks to some well-meaning visionaries inside the US; it was all planned in England, and the now-famous name was chosen before the death of the benefactor; it was written into his last will and testament. Just as its name and location was carefully planned, neither was the Smithsonian’s vision hidden or ambiguous. It’s stated aim was to promote “the increase and diffusion of knowledge.” The intention around all of this begs the question: Were the “enlightened despots” in Europe looking to expand their reach and provide their much-needed wisdom to the folks in America? This article will reveal that the gift of the Smithsonian Institute was a gift that just keeps on giving.

James Smithson was a well-regarded chemist and mineralogist. He was a 1786 graduate from Pembroke College at Oxford University. The following year, he was admitted to Britain’s Royal Society - a scientific academy.

Smithson’s career occurred right in the middle of the Age of Enlightenment. His formative years were characterized by an unprecedented period of discovery and research around Europe, particularly in the area of chemical advances. It truly would have been a time of incredible exploration and enquiry. It was a time where old paradigms were being removed and new ones were being established:


While human talent and natural instincts were flourishing at this time in history, the above quotes show that the “global citizen” narrative was far from being a recent arrival into the public lexicon; “citizens of the globe” were pledging their allegiance to “truth and reason” over 200 years ago!

What does it mean to pledge allegiance to truth? Don’t we all try and embrace truth?

Smithson was still a teenager when Frederick the Great and Voltaire died. However, it is fair to assume that the momentum surrounding scientific research and psychology at this time, did not die with them. We showed in An Ode to the Prussian Pickle – Part VIII that these early ‘influencers’ launched the public narrative that eventually created the current ‘climate’ movement we face today, which declares that humanity must depopulate because our very existence is destroying the earth.

The climate change movement we see today essentially represents the final maniacal expression of a global population that has been conned into placing their faith in enlightened despots, rather than trusting their own intuition. In the recent case of the Covid-19 vaccines, we were asked to place our trust in Big Pharma rather than in our God-given immune system. We all cast our vote. Such was the intensity of this global push, no one could avoid casting a vote. Part III showed that the media campaign was so ferocious that a vote for our immune system became tantamount to a high crime! Some media folk wished the unvaccinated a fast death. We certainly didn’t see the best of humanity during this time.

While there is no judgment upon anyone’s vote; elections do have consequences. These consequences will likely play out in future years.

Let’s get back to the ‘origins’ of all this. The Age of Enlightenment records that “a small elite”, including James Smithson, dreamed of transforming societies. To be fair, their initial vision may have been extremely pure, but if this small group of “elites” ever went rogue, the messaging and control of this elite scientific community would be extremely tough to resist. If this same invisible force ever took control of the mainstream media and scientific journals, any opposing data would be almost impossible to find. Anyone who wished to resist these Enlightened Despots, would essentially be entering an information war.

The depopulation movement gained traction thanks to Thomas Malthus, and later, via the work of Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley.

We will never truly know if James Smithson was influenced by these philosophical apothecary despots, but we can speculate on the likelihood that they did connect, at some point. Smithson was admitted into the Royal Society of London on April, 19, 1787 and Thomas Malthus joined in 1818. Given that Malthus’ family were royal apothecaries, and Smithson himself was a world-renowned chemist and minerologist, it is highly likely the two became acquainted during their 11 years together in London, before Smithson’s death in 1829. Smithson’s work on the mineral calamine was so profound it was renamed ‘smithsonite’ in his honor. As we just saw, Smithson was known to be a part of a group of “elites” who were shaping humanity through “the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of society.” The Malthus family were also moving in these same circles.

We provided detail around Thomas Malthus’ push to control population in The Ode to the Prussian Pickle – Part VIII, and revealed the terrible inaccuracy in ALL his predictions. Notwithstanding Malthus’ terrible success rate, this emerging scientific community was able to define what science could be trusted, and what science was nonsense. Furthermore, they elevated whoever they wanted into positions of leadership.


