Modern education appears to have fallen off the rails. Many of us were at least somewhat aware of the left leaning political views of the Educational Industrial Complex. When lockdowns were imposed around the world, parents began to see firsthand what their children were learning. It was a complete shock to discover the extent to which woke activist teachers and school boards went to indoctrinate our children toward their dystopic vision of society.
Once parents awakened to the agenda of woke indoctrination of their children, the war between parents and the Educational Industrial Complex intensified.
What is the commonality between critical race theory, the transgender agenda and the nightmarish convention of the state controlling how children should think and behave?
They all find their origins in Prussia.
Children Belonged to Prussia, for Prussia
The “enlightened despot”, King Frederick the Great of Prussia, laid the foundations of the Prussian primary education system in 1763. Prussia was one of the first countries in the world to introduce compulsory primary education. It took over a century for other European nations to follow.
Prussia, however, was in a constant state of war. State-funded compulsory education was never intended for the children to find individual enlightenment, but rather to know their place in society and obedience to the State. There were 6 key outcomes for the Prussian education system:
Obedient soldiers to the army,
Obedient workers for mines, factories, and farms,
Well-subordinated civil servants, trained in their function,
Well-subordinated clerks for industry,
Citizens who thought alike on most issues,
National uniformity in thought, word, and deed.1
Everything within the grasp of Prussia was to be utilised for the benefit of the state. Individuality was a curse that could give rise to free thinking and therefore a population that could potentially question the motives of their government.
Frederick knew this all too well. Renowned as one of the greatest military minds in history, he believed that a thinking soldier would destroy the cohesion of his army.
Prussia was a kingdom built on the premise of constant war. Frederick’s father, the Soldier King, formed a permanent standing army. This was achieved by enforcing compulsory military service of commoners and noblemen alike (with the exception of first born sons of the nobility, who would instead inherit 100% of the estate’s title and assets).
How could the king of Prussia maintain a permanent standing army, funded by the taxpayer, if the king also maintained the axiom that anyone who could think would not remain in his army?
By implementing a state mandated education system.
It was imperative for him to have an education system that created soldiers without thought, as well as a compliant citizenry who willingly paid taxes to fund the army. This was the premise behind Frederick the Great’s Generallandschulreglement, decreeing an eight year compulsory education for all Prussians.
After Frederick’s death, in 1806, Prussia suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Napolean in the Battle of Jena. After this defeat, the state of Prussia blamed the loss on a lack of discipline within its Prussian army and its citizens. It doubled down its mandate of compulsory education and “children would have to be disciplined for through a new form of universal conditioning”.2
As we shall unpack later, the Prussian model has today become the gold standard of modern education worldwide, where citizens are indoctrinated to become compliant, obedient and willing taxpayers for the “greater good” of the state and its objectives.
This new form of child indoctrination would be carried out by a new, semi-militant group known as the “officer corps of teachers”, commonly known today as your local woke school board and teachers unions.
Woke Education, Marxism and Prussia
The intensity that teachers and school boards apply their “woke agenda” upon children is not just alarming, but illustrates the clear intent of the real agenda playing out in America and worldwide. This article looks at the inevitable outcome that plays out when “woke” education becomes part of the curriculum. Civilizational collapse.
“Woke” Education and the Collapse of Civilization
Why would the Educational Industrial Complex educate for the collapse of their own western civilizations? The answer lies in the ideology they have installed into the school curriculum and applying to the minds of our children. Marxism.
When Lenin wrote “The State and Revolution”, the end goal was the transformation of a privately owned capitalist system into a state-owned controlled system, whereby the citizens will own nothing. Lenin knew this could never happen without a revolution. Instead of “owning nothing and being happy”, Lenin decided the best path to attain a marxist State would be to “own nothing and be in the constant struggle for revolution”.
In order to mobilize the people into a revolutionary mentality, they had to be “taught” about the struggles they were facing and the sacrifices they needed to make in order to overcome those struggles. In Bolshevik Russia, revolutionary theory was taught at indoctrination camps referred to as “universities”. Lenin believed he needed four years to complete the necessary psychological training.
Many believe Lenin and Trotsky’s Bolshevik revolution was the result of a grass roots movement, but that is completely false. Instead, in order to get the revolution off the ground, Lenin needed money; and lots of it. He found that money from Kaiser Wilhelm II, the Kaiser of Germany and King of Prussia.
In addition to the Kaiser’s substantial contribution, German and American banking interests on Wall St provided enormous financing to Lenin and Trotsky’s operations in Russia. This was known as the Marburg Plan. The incentive for the Marburg Plan was to destroy Russia with Communism and then monopolize the nation’s vast resources for the benefit of the Kaiser and the banksters on Wall St.
One of the saddest examples of the rape of the Soviet Union was the Ukrainian Holodomor where almost 1/3 of the population starved to death. The famine was not natural. It was the result of Stalin forcing all the grain produced in the Ukraine to be sold on global commodity markets at steep discounts, in order to finance the debts owed to the banksters and the Kaiser.
