The Prussian Origins of Marxism

In 1917, Lenin and Trotsky launched the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Just over a century later, many nations have fallen to similar communist revolutions. This has led to mass death, poverty, famine, war and cultural collapse.

Today, the scourge of communist ideology has infiltrated our schools, universities and public service. Disregarding the disastrous outcomes of a failed ideology, the radical left continues to believe in a man whom they believe laid the foundations of communism and provided a pathway for the future of humanity.

That man is Karl Marx.

Today we are faced with a new interpretation and application of Marxism. Presented to us in the form of the NWO, the Great Reset, the World Economic Forum, Inclusive Capitalism and “wokeism”. This time, they assure us, will be a different type of communist utopia. However, as we see the ominous storm clouds of their totalitarian nightmare moving toward us, we know that this time is no different. Marxists and their derivatives are simply stupid, insane, or very sick.

Rather than engage in the debate that currently rattles the west, the origins of Marxism sheds far more light on the true intent of the disaster that is communism. Far from a “People’s Revolution”, communism was a tool created, financed and implemented by the wealthy and powerful to destabilize ‘nation states’ and exploit their resources for enormous profits.

Communism, like its sworn enemy, fascism, are subsets of a much larger organization. That organization or ideology, is Prussia. Both ideologies are fingers attached to the same Prussian hand and deployed as psychological weapons upon their enemies. Using infiltration instead of invasion, Prussia was able to destabilize nations from within and restructure them for their own benefit.

Karl Marx was nothing more than a Prussian agent deployed for this exact purpose. Fomenting the seeds of revolution throughout Europe, Marx was able to connect with some of the most powerful people of the era and lay the groundwork for the complete takedown of Tsarist Russia.

Karl Marx – The Legend Narrative

It is not hard to find information on Karl Marx. He is revered by many academics, so by default, there is an overload of papers written on his life, work, associates and legacy. There are websites that show the correspondences between himself and his colleagues. There are websites dedicated to explaining the virtues of Marxism.

As we know, Antifa and BLM are inspired by the socialist revolutions that occurred during Marx’s life as well as the revolutions that transpired afterwards. Their inspiration is motivated through the idea of a struggle of the “oppressed” to overcome the “oppressors”.

We do not need to travel down the mainstream narrative too deeply. The best description of the legend of Marx is from Britannica Kids.

In addition to that, the legend of Marx was created as he used his journalist skills to critique, insult and incite rebellion against the aristocratic “oppressors”. Arrested several times throughout Europe and successfully evading authorities when charged with high treason, Marx managed to publish his 1848 pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto, which led to the 1848 socialist revolutions throughout Europe and the fall of the French monarchy.

Marx then “fled” to London, where he led a humble life and dedicated his time to his magnus opus, Das Kapital.

Dying in 1883, Marx was defined as a socialist revolutionary activist who inspired the foundation of many of the communist regimes in the 20th century. Labelled as the “Father of Communism”.

Karl Marx – The Prussian Truth

After a deep dig on Karl Marx, the origins of his philosophy, the world in which he was part of and the true nature of events surrounding revolutions, the legend of Karl Marx appears as manufactured as the MSM narrative around the 2020 election. With a basic understanding of Prussian “kultur”, it seems almost impossible that anything Marx did was not without the knowledge and consent of the Prussian government. When you dig deeper you can see that Marx was nothing more than an agent of Prussia, carrying out orders to infiltrate, subvert and eventually weaponize communism for the benefit of the Prussian kingdom.

“Infiltration instead of invasion.”

Prussian Origins of the Gestapo

The Gestapo was created by Hermann Goring in 1933. It was formed to crush any dissent to the Nazi regime and committed multiple atrocities in the process.

However, the Gestapo model originated from the Prussian Secret Police which was set up officially in 1851 to suppress any political dissent. The Prussian Secret Police were also known for their cruelty and invasive tactics.

Prior to that, Prussia had already established the most sophisticated worldwide espionage network on the planet. This was set up by King Frederick the Great during the mid-1700s. He is known as the founder of modern espionage.

