The ReichsWEF - Part IV

The ReichsWEF Treasury Department

Gyorgy Schwartz and the ReichsWEF Treasury

The infamy of George Soros knows no limit. He is perhaps the biggest contributor to the ReichsWEF and the movement toward a one world order. As we dig into his life, we come to find the same deep state players at work, molding Soros into the man he is today. This famous 60 Minutes interview is important to understanding the man’s character and mindset.

To be fair, Soros was just 14 when he worked for the Nazis, and was likely a child acting out of survival during WWII. However, it was at this precise time he claims to have had “a very personal experience with evil”. Another person who also had a personal experience with evil was Frederick the Great, when his father forced him to witness the decapitation of his boyfriend, Herman von Katte. After Frederick recovered from the psychological devastation of the event, his blue eyes turned to cold steel and he dedicated his entire being to the place he once tried to escape; Prussia.

Frederick would later reminisce about the physical and mental abuse doled out by his father. Rather than hate the man, he claimed his father was doing the right thing and that it molded him into the great character he had become, which in turn shaped Prussia into a world power. Soros also claims his experience with evil was what built his character. Was the formation of Soros’ character also designed to serve Prussia?

During most of WWII, Hungary was allied with Nazi Germany. While the persecution of many Jews occurred, there were many Christians in Hungary trying to help the Jews escape the trains to the death camps. Churches wrote out fake certificates to allow Jewish people to be classified as Christian and thereby escape the Holocaust. George Soros received such a certificate.

While there were definitely Hungarian fascists supporting the deportation of Jews, the government was doing its best not to comply with the Nazi orders:

In 1944, however, things rapidly deteriorated. The Hungarian government began to realize the total collapse of the Nazis was imminent, and were suffering as their own military was being used as cannon fodder by Hitler. Regent Horthy began to make moves to surrender to the Allies, or at least form a separate peace treaty. When Hitler discovered Horthy’s manoeuvre, he took immediate action and invaded Hungary.

This was not really a battle. Many , as many Hungarian soldiers thought of their German comrades as true allies. Hungary rolled over quickly and Hitler installed a fascist Hungarian regime, led by Ferenc Szalasi and his Arrow Cross party.

In addition, Hitler sent in an SS-Waffen division headed up by Colonel Otto Skorzeny and Lt. Colonel Adolf Eichmann. Szalasi, Skorzeny and Eichmann carried out their orders with brutal efficiency; today known as the “final solution”.

In 1944 there were approximately 725,000 Jews in Hungary. Within a few months, 440,000 were executed or sent off to death camps:


This was all carried out within a few months. Death had completely engulfed Hungary, with Budapest probably being the worst hit.

George Soros was born in 1930. In 1944, when Hungary was executing close to half a million Jews at the orders of the Fuhrer, the 14-year-old Soros was working for a man aiding and abetting the Hungarian fascists. Young George would certainly have come across a pile of corpses or a few bodies floating down the Danube while doing his work. As he proudly proclaims, it was this period that built his character and shaped the man he would eventually become.

(If you want a brief history of the German occupation of Hungary, I recommend the History Hustle on YouTube.; here and here.)

“In a Funny Way, It’s Just Like the Markets”

Soros is known as a hedge fund manager extraordinaire. He founded the Quantum Fund with Jim Rogers in 1970. Both Soros and Rogers worked together previously at the investment bank Arnhold and S. Bleichroder.

The history of Samual Bleichroder is particularly interesting. Starting his bank in Berlin in 1803, he effectively operated as a branch office for the Rothschilds and banker to the State of Prussia:


It is a strange coincidence that Soros and Rogers’ partnership emerged from this Prussian banking firm. Rogers retired in 1980, but remained one of the most revered investment legends of our time. A regular guest for decades on the MSM money-honey channels, millions took note when Rogers provided his market insights.

One of those insights was his bullish stance on the value of commodities. Another, perhaps more interesting viewpoint, is his unwavering belief in the rise of China.

His consistent narrative with that of the ReichsWEF might indicate that his relationship with Soros was hatched in the background, with a view to creating the appropriate media narrative. Given the company Rogers kept, along with the overarching theory of Kissinger’s “Thucydides Trap” and the mission of the ReichsWEF, this is one market call that Jim might want to rethink.

George Soros biggest claim to fame is his famous play against the Bank of England in 1992. Shorting $10 billion worth of pound sterling, he made $1 billion in no time. The cost to the British taxpayer was 3.3 billion pounds. His successful wager placed Soros on the map as one of the world’s pre-eminent traders.

Let’s review a statement made by Soros in his famous 60 minutes interview.


