The Department of Psychological Operations
Before we dig deeper into the World Economic Forum, which we’ve termed the ReichsWEF, let’s summarize what has been presented in the earlier parts:
After WWII, when the state of Prussia was officially abolished, the Prussian apparatus never disappeared, but became invisible. The seat of operations was transferred from Berlin to Washington D.C. and the capital was transferred into a complex matrix of globalist corporations. Prussia had become the horrible invisible enemy.
In order to manage these corporations and the corrupt politicians that served the deep state, international forums and ‘think tanks’ were used as a pretext for globalists to innocently meet up. They believed this circumvented the strict Antitrust laws in place to protect the people from corporate and political collusion. Bohemian Grove and the Alfalfa Club were used in America, while in Europe the Bilderberg Group was formed by former Nazi member; Prince Bernhard of Netherlands.
Otto von Bismarck was the first Chancellor of Germany. He embraced the principles of Realpolitik; which effectively demands that the State must do anything it can to survive. Bismarck established Prussia as the first ever welfare state, meaning it must raise enormous tax revenue. This tax revenue would be used to finance multiple wars and establish Prussia as the world’s preeminent power.
Skull and Bones was established in Yale in 1832 by William Russell. His cousin, Sam Russell, was one of the world’s largest opium traders at the time, based in China. In 1835, Yale began establishing operations in China and later formed the “Yale in China” group. Predominantly run by Bonesmen, Mao Tse Tung worked for Yale in China and received the necessary funds to spread communist propaganda, and later finance his revolutionary efforts.
Henry Kissinger was chosen as part of the American global elite by German immigrant and US military intelligence officer, Dr. Fritz Kraemer. Kissinger would apply his own style of Realpolitik. Supporting nuclear proliferation, eugenics and Mao’s failing communist Chinese state, Kissinger managed to weaken America at every turn. Eventually this led to America ending the USD gold standard in 1971, and the military enforcement of oil priced in USD in order to support the new petrodollar.
Knowing that America would eventually collapse economically with a fiat system, Kissinger began applying the Thucydides trap theory, deeming it appropriate for America to collapse at the precise moment China rose to power, as the two nations likely headed to war.
Kissinger’s International Seminar at Harvard was a forum where the next generation of chosen globalist leaders were trained in Realpolitik. It was eventually discovered that this initiative was funded by the CIA. One student, Graham Allison, supported Kissinger’s Thucydides Trap theory, criticizing Trump and the MAGA plan. Another student was Klaus Schwab, who is now instrumental in coordinating globalist corporations and political leaders toward the Great Reset and the New World Order.
The ReichsWEF’s founders and their globalist ideology reveals that this forum was carefully mobilized to ensure the controlled demolition of America and the removal of its Constitution.
It was a play straight out of the Prussian playbook. 1971 was the year that the Prussian World Order would arrive forcefully onto the world stage, in preparation for its final assault on humanity.
Throughout Prussia’s entire history, a permanent standing army was always maintained. When Prussia became invisible, their army required a new look. Bombs, bullets and guns were the weapons of nation states. An invisible, stateless army required a very different approach.
The World Economic Forum became the central platform from which Prussia’s invisible army could operate. Their soldiers took on a different form: Politicians, CEOs, fund managers, billionaires and philanthropists. The weapons were psychological, financial and political. Prussia’s infiltration of globalist corporations during the Great Wars ensured that the WEF would effectively have a jurisdiction above even the UN.
The creation of the ReichsWEF was the brain-child of Henry Kissinger, and required that he draw on his Realpolitik experience in psyops, warfare and shadow diplomacy. Others were appointed to manage the vast weaponry of the ReichsWEF and the plan for a New World Order.
Maurice “Frederick” Strong and the ReichsWEF Department of Psyops
In part I we briefly mentioned Maurice Strong’s aunt who supported Mao Tse Tung’s communist China. Anna Louise Strong was a woman of significant influence and had befriended the likes of Lenin, Trotsky and Zhou Enlai. When she eventually relocated and settled in China, it is hard to know what part of Maoist China she found most attractive. Was it her love of marxist revolutions, the Great Famine, the Culturual Purge or just hobnobbing it with a brutal and deadly communist dictator? Whatever the reason, China appeared to leave a lasting impression on her nephew, because after he was investigated for multiple shady crimes, Maurice Strong moved to Beijing and lived out the rest of his days.