Frederick’s spy network was considered one of the most important parts of his military structure. Frederick prided himself on his spies.

“The real founder of the business of organised spying in modern times was Frederick the Great, who was wont to boast that his spies exceeded his cooks in the proportion of a hundred to one.” 1

Considered one of the greatest military minds in history, Frederick ruled his kingdom by ensuring that dissent would never be tolerated. Anything that existed within his empire that would restrict his orders, would be crushed.

I am too ambitious and autocratic by nature to suffer willingly the existence of another order within my States which should restrict my action.2

Furthermore, the one thing Frederick the Great was totally clear on was that no one within the kingdom was to write anything other than to praise the state of Prussia.

Above all, let no one within your kingdom write anything except to extol your actions and efforts.3

To understand the extent at which Prussia would enforce these edicts, you have to go back to 1776 and what the police required of women.

This blatant lack of privacy and freedom was synonymous with Prussian “kultur”. It was brutally enforced by an espionage network and later, the Prussian Secret Police.

Karl Marx was born and raised in Prussia. He was deeply immersed on the ways of Prussia, and it would have been near impossible for him to have expressed his communist views without the Prussian police knowing everything about it.

This was especially true for Marx because his brother-in-law was a loyal Prussian aristocrat and became the future head of the entire Prussian intelligence network, as Minister for the Interior.

Growing up with the Westphalens

Marx was born in 1818 in Trier, Prussia. His grandfather was a Rabbi, married to Nanette Salomons Cohen. The Cohen family were wealthy Jewish merchants, which no doubt provided the Marx family with adequate funds, because they managed to be neighbours with one of the most powerful families in the world at the time. The von Westphalens.

His grandmother’s family were extremely well-connected Jewish financiers. Like the Rothchilds and Warburgs, the Cohens became synonymous with international banking. Their families would also be the primary architects of the future Federal Reserve, along with the Rockefeller syndicate (whose heritage is also Prussian). However, none of these families were able to operate without the approval of the Kings of Prussia – the Hohenzollerns. One of the Hohenzollern inner-circle families were the Westphalens.

The Westphalen prestige goes back to when Frederick the Great became King of Prussia. When Prussia allied with Britain during the Seven Years War, Philipp of Westphalia was granted the status of “Elder of Westphalia” by King George III.

Philipp started his career as secretary for the brother-in-law of Frederick the Great, Ferdinand von Braunshweig. Von Braunshweig (later Duke of Brunswick) was one of Frederick’s elite Generals and ended up commanding the Prussian, Hanover and English troops; while simultaneously maintaining a friendship with Frederick the Great. Prussia was indirectly controlling both Germany and England, and the Westphalen family were deeply entrenched within Prussian nobility.

The Westphalen and Marx families were neighbors in Trier. Karl and Edgar von Westphalen grew up as school buddies.

Karl obviously spent a bit of time at the von Westphalen house, because he eventually fell in love with Edgar’s “beautiful sister, Jenny. Karl eventually couldn’t resist her magic and the two were married in 1843.

Edgar, now Karl Marx’s brother-in-law, became a communist politician. During the fake 1848 purge of communist thinkers, Edgar managed to flee Germany and join the young communist settlement in Texas, USA. From there, Edgar acted as a liaison to Karl Marx. Edgar even managed to participate in the US Civil War, as a confederate. Eventually he returned, lived with Karl and Jenny for a while, before moving back to Berlin, where he was supported by his half-brother, Ferdinand von Westphalen.

Ferdinand, who was also the brother-in-law of Karl Marx, was the most prestigious of the Westphalens at this time. He became the Minister of the Interior of Prussia, serving the King directly.

Karl Marx’s direct family was connected to the future ‘banksters’ of the world. He married his school buddy’s sister, whose family were nobility and deeply connected to the military and diplomatic affairs of Prussia; a state that prides itself on the Art of War and who had developed the most elaborate espionage and intelligence framework of the era. His brother-in-law, Ferdinand von Westphalen, becomes Minister of the Interior; the effective head of Prussian intelligence for and on behalf of the King of Prussia.