In other words, Soros was applying the concept of Realpolitik to his trading. His strategy would imitate the same ideology he applied to the Jews in Budapest. He claims that he is simply a spectator and no matter what, the financial apocalypse and misery of a nation was going to happen anyway. The property being taken away in this instance is from the taxpayers of nation states. When the imbalance presents itself, Soros would be provided with near infinite leverage by prime brokers operating out of London and Wall St, and could deploy his capital toward the demise of a nation. In classic Prussian style, out of the ashes of nation-state economies, rose the Phoenix of George Soros.

The collapse of the British Pound was known as “Black Wednesday” and exacerbated an already nasty recession, sending many into poverty. However, this was not a one-off event, Soros had discovered his trading sweet-spot:




Hong Kong survived the attacks on its currency, however the fallout was horrific. The average investor in Hong Kong was obliterated:


Soros was also involved in was the Russian financial crisis. This was a strange set of circumstances. While he lost over $2 billion on his investments in Russia, his fund returned a whopping 19% overall for the year. Whether he was hedging his bets elsewhere or if the Russian crisis served another position, we may never know. What is most interesting about this crash was that he took it upon himself to publicly explain to the world his view on solving Russia’s financial problems:


If Soros’ intention was to help the Russians, it was a spectacular failure. The Russian market immediately collapsed 15%, and the ruble began to tumble. A month later, the ruble had lost over 60% of its value. Inflation passed 80%, banks closed, and the people were suffering. Oligarchs, on the other hand, made fortunes as the average Russian was forced to liquidate their assets to put food on the table.

However, it was the actions taken by Soros during the Russian crisis that exposed his true character. Recall his statement, “in a funny way, it’s just like the markets”, and “I was only a spectator. The property was going to be taken away anyhow”.

If George Soros was just a spectator, why would he feel the need to write an op-ed in the Financial Times at the exact moment Russia’s financial situation became dire? His actions resulted in an immediate reaction by financial markets. He was no longer a spectator; he was an actor.

There were numerous other speculators in the market during these crises and many of them made fortunes. There were also speculators who were completely destroyed. These speculators stuck to their principles and trading strategies, and remained spectators in a free market.

Free markets are an inherent part of freedom. They allow for truth to be transferred into assets via a pricing mechanism and speculators play a vital role in that process. Imbalances in economies should therefore be eliminated in the long-run as prices return to a quasi-equilibrium. Unfortunately, when central banks were unleashed by Kissinger and Nixon’s de-pegging of the USD from gold, imbalances were no longer eliminated; they were exacerbated.

The world has never seen so many financial crises since the gold standard was destroyed in 1971. The problem is that no one knows for sure when these crashes could occur. That is, unless you have knowledge ahead of time that a crisis is imminent and you take steps to profit from that knowledge.

That is known as insider trading, and it is a highly illegal activity.


Insider trading is the equivalent of doping in sport. Many athletes had their reputations and careers destroyed and medals revoked after testing positive for banned substances. Soros reportedly only made a couple of million out of this deal, but it is not about the money, it is about the integrity and character of the trader.

If he was prepared to act on a red-hot insider tip to make a few million from a corporate raid, imagine what he would be prepared to do when he received a nuclear-fusion-hot tip of an imminent central bank devaluation. No wonder Soros wants to fight these charges to the end; it is the equivalent of Lance Armstrong in finance, with the exception it would not just result in the revocation of Tour de France titles; it would bring into question tens of billions of speculative profits earned by a “trading guru”.

Where would George access such a network to obtain such significant “inside information”? Such access would surely require a gathering of the most influential bankers, traders, corporate elites and politicians in the world.


The answer may be hidden in plain sight.

Soros established his fund around the same time as the formation of the ReichsWEF. He had a working relationship with ReichsWEF luminary and founding director Maurice Strong. He has spent decades speaking at the annual ReichsWEF gatherings and, as a result, has a permanent advertisement on their website.

It is hard to imagine that George Soros did not run into the ‘odd central banker’ during his Davos travels.

The basic question is whether the legendary fund manager is just a spectator in financial markets, as he claims, or if he is an actor on behalf of a much larger organization with access to sensitive financial data?

As an actor he would be able to anticipate the financial crises that have sent hundreds of millions, if not billions, below the poverty line, while personally collecting billions of dollars along the way.

Soros’ “philanthropy” may provide an answer to that question, as we shall unpack soon. However, this story is not about one man’s billions, this is about the ReichsWEF’s trillions.

