In this article, we will draw upon the history revealed in Shiny Toys, Klown Shows and the War for Happiness, and take a closer look at what is transpiring today. These are turbulent times. The antidote to volatility is time, and the ability to become anti-fragile. Time is the ultimate diagnostic tool; and slowly but surely the truth will emerge. Anti-fragility builds a character that is resilient to any weapon deployed by the ‘horrible invisible enemy’.
This is a war like no other, with precision-guided weapons that utilize the ocean of data extracted from humanity over the last few decades. It is a war that does not seek to conquer an enemy externally, but from within. Those who are conquered become unwitting Manchurian candidates, carrying out operations they believe are their own voluntary actions.
However, all action is derived from an individual’s thought processes, and all thought is derived from an individual’s personal worldview. Therefore, how a person sees the world will ultimately determine how they act. If you can alter someone’s worldview, their actions no longer become internally driven, but externally commanded; much like a stage puppet.
In our last article, we showed how Frederick the Great used a Klownshow to alter his citizens’ perception of potatoes. Today, potatoes in Germany are part of the national culinary fabric, with many delicious variations served throughout the land:
Every moment of our lives is spent in a state of action; eating, drinking, swimming, reading, resting or sleeping. Even inaction is action. When a Klownshow alters your worldview, it ultimately determines your future actions. Put simply, you have been psyopped.
Today, we are watching wars and demonstrations everywhere, financial markets which are on the brink of absurdity, and the Enlightened Despot of China landing on the shores of America, in a fashion not too dissimilar to William of Orange in 1688. Given we appear to be watching a circus performance, we thought it an appropriate time to have a look at the various Klownshows taking place around the world today.
Money Really Matters
Without money, nothing happens. Contrary to the utopian vision of living in a peaceful society without money, history doles out harsh punishments to those who attempt this madness.
Today, we are on the brink of learning another financial lesson. Socialism is currently being lubricated by the concept of “Modern Monetary Theory”. The core basis of the theory is that money, debt and interest rates can be centrally commanded toward a desired economic end-state. Many ReichsWEF’ers endorse this theory, but it completely spits in the face of 5000 years of human history, and the critical lessons that history has shown us when you pretend that money comes from nothing.
The US government bond market is on the brink of a technical failure. With Janet Yellen at the helm of the US Treasury, she believes the federal government can finance everything around the world, ad infinitum. As a result, Yellen has been madly selling bonds into the market to pay for everything the Biden administration wants to achieve. This has driven bond prices down, which in turn forces interest rates up. The interest cost on the federal debt has now surpassed $1 trillion, which will mean that Janet Yellen will need to sell even more bonds in the market to cover the interest costs. Eventually, no one will want to buy Yellen’s debt, and the bond market could fail, which nearly occurred a few weeks ago.
But according to Yellen, everything is fine, and America can afford everything it wants to do.
We are not sure what world Janet Yellen is living in, but perhaps she is still feeling the effects of the magic mushrooms the CCP fed to her in China:
However, as Yellen hallucinates and kowtows to the CCP, she also promises financial support for Israel, Palestine, Iran, Ukraine and Joe Biden. Her delusions are supported by Federal Reserve acolyte, Neel Kashkari (0:30 seconds):
If my financial advisor was staring at me like that I would assume he is either trying to take my money, or desperately in need of a rehab facility. Whatever the case, Neel is unwavering in his determination to print as many Federal Reserve Notes as possible, in order to “save the system”.
Perhaps it is a wise idea for Neel to grab a dictionary written before they changed the definition of inflation for university students, so that their economic worldview could be altered for the benefit of central bankers:
If Neel makes good on his promise of “infinite cash” at the Federal Reserve, and Yellen delivers on her promise to fund “everything”, not only will there be much higher prices and interest rates, but also much higher taxes to pay for the exponential interest cost on the federal debt.
Do Yellen and Kashkari actually believe what they are saying, or are they simply actors in a Modern Monetary Klownshow?
An Update from the Orange Revolution, and Various Other Wars
After the 2004 elections in Ukraine, students declared the outcome of the election to be rigged. They staged mass protests, which led to riots, known as the Orange Revolution. Financially backed by Soros, the protester’s violent rage eventually managed to alter the outcome of the election. No one, of course, was arrested for this insurrection.