For someone who considered himself at the forefront of communist revolutionary theory, marrying into the nobility of Prussia – a family which was connected to the intelligence affairs of the state - would seem contradictory to the cause. However, for Marx, this did not bother him. In contrast, he found his brother-in-law a nice guy.

The Woke Socialist Revolutionary

Now we have determined the environment with which Karl Marx was raised, we can look at his career as a budding activist, through a Prussian lens. Given Marx’s well connected family ties, he had no shortage of job opportunities. However, the future “Father of Communism” faced the same problem every other “woke person” of today faces; everything he touched turned to shit.

Prior to fleeing to London in 1839, Marx would embark upon several endeavours which all ended in disaster. The disaster was not for Marx, but for the people and businesses he associated with. If you think of Marx as a Prussian agent it is not hard to see that he was acting on behalf of Prussia. His goals would be to infiltrate and then incite the Prussian government to shut down and even arrest those he worked with.

“Infiltration instead of invasion.”

You will notice a pattern that everywhere Marx went, the Prussian government, police or King had them shutdown. While Marx never really suffered, those around him lost their money, were arrested and likely placed on a list by Prussian Secret Police. Marx himself was charged with high treason, but as we shall see later, this meant little as he was able to move back to Prussia without a problem. Considering the reputation of Prussian police, this could only happen if Marx was protected by superiors.

His final venture before 1848 was when Marx moved to Brussels in 1845. He pledged to the authorities not to publish anything politically radical. Instead, he started networking with all the exiled socialist revolutionaries. These revolutionaries plotted for a European-wide revolution and communicated through secret societies such as the League of the Just. This is where Marx and Friedrich Engels developed their relationship. They drew up plans to form a new communist organisation called the Communist League. Marx was connected to all the communist influencers of the day. From Brussels they all plotted for the coming revolution. Marx and Engels wrote and published the pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto in February 1848.

This pamphlet kicked off the 1848 Revolutions of Europe. While France’s monarch fell, the kingdom of Prussia rose up and mobilized to crush the rebellion.

By the end of 1848, King Frederick Wilhelm IV dissolved the Prussian parliament and by mid-1849, the radical socialist revolution in Prussia had been crushed.

Within eight years of Marx’s infiltration into the socialist underworld, everything he touched had turned to shit. Academic careers, publication houses, socialist influencers, socialist networks and eventually the French monarchy. The only thing around him that did not collapse was the kingdom that he virulently and openly criticized; the place where he was born, raised and married into.


The Making of a Celebrity Communist

The revolutions of 1848 were a massive success for Prussia. Not only had they crushed the rebellion within Prussia, neighbouring kingdoms were collapsing under the weight of the “workers revolution”. As we know, Prussia had the most elaborate spy network in the world at the time. This network would have been critical in successfully defeating any rebellion.

If Karl Marx was a true socialist revolutionary, he was not a very good one. Maintaining his colleague’s anonymity was not one of his strong points. However, if Karl Marx was a Prussian spy, he was an excellent one. He had managed to infiltrate and expose almost every major revolutionary group in Europe, as well as infiltrate secret socialist societies that were working behind the scenes toward the 1848 uprisings. Whomever Marx was controlled by and reporting to would have been highly valued by the Kingdom of Prussia.

That person, of course, was his brother-in-law Ferdinand von Westphalen. After the crushing of the 1848 revolution, Ferdinand was promoted to the highest position within the Prussian intelligence apparatus, the Minister of the Interior. If Karl Marx was responsible for inciting the 1848 Revolution through his pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto, it sure seems strange that the Kingdom of Prussia would promote his brother-in-law to the highest levels of their intelligence agency. Coincidence?

Further, during the 1848 Revolution, Karl Marx moved back to the Prussian town of Cologne. Considering he had been charged with high treason just a few years before and his Communist Manifesto was inciting rebellion across the continent, moving back to Prussia would be a life-threatening move.

Remember that Prussia once forced a prince, the future King Frederick the Great, to watch the decapitation of his boyfriend as a punishment for trying to escape. Karl Marx’s flagrant and open criticism of Prussia coupled with his association to known socialist revolutionaries should have seen him tortured, hung, drawn and quartered.