Thomas Huxley, Charles Darwin and Thomas Graham all arrived into the London Royal Society just brief-years after James Smithson’s death. There is little doubt that Smithson’s reputation remained present in the halls of this establishment. There is also little doubt that these ‘influencers’ knew about his vast estate being bequeathed to the US. Was it these men who would advance the public narrative in the US? Was the insane depopulation conversation being re-weaved into our collective mind; re-framed as the advancement of ‘knowledge’?

If so, the foundation-stones for this global diffusion of knowledge were laid centuries earlier by psychopaths, and refined in more-recent decades by Thomas Huxley’s grandson, Julian. Recall, Julian went on to found the United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1946. In this same year, Julian Huxley wrote “UNESCO – Its purpose and its philosophy”, advancing his maniacal depopulation agenda. For more detail on Julian Huxley read An Ode to the Prussian Pickle – Part IV.

Huxley also co-founded the World Wildlife Fund with Prince Philip and Prince Bernard in 1961. These global think-tanks have now continued this push to reduce world population. Please park these connections in the back of your mind, as we will expand more on these relationships later.

Releasing the Regents

The US Congress vested responsibility for the administration of the Smithsonian Institute in a seventeen (17) member Board of Regents.

While ‘Regent’ is a modern term used for those governing universities and institutions, this term was declared some 200 years ago, and in this context, the primary definition captured by the Cambridge Dictionary is extremely interesting:


Just as we showed in our Council of the Gods series, J.D. Rockefeller occupied what the Marxists referred to as the “oil throne”. Could it be that other thrones were quietly being created within society that the people didn’t know about?

Whatever the case, back in 1846, it was determined that the Smithsonian Board of Regents would consist of the Chief Justice of the United States, the Vice President, three members of the Senate, three members of the House of Representatives, and nine citizens.4

Was this all just a coincidence? It is glaringly obvious that the Smithsonian Institute was intended to be a very significant organization operating inside the United States! Was this a case of infiltration instead of invasion?

With such significant appointments to the Smithsonian Board, was it envisioned that that the Smithsonian would immediately operate as a pseudo-government agency? Were they being positioned to set public policy?

In time, organizations such as UNESCO, WEF, WHO, WWF and UNICEF, would come alongside the Smithsonian. Today, we can observe these large NGOs and global ‘think tanks’ applying significant influence on the public narrative, particularly when it comes to defining what is “trusted science”.

Throughout our Urania series, we showed that if you can control people’s speech, you can control people’s thoughts; thoughts and speech are inseparable. For example, in a society with people identifying themselves by pronouns, there is a real danger that we will mis-gender them, or mis-label them. For most people, this would be an innocent mistake, but for them, this is called hate-speech and is equal to committing a crime.

Rather than having made a simple mistake, these perpetrators must be punished. Some are even calling for legal reform!


This aggressive public narrative means that people expend energy trying to not to fall into this trap. Most don’t wish to offend and can’t be bothered with the conflict. This is a very subtle form of mind-control, using speech-control.

Is shaming people the new strategy being used to attack the United States’ First Amendment? Could it even be part of a broader system of strategies to unsettle the long-established narrative around the family unit, and traditional male-female genders? How long will this bizarre narrative surrounding human identity continue before it exhausts the entire population?

In 2020, the Smithsonian skeptic’s worst fears were confirmed when the Institute took aim at the very heart of America’s rich history and values. Operating in ‘lockstep’ with numerous other ‘woke’ organizations around the world, the Smithsonian joined the global narrative around racism, in a veiled attempt to destabilize traditional family culture:



The speed that the global narrative around racism and white-privilege permeated society was nothing short of breath taking. How was it that scientific think tanks, NGOs and large corporations all moved in lockstep so seamlessly? Was this organic, or was someone coordinating all this nonsense?

