Freedom vs Tyranny
1776 was a pivotal year for Western civilization.
Since 1740, Frederick the Great had transformed the kingdom of Prussia into a world power. From the moment he took the reins, he attacked Austria and secured the regions of Silesia, Bohemia and Moravia. They were agricultural lands, and with a 90% serf-population, they would provide an abundance of cheap labor and food for his kingdom. (Centuries later, Hitler did the same thing during WWII. In a plan known as “Lebensraum” which meant “living space”, the Nazis would annihilate the populations of Poland and Russia to provide a breadbasket for the German Reich.)
During Frederick’s reign, he would stop at nothing to improve the situation of his kingdom. Frederick was so concerned about the possibility of his citizens suffering from famine, he started draining the swamps in the Oder valley and:
During Frederick’s reign, he would stop at nothing to improve the situation of his kingdom. Frederick was so concerned about the possibility of his citizens suffering from famine, he started draining the swamps in the Oder valley and:
This Order earned him the nickname the “Potato King”. It was these initiatives that help us understand the guiding philosophy driving Frederick the Great and the horrible invisible enemy we face today.
The potato decree was only one directive issued during Frederick’s reign, as he went about re-shaping every aspect of his kingdom into a ‘New Prussian Order’.
Prussian society became the expression of Frederick’s version of ‘Enlightened Despotism’.
Public education, welfare provisions to the peasantry, improvements in universities, libraries, land reforms, central banking and drastic upgrades to public infrastructure were all part of Frederick’s contributions to his kingdom. ‘Enlightened Despotism’ was a social contract between the ruler and their subjects. If a ruling monarch provided “enlightenment”, and improved the living standards of their citizens, then the absolute rule of the monarch was validated. In short, Frederick believed he was serving his community, and therefore, it was a requirement for the community to serve his beloved kingdom of Prussia.
Frederick maintained a medieval-style social caste system within Prussia. He provided the peasants enough education to become literate, but not enough to learn more than basic reading and writing. This allowed them to become more-useful workers, but not intelligent enough to realize their miserable situation. The middle class suffered the most under Frederick. Business owners and professionals were subject to draconian taxation to finance Frederick’s social programs as well as the military. The quasi-noble Junker-class were assigned as army officers, but discouraged from marrying, so as to reduce the number of potential widows to whom the state would owe a pension. Not everyone was fooled:
Taxation of the middle class and the deliberate oppression of the peasantry served the noble elite of Prussia well. Prussian nobility were assigned the top military, bureaucratic and diplomatic positions. To ensure that every Prussian served the kingdom as required, Frederick’s Enlightened Despotism maintained an enormous administrative branch. He worked tirelessly to impose a control grid over his kingdom, ensuring most people within his realm would “have nothing, but be happy”. This culminated in his Magnus Opus, The General State Laws for the Prussian States, or the Prussian Civil Code:
‘Old Fritz’, as Frederick was also known, was approaching the end of his life, and he wanted to make sure nothing about his beloved Prussian-creation would change. The discipline he had imposed on Prussian society had citizens living in a state of constant fear, ensuring a submissive and compliant population:
Prussian domination over its citizenry appears to have reached a crescendo in 1776:
Frederick the Great had created a top-down centralized command economy; a government structure where only the “elite know best”; a bureaucracy that had invaded every minute of a citizen’s life, even with respect to a young lady’s period.
In the same year that young ladies were being forced to report their monthly cycles to the Prussian state, across the Atlantic, 13 States were telling the cabal of European Enlightened Despots what to do with their “World Order”:
The Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution and finally the U.S. Constitution laid the foundations of a nation that was built on the opposite philosophy of Frederick the Great’s “enlightened”, despotic control-grid.
This act of defiance in America surely enraged Frederick. One can only speculate, but if he heard the news about 1776 whilst partaking in a voracious game of Hot Cockles at his all-male palace, ‘Sans, Souci.’, the unfortunate recipient of his blow may have had trouble walking for quite some time.
Regardless, 1776 set the stage for a multi-century battle between two competing ideologies: Prussia was a ruling monarchy where the noble elite oversaw a monolithic bureaucracy that micro-managed every aspect of its population; America was a Constitutional Republic built on the premise of an individual’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
‘Old Fritz’ was no fool. He understood that if Americans prospered, they would become a bastion of freedom and a shining light to the rest of the world.
America’s Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed that “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed”, represented an existential threat to Frederick’s Enlightened Despotism and autocratic rule. Having established the New Prussian Order, Frederick’s quest toward placing a control-grid over humanity would be smashed into 1000 pieces if the American experiment of limited government and individual freedom proved successful.
This would become the mother of all culture wars. The world was on a trajectory that would eventually see it ruled by Prussian autocratic elite, or by a government run by ‘We the People’.
Infiltration Instead of Invasion
Frederick the Great was one of the greatest military leaders of all times. He was known to ride alongside his Prussian cavalry and, when he felt the desire, would plunge himself into battle.
Frederick’s bravery on the battlefield paled in comparison to his military intellect. His strategic ability was unmatched for the period. When America’s freedoms represented an existential threat to his Prussian authoritarian rule, he found himself in a huge dilemma.
In 1776, America was a fledgling nation. The industrializing nations of Europe dwarfed America’s predominantly agrarian economy. If Frederick were to join King George and engage the American revolutionaries directly in battle, the people would wonder why the might of Europe was so united in crushing a bunch of colonies on the other side of the Atlantic. This could raise popular awareness to the American Declaration of Independence, and a similar search for freedom could spread throughout Europe, creating a world-wide Great Awakening.