Buying for Pennies on the Dollar

Financial crises are few and far between in history, but when they happen, they usually transform societies for many decades thereafter. The South Sea and Tulip bubbles were horrible events that brought severe economic pain. The 1929 crash led to the Great Depression. However, since the world has transformed to a pure fiat based central banking system, we have never experienced so many global financial catastrophes.

In the last 100 years, the American market suffered big collapses in 1929, 1974, 1987, 2001 and 2008. 80% of these crashes occurred after Nixon and Kissinger ended the USD gold standard.

There was another time in history when a fiat central banking system created financial chaos; Weimar Germany. Recall in Not Since 1917 – Part V, Germany suffered a horrendous financial hyperinflationary crisis which impoverished the entire nation and eventually led to the rise of the Nazis. During the downturn, a Prussian-American alliance of corporate elites bought up most of Germany’s real assets for pennies on the dollar. Germany’s resources and supply chains were completely in the hands of a matrix of globalist corporations.

Those same corporations exist today and make up most of the “horrible invisible enemy”. Understanding the power of these large corporations, let’s have a look at the mind-set of the World Economic Forum.


We know that George Soros profits from financial crises. The ReichsWEF publicly states that it also sees crises and instability as an opportunity to shape the world in their image. However, you will notice that “multinational corporations” are an inherent part of the ReichsWEF coalition. In fact, they are the ones paying for the annual event in Davos.

Since multinational corporations are paying for the event, they have a fiduciary duty on behalf of their shareholders to seek a return on their investment. When a world-wide crisis emerges, George Soros may make a few billion, but the corporations partnering with the ReichsWEF make trillions and seek to acquire the real assets of the world.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, numerous Russian oligarchs emerged from nowhere. Billionaires emerged in just a few short years simply by acquiring Russian assets and supply chains. Throughout the 90s, they were the stars of the show at Davos:


For those who need a quick reminder on Boris Yeltsin, he was Russia’s equivalent of Joe Biden at the time, although he was known more for being a drunk, than a demented fool. Here are some of his greatest hits: (3:42)

Mikhail Khodorkovsky was Russia’s richest man at the time and invested heavily to keep his Yeltsin puppet in power. Once Putin took over, Khordorkovsky’s days were numbered and he was imprisoned, much to the disgust of the ReichsWEF. The oligarch was providing great investment opportunities for the globalist corporations who “invest” in the Davos Forum.

When the Bank of Thailand was hit by the Asian financial crisis, they had no option but to sell off “bad assets” or merge with foreign partners, many who were actively part of the Davos cartel:


When Malaysia was confronted by Soros and other currency speculators in 1997, the Malaysian Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, immediately went on the offensive. Dr. Mahatir defied all efforts made by the globalist organizations to infiltrate his nation, and aggressively called them out:


It was an incredible war of words and Mahathir’s criticism of Soros immediately had him labelled an anti-semite.

The globalists would never retreat from their attempts to infiltrate Malaysia. After the global financial crisis of 2008/9, a corrupted Malay government founded the sovereign wealth fund, 1MDB:


The wealth fund was a disaster and the nation lost billions through fraud and outright theft. Several globalist corporations were implicated in the scandal, including Goldman Sachs:

While we are on the subject of Goldman Sachs, the CEO of the bank moved into the role of US Treasury Secretary under GW Bush. When the GFC hit, Hank Paulson was on the front line. Credit was crunched and stock markets collapsed around the world. The average investor was completely destroyed and many homeowners were evicted from their homes. When the bank bailout eventually occurred, the damage had already been done. However, the banks that were “bailed out” could offload their bad assets to stay afloat. Most of those bad assets were foreclosed homes, many of which were sold to newly formed Wall St. funds, for pennies on the dollar:

From 2013:


Weimar Germany had served as a template for globalist corporations to prosper from the financial misery of nation states. By taking advantage of the massive imbalances created by fiat-based central banking, these corporations could gradually acquire the resources and assets of the world. George Soros spent his entire trading career taking advantage of, and amplifying the economic imbalances created by central banks.

Whether it was Russia, Malaysia, Thailand, Argentina, the GFC or any other crisis that emerges, the ReichsWEF views all such events as a unique opportunity to advance their “programmatic efforts”.

As Soros amassed his billions, he would walk in the footsteps of Maurice Strong and move into “philanthropy”. Completely deviating from his claim that he is merely a spectator watching events, he has become one of the world’s most prolific political activists and is intent on shaping the world into the ReichsWEF vision.

The Philosophy of George

Why is Soros so enamored with the destruction of America?

Perhaps one of the first signs of Soros’ disdain for America lies with his atheistic principles. He outlines this very clearly in his 60 minutes interview.


