The Great Suicides:
On May 18, 2017, Chris Cornell was deemed to have committed suicide by hanging himself from a doorknob.
On July 20, 2017, Chester Bennington was deemed to have committed suicide by hanging himself from a door.
On April 20, 2018, Tim Bergling (Avicii) was deemed to have committed suicide.
On June 5, 2018, Kate Spade was deemed to have committed suicide by hanging herself with a scarf tied to a doorknob.
On June 6, 2018, Ines Zorreguieta was deemed to have committed suicide by hanging herself in her Beunos Aires apartment. She was 33.
On June 8, 2018, Anthony Bourdain was deemed to have committed suicide by hanging himself with a bath-robe belt from a doorknob.
These tragedies occurred with a frequency and correlation that was too far outside the standard deviation to be considered coincidence. While all were labelled with mental disorders, there is an even darker underlying theme that potentially forms a deeper connect to these poor souls.
For Chris Connell and Chester Bennington, it was widely-rumored that the two were working on a documentary to expose child trafficking called, “The Silent Children”.
Additionally, Chris Cornell and his wife set up a foundation to protect the most vulnerable of children.
For Avicii, it was that he denounced child trafficking in his video, “For A Better Day”.
Kate Spade worked directly with the Clinton Foundation and with the Clintons in Haiti. It is rumored that her child may have been a target of “something”, and that compelled her to make statements about the Clintons; although nothing substantial can be found in this regard. However, her death was very strange, with her sister publicly stating she was “threatened to speak out about her sister’s mental health”. Considering that was the reason for the suicide, and that mental health was the issue of the day, this seems a rather odd threat to make; especially from the estranged husband.
As for Anthony Bourdain, his dislike of Hillary Clinton was no secret. It appears the feeling was mutual.
What are “operatives” and who are those that inflict Hillary’s “wrath”? Bourdain also had it in for Harvey Weinstein. Was his partner, Asia Argento, an victim of Weinstein?
Interestingly, it has been reported that Harvey Weinstein contracted an infection (Fournier’s gangrene) which resulted in a terribly deformed penis. This is a strange coincidence that Frederick the Great of Prussia and Adolph Hitler suffered from the same fate. The immense power these two men wielded and the ailments to their penises is described here:
The Power of the Prussian Micropenis
Did Weinstein’s unfortunate condition invoke a similar spirit to that of his penile-defunct predecessors?
Then there is Ines Zorreguita. Ines suicide is claimed to be years in the making, again due to ongoing depression and mental illness. There is very little about Ines’ life that exists on the internet. This is strange for an apparent socialite who rubbed shoulders at the highest levels, but not surprising when one considers whose shoulders were rubbed.
You will notice that Ines is the sister of Queen Maxima of the Netherlands.
You will also notice that Ines’ father, Jorge, worked for the Argentinian government. The Argentinian government in question was none other than that of another Jorge. Jorge Videla headed one of the most brutal fascist dictatorships in modern history.
This was a military dictatorship that eerily rhymed with that of Adolph Hitler, and was located in the country that provided safe-harbor to Nazis who fled Europe to avoid war-crime convictions. This was a military dictatorship that committed heinous atrocities against men, women and children. During this dictatorship, yet another Jorge enters the story. The head of the Argentinian Jesuit church at the time was Jorge Bergoglio and he would be investigated for crimes committed to priests during the Videla regime.
Jorge Bergoglio is Pope Francis.
Ines was connected to the Dutch Royal family by her sister; to the fascist Videla regime by her father; and to almost every celebrity socialite that expressed their outrage at crimes against children. These celebrities then met their unfortunate demise to suicide; most at the hands of a doorknob.
These peculiar coincidences sit well outside of the standard deviations, and far too many of these ‘roads’, lead us back to Prussia.
Argentina; Prussian Paradies Wunderbar:
Argentina was designated a territory of the Spanish Empire in the 16th Century, before declaring independence from Spain in 1810 and eventually establishing itself as a Republic.
While the official de facto language is Spanish, many other European cultures arrived to settle in the Republic of Argentina. One of note was the Germans.
It is well known that there were many Nazis who fled to Argentina after WWII, however Germans already established themselves in Argentina well before WWII, dating back to 1827. From 1885 to WWI, 100,000 German speaking immigrants migrated to Argentina. In the 1930s, many German Jews tried to escape Nazism by migrating to Argentina. Today, approximately 8% of the Argentine population (about 3.5 million) are German Argentines.
