Follow the money:
Part I of this series exposed the broader extent of the CIA’s MKULTRA projects. We closed out Part I by showing that Dr Fauci was still gleefully learning from “bio-weaponers” and defectors from foreign nations in 2002. This article will explore whether projects like MKCHICKWIT and MKULTRA may have been covertly expanded, and whether similar research could still be taking place today.
Operation Outsource:
History is revealing that it became common-place for the CIA to outsource these experiments to private contractors. Whether it was to avoid those pesky FIOA requests, or to create a veil of secrecy, it is hard to be sure. It may even be both. Whatever their intent, this strategy created a separation between the origin of the funds and the contractor doing the work.
In these early days, having the CIA sponsor research laboratories via the Army and Navy was enough to avoid public scrutiny. This strategy worked a treat, as internet research was not yet a thing, and the public had not yet become proficient in learning how to “follow the money”.
One of the earliest examples of corporate outsourcing was Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories:
Source: CIA CREST Database1
This deception was more subtle than just outsourcing research to private contractors. The involvement of the Army and Navy as a conduit of funds, added an additional layer to hide who was really running these projects:
Details in this report we are highlighting go on to reveal that the projects carried out between 1947 and 1973 looked at central nervous system stimulants, a non-addictive substitute for codeine, effects of blast concussion, impact of LSD on human subjects, and the development and administration of speech-inducing drugs.
It went on to note that most of these projects were “officially” closed, but they were quietly rolled into several MKULTRA sub-programs. Here is just one example:
Who are these people? Is it possible that they consider themselves to be above humanity?
In our series Council of the Gods we showed that the large corporate power-brokers in the US were connected to the IG Farben cartel. Understanding the connection that these large corporations had to Farben’s rubber, synthetics, chemicals and drug research, means it is highly likely that these corporate power-brokers were well-aware of the numerous MKULTRA research projects that the CIA were running.
#PrussiaGate articles have consistently asserted that this invisible enemy operates much like a self-appointed ruling monarch. While the absolute truth of such an assertion is difficult to substantiate, this CIA document offers a glimpse as to how these unelected global despots described themselves:
Source: CIA CREST Database6
There are a few notable ‘take-aways’ in the above text:
JD Rockefeller was noted as the “founder of the dynasty”.
The CIA went on to refer to these oligarchs as “kings”, and noted that the “oil king” had his own “throne”.
Other trusts and concerns were linked to the throne with “a dollar chain”.
The “oil kings”, along with a “little group of other oligarchs of Wall Street” are suggested to “rule” America and “propel the affairs of the capitalist world”.
Do these people truly believe that they are our hereditary rulers?
Whoever they were, they shared the same goal of “the uncrowned autocrats of America”, which was to receive “unrestrained profit through the exploitation, robbery, and deceit of the workers.”
Had deceiving entire nations become a part of the modus operandi of these self-appointed despots?
Whatever their intentions, the horrific human experiments that took place at the ‘Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories’ are some of the earliest examples revealing the corporate partnerships taking place under the careful watch of US intelligence agencies.
Did ‘outsourcing’ operations hide the fact that these despots within government were supporting these experiments?
Without a doubt, this outsourcing strategy did achieve a level of secrecy, via contract separation. This allowed the CIA to control the flow of intelligence around these research operations, via their ‘responsibility’ to legally protect private contractors, including any emerging intellectual property (IP) that their research might create. In this way, outsourcing operations gave the CIA control over the public narrative, and removed those annoying expectations that people tend to have in relation to government transparency and accountability. It was quite brilliant really.
Once the public offered its tacit approval to such covert behavior, intelligence agencies could control the narrative around everything. This is one of the primary ways this enemy remains invisible. If elected officials and the media fail to hold them accountable, they can essentially do whatever they want.
Edgewood Arsenal provided the perfect cover for these CIA – Army operations, which we now learn involved the storage and weaponization of chemical and biological weapons:
This reads like something straight out of a James Bond film!
At the time, the CIA denied that these projects were happening, but with the benefit of decades of hindsight, and these declassified reports, we can now paint the true picture of what was taking place. The above file reveals that private corporations held equipment long after these projects were ‘officially’ shut down. How much of all this research was not revealed?
