This is a story about Prussia. Prussia is an empire that is no more; a royal dynasty that is no more; a state that is no more. ‘No more’ to the public eye, that is; Prussia is now hidden, invisible and deeply penetrated within almost every nation state and the matrix of corporations that control governments. This is a story about a Horrible Invisible Enemy.
The story of a Big Idea; a New World Order.
Many a wise man knows about the US Act of 1871 that took the function of government away from ‘We the People’ and into a corporation, under the control of a hidden financier. But many may not know that just one month before the Act of 1871, the King of Prussia became the Kaiser of a united Germany; and that four months after the Act of 1871, a Treaty was signed between the US and Great Britain, after a century of bitter rivalry; and that the Kaiser was the appointed Arbitrator of all disputes that pertained to that Treaty.
The Kaiser did not care to be the direct beneficiary of that treaty, for he was already the Kaiser of Germany and the British Crown, being that the House of Hanover was already firmly under his control. Similarly, the Dutch Crown, being of the House of Oranje Nassau, also paid homage to the Great Kaiser, as another of his titles was the Prince of Orange. These were two great trading empires at the behest of the Kaiser. The mighty USA, weakened and bankrupted by civil war had been rolled into a corporation and controlled by Treaty. The Balkan States too, were subject to the Kaiser’s final rulings. By 1871, almost the entire world was coming under some form of Prussian control.
The Rise of Prussia – 1871:
Prior to 1871, the rise of Prussia was an epic story of military and diplomatic success. Its territory did not to describe its geographic location, but rather the lands it had conquered. It was really a trial run of the Great Reset. Look at the Baltic pagan lands of Prussia: A 60-year bloody struggle between the Prussian pagan natives and the Military Order of the Teutonic Knights. With the Pope’s blessing, the Teutonic Knights embarked on the Northern Crusades and set about resetting the pagan Prussian lands. By giving the pagans the chance to convert or to be executed, the Teutonic Knights heavily depopulated Prussia and set about repopulating the lands with their very own, Germanized Christians.
(Insignia of the Teutonic Order,
By the 14th Century, these Prussian lands were acquired by the princely family of Hohenzollern. Dating back to 1061 A.D., the Count of Zollern and family embarked on a slow and ambitious pathway of expansion. After establishing their base in Nuremberg, expanding to Brandenburg, then acquiring the Prussian lands, the Hohenzollern family decided to adopt Prussia as the namesake of their growing empire. However, their empire was by no means only about land. It was about establishing a culture of compliance, servitude and militarism. By acquiring the lands of Prussia, the Hohenzollern also acquired the brutal methods of Teutonic Knight rule, and with that the mighty military state of Prussia was born.
The Hohenzollern family ruled Prussia with military precision. Intent on not falling to any of the Great Powers that surrounded them, Prussia embarked on a culture of perpetual war with the expressed aim of “conquer or be conquered”.
Maintaining a professional standing-army at all times, they required the compulsory enlistment of its citizens. Using a technique that relied on infiltrating their enemies before invading them, the Kingdom of Prussia rapidly became the most fearsome power in Europe. Militarily, diplomatically and eventually, commercially.
Prussian militarism was legendary. Their Hohenzollern rulers became master statesmen, incorporating espionage and marriage arrangements (a way of infiltration), with a king that was raised and reared for war from birth. Hohenzollern Prussia was not only a state dedicated to the Art of War, it was a cultural requirement to be part of it. It was a nation in Lock Step.
The great military leadership of Prussia resulted in many feats of victory. Some of the greatest battles ever won during this time were at the hands of Prussia and their Kings, the Hohenzollerns. Napolean himself, marvelled at their brilliant military skills.
The Art of War is an all-encompassing endeavor. But while Sun Tzu’s writings on war were epic, the Prussian practice of war was carried out on a scale that was unimaginable. Napolean knew this all too well, as did one of the great Hohenzollerns, Frederick the Great.
The world of that day would witness this centuries-old, semi-landlocked backwater of a principality become a great empire, culminating in one of the greatest victories ever. After their victory over the French in the Franco-Prussian War, the Kings of Prussia were crowned Kaiser of Germany, in 1871.
This was the legend that earned the Kaiser the role of Arbiter in the Treaty of 1871 between the US and UK. Notably, the Kaiser’s word was final on any dispute. Control had been well-earned.
1871 marked the year the Kaiser, the King of Prussia, the Prince of Orange commenced a quest for complete diplomatic and financial control of the modern world.