Argentina has a lot in common with Germany. Their geography is very similar. Some German Argentines have tried to recreate German towns in their new country. La Cumbrecita is one such example.
It was so popular, that the Nazis decided to build hideouts in Argentina as an insurance policy of losing WWII.
Soon after Germany (not Prussia) lost WWII, thousands of Nazis from all over Europe were “getting the hell out of Dodge”; trying to escape the inevitable war-crime arrests that were sure to follow. For many reasons, Argentina became the Nazi escape of choice, with thousands successfully making it to the country after the war.
Argentina remained somewhat neutral during WWII, but its European heritage was clearly favored toward the Axis powers. After a series of coup d’etats from 1943, Juan Peron became President and openly welcomed Nazi War Criminals into Argentina. Heinous Nazi war criminals such as Ante Pavlic (Croatia), Dr. Josef Mengele and Adolf Eichmann were amongst those who were welcomed to Argentina.
Eichmann (known as the architect of the Holocaust) was eventually kidnapped in Beunos Aires by a Mossad team and subsequently taken to Israel where he was tried and executed, in 1962.
In addition to the open arms provided by Argentina, the Nazis also required a passage to get to the other side of the world safely. This would be provided with the help of the Vatican; these routes were known as “the ratlines”.
Their first stop was a monastery of the Teutonic Order. The Teutonic Order is Prussian.
In 1511, Albert of Prussia became the Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order. As he dissolved the Teutonic State, he founded the Duchy of Prussia. This was the beginning of the House of Hohenzollern.
Nothing could ever escape the grip of the House of Hohenzollern or Prussia. Several other papers in the #PrussiaGate series show the move of Prussia into Germany in 1871 and then into the Nazi regime. We now see that many Nazi escapees made their first stop at their own Teutonic Order.
After stopping in Merano, the escapees received the help of the Catholic Church; obtaining fake identity papers from the International Committee of the Red Cross.
History would record that those passports, obtained from the Red Cross, allowed for the most-inhumane war criminals to escape their deserved fate. This was all aided and abetted by members of the clergy, who positioned themselves as Nazi sympathizers.
The Nazi escapees, with their ICRC passports, were received into Argentina with the complicity of the Argentine government and the Church. While some were eventually caught, tried and punished, many others managed to settle in South America.
Over the next thirty years, Nazism began to proliferate through South America. It was during this period when the story of the Jorges begins to emerge.
The Three Jorges Damnation:
Argentina became a hotbed of Nazis after WWII. Juan Peron, a Nazi sympathizer with a dictatorship that mirrored fascism, welcomed many war criminals to his country. However, without the aid of the Prussian Teutonic Order and the Catholic Church’s Red Cross passports, many of those trying to escape war-crimes would never have arrived in Argentina.
Many Nazis lived a relatively peaceful life in quiet seclusion, possibly even rising into positions of national influence. Considering the fate suffered by their victims, this was an unforgiveable injustice that humanity has suffered.
Unfortunately for Argentina, the Providence of Prussia had found a perfect place to rejuvenate. Argentina would spawn three men, all named Jorge, who still have a profound effect on humanity today.
Jorge Videla
In 1976, Argentina suffered another coup d’etat. The “National Reorganization Process” was effectively a military dictatorship or “military junta”. Over the next 7 years, Argentina suffered under a brutal fascist-regime, remarkably similar to that of Nazi Germany. Tens of thousands of Argentinians perished under this regime. It was a regime headed by the General Jorge Videla.
Videla’s regime instantly invoked the spirit of the Nazis, reverting to similar tactics against anyone who was against the policies of the regime. This was all straight out of the Prussian playbook.
The crimes of the Videla regime were vast and well-known. The tragedies are too numerous to describe. At one stage it was reported that approximately 30,000 Argentines had “disappeared”.
Perhaps the greatest tragedy of the Videla regime, were the crimes against children. Many children lost both their parents to Videla’s arrests and tortures. Some women prisoners were pregnant, and once they gave birth, their babies were taken by the state.
Videla and some his generals were eventually convicted of war crimes and sentenced to life in prison, only to be pardoned 5 years later. This evil invisible hand of Prussia never retreats from battle. Despite the pardon, Videla was later convicted for the theft of babies during his despotic reign of terror.