Instead, Frederick opted to play the ‘long-game’ and pursue the indirect path of infiltration; he would attempt to destroy America from within.
Prussia stayed decidedly neutral throughout the American Revolution. This was noteworthy because Frederick the Great’s bloodline was deeply intertwined with the British monarch. His mother, Sophia of Hanover, was the daughter of King George I, and the two kingdoms had just forged a strong military-alliance after the Seven Years War. Frederick’s lifelong friend, Prussian Field Marshal Ferdinand von Braunschweig, was so loved by the British, that there was a suggestion he command the British forces in America. Fortunately, that did not eventuate.
The Hessian mercenaries were hired by King George III to assist him against the American revolutionaries. While the kingdom of Hesse-Kassel was a separate kingdom to Prussia at the time, the Hohenzollern had also inter-married their bloodline into the Hessian royal family. Frederick was non-plussed by the involvement of Hesse-Kassel, thereby indirectly supporting the British cause.
On the American side, an ex-Prussian general, Friedrich von Steuben, was hired by George Washington and Benjamin Franklin to train the army. Von Steuben had once been so close to Frederick the Great that he had joined the king’s “aide-de-camp”.
With Frederick having avoided any obvious involvement with either side during the American Revolution, the founding fathers were delighted at the actions Prussia had taken (or rather, not taken) throughout their victory against the British.
It was at this precise moment that the Prussian strategy of “infiltration instead of invasion”, became apparent.
Frederick the Great had won favor with America’s founding fathers. This relationship was immediately transferred into a “Treaty of Amity and Commerce”:
During the Constitution Convention, the extent of Prussian influence was exposed. General von Steuben was working behind the scenes to have Frederick the Great’s brother, Prince Henry, installed as King of America:
It is impossible to know the exact intent behind the plot to appoint Frederick the Great’s younger brother as king of the United States, but perhaps this is what Otto von Bismarck meant with his famous quote about the future of Americans:
From day one of its independence, America was under a silent and invisible siege by Prussian autocrats. The failed attempt to ordain Prince Henry the king of the United States was a victory, but it simply marked the beginning of centuries of Prussian infiltration and subversion:
Prussia infiltrated elite universities via secret societies, such as Skull and Bones. Those within these secret fraternities pledged a “higher loyalty”, and many have been appointed as Presidents, Secretaries of War and Supreme Court Justices. This was outlined in Prussian Origins of Skull and Bones.
The Prussian template for public education was adopted in America during the 1800s. Children were considered wards of the State and indoctrinated to submit to the will of government decree. This is the essence behind today’s ‘woke’ education agenda, as we outlined in Prussian Origins of Modern Education.
Frederick the Great founded the Prussian central bank, which evolved into the German Reichsbank. The Reichsbank was promoted in America by Paul Warburg, a man who emigrated from Prussia and is credited with being the architect behind the U.S. Federal Reserve, as detailed in Prussian Origins of the U.S. Federal Reichsbank.
In The Prussian Origins of Marxism, we outlined evidence in support of Karl Marx being a Prussian agent with direct contact with the head of the Prussian secret police. After the 1848 Communist revolutions in Europe, many Prussians moved to America. Koen & Loeb, and Charles Pfizer were among them, as well as many Prussian Generals. During the American Civil War, ex-Prussian generals linked to Karl Marx served in the Union military and provided a back-channel between Marx and Abraham Lincoln.
By 1871, the king of Prussia had been anointed the Kaiser of the German Reich. A few months later, he was appointed as the final arbiter of the Washington Treaty between the re-formed United States and Great Britain. (Article 34-37)
In addition to the establishment of the Federal Reserve, a federal income tax was implemented. This allowed for America to become synchronous with Prussian ideology and gradually force the burden of ‘big government’ onto the middle class, just as Frederick the Great had achieved centuries before.
In the Not Since 1917 series, we laid out the strategy Prussia carried out in order to become both global, and invisible. In a series of disasters, the world’s most powerful and prestigious Reich had miraculously lost WWI, suffered the worst hyperinflationary depression in history, ushered in the Nazi regime, and brought about utter catastrophe to the world during WWII. During the entire process, a Prussian-American alliance of globalist corporations were scooping up Germany’s resources and supply chains for pennies on the dollar. After WWII, Prussia was abolished from the world stage, appearing to exist only in history books. The reality was they had become invisible, and their power base was in a new host.
Following WWII, many who sympathized with the Nazis began to re-organize and manage the huge conglomerate of globalist corporations into a well-oiled Uni-entity. Using events such as Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, the Alfalfa Club and the World Economic Forum, political leaders, CEOs and central bankers were afforded the ability to openly collude about the direction they wished to see humanity take. These members of the ReichsWEF would unashamedly operate in “lockstep”, slowly implementing their New World Order.
Since 1776, there is almost no part of America which has not been influenced by Prussia. Indeed, the same can be said for the entire world.
Today, we are faced with a myriad of crises that always lead toward the same consensus amongst these self-appointed rulers: Humanity must be willing to sacrifice its freedoms to find safety. This is nothing more than a public declaration to shape the world into the same order that Frederick the Great imposed upon Prussia 250 years earlier. This tyrannical order embodies the opposite intent to the freedom envisioned by the US founding fathers and the Constitution.
The largest bullhorn declaring the globalist intentions over the last 50 years has been the World Economic Forum. This is why we’ve exposed its deep Prussian roots, which are so vast, we’ve renamed the organization! Those behind its inception and its Frankenstein evolution had one clear goal in mind: Subject America and its Constitution to a gradual and controlled demolition, and the implementation of a New World Order.
