Klausian Kommand Zentral
We now arrive at Klaus Schwab, the founder of the ReichsWEF. We will explore the man, his family and business connections, and the true intention behind his monstrosity, the World Economic Forum.
Klaus’ family was tied to nobility that maintained business partnerships dating back centuries. These families were involved with Swiss private banking, innovation during the industrial revolution, and the creation of an atomic bomb for the Nazis. Using the Red Cross, they also helped the Nazis wherever and whenever they could.
Klaus would maintain close ties with his family friends, eventually founding the World Economic Forum in the Swiss town where his namesake bought a huge parcel of land. The early years of the ReichsWEF received enormous support from Harvard, as well as an array of former Nazis, SS leaders, militant communists, fascists and accused satanic pedophiles.
The story also involves the destabilization of the world through nuclear proliferation, and the eventual acceptance of China’s communist slave labor to be part of global world trade. Today, Klaus’ ReichsWEF has transitioned towards Artificial Intelligence and an attempt to technologically enslave humanity; viewing people as nothing more than “hackable animals”.
This will be a bumpy and dark ride, but in the end there will be a shimmer of light. Provided, of course, by President Trump.
It is time to unveil the “horrible invisible enemy”.
Klausian Kommand Zentral
In ReichsWEF Part II we explored the role Henry Kissinger played as the architect behind the creation of the World Economic Forum. There were essentially three divisions within the organization. Pyschological, financial, and political.
ReichsWEF Part III explained the pyschological warfare being played on America and the West, predominantly through the climate change agenda and the myriad of pending doomsday scenarios that are narrated through that lens. This was headed up by Maurice Frederick Strong.
ReichsWEF Part IV outlined the Treasury department. Effectively, the goal was to bankrupt nations and allow the globalist corporations to acquire the natural resources and supply chains, for pennies on the dollar. The financial crises that evolved over the last few decades were amplified by the “speculation” of George Soros, who headed up the ReichsWEF Treasuryt. In his later years, George has also put his billions to work in fomenting color revolutions and overthrowing governments.
The third division of the ReichsWEF is the political arm. Prussian political philosophy is quite simple; A nation must be ruled by an autocratic elite, and nothing but a submissive, compliant citizenry is acceptable. Freedom, democracy, and a people-led government is a complete anathema to Prussia. One of the great Prussian thought leaders summarized it well:
Western nations, especially the Constitutional Republic of America, presented a genuine Prussian puzzle. How does Prussia, now invisible and operating through a portfolio of large corporations, control Western nations?
Long before the ReichsWEF was created, JFK understood the existence of the neo-Prussian army and revealed their tactics, which even then, were being implemented through clear psychological, financial and political divisions, embedded within this larger “monolithic” machine:
This truly was infiltration instead of invasion. (0:32 seconds)
We are not sure why the founder of the ReichsWEF would use the word “penetration” to describe the nefarious activities of his army who has infiltrated democratically elected governments. Perhaps he had just read the Power of the Prussian Micropenis?
But now, without further ado, it is time to have a good look at the man appointed to command the ReichsWEF since its inception - Klaus Schwab.
Swabian Beginnings
Many surnames are derived from the region a family originated. For most people, the origins of their surnames are an ancient memory, however it seems that many of the globalist leaders have more tangible, documented connections to geographic locations.
For example, the Warburg family moved to the town of Warburg from Venice. Those who have read Prussian Origins of the US Federal Reichsbank will recall that Paul Warburg was the architect of the US Federal Reserve, and his brother, Max, also served on the board of a central bank; the German Reichsbank. Both men also held directorships within the IG Farben complex.
The Hohenzollern dynasty originated from the county of Zollern. The broad translation of “hohen” is “high degree”, revealing that the Hohenzollern family named themselves as being of high-degree, or being the family of nobility in the county of Zollern. As we know, the Hohenzollern family became the most powerful dynasty in German history. They became known as the Kings of Prussia, the Princes of Orange and the Kaiser of the German Reich.
As we dig a little deeper, we find that Zollern is a county within the region of Swabia.
This begs the obvious question: Where does Klaus Schwab’s surname originate?
Could Klaus Schwab be a part of some mysterious Swabian nobility?
While the answer to that question is still unknown, the #PrussiaGate journey of discovery has brought much to light about the Kommandant of the ReichsWEF.
Klaus’ family did reside in, and around, the Swabian region. His grandfather, Gottfried Schwab, emigrated to Switzerland to marry Klaus’ grandmother, Marie Lappert. Gottfried became a Machine Engineer, and the two newly-weds returned to Germany to raise their family.
Klaus’s father, Eugen Schwab, eventually became the managing director of the Escher Wyss factory in Ravensburg. To fully understand Klaus Schwab and the ReichsWEF agenda, it is imperative to understand the history of Escher Wyss.