As we slowly calm down from the stare-down Neel Kashkari gave us, we turn to another madman who apparently has an unhealthy habit with recreational pharmaceuticals. Ukraine’s President today looks to be on the brink of collapse. Hundreds of billions of dollars from the West has propped up the Ukrainian government in their war against Russia. While Ukraine’s top generals purchase villas around the Mediterranean, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men are dying on the battlefield. It is a tragedy beyond imagination.
However, the rigid support of world leaders for the plight of Zelensky continues. Their financial aid falls squarely on the backs of the taxpayer. Over $100 billion of aid has been provided by America. Since Joe Biden’s administration is running a $2 trillion budget deficit, Ukrainian aid can only come via Yellen’s bond market selling; which means higher interest rates for everyone. Considering Hunter Biden’s incredibly successful energy career with Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings, one might begin wondering where all the money is going:
While we are on the topic of never ending wars that cost billions of dollars and millions of lives, our attention is now being diverted to Israel, which suffered a brutal attack by Hamas in October 2023. The origins of radical Islam, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood and their subdivisions, such as Hamas, began with a deal made in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna and Adolph Hitler. As outlined in our article, the House of Saud, the Grand Mufti of Jerulasem lived in Berlin during WWII, to celebrate the union with Hitler:
The recent outbreak of brutality in the region has only just begun, with both sides vowing to annihilate each other. This is not a great start to the negotiation process, and social media apps, such as TikTok, are rapidly radicalizing people around the world, encouraging them to “take a side” (0:50 seconds):
We don’t know why people in Australia are chanting “gas the Jews”, but it’s certainly not what their soldiers were fighting for during WWII. Whatever is going on in Australia, it appears that some of the citizenry have a completely different worldview to those of the past, and are acting out accordingly.
The attack by Hamas was well organized, executed, and financed. Sometimes, the best way to ascertain the origins of an atrocity is by following the money. A few weeks before the attack, CNN was giving us their enlightened opinion on a deal made by Sleepy Joe Biden.
Days after the attack, apparently Iran already knew what they could do with $6 billion. They did not need CNN to advise them:
We look forward to the next installment of the CNN Klownshow, and their enlightened opinions on geopolitics and America’s ability to support all sides involved with the blood and treasure of the people of the United States.
Tik… Tok…
One of the more interesting aspects to the Israel-Hamas war is how quickly young people are mobilized around the Western world to choose a side in the conflict.
What possessed this Ivy League student to act in such a way? This was not unique to Cornell; prestigious universities around the world saw an immediate wave of pro-Palestinian support. Were these impressionable young students thinking critically, or were their thoughts amplified by a rapid fire of messages coming through their phones?
TikTok is not the only social media app in the ether delivering toxic content that ignites the buildup of rage amongst wannabee intelligentsia. However, its links to the CCP are critical, as we shall soon discover.
Since Ivy League students of America are so enamored with the plight of Muslims in Palestine, we are compelled to ask where their rage is regarding the genocide of the Muslim Uyghurs in China:
Unfortunately, the Uyghurs are not the only ones targeted for genocide in the world today. In the early 2000s, non-Arab black Africans in Darfur were targeted for genocide. Men, women and children were murdered and violently raped to create a slave population. Radicalized Arabs in North Africa deemed their black neighbors to be a slave-race, and treated them accordingly. Today, the atrocities in Darfur have returned:
You cannot rage at what you cannot see. If you cannot see, you are in the dark and an easy target for Enlightened Despots.
Social media is selectively amplifying the emotions of different groups so that they mobilize for a cause they have no clue about. Protests which are picked up by the mainstream media perpetuate a broader message to the rest of the world.
People around the world who are glued to their phones and televisions are having their worldviews continually altered by unending Klownshows. This changes their belief system, which in turn gets them to take action for another group’s purpose. Those other groups, therefore, can operate in the shadows, and claim plausible deniability.
In other words, students around the world have become the perfect Manchurian candidates, with a worldview so narrow that they could not pass a 5th grade history exam prior to 1999.