For more information on Videla and his reign of terror, this documentary goes a long way to explain his brutal regime:
Perhaps one of the greater tragedies, was the complicity of the Catholic Church. Reminiscent of the safe-harboring of Nazi escapees, the clergy of Argentina’s church served Videla’s fascist regime. The head of the Jesuits in Argentina at the time, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, or Pope Francis.
Jorge Bergoglio
The current Pope needs no introduction, but the history of what occurred in Argentina under the watch of the Catholic church during the brutal fascist reign of Jorge Videla, does.
At the time, Bergoglio was the head of the Jesuits in Argentina and knew Videla reasonably well.
The tragedies suffered by Argentines under Videla were unspeakable. Perhaps the worst crime of all were the children and babies effectively kidnapped during the “Dirty War”. While many of them were adopted out to families of the fascists, the fate of many others remains unknown. For those families who lost loved ones, the cruellest aspect of this crime, is not knowing if their family members are still alive and maybe even walking amongst them.
This regime did not escape pursuit of human rights lawyers and activists. Videla was eventually re-jailed for his crimes against children and he died in prison in 2013. However, those in the church who were complicit with Videla’s regime are still being pursued, having yet to face justice.
The accusations against the Catholic Church have come thick and fast. There were rumors that the Argentine Catholic Church even held files on everyone that was missing.
Videla himself stated that he had informed the Catholic Church of the “disappeared”:
Videla also stated that the church “advised” him. Could the Church and the Government have “each other over the same barrel”, so to speak?
When Jorge Begoglio (Pope Francis) finally became head of the Vatican it appeared he would provide access to files the Church held on those who had disappeared.
But rather than providing the files in good faith and transparency, it appears the Pope only did so after pressure from human rights groups.
What is worse, is that there appears to be other “sensitive material” relating to dealings between the clergymen and the military junta, that won’t be released.
As head of the Jesuit movement, Jorge Bergoglio has also been implicated in working with the Videla regime. While association is not a crime, the allegations levelled at Jorge provide a startling revelation as to the alleged nature of the relationship between the two men.
The allegations were made by two Jesuit priests who were directly affected by the Jesuits and the Videla regime.
These accusations, and others like it, were contested by Bergoglio. However, a question remains over the 30 documents that Jalics was referring to, as he claims that would prove that Bergoglio had communicated with the military junta and sealed their fate.
While the Pope is releasing letters requesting the Church’s help in relation to the many “disappeared” people, he ensured the files relating to his alleged military communications were kept under lock and key.
There have been many accusations made at Pope Francis throughout his career and well after the terror of the Videla regime. These accusations never tend to stick. However, rather than listen to the accusations of others, the words uttered from Jorge Bergoglio’s own mouth reveal who he truly is.
The New World Order, as we shall hopefully discover throughout this extensive investigation, is uniquely PRUSSIAN.
From the militant Teutonic Order 800 years ago; nurtured by its caretakers, the Hohenzollerns – the kings of Prussia, Kaisers of Germany and the princes of Orange. Prussia was evolving into the war machine envisaged by Frederick the Great, and providing the inspiration for Adolph Hitler and finally, global fascism. The New World Order is a quest for control of the entire world. This was always the end goal for the Prussian globalist. Pope Francis has declared his allegiance to it. His training in Argentina would be useful once they went global. This is why he was moved from the Argentinian Jesuit Order into the Vatican. The jurisdiction of this great evil had signalled its intent.
Jorge Zorreguita
The last of the three Jorges, is Jorge Zorreguita. He is infamous for being the father of the suicided Ines Zorreguieta and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands. He is also known for playing an active role in the cabinet of Jorge Videla.
This became a significant problem for his daughter Maxima’s wedding plans. The Dutch people were outraged at the war-crime history of Maxima’s father. The outrage was so great that Jorge was not allowed to travel to the Netherlands to attend his own daughter’s wedding.
Ines Zorreguita was only a young girl at that point and was allowed to attend the Royal wedding, but without her father.
While I don’t think anyone is a stranger to family intrigue, this particular match made in ‘House of Orange heaven’ has a rather bitter taste to it. Maxima and King Willem-Alexander met in Spain at a party, and the rest is history. However, there is some speculation suggesting that this meeting between the two was not entirely random.