A Right of passage:

As we looked at the life of James Smithson, who was already a member of the Royal Institute of London, we noticed that he was involved in the French Revolution. Incredibly, Smithson was captured during the Napoleonic war:


Now, hang-on a minute, while we sort something out.

So, you’re saying that James Smithson took part in a bloody revolution, was captured as a POW, was freed after writing to Sir Joseph Banks, who was also a scientist on Captain Cook’s tour that discovered Australia in May 1770, but then returned to make a vast public contribution to a foreign government?

It would be remiss of us not to remind you that Smithson’s story is eerily similar to that of Frank ‘The Bank’ Renouf, who we featured in Havens, Horse Heads and Hermann – Part III:

Did we just accidently discover one of the invisible enemy’s tactics for elevating someone into a trusted leadership position? Was the strategy to train them in the background; elevate their status by being captured or injured in a war; and then launch them as heroes into their public portfolio?

Was it possible that President Trump was exposing this tactic while he was in office? He certainly did suggest looking into Senator Bluementhal (0:38 seconds):


Trump also set his sights on John McCain (0:28 seconds):

Whatever the case, it certainly is an intriguing pattern.

Let’s get back to our story. James Smithson’s initial vision appeared to support the American system of Government that was “founded upon the rights of man”. James may have been well-intentioned; simply nurturing his entrepreneurial spirit, like so many others at this time. We have learned however, that when freedom is flourishing, large corporations are soon circling, seeking to exert control and to suppress free thinking.

Lubricating this emerging scientific community with significant government funds, and applying the agent of time, has brought us to a place where the citizens of the world are being asked to adhere to ‘institutional truth’, rather than being encouraged to think for ourselves.

During the 2020 Covid pandemic, humanity was ordered to be obedient, or else. We truly do stand at the precipice.

Smithsonian and the World Wildlife Fund:

1973 was another interesting year for the western world. The US economy was heading into a recession following the decoupling from the gold-standard in 1971, and the Eurodollar (or petrodollar) was expanding rapidly, fostering the growth of numerous NGOs and scientific think tanks. In previous articles, we have noted that Prince Bernhard of Netherlands and Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, established the endowment fund, The 1001: A Nature Trust. Founded in 1971, this was the funding vehicle for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which was established ten years prior.

1973 was the year that revealed the link between the Smithsonian Institute with the Princes’ WWF, resulting in them appointing its first scientist:


Before we look at the WWF’s first scientist, Dr. Lovejoy, we wish to make an observation about the 1973 “Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species”. This was another example of these emerging global think-tanks, and the US delegation was headed by Russell Errol Train. Russell Train was the second administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), from September 1973 to January 1977. Now this position is not out of place in a government delegation, however we spotlight him because he was also the founder and chairman emeritus of World Wildlife Fund in 1961!11 But wait, there’s more. After he left the EPA, he returned as President and chairman of the WWF from 1978 – 1990. Train then served as chairman of the WWF National Council from 1994 – 2001.

It appears that the influence of the WWF and the two Princes was already well-established inside the White House. We will continue to demonstrate that these big NGO’s have more influence over government policy that most people realize. Now, we are focusing on the role of the WWF President for a reason, because we will reveal that this role is not an insignificant appointment. Far from being the head of some environmental group buying land and protecting wildlife, this role may be one of the more-senior ones within this embedded globalist enemy that we are highlighting.

To set the stage, we look to the career of the WWF’s first scientist – Dr Thomas Lovejoy. Lovejoy’s death on Christmas day 2021 brought out all the usual accolades; but it also lifted the lid on the extent of the connection between the WWF and the Smithsonian:



Incredibly, his connections to the WWF and the Smithsonian was only half the story. This guy had a serious resume:


Dr. Lovejoy was so revered amongst this international community of scientists, the United Nations Foundation even created a Fellowship of Journalists in his honor – The Thomas Lovejoy Memorial Press Fellowship.15

Noting that Dr. Lovejoy was a former executive Vice President of the WWF, we come back to Russell Train and the significance of the WWF President. Let’s go back to when it all started.

