Lunatics, liars and lab-rats:
This series follows on from our last article, Shiny Toys, KlownShows and the War for Happiness, which introduced the idea that enlightened despotism is playing an enormous part in what is taking place on earth at this time in history. We showed how the US Constitution offers the people the joint pathways of life and liberty, which are endowed by our Creator, through which they have the right to pursue their own happiness – however they choose. We went on to demonstrate how Enlightened Despots claim to be in the light, and if there is no obvious disagreement by the people, these self-appointed leaders regard their subjects as remaining in darkness, or ignorance.
This series will focus on Enlightened Scientific Despots. We will explore how the humble scientist came to have such a significant influence on the entire human experience. In our series, Council of the Gods we investigated the origins of Operation Paperclip, and the role of the US Military offering clemency to certain Nazi war criminals. In this series we will focus on what transpired after the Paperclip Nazi scientists arrived. We will show that Paperclip was much broader than just a scientific research program to stay ahead of the Russians. Rather, it was a coordinated program of experiments aimed at advancing bio-weapons and mind-control capabilities. This series will look at the role the US central intelligence agency played in these experiments, and how this research would eventually transition over to the private sector, and into a few other unlikely places.
Straight to work:
Whether the Nazi scientists began arriving in the US immediately after WW2 or after the last Nuremberg Trial in April 1949, doesn’t overly matter. Whatever the case, it seems that inhumane tests had already been planned for the US, and they were ready to be deployed. We start this series with some startling evidence that San Francisco and New York were subjected to secret CIA-Army biological weapons experiments in 1950 and 1956 respectively:

Source: CIA CREST Database1
While these experiments now exist deep in the annals of history, wouldn’t they still constitute crimes against the US people? Furthermore, has this embedded enemy disappeared over time, or are they still present?
Fort Detrick was central to the CIA’s experiments, and the CIA was working really hard to keep it all secret:

Could it be that the arriving Nazi scientists were being inserted directly into existing operations?
For reference, “SOD” in the screen shot below is a reference to the US Army’s Special Operations Division:
MKNAOMI was the name given to the CIA’s bioweapons program. The CIA’s own archives record these earliest MKNAOMI experiments, although not yet by their MK code-name. This release not only corroborates the CIA’s involvement with the SOD, but provides some chilling detail around the types of things that may have been going on there:
MKNAOMI was a cousin to MKULTRA, and Fort Detrick was involved up to its eyeballs. By the early 1970s people were becoming aware of these programs, and were calling for accountability. In 1975, the Church Committee started looking at CIA spying operations on US citizens. This Inquiry was dramatically expanded in 1977:
While the Senate Intelligence Committee was advised that the capabilities amassed at Fort Detrick were “never tapped”, one is now compelled to ask - did the CIA ever really shut down these operations?
These 1975 commissions of enquiry did produce some fruit, although the public never really became aware of the breadth of the operation. The obscure CIA file that we provided above, was within a ‘Record Series’ which carried a very intriguing title. Could the title of this Series provide a glimpse into the scale of what was happening here?
Were these biological experiments somehow related to the JFK assassination? Was there something more to these mind-control experiments?
A war against the people:
With all that we revealed in our series, “Council of the gods”, it is reasonable to assert that the CIA was comprehensively controlled by the invisible enemy at this point. This meant that a whistleblower would be required to bring any kind of truth into the light:
The whistleblower suggested that Bio-weapons (BW) activity at Detrick had not ceased as the government had been told:
The Office of Technical Service (OTS) replied, suggesting it was doing a few small things in relation to Bio-weapons, but nothing of the scale that was reported in the IG report. The whistleblower’s testimony reopened this entire narrative, and the CIA’s coverup was gradually being exposed:
The most-shocking thing about these revelations is the government’s ongoing commitment to deception and non-disclosure!
For the people of any nation to continue to agree to this covert government behavior, they must believe in the idea of an ongoing threat; they must believe that the government is working in their interests, in order to be more powerful than their enemies. Creating the belief in a threat is how the system of Enlightened Despotism maintains its control. The people willingly give their permission.
When it comes to the surveillance of nations, nothing much has changed since WW2. Under the guise of National Security, many state secrets remain under lock and key. Whatever the public does find out, is often fifty years after the fact, and usually after the key players have all died. This pattern of espionage-disclosure continually has people accepting that government needs to be hiding things from us.
In this same pattern of disclosure, we are only now able to find the CIA’s intentions behind MKNAOMI:

Source: CIA CREST Database12
Reviewing these declassified documents illuminates why Senate Inquiries were demanded in 1975! Following an agreement with the Army in 1952, the CIA had progressed from stockpiling toxic poisons, to making weaponized delivery systems. They go on to note that such bioweapons, by formal agreement, must be “suited for CIA use”.
Outlining the objectives of an emerging program is one thing, but did the CIA and the Special Operations Division (SOD) ever act upon them in the field?
Having just admitted to an “interest” in having weapons that could be used against humans, the CIA suggested they commenced plans to use these weapons against animals and crops, but these were “scrubbed”. We can only speculate whether or not the CIA remained true to their word.
The following records from the CIA contains evidence of years of useless invoices and payments, however we did find a memo which confirmed the nature of the CIA program being funded:

When it comes to mind-control programs, what on earth was taking place that could be described as “field trials” and “field-type experiments”? Were these field trials the ones carried out over New York and San Francisco? Were other trials going on that no-one will ever know about?
Despite President Nixon classifying toxins as bioweapons, it seemed that compliance with his order may have been sporadic:

Source: CIA CREST Database15
Whether other tests stopped or became more covert, we may never know. Whatever the case, the full extent of the CIA’s involvement in these depraved scientific experiments was laid bare in 1977:

Source: CIA CREST Database16
The above document is an incredible resource for those interested in researching the MKULTRA suite of programs. Finding this list of CIA projects allowed us to focus on what the US Army was doing in the 1970s. (1:38 mins)
One of the operations was named MKCHICKWIT. As the details of these horrible experiments come to light, the desire to slightly rename operation “McCHICK-WIT” was overwhelming!
While the 1977 Senate Committees were advised that the experiments had generally been closed, it appears that these programs simply became more and more covert.
This short video showcases Litton Bionetics, which was accused of being involved in the development of AIDS with Robert Gallo, years before AIDS was discovered. It includes an interview with Gallo, whose anger at being challenged about this possibility was obvious, showing he is a part of the enlightened despot brigade (8:36 mins):
Over time, the invisible enemy was becoming more brazen in admitting what was taking place, providing evidence that the US were still being informed by the experiments of yester-year. Listen to Fauci describe these experiments in his own words: (1:03 mins)
In case this 2002 Fauci clip is ever deleted, some of the text is transcribed below:
“…so, I found myself, again, never imagining that I would be doing this; needing to learn from people that I never thought I would be learning things from; namely bioweaponers; people who were our own bioweaponers in the United States decades ago; international figures; people from other countries – the UK; and also, and importantly, defectors – particularly from the Soviet Union, who had vast experience in the ways of bio-warfare.”
Dr Anthony Fauci – December 2002.
To be continued…
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