The Plan to Become Invisible 1871 – 1918:
From 1871 until the eventual abdication of the Kaiser in 1918, the Teutonic culture of Prussia permeated throughout the world, without many even aware it was happening.
The origins of modern education, akin more to indoctrination, are Prussian. Born out of a philosophy to create a citizenry that is loyal to the state and compliant to state wishes, the word “Kinder – Garten” had specific Prussian meaning.
The Hohenzollerns also embarked on creating a great Naval power. While a reasonable attempt was made to create physical ships and subs, their biggest achievement may have been the creation of Corporations acting on behalf of nation states. Wars would lead to Treaties with which the Kaiser would become final Arbiter, thereafter controlling nations under the guise of Admiralty and Maritime Law.
Through tried and tested war tactics of infiltration and covert operations, the Kaiser would penetrate every aspect of human life in the Western world. As Teddy Roosevelt knew all too well.
While this sounds ludicrous, it appears we were told by those who knew better.
The world truly was beginning to embrace the “big idea” of a “new world order”.
It would also be exceptionally naive to think that the most influential and powerful corporation of the 20th Century, the Federal Reserve Bank, would not have had the invisible Prussian hand involved in its formation. Within a year of its signing, World War I was in full-swing.
Woodrow Wilson reminisced on his part in the Federal Reserve Act:
As Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated a year later, along with his Hohenzollern wife, the world would never be the same again. The plan to take over the world, not just lands but the hearts and minds and every aspect of human action on the planet, had just gone live.
The horrors and human-misery provided a smokescreen to the true plan that was unfolding. The Germans, led by the great Hohenzollern Kaiser and a family heritage of military success, made what seemed to be a fatal mistake: Germany urged Mexico to invade the US.
So it was, that in 1917, America, attacked like never before, declared war on Germany. By 1918, Germany had been defeated and the Kaiser had abdicated his throne.
However, there were too many strange things happening in 1917 at the hand of the Kaiser. Had the stage been set for the complete disappearance of the Hohenzollern dynasty from public statehood?
Let’s look at some significant happenings in 1917:
The infamous Zimmerman telegram drew America into war;
The British Royal Family changed their name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor,
The family of the future husband of Queen Elizabeth II changed their name from Battenberg to Mountbatten,
The Kaiser gave Lenin millions to finance his campaign of Bolshevik Red terror in Russia,
The Balfour declaration was signed.
These seemingly minor actions served two purposes: (1) Hide all sign of the Kaiser’s markings in the world, and (2) unleash a chain of chaos upon the world that made the 20th Century potentially the bloodiest of all human history.
However, all of this paled in comparison to the mother-of-all-weapons that was to be bestowed on humanity: A weaponized mass psychosis for the express-purpose of transferring unimaginable wealth and power to global Corporations and those who controlled them.
Fascism was born.
The Death of the State of Prussia – the birth of the Horrible Invisible Enemy:
The decisions made in 1917 by the Kaiser set the world on a pathway to one of the worst centuries in human history. These horrific decisions were made by a Kaiser who had been entrusted to oversee the most powerful treaties in the world. The most significant powers on earth had placed their trust in the Kaiser, due to an impeccable family heritage of military and diplomatic success. The war economy was in full-swing. It is almost inconceivable that these decisions were made, but even more inconceivable, was what followed.
The Kaiser, now abdicated, retreated back to the House of Orange in the Netherlands, where he spent the rest of his days.
Russia was in the midst of a bloody civil war involving the Bolshevik Reds. A campaign led by Lenin, financed by the Kaiser, was not dissimilar to modern-day color-revolutions.
The Middle East was beginning a tumultuous century between Jews and Muslims.
Adolph Hitler, in 1919, as a loyal German military man (despite coming from Austria) was assigned to infiltrate and spy on the German Workers Party (DAP). Remember: Infiltration instead of invasion.
The rise of Hitler and the devastation that followed would not have been possible without the compliance of the German citizenry and their future staunch allies, being a state of mass psychosis. A ‘collective-unconscious’ would suffer tragedies that could only be induced by leaders of complete incompetence. or maniacally-brilliant.
The economic disaster that befell Germany through the 1920s, known as the Weimar Hyperinflation, was not an accident, but a planned event. The war reparations were impossible to pay back. History shows that the hyperinflation wiped out the entire middle class.
When faced with nothing, the German people were forcefully opened-up to the ideologies of socialism and its radicalised Bolshevik companion. Faced with abject poverty, moral depravity began to blossom, especially in Berlin (known as the Sin City). Outbreaks of violence between rival ideologies increased. Corruption was rampant and was being coupled with thuggery.