Why was there a consistent absence of good record-keeping? If these technologies were not being developed for the CIA, who were they being developed for? Is it possible that such research is still happening today?
One thing we do know is that during the Covid-19 fiasco, it was revealed that the Pentagon was funding research on viruses, which included gain-of-function research in China. This series will continue to try to answer the above questions, as we continue our research.
The experiments carried out at Edgewood upon US Veterans were disgusting, and we honor them accordingly. For those interested in knowing more detail about Edgewood’s experiments, and viewing personal testimonies, this short clip provides a good summary (06:11 minutes):
The rise of big Pharma:
We showed in our series Havens, Horse Heads and Hermann the role that the Euro-bond market played in unleashing numerous globalist corporations and international ‘think tanks’ upon an unwitting public. “Officially” decoupling the US dollar from the gold standard in 1971 removed the leash entirely.
Whether it was intended or not, one consequence of this new ‘global’ dollar, was the creation of partnerships between private corporations and scientific research institutes. What emerged was a network of massive multi-national corporations and NGOs, all with seemingly unlimited access to government funding. Was this the point in history when the rise of ‘big pharma’ was put into warp-speed?
If we go back just a few decades to the Nuremberg Trials, we learned that IG Farben’s research into chemicals and rubber, synthetics and chemicals was of great interest to the US Government. Our “Council of the gods” series showed that it was of such interest, that the research-potential was captured by the US government and brought onto US soil. This expertise had the potential to morph seamlessly into what we know today as Big Pharma and the Military Industrial Complex. We have already demonstrated that after the arrival of Nazi scientists, the CIA programs expanded into chemical research which was then merged with covert mind control experiments.
This somewhat-shocking detail invites a more sobering question: Could the government’s MKULTRA research be responsible for launching the vast industry of behavior-modifying drugs and anti-depressants that we are faced with today?
To explore this possibility, we start by observing that the US were leading the way in antidepressant research, along with Germany, France and Switzerland, at about the same time. Also recall, in Urania – Part V we showed how the combination of hypno-sissyporn, ketamine and BDSM was used by Ilsa Strix in the transition of Larry Wachowski.8
To properly interrogate whether the government’s MKULTRA research might be responsible, we would need to find a connection between Ilsa’s drug of choice, ketamine, and the evolution of modern antidepressants:
This connection is almost a smoking gun, and provides an obvious link to ketamine. However, before we jump to conclusions, we need more evidence to link it all to government research. Let’s start by reviewing the scope of the CIA-sponsored programs:
Source: CIA CREST Database12
The subject matter of these programs was certainly not ambiguous – “mind control” and “behavior modification” upon “human subjects”!
Earlier screen shots from the above file revealed that these MKULTRA programs were carried out between 1947 and 1973. This latest document also reveals that many of the human trials were conducted on prisoners. Prisoner experimentation offers another very unique detail which would help demonstrate that they were probably CIA-sponsored programs.
An examination of the history of ketamine’s rise as a drug, also provided evidence around who the subjects of these experiments were:
Are we reading this correctly? To get ketamine approved by the FDA they called it a “dissociative anaesthetic”? Did someone just make this shit up?
Well, as it turns out, that’s exactly what happened! Dr. Edward Domino, who was leading these Park-Davis studies, spoke to his lovely wife Toni about the research he was doing:
“Dissociative anaesthetics” magically became an entirely new category of drug, meaning ketamine was now classified as a central nervous system therapeutic. Given its profoundly devastating effect on the human body, this categorization was quite reasonable, albeit chilling. However, here is the clincher: This new categorization allowed Parke, Davis and Co. to obtain FDA approval for the clinical use of ketamine upon the broader populace. We sincerely wish that what we are revealing here is a joke; but it is true.
The other smoking gun in this story, is that Parke, Davis and Co. had access to prisoners in Jackson Prison in Michigan. The ability to access the prison system for trial subjects almost-certainly confirms some level of government involvement in their ketamine research. Can any of us just wander into a prison and run some random tests on the inmates?
A reasonable amount of evidence exists to suggest that Parke, Davis and Co. was probably one of the private contractors being sponsored by the CIA at this time.