While most reasonable people might have described Strong as a “disgraced kleptocrat”, the best character references of Maurice Strong were provided after his passing in 2015.
Justin Trudeau was not alone in praising Maurice; Klaus Schwab dedicated a whole page of the ReichsWEF website to his legacy and commitment to the cause:
Maurice Strong was a Founding Director of the World Economic Forum. With glowing character references from Justin and Klaus, the question arises; who was this man and what was his role in the ReichsWEF?
Maurice Strong’s ascent to such a position of global influence reads like a rags-to-riches story:
Magically, at the age of 18, Maurice was introduced to the Treasurer of the UN, Noah Monod.
We will probably never know why a leading official at the UN would provide a job and share his apartment with a poor, uneducated 18-year-old boy. Suffice to say, Noah Monod must’ve seen talent and great potential in the young Maurice, and he set about utilizing these skills for the “benefit of humanity”.
Maurice Strong’s career never looked back. An introduction to David Rockefeller would complete his transformation into a self-made millionaire within a decade. This was a staggering amount of wealth at the time, particularly for a man still in his 20’s, and his success was attributed to his “strong working relationship” with David Rockefeller.
In our series, Not Since 1917, we mentioned Rockefeller’s company, Standard Oil, had teamed up with Nazi company and Hitler’s largest political donor, IG Farben:
Maurice Strong had somehow found himself keeping extremely good company. It seemed that living with the treasurer of the UN and hanging out with the Rockefellers paid handsomely. An expansion of the globalist leadership base was taking place in full view of the world, and Maurice Strong was being anointed for greatness.
Maurice was appointed head of the Canadian Power Corporation during the 1960s. At Power Corp, he operated much like a ‘king-maker’; he appointed Australian, James Wolfensohn, who would later become the president of the World Bank; and he appointed Paul Martin, who would go on to become the Prime Minister of Canada. His involvement in the Canadian energy sector was vast, and this would ultimately provide him a seamless-entry onto the global bureaucratic stage.
Before this could be realized, Strong’s biography needed some minor rebranding. After amassing a fortune from energy deals, he decided to devote his life to “philanthropic” endeavors. This saw him appointed as the head of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The fact that the IDRC was a Rockefeller-scam, was a poorly kept secret:
Notwithstanding the obvious connection to the globalist cabal, Maurice’s foray into the world of philanthropic Foundations was a ‘public’ success, and that led to him being approached to head up the UN Conference on the Human Environment in 1969, scheduled to occur three years later in Sweden.
This marked the beginning of Maurice Strong’s international career in environmental authoritarianism. In the early 1970s, he was Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, and then the first executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme.
The man who amassed a fortune from the oil business would become the founding father of the modern-day climate change hysteria.
The Psychology of Climate Change
Henry Kissinger and Maurice Strong would craft an elaborate strategy that would usher in the globalist’s New World Order.
Kissinger’s application of Thucydides Trap predicted that the rising power of China, enabled by Kissinger and Nixon, would eventually come into conflict with the falling power of America; whose demise was also enabled by Kissinger and Nixon. As globalist corporations manoeuvred their operations and capital into China, it was imperative to avoid a catastrophic war with America that could threaten their capital investments. For this reason, a slow and controlled demolition of western economies would be preferable. When the time of conflict arrived, the West would have already deteriorated to such an extent that the war was lost before it began.
A key component in achieving this outcome would be the psychological acceptance by Western populations that their demise was their own fault. Every aspect of Western culture would be criticized as greedy, destructive and unsustainable. Natural catastrophes that had struck the planet for billions of years would now be labelled as avoidable, man-made events and blamed squarely on the West and its capitalist structure. A culture of self-loathing would become so pervasive that when the West was finally confronted with the possibility of imminent collapse, they would simply submit and accept their demise as a “fait accompli”.
In Prussian Origins of Modern Education, we showed how Prussia’s education system shaped the minds of the young for the benefit of the State. Parents were no longer considered capable to raise their own children. Instead, a militant corp of teachers would ensure the child grew up to understand their role in serving Prussia. This became the global template for today’s modern education system and Kissinger and Strong intended to utilize it to its full potential.
This was Kissinger’s Realpolitik combined with his years of experience in military psychological operations. Over the next 50 years, the program would convince and “educate” 100s millions in the West that the world was about to end, and it was all their fault. Oil magnate, Maurice Strong, would be placed at the helm of the operation.