The Three Stooges and the Convergence of Hypocrisy
We introduced Otto von Bismarck in Part I of this series because of his devotion to Prussia and Realpolitik. This ideal was that the State must survive and thrive, no matter what deed must be done or what cost must be borne. By setting up the world’s first welfare State, Bismarck raised serious funds for the relentless march of Prussia toward world supremacy. Propaganda, espionage, deceit, bribery, assassinations, black-ops, revolutions and war were all necessary, according to Bismarck, if the result was a stronger Prussia.
Part I also introduced Yale, Mao Zedong and the CCP. This illustrated the exceptionally long relationship Yale had in China. Yale in China was predominantly run by the members of Skull and Bones. In 1919, Yale in China employed a young Mao Zedong, who would use the funds received from Yale to finance the socialist youth corps and the Chinese Communist Party.
As events unfolded in China, Mao became the communist dictator while Chiang Kai-Shek was forced to flee to Taiwan and declare a government in exile. While Chiang implemented his version of a Republic in Taiwan, Mao brutalized the mainland Chinese with communist enslavement. By 1970, the rich history and culture of the Chinese people had been cleansed by Mao, resulting in over half-a-billion destitute Chinese communist slaves.
It was at this time that Henry Kissinger was activated to utilize CCP slave labor. In Part II we presented how his dialogue with the CCP led to a deal where the US would allow, and even support, the global rise of CCP China in exchange for access to Chinese slave labor. This access benefited globalist corporations, and the result was immediate, as China was “modernized” within a decade.
This access to slave labor would benefit the same globalist corporations who profited from the global catastrophe from 1917-1945, as called-out by General Smedley Butler’s War is a Racket.
Kissinger was openly serving the Prussian cartel of globalist corporations and using the slaves from China, which ironically, had been created by Prussian ‘Bonesmen’ helping Mao. A keen student of history, Kissinger knew exactly what he was doing and how it would end; America would slowly degenerate while globalist corporations made fortunes, and the manufactured rise of the CCP would become a threat to the entire world.
Kissinger re-engineered Bismarck’s Realpolitik for the modern era and created one of the biggest labor arbitrages the world has ever known. There was no issue too hot for Kissinger; Eugenics, wars, nuclear proliferation, the petrodollar, and destabilizing the Middle East. These factors would all contribute toward the globalist corporate takeover of the world. This would label Kissinger as one of the most-esteemed Prussian servants, which is why in 2013 he was the honored guest for the 100th anniversary of the Alfalfa Club. In 2015, Kissinger was so convinced about the outcome of the 2016 US election and that “she would never lose”, he penned his memoirs and shared his vision for a New World Order.
Kissinger’s ultimate creation was recruiting and providing the architecture for the World Economic Forum. With financial aid from the CIA, Kissinger fomented a relationship with a young Klaus Schwab. Since 1971, Klaus has been the self-appointed managing director of the ReichsWEF. Klaus, along with Maurice Strong and George Soros, played a pivotal role in shaping the ReichsWEF into what it is today. These men are the three stooges of hypocrisy.
Maurice Frederick Strong is considered the founder of the modern-day climate change movement. Kissinger’s years spent in psychological operations undoubtedly played an important role in the evolution of climate alarmism. In short, the climate-crisis movement was designed to blame every crisis, whether man-made or natural, on Western culture and free market capitalism. Indoctrinating people into a perpetual state of impending climate doom, the movement suggests that the only solution is for the world to move away from fossil fuels and toward “sustainable energy solutions”.
It should never be forgotten that the climate change founder, Maurice Strong’s career took off when, as a destitute 18-year-old boy, he accepted a living arrangement with the Treasurer of the United Nations. This provided him with many connections enabling his fortune to be made from ventures in oil, gas and petroleum. Amassing a wealth from fossil fuels, only then to lead the global charge against fossil fuels, clearly identifies Maurice Strong as a global hypocrite.
George Soros’ trading career profited from the economic collapse of nations. He would strike at the exact moment a nation found itself in a dire economic situation and amplify the crisis. It is unclear whether Soros had an actual trading strategy or benefited from inside knowledge, perhaps handed to him by a central banker at the annual ReichsWEF gatherings in Davos. That would be a form of illegal insider trading, which Soros was convicted and found guilty of back in 1988, along with his co-conspirator, Robert Maxwell. Soros developed strong ties with radical left-wing activists, color revolutionaries, and of course, the Clintons. The collapse of nations has allowed member companies of the ReichsWEF to purchase resources and supply chains for next to nothing, providing almost unlimited resources to the Davos cartel. Wherever there is financial doom or regime change, Soros will be found lurking in the shadows.
Perhaps what is most telling about George Soros is the billions he made by moving to the United States and benefiting from its free-market capitalist system, which he now adamantly proclaims is the biggest impediment toward his global vision of an “open society” and a New World Order. This, of course, makes George Soros an uber-global hypocrite.
Klaus Martin Schwab is the anointed leader of the ReichsWEF. As we detailed in ReichsWEF Part V, his role was to coordinate the world’s political, financial, and corporate leaders into the annual event at Davos, Switzerland:
Klaus admits to coordinating the largest collusion network in human history. Back in 1890, the Sherman Antitrust Act was passed to tackle the exact problem Klaus appears to be proudly coordinating:
Klaus claims the vision behind his entire forum is for a noble cause - the betterment of mankind:
Whether it’s having nothing, eating bugs, enforced vaccine passports, population reduction or viewing human beings as “hackable animals”, none of them seem particularly appealing to the average man on the street. It is fair to conclude that none of these initiatives represent an improvement to the state of the world.