Further confirming this likelihood, their status in the industry was highly-regarded. Parke, Davis and Co. was the industrial leader in the development of pharmacological research in the United States. In 1902 Parke-Davis built the first industrial laboratory on the shores of the Detroit River, devoted exclusively to pharmacological research.
All of this evidence begins to answer our original question which was whether the government’s MKULTRA programs were responsible for the vast new industry of behavior-modifying drugs and anti-depressants that humanity is faced with today.
While the historical evidence screams a resounding “yes”, this invites another far more-chilling question: Is humanity currently involved in a war for its mind?
This trend in the uptake of anti-depressants was not confined to the US. It appears that Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Canada were not immune from this attack either:
Depressed or controlled?
The recent rise in the use of these drugs is quite literally, unbelievable. How did antidepressants suddenly become trendy? Was this an organic shift in the free market, with the drug industry simply meeting demand, or was the collective mind of humanity having anti-depressants pushed upon it?
While some beneficial advancements undoubtedly emerged from these MKULTRA programs, such as anesthetics, the research was part of a quest to learn how to control people’s minds, and alter people’s behavior. The sinister forces behind these operations don’t simply disappear, just because time advances. Even today, our governments do not appear interested in asking these awkward questions, or answering them, for that matter! Answers will only emerge once the people demand transparency.
We would suggest that we must start asking these questions, and withdrawing our tacit consent to the never-ending mandates of these maniacal, self-appointed Enlightened Despots. If ‘we the people’ don’t stand up, they will destroy humanity.
Today, we know this anti-depressant or synthetic-medicine industry as the Pharmaceutical Industry, which derives its name from an old Greek word, with an extremely interesting meaning:
Our story will now take a brief detour, as we explore the history of the rise of this self-appointed scientific community that seems intent on influencing, at the very least, and possibly controlling the collective mind of entire nations.
In centuries past, the apothecary’s study of herbal and chemical ingredients was a precursor to the modern sciences of chemistry and pharmacology; it was a very ancient practice. We showed the role of the apothecaries and the philosophers during the Age of Enlightenment, in our article - An Ode to a Prussian Pickle – Part VIII . The Age of Enlightenment had been threatening for a couple of centuries, but really kicked into gear in the 1700s.
The Age of Enlightenment was a period of individual exploration in all fields. It was all about the pursuit of individual freedom and happiness. New possibilities were being explored, and natural healing techniques were being discovered that would improve the lives of the people. Such exploration posed a threat to the old order, who wanted to remain in control.
One of these medical breakthroughs was found in the work of Samuel Hahnemann. Samuel was a German physician, and founder of the system of therapeutics known as homeopathy.
His work obviously had an enormous impact on the apothecaries of the day, along with others involved in plant-based activation of the immune system. Despite being Prussian, we do not cast any aspersions upon Hahnemann’s character, or the genius of his discoveries. However, his methods did attract our attention. Why? Because his genius was uncovered by experimenting on the healthy, not the sick:
Hahnemann studied medicine at Leipzig and Vienna, taking the degree of M.D. at Erlangen in 1779… and then moved to Leipzig in 1789. In the following year, while translating William Cullen’s Lectures on the Materia medica into German, he was struck by the fact that the symptoms produced by quinine on the healthy body were similar to those of the disordered states that quinine was used to cure. This observation led him to assert the theory that “likes are cured by likes,”… diseases are cured (or should be treated) by those drugs that produce in healthy persons symptoms similar to the diseases. He promulgated his principle in a paper published in 1796…
His chief work, Organon der rationellen Heilkunst (1810; “Organon of Rational Medicine”), contains an exposition of his system, which he called Homöopathie, or homeopathy. His Reine Arzneimittellehre, 6 vol. (1811; “Pure Pharmacology”), detailed the symptoms produced by “proving” a large number of drugs—i.e., by systematically administering them to healthy subjects.
In 1821 the hostility of apothecaries forced him to leave Leipzig…23 To be fair, experimenting on the healthy, in symptomatic terms only, is a far cry from torture, mind control, lobotomy, castration and death, which were the results of the government-sanctioned experiments that would take place in later years. Is it possible that Hahnemann’s genius attracted the attention of those with despotic tendencies? Let’s explore if, and how, this may have occurred.