Instead, Marx decided to set up a newspaper, the Neue Rheinische Zeitung where he espoused more of his Marxist doctrine and openly criticized the Prussian government.

He did all this in the middle of a socialist revolution?

He was arrested several times for misdemeanours, including inciting armed rebellions and tax boycotting. He was never found guilty of any of the charges, but he was becoming infamous within the socialist circles as a high-level rebel.

It is hard to imagine how Marx was able to continue his mischief, especially within Prussia, unless he was working as a Prussian agent. If he was an agent, his role was to become the “Father of Communism” so that Prussia could control communism for its own benefit. Prussia had the strictest code of ethics placed over its citizens. President Trump’s grandfather was deported for absolutely nothing, when compared to Marx’s crimes.

By 1849, Marx had grown in stature around the world as a socialist rebel. The next stage of his career as an agent of Prussia was about to begin. After publicly spitting all over Prussia, the kingdom shut down his newspaper (again). He fled Prussia, was expelled from Paris, not welcome in Belgium and finally found refuge in London.

From London Marx was the contact point for communists worldwide.

Was the legend of Karl Marx simply a PR campaign for Prussia to control and weaponize communism?

This phase of Karl Marx’s life would see him oversee a global communist network, while his brother-in-law was at the helm of Prussian intelligence.

Creation of the International Prussian Communist Network

The fallout of the 1848 revolutions saw many socialist revolutionaries flee Europe. Karl Marx was no exception. However, if Karl Marx was a Prussian agent, then he and his close associates were not fleeing anything, but simply infiltrating and setting up a spy network on behalf of Prussia. There are so many connections to Marx during this period. The following are a few of note:

There were many others. They were known collectively as “The Forty-Eighters”. The names above are directly linked to Marx, but it is hard to imagine the other 48ers did not know each other. Other Germans of note that moved to America include Solomon Loeb and Abraham Kuhn (of Kuhn, Loeb & Co), Charles Pfizer and many Prussian military men who later fought in the American Civil War.

Prussia was known for crushing any dissent within its boundaries, often with a harshness and cruelty that would deter any future dissenter. It is inconceivable that Karl Marx, a man with family connections directly with the Prussian Minister of the Interior, would be able to commit libel, slander, incite rebellion and not pay tax without some form of punishment from the Prussian authorities. Instead, he was able to “flee” to London, along with many others who supported the socialist revolution in Prussia. Some of those 48ers, whose pledge was to implement a socialist order, became extremely powerful and influential people in American politics, the military and industry.

“Infiltration instead of invasion.”

Since The Communist Manifesto kicked off the 1848 revolutions, it may be safe to say that he was considered one of the leaders of the future of the socialist movement. Moving forward, they implemented an international network of communists, and were able to communicate through the gatekeepers of information – the mainstream media.

On Marx’s direction, Joseph Weydemeyer moved to New York and found work as a journalist. He wrote for a publication, Turn-Zeitung, and promoted Marxist ideology. However, his major achievement was the founding of the American Workers League. This was the early founding of communism in America. Weydemeyer and Marx were in constant correspondence. Marx had received a job with the New York Tribune.

Weydemeyer was able to directly communicate with Marx, as well as other 48ers that were in America. Marx was able to publish his articles in the New York Tribune for the next decade.

Another very influential 48er was Friedrich Sorge. Many German 48ers in America had joined the newly formed Republican party. This, in part, was due to the anti-slavery doctrine of the Republican Party. German communist “exiles” that joined the Republicans soon found themselves on the radical side of the party and were termed “Red Republicans”. Sorge was a Red Republican as well as a leader in the “Club of Communists”.

Sorge organised public meetings which attracted the radical Republican Senator Charles Sumner, and would later became his chief of staff. Another attendee to Sorge’s meetings was the editor of the New York Tribune, Horace Greeley, who was employing Karl Marx at the time.

Sorge’s political connections were vast. It is alleged he was the middleman of correspondence between Marx and President Lincoln.