In 1961, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands became the Founding President of WWF, a position he held until 1976. In 1971, he established ‘The 1001: A Nature Trust’, the funding vehicle for WWF, and continued to be deeply involved in its activities throughout the subsequent years.

Coincidently, Dr Lovejoy got his Yale PhD in 1971, the same year the 1001 Club was established. His 1973 appointment to lead the conservation program at WWF coincided beautifully with the WWF’s initial connection with the Smithsonian Institute. It is hard to imagine that all this wasn’t being carefully planned in the background.

Prince Bernhard was the inaugural International President of the WWF, while over in England, Prince Phillip headed up the British operation:


A little bit of detail is required to set the stage for this next part of the story. Prince Bernhard was the first President of the WWF, while its other founding member, Prince Philip, was the third President of the WWF, serving from 1981 - 1996. It would be reasonable to conclude then, that the second President of the WWF was an extremely deliberate appointment by these two significant Monarchs. In 1976, the WWF appointed its second President:


Like Prince Bernhard, Loudon was Dutch, and held the title “jonkheer”, which is an ‘honorific’ in the Low Countries – denoting the lowest rank within nobility:


Loudon’s global connections were seriously impressive:


When David Rockefeller, the president of Chase Manhattan Bank, set up an advisory committee in 1965 to counsel the bank on its growing international business, Mr. Loudon was named as chairman. In 1977, Loudon was joined by a new Vice Chairman:


If the business circles that Loudon moved in was not impressive enough, his first wife became lady in waiting to Queen Wilhelmina. In ReischWEF – Part I we noted the significance of her relationship with the Kaiser:

After Germany’s defeat in WWI, the Kaiser abdicated from the German throne and sought protection from his Dutch cousin, Queen Wilhelmina, from the House of Orange. The Weimar Republic was formed and the German military forces were reorganized into the “Reichswehr”.

With the benefit of hindsight, it becomes evident that the public were being introduced to this international leader in the lead-up to the formation of the WWF in 1961. This is the May 1960 Time Magazine cover:


Understanding the evolution of this climate change narrative and the players involved is critical to understanding the enemy we face-off against today. This invisible enemy doesn’t just control money, the media, and the scientific narrative; they also control global energy supplies.

The Shell Company’s connection to Prince Philip was featured in Ode to the Prussian Pickle – Part IV:

1001 Points of Light

In 1991, Al Gore shared the royal yacht, not just with Prince Charles, but some of the biggest corporate executives and bankers in the world. As we noted earlier, Johnathon Dimbleby in The Prince of Wales: A Biography, explained who was in attendance:

“chief executives from such as Shell [the Anglo part of the Anglo-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell oil company] and BP [formerly British Petroleum Company]”.

What is the significance of BP and Shell executives accompanying Charles aboard his yacht?


There is little chance that Loudon’s arrival to the WWF was some random appointment following an advertised job interview in the local newspaper. This was a deliberate appointment of a known member of the global establishment. Adding weight to this assertion, this low-ranking Dutch Royal and former head of Royal Dutch Shell had already earned his stripes as a representative of the Trilateral Commission to the White House, two years prior to his appointment as President of the WWF:

Source: CIA CREST Database23

We showed in Havens, Horse Heads and Hermann – Part III that once the US dollar was removed from the gold standard, the bankers and globalists could essentially create an invisible, unaudited and untaxed international currency.

It is within this context that the US State Department met with the Trilateral Commission in December of 1974. What was the real agenda of meeting with private global corporates such as the Royal Dutch Shell Group? Were the Trilateral Commission responsible for setting global economic policy?

Given that US taxpayer support was essential for the expansion of the Eurodollar, surely domestic tax-payer advocacy groups were actively working in the interests of the US people.