So, we see that Soros didn’t believe in America, he didn’t believe in God, and he didn’t believe in remorse when causing vast socio-economic devastation. However, what he did believe in was the autocratic rule of a nation by a “noble elite” and the need for total submission of the population to the will of the state.

Soros’ belief was very much aligned with the man who shaped Prussia into the global force we are faced with today.

Whether Soros idolized Frederick and his autocratic principles, or whether tyrannical leadership simply requires these traits, we may never know.

However, a known mentor to Soros was Karl Popper. Popper was one of the most influential philosophers of science in the 20th century; an intellectual giant. Popper’s book, “The Open Society and Its Enemies” became the namesake of Soros’ philanthropic foundation, The Open Society Foundations.

Popper’s book is not the easiest read, but it makes very salient points: Plato, Prussia, Hegel and Marx are predominantly to blame for the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century. The solution, according to Popper, is an “open society” where the ideas of individuality, humanitarianism and democracy will destroy closed societies. The most obvious closed societies are totalitarian in nature, communism and fascism, but Popper also included nation states within this category.

It is hard to understand how Soros interpreted Popper’s work. Popper deplored Plato, and yet one could easily conclude that Soros is trying to become a modern-day Plato:


#PrussiaGate has described in detail the Prussian origins of Hegel and Marx. Both of these men weaponized philosophy and contributed to the catastrophes suffered in the 20th and 21st centuries. Popper rejected these men outright in his book, and yet Soros appears to emulate them.

The only part of the book that Soros seems to agree with is the critique of nationalism. Popper’s “open society” consists of a conglomerate of mini-democracies effectively experimenting with different forms of governance. Providing the people with complete freedom of movement, these mini-democracies were free to evolve through a process of trial and error, with the best form of governance emerging through a pure democratic process. Popper therefore argues that the nation state, particularly nationalism, is an impediment to that process.

Popper’s criticism of nationalism, however, came from an upper-middle-class Jew living through the rise of Nazism in Austria. This is in stark contrast to America, which is a Constitutional Republic that is founded on the principles of freedom and individuality.

The destruction of the nation state, therefore, is the one part of Popper’s book that Soros appears to have taken to heart, and is paramount to his personal philosophy. In turn, most of his fortune and his “philanthropy” embraces this cause.

When Soros moved to America, he was provided with a free-market capitalist system that enabled the launch of his Quantum Fund and allowed him to amass billions. At that time, he was very happy to be in America:

“I chose America as my home because I value freedom and democracy, civil liberties, and an open society.” - George Soros 19

However, once those billions were securely in his pocket, Soros perspective on America drastically changed. Rather than embracing free-markets, and freedom in general, he became decidedly Prussian. As a self-proclaimed “noble elite”, he no longer saw himself as a spectator in anything, but a lead actor playing a critical role in shaping the world into the vision of the ReichsWEF:

“The main obstacle to stable and just world order is the United States. This is a harsh — indeed, for me, painful — thing to say, but unfortunately, I am convinced it is true.” 20

“Changing the attitude and policies of the United States remains my top priority.” 21

“The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat.” 22

“But I hate to think what would have happened if I hadn’t made money: My ideas would not have gotten much play.” 23

And with those final comments it is time to explore George – the activist and philanthropist.

George’s Philanthropy

The final nail in the coffin for Soros’ claim that he “is merely a spectator” is evidence by his pointed remarks at this event, in 2004: (1:07)

Soros’ business ventures, philanthropic activity and election meddling is being investigated from every angle, worldwide, and by many, highly-competent people. If we tried to address every accusation made against Soros and his foundations, we would need a small library to contain the books. Instead, we will try to address some more-unique aspects, as they relate to #PrussiaGate.

George Soros: A 60s Flower Child?

If we look back at Soros’ life, he was anything but a spectator; rather, he was networking with, and supporting, radical socialist activists, as far back as the 60s. Many of these activists wanted nothing more than the complete destruction of America, especially its Constitution:


Now that we know that Soros’ stated vision was to destroy the United States because it was an “obstacle to a stable and just world order”, it may be worth looking at the Students for a Democratic Society, which had an identical mantra:

The SDS would eventually collapse, but some of its founders used it as a stepping-stone onto more ambitious projects:


While we are on the topic of the domestic terrorist group, Weather Underground, this caught my eye:


Obama’s connection to significant global financiers and his meteoric rise to power was addressed in another #PrussiaGate article, The House of Saud.