What we do know is that in the first 10 years at Davos, Klaus invited an array of ex-Nazis, a Prime Minister accused of sadistic pedophilia, and a president with clear ties to an African dictator accused of holding cannibalistic orgies, along with other notable luminaries.
Klaus is clearly aroused when explaining the pending doom of humanity, which he claims is due to the rise of Western culture. His commitment to world-demise, coupled with his dubious past in the nuclear industry and his association with so many Nazis, places considerable doubt on his claim that he is trying to make the world a better place.
Of all the hypocrites on the world stage, Klaus Schwab receives the highest place on the podium.
These are the Three Stooges of the ReichsWEF, and their hypocritic ideologies conveniently converge into a singular theme, which can be best articulated by Klaus himself:
In other words, The Great Reset.
Batteries, CBDCs and AI
All divisions of the ReichsWEF magically arrive at the same solution necessary to “tackle the challenges of globalization”. In short, sustainability will be achieved through the “batterization” of humanity.
Maurice Strong passed away in CCP China a few years ago, but his legacy is stronger than ever before. Those now driving the climate movement all agree on the pathway to a more sustainable future - batteries.
There are major problems with this solution. Batteries currently require significant amounts of lithium, cobalt and graphene. If we simply look at replacing all cars with electric vehicles, the future appears quite short-lived:
Personally, I would never purchase a car named “Leaf”, but the rough calculation is useful. If everyone downsized to a car the size of a ride-on lawnmower, we would run out of lithium within 5 decades. However, if we were to go along with the climate movement’s goals and replace all fossil fuels with this “sustainable” battery solution, our houses, trucks, factories, buildings, and possibly our airplanes would require so much lithium that proven reserves would be most likely be exhausted in less than 5 years.
This, in turn, creates another paradox for those pushing the climate agenda. The mining of the battery materials of lithium, cobalt and graphene, is quite destructive to the environment:
Places where lithium mines are active experience a drastic reduction in arable farmland, therefore reducing the supply of food available. In China, dead fish and livestock were found downstream of lithium mines; so bad was the pollution that the Chinese stopped their mining operations. Similar events occurred in Tibet, Chile and Australia. In Tibet, hydrochloric acid was found in the water supply.
Effectively, if we were to give the proverbial “keys of the kingdom” to the climate alarmist movement, their radical transformation toward green “sustainability” would actually instigate an environmental apocalypse.
Many who are indoctrinated into the climate change narrative are unaware of the damage their ideology would unleash on the planet. They are simply invoking the hypocrisy of their founder Maurice Strong, but perhaps on a scale even he could never have imagined.
It appears the ReichsWEF is very aware of the dire situation we face regarding lithium mining and pollution. In 2021, they outlined a solution, in the form of organic batteries:
The first glaring problem with the ReichsWEF’s assessment of the future of batteries is that the ‘wearables and implantables’ market represents less than 0.000001% of the total energy market. This is, of course, unless they are predicting a huge surge in the demand for ‘implantables’.
The second, and perhaps more ominous concept, is that of organic batteries being “degraded on demand”. What specific “acidic conditions” would meet the criteria for organic matter to be degraded?
The current CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, explains quite clearly what the possibilities are for powered up “implantables”: (0:26 seconds)
Bourla says the quiet part out loud: “Imagine the applications for that; the compliance.” The notion of compliance infers there is a punishment for the implantable device not successfully sending a signal that the medicine has been taken. What sort of punishment would they be considering for “non-compliance”?
To answer this question, we can look at the role the ReichsWEF Treasury Department plays with respect to enforcing other types of compliance upon humanity, using Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC):
Pippa Malmgrem, whose father had an inside view into Nixon’s removal of the dollar from the gold standard, offers her opinion on the future of money: (1:45 mins)
If any of what she said sounds alarming, the question as to how compliance will be enforced is answered by ReichsWEF board member, Mark Carney:
Mark Carney has turned from central banker to a self-appointed climate activist. His goal is to see the convergence of the radical green movement with the entire financial infrastructure of the planet. Using CBDCs, every transaction will be monitored for “compliance”. Let’s look at the possible enforcement of this from Mark Carney’s point of view:
Mark Carney seems focused on having non-compliant citizens’ bank accounts closed and turning 2/3 of the planet into a poisonous lithium pit. His ReichsWEF counterpart, Klaus Schwab, is pre-empting the entire plan with the endorsement of a new credit card – Doconomy. In conjunction with Master Card, the point of difference for Doconomy is that it will monitor the carbon footprint of every transaction, and pre-emptively adjust the user’s spending capability:
Mastercard believes this is all possible within 5 years:
A digitized economy that forces citizen-compliance in order to maintain global “sustainability” requires the analysis of an inordinate amount of data. The data sets generated, even for a single individual, are being termed “big data”, and the solution is provided by Artificial Intelligence:
AI will use the data provided from your personal CBDC transactions and decide how you can spend your money. This incredible initiative is all to ensure “sustainability”. Once again, the ReichsWEF is front-and-center in guiding how ‘Big Tech’ can shape humanity’s future into their dystopic vision:
The three stooges of the ReichsWEF are uber-hypocrites, but an examination of the Forum and its member companies, shows that their entire playbook is a deceitful mockery and fraud.
The ‘Climate Changers’ solution to save the planet is to force humanity onto batteries. This would not only cause an environmental apocalypse, but it would only provide a temporary solution as lithium and other metals would be exhausted in no time.