CRT, LGBT and Prussia
The Prussian model for education was fundamentally about indoctrinating children toward the goals of the State. Today, the Educational Industrial Complex has mobilized their corps of teachers to implement a “woke” curriculum. Woke culture is principally Marxist.
As teachers and the education boards implement this dangerous ideology on our children, it is important to note that they do so under the belief that they are in control of a child’s upbringing into society, not their parents. This belief comes from two key points in the Educational Industrial Complex’s ideology:
The Prussian education model, which decrees that children must be brought up to be subservient and obedient to their government through a strict discipline of universal education, and
Marxist ideology dictates that the abolition of the family is essential for a successful communist transformation, as explicitly stated by Marx in “The Communist Manifesto”.
As the American education system takes the unfortunate turn toward Marxism, the topics of CRT and LGBT are front and center. Both of these find their origins in Prussia.
LGBT is the Marxist vector to break up the traditional family unit as prescribed by Marx.
Teachers directed to indoctrinate children at schools with LGBT ideology do so without any parental consent.
CRT is the Marxist vector to divide society through a crack in the social structure of America. The parent of CRT is “critical theory”, which was a theory devised by the Frankfurt School, a marxist school that fled Nazi Germany and re-established itself in America in 1934.
Instead of applying pure “critical theory”, the neo-Marxist education movement has decided to apply its criticism purely to racism in that America social cohesion would “crumble under the pressure”. CRT, similar to LGBT, is being aggressively applied in the Educational Industrial Complex.
Marxist ideology would never have survived the 20th Century without the huge financial support that underpinned the revolutions. The Kaiser initiated support for these revolutions and through the Marburg Plan a long term global strategy was initiated to generate enormous profits for the financiers of successful communist revolutions.
As we shall also discover in another dig, Karl Marx was most likely a Prussian agent operating for and on behalf of the King of Prussia and to use Marxism as a means to destabilize nations ripe for the raping of its resources.3
This, coupled with the Prussian education model for indoctrinating the youth, became a powerful force to infiltrate the future generations of the world. The most insiduous part of the Prussian playbook was how the Prussian model of education successfully infiltrated America.
Prussian Education in America – Infiltration Instead of Invasion
So far we have looked at the Prussian origins of modern education and how Marxist ideology, which is also of Prussian origin, have infected the American and the west. Primarily through the vector of education and schooling systems. The most brilliant book on the topic of American Education is by John Taylor Gatto.
The book has an entire chapter devoted to the infiltration of Prussia into the American education system. (All references in this section relate to the book unless otherwise stated)
The private advance toward nationalized schooling in America was partially organized, although little has ever been written about it; Orestes Brownson’s journal identifies a covert national apparatus (to which Brownson briefly belonged) already in place in the decade after the War of 1812, one whose stated purpose was to “Germanize” America, beginning in those troubled neighborhoods where the urban poor huddled, and where disorganized new immigrants made easy targets, according to Brownson. Enmity on the part of old-stock middle-class and working-class populations toward newer immigrants gave these unfortunates no appeal against the school sentence to which Massachusetts assigned them. They were in for a complete makeover, like it or not.
Chapter 7, “The Land of Frankenstein” goes to great lengths to explain how the Prussian model was adopted in America during the 1800s. Many American visionaries were enamoured with Prussia’s efficiency, not just in the application of war but also in terms of commercial productivity.
Traditional American school purpose — piety, good manners, basic intellectual tools, self-reliance, etc. — was scrapped to make way for something different. Our historical destination of personal independence gave way slowly to Prussian-purpose schooling, not because the American way lost in any competition of ideas, but because for the new commercial and manufacturing hierarchs, such a course made better economic sense.
This private advance toward nationalized schooling in America was partially organized, although little has ever been written about it; Orestes Brownson’s journal identifies a covert national apparatus (to which Brownson briefly belonged) already in place in the decade after the War of 1812, one whose stated purpose was to “Germanize” America, beginning in those troubled neighborhoods where the urban poor huddled, and where disorganized new immigrants made easy targets, according to Brownson. Enmity on the part of old-stock middle-class and working-class populations toward newer immigrants gave these unfortunates no appeal against the school sentence to which Massachusetts assigned them. They were in for a complete makeover, like it or not.
Brownson was not alone in the praise of a Prussian style compulsory education system. Powerful politicians, like Horace Mann, were intent on implementing it. Horace Mann’s Seventh Report to the Boston School Committee ranked Prussia first in schooling and England last. Robert Owen ( a future congressmen) and Fanny Wright (who demanded the end of family life) formed the Workingman’s Party of Philadelphia, and incorporated compulsory Prussian-like schooling as part of its political platform. Writer John Griscom wrote a book A Year in Europe and highly praised Prussian schools.
In short, a massive FOMO campaign was underway that effectively translated to, “if America does not adopt the Prussian education model it will be relegated to a third world nation”. Prussia was a place of all round prestige, and the American elite clamored to be part of it.
Throughout nineteenth-century Prussia, its new form of education seemed to make that warlike nation prosper materially and militarily. While German science, philosophy, and military success seduced the whole world, thousands of prominent young Americans made the pilgrimage to Germany to study in its network of research universities, places where teaching and learning were always subordinate to investigations done on behalf of business and the state. Returning home with the coveted German Ph.D., those so degreed became university presidents and department heads, took over private industrial research bureaus, government offices, and the administrative professions. The men they subsequently hired for responsibility were those who found it morally agreeable to offer obeisance to the Prussian outlook, too; in this leveraged fashion the gradual takeover of American mental life managed itself.
Gradually, the landscape of America was being managed by those who submitted to the Prussian method of education. Those who did so were rewarded with the prestigious positions America had to offer, along with the power and wealth that came with it.
When Prussia destroyed France in a blitzkrieg style war of 1871, the world viewed the Prussian victory completely as a result of its education system. The fix was in, all things Prussian were the envy of the world. The future of American education, bureaucracy and corporatocracy would be handed to those who acquiesced to the Prussian model.
Welch did go off to Germany for the coveted Ph.D., a degree which at the time had its actual existence in any practical sense only there, and in due course his ambition was satisfied. Welch became first dean of Johns Hopkins Medical School and, later, chief advisor to the Rockefeller Foundation on medical projects. Welch was one of thousands who found the German Ph.D. a blessing without parallel in late-nineteenth-century America. German Ph.D.’s ruled the academic scene by then.
While William H. Welch was the first dean of Johns Hopkins, the university today is best known for its Event 201, which simulated a global pandemic in October, 2019; just before an actual pandemic.
The Rockefeller Foundation on medical projects was also synonymous for providing a bacterial meningococcal vaccine to US Soldiers in 1918, just before they were sent to Spain to fight in WW1. The arrival of the Spanish Flu soon followed. The Rockefellers also have their geneology lead back to Prussia.
Not only was the American education system infiltrated by Prussia but the entire government and industrial complexes had also fallen. Prussia became an “all seeing eye” over the upbringing of young American minds and provided the benchmarks needed to be employed at the highest levels of government and industry.
Infiltration instead of invasion.
Psychological Behaviorism – Turning Humans into Animals, Society into an Autamaton
So far we have established that the origins of modern education are from Prussia, as well as the Marxist agenda, which entails “wokeness”, CRT and LGBT, and that most of the prestigious positions America offered were handed to those who graduated from and submitted to the Prussian educational model.
We have also established that rather than educating a child to discover their own inner-potential and path to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Prussian education is the indoctrination of the individual to give up their personal liberty, happiness (and even life), for the greater good of Prussia. How was this indoctrination achieved?
The area of individual volition for commoners was severely foreclosed by Prussian psychological training procedures drawn from the experience of animal husbandry and equestrian training, and also taken from past military experience. Much later, in our own time, the techniques of these assorted crafts and sullen arts became “discoveries” in the pedagogical pseudoscience of psychological behaviorism.
In other words, use the techniques to domesticate animals and apply them to a child for the benefit of the state. What exactly is “psychological behaviorism”?
There are many descriptions on the net for “behaviorism”. I think the above graphic explains the concept well enough. Rather than go into detail of behaviorism, the origins of the scientific theory of behaviorism is far more interesting.
The father of “psychological behaviorism”, after he wrote his PhD, was offered a faculty position at Johns Hopkins, and immediately promoted to chair the psychology department. It was a major advancement which attempted to “scientize” and endorse the Prussian method of applying animal training to our children.
Marxism, LGBT, CRT, wokeness and the Prussianized education complex does much to destroy the inner workings and spirtuality of the individual, as well as attempting to destroy the family unit and society as a whole. What is the expressed endpoint of this fiasco, which seems to marry communist ideology for the profit of the crony capitalist?
John Taylor Gatto explains this perfectly;
The little North German state of Prussia had been described as “an army with a country,” “a perpetual armed camp,” “a gigantic penal institution.” Even the built environment in Prussia was closely regimented: streets were made to run straight, town buildings and traffic were state-approved and regulated. Attempts were made to cleanse society of irregular elements like beggars, vagrants, and Gypsies, all this intended to turn Prussian society into “a huge human automaton” in the words of Hans Rosenberg. It was a state where scientific farming alternated with military drilling and with state-ordered meaningless tasks intended for no purpose but to subject the entire community to the experience of collective discipline — like fire drills in a modern junior high school or enforced silence during the interval between class periods. Prussia had become a comprehensive administrative utopia. It was Sparta reborn.
Sparta is no more, and Prussia was allegedly abolished in 1947, but the legacy of the autamoton society is what we are faced with today. Prussia firmly exists as the “Horrible Invisible Enemy” described by President Trump.
While we face this Godless entity that attempts to hijack the minds of our children for their great automaton experiment; to treat our children as nothing more than animals to be conditioned by external stimuli; to wish the complete destruction of the family unit; and to tear down and rewrite every part of our history, we must never forget its origins.
More importantly, we must now face that enemy, the Invisible enemy – the Providence that is Prussia – because their path to victory is through the corruption and indoctrination of our children, without our consent.