It was one of the founders of the SDS, Aryeh Neier, that would have a lasting relationship with George Soros:


Neier would make his mark in several advocacy groups before eventually becoming president of Soros’ Open Society Foundations, (OSF):


From Hungarian Beginnings

In 1979, Soros’ public philanthropy commenced by supporting black students in South Africa. Five years later, he established his foundation in Hungary. This was at a time when communism was beginning to fail across Eastern Europe and George thought he could have a meaningful impact on his homeland.

However, there are many Hungarians who have not appreciated the ‘charitable’ work of George Soros. One of those is Viktor Orban, who has been Prime Minister of Hungary since 2010:

Soros clearly doesn’t have a strong relationship with Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, but he does appear to have had a very strong relationship with the Clintons:


Strobe Talbot and Hillary Clinton were not the only people who served the Office of Secretary of State that Soros was revered by. The parents (father and stepmother) of the current US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, are so close to George Soros and his Open Society Foundation, that one of the foundation’s subsidiaries is named after them.

Why was George Soros so close to Vera and Donald?


From 1994 – 1997, Donald Blinken served as the United States Ambassador to Hungary, but also had an interesting origin:


It is also notable that Antony Blinken is quite close to his stepfather:


Who is Samuel Pisar?


Robert Maxwell was the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, and the employer of “the man who did not kill himself”, Jeffrey Epstein.

Maxwell’s lawyer, Samuel Pisar, would have had a very interesting view of things, and was obviously within the Maxwell-Epstein ‘circle of trust’.

Similar to George Soros, Robert Maxwell’s life was deeply shaken by events that occurred during the 1944 Nazi invasion of Hungary.


Some fascinating patterns begin to emerge with respect to George Soros’ philanthropic network:

Now, to implicate Robert Maxwell within the Soros network based on an “arms-length” connection is admittedly, a stretch. However, recall that Soros was found guilty of insider trading in 1988, and he did have a couple of friends who were involved:

BBC, December 20, 2002:

It truly is a wicked web they weave.

The philanthropy of George Soros has created a “who’s who” network of radical socialists, activists and globalists, many whom have strange ties to Hungary and Ukraine. This has also provided him access to one of the most powerful offices within America - the US State Department.

With so many coincidences circling George Soros, perhaps it is time to look at the region which has been squarely in his cross-hairs for quite some time. That region is Ukraine.

Gyorgy’s Rainbow

With a network of foundations, central bankers, hedge funds, ambassadors and Secretaries of State, George Soros set about implementing his version of ‘meaningful change’.


How did Soros satisfy this enormous ego?

Simply put, he organized and financed regime changes.

Communism will always be a total failure because it incentivizes laziness and compliance, while simultaneously punishing productivity and individualism. There was a reason why there were so many defectors from communist dictatorships. Once they experienced freedom, denim jeans and automobiles that actually worked, they could never go back. This is a simple fact that made the fall of the Soviet Union inevitable.

As communism began disintegrating in Eastern Europe, beginning in the 1980s, Soros had set up an elaborate network of foundations that could be used to create “spontaneous” revolutions. Such uprising would logically be followed by regime change. These would later be termed “Velvet Revolutions”.

Perhaps this may explain the Clintons choice of dress after losing the 2016 election.

Soros’ goal was to ensure that these newly installed regimes would be sympathetic toward his “Open Society” vision.

As the Soviet bloc nations began to fall, Soros was ready to roll:


The Czech Republic was the first cab off the rank. In 1977, Czechoslovakia formed the Charter 77 initiative. One of the founding members of the group was future President, Vaclev Havel.



History continually labels the Velvet Revolution as peaceful and non-violent, however the lead up to the Czech revolution was anything but peaceful. There were multiple bombings on communist party buildings throughout the nation.


The apathetic Czechs certainly woke up. The guiding principles in Charter 77 led the charge in the demonstrations. The revolution proved to be successful and a new regime was installed, with Vaclev Havel declared as President.

(George Soros and Vaclev Havel)40

Does the concept of mysterious financing of violent youth gangs who riot and destroy entire towns, assaulting government buildings and monuments, while at the same time being lauded by the main stream media and radical left politicians as “peaceful protesters who simply want regime change”, sound familiar today?

This is the playbook of George Soros, and it is very well known.