There is no insinuation that President Lincoln was part of a communist plot with Marx. It is to illustrate the vast network and influence Marx had managed to achieve as a communist revolutionary living in exile in London. As a statesman, President Lincoln would have to accommodate Marx to some extent since quite a few of his Union Generals were ex-Prussian military and devout followers of Marx.

If Marx was a true socialist revolutionary, his marriage to an aristocratic Prussian family, failed journalist antics, escape from Prussia and establishment of a global communist communication network is beyond legendary.

If he was a Prussian agent, Prussia had managed to fool the world in believing that Marx was a true socialist revolutionary and guilty of inciting the largest revolutions in Europe since the French Revolution. Hidden in plain sight, Prussia had established the most elaborate spy network in history, in the name of Karl Marx.

Marx would be able to report directly back to his newly promoted brother-in-law on events within the international communist network. In turn, Ferdinand von Westphalen could send orders to Marx through the already established Prussian espionage network. Now that communism was controlled and weaponized, the next mission would be to mobilize Marx, and Engels, against the enemy Prussia feared most, at the time……

Russia Russia Russia

Starting out as a small European principality, Prussia was completely paranoid about succumbing to one of the four great powers that surrounded them. To manage this paranoia, they placed themselves in a constant state of militancy and declared war (directly or indirectly) against any perceived existential threat. The largest long-term threat to Prussia was the birth of America and its Constitution that was in favor of people’s freedom. The war against America’s Constitution was the long game. The clear and present danger according to Prussia, was Tsarist Russia.

Russia had a huge population compared to other empires. If it was able to proficiently mobilize its army, the sheer size of their forces could overwhelm Europe. Since Prussia would be first in line of such an attack, it was an unacceptable risk that had to be managed. Prussian management techniques were simple. Use the Art of War.

In addition to the existential threat Russia posed, they also had vast natural resources. During the peak of the Industrial Revolution, conquering Russia would provide access to these resources and propel Prussia (and all of Germany) as the global industrial superpower.

Conquering Russia with a front on military assault would be pointless. Many had tried before, like Napoleon, and failed miserably. The way to do it would be to attack Russia from within, using infiltration instead of invasion. This was to be done using ideology. The manufactured legend of Marx and his communist followers would be the perfect weapon.

When Marx fled to London, not only did he land a gig with the New York Tribune, he managed to spark up a relationship with one of the greatest Russophobes of the British Empire, David Urquhart. Urquhart was part of British Intelligence in the 1830s and was involved in drumming up rebellions against Tsarist Russia.

He reported his activities directly to the private secretary of King William IV. Those activities in the 1830s was to destroy Russia.

By 1847, Urquhart became a sitting member of parliament and was openly hostile toward Russia and anyone he thought was potentially aiding and abetting the Russian cause. With his intelligence contacts in Russia and his political clout in parliament and history reporting to the King’s secretary, Urquhart would provide a perfect tool for Marx’s mission to destroy Russia with a communist revolution.

In 1846, Marx had written a letter to a Russian intellectual revolutionary Pavel Annenkov. Pavel became a correspondent of Marx. With Urquhart’s revolutionary connections within Russia, he would have known exactly who Marx was and the revolutionary legend he had become. Marx and Urquhart began working together almost immediately.

Marx was corresponding with everyone about his relationship with Urquhart. He wrote letters to the German 48ers about Urquhart and Adolph Cluss published these letters in the German American newspaper, Die Reform. The global communist network was kept up to date on everything to do with the revolution.