The financial members of the ReichsWEF believe they can enforce citizen-compliance of sustainability through a CBDC, and simply cut-off people and businesses from the economy if they do not conform to the New World Order. Not only is this the antithesis of a free market, but it would also destroy many sectors of the economy and cause widespread unemployment and depression.
The lynchpin of their entire system is AI. Klaus Schwab’s old company, Sulzer, is heavily invested in AI and he is extremely excited about the possibility of technology being used to alter humanity’s behaviour. Now that this technology is implantable, Klaus and his sidekick Juval Hurari are convinced a human soul is now nothing more than a “hackable animal”.
Cash is the ultimate form of privacy in any transaction, especially when it’s backed by gold and/ or silver. It is not up to governments, global corporations or the ReichsWEF to know every aspect of an individual’s spending pattern. As a simple exercise, think about what would happen to the economy of Las Vegas if every transaction was on the public record, forever.
Gasoline can also protect one’s privacy. Where and how you decide to drive your car on a full tank of gas is a personal choice. The ReichsWEF would like to know every aspect of your driving habits in order to assess your contribution to the New World Order’s version of a sustainable planet.
The goal of the ReichsWEF is to monitor every aspect of your consumption; every calorie, every kilowatt and every BTU. From this platform of ‘big data’, they plan to unleash the algorithm upon humanity to punish any dissenter into compliance.
Gaining an awareness of the ReichsWEF plan begs an obvious question: Is this the American way, or the Prussian order?
Prussian Battery Wars
One thing we must understand about the ReichsWEF and their Prussian ancestors is their love of war. Napoleon understood this, all too well.
We must never underestimate the willingness of the ‘kult of Prussia’ to prematurely revert to chaos and war as a means to subdue their enemy. Their current intention to control humanity through AI and batteries is not an empty threat. They are clearly describing where they wish to take the world and are preparing the necessary infrastructure to achieve their goal.
When Kissinger and Nixon took the USD of the gold standard, they initiated a series of events that led to the USD becoming known as the ‘petrodollar’. Since the 1970s, the Middle East has been a quagmire of instability, war and terror. It has also been the region that America became dependent on for oil.
The current war raging in the Ukraine is driven by so many factors, however what is interesting to note is the relative lack of reporting on its lithium reserves, especially in the context of the EU’s draconian drive to “go green”:
Ukraine offers huge potential in the future of battery production, making the current conflict in Ukraine even more intriguing, in terms of what significance it holds geo-politically. Another material offering a bright future in batteries is graphene:
The possibilities of battery enhancement using graphene are vast. There are two interesting nations today that produce a significant amount of high-quality graphene. They are Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
Today, Sri Lanka and Pakistan are suffering from internal chaos, massive food and fuel shortages, and regime change. The similarities to Ukraine are notable. Before the Ukraine Euromaidan crisis in 2014, Victoria Nuland was the Assistant Undersecretary of State for European Affairs and was implicated in the events that led up to the disastrous revolution.
In what can only be described as a remarkable coincidence, Victoria Nuland and Donald Lu were in Sri Lanka, just prior to the recent disasters that unfolded there:
While Sri Lanka burns, Pakistan was undergoing a regime change. The ousted Prime Minister claims that Donald Lu is responsible:
Pakistan now has serious financial problems. Suffering from food and fuel shortages, numerous factories in the nation are shutting down, forcing the nation into an economic abyss.
In addition to Sri Lanka and Pakistan collapsing, there is another country which is yet to collapse but appears to be in the crosshairs given its abundance of raw materials, necessary for battery production. Australia has huge lithium reserves, and China is buying them out:
Over the decades, CCP China has infiltrated Australian education via the Confucius Institute. Despite only having a population of 25 million, by 2020 the Confucius Institute’s programs in Australia were the highest, per capita, in the world. 24
In 2019, just months before the Great Pandemic, the Victorian premier, Dan Andrews, paid a visit to Beijing and pledged his support for their “One Belt, One Road” initiative:
Could it be possible that China is securing its future supply of lithium, cobalt, graphene, and coal by infiltrating Australia and ringfencing it off from America? To answer this question, it is worth looking at a map of all the countries in the South Pacific that have signed up to the CCP’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) agreement:
Securing the Pacific region certainly appears to be part of China’s plan.
If the ReichsWEF have their way, it is likely that this will be the stage for future energy wars. Countries which have the most to offer in terms of battery production will be plunged into chaos, war and revolution, plunging them into an economic abyss. The only way these countries could survive economically, would be if they were to be bailed out by the IMF or World Bank. In such an event, their resources will be sold off for pennies on the dollar, to corporations loyal to the ReichsWEF.
If there is any doubt about the ReichsWEF’s intentions, recall in Part II where we presented ‘Kissinger’s Curse’. The result of Kissinger’s geo-political decisions resulted in huge profitability for globalist corporations, the rise of the CCP, and the controlled demolition of America. Graham Allison’s book “Destined for War” outlined the conditions needed to avoid Thucydides Trap, a catastrophic war between China and America:
This is not a prediction by Graham Allison; it is a threat. America must ‘bend the knee’ to China in the Pacific region, or face war.
The problem is that if America submits, a vast sum of global trade would be blocked from the US and the economy would suffer greatly. All along, this has been Kissinger’s vision, and it is straight from the Prussian playbook.
Like Klaus Schwab, Graham Allison studied at Harvard and also has a close relationship with Henry Kissinger. This year, Klaus, Kissinger and Allison joined forces in Davos to espouse the great challenges they believe lay ahead for the implementation of their New World Order:
For centuries the world has suffered the ravages of famine, plague, war and death. At every turn, the reign of Prussia has advanced its agenda and gradually moved towards global domination. The only enemy left for Prussia to defeat are those who continue to claim their natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If Prussia and its ReichsWEF army were to succeed at this juncture in history, it would certainly conquer and reduce humanity to battery-operated hackable animals.