Above: Symbols of Hitler’s Brownshirts. Below: A Symbol of their “enemy”, Antifa
When the German people lost everything, they lost hope. They desired a strong man; someone that could unite them as they once were under the might Kaiser. That man was Adolph Hitler. He espoused a new type of socialism: National Socialism. This was a form of Governance where, if everyone complied and moved in lock-step, people would be rewarded with a new era of prosperity.
Germany would implement the socialist principles that the people wanted [needed], by issuing contracts to perform the tasks needed to achieve that end. Those contracts would be issued to none other than some of the largest corporations on the planet. So was born the Fascist Nazi regime.
The psychology of fascism was first documented by Wilhelm Reich’s, “The Mass Psychosis of Fascism”. Hitler had the book publicly burnt and Reich fled Germany, finally reaching the US. Oddly enough, in stark contrast to the 1st Amendment, the FDA ordered ALL of Reich’s books be destroyed in the 1950s. Were the US and Germany already in lock-step?
After the historic economic hardship and violence faced by the German people, fascism arrived as a solution, not a problem. Amidst the current violence, economic misery and moral depravity, fascism also provided the answer. It provided jobs, crushed the violence in the streets, banned the homosexuality and rampant drug-use from its streets.
Problem. Reaction. Solution. The Prussians were not gone; they were just invisible.
The mass psychosis had the Germans moving in lock-step; in fear of falling back into the abyss of the 20s; brimming with the false empowerment Hitler had given them. This false empowerment would see them remain silent in front of the greatest atrocities to occur in human history. Consider, that if everyone commits a war crime, then no one does. This is lock-step; this the virus of fascism; this was a nation under mass psychosis.
1917 had commenced the great pandemic of fascism and did not end until the end of WW2.
As Germany, once again, collapsed under the weight of horrendous military decisions by a leader who was completely enamored with Hohenzollern nostalgia and the return of the Prussian era, the atrocities undertaken by a nation under mass psychosis shocked the world.
Ironically, trials were held at one of the Hohenzollern’s first territories, Nuremberg. Executions were carried out and in 1947 the world witnessed the totally removal of Prussia from existence.
With the Kaiser abdicating in 1918 and the Prussian state abolished, the entire history of Prussia and its war-time culture had disappeared.
From the ashes of WW2, only one thing remained: The Corporations that all carried the fascist virus. They were now the largest corporations on the planet and commence the task of penetrating every aspect of human existence.
Prussia had now become invisible. From here on, it would operate in the shadows. It had a simple vision that started in 1871: When the conditions were right - take over the world.
The Horrible Invisible Enemy:
Fascism is the marriage between Big Government and Big Corporations. With the Cold War threatening to destroy the world, America and Russia needed weapons-technology as quickly as possible. How was this going to be paid for?
In Russia, communism was destroying its economy and so draconian labor strategies were employed; slave labor can be very profitable for corporations. In a very familiar pattern, dissenters were crushed and sent to the gulags, forming the Gulag archipelago, described by Alexander Solzehnitsyn. In the US, the Federal Reserve Banking Act passed in December 1913 and this also saw the establishment of the IRS. The progressive increase in taxation of the people would suffice in paying for the new Cold War threat. The people agreed and moved in lock-step.
The rise of BigGov saw the rise of the BigCorp. This was the same BigCorp-model that made huge profits from the rise of Nazi Germany. Fascism 2.0 was on its way. JFK, Reagan and Trump all tried to warn us.
Another surviving remnant of the fall of Nazi Germany was the Muslim Brotherhood. Formed in 1928, they formed an immediate alliance with Hitler, who financed much of the Muslim Brotherhood with the assets confiscated from Jews, who met their fates in the concentration camps.
After WW2, the Muslim Brotherhood received much of their funding from Saudi Arabia. On the run for war crimes and also getting purged from their stronghold in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood was eventually rounded up by British Intelligence, who handed them over to the CIA.
The CIA, formed after WW2, did not present the Muslim Brotherhood for war crimes. Instead, they sent many of them off to Saudi Arabia, where they became deeply embedded within the nation, particularly in the schools. There they forged the Islamo-Fascist religion known as Wahhabism.
Other members of the Brotherhood set up an underground base in Germany from which they would operate internationally.
It is claimed the Muslim Brotherhood provided humanity with the ‘benefits’ of Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Al Baghdadi, Hamas, Al Qaeda, ISIS and possibly even Iran, with all the wars and terror that has come with its regime.