Enter “Operation Doom Porn”. A myriad of imminent man-made global catastrophic predictions.
Kissinger’s movement to strengthen China began at the same time Maurice Strong was invited to head up the UN’s first environmental doom conference. Just a few years earlier, in 1968, Paul Ehrlich got the fear-narrative underway when he wrote: The Population Bomb.
For over 50 years now, the same psycho-megalomaniacs have been promoting the imminent collapse of the world. In every case, it is the fault of the West:
Unsurprisingly, the same propaganda tools used by the Nazis in WWII are being applied today. If you do not submit to the globalist’s twisted Hegelian master-slave dialectic surrounding the climate emergency, then you are berated by a young lady with plaits.
As we’ve noticed over recent years, Klaus and the ReichsWEF idolize their young Greta.
One could be forgiven for wondering if Joseph Goebbels was still alive and operating this propaganda campaign from the mountains of Argentina. You would think that their marketing strategy may have been a little more original, but it seems that these people really are stupid.
If there is any doubt about Maurice Strong’s objective, allow some of his quotes to speak for themselves:
Strong’s New World Order vision was for a planet without sovereign nations:
As expected, Strong blamed these created ‘global catastrophes’ on the industrialized nations and their greedy lifestyle:
“It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class, involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing- are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns.” - Maurice Strong
Colleagues of Maurice Strong, and members of other globalist forums, stated their plan very clearly:
We can now see that there is an open war being waged against Western democratic societies. As #PrussiaGate has repeatedly stated, the ‘kult of Prussia’ was about total autocratic rule by a chosen ‘noble elite’. It was Hegel who stated that, “if you want freedom you must die.” Those who serve the Prussian ideology today, continue to take his words literally, and seriously.
As the climate agenda evolved, we unsurprisingly discover the same invisible hand operating in the shadows.
The Origins of Climate Change
The apocalyptic Climate-Industrial Complex was a booming business, on par with the 1917-1945 war era. Globalists were scrambling to be a part of the action.
Maurice Strong was Vice President of the World Wildlife Fund, established in 1961 by Prince Bernhard. In 1970, Prince Philip Mountbatten joined to assist in creating an endowment trust.
#PrussiaGate has shown that both these men have extensive ties to Nazi Germany and its Prussian origins. Both men would also champion climate causes. While Bernhard founded the Bilderberg Group, establishing globalist forums in Europe, Prince Philip was unapologetic to the very end about his objective:
Strong presided over numerous environmental conferences. At every turn, were the usual group of ‘noble elites’, proudly virtue-signalling their philanthropy for “the common good”. The reality is that many of these people were part of the invisible enemy we are calling ReichsWEF:
Maurice Strong had also fostered close ties to Harvard, joining the Advisory Council for the Center for International Development. Recall that Harvard was the university used by Kissinger for his International Seminar, involved in training new world leaders. Prior to his death, Strong left all of his personal papers to the university, confirming his deep affiliation to the institution:
There is no doubt that Maurice Frederick Strong was one of the instrumental players in the formation of the ReichsWEF, coordinating an incredible environmental psychological-operation onto the West. Under his leadership, western governments were coerced into adopting insane climate taxation, levies and trade policies, which severely restricted their productive capacity. At the same time, Maurice advocated that China should be exempt from all of these policies, citing their status as a “developing nation”. He was unashamedly carrying out his part in Kissinger’s Thucydides Trap.
As Maurice Strong expanded his movement into the UN, another player was also rising in prominence:
George Soros would head-up a different department within the ReichsWEF, as we shall explore later in this series.
The evil legacy of Maurice Strong should never be forgotten. As a broke, uneducated young man he was adopted by the globalists and accumulated a fortune from international energy deals. Amassing a wealth that exceeded his wildest dreams, he then worked feverishly to end the industry that prospered him, and in the process attempt to destroy Western civilization completely.
Maurice Strong is at best is a hypocrite, and at worst a psychotic, eugenic puppet who successfully helped convince Western world leaders that their nations’ demise was not only inevitable, but their own fault.
Following his death, Klaus Schwab remembered the work of Maurice Strong:
“He was my mentor since the creation of the Forum: a great friend; an indispensable advisor; and, for many years, a member of our Foundation Board. Without him, the Forum would not have achieved its present significance.” - Klaus Schwab
To be continued…
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