However, Marx also needed to receive his orders from Prussia. This was easily achieved through the already well-established espionage network. The man who was tasked with communicating with Marx was Doctor Stieber. King Frederick Wilhelm said of Stieber:

Stieber is more devoted to his King than to any cause and I reward him well. He used to come to me from time to time and tell me what the Socialists were doing, what their plans and intentions were and how on one occasion they had debated the question of seizing the royal family and establishing a Commune.4

Stieber rose to one of the top spies in the Prussian secret service and was rewarded handsomely for it. He had connections all over Europe. Incidentally, if anyone doubts the intentions Prussia had toward Russia, Stieber had discovered a plot to assassinate the Russian Tsar Alexander II. His superior, Otto von Bismarck, assured Stieber they already knew of the plot and were hoping it to use it to Prussia’s advantage. (p 182)

Stieber’s career started as a socialist revolutionary infiltrator. He was moving in the exact same social circles as Karl Marx. Stieber was renowned for crushing the socialist revolution within Prussia. However, when it came to Karl Marx, he just never was able to stop the man who was famed with starting it all. Stieber could infiltrate, kidnap, kill, torture or blackmail almost anyone in Europe. The only exception was Karl Marx; the lowly paid communist revolutionary living in exile in London.

Stieber was able to spy on Marx. For almost the entire time Marx was compiling Das Kapital, Stieber was able to get to London, spy and compile a report on Marx.

Not only was Stieber talking directly to Marx, he obtained documents containing information on the international communist activities, worldwide. Since declaring his socialist ambitions to Bruno Bauer in 1841 Marx left a trail of devastation that was routinely cleaned up by the Prussian government. After fleeing to London, he became the ‘go-to’ man on global communist activities, including access to President Lincoln and British intelligence. While composing Das Kapital, Marx asked Stieber if he could cure his haemorrhoids so he could sit down and write his magnus opus. In return Stieber was able to acquire intelligence on global communist activities.

Everything Marx tried to achieve, everyone he knew and everything that was going on within his communist sphere of influence all somehow linked back to Prussia. France’s monarch had fallen; America was engaged in civil war and soon to be bankrupt; England and the Netherlands were already heavily under Prussian control. By 1871 the Hohenzollern dynasty had achieved global supremacy:

If Marx was a Prussian agent, he was highly competent. In 1871, the only empire that posed any serious threat to Prussia was Russia. The partnership of Karl Marx and David Urquhart were laying the foundations for the take-down of the largest kingdom in the world.

Tsarist Russia.

Crush Russia before they have a constitution

The plan to systematically destroy Russia from within, culminating with the Lenin-led Bolshevik revolution, was shot out of a Prussian canon. Using Marx’s fame and Urquhart’s network within Russia, the playbook was to engage Russians into a civil ideological war. This had to be done urgently because Tsar Alexander II was on the pathway to liberating his kingdom.

The Liberator Tsar

19th Century Russia was terribly backward compared to their European counterparts. Serfdom was still a major part of the Russian economy. This form of slavery was completely unacceptable to abolitionist-Europe and left the kingdom open to its citizenry becoming radicalized by socialist revolutionaries.

However, Tsar Alexander II was known as the “Liberator Tsar”. He wanted to modernise Russia to be part of the new industrial world that was unfolding. Serfdom was an unacceptable part of the Russian culture and had to be abolished.

In 1861, the Tsar emancipated 22 million serfs. This was just the beginning. He wanted to make a series of reforms that would eventually lead to the Russian people having a constitution.

The idea of a liberated Russia and a constitution were anathema to Prussia. The 1776 US Declaration of Independence was an enemy to Prussia. If Russia did the same, Prussia would effectively be facing 2 liberated nations endowed with individual rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

This Prussian fear of such liberty is best described in a Hegel quote.

Tsar Alexander II, therefore, was targeted for Prussian elimination.

The Making of Russian Revolutionary Terrorists

Abraham Lincoln and Tsar Alexander led similar lives and deaths.

The assassination of Alexander II, however, was a build-up of tensions and several failed attempts. The radicalised group that targeted the Tsar for elimination was Naradnoya Volnya (The People’s Will). These were effectively socialist revolutionaries who had become radicalised by Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital.

Karl Marx used Pavel Annenkov as a correspondent. David Urquhart was using his British intelligence network to bring into Russia translated Marxist literature. Finally, Georgi Plekhanov, known as the “father of Russian Marxism” was in contact with Friedrich Engels. Although Plekhanov broke away from the “Narodnik” radicals, the teachings and motivations for the removal of Tsar Alexander II were already firmly embedded within the socialist revolutionary movement of Russia.

Alexander II never got the chance to implement a constitution and Russia fell into a destabilized chaos.

Narodnaya Volnya collapsed soon after the assassination, but the spirit of revolution was now very strong within the Russian middle and lower classes. The Russian economy was in shambles and their reputation as a military super-power was deteriorating rapidly after several major defeats. Russia posed little threat to Prussia after the assassination of Alexander II.

The Prussian Takeover of Russia

33 years after Alexander II’s assassination, World War I broke out. The Russian military was primitive compared to the German war machine and was decimated. Conquering Russia militarily was never the goal of Prussia. They had to ensure that the people were controlled by an ideology they voluntarily supported. That ideology was Marxism, and their leaders were agents of a united Germany under Prussian leadership. Prussia was evolving into a weaponized philosophy.

As we know, Karl Marx, David Urquhart, Friedrich Engels and Georgi Plekhanov did everything they could to radicalise Russian revolutionaries to the point of suicide bombing Tsar Alexander II. We know that one of the most revered spy chiefs ever, Stieber, was able to receive information from Karl Marx by giving him some anal relief. We know the philosophy behind Prussia’s hatred for Russia was the Tsar’s move towards liberating its people and giving them individual rights granted through a constitution, similar to America.

By the time the Bolsheviks arrived in Russia in 1917, the country had been brought to its knees. It was time for Prussian ideology, now in control of a united Germany, to take complete control of Russia, its people and its resources.

What events led up to the theory that the Bolshevik Revolution was a German operation?

Lenin was a German Agent?

Vladimir Lenin’s brother was one of the last members of the Narod group to be executed in the 1880s. This radicalised Lenin who saw it as his mission to overthrow the Tsar. He led a life in exile, travelling all over Europe. However, in 1917, Lenin received a substantial amount of money from the Kaiser to help him finance the revolution in Russia.

Alexander Parvus and Karl Moor

Both of these gentlemen were ardent communist revolutionaries. Parvus was caught with large sums of money in 1905 destined for use in Russia. He was arrested and sent to the gulags in Russia, but managed to escape to Germany. In Germany, he joined a political party (SPD), but his claim to fame was to work with German agencies to send Lenin in a sealed train through Germany to Russia.

Karl Moor was a Swiss communist and acted as a channel for German financing of the Bolshevik movement throughout Europe. In 1917 he was in Russia providing loans to the Bolsheviks. Later it was made clear that Moor was a German spy, with the code-name “Bayer”.

Both of these gentlemen spent their final years in Germany, even though they were deeply committed to the Bolshevik cause.

The Sisson Documents

In 1918, Edgar Sisson – working as the US Representative in Russia on Public Information – published an article “The German-Bolshevik Conspiracy”. In it, Sisson claims he acquired documents that established that the entire Bolshevik revolution was an attempt for Germany to completely take over Russia:

that the present heads of the Bolshevist government – Lenin and Trotsky and their associates – are German agents… that the Bolshevist revolt was arranged for by the German Great General Staff and financed by the German Imperial Bank and other German financial institutions… that the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a betrayal of the Russian people by German agents, Lenin and Trotsky; that a German-picked “commander” was chosen to defend Petrograd against the Germans; that German officers have been secretly received by the Bolshevist government as military advisers, as spies upon the embassies of Russia’s allies, as officers in the Russian army, and as directors of the Bolshevist military, foreign and domestic policy… that the present Bolshevist government is not a Russian government at all, but a German government, acting solely in the interests of Germany, and betraying the Russian people, as it betrays Russia’s natural allies, for the benefit of the Imperial German Government alone. And they show also that the Bolshevist leaders… have equally betrayed the working classes of Russia whom they pretend to represent.

The authenticity of the claim was fact-checked and debunked by the New York Post, who claimed the documents to be completely inauthentic. The New York Post was owned by Dorothy Schiff at the time. Dorothy Schiff was the granddaughter of the banker Jacob Schiff. Jacob Schiff was the head of the bank Kuhn Loeb & Co. – as we established was a bank established by the Marxist 48ers “fleeing” Prussia in 1848.

There is nothing is new under the sun; and it appears that fact-checkers are no exception.

The Marburg Plan

Marburg: The Four Horsemen, The Marburg Files, Snow White and Revolution - A Prussian Dream

As mentioned in a previous dig, the “Marburg Plan” was documented by historian Anthony Sutton. He postulates that the plan involved the German government and German bankers in partnership with Wall Street bankers to take-over Russia by financing the Bolshevik revolution. In return they would all receive vast profits through the rape of Russia’s natural resources. Given Bolshevik Russia, and later Stalin, sent their citizens off to gulags to mine resources until they died, the concept is not so far-fetched. The idea of terror-famine was also used in Ukraine with the Holodomor.

As you will note, the financing concept was also applied to China and the rise of Mao. This must be left for another dig, as will the Wall Street bankers plans to finance revolutions.

A Prussian Russia

The takeover of Russia via a carefully constructed war plan may seem fanciful at first, but once the evidence presents itself it is hard to refute. Marxist revolutionaries would have us believe that it was the work of a grass roots movement of dedicated communists who sacrificed everything for a socialist utopia. However, without the wealth and power of the most militant empire on earth and new money from Wall Street, Lenin and Trotsky would never have come close to succeeding.

Prussia weaponized an ideology and destroyed Russia. Using infiltration instead of invasion and implanting the Marxist ideology, they managed to create enough radicals within Tsarist Russia to assassinate the Tsar and destabilize the kingdom. This entire legend was a Prussian creation.

Thereafter, the radical communist base was protected in Germany while Russia suffered economically, geopolitically and militarily. Over a few decades the fabric of Russian society became truly divided. When Russia lost a war against Japan and then was crushed by Germany during WWI, the people wanted change. That change came in the form of Lenin, Trotsky and loads of cash from Prussian-controlled Germany.

Without Marx, the country would not have been so ideologically divided. As the saying goes, “they want you divided”.


Karl Marx is known as the “Father of Communism”. Nothing could be further from the truth. Socialist theory already well established through the works of people like Henri de Saint Simon. Marx left a trail of socialist revolutionary destruction, everywhere he went.

Regardless, for a utopian socialist yearning for the rights of the common person, Karl Marx had an amazing set of connections:

Literally everything Marx achieved throughout his life was aided and abetted by Prussia. By 1871, much of Europe was decimated by wars and revolution, but throughout this time Prussia prospered; effectively becoming the world superpower.

If Marx was a true utopian socialist revolutionary, he was a complete failure and only served Prussia and its ultimate goal of world domination.

The Bolshevik Revolution occurred well after Marx’s death, but his legacy was no doubt a huge inspiration for many who believed in his writings. The Bolshevik revolution, however, was a much longer plan. A plan which Marx had a large role to play in the early days of Russian destabilization. This was a plan derived from not from Marx, but those for whom he worked for.

As we toil under yet another Marxist assault in the world, we should never forget the cannon from which Marxism was shot out of.

This is the Prussian origins of Marxism.


There was so much information on Marx, Prussia and Russia. It is a devastating tragedy to think the Russian people could have had a Constitution in the 1880s. Instead, the nation was completely destroyed for well over a century by the failed doctrines of communist ideology.

It is even more devastating to think that communism was nothing more than a Prussian trick played out to deceive and destroy their enemies. The enemies of the Prussian ideology are those who desire freedom, as declared by Hegel.

As Marxism attacks our children through schools and universities and infects our civil servants, it is important to understand the origins of Marxism and the true intent of its indoctrinators. Below are some links that I have found helpful in preparing this paper. I believe it will help us understand the nature of the invisible enemy we now face.

  1. Grant, Hamil. “SPIES AND SECRET SERVICE.”, p 38. ↩︎

  2. Grant, Hamil. “SPIES AND SECRET SERVICE.”, p 161. ↩︎

  3. Grant, Hamil. “SPIES AND SECRET SERVICE.”, p 166. ↩︎

  4. Grant, Hamil. “SPIES AND SECRET SERVICE.”, p 172. ↩︎