Regardless, the power of TikTok is having an enormous impact on the minds of our future generations. More-recently we were entertained by yet another elaborate Klownshow:
The shit and piss on the streets of San Francisco was scrubbed clean for the arrival of Xi Jinping. In return, Gavin Newsom was allowed to take a selfie with Xi and place it on his personal TikTok account.
Elon Musk enjoyed a brief greeting with Xi, who also received a standing ovation from over 300 of the most powerful executives in the world. For readers of #PrussiaGate, this comes as no real surprize. The ReichsWEF is an army of corporations, and in the early 1970s, Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon saved the CCP from certain ruin, in return for the slave labor of hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens. This slave labor arbitrage resulted in a financial boom for multinational corporations, at the expense of the Western middle class. However, the Chinese people suffered an even worse fate, and are now under the complete scientific control of the CCP and their “social credit score” system. The celebration of Xi with his ‘minion’ corporate executives was merely an open expression of the relationship they have fostered for decades.
However, the arrival of Xi had a much deeper meaning than a simple trip to ‘China Town’. The corporate executives kowtowing to Xi also spend their time implementing wokeness policies on their staff. They are staunchly anti-Trump, and have a particularly hatred for MAGA; and yet they wet their pants for a communist dictator.
Did Xi Jinping just perform a Klownshow coup? Was this a Chinese remake of the Glorious Revolution, where William of Orange staged a bloodless coup on the English throne? Back in 1688, William needed the support of the most powerful men in Great Britain. Today, Xi appears to have the support of the most powerful corporate executives in the United States.
However, the most important detail in the Californian Klownshow is the impact that the CCP has had on the American corporate landscape. To understand this, we once again just have to follow the money. The parent company of TikTok is ByteDance. Of particular interest is a member on the board of directors, Neil Shen:
Sequoia Capital is one of the most powerful private equity companies in the world. Neil Shen has played a major part in that success:
Neil Shen is one of the most powerful entrepreneurs of our era. He was the co-founder of Sequoia China. As a partner of Sequoia Capital, he has participated in some of the biggest venture capital investments in financial history. However, there is a dark side to Sequoia Capital that few politicians dare to discuss:
It is important to understand the CCP’s policy on software and data. It is a very simple rule, which has allowed the CCP to build a gigantic firewall around China. This rule is that any data or software that passes through their firewall is considered property of the CCP, without exception. Therefore, if voting machine software owned by Sequoia Holdings at any point of time passed through the “Great Firewall of China”, the CCP would have a copy of that software and considered it their own property, to be used at their discretion.
But 2020 was the most secure election in history, right?
Moving forward, Sequoia has had a rather interesting partnership with another extremely successful entrepreneur of our time, Elon Musk:
The deal that launched Elon Musk and Peter Thiel into the uber-wealthy stratosphere was nurtured by Sequoia. The relationship between Musk and Sequoia continues to this very day:
Recently, we saw that the Chinese CEO of Binance, CZ, has had a fall from grace:
Bizarrely, as Elon Musk pledges to return Twitter (X) to a free-speech platform, his business ties to Sequoia Capital and the CCP grow stronger every year. If freedom of speech is so important to Musk, why is he fostering a financial relationship with the despotic CCP regime that uses a social credit-score system to control the Chinese population?
Is Elon Musk a genius entrepreneur with vision beyond the capability of ordinary men, or is he a Shiny Toy provided to us via the CCP?
The Health of the Universe
Our health is the most important thing in life. Today, technology has taken the monitoring of our health to a new level. From CrossFit to Pilates, Aquarobics to Zumba classes, the Western world has developed an obsession with health and fitness over the last few decades. Accompanying that obsession is a vast array of new technologies. Applications that you can literally “strap-on” and provide your biological data to the “all seeing cloud”.
There is no limit to the detail that can be provided to an individual to assess the state of their health. Whether its sleep, heart rate, blood monitoring, or simply the ability to know when a heart attack or stroke might be coming, technology will be on hand to provide you with a live broadcast of the things that are potentially going to kill you.
You can also broadcast your progress to other people who do not care about anything else other than broadcasting their own personal health to the world.
Is the access to personal biological data really making people healthier, or is it creating a new wave of anxiety and speeding-up our descent into madness?
If we circle back to the CCP’s ambitious “Great Firewall of China”, we are compelled to ask, who really has access to our heart rates while we sleep?
There are also many people out there who have selflessly decided that their personal health is of absolutely no importance to them. They have been convinced by the decades of apocalyptic outcries of the planet’s imminent destruction, and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the cause:
The Extinction Rebellion have mobilized millions of wealthy Western citizens to “do something” for the future of the planet. They have declared themselves Enlightened Despots, with a mandate to change the world for the better, and are even prepared to stop traffic or glue themselves to $100 million paintings. Their worldviews have been altered to “see the big picture” when it comes to the health of the planet. Strangely, this worldview is also in line with despots like Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Xi Jinping. For the Extinction Rebellion, communism is the solution:
When it comes to the topic of health, worldviews can be easily altered to believe that a person’s action is saving themselves, the birds, the bees, the trees, or the entire planet. In the process, their actions are serving another actor, lurking in the shadows, who has a completely different agenda.
Changing a person’s worldview is the very nature of a psychological operation, and it generally requires a good Klownshow to get things going.
We must never forget that late in 2019, the plandemic started to ferment in Wuhan. Was it from Chinese people eating bats, a wet market, aliens, or a lab? While the origins of the Chyna virus are yet to be accurately ascertained, the plandemic changed the world forever. In particular, the world was told that millions of mail-in ballots were required to carry out the 2020 elections in the United States. The world watched on as Joe Biden spent most of his time napping through the campaign, occasionally speaking to a room full of empty seats, and yet received 81 million ballots………..
The worldview of every person on earth was altered by the plandemic. Four years later, something strange is again lurking in China, just in time for the 2024 US election:
Is any of this real, or are we being subjected to yet another Klownshow?
Recall in 2020, the head of the World Health Organization was offering his virtuous plandemic advice to the world. At the same time, many were wondering if the successful Ethiopian would be arrested for genocidal war crimes committed in his home country.
With the prospect of a mysterious plague potentially killing billions, worldwide, Tedros’ genocidal war crimes were conveniently overlooked… for the greater good of humanity. Today, not only is he an Enlightened Despot overseeing a new international Pandemic Treaty, he believes that the Marburg virus and climate change are inherently linked, and threatening the world like never before:
We have no idea where Tedros gets his information from, or who it comes from. However, what is interesting is that back in the day, the allegations of war crimes were from his affiliation with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front - a Marxist revolutionary party, that was backed by the CCP.
When we think about the CCP and Xi Jinping, we are reminded of a strange discovery in California, on the day the communist dictator landed on America’s shores:
Klownshow Anyone?
The above summary provides a glimpse into the news of our times, and we have not even got into the Uranian Tranifestos, cyber-attacks, SV40 in vaccines, Fedsurrections, energy disruptions, or the “God-Like” intelligence that the Transhumanist Cult believe they have invented.
Back during the Age of Enlightenment, folks were primarily interested in what determined happiness. Was it science, art, mathematics, music, how they were governed, or something else? The journey of someone’s Enlightenment was about discovering the pathway to happiness. Frederick the Great was part of the Enlightenment movement, and while he was getting spanked during a raunchy game of Rococo Hot-Cockles, he had an epiphany:
Frederick was Enlightened, but his citizens were not. Therefore, not only did he consider himself the “holder of the light”, he determined that he was obligated to guide his subjects through the darkness, because they could not do it on their own.
The Enlightened Despot was born.
Frederick realized that his subjects may not behave the way he needed them to. In order to get the people to do his bidding, he needed a Klownshow to alter their worldviews, so they could voluntarily act as he wished.
It began with a harmless trick to convince Prussians to “Eat Ze Potato”. Today, the idea of altering people’s worldview has metastasized into something truly spectacular.
Whether it is Janet Yellen, high on magic mushrooms, yelling from the rooftop that America can buy the world, or Neel Kashkari winning a ‘staring competition’ while the dollar printing press runs white-hot. Whether it is the super yachts of Napoleon’s Ukrainian body-double, the arrival of Xi in the faeces of San Francisco, or Tedros’ merging Marburg and climate change into the Singularity, today’s Klownshows have turned into the greatest shows on Earth.
These shows are designed to invoke emotion in the most unsuspecting members of our society, alter their worldview, and compel them to act in a way that nobody thought possible.
Data is being accumulated at a rapid pace and digested into anonymous dark-clouds. Algorithms are working overtime to clone every individual into a digital version of the self, complete with predictable emotional responses. Dress rehearsals are being performed, disguised as simulations, like Event 201, where hypothetical situations are rolled out to see how the digital collective conscious will react.
Then, when a desirable outcome is reached from the hypothetical digital event, the Klownshow is deployed into the real world, featuring some of the world’s greatest actors. Human beings are whipped into an emotional frenzy, and compelled to act in a way that signals their virtue to this virtual world. Mission accomplished.
Today, Klownshows are much more than about eating ze potato. They are about transforming society into the Fourth Reich. Woops, I meant to say the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The aim of this transformation is that the individual becomes a tool for the Trans-Enlightened Despot:
However, these Klownshows and the loyal guild of actors within the ReichsWEF, have an Achilles heel. With a good aim and the right arrow, their despotic methods can be used to expose the dark underbelly of their broader operations.
Blackmail Factories
Frederick the Great created one of the most elaborate espionage networks in human history. Since Prussia was in a perpetual state of war, everyone with power was viewed as an enemy. The art of espionage is to appear as a loyal patriot, but to operate as a traitor. The enemies of Prussia were surrounded by traitors, ensuring the war was won before the first shot was fired.
However, the art of espionage is not so easy. To force someone to commit treason is not necessarily easy. One of the favorite methods of Frederick was blackmail. If a French or Russian diplomat was caught in the wrong Church, or with the wrong woman, or in bed with a child, he could be blackmailed and then deployed as an actor in one of Frederick’s Klownshows.
Klownshows are ultimately about power. They require great actors to deceive the people, and place them into darkness. Once in the dark, people are easily confused, and willingly follow the Enlighted Despot. The best actors are the ones who are willing to do anything to maintain their public appearance; therefore they are the easiest to blackmail.
When it comes to the pursuit of power, blackmail becomes the currency of the Klownshow. The dark underbelly of Enlightened Despotism is the enormous supply of trafficked women and children needed to blackmail people at the highest echelons of society.
Sadly, there appears to be no end to the trails of destroyed innocence that is used to blackmail Klownshow actors.
Creepy Uncle Maurice
Take, for example, the man who helped found the World Economic Forum, and who is considered the founding father of climate change hysteria; the disgraced Maurice Strong. Maurice’s aunt was a lovely communist who enjoyed living in Beijing, near Mao Zedong. Maurice enjoyed visits to his aunt and Uncle Mao:
With his impeccable connections in the CCP and the United Nations, in the late 1990s Maurice Strong used his UN creation, the University of Peace, to get a foothold in North Korea. The university had little to no oversight from the UN, and therefore funds could be used at its own discretion. North Korea was a broken despotic state, and in desperate need of real money.29
While there is no definitive money trail to establish anything of substance, what we can observe is that in 2000, UNESCO placed several sites in North Korea on the World Heritage list. This would allow UN representatives, like Maurice Strong, to travel to North Korea with impunity. Most of these sites were in North Pyongan and North Hamgyong; both provinces have access to the sea, and share a border with the CCP.
As many are most likely aware, North Korea is in constant need of assistance, because it is a failed communist hermit kingdom. This assistance is brokered through the UN. Today, North Korea is considered one of the capitals of trafficking women and children. Desperate situations force them to travel to the CCP for help:
No doubt, thousands of North Korean women and children are deployed around the world as sex slaves, as unwilling participants in Blackmail Factories. Blackmail that is used coerce treasonous actors for Klownshows.
The World of Ping Pong
When Xi Jinping arrived in California, he brought up the sport of Ping Pong. We are not sure if he was trying to woo the political class of America, because there is another place that is fanatical about Ping Pong; Washington D.C.
#PizzaGate is synonymous with many who are trying to expose the dark underbelly of pedophilia. We highly recommend following Liz Crokin and Lara Logan who are exposing the tragic details of this sordid affair. Many of these children are used in Blackmail Factories; generating currency needed for Klownshows. Blackmail is a powerful tool, especially when it is used in the most powerful place on earth - Washington D.C.
Perhaps that is why Comet Ping Pong’s owner, James Alefantis, was once considered one of the most powerful men in Washington.
Recall in our previous article how Frederick the Great named his palace “Sans, Souci.” which translated to “Without my dick, care stops.” This little word riddle allowed Frederick to prove that if his subjects could not understand his puzzle, they were in desperate need of his Enlightenment.
We do not know if James is of the same ilk as Frederick, but he also had a little dabble in some strange wordplay:
When he enjoyed posting pictures of little children, there was always the hashtag “carisjames”. Was this just a really odd child appreciation tag, or was it referring to a CArribean ISland named JAMES. Was he linking these children to Little St. James Island, which is better known as Epstein Island?
There is also a bit of a lingual riddle in his own name, James Alefantis. “J’aime les enfants” translates to “I love the children”. It is not quite as creative as Frederick, but if James is in the ‘Frederick the Great Club’, is this his little puzzle that proves the public are in the dark, and therefore in need of his Enlightenment?
All of this begs the question, was Epstein Island a Blackmail Factory, where compromised individuals could be deployed as actors to the latest and greatest globalist Klownshows?
Every Town is a Border Town Now
Today, we must face the grim reality that nothing has changed with regards to the ‘horrible invisible enemy’. The Klownshows are worse than ever, and are coming at us from every angle. They require the conspiracy of silence from a multitude of actors, which in turn requires heavy blackmail to carry out their roles in the Klownshow.
Human trafficking supplies the demand for Blackmail. If we turn away from this disgusting trade, we are declaring to the globalist Despots that we cannot see their evil. From their worldview, if we cannot see, or even pretend to not see because it is so ugly, we remain in the dark, and in need of their Enlightenment.
This is the karmic nature of their spiritual contract, cloaked in evil. For those who don’t want to see, they will be pushed toward the Fourth Industrial Revolution; which will be as close to a modern version of Sodom and Gomorrah that we’ve ever seen.
The war in Ukraine does not just generate billions for wannabee yacht owners and real estate moguls; it is also forcing desperate people into desperate situations:
Ukrainian women and children are disappearing at a frightening rate. We can no longer ignore the innocence that is being kidnapped. They are now flooding into the Western world, under the cloak of darkness, and feeding the insatiable demand for Blackmail.
Europe is not alone with missing children cases scattered throughout the continent. The Southern Border of America is a complete disaster, with millions of undocumented migrants from all over the world, flooding into the United States.
Every town in America is now a border town. Therefore, every town in America now has undocumented migrants, including children, roaming the streets.
If we choose not to see this crisis, then we are blind, and in the mind of the Enlightened Despot, we deserve everything we get.
As for the young women and children supplied to the Blackmail Factories, they literally become feed for the Beast.
Closing the Klownshow Kurtain
In this article, we have seen how Klownshows are used in psychological operations. The end-goal of a Klownshow is to alter a person, or a group’s, worldview; which changes the way they think, and therefore, how they act. With the right Klownshow, and great actors following the scripts, billions of people around the world can be mobilized into action, without even knowing that their thoughts and actions are no longer their own.
For millennia, despots around the world have thought of creative ways of enslaving the masses. It is not unique to Prussia. However, Frederick the Great was an enlightened, military genius. In his case, this combination was truly unique, and his talents turned Prussia into the most formidable empire the world has ever known.
The true Art of War is to declare war on an enemy who cannot see you, hear you, or know of your existence; to infiltrate your enemy from within, not just with blackmailed traitors, but with ideologies that become the mantra of the people; ideologies that convince the people that their enslavement is “for the greater good”.
There are, however, glaring weaknesses to the Klownshow Industrial Complex.
Arrows in the Heel
According to legend, the great warrior, Achilles, seemed unbeatable in battle. The Trojan prince Hector was slayed in battle by Achilles. The brother of Hector, Paris, swore to avenge his brother.
He shot an arrow into Achilles’ heel, which exposed a weakness in the warrior, and Achilles died.
Is there an Achilles heel in the Klownshow assault we are suffering?
See Something, Say Something
Under Frederick the Great’s guidance, today’s Enlightened Despots hold a fundamental belief that the people they have a mandate to rule cannot see what they are up to. They are not conspiring in the shadows; in many cases they express their intentions in broad daylight. Sometimes, there is a twist in the delivery of their message. If the people cannot decipher their simple riddles, it proves they are blind, in the dark, and in need of some good, hard Enlightened Despotism.
However, if their devious actions are called out for what they are, the Klownshow will not reach its desired end-state. The actors in the Klownshow reveal themselves not as genuine players, but as traitors. When a Klownshow is fully exposed, not only does the operation fall apart, the actors’ true characters are exposed and they must retreat into the shadows.
There are millions of Patriots around the world who are working around the clock to expose the various Klownshows within their purview.
Take, for example, the Dutch politician, Thierry Baudet. In 2022, he called out the Deep State in the Dutch parliament:
Since then, the mainstream media has worked overtime to destroy Baudet’s image. Leading up to recent national elections, he was also physically assaulted. But perhaps what is most interesting about the claim made by Baudet, was the reaction of the parliamentarians he was calling out.
(It does not matter if you cannot understand Dutch, simply enjoy watching the rats run!!)
This is what happens when you call out evil. The contract is broken, the fraud is exposed, and the perpetrators must scurry into the darkness. It is ironic that Enlightened Despots cannot handle light when it is shone on them.
The Netherlands is not the only place this is occurring. Brave patriots around the world are placing themselves in harm’s way to expose evil wherever they see it.
Exposing Klownshows is one thing; exposing the bad actors perpetuating the deception is quite another. When spies are exposed, they are immediately targeted for capture. However, that is not their greatest threat. If a spy is captured by the enemy, their entire network is at risk of exposure, and this could result in the collapse of an entire Klownshow operation. Therefore, a spy’s greatest threat is the network they are working for. We can see this at work today, where Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself, Ghislaine Maxwell is in prison for sex trafficking, and nobody knows who they trafficked the children to.
It seems like a very powerful Klownshow network is desperately trying to maintain their deception over mankind, don’t you think? It must be quite stressful to realize that your personal “Sans, Souci.” is on the brink of public discovery.
The first arrow to the Achilles heel of the Klownshow Industrial Complex is to expose the deception. Many people will continue to turn their heads away and declare “misinformation”. However, many more are now beginning to see the deception, and Awaken to its evil intent.
The second arrow is to expose the bad actors on the Klownshow stage. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, especially when it comes to the sick evil occurring in Blackmail Factories around the world.
Save the Children
No matter how it is spun, every hour that goes by is an hour where women and children are raped, killed or tortured for a Blackmail Factory. It is an unfortunate truth in the war we are in.
Blackmail creates actors. Actors perform Klownshows. Klownshows alter worldviews and compel the people to act on behalf of the puppet masters.
Unfortunately, we live in a world which suffers from a catastrophic case of complacency. Those who turn their heads away from this frightening reality are not aware that they are turning our future generations into ghosts; much like the 400 million children in China who were forcibly aborted during the CCP’s one child-policy.
If a child is saved, they could be the bullhorn to expose the evil of Blackmail Factories, and the bad actors who perform Klownshows that are destroying humanity. One child could blow the lid on an entire operation. Like the Dutch parliamentarians who scurried out of public view, bad actors around the world will do the same, because there will not be a safe place for them anywhere in the world.
To that end, we conclude by introducing a project named America’s Future, featuring General Flynn and Lara Logan.
This upcoming summit provides not only the information needed to understand the tragic disaster of child trafficking, but also training programs that will enable individuals and organizations to help spot potential child trafficking operations all over America, and the world.
Saving children exposes pedophile networks. Many pedophiles are bad actors working in Klownshows aimed at deceiving humanity. Klownshows like the plandemic, Orange wars, central banking, the standing ovation Xi’s landing, etc, etc, are under the threat of total exposure, which can potentially bring the entire corrupt, diseased temple down on their heads.
Due to the rampant flood of undocumented immigration all over the Western world, Blackmail Factories are not located in secret tunnels. They do not need clandestine military operations to rout them out. They are hidden in plain sight, just as Frederick’s messages were centuries ago. Empowered with the unshakeable worldview that child sex trafficking is an unforgiveable crime, We the People can unite and rout this evil out, once and for all.
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