As other Soviet bloc nations began to crumble, Soros’ foundations were quickly deployed. His ego was unable to be contained, and he would later boast of his achievements during this upheaval:


Soros’ styled himself as a saviour to oppressed citizens around the world. He toppled nation states with a simple formula, and then installed regimes that were sympathetic to his “Open Society”. There was nothing open, free or fair about these new regimes, but they brought the illusion of ‘relief’ and so were initially accepted by most. However, the plight of the citizens did not change; they remained dirt-poor. Once the carnage of these scenes is examined at a higher altitude, it can be seen that there were some very clear winners. A dirt-poor nation still had resources to offer the world. Soros and his fellow ReichsWEF colleagues were acquiring these resources, for pennies on the dollar:

The same playbook would be instituted at every opportunity, all over the world. Georgia, Egypt, Turkey, Slovakia, Kyrgyzstan and the Arab Spring all had Soros Foundation fingerprints. Each would be given the color of Soros’ rainbow to invoke the spirit of a bright, democratic and an “open” future.

Soros would, however, save his favorite color for his proudest achievement.

Oranges of Ukraine

What we discovered regarding Ukraine is so extensive that we have decided to devote an entire article to it following this ReichsWEF series. However, for now it is important to understand how the Soros playbook was applied to Ukraine because it unlocks so much about the ReichsWEF.

In this regard, we will provide a summary of the Soros-timeline in Ukraine.

George Soros claimed the Ukraine was his proudest achievement. He boasted about how he set up his International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) in the Ukraine in 1990, anticipating the nation would declare independence from the Soviet Union. One year later, that is exactly what happened.

Since 1991, Ukraine has never looked back: It has been declining toward total collapse ever since.


Despite the population suffering immense poverty, Ukraine remains a bread-basket for Europe’s food supply and holds a staggering amount of natural resources:


This places the Ukraine as one of the most strategic assets in the world and one of the reasons why Soros invested so much time and effort into it. With color revolutions occurring throughout Central Europe and beyond, many knew it was inevitable that Soros would come for Ukraine.

In 2004, months before the Orange Revolution began, Soros arrived to a conference and vehemently denied he had any such plans.

What was Soros’ and the ReichsWEF’s plan for Ukraine?

The country would be methodically and purposely bankrupted by loans that would eventually require a bail-out. When that moment arrived, the bail-out would stipulate that the loans could be swapped on the condition their resources were restructured, modernized and aligned with the European Union (EU). In addition, Ukraine would become part of the EU and NATO, and their debts would simply be forgiven.

Until then, the wealth of Ukraine would be gradually scooped up by shady oligarchs. This was a dirty, and in some cases criminal, business. Ukrainians were not only plunged into poverty; they were being dominated by organized criminals scrambling to take-over their immense natural wealth.

When the day of Ukraine’s bankruptcy arrived, those who owned its resources would receive untold billions in compensation. The real wealth transfer, however, was not found in the billions given to the shady oligarchs and to George Soros, but in the country’s natural wealth acquired by globalist corporations, for pennies on the dollar. These resources were worth trillions of dollars. It was once again a classic Prussian play.

The problem that Soros and the ReichsWEF were having in Ukraine was the popularity of pro-Russian politicians. This was steering the nation toward an economic relationship with Russia that would allow it to reduce its dependency on the EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

In short, the globalists needed to ensure that a pro-EU regime would remain in power so their plan could be successfully enacted. The Ukraine 2004 election was a paramount moment, and nothing would be left to chance.

As we have previously stated, when Prussia became invisible the seat of power was transferred from Berlin to Washington DC. Leading up to the 2004 Ukraine election, this corporate power was on full display:


Leading up to election day, Soros’ foundation went to enormous expense to conduct their own exit polls. The prediction, of course, was an overwhelming victory for the pro-EU Yushchenko.


Yushchenko lost the election narrowly. Predictably, the discrepancy predicted by the exit polls was greatly amplified by the MSM. The globalist media cartels reached a consensus; “this is a terrible tragedy for Ukraine; the election was rigged”.

With that, the Orange Revolution “spontaneously” began.

The group leading the charge in the protests was the youth organization, Pora:


Who was Vladislav Kaskiv?


Open Society Foundations were involved in setting up the infrastructure for a potential “street-protest”, predicting the election results, and organizing the radical youth groups to secure the capital until the election was overturned. Without Soros, it is hard to imagine if the Orange Revolution would have even occurred, let alone succeed.

Nevertheless, the Orange Revolution did succeed and Yuschenko became the fourth president of Ukraine.

The next stage of the ReichsWEF plan could take place; the bankruptcy of Ukraine.

Yushchenko immediately set about pissing off Russia. He refused to renew the lease of a Russian naval base on the Black Sea, set to expire in 2017. Russia immediately retaliated and the Russia-Ukraine gas disputes erupted. This put an immediate strain on Ukraine’s productivity, and therefore its ability to service its debt.