Hans Casper Escher started the company:
Not a lot is known about Salomon von Wyss, however a current Swiss billionaire by the name of Hansjorg Wyss has some very powerful connections. Hansjorg made his billions by selling his company, Synthes, to Johnson & Johnson. Walking the well-trodden path from billionaire to charitable donor, Wyss is now a fulltime philanthropist, donating to causes alongside George Soros:
The other founder of Escher Wyss, Hans Casper Escher, was a highly regarded industrialist. During the early 1800s, his travels to England are documented alongside another Swiss innovator from the Bodmer family.
The mention of both Hans Escher and the Bodmer family in England is critically important, as we shall unpack. The Bodmer family has a very long lineage in Switzerland, and were known for their silk manufacturing and trading.
Hans Escher returned to Switzerland and founded Escher Wyss, and the Bodmer and Escher families became intertwined in business partnerships. Both families were partners in Zurich’s oldest private bank, Rahn+Bodmer.
In addition to their involvement in private banking, the Bodmer family were also on the board of Escher Wyss. By the early 20th century, Escher Wyss had emerged as a significant Swiss engineering company, and Eugen Schwab was the managing director of the Ravensburg plant. From that moment, the Schwab family became intertwined with Swabian nobility. (It is important to note that Swabia encompasses parts of Germany, Switzerland and France)
The Bodmer family had accumulated immense wealth, and in 1917 they purchased an estate from one of the richest women in Europe at the time, Fanny-Moser Sulzer. The estate was “Schloss Au” located near Wädenswil, Zürich Canton, Switzerland.
Hans Bodmer, flush with more money than he knew what to do with, gave the castle an immediate makeover:
The Schwab family were hanging out with some of the wealthiest noble families in Europe. Given Eugen Schwab was the managing director of the Escher Wyss Ravensburg factory, there is almost no doubt that he and Hans Bodmer were well acquainted. Some deeper research reveals that their relationship appeared to be much closer than a simple business relationship:
Exploring the ties between the Bodmer and Schwab families are extremely revealing within the context of understanding the invisible enemy we face today.
In 1940, Hans Bodmer’s son, Martin, joined the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and by 1947 he was Vice President. Recall in the Prussian Pontiff, the Nazi war criminals who fled Europe after World War II were aided and abetted by the Vatican and the ICRC:
The last Grandmaster of the Teutonic Knights was, of course, Albert of Hohenzollern. Regardless, Martin Bodmer would have wielded significant influence within the Red Cross during WWII, and that influence reached far greater than the provision of ICRC passports to fleeing Nazis, as we shall discover later.
Escher Wyss, Ravensburg, Schloss Au and Merano/ Bolzano are all within proximity of each other. In the middle, sits Davos, the home of the ReichsWEF annual conference.
There is no disputing the Bodmer family wealth. In 1949, Martin Bodmer, who apparently was only pursuing philanthropic endeavors, decided to move closer to the headquarters of the ICRC. He purchased 50 hectares of land in Cologny, Switzerland.
Eventually, Klaus Schwab would follow Martin Bodmer and move to Cologny. This would also be the location where he founded the ReichsWEF headquarters.
It is difficult to know for sure if Klaus used his old family friend’s land to build the ReichsWEF Headquarters, however it is unlikely he would have been able to afford such a substantial property on a mere salary of 1 million Swiss francs.
With Swabian nobility having so many connections to the Red Cross and Nazism, it is not surprising that when Adolph Hitler sent an expedition to Antarctica in 1939, the colony founded there was named “New Swabia”.
The Hohenzollern, Bodmer, Escher, Wyss, Sulzer and Schwab family-names all trace their origins to Swabian lands. Just as the Hohenzollern family became the kings of Prussia, the princes of Orange, and Kaisers of the German Reich, the core of Swabian nobility would remain within their beloved homeland. It was only fitting that the new army headquarters of this “horrible invisible enemy” we face-off against today, was established in the Swabian lands, where it all began.
In January 1971, it was a young member of Swabian nobility who was anointed and appointed as the Kommandant of the ReichsWEF - Klaus Martin Schwab. Klaus’ middle name is a likely tribute to Martin Bodmer who ,interestingly, died just eight weeks after the founding of the ReichsWEF. In nobility, the old regime is always handing off to the new.
Nazis & Nuklear Ravensburg
Klaus Schwab’s only real private sector work experience was provided by his father and Escher Wyss. In order to understand Klaus Schwab, it is imperative to know about the town he grew up in and the place where he worked. These two aspects of his life would be his only connection to reality and, more importantly, to humanity.
Ravensburg has a grisly history of Jewish persecution, dating back to the 15th century. Several massacres occurred at this time with the direct approval of Holy Roman Emperor, Sigismund. Incidentally, it was Sigismund who promoted Frederick of Hohenzollern to the Margrave of Brandenburg in 1415, which laid the foundations for the future kings of Prussia.
Throughout the next few centuries there were several pogroms against Jews in Ravensburg. By the time Hitler took power in 1933, there were very few Jews left in the town. Any Jews that did remain had their properties forcibly sold and were deported to Sachsenhausen concentration camp.
With the Nazis were in power, Ravensburg became a model town for the “Aryanization” of Germany:
In ReichsWEF II & III, we outlined the obsession with population control by the chosen noble elite. It would appear that Ravensburg was a eugenics template in this regard.
The history of Ravensburg reveals a culture that was extremely sympathetic to the rise of the Nazi regime. By the time Hitler was in control, the biggest employer in the town was Escher Wyss, and Klaus Schwab’s father, Eugen, was the managing director throughout the Nazi reign.
In the Not Since 1917 series, we described the role Escher Wyss played in aiding the Nazi regime.
In accordance with Nazi principles, Escher Wyss used forced labor in their factory and maintained a camp on the premises for that same purpose. Since there were practically no Jews left in Ravensburg, the laborers would be sourced by other means:
The contributions made by Escher Wyss to the Nazi cause were well known to the Allied Forces during WWII. The precursor to the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), documented the factory’s operations in detail. Flame throwers were produced; the Swiss branch were allowing German exports to be stored in their neutral country; the company was helping the Axis alliance with their energy needs. These details can all be found at the government archives site. 12
Perhaps the most important contribution to the war effort, however, was Escher Wyss’ work on producing an atomic bomb for the Nazis.
One recoils at the thought of where humanity would be today if the Nazis had successfully led the way with the production of an atomic bomb and chosen to dominate the world with such a weapon. Fortunately, their plans failed, but the contributions Escher Wyss made to the Nazi war machine cannot be understated.
Throughout this entire period, Eugen Schwab was the ‘head honcho’ at Ravensburg.
By 1944, the Allied Forces had gained the upper hand in WWII, partially due to the fact that many Nazi soldiers were suffering from catastrophic withdrawal symptoms from Crystal Meth (as we’ve explored in other articles). Nevertheless, the Allied Forces ruthlessly bombed German cities, with many towns being completely razed to the ground. One notable exception, was Ravensburg.
Conventional history postulates as to why Ravensburg was not targeted for bombing:
Research shows CIA information proving that the Allied Forces knew of the shenanigans carried out by Escher Wyss in Ravensburg. Furthermore, they knew that the company was working with the Nazis to produce an atomic bomb. This fact alone would make Escher Wyss an extremely important strategic bombing target, and yet history records that the entire town was spared.
The conventional historical narrative that Ravensburg was “strategically of no relevance” is complete rubbish.
The truth about Ravensburg was far more obvious. The main deterrent in bombing Ravensburg was its large logistical centres that were housing critical medical and aid supplies. The Swiss Red Cross placed their equipment throughout the town, thereby protecting it from Allied Forces air raids. This effectively provided a similar protection to that of a human shield.
At the same time as these bombing raids were taking place, efforts were underway to evacuate Nazi war criminals from Europe to Argentina. As we’ve shown previously, the passports were arranged by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Two years after WWII, a man who had joined the Red Cross in Switzerland in 1940, was promoted to Vice President of the ICRC. He was intimately familiar with the Red Cross operations in Ravensburg and he almost-certainly would have known about the Vatican ratlines. This man was Martin Bodmer.
The Swiss Red Cross’ operations saved the town of Ravensburg and Escher Wyss from certain annihilation. The company would go onto much more ambitious projects, which would eventually catch the eye of Henry Kissinger. Kissinger would seek to recruit a young man who had grown up within the culture of Escher Wyss and who knew its global network of nuclear clients. This man was Klaus Schwab.
The Trans Nuklear Network
Klaus was a diligent student.
In ReichsWEF II, we outlined the many achievements of Kissinger; something we have labelled as “Kissinger’s curse”. One of those accomplishments of Kissinger was the International Seminar. This program had received significant funding from the CIA and it is speculated that it was used as a recruitment program for Kissinger to implement his version of “Thucydides Trap” on America.
Kissinger’s other notable achievement as Secretary of State, was the vast number of nations acquiring nuclear weapon capabilities. France, China, India, Israel, Brazil and others were all discovered to have nuclear programs, and Kissinger was made fully aware of this proliferation. Not only did he appear unconcerned, in some cases he was generally supportive.
Kissinger’s primary focus was on his teaching and mentoring at the International Seminar at Harvard. It was here that he took particular interest in Klaus Schwab, and during this period the pair would develop a lifelong relationship. Within four years of their relationship forming, Kissinger was plotting the slow and controlled demolition of America, while Klaus was appointed to form and guide the ReichsWEF, to serve that same ambition.
So, why was Klaus Schwab the one chosen to lead the ReichsWEF?
By 1967, Klaus was nearly thirty years old and had been a student his entire life. Leading a powerful forum of the world’s top globalist companies at the age of thirty, without any practical experience, sounds like a complete joke. However, when one considers Klaus’ family connections, as well as the business activities of Escher Wyss, he emerges as the perfect candidate to head-up the globalist vision, which was foreseen only by Kissinger, in these early days.
Klaus simply required a little work experience to ‘round-out’ his credentials as the leader of the ReichsWEF:
Recall that in 1917 the Bodmer family bought the castle, “Schloss Au”, from one of the richest women in Europe, Fanny Moser Sulzer. Recall also, that the Bodmer family were also on the board of Escher Wyss, and that Eugen Schwab was the Managing Director of Escher Wyss, Ravensburg.
The work experience that young Klaus was given was to merge Escher Wyss and Sulzer into the one entity. This merger would be Klaus Schwab’s only practical experience and exposure to the real world of business. Following this, Klaus travelled back to the estate that Martin Bodmer had purchased in Cologny, and founded the ReichsWEF.
Klaus’ work experience was unlike any other internship: The merger of Escher Wyss and Sulzer would require the integration of numerous business networks in the complicated, nefarious and illegal market that surround nuclear weapons technology:
Dealing in nuclear weapons appears to have been a rampant trade following WWII, and the ‘products’ being offered by Sulzer Escher Wyss were in high demand, all around the world:
There is so much information in the above article. Many countries were interested in procuring ‘nukes’ after America ended WWII by dropping 2 atomic bombs on Japan. Iraq, Syria, Belgian Congo, India, Brazil, Canada, Britain, France, South Korea, North Korea, Pakistan, Brazil, Israel, Sweden, Argentina and South Africa are all mentioned.
The nuclear engineering capabilities of Sulzer Escher Wyss were infamous, but due to the worldwide illegality of the trade, confidentiality and anonymity were essential. In Argentina, however, Sulzer were unsuccessful in hiding their involvement:
Perhaps the biggest scandal where Sulzer Escher Wyss was mentioned was the illegal nuclear program in South Africa, which actually occurred while Klaus was a director of the firm.
If Sulzer Escher Wyss were not specifically mentioned, there were frequent descriptions of a “German Swiss consortium”. Possibly the biggest nuclear scandal in West Germany was in 1988, when it was discovered how Pakistan was illegally obtaining enriched Uranium and was therefore able to develop its own nuclear arsenal:
Call me conspiratorial, but one seriously has to question why anyone would deal with a German uranium broker going by the name “Nukem”!
To answer the question of why Klaus Schwab was anointed for the ReichsWEF, it becomes self-evident. Kissinger’s knowledge and indifference to nuclear proliferation throughout the 1960s and beyond, merged with the family and corporate connections provided by his relationship with Klaus Schwab, were simply too compelling.
Early Patrons of “le Club Davos”
On March 3, 1971, Klaus Schwab lodged the application to form the European Management Forum.
The actual forum was held from January 24 – February 2, 1971. This was fortunate because Klaus Schwab’s close family friend, Martin Bodmer, was able to attend the first symposium, just before his death a few weeks later.
Bodmer’s appointment to Vice President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) occurred just after the ICRC aided the escape of Nazi war criminals, and avoiding the annihilation of Ravensburg by stock-piling Red Cross supplies. Despite the significant influence afforded by his role at the ICRC, perhaps one of Bodmer’s lesser-known legacies was his bimonthly publication from 1930 – 1943, which was named “Corona”.
No doubt, Martin would have been very proud to see the young man carry his name and successfully lead the World Economic Forum. As expected, the Forum was immediately supported by Harvard.
After much grandstanding, the inaugural event was a declared a success. The reality was that no one really noticed or cared what these people were doing, as America was embroiled in the Vietnam war and inflation was about to force the USD off the gold standard. Absolutely nobody was interested in the incoherent ramblings and hubris of a group of self-appointed noble elites echoing around the mountains of Switzerland.
Despite its apparent innocuous beginnings, Klaus Schwab’s “invitation only” annual ski holiday would continue unabated. To generate an appropriate level of hype, Klaus invited some of his most exclusive contacts.
In 1972, Klaus invited Dr Hermann Abs to chair the event.
The information about Hermann Abs is so vast, especially with regard to the formation of the European Union and the re-constitution of Deutsche Bank, that it will require its own #PrussiaGate article. In short, Abs was the number-one commercial banker for the Nazis. In 1935 he was a partner in a private bank which included Hitler as a client. By 1937, he was nominated to the managing board of Deutsche Bank, and by 1942, Abs held 40 directorships, including a seat on the Board of Directors of IG Farben.
The most fascinating part of Abs’ story is what occurred after WWII. Everyone around Abs appeared to go down at Nuremberg, except for Hermann. The reason for his optimism perhaps lay with the other patron of Klaus Schwab’s 1972 symposium, Altiero Spinelli.
Spinelli was a militant communist who spent years in jail under the fascist dictatorship of Mussolini. However, after WWII he immediately rose to fame for his work toward a united Europe. Spinelli was considered one of the founding fathers of the European Union. Hermann Abs’ banking expertise was desperately needed and he worked closely with Spinelli and others to help create the Prussian monstrosity we know today, as the EU.
Why would a Nazi banker and a militant communist be working together so soon after WWII?
As we are discovering, Nazism and communism are simply two fingers attached to the one invisible hand. This invisible hand of Prussia.
In addition to Hermann Abs, Klaus would continue to seek the support of many other monarchs and influential business leaders within his network.