It is claimed that Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, is from a family with very close ties to the upper echelon of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is claimed that Obama may have had his Harvard Law degree financed by Al Waleed Bin Talal – one of the richest Saudis in the world. It is claimed that ex-CIA director John Brennan, may have converted to Wahhabism.
The origins, or perhaps “the oranges”, of the CIA may have had dubious ties to international fascism and exceptionally close ties to Nazi Germany. Notably, GHWB’s father, Prescott Bush, had his company’s assets seized in 1942 under the “Trading with the Enemy Act” for effecting banking for the Nazi regime. What was the sentence for this crime? GHWB became CIA director. The same CIA that let the Muslim Brotherhood, or the Islamic chapter of the Nazis, thrive in Saudi Arabia and Germany.
Since 1945 the world has not stopped suffering under the Kaiser’s decisions in 1917. Communism would never have spread to China and beyond if it was not for the stronghold it managed to gain in Russia. Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and many other monsters would not have been born into authority.
We may not have seen radical Islam and its terror attacks; the War on Terror; the rise and rise of Government through massive taxation; the rise of the super-global corporations which are larger than nations. This all led to the 100-year march of the central bank, placing the world into a debt trap that would place nations into debt servitude for generations to come. The Prussians were not gone; they were just invisible.
The world was in a war so insidious, that it was impossible to detect. The world was being attacked by a strategy so ambitious and with such a deadly intent, that it is impossible to believe. The world was being attacked by an enemy that no longer used geography as the battlefield, but psychology.
This was an enemy that made us think we had won the battles, so that they could win the War. This is the Horrible Invisible Enemy. This is #PrussiaGate.
Trump, the Wartime President:
President Trump knew all too well the machinations of the Invisible Enemy. JFK and Reagan warmed the world. However, the Prussian playbook would not be deployed until the population was ready to fall into a state of weaponized mass-psychosis. The plan was for an orderly transition of power in the 2016 US election to HRC. The enemy would need to address an interruption: Trump.
The silent, invisible war would need to respond to an external influence. The period intended to crush dissidents was actually empowering them. Furthermore, the realization that there was an invisible war, was now spreading all over the world.
With the arrival of the CCP Virus, as Trump calls it, the Prussian plan went live and Trump began calling himself a “war time President”.
This happened on Trump’s watch and as he has told us quite a few times, he has some of the greatest Generals ever. Those Generals, sworn to protect and uphold the Constitution – against all enemies foreign and domestic – would have undoubtedly worked diligently to understand every aspect of the Prussian playbook.
Consider that the Horrible Invisible Enemy is not so invisible once their symbols are known. Symbols, when they are known, behave much like a language; invisible to those who can’t read. The symbolic garb worn by the enemy are perfect remnants of the markings presented by the mighty Hohenzollern dynasty.
Within Prussia they are the Iron Cross, the Iron Eagle, the Red Cross and “the thousand points of light” that some emblems have embedded behind them.
They wear their symbols as a rank; providing knowledge of who they are amongst themselves. They were a secret society and visible only unto themselves, or so they thought. Could it be that symbolism will make them readily visible and ultimately, be their downfall?
Prussia was the ancestry of the Rockefellers; the safe harbor of the Jesuits when Adam Weishaupt created the Illuminati, the client of the Rothschilds. It is hard to imagine that any uprising of freedom or dissent would have been kept from the Militant Teutonic Order of Prussia and their Hohenzollern rulers. It is even harder to conceive that any movement would be able to outsmart them.
And so we learn that the monarchs, corporations and banks, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, the Nazis, communists, radical Islamo-fascists were all subsets of a much larger organization. They were all fingers attached to the invisible hand. Could the invisible hand be the hand of Prussia?
When Hitler infiltrated the DAP, he formed the thuggish SA or “the Sturmabteiling”; later known as the infamous Brown shirts. True to the nature of “Problem-Reaction-Solution”, the SA infiltrated rival groups, such as Antifaschiste Aktion and created a violence that only Hitler appeared to be able to bring under control. “Sturmabteling” translates to “Storm Division”.
On October 7, 2017, in Trump’s first year of office, he had a dinner with military leaders and their spouses.
How does one defeat a highly-evolved “Storm Division”? How do you defeat the weaponized mass psychosis of fascism that was established 1917? Did President Trump, the master troll and comically labelled as “Orange Man Bad”, gave us a hint?
I guess we’re about to find out: