Thomas Jefferson was no fan of private central banking. He knew all too well what would happen should the issuance of currency be taken away from the government and placed in the hands of private banks.
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around (these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." 1
Andrew Jackson, stating directly to President John Quincy Adams, “You are a den of vipers and thieves.”
Ulysses S. Grant was put in power to defeat the forces trying to put in a central bank after the US Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln, “The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit need to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of the consumers.”
Andrew Johnson, who opposed EUROPEAN FORCES attempting to implement a central bank.
James A. Garfield, “Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation and is absolute master of all industry and commerce.”
William McKinley who, with his Secretary of State John Sherman, brought the war to the European bankers through a law, the “Sherman Antitrust Act”. After McKinley’s assassination, his Vice President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt took power and dropped the lawsuits against the Northern Trust (the Rothschild supported Morgan financial empire at the time).
John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated about five months after issuing Executive Order 11110 which allowed the Secretary of the Treasury to buy silver and issue silver certificates.
In addition to the eight Presidents openly trying to thwart the imposition of a private central bank, we observed President Trump’s mastery during 2020. In the middle of one of the greatest market declines in history, Trump temporarily rolled the operations of the Federal Reserve into the Treasury and averted a major pandemic driven financial collapse. While the other Presidents tried to tell the People, Trump showed the People the power of a nation in control of its finances. This will be unpacked later.
Beside Presidents, there were many others who opposed the future Federal Reserve. There were also wealthy and powerful bankers and industrialists who opposed it. John Jacob Astor IV, the man who invested in Tesla, opposed the plan, as did Benjamin Guggenheim and Macy’s owner Isidor Straus. They were the wealthiest men of the day, and unfortunately all met their end in the fateful sinking of the Titanic in 1912. It’s the stuff of conspiracy theories, but find comfort in the fact-checkers who have spent an awful amount of time reassuring us it is simply a coincidence – albeit a huge one.
Regardless, on December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve was created. In 1944, the Bretton Woods system established the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. In 1971, Nixon interrupted the primetime show, Bonanza, to announce the end of the US Dollar’s gold exchange system.
Ever since, the world has been flooded with dollars, wars, welfare, bubbles and busts. The only thing that is stable is the never-ending printing of fiat-money and the debt based monetary system it supports. We are now a world “drowning” in debt, that one day must be paid back by us, our children and grandchildren. With the central banks still at the helm of monetary control, this trend will not end until our children wake up homeless on the land our fathers conquered. Which, of course, was the plan all along.
It is not the intention to review the world of central banking and the US Federal Reserve. That has already been achieved by far more accomplished people. Our intention is to explore the people and organisations behind the push for the creation of the Federal Reserve system of monetary control. As we unpack all this, we may discover a common theme among many who argued, conspired, and eventually created the Fed.
Similar to the colonization of [Y]ale by Skull and Bones, the infiltration of the world education system, the creation of Karl Marx, the financing of the Bolshevik revolution, or the weaponizing of philosophy, the Invisible Enemy pushed hard to implement their version of central banking upon America.
Spoiler alert. It was Prussia.
From Frederick the Great to the Reichsbank
Before the Federal Reserve, there was the Bank of England, the Bank of Amsterdam and the German Reichsbank. We can explore the establishment of the BoE (during what we call the 1666 – 1702 window) and the Bank of Amsterdam another time (Prussia never ends), but the evolution of the German Reichsbank begins with King Frederick the Great in 1765.
Frederick was not just a great military leader, intellect and flautist. He was also keen to know and control every transaction that occurred within his kingdom. When coffee became a popular drink in Prussia, Frederick was enraged. He spat out his beer and smashed his champagne flute on the floor in revulsion. Prussia had to import coffee and so money was flowing out of the kingdom. For Frederick, this was totally unacceptable.
So, in 1765 he founded the Royal Main Bank, and monopolized the issuance of currency (coin) that could be used for trade.
Prussia was about building a massive administrative state. Monopolies are par for the course. Establishing the monopoly that would issue global currency was a no brainer. However, administration on a Prussian-level requires enormous resources and skills. One gentlemen who was considered an important character in German history, was selected to take on the role of managing the Royal Main Bank. Heinrich Friedrich Karl Reichsfreiherr vom und zum Stein. (that was his nickname).
Heinrich accomplished many things during his lifetime and was well respected after his death. (Kaiser Wilhelm and Otto von Bismarck attended a memorial for him in 1872). Heinrich was no fan of Jewish banking circles.
“He invoked anti-Jewish clichés in the form of alleged dangers emanating from Jews, warning that the peasants freed from serfdom would fall into “bondage to the Jews and to the usurers”, “corruption of the Jewish horde" or become subject to Jews Bankers in 1823 due to a “lack of honor” and “satisfaction of greed.2
This is important to understand. The head of the Royal Main Bank, which was effectively the central bank of Prussia, had no time for the Jewish banking circles, yet there was nothing he could do about it and they continued to thrive. Prussia was a micromanaged administrative state. It would never allow a competing activity to occur without the expressed consent of the king. The Rothschilds, Kuhns, Loebs, Warburgs were all originating from or near Prussia. How could these prosperous banking families have escaped the watchful eye of the formidable Prussian secret police without first paying homage and loyalty to the kingdom that allowed their businesses to operate? The answer is that they didn’t. It was all coordinated.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild started his banking business somewhere in the 1760s.
The Royal Main Bank was founded in 1765 by King Frederick the Great, who at the time was busy building a serious empire and had his “all-seeing-eye” over Frankfurt, and the whole of Germany. After being forced to watch his boyfriend’s beheading, Frederick never had a real partner again. He had only servants that were loyal to his cause toward a progressive dictatorship. Dating back to the Northern Crusades, where the original Prussia was conquered by the Teutonic Knights, the philosophy of rule was simple: Comply or die.
This again begs the question, did Frederick the Great simply allow these other private banks to compete with his Royal Main Bank, or did he allow them to operate in synergy with it? The Royal Main Bank was about the monopoly of currency. The merchant banks (like the Jewish bankers) would complement this by facilitating trade and currency exchange for Prussia’s new bank note. This would ensure the economic power of Prussia would be expanded and solidified.
Who do you think Mayer Amschel Rothschild learnt his famous quote from?
The Royal Main Bank was the central bank of Prussia until 1847, when it was then transformed into the Prussian Bank. The main role of the Prussian Bank?
1871 was a big year. Not only did the Prussian Bank become the future Reichsbank, America signed the infamous “District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871”, and on May 8, 1871 a “TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN” was proclaimed.
Articles 34, 35 and 36 made clear who was the final arbitrator of the treaty, without right of appeal.
There’s little doubt the idea of the Royal Main Bank was ‘shot out of a canon’ at a wild party at Frederick the Great’s palace, “sans, souci.” From its humble beginnings, the Royal Main Bank gradually transformed to become the ultra-powerful Reichsbank in 1871. This was in the same year that Washington DC was made a corporation, The Prince of Prussia was appointed Emperor of Germany, the US and Great Britain signed a treaty to settle disputes between the two nations and the Kaiser was appointed final arbitrator of that Treaty.
In 1871 nothing was out of the reach of the Kaiser.
However, in true Prussian fashion, they knew they were missing out on something. That “something” was the huge economic boom that was destined for America. With its maritime borders on the Atlantic and Pacific, land borders with commodity-rich Canada and Mexico, and an abundance of land, water, agriculture and commodities, would ensure America was going to be an economic superpower. By 1871 it was home to decentralized, freedom-loving entrepreneurs building enormous wealth for themselves.
A decentralized, booming free-economy where patriots can thrive is a complete anathema to the Prussian way of autocratic, centralized rule. The Kaiser knew exactly what America required: A central bank that had a monopoly on the issuance of currency so it could regulate trade and assert itself as “the bank” of the American empire.
Frederick the Great’s Royal Main Bank, now the mighty Reichsbank, would be the perfect model to implement into America.
The Lobby Group
#PrussiaGate is an evolution of research. It is an ongoing investigation into the mega institutions, families, corporations, and industrial complexes that somehow find their roots back to Prussia. The most important thing to understand about Prussia is that this is not a nation seeking world domination, but rather a weaponized ideology that seeks to infiltrate, dominate and control nation states. And perhaps this is the “Horrible Invisible Enemy” that President Trump consistently refers to.