Recall in The Prussian Pontiff, Prince Bernhard joined the Nazi party during the 1930s, was a member of the SS, and in 1936 worked for IG Farben. With this in mind, Klaus thought it appropriate in 1973 for the ReichsWEF to draft a “Code of Ethics”, later to be called the “Davos Manifesto”.
The “Davos Manifesto” captured the philosophy of the ReichsWEF, which simultaneously embraced the fascist principles of ‘big government’ with Marxism. Bringing these two weaponized philosophies together would be the mainstay of Klaus Schwab’s vision, and the key to the Prussian ideology achieving a global reach. Since fascism and communism were two fingers attached to the hand of Prussia, Klaus Schwab was now openly exposing where his loyalty was placed.
This was confirmed in the 1974 Forum when Klaus invited socialist Brazilian Archbishop, Dom Helder Camara. Dom’s address to the forum was, quite simply, an explanation of Kissinger’s vision for a doomed Western civilization, and endorsing communist principles for the world:
However, if we dig a little deeper into Camara’s history, we can see his true ideological trajectory:
Klaus’ Forum was being sponsored by a self-described socialist Archbishop who in fact worked previously in the church as a pro-Nazi militant. Interesting to say the least.
From 1973 – 1977, the Co-Chair of the ReichsWEF was Olivier Giscard d’Estaing, the brother of the French President at the time. Klaus also seemed to have a close relationship with the French President, later recalling a funny moment the pair experienced:
President Valery Giscard d’Estaing was once accused of making anti-Semitic remarks, however such remarks pale in comparison to the true nature of the man:
Why is Giscard’s relationship with Bakossa so important? Well, Bakossa was one of the most atrocious, murderous dictators of all time, especially when it came to children:
It is hard to comprehend that French intelligence agencies were completely unaware of Emperor Bakossa’s atrocities. It is even harder to comprehend that Valery Giscard d’Estaing was unaware of Bakossa’s atrocities, happily endorsing the dictator while enjoying his company on his private hunting estates and receiving valuable diamonds as gifts. It is totally unfathomable that after all of these atrocities came to light, that Klaus Schwab would admit to having dinner with such a man and joke about the “good ole days” back when he was the French President.
It was Valery Giscard d’Estaing’s brother, Olivier, who chaired the ReichsWEF, and there is no proof he was embroiled in his brother’s activities, however Klaus obviously appreciated the close contact that he had with the French President.
While we are dancing around the topic of murderous pedophiles, another regularly invited patron of the ReichsWEF was former British Prime Minister, Edward Heath. He is mentioned in Klaus Schwab’s memoirs as attending the Conference multiple times during the 1970s.
In 1977, Klaus began to name the attendees of the ReichsWEF as part of the “Davos Club”. Two years later, Edward Heath chaired the event and was considered the life of the party. Read carefully what Teddy Heath was supporting while proudly showing off his musical talent:
Who was Edward Heath and why was his support for the care of children, so noteworthy?
Unfortunately, Edward Heath passed away before he could answer any questions relating to the allegations.
Regardless of all this, he was a welcome and lively-participant at the festivities at Davos. It must have been quite a thrill for him to chair the “Davos Club” and conduct an orchestra celebrating the “International Year of the Child”.
In 1978, Klaus named the Davos event “Tragedy and Security”. The man invited to chair the symposium was Hanns-Martin Schleyer, however he was kidnapped by radical left-wing terrorists and shot in the head.
Who was Schleyer?
Apart from the fact that Schleyer was a Nazi, there are two important other things to note. The first thing was that he joined the “Corps Suevia”. Suevia is Latin for Swabia. In other words, Schleyer was part of the Swabian branch of Nazis. The second thing to note was his mentor and leader, Gustav Adolf Scheel:
These early years of Davos were certainly not lacking in color and controversial characters! Klaus used every one of his contacts to highlight the importance of his event, while also telegraphing the trajectory that the ReichsWEF would follow.
Harvard University, Martin Bodmer, Hermann Abs, Altiero Spinelli, Prince Bernhard, Archbishop Camara, the Giscard d’Estaing brothers, Teddy Heath and Hanns-Martin Schleyer all did their utmost to bring prestige and notoriety to the ReichsWEF, while also heaping praise upon the efforts of Klaus Schwab.
Tellingly, most of these individuals had close ties with Nazism, militant communism or child-raping murderous scumbags. No doubt, these were just small oversights due to ‘teething-problems’ in Klaus’ early vetting processes. Whatever the case, Klaus was focused on much bigger things. The main goal was to bring the ReichsWEF into the world stage in preparation for the main event…
The Keystone to Kissinger’s Curse
Recall in ReichsWEF II, Henry Kissinger’s secret visit to Communist China paved the way for a deal that would see the production-sector of the West gradually move factories to China. By taking advantage of the slave-labor arbitrage offered by the CCP, stakeholders of globalist corporations would generate enormous profits. The largest stakeholder, of course, was the horrible invisible enemy hiding within those globalist corporations - Prussia.