Fortunately, their playbook has been studied, and this time around, it is highly unlikely they will succeed. The problem for the horrible invisible enemy is that they are unaware of their pending doom. These people are stupid.
The Algorithm and the Frog
Integrating Artificial Intelligence and humans requires a certain degree of compatibility. Using AI to make life more efficient is one thing, but having the will of humanity determined by a programmed algorithm, is an entirely different undertaking. To achieve the required compatibility, the unpredictable, inventive, creative human, would have to forgo these freedoms and become highly predictable and limited, responding solely to predetermined patterns, assigned by the program.
Artificial intelligence is a complex stack of layered algorithms that rely on data feedback to realign and simulate the actions and decisions of intelligent beings. It requires many iterations, or cycles, of feedback to achieve its end state. Many believe that AI will surpass human intelligence, however some of the smartest mathematicians and physicists believe this to be an impossibility. The discussion about AI could fill an entire library, but what we can observe at the moment, is that the algorithms being used by Big Tech are failing. Consider, that if AI was succeeding, they would never have needed to delete so many voices from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc…
The drastic actions taken by Big Tech to silence free-speech marked a significant turning point in this global battle between Freedom and Tyranny. Extreme censorship exposed that these self-appointed rulers had finally lost control of the narrative. Instead of social media platforms being used promote and endorse the fraudulent agenda of the ReichsWEF, it was now being used for the proliferation of truth and exposing the globalist-elite as conceited, arrogant, child-sniffing perverts.
There has always been a resistance to the globalist plans for a New World Order, however it never attained a critical mass. It was not until President Trump’s election in 2016 that the resistance became a force to be reckoned with. The freedom movement within America had spoken: Hillary had been defeated and Trump had promised to “make America great again”. Those who thought they were alone in a world gone mad began to realize they were part of a massive shift in collective consciousness. This would become known as the Great Awakening.
For decades, the horrible invisible enemy had placed humanity under hypnosis. Before AI, a simple program was being used to alter behavior and program brains to believe that humanity’s pending doom was their own fault. Propaganda.
When the World Economic Forum commenced in 1971, its primary goal was to control the narrative regarding all the chaos that was engulfing the world. Henry Kissinger, the architect behind the forum, created a media-smokescreen to hide the actions of the ‘horrible invisible enemy’ and to shift blame for the looming global catastrophe onto ‘We the People’. This was a Forum built on hypocrisy and lies, and Kissinger’s strategy rang with a familiar tone:
The Nazis also used crises to justify their actions. It mattered not whether the crises were natural or manufactured, as long as they were believed. Similarly, the ReichsWEF strategies just had to be believed. For the propagandist, a crisis should never go to waste. Television offered an incredible means to convert the fear of ‘one’ into the experience of the masses:
After WWII, the world began its decline into the state it finds itself in today. This slow, iterative process is not too dissimilar to the rise of AI but on a much longer time frame. The ReichsWEF has provided a narrative, replete with so many repetitive lies, that many have fallen victim to its deceit.
Over the last 50 years, Klaus Schwab’s forum has morphed into a global beast that actually believes its own propaganda, and is committed to the destruction of freedom for the betterment of mankind.
Propaganda was the ultimate tool of the Nazis, and today it is used by the ReichsWEF. Like a frog in a pot slowly brought to the boil, humanity was being cooked without any knowledge of it happening.
When Trump arrived onto the world stage, the US Presidency was a fantastic platform to show the world what the ReichsWEF had done to America and was doing to the world. He showed the true intentions of Klaus Schwab, who is nothing more than a self-appointed “Emperor with no Clothes”.
Sometimes, it is better to not focus on what Trump does or says, but simply look at what he is pointing to. He exposes the globalist hypocrisy whenever possible.
When he began building the wall, his enemies mobilized to stop him at every turn. The caravans of “poverty-stricken” South American migrants were exposed as overweight ‘ring-ins, with mobile phones and being escorted to the Southern border by luxury buses. The American politicians against Trump’s wall violently accused him of racism and pledged to do whatever was necessary to stop the wall.
Ironically, many of these politicians against Trump have walls around their own homes, as well as the DC Capitol, exposing their blatant corruption and hypocrisy.
When Trump opened up the energy sector in the US, America’s energy independence had immediate benefits for the people. Opening the Keystone XL pipeline created a huge number of jobs and new contracts. All of this contributed to oil reaching a whopping “minus $30” on the futures market. Trump spoke of the amazing future Americans would have if they embraced their own energy sector. Today, as we watch oil prices explode exponentially, pushing the cost of everything up with it, it is worth remembering how quickly President Trump solved the problem during his term:
Trump brought peace to the Middle East and made steps to reconcile with North Korea. These actions prevented the enormous profits generated by globalist corporations during wartime. Trump brought the cabal’s revenue engine to a screaming halt. Today we are witnessing hot wars as well and the beginning of the future Prussian Battery Wars; globalist corporations are now ‘chomping at the bit’ to make up for lost time.
Recall Obama mocking President Trump’s confidence in re-creating US jobs: (0:56 seconds)
Trumps’ answer to Obama’s question was quite simple: Raise tariffs on China to level the playing field for world trade; decrease taxation domestically to encourage businesses to relocate back to America; and create millions of jobs in the process. Et Voila!