Unfortunately, that statement would be incorrect. The US National Taxpayers Union (NTU) was in on this entire deception. They were not alone either; the Reason Foundation, a libertarian think-tank, was involved as well, appearing to be advancing “a free society by developing, applying, and promoting libertarian principles, including individual liberty, free markets, and the rule of law”. Really it was a globalist operation funded by charities owned by the likes of David H. Koch and others.

This article dated July 28, 1995 by EIR Science & Technology perfectly captured why the Shell President was appointed as the second President of the WWF, even ahead of Prince Phillip:


The above article is quite incredible in its connections. It brings every major player together at this point in history. The US National Taxpayer Union (NTU) and the Reason Foundation are both connected to Shell, also noting Shell’s close ties to the Bank of England.

Don’t lose sight of the ongoing financial enslavement of the poor old US people, who were assigned to endless debt payments to London that commenced during the US Civil War, with ongoing payments finally being confirmed by the 1871 Washington Treaty. This is detailed in our 1871 series. Specifically, 1871 – Part IV showed that the refinancing of America’s debt in London was designed to attract as many new investors as possible. The Rothschilds, Barings and Bleichroders were all promoting US government debt as an attractive, safe, and reliable investment.

Fast-forward to 1971, and the new power that large corporations had over the entire world economy was beyond most people’s imagination. Decoupling from the gold standard would create a global fiat currency that would change the face of the world; particularly transforming global trade. The control that the globalists could exert over nations was about to increase exponentially.

The global positioning taking place at this time, was significant. The 1001 Club would raise funds for the WWF, and Peter Holmes, the then Chairman of Shell, was a Trustee for the WWF. He then retired to become President of the Hakluyt Foundation – a British spy contractor:


It is noteworthy that The EIR article also noted a relationship between the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) and radical ecologists, Friends of Earth. The Friends of the Earth International is a network of environmental organizations operating in 73 countries. The organization was founded in 1969. The founding donation was provided by Robert Orville Anderson, who was the owner of Atlantic Richfield oil company. It officially became an international network of organizations in………. You guessed it; 1971.

This type evidence is why we suggest that the opening of the two main Prussian windows was in 1871 and 1971.

At this pivotal point in history, it was Shell, Atlantic Richfield and the Rockefeller family who were significant leaders in the transition to the petro-dollar, as they supported the British Crown in their globalist “environmental” initiatives:


Knowing that a propaganda machine was grinding into action, we are compelled to question any initiative which carries a name such as “eco”, “green”, “wildlife”, “friends” or “earth”. We are now learning that that its more-likely that NGOs and global think tanks incorporating these names, are probably sabotaging these things.

We showed in our series Council of the Gods that the US government had been comprehensively infiltrated prior to the second world war. Additionally, in Part II of this series, we showed that Rockefeller occupied the “throne of the oil king”.

Did these select energy companies such as Shell decide to ‘go global’ because they knew about the Eurodollar opportunity that was arriving? Was this why oil tycoons like the Rockefeller’s were so passionate about funding new scientific research groups such as the Smithsonian Institute and the WWF?

Is it possible that the White House and Trilateral Commission were setting the policies of the monopolists in the mid-1970s, rather than establishing policies designed to prosper the US people?

If the answer to the above questions is “yes”, then it is likely that the “council of the gods”, or the horrible invisible enemy, was still active within the US government.

What’s worse is that it doesn’t seem like anything much has changed today! The scenery may have changed a little, but the patterns of control and deception are identical. Back in the 1970s the media was really just a propaganda machine. Today, the media has been weaponized, and is used to ruthlessly attack individuals who dare to speak truth, or offer a counter-narrative.

The “Big Associations” offered by globalist corporations haven’t just become a part of our human experience; they have been weaponized against the simplest idea of questioning things, and being inquisitive. Indeed, it appears that expansive thought is even under attack, unless it expands in line with the establishment’s agreed narrative.

To be continued…

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