When it comes to the origins of the Federal Reserve, the connections to Prussia cannot be understated. In fact, they are overwhelming.
What exactly was this Marburg Plan?
The governments of the world, according to the Marburg Plan, were to be socialized while the ultimate power would remain in the hands of the international financiers “to control its councils and enforce peace [and so] provide a specific for all the political ills of mankind.” 3
As we unpacked in The Prussian Origins of Marxism, Prussia was instrumental in the downfall of Tsarist Russia. Using Marx as their poster boy, Prussia infiltrated the minds of Russians and radicalized them. They had weaponized philosophy for the benefit of the Prussian State. In 1917, when the time was right, the Kaiser seed-funded Lenin and his bankers on Wall Street drummed up the financing needed to complete the communization of Russia.
Antony C. Sutton’s work, “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution” brilliantly describes the role of Wall St in Lenin and Trotsky’s overthrow of Tsarist Russia. However, we want to stay focused on the Prussia connection. Why was this plan for world domination named “Marburg”?
The man at the center of the plan was a gentleman by the name of Theodore Marburg. “He was the executive secretary of the League to Enforce Peace, and a prominent advocate of the League of Nations” . The League of Nations was later to be revamped into the United Nations.
We all know President Trump’s view on the bodies associated with the United Nations. Theodore Marburg was the lobbyist behind it all. Who was he?
Source: Jennings C. Wise - Woodrow Wilson: Disciple of Revolution (New York: Paisley Press, 1938), p.22
Theodore Marburg was an organizer.
He was of German heritage, most likely Prussian since his surname refers to the town of Marburg.
He was a strong advocate of the League of Nations and the Federal Reserve.
He attended Johns Hopkins university, which not only brought radical “socialist” ideas back from Germany, the President was Daniel Coit Gilman. Gilman was a [Y]ale Bonesmen and co-founded the Russell Trust in 1856 with the founder of Skull and Bones, William Huntington Russell.
Most importantly, he was attributed with dictating much of his philosophy to President Woodrow Wilson, who signed the Federal Reserve Act into Law.
Theodore played a central role in gathering the elites for a common cause. The group of “international financiers” were later labelled as the International Conciliation.
That is quite some name drops. Let’s analyze a few names in the group?
Paul Warburg
The infamous banking family dates back to when Friedrich Karl Reichsfreiherr vom und zum Stein complained about the Jewish banking circles. The surname, Warburg, most likely refers to the town the family originated from. The quaint little town of Warburg was annexed by Prussia in 1802.
Well before 1913, Warburg was working diligently behind the scenes to get a central bank into America.
It sounds like he was sent to America, from Germany, to implement a central bank. That’s not infiltration, that’s an outright invasion.
Warburg married the daughter of Solomon Loeb, Nina, and became a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. As you know, Solomon Kuhn and Abraham Kuhn were 48ers and “fled” Germany after the Marxist revolutions of 1848. As discussed in Prussian Origins of Marxism, they were disciples of the philosophy and ideology espoused by Karl Marx, and became part of a massive network of marxists in America.
Warburg was eventually to become the first Vice Chairman of the Fed.
Otto Kahn
Otto Kahn was known as the “King of New York”. Born and raised in Germany, Otto’s father was also part of the 48ers who fled to America. However, magically, he was able to return back to Germany. You may recall that President Trump’s grandfather was deported from Germany for not carrying out his compulsory military service). Apparently though it was okay for Otto’s father to return to Germany, even though he was part of a failed socialist revolution.
Otto was born in 1867. He worked in a bank in Karlsruhe and served for a year in the Kaiser’s hussars. You may recall in The Prussian Origins of Skull and Bones that the emblem of the skull and bones, or Totenkopf, was the military emblem started by Frederick the Great and his Hussar cavalry Otto was loyal first and foremost to his Kaiser Hohenzollern.
Otto Kahn became director of the American International Corporation, which tried to take advantage of China and Russia after their destruction following WWI. He also was a supporter of socialism, worldwide.
“This is the same Otto Kahn who lectured the socialist League of Industrial Democracy in 1924 that its objectives were his objectives.” 4
Theodore Marburg thought he would be a valuable asset to have as part of his International Conciliation.
Bernard Baruch
At first there did not appear to be much to discover with Bernard Baruch. He was the quintessential American success story. A story of rags to riches, Baruch made his initial money through speculation in the sugar market. He founded the International Rubber Company and formed a partnership with Senator Nelson Aldrich, Daniel Guggenheim, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., George Foster Peabody. Nothing to see here.
He was known colloquially as the “Lone Wolf of Wall Street”.
Bernard was quite the influencer. Though there is not much to tie him directly to Prussia, it is interesting that his father Simon was born in Prussia. When he immigrated to America, Simon was helped out by Mannes Baum. Obviously, it meant a lot to Simon because he named his son Bernard Mannes Baruch.
Bernard appears to be a man that acted on his own accord. However, he did support Theodore Marburg’s plan of a League of Nations.
Baruch had enormous influence and power at the time of the push for the Federal Reserve. If his interests aligned with Marburg, he would be a very welcome member of the International Conciliation.
The Carnegie Foundation
The Carnegie Foundation was also relevant to Theodore Marburg’s plan. When it was founded, the first president was no other than Daniel Coit Gilman.
As we know, Gilman was Bonesman and the co-founder of the Russell Trust. After 25 years at the helm of Johns Hopkins University, Gilman moved onto the next target for Prussian control. The wealth and influence of the Carnegie Foundation.
So, as we unpack the Marburg Plan, an incredibly powerful group emerges:
Theodore Marburg, a man of German extraction, who studied at John Hopkins and whose philosophy most likely influenced the decision of President Woodrow Wilson.
Otto Kahn was heading up the American International Corporation, a corporation designed to take advantage of the chaos and poverty unfolding in Russia and China. Otto was part of Kuhn Loeb & Co.
Daniel Gilman, after 25 years at John Hopkins, was running the show at Carnegie. Gilman studied in Berlin, became a member of Skull and Bones and set up the Russell Trust with William Huntington Russell.
Paul Warburg was a partner of Kuhn Loeb & Co. He was sent to America from Germany with the expressed purpose of agitating and getting a “European” central bank off the ground.
Bernard Baruch was a famously wealthy and influential character of the day, with direct ancestral lineage from Prussia.
This group would be the foundations of the great marketing campaign that was to befall America. A campaign to convince the nation that it needed a central bank that only the wealthy and powerful could be a part of. A central bank modelled directly off of Frederick the Great’s invention in 1765.
The Reichsbank.
Origins of the Federal Reserve
To recap:
- The Prussian central bank model was about creating a monopoly on the issuance of currency. It destroyed competition through policy, not by free market actions. This is not a conspiracy, but a stated goal of the Prussian central bank.
Having a monopoly on currency is one thing, but the currency itself must be able to circulate freely around the world. The Prussian central bank was complemented by merchant banks who facilitated trade and provided foreign exchange. When the Prussian Bank was formed in 1765, around the same time the Rothschilds, Warburgs and other Jewish banking families were allowed to facilitate King Frederick’s currency. This was done under the scrupulous eye of Prussia’s espionage network.
By 1871, the Hohenzollern dynasty had become the Kaiser of a united German Empire. Since 1776, Prussia had slowly infiltrated nearly every aspect of the American dream. In 1871, America signed a treaty with Great Britain whereby the Kaiser was the final arbitrator. The only thing the Kaiser did not have control of was the currency by which Americans traded in. It was a decentralized economy that was booming. In order to take control of America’s economy, a central bank needed to be implemented in order to regulate the issuance of currency. This bank would be modelled off the Reichsbank.
By the end of 19th century, Theodore Marburg conceived of a plan for a “New World Order” whereby nations would fall to socialism and be regulated and financed by “international financiers” - today known as the globalist central banking system. Marburg put together a group that would aggressively campaign for the implementation of the future Federal Reserve; signed in by a man whom he had influenced greatly, President Woodrow Wilson This group, incredibly, all have one thing in common. Their heritage, education or core philosophy all come from the totalitarian viewpoint of Prussia.
This provides ample evidence of Prussian infiltration, however, “Origins of the Federal Reserve” by Murray N. Rothbard ‘nails the coffin shut’ on any doubt the Federal Reserve was anything but a Prussian attack on American life, liberty and happiness.
This is required reading for anyone who wants to really understand the ‘hows and whys’ of the Federal Reserve. Simply put, it was nothing more than a coup upon America’s prosperity and its freedom. There is so much information in the paper, however for the sake of the #PrussiaGate focus, I will simply extract the references to Germany (which at the time was under Prussian rule). It beggars’ belief.
Bear in mind the goal of Prussia was to control and eliminate competition entirely, and it used its army of philosophers, educators and financiers to do so.
So much would occur in what #PrussiaGate calls the 1871 – 1917 window, but it truly was the window where this ideology was weaponized upon the US and the world. Yale was a “propaganda” tool to keep ‘the deplorable’s from catching on.
An army was deployed, but their weapons where not guns, they had socio-economic weapons.
When Paul Warburg arrived at Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the senior partner was Jacob Schiff. Schiff was educated in Frankfurt and became a broker for the Rothschilds. In 1874, he was invited to join Kuhn, Loeb & Co, and effectively ran the bank thereafter.
Under the watchful eye of Theodore Marburg, Otto Kahn, Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff all pushed for a US central bank modelled of the Reichsbank.
The intention of Warburg could not be clearer. Europe (Germany), not America, provided the superior banking model. Free market and fair competition would submit to a system of tight control.
If that were not enough, the Germanized-minions running the press believed it was their responsibility to ‘educate’ the American people about the merits of the bank. This is why the infiltration of the education and university institutions were so important, nearly a century earlier.
In a move no different to today’s playbook, they flood the news with “experts” who know better than the people.
If Schiff and Warburg were alive today, cryptocurrencies would surely have sent them to an early grave. Their efforts were all about centralization of money, and they would accept no other alternative.
And now we get to ‘the guts’ of the true intention of their plan. Since Theodore Marburg set up his little marketing group in 1902, the elite came right out and stated their goals.
Those experts, along with Phi Beta Kappa, Yale, Skull and Bones and German-certified PhDs, would be the new invisible Prussian army. This was an army that would control nations.
There was also George Reynolds; the head of the American Bankers Association.
Not many people would know who George Reynolds was, but they would certainly know who was the President at the time.
President William Howard Taft was not only a Bonesman, but his father was a co-founder of the “Order”. This was an Order that has its origins deeply within Prussia and their goal of infiltrating and controlling nations. Furthermore, Taft was ‘in on the gig’ since 1900, which implies he was almost certainly aware of the Marburg Plan.
Once the marketing campaign had been exhausted and Reynolds and President Taft had made their intentions clear, it was time to get things done. This ushered-in the infamous Jekyll Island conspiracy and the final writings on the future Federal Reserve Act were completed.
Woodrow Wilson, a man who apparently was under the influence of Theodore Marburg, signed the Federal Reserve Act into Law on December 23, 1913. It was something he was to regret for the rest of his life.
It’s all fine that Woodrow Wilson regrets the decision of signing the Federal Reserve into law, and we don’t know the evil forces that may have been weighing upon him. Unfortunately, the Leviathan created in 1913 still sits upon the throne of a globalist central banking empire. The currency it owns has a monopoly to issue the world’s reserve currency. This currency is literally backed by nothing other than debt.
In a world drowning in debt, the only entity liable to pay it back is ‘We the People’. If we do not meet our debt obligations, the small group of dominant men will call in our loans, cause a financial crisis and deprive us of all that we [believe] we own. This is the essential definition of slavery, and exactly what was forewarned by Thomas Jefferson centuries ago.
Before looking into the origins of the Federal Reserve there was no foreknowledge that Prussia was involved. After a deep research dig, it is hard to deny that it was anything but a part of the Prussian playbook to infiltrate and subvert America away from the principles set out by the Founding Fathers. Freedom is impossible if a nation is governed by tyrannical institutions.