When the 2008 global financial crisis unfolded, Ukraine was one of the worst hit nations. Early in 2009 the ratings agencies issued their verdict:


Exactly as planned, Ukraine was ripe for bankruptcy. It was just a matter of time before Ukraine would be securitized and owned. Unfortunately for Soros and the ReichsWEF, the Ukrainian people disrupted their perfect plan. The Ukrainian people were so pissed off at the state of their country that, in 2010, they voted in a pro-Russian President. The same man the Orange Revolution removed from power in 2004, Victor Yanukovych, had been returned to power.

At first, this was a minor problem for Soros and the ReichsWEF. Ukraine was already in debt and effectively bankrupt. Their loans would not be forgiven unless the terms of restructuring were agreed. The European Union-Ukraine Association Agreement was a negotiation that would “modernize” Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, as well build a common defence policy with the EU. In return, Ukraine would have their loans re-structured with the European Investment Bank.

Yanukovych was not particularly interested in signing this agreement, but also understood the dire financial situation of Ukraine. His first move was to re-establish ties with Russia. The naval base lease was extended until 2042, and in return Russia signed a natural gas agreement with Ukraine.

This no doubt made Soros a little nervous. His foundations would begin to mobilize again in case Yakunovych did not sign the EU agreement. Soros worst fears were realized in late 2013. Yakunovych not only rejected the agreement with the EU, he instead pursued a loan bailout agreement with Russia.

We can confidently assume that the shit really hit the fan at Soros Head-Quarters.

Miraculously, a new “spontaneous” protest began; it was known as the Euromaidan. Here is the report from Open Society Foundations:


The truth is that the event was anything but peaceful. The protests went on for months and many people died. Yanukovych eventually fled to Russia under the protection of armed guards.

Many have described what transpired was nothing short of a coup, and many people knew all too well who was behind it:


What was intended be the greatest prize in Soros’ trophy cabinet had turned into a quagmire. Since 2014, the situation has become exponentially worse. The shady oligarchs who accumulated Ukrainian assets that were intended to be on-sold to ReichsWEF-affiliated corporations, are now left holding these assets. Investigations into the criminal conduct of these oligarchs began to unravel a global network of corruption, beyond comprehension.

A series of knee-jerk reactions would further expose the true intent of Soros’ plan.



Soros needed to move with extreme urgency; he pulled all the strings he could with his contacts at the US State Department, as recent FOIA documents have shown. As the 2016 US Presidential election loomed, the potential of Trump presidency scared the living-daylights out of Soros.


The above article is a must read, if only to observe the devastation of Soros and the ReichsWEF when Victor Yanukovych turned his back on their prized European Union-Ukraine Association Agreement. Things were getting desperate, and they’d get far worse if Donald Trump became President.

When President Trump took office, the true meaning behind the phrase “they never thought she would lose” really began to take shape.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian henchmen were left high and dry, still holding their assets. One of the richest men in Ukraine, Ihor Kolomoisky, would have much preferred to have offloaded his portfolio to the ReichsWEF network and lived happily ever after, aboard his luxury yachts. Instead, Kolomoisky became world-famous for his alleged corrupt activities:


As the ReichsWEF frantically tried to re-group, Kolomoisky worked overtime to regain control of the situation. After the Euromaidan revolution, he was appointed Governor of a region in Ukraine.

The current president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, has a relationship with Kolomoisky.


Zelensky would eventually become president and, of course, needed a team that Kolomoisky could trust; the production crew associated with his tv channel would be just perfect:


Kolomoisky also has a relationship with Hunter Biden, along with other children of the political elite. As most know, Hunter was appointed Director of Kolomoisky’s now infamous Burisma Holdings. Hunter’s involvement with Eastern European oil and gas companies is now legendary.

To recap, Soros and the ReichsWEF began their play in Ukraine in 1990. After decades of meticulous planning, they gradually worked the nation toward bankruptcy; operating in the shadows; orchestrating revolutions and regime change. Since 2014, things have changed considerably: A comedian and his television production crew are in power; relations with Russia have deteriorated badly; Hunter Biden is providing his critical expertise with the country’s oil and gas deals. The invisible enemy’s Ukrainian-operation appears to have deteriorated badly.

George Soros’ philanthropic endeavors in Ukraine have provided a treasure trove of information to #PrussiaGate. The first clue was selecting the color orange for the 2004 revolution. When President Trump asked to investigate the “oranges of the investigation”, we did not expect the Ukraine Orange Revolution to be part of that investigation.

However, as we know, the House of Hohenzollern are the Kaisers of the German Reich, the kings of Prussia, and the princes of Orange. When we investigate the “Oranges of the Ukraine”, we will again discover a decidedly Prussian operation.