If there was any substance to the rumor it would certainly raise an interesting question, especially given the Nazi-endeavors of the young Prince Bernhard leading up to WWII.
The “Stormabteilung” (SA) or “Storm Division” were Hitler’s infamous stormtroopers of the day. When leaving “all groups” he went to work for IG Farben in 1934. IG Farben was a huge benefactor of the Nazification of Germany, amassing a fortune that still exists today in the companies it was broken into after WWII.
One of IG Farben’s subsidiaries supplied the poison, Zyklon B gas, that killed about a million people in gas chambers during the Nazi reign.
So, we learn that the grandfather of the future King of the Netherlands, Willem-Alexander from the House of Orange, was a card carrying member of the Nazi SS, later to become an employee of the company that manufactured Zyklon B gas for gas chambers. The father of Maxima, the future Queen of the Netherlands, was part of an Argentinian military junta that was eerily reminiscent of Nazi Germany, in a country that openly accepted Nazi war criminals after WWII, and with a Catholic Church that helped them every step of the way.
Whether the rumors of the arranged meeting between Jorge and Bernhard are true or not, it is another coincidence that is completely outside of normal probability.
Ines Zorreguita – the Conspiracy Theory
The Ines Zorreguita conspiracy theory could just be a series of inexplicable coincidences; a set of correlated events that fits a narrative. Sometimes, any conspiracy-narrative can be curve-fitted to align with past events. The death of Ines may be exactly that. However, considering everything just mentioned, the following claim deserves more attention than just a passing glance.
In 2017, Jorge Zorreguita died of nautural causes. As the story goes, Ines decided to do some housecleaning following her father’s death. What she allegedly found shocked her.
After discovering this, it is said that Ines plotted to have the information exposed.
Could the disappearances during the 70s and 80s and the Catholic Church’s “files” on the missing, have anything to do with Ines’ “suicide”
Now, who is Natacha Jaitt?
She is an Argentinian celebrity who was living in Beunos Aires the same time as Ines Zorreguita. She came to fame on Big Brother Spain about 20 years ago and was recently known as a high-class escort in Argentina.
However, at around the time Jorge Zorreguita died, Natacha Jaitt comes out on live TV in early 2018 and declares she has evidence of a widespread child sex ring. The video with English subtitles can be seen here:
By early 2019, Natacha Jaitt was found dead of a suspected overdose.
In yet another crazy coincidence, Natacha Jaitt was scheduled to give a court testimony on her claims.
Again, answering one question leads to another question: Who Gustavo Vera? He is a close associate of Pope Francis; the pair still speak regularly.
The possible conspiracy surrounding Ines Zorreguita is of an unfathomable scale, assuming the following timeline is all related:
After WWII, Nazis escaped into Argentina with the aid of the Catholic Church via “ratlines” and the Red Cross, via Passports.
Argentina embraced fascism during the same period as Germany, Italy and Spain. By 1976, the brutal fascist dictatorship of Jorge Videla had taken control of Argentina.
This period was characterized by kidnapping, rape, torture and even “baby snatching”; with many families never knowing the fate of their “disappeared” loved ones and the children they birthed in concentration camps.
Videla informed the Catholic Church of the “disappeared”, who kept thousands of letters from families as well as the Church’s communications with the military junta, which still remain secret.
The future Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio – who gave communion to Videla – was the head of the Jesuit church in Argentina during the reign of Videla, was accused by two Jesuit priests of his involvement in their kidnapping and torture.
In 2017, Jorge Zorreguita died. He had served as minister in Videla’s regime. His daughter Ines allegedly discovered many video tapes of women and children raped by high profile figures dating back to the 70s and 80s. This was the same period Videla’s kidnappings and baby snatchings took place.
Ines was rumored to have told many others about her discovery. There were also rumors of a documentary being produced to expose it all.
Within the following 12 months many celebrities, including Ines, who had publicly voiced their concern about child abuse, would commit suicide – most by hanging from a door knob.
During the same period, another Argentine woman, Natacha Jaitt, claims she had a huge amount of evidence exposing rampant child abuse. One of the accused is a close friend of Pope Francis – Gustavo Vera. Two weeks before she would provide court-testimony, she was found dead of an apparent drug overdose.