The central banking experiment is an abomination. With the ability to create money, central banks have financed wars, massive welfare programs, communism and fascism. While ‘We the People’ drown in debt creation, the ‘Big Guys’ make billions at our expense.
They are the reason why gold has moved from $20 to $1800 and crypto currencies have gone “to the moon”. Why has the cost of living outpaced wages for a century? Central bankers are also the reason for the largest wealth gap in human history. He who can borrow first can buy first, and therefore profit first. As Lloyd Blankfein once stated, he believes this is “God’s work”.
Frederick the Great’s father was known as the “the Soldier King”. His achievement was to create and maintain the largest standing army in Europe, and developing the phenomenon of “Prussian militarism”. His son would make this army formidable.
Thomas Jefferson knew the dangers of standing armies. During the American Revolution, the Hessian mercenaries joined King George in battles against his patriots.
Jefferson also knew that central banks were an even greater danger. Whether he knew this was to be of Prussian origin, we will never know. All the big players laying the foundations of the Federal Reserve had connections to Prussia: Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Warburg, Kahn, Schiff (Rothschild), [Y]ale, Skull & Bones, Johns Hopkins, the Carnegie Foundation, Marburg, Reynolds, the Reichsbank, President Taft and many more.
The Soldier King may have formed the largest military standing army in Europe, but his son Frederick the Great formed them into the most dangerous army in the world. Through a slow process of infiltration, his army of weaponized philosophers, educators, bankers, and PhDs were able to slowly usurp control of the freedoms and liberties granted to Americans in 1776.
This process which was largely complete by 1913. The same year of the founding of the Alfalfa Club, who claims that their “secrets” were obtained from Germany, and that the Kaiser depended on these for his successes.
This is described in Prussian Weaponized Philosophy
The Alfalfa Club were a group of elitists who dictate American and world policy, founded at the same time as the Federal Reserve – an institution formed by elitists with extraordinary ties to Prussia and its central bank monopoly. It would appear as a symbolic transfer of power, for Germany has lost every war since, and 33 years after the outbreak of WWI, the state of Prussia was officially abolished in 1947.
This is the Prussian origins of the US Federal Reichsbank.
ADDENDUM: President Trump and the Solution to the Federal Reserve Dilemma
While it is fine to look into the Prussian origins of the Federal Reserve, global central banking is still deeply embedded within our lives. It entered into our homes and infiltrated our lives. Many are completely unaware of the perils of the debt based monetary system and debt servitude. We the People have unwittingly been placed into slavery.
When the pandemic hit in 2020, President Trump showed us the solution to the central bank problem. Sometimes we need to be shown rather than told.
Before explaining the brilliance of what occurred during 2020, we must first understand how much President Trump was at odds with the elites in the financial world. Quite simply, they hated him.
The economic boom that President Trump was creating in America was a no brainer. Lowering taxes, stripping down red tape, becoming energy independent and implementing tariffs against unfair trading partners (ie: CCP) allowed the creativity and productivity of Americans to shine. Companies were moving back and wages for the middle class were rising like never before. Trump was Making American Great Again.
Conversely, Obama only saw the downfall of America. There was no magic wand in his eyes that could reverse it. He hated President Trump so much he could not say his name.
For the central bankers, Trump’s boom was not part of their plan. As America boomed, they tried desperately to counter Trump’s moves to de-Prussify the US, by raising interest rates. Obama enjoyed eight years of near zero rates to borrow trillions of dollars from the Fed. They made sure Trump had to pay.
Trump let the Federal Reserve know he was not happy with their actions. The President and the Federal Reserve Bank were clearly in a war.
Finally, there is the man who “broke the bank” of England. There is a lot we could say about George Soros. An entire investigation will need to be devoted towards him because by no we should all know that he takes orders from an “invisible” authority. However, with respect to Trump, in 2018 Soros used his crystal ball to predict that in 2020 Trump will have major problems and will simply “disappear”.
What was George referring to back in Davos 2018?
As we know 2020 was the year of the “unforeseen” pandemic, and Trump was faced with challenges on all fronts. The biggest challenge, however, lay in the economic annihilation that was unravelling from draconian and enduring lockdowns. In many cases, States that were heavily locked down where also financially backed by none other than George Soros.