This global advantage would also greatly enhance the failing communist dictatorship in China. Conversely, the originally recognized government of China, which was living in exile in Taiwan, was no longer recognized as legitimate. In addition, the middle-class of the West gradually saw their living standards decline as factories disappeared and towns fell into disrepute. Under the watchful eye of Kissinger, the 1970s saw massive inflation, war, nuclear proliferation and destabilization in the Middle East.
With the world in chaos, it was time for the CCP to uphold their end of the bargain. In December 1978, Deng Xiaoping became the leader of the CCP and immediately opened up China to the globalist corporations:
The “Special Economic Zones” experienced unimaginable urban growth. For example, Shenzhen’s population in 1980 was 59,000. By 2020 it had surpassed 12 million. Chinese people who had suffered so many decades of famine, poverty and needless death were now scrambling to these new economic zones for an opportunity to work their way out of a miserable existence.
These people literally had nothing and the opportunity to get a job that, in most cases, paid less than $1 per day, offered some level of hope, which made them happy.
Once Deng Xiaoping opened up China to the globalist corporations, it was time to advertise the fantastic opportunity that lay ahead for the world if they embraced communist slave labor. In 1979, pedophile Edward Heath chaired the ReichsWEF, and the Davos theme rolled-out a distinctly Chinese flavor:
This global shift was the keystone of nearly a decade-long operation by Kissinger and the globalist hand behind him. Klaus’ ReichsWEF had provided the world with the new globalist narrative throughout the chaos of the 1970s and 1980 marked the 10th ReichsWEF gathering at Davos, and it was time to celebrate. To begin the celebration, Kissinger was presented with a special award:
The final words of his opening remarks explains in plain language what he believed lay ahead for the West.
After everything America and the West had been through in the 1970s, Kissinger predicted the “worst was yet to come”. For Prussia and the ReichsWEF, this was a cause for great celebration: The CCP had opened up its backward communist dictatorship to the entire world and there were tremendous profits to be made in the coming decades.
Klaus, Kissinger and Ted Heath were especially excited about their accomplishment and the bright future that laid ahead…..for Prussia.
The ReichsWEF’s ability to distract the world with chaos and then bring about a global acceptance of Chinese slave-labor for the expressed benefit of globalist corporations, is simply breathtaking. At the time, this would have all seemed exciting and innovative, however the invisible enemy had simply put some new ‘whistles and bells’ on a tried and tested formula:
Today, the Swabian branch of the House of Hohenzollern is headed up by Karl Friedrich. A man who looks remarkably similar to Frederick the Great.
Studying the phenomenal rise of the Hohenzollerns, allows us to discover an exceptional correlation. At every point the world faced the horrors of war, plague, famine and death, the Hohenzollern acquired more power and stature.
Whether it was the Thirty Years War, the French Revolution, multiple Communist revolutions, the Unification wars, World Wars I & II, the Weimar hyperinflation, and every other crisis, the Hohenzollern were on hand to expand their power base at every turn. Were these opportunities simply coincidences? At what point do the number of coincidences become mathematically impossible?
Or, were the Hohenzollerns using a formula?
To answer that question, we must return to Swabia, where the other princely families remained while the Hohenzollerns pursued world domination. We must also look to the bank that these families all partnered with, at some point throughout the last 270 years. That bank was Rahn and Bodmer.
Recall Rahn and Bodmer’s philosophy regarding crises:
On face value, there is nothing particularly nefarious about the bank’s strategy on dealing with a crisis. It would actually be a unique and positive trait if an investment bank actually took steps to mitigate their risk. However, given this crisis-philosophy is so exceptionally coincident with the success and rise of the Hohenzollern, it is worth examining. This reveals that the same strategy is also coincident with those of George Soros and the members of the ReichsWEF, led by Herr Schwab.
The Hohenzollerns had a knack of using the crises throughout history; learning from them and using them to expand their power. This ongoing expansion of power is the entire premise of #PrussiaGate. We assert that the “horrible invisible enemy”, described by President Trump, is Prussia and its visible army today is the ReichsWEF.
How does one “use” a crisis? What does one “learn” from a crisis?
The only reason one would wish to “learn” from a crisis, would be to gain knowledge that will be advantageous for a future crisis.
Taking full advantage of a global crisis, really requires a foreknowledge of an event and also suggests that certain preparation can be made in order to take advantage of another’s pending doom.
The words “use” and “learn” are synonymous with formulas that engineers use to build machines. In other words, the crisis-philosophy at Rahn & Bodmer is synchronous with that of an engineer building a machine. This starts to really make sense, as we recall that the founding families of the oldest private bank in Zurich originated from highly-competent engineers and mathematicians.
The Bodmer family were centuries-old silk traders and manufacturers. They were also highly regarded inventors, with some considered as genius. The Escher family began as machine engineers and architects, and were also held in high esteem. The Rahn family also had an exceptionally intelligent mathematician, Johann Heinrich Rahn, who wrote the book “Teutsche Algebra”.
The Schwab family is no exception. Klaus is a third-generation mechanical engineer. Academically speaking, Klaus excelled in his mechanical engineering studies:
As we know, the Schwab family was extremely close to the Escher and Bodmer families. The bond between them was business and the shared love of engineering, mathematics and creating formulas. This would also explain Klaus Schwab’s obsession with learning from “crises”.