Why did Trump apply tariffs to China? Because Chinese wages are akin to slave labor and China was exempt from the draconian CO2 emissions scam, designed to slowly collapse the West. The only people hurt by the tariff program were the globalist corporations, many of whom are part of the horrible invisible enemy.
As we all know, when China was asked to ‘pay up’ at the end of 2019, the China Virus magically arrived. The timing of the virus was a blessing for the Deep State. The lockdowns would unravel the economy, people would lose their livelihoods, and the MSM would engage in a never-ending series of repetitive lies that even Goebbels would have been in awe of. The propaganda narrative, of course, was that all of this was Trump’s fault and that he had to go.
President Trump did nothing of the sort; he fought back at every turn. With respect to the virus, he mentioned several therapeutic treatments that were immediately ridiculed, and then banned. He also moved to sever ties with the deep state apparatus:
Whether you consider him successful or not, Trump exposed the multitude of lies and hypocrisy that the Deep State used to keep ‘We the People’ asleep, submissive, and compliant.
By exposing the lies and waking the people, the Prussian algorithm began to destroy itself.
The Great Algo Shart
The playbook of the Prussian masterminds and the ReichsWEF is a simple algorithm:
This algorithm can be applied to almost any situation we find ourselves in today. The ReichsWEF cannot deviate from this playbook because it is their only play. Whether natural or manufactured, a crisis is the weapon used to force sovereign citizens into compliance, subject to the web of control spun by these globalist psychopaths.
For decades, most of the world’s population has been subject to the globalist algorithm, believing the lies and willingly “giving up liberty for safety”. The small band of dissenters never reached the critical mass required to disturb the algorithm. This remained the case, until President Trump arrived. At this point in humanity, hundreds of millions of citizens across the globe began to question the world around them and the insane narrative spewing out from their televisions.
Humanity was having a collective “holy shit” moment. The horrible invisible enemy was coming into focus. Never before had so many people simultaneously awoken to the Prussian-ruse being played on them.
No longer was the universal MSM narrative being gullably swallowed. People were seeing the lunacy of woke education, LGBT, Antifa & BLM, mass border migrations, mass shootings, foreign wars, hostile occupations, NATO spending, central banking, large corporations, the Biden family, the virus, lockdowns, and forced mandates. ‘We the People’ began to think for ourselves, research independently and share our findings on social media platforms.
The only answer for the ReichsWEF army was to belittle free thinkers and declare “Orange Man Bad”. Anyone questioning the media’s narrative was labelled as dangerous and radicalized. These attacks only strengthened patriots’ resolve to spread truth and alternate opinions. Free thinking and truth-seeking were becoming highly contagious, and the establishment were unable to halt the Great Awakening.
The ReichsWEF were forced to adopt the nuclear-option and purged tens of millions of social media accounts. Deeming the act necessary to curb “misinformation”, this only served to wake millions more, and motivate patriots to build alternate platforms. The Great Awakening was now out of the control of the horrible invisible enemy.
We are now at the terminal phase. The only option for the ReichsWEF is to deploy their crisis algorithm, but every crisis serves to wake up more and more. Fertilizer crisis, or planned shutdown of urea plants? Food shortage, or sabotaging food production? Education or grooming children? Mass shootings or false flags? Free and fair elections or 2000 Mules? Ukraine, or saving George Soros and the Biden crime family?
Every crisis now creates a positive feedback loop in the algorithm which serves to expand and embolden the Great Awakening. The enemy has no option but to turn up the heat, and is it does, millions of frogs realize what is happening, and are jumping out of the pot.
To put it bluntly, the Prussian algorithm has sharted itself. It has no option but to continue the crisis loop until Prussia exposes itself as the greatest enemy mankind has ever faced. What happens next is a decision only ‘We the People’ can make.
For America to throw off this invisible enemy, it must be done according to the Constitution. President Trump’s role was not as a saviour, but a leader who swore an oath to the Constitution. He used this position to showcase America’s greatness, but was virulently attacked for his service. In many cases his achievements were nullified when resident Joe Biden arrived. Short term success or failure is irrelevant; the real achievement was to expose the chosen noble elite for the corrupt swamp-rats they are; long-lasting success comes from understanding the enemy playbook and their commitment to installing the ‘kult of Prussia’, whatever the cost.
In 2017 President Trump and Melania hosted an evening with America’s top military men:
“You know what this represents? Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.”
“We have the world’s great military people in this room, I will tell you that.”
“What storm Mr. President?”
“You’ll find out.”
Today, we are experiencing fertilizer shortages, food shortages, fuel shortages, the highest inflation in 50 years, financial markets on the brink of meltdown, horrific mass shootings, a war in Ukraine, Sri Lanka and Pakistan collapsing, the possibility of World War III and, of course, another killer virus named Monkey Pox.
Calamities are emerging from every conceivable angle. We are now in the storm. However, instead of cowering and submitting to the demands of a disconnected, globalist establishment, ‘We the People’ are awake to their antics. Many are questioning the nefarious and dubious origins of these crises. How many are real? How many are manufactured? If any of them are manufactured, it is clearly an act of war. This awkward reality brings us to the US Military and the Oath of Enlistment:
At the onset of every new crisis, we are witnessing the gradual erosion of freedoms and rights granted to the US People under the Constitution. Failure to uphold these freedoms is occurring in every branch of government. As each crisis strips away the People’s rights, the search continues for leaders who will stand up to such tyranny. Perhaps, in the end, the military is the only way?