And finally, in a strange twist, the other daughter of Jorge Zorreguita, Maxima, ends up marrying the future King of the Netherlands, Willem-Alexander. It is rumored that Jorge and the grandfather of Willem-Alexander (Prince Bernhard) arranged for the pair to meet in Spain. Jorge and Bernhard both have ties to fascist regimes directly related to the Nazis.
Maxima and Willem-Alexander’s daughter will eventually be crowned Queen of the Netherlands, from the House of Orange.
Everything that is of Prussia, stays in Prussia.
Saved by Prussia, Loyal to Prussia:
Jorge Bergoglio was the head of the Jesuit church in Argentina during the time of Jorge Videla. The Jesuits or “Society of Jesus”, was formed in 1534 by Ignatius Loyola for the expressed purpose of defending the Papacy against the Protestant Reformation. Effectively, the Jesuits became the secret army of the Papacy.
The Jesuits will be a separate analysis in this larger investigation. However, it is important to note that the Jesuits have been carrying out unwanted mischief for many centuries amongst Western European kingdoms. By 1759, they were to decreed by monarchs to be removed from their lands.
By 1773, even the Pope agreed to get rid of the Jesuits. It seemed their fate was sealed unless they were able to find safe-harbor from their expulsion.
That safe-harbor was found partly in Prussia under King Frederick the Great.
While it is unlikely, but not impossible, that Frederick invited the Jesuits for a spot of music and “hot cockles” at “sans , souci .”, the protection of the Jesuits went against the German peoples embracing of Protestantism. The Jesuits were a militant group who were loyal to the pope, and against the Protestant Reformation
Frederick the Great, one of the great intellectuals of the day and one of the greatest Generals of all time, would never pass-up an opportunity to expand Prussian power. He was well-known to have a unsavory view of Christianity in general.
This brings us to the ultimate question: Why would Frederick the Great be interested in saving the Jesuits at a time when their fate appeared sealed?
“Prussia is not a nation with an army, but an army that controls nations”, Comte de Mirabeau.
What better way to increase that army and its ability to control nations than by adding the secret army of the Papacy to your Military command.
For the Jesuit Order to survive, did it swear an oath of loyalty to King Frederick the Great and to Prussia? Did the Vatican know about it?
The old structure of the Jesuit Order only required the General to swear allegiance to Prussia, as his disciples swear their allegiance to him. The General of the Jesuits is known as the Black Pope.
For the first time in history, a Jesuit has been elected Pope: Jorge Beglogio – Pope Francis.
The Prussian Pontiff
Adolph Hitler was inspired by the spirit of Frederick the Great and the militant supremacy of Prussia under Frederick’s reign. Nazism and its ideology, therefore, can be traced back through to the militant state of Prussia which did not seek to become a geographical state at all, but rather a Providence that declared war on anyone who did not walk lock-step with Prussia and its ideology.
In more recent times, Argentina became a sanctuary for Nazis, who were free to move around via the Vatican “ratlines”. Videla’s approach was, comply or die. It was a very Prussian strategy.
A few decades after Videla, the daughter of one of the Videla fascists marries into the Prussian nobility, becoming Queen Maxima of the House of Orange. Around the same time, the head of the Argentine Jesuits becomes Pope. This is the same Jesuit Order that was saved from persecution in the 18th century by none other than Frederick the Great of Prussia.
Prussia is an invisible enemy. It is a deep state that does not seek to own geography, but instead control a nation’s people via their ideology. The transition of Pope Francis from controlling a nation to controlling the world, signalled the deep state’s intention to commence the implementation of its New World Order. This Prussian vision had been touted for decades, most famously by the reference to the “Big Idea” of the New World Order, by George ‘Poppy’ Bush.
If Frederick the Great utilized the services of the Jesuits for his own of expansion, they effectively became his secret army. This could become an army of Catholic devotees, kissing the hand of an “enlightened despot” whose spirit was actually serving the invisible hand of Prussia, as they established the New World Order.
The Catholic regime would become a secret army, akin to a mafia, and the ‘innocent’ leader – Pope Francis, in his previous Jesuit life, was notoriously known as the “Godfather”.
Anyone who gets in the way of their master, mysteriously finds themselves “disappeared” or suicided; usually by hanging from a door-knob.
Francis Xavier, Jesuit