Why is all this important?
In a debt based monetary system, most of the people are smothered in debt. It is their daily lives of working and running businesses that allow them to service and eventually pay back debt. Those daily lives are filled with transactions that involve getting out and about to buy and sell stuff, and to pursue life, liberty and happiness.
In a lockdown, no one can get out and about. No one can buy and sell stuff. People stop making money. Debts can’t be paid. When debts can’t be paid, things get ugly and the dreaded D word rears its ugly head.
The 2008/9 Global Financial Crisis was all about defaults. When loans can’t be paid back, money vanishes. Those who saw the storm clouds in 2007 and 2008 were savvy enough to take positions in CDS (Credit Default Swaps). Unfortunately, not many people saw the GFC coming because they listened to the high priest of the central bank, Ben Bernanke.
Before I spit out my own beer in disgust at the dismal history of central banking and central bankers, we need to return back to what Trump was facing at the onset of the pandemic in 2020. Lockdowns were causing people to go into bankruptcy, and a wave of defaults were looming. Soros and his minions are no strangers to shorting the market. The stock market began to fall precipitously.
To put things in perspective, the severity of the financial market crash that Trump was facing was 2nd only to the 1929 crash.
The markets were anticipating a wave of defaults caused by the 2020 lockdown mania. This was very serious. Economic collapses always precede misery, poverty, famine and suicides. Not only were people locked away from the world, they were going to lose everything in the process.
George Soros’ magical crystal ball in 2018 appeared to have had a Nostradamus effect. The Federal Reserve dropped interest rates back to near zero, but that was it. It seemed a perilous and hopeless situation and speculators were just sitting back and waiting for their trading ‘shorts’ to pay off.
This included everyone except Trump and his Treasury Secretary Mnuchin. They were about to show the world how the Treasury, not a privately owned central bank, will deal with a crisis.
Then Trump signed The CARES Act into law on March 27, 2020.
The Cares Act allowed the Treasury to set up special purpose vehicles (SPVs), which could invest in specific debt assets. Termed CPFF, PMCFF, TALF, SMCCF and MSBLP, these programs were all designed to do one thing:
The Treasury would seed fund these SPVs and the Federal Reserve were forced to loan them the rest. Trump and Mnuchin set about ensuring businesses would not collapse or default. The effect on financial markets was instant. The largest and fastest crash-recovery in history followed.
The invisible enemy was not happy. Crises are the bread and butter of their profit engines. The MSM began declaring Trump had taken over the Fed. For a while, they were right of course.
While many had assumed this was about destroying the Federal Reserve once and for all, nothing would be exciting without a twist. Trump and Mnuchin had shown the world how a responsible Treasury would act in the face of a crisis. Tens of millions of people were able to hang on and eventually get back to business when the lockdowns ended and the economy began opening up. The SPVs ensured that the GFC would not re-occur. The Soros expected wave of debt defaults did not happen.
However, after the 2020 election was declared in favor of Biden, Mnuchin played an incredible hand. On November 24, 2020, Mnuchin decided to park the money that was being used by Treasury to back-stop loans and place it in a “general fund”.
This was a brilliant move. If Biden and the “Horrible Invisible Enemy” thought they were going to access the CARES Act funds for their own useless programs they had another thing coming. They would need to revert back to the classical method and coerce the Congress into extending the Federal Reserve credit card.
As expected, they were livid. The MSM went on their usual character assassination rants.
For a small window of time, and perhaps at one of the most critical junctures in modern history, Trump and Mnuchin took the reins off the Fed and showed the world what responsible Treasury behavior looked like.
When Trump released the report from the 1776 Commission, he was explicitly telling the world of the need to revert back to the principles of the Founding Fathers.
Central banking is clearly not one of those principles. When the 2020 US election was “declared”, Trump and Mnuchin handed the central banking nightmare back to the corrupt establishment and wished them all the best.
Trump let everyone know what will happen if Biden is elected.
While we haven’t seen a crash yet, I would take President Trump’s warning very seriously. After all, he has the magic wand Obama is obsessed about.
We shall all have to see what happens.
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