If the military is activated to support and defend the Constitution, it is still up to ‘We the People’ to exercise those rights. The power always resides with the people. After the attack on Pearl Harbor in WWII, Admiral Yamamoto knew the consequences of his nation’s actions:
In February 2022, President Trump echoed Yamamoto’s quote when referring to the ‘horrible invisible enemy’ and the current attacks on America and the Constitution:
Parents are now using the Constitution to defend their children from school boards pushing unconstitutional mandates and woke curriculums.
Patriots are running for office at the local, state, and federal level.
Alternative media platforms are fostering a new wave of patriot journalists who are countering the false narrative the enemy has monopolized for so long.
Of course, there is also the band of ‘digital soldiers’ who have held the frontline on social media and tirelessly exposed the horrible invisible enemy for their lies, hypocrisy, and crimes against humanity.
‘We The People’ are slowly taking back America and re-establishing its Constitutional foundations. This is a battle like no other; against an enemy like no other. This is a war against an enemy that began infiltrating from the moment America was born; Prussia.
The Elephant Stampede in the Living Room
We now draw the curtain on the ReichsWEF series. #PrussiaGate uses the rhythms of history to better understand the events unfolding in today’s chaotic storm. Using President Trump’s repeated faux pas’ as a guide, we were pointed toward the Hohenzollern dynasty. From the Swabian town of Zollern, the family was given their first noble title by the Holy Roman Emperor. Over the centuries they rose to become the kings of Prussia, the kaisers of the German Reich, and the princes of Orange.
Prussia rose to become the world’s pre-eminent superpower, and as we investigated its history, we discovered that almost everything we face today regarding the horrible invisible enemy somehow can be traced back to Prussia. At the peak of Prussian statehood, Frederick the Great prided his kingdom on the army of spies he commanded around the world. Wars were won before the battles were fought because Frederick had mastered the art of ‘infiltration instead of invasion’.
Today, the state of Prussia no longer exists, and the Hohenzollern abdicated nearly a century ago. They do, however, continue to maintain their titles. #PrussiaGate contends that the Kingdom of Prussia is the horrible invisible enemy, operating through a matrix of globalist corporations, and co-ordinated today by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, or ReichsWEF.
In this series we presented how George Soros takes orders from Prussia and duly serves his fellow members of the ReichsWEF. During the latest congregation of psychopaths at Davos, George appeared visibly shaken by current events unfolding worldwide. We know that his ‘Open Society’ is anything but open; it is a closed group of insiders who collapse nations from within and acquire its resources for next to nothing. When Soros talks about the collapse of civilization, he is not referring about a free and open society, but his beloved Prussia. (1:16 mins)
George might be shaken, but Klaus Schwab is unwavering in his belief that the ReichsWEF will prevail. In his view, it is not the people that govern the world, but the chosen few within his forum. (1:04 mins)
Klaus believes that it is the members of the ReichsWEF who will shape the future of humanity because they collectively control most of the world’s resources and supply chains. Today, as humanity suffers through a multitude of crises in food, fuel, war and Monkey Pox, Klaus and his forum panellists are giddy at the thought of implementing his vision of a Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as the Great Reset. Whether it involves turning two thirds of the planet into a toxic lithium pit, inserting chips into human beings to force compliance, organic batteries, central bank digital currencies, eating bugs and lab grown meat, or simply having nothing at all, none of these things is appealing to the average human being. In fact, the ReichsWEF does not wish to serve humanity at all, but intends to punish it until we are a collective of compliant, submissive, hackable animals, devoid of all human rights:
There is one glaringly-obvious problem with the visions of Schwab, Soros, Strong and Klaus’ sidekick, Yuval: Amongst all the claims and visions laid out from the snowy mountain heights of Switzerland, not one of these luminaries has ever tested their propositions in an election campaign, anywhere in the world; not ever!
We are quite certain that forced compliance through implantable chips, toxic open lithium pit mining and regulated expense accounts would be a dismal failure on election day. Regardless, these self-anointed lunatics believe this must be our future; democracy, national sovereignty and the Constitution be damned!
Which brings us to the ultimate question. If the ReichsWEF vision for the future of humanity could never be implemented through a democratic process, why are they so confident of the future turning out as they declare?
The simple answer is that they implemented a program like Frederick the Great’s global espionage network of the 1700s. The plan was “infiltration instead of invasion”: (0:33sec)
The incredible history behind the formation of the World Economic Forum is founded on the vision set out by Frederick the Great centuries ago, where every aspect of a humanity would be controlled through 17,000 rules and regulations. Adolph Hitler and the Nazis disastrously tried to restore Germany back to its illustrious Prussian past. The current attempt to establish this regime globally was why the first 10 years of the ReichsWEF hosted a myriad of ex-Nazis and national leaders tied to brutal regimes, communist-ideology, and much worse.
To circumvent democratic principles, national sovereignty, and the Constitution, the ReichsWEF implemented the Young Global Leaders program to effectively penetrate government cabinets and steer nations toward the vision of Klaus Schwab and, more importantly, the matrix of globalist corporations that now serve the horrible invisible enemy that is Prussia.
Klaus, it would appear, has taken a leaf out of Joseph Goebbels playbook:
The ReichsWEF is not a friend; it is the enemy of humanity.
We conclude with a message to every member of the Young Global Leaders Community and every member of the World Economic Forum:
You are all citizens of sovereign nations built on the premise of freedom, democracy and the rule of law. In this invisible war, the WEF has appointed you to be enemies of your own nations. As Tyranny begins to destroy itself by unleashing wave-upon-wave of crises, Freedom will most-certainly prevail. As members of Klaus’ army, it is important to understand you are involved in one of the highest crimes known to man:
: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family
: the betrayal of a trust : treachery
The End.
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