The quote above noted that Hahnemann was translating work by William Cullen, who was a significant leader in the Scottish Enlightenment. Cullen was a physician, chemist and an agriculturist. He went on to become the first Physician to the King in Scotland (1773–1790). His work is notable because Cullen defined disease “as an excess or deficiency of sensibility.” However, Cullen interpreted sensibility as “muscle mobility and vigour” and suggested that diseases were caused by the imbalance of irritability and sensibility. Based on this definition of disease, his therapeutics “either stimulated or sedated the nervous system”.24
For anyone interested in Cullen’s work, his 424-page treatise can be found here.
We focus on this obscure connection, because these two notable physicians began to explore merging the role of the physician with an understanding of plant-based medicines and the human nervous system. While the use of plant-based medicine was an ancient practice, the idea of administering these drugs to healthy people to map immune and nervous system responses appeared to be have been leading-edge at this time. The detail about the history of this practice is less important to us than the fact that this scientific method had gained traction in the Prussian empire at the exact time when eugenics and depopulation was also being discussed. The timing was notable.
Hahnemann’s exit from Leipzig in 1821 suggests that his methods of micro-dosing natural tinctures to heal people may not have been welcomed by the Enlightened Despots during this period.
While it would be easy to focus only on Hahnemann’s ability to heal using natural means, there was something else that may have attracted the attention of the ‘old order’ at this time. Hahnemann had revealed that micro-dosing plant-based tinctures could induce sickness in the healthy, and affect the nervous system.
Did the eugenicists of the day become aware of Hahnemann’s and Cullen’s connection with natural medicines and the immune-nervous system, and commence their own micro-dosing research?
The significance of Hahnemann’s work was well known in the late 1800s, including its “sick-making powers”. A notable quote by Constantine Hering in this 1884 article appears to suggest that Hahnemann’s knowledge of homeopathy may even be under some sort of threat, just as he was back in 1821:
Whatever the case, we can recall that homeopathy became heavily demonized in western nations, even being labelled as a dangerous “eastern medicine” and something that should be avoided. This belief existed throughout much of the 1900s, and was embraced by religious organizations, who essentially claimed it had dangerous spiritual origins, almost to a point that it might invite demons into the body. It was not until late in the 20th century, that there was a broader return to the acceptance of natural methods of healing within western nations.
The threat identified in the above Medical Science journal was real. This threat will have to be the subject of a future article. What we can observe however, is that it seems likely that Hahnemann’s work was “Fredericked” by the Rockefellers and Johns Hopkins University which was founded in 1876, just before the above article. Daniel Coit Gilman was a founder and first President of Johns Hopkins. During his tenure at Yale, in 1856, Gilman was instrumental in incorporating Skull and Bones as the Russell Trust Association, which was the society’s legal operating entity. The founder of Skull and Bones, William H. Russell, was named president and Gilman became the treasurer. Gilman was pivotal in bringing the “old world” of Prussia to the United States:
Gilman’s vision was outlined in his inaugural speech as the first President of Johns Hopkins on 22 February 1876:
Johns Hopkins developed a new way of classifying medicine, which effectively destroyed homeopathy, whose cures were natural, making them unpatentable and not profitable. In a sense, Johns Hopkins University did to medicine what Frederick the Great did to the Age of Enlightenment; it seized control, ensuring that the public narrative could be “managed” appropriately.
The establishment of Johns Hopkins, and its influence, would change the face of science and medicine. It was almost like the entire western world had been placed under a spell; the spell of “modern medicine”. Incredibly, ancient religious text even records the possibility of such a rise in the presence of pharmacists within society:
For your merchants were the great ones of the earth; because by your sorcery (pharmakeia) all the nations were deceived.
Revelation 18:23b - Berean Literal Bible.27
Let’s quickly revisit the meaning of this word:
Applying just a little bit of poetic license, the above bible reference seems to suggest that at some point in the future, a mighty force of merchant-traders (referred to as ‘Babylon’) would connect with a significant Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, which would deceive all nations on earth.