Could George Soros have named his favorite revolution after his beloved Prussian masters?

Summary of ReichsWEF Treasury

The 1920s hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic plunged average German citizens into abject poverty. Germany was on its knees when a Prussian-American alliance of corporations bought up the nation’s assets for a song. These assets became the basis for the new Prussia that was emerging. This was not a new nation state, but an army of corporations that would buy up a nation’s resources, thereby controlling it.

The treasury of the ReichsWEF was not fiat currency, or even gold. It was globalist corporations acquiring and controlling the world’s resources and supply chains.

This strategy would become the template for the new, invisible Prussia. It is much easier to buy a nation’s natural wealth when it is bankrupt. The consistent plan was to bankrupt them first, and buy them out after. To that end, George Soros essentially ran the ReichsWEF Treasury. His role was to create the necessary economic conditions that allowed globalist corporations to “buy, buy, buy”. Soros founded the Quantum Fund in 1970, and soon after, the World Economic Forum was established by Klaus Schwab.

Soros’ character would be formed in 1944 Hungary, when the Nazis had reached peak insanity. As 400,000+ Jews met their doom in Hungary, he aided and abetted their demise. At 14 years of age and with a certificate that exempted him from joining the death march, Soros was unapologetically indifferent about it. His thoughts on the incident were exceptionally pragmatic. Like Bismarck, Kissinger and Maurice Strong, needless death was an acceptable cost in establishing a New World Order. Soros’ character, therefore, was simply one of Realpolitik.

Soros’ philosophy was influenced by Karl Popper and his vision for an Open Society. However, there was nothing open about Soros’ version of an open society. Instead, bankrupted nations would be locked out of capital markets and subject to draconian financial extortion. The only people who benefited from Soros’ open society were those within his closed, inner circle.

Soros’ personality can be understood by those he chose to socialize with in the 1960s and 70s; radical left-wing activists and their newly-formed revolutionary groups. Some of these groups became so radical they would morph into domestic terrorist organizations. He would eventually appoint a man from these social circles to run his Open Society Foundations.

Soros’ trading career would become the stuff of legend. Accumulating billions by breaking central banks and national economies, he would attract global media attention following his speculative raids. Although not much is understood about his actual trading strategy, Soros explained his success away by stating he was simply a spectator in the markets, watching events unfold. This sat in stark contrast to the actions he took during the Russian financial crisis. In addition, his conviction of insider trading in 1988 tainted the reputation of the “trading guru”; especially considering every year at the World Economic Forum, he had private access to central bankers and political leaders from every corner of the globe.

Finally, Soros’ character, philosophy, personality and investment knowledge merged into his true passion; philanthropy. Like everything that revolves around Soros, his philanthropic efforts have not resulted in peace and prosperity, but poverty, revolution, war and national bankruptcy. These are the real pillars of the ReichsWEF treasury. These characteristics reveal the true nature of the beast that sovereign nations continue to bow down to.

Back in 2004, investigative reporter, Richard Poe, perfectly described the step-by-step plan of George Soros philanthropic revolutions:

Step 1: Form a Shadow Government

Step 2: Control the Air Waves

Step 3: Bleed the State Dry

Step 4: Sow Unrest

Step 5: Provoke an Election Crisis

Step 6: Take to the Streets

Step 7: Outlast Your Opponent.

This brilliant analysis by Richard Poe, nearly 20 years ago, is a timeless piece, and explains some of the unusual happenings in America over the past few years. I would contend that there should be one more step added to this process, in order to fully illuminate the overall ReichsWEF plan:

Step 8: Bankrupt the State and securitize the national wealth for the ReichsWEF Treasury.

Understanding this 8-step plan for the world, as well as understanding the Prussian origins of Antifa, the US Federal Reserve, the education system, global peace treaties, international intelligence agencies, and everything else presented by #PrussiaGate, one can understand why George Soros, at 90 years of age, is still so confident of establishing the New World Order.

In 2018, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Soros remained convinced of President Trump’s imminent demise: (0:17)

Unfortunately for Soros, President Trump appears to have taken George’s own playbook and is gradually using it against him. When you compare the energy of Trump at rally after rally, with a withered old George Soros whose countenance is slowly melting away, Trump is clearly winning the battle of “Step 7: Outlast your Opponent”.

“Think mirror”, George.

As for Soros’ prediction of Trump being a temporary phenomenon; his prediction is no different to his character, philosophy, personality and philanthropy. Total bullshit.

To be continued…

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