If you can stomach a minute of Klausology, look at the excitement Schwab gets in delivering yet another prediction of Armageddon.
And more recently, his prediction of a “Black Swan”.
Where is all this going?
Klaus is a machine engineer. Since 1971, he has been building a global machine that recognizes and controls human behavior, and therefore, controls global economies. In order to perfect his machine, Klaus requires data points that are generated from crises. The higher the frequency and severity of crises, the more data points his machine has to learn from. These data points are mapping the patterns of the collective human psyche, enabling their “use” in the next crisis, to the advantage of globalist corporations.
In Klaus’ mind, it is a crisis that feeds his ReichsWEF army, which may explain his irrational thrill as he explains the benefits of humanity’s doom.
Sometimes Klaus gets a little too excited, and shoots his true intentions out before they are meant to go public. He once explained what could be done to an unsuspecting human being.
Recall that Klaus merged Escher Wyss and Sulzer into one, huge company that aided and abetted nuclear proliferation. Let’s have a look at what Sulzer is up to these days.
Could it be that Artificial Intelligence is being used to generate management models for member companies of the ReichsWEF? When a crisis arrives, these companies have a template from which they operate in “lockstep”. The crisis is “used” to promote the agenda of Prussia, which entails the complete technological enslavement of humanity and the deprivation of inalienable human rights.
For example, when the China Virus arrived, a multitude of companies were miraculously at the ready to provide solutions that would deprive humanity of their freedoms and steer the world further toward a form of Prussian totalitarianism. As many of us are already acutely aware, one of those solutions is digital vaccine passports.
In Not Since 1917 Part VI, we detailed the vaccine passport company Entrust.
Entrust is owned by the Quandt family, whose stepfather was Nazi war criminal, Joseph Goebbels.
This perfectly explains what Klaus Schwab is referring to when he wants to “use” a crisis to advance the ReichsWEF agenda.
Hegel captured the true mantra behind Prussia: “if you want love you must serve, if you want freedom you must die”. The invisible kingdom of Prussia requires a completely submissive and compliant citizenry. To achieve this, Klaus Schwab and his ReichsWEF are coordinating globalist corporations and international Think Tanks to move in “lockstep”.
What is their end goal? The ultimate goal is the technological enslavement of humanity, which requires the wilful submission of humans to a tyrannical authority. Klaus’ protege, Yuval Harari, explains:
The rise of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum is beyond comprehension.
Let’s summarize:
Klaus was born in a Nazi town and the company his father managed was the town’s largest employer. The company was a Nazi model company and assisted the Nazis in the creation of an atomic bomb. After WWII, the company continued making critical components for nuclear weapons and was implicated in providing those components to various nations around the world, effectively participating in an illegal trade of nuclear proliferation.
Klaus Martin Schwab’s family was close to the Bodmer family and he was likely named after Martin Bodmer. Bodmer published a magazine called “Corona”, before joining the Red Cross in Switzerland. The Red Cross had provided passports to Nazi war criminals who successfully fled Europe for Argentina. The Swiss Red Cross prevented Klaus’ home town from certain annihilation in WWII because their supplies were scattered amongst the town’s warehouses. At the end of WWII, Martin Bodmer was promoted to Vice President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and moved to Cologny, Switzerland. Klaus followed in the steps of Bodmer and also moved to Cologny, where he founded the World Economic Forum.
Klaus began his studies nearby the Bodmer family castle, at Schloss Au. After completing his Engineering degrees, Klaus attended the Harvard International Seminar, taught by Henry Kissinger and financed by the CIA. After completing the course at Harvard, Klaus returned to Switzerland where he gained his only real work experience by merging Escher Wyss into Sulzer. Both of these companies were involved in the production of critical nuclear components.
After a few years on the board of Sulzer, Klaus left and founded the World Economic Forum. During the first ten years, Klaus brought enormous prestige to the annual Davos event by inviting many people of notoriety to Chair the forum, as well as speak. Major attendees included the ex-Dean of Harvard, Nazi bankers, the Dutch prince who was once a member of the SS and employed by IG Farben, and a former member of the SS and Nazi party who was tragically kidnapped and murdered before he was able to Chair the “Davos Club”. In addition to the Nazis, there was also an ex-British Prime Minister who has been accused of being part of a deadly elite pedophile ring, as well as the brother of a French President who was mired in scandal for his close ties to a Central African dictator who enjoyed killing children and eating human body parts while partaking in orgies.
The tenth anniversary of Klaus’ Forum was celebrated by honoring Henry Kissinger and effectively welcoming communist China with open arms to the global economy. Klaus, Henry and the ex-British PM were proudly enjoying each other’s company, while at the same time Henry was warning that the “worst is yet to come” for America and the world at large.
As we move forward to today, we discover that Klaus and his family’s history is one of formula-based engineering and machine building. This has morphed into a strange form of Artificial Intelligence that uses data points acquired from the misery of fear and human suffering, which in turn are used to gain an advantage in the next crisis. The World Economic Forum, which is a conglomeration of the world’s largest globalist corporations, uses the information provided by Klaus’ AI monster to profitably navigate the next crisis.
Finally, Klaus is uber-excited at the prospect of human beings implanted with micro-chips that will provide unlimited possibility as to how humanity can forever be shaped and directed. As Klaus grows tired and weary from his project, his chosen protege explains to us all that we are now simply “hackable animals”.
One has to wonder, was ‘NAZISM’ ever truly destroyed?
#PrussiaGate contends that it absolutely has not. However, we also contend that Nazism is simply a sub-division within a much larger organization. It is just one finger attached to a larger, invisible hand; the hand of Prussia.
Revealing the rise of Klaus’ beloved Forum, the “ReichsWEF” has unveiled the true “horrible invisible enemy” that humanity is facing today. Prussian ideology is the enemy of free will, and not until now have they been so visible to so many.
While things may seem dark, know that in the depth of the darkness, the smallest match will bring an entire cave to light. We do not have a match. We have President Trump, and his indiscretions and faux pas’ throughout his term have lit up the cave and shown us who, what and where the invisible enemy is.
However, at this point in humanity, we do not have a single match; we have an army of freedom-loving patriots bringing the light of collective-consciousness into the darkest of dark places.
The year is 2022 and the ReichsWEF and its partners, such as the World Health Organization, are bringing every crisis they possibly can to the table. Tragedies are being foreshadowed and then unfolding worldwide, while Klaus and his merry band of psychopaths say, “I told you so”. We are in the storm of all storms, but rest assured “the best is yet to come”, as we shall unpack in the final article of this series.
If you have any doubt, be reminded of President Trump’s epic call back in 2017:
I would sincerely like to thank the people who put out so much information regarding Klaus Schwab. I have tried to quote them as much as possible in this article, but I also highly recommend their articles on Kommandant Klaus.
https://theirishsentinel.com/2021/03/04/schwab-family-values/ ↩︎
https://newsbusters.org/blogs/business/joseph-vazquez/2021/05/12/soros-wyss-backed-dark-money-group-boosts-un-american-hr-1 ↩︎
https://www.amazon.com/Industrial-Britain-Under-Regency-Henderson/dp/1138865273 ↩︎
https://theirishsentinel.com/2021/03/04/schwab-family-values/ ↩︎
https://www.dw.com/en/the-ratlines-what-did-the-vatican-know-about-nazi-escape-routes/a-52555068 ↩︎
https://theirishsentinel.com/2021/03/04/schwab-family-values/ ↩︎
ibid ↩︎
ibid ↩︎
https://www.archives.gov/research/holocaust/finding-aid/military/rg-226-3h.html ↩︎
https://theirishsentinel.com/2021/03/04/schwab-family-values/ ↩︎
https://theirishsentinel.com/2021/03/04/schwab-family-values/ ↩︎
https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/dr-klaus-schwab-or-how-the-cfr-taught-me-to-stop-worrying-and-love-the-bomb/ ↩︎
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica2/sociopol_greatreset37.htm ↩︎
http://www.acamedia.info/politics/nonproliferation/spectorNN85/chapters2-3.htm ↩︎
ibid ↩︎
https://www.atomicheritage.org/history/south-african-nuclear-program ↩︎
https://books.google.cl/books?id=dvSX82cEqhIC&pg=PA381&lpg=PA381&dq=%22Escher+wyss%22+nuclear+weapon&source=bl&ots=5goPIGvIk-&sig=ACfU3U3HyiDGwvs6Zi_v0kPn_JBXcKKYjA&hl=es-419&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjD8-D5gJjuAhVdH7kGHUSvBVsQ6AEwDHoECAMQAQ#v=onepage&q=escher&f=false ↩︎
https://www.scienceforpeace.org/post/a-nuclear-watergate-west-germany-s-transnuklear-affair ↩︎
https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_First40Years_Book_2010.pdf ↩︎
https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_First40Years_Book_2010.pdf ↩︎
https://www.churchmilitant.com/pdf/artl-2020-09-03_RdS_Full_Report.pdf ↩︎
https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_First40Years_Book_2010.pdf ↩︎
https://www.indepthnews.net/index.php/the-world/africa/4068-the-story-of-giscard-d-estaing-s-fascination-for-emperor-bokassa-s-diamonds ↩︎
https://www.eurasiareview.com/16122020-the-story-of-giscard-destaings-fascination-for-emperor-bokassas-diamonds-oped/ ↩︎
ibid ↩︎
https://www.dw.com/en/edward-heath-pedophile-investigation-former-uk-prime-minister-would-have-faced-questioning/a-40815152 ↩︎
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-psychiatry/article/abs/satanist-cult-of-ted-heath-ethical-implications-of-authority-compromise/B7DA4199DECA88CEE721175EC1FBF361 ↩︎
https://1library.net/article/deng-xiaoping-opening-reforms-china.yr81exvz ↩︎
https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_First40Years_Book_2010.pdf ↩︎
ibid ↩︎