In Evolution of Slavery – Part I, we showed how the Hanseatic League merchants joined with the Bank of England under William of Orange, essentially beginning the modern expression of global banking. Within this context, it is extremely interesting that the word “merchants” was used in the bible text alongside a reference to sorcery, or pharmakeia.
Is it possible that the spirit of this old network of merchants still lives on, now partnering with scientists and philosophers to create a series of connected Industrial Complexes, at such a scale that it could deceive all nations on earth?
Really, what we are exploring is whether it is possible that the creative human-spark expressing through humanity during the Age of Enlightenment could have been hijacked by a group of despots. It is not easy to work out how to begin to answer such a question. However, if we live in a world where anyone who questions institutional religious doctrine are labelled heretics, anyone who questions the medical industry are labelled quacks, and anyone who questions socio-economic norms are labelled hippies, then we may have our answer!
As most readers know, we do not research history for the sake of understanding history; we look to history to identify the invisible controlling force that has suppressed human freedom for centuries, and maybe even longer. We aim to identify patterns of the past which are useful in informing the choices we make today.
To understand if humanity is being subjected to some sort of spell or an elaborate system of control, we must look for consistent patterns. These are the types of questions worth asking:
Is there an almost-invisible ‘force’ seeking to force our behavior?
Is free and expansive thought being encouraged or discouraged?
Do television shows and influencers push certain ideologies – almost as if they are coordinating in the background?
Do our governments censor speech?
Do our governments remove certain privileges to coerce compliant behavior?
Are we consistently told that all laws and mandates are for the health and safety of everyone?
Is there a realm of international organizations, who leaders are appointed, not elected, seeking to control member nations via forced agreements to their own mandates?
Many are now exploring these types of questions. Many are also exploring the nature of freedom, and questioning whether this is what it should look like.
Having taken this brief detour, let’s come back to the topic at hand. What we do know is that these CIA experiments had a massive influence upon modern medicine. The resulting Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex has played an enormous role in shaping our human experience. For many, the need for prescription medication is the most important factor in their life; requiring attention from the moment they wake up each morning. For others, antidepressants may even preserve their life. Whatever the case, this is where humanity finds itself!
At some point, humanity will decide whether this burgeoning Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex influences our next 50 years, in the same way it has influenced our last 50 years.
In a slightly-amusing diversion relating to mind-control research, a 1975 CIA report to the Department of Defense reported on US companies operating in Portugal, and our friends at Parke, Davis and Co. got a mention… in a very interesting category:
Propaganda is all about deception and illusion. Widespread government outsourcing of research means that these massive pharmaceutical corporations operate under a veil of secrecy; essentially being afforded the same benefits given to intelligence agencies. These covert research programs were accepted by the public, as they generally believed they were promoting health, economic prosperity and wartime protection.
Was this strategy designed to convince us that a big, powerful government is essential for our safety and well-being?
Whatever the case, there were always going to be consequences if these types of partnerships continued, unchecked. Today, the world is confronted by a massive corporate industrial-war machine, which most of us know nothing about:
Looking at one example; in 2020 Lockheed Martin received $58.2 billion from Defense, which represented 89% of its total revenue. In 2022, they received $45.7 billion, which represented 11.05% of the government’s total Defense expenditure. The “council of the gods” would be proud!
In addition to their unchecked ability to surveil nations, defense contractors now appear free to charge the US taxpayers whatever they want (0:27 seconds):
A longer clip from the 2023 60 Minutes report into US Defense Contractors can be found here for those interested in watching (13:24 mins).
The power issued to these monopolistic defense contractors by governments is incredible, and this doesn’t even include the numerous other contractors who essentially serve as our global intelligence agency. This second list includes Hakluyt, who we featured heavily in our series, An Ode to the Prussian Pickle, as well as Fusion GPS, who is well known for its involvement in the Trump – Russia collusion hoax.
While we want to believe these organizations are trustworthy and upholding the people’s Constitution, history is revealing that these organizations have not always operated in the interests of the people’s right to pursue their own freedom.
Did the outsourcing of bio-weapon’s research create a far bigger beast that may never be tamed? Appearing to grow at the same rate as the Eurodollar and international economy, were these global corporations doing the bidding for We the People, or are they acting for someone else?
To be continued…
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