Exploration into The Eye of Providence quickly leads to the Illumiinati. They are a secret order that was made famous by Adam Weishaupt, who was a Jesuit Priest. So, to understand the Illuminati, you are essentially understanding the many controlling arms of the Jesuits. This has long taken influence over the Vatican and controls many social and political aspects of society. Freemasonry is a primary arm.
A deeper dig into the origins of the Jesuits is here: https://prepareforchange.net/2019/05/28/the-jesuit-order-exposed/
From the link above, we find an immediate link to Germany:
“Upon inspecting Reuss’s rulership of Freemasonry from the 1st to 99th degree, we can also inspect his other memberships, to see the entire illuminati spread out through their interlocking secret mystical societies, which ultimately worship Satan in their inner circle.
Theodore Reuss: ”In 1880, in Munich, he participated in an attempt to revive Adam Weishaupt’s Bavarian Order of Illuminati. While in England, he became friends with William Wynn Westcott, the Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Westcott provided Reuss with a charter dated July 26, 1901 for the Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry and a letter of authorization dated February 24, 1902 to found a High Council in Germania of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Gérard Encausse provided him with a charter dated June 24, 1901 designating him Special Inspector for the Martinist Order in Germany. In 1888, in Berlin, he joined with Leopold Engel of Dresden, Max Rahn and August Weinholz in another effort to revive the Illuminati Order. In 1895, he began to discuss the formation of Ordo Templi Orientis with Carl Kellner.” (Wikipedia)
Why is the 1888 date intriguing? Because 1871 was the date that the Prince of Prussia became the Emperor (Kaiser) of Germany.
Was there any historical connection between the Jesuit Order and Prussia?
It would seem that the suppressed Jesuits we rebuilding and eventually flourishing in the late-1700s, in Prussia.
Source: https://www.ucanews.com/news/why-were-the-jesuits-suppressed/68845
Confirming this, the ‘Prepare for Change’ article (above) goes on to record:
“According to my own research, the Martinist Order is one of the highest up groups in the Jesuit illuminati, I believe the Martinist Order was set up by the Jesuits as a place where they could introduce Satan and his demons to people climbing the illuminati hierarchy. According to my own research, the Martinist Order does not have any specific teachings written down, all teaching is by verbal teaching and you’re not allowed to write down anything you learn at the Martinist Order, it’s also well known that Martinists have claimed to interact with angels (which are actually fallen angels/demons) on many occasions in their meetings.
It has also been documented that Martinism and its teaching played a part in restructuring and reforming the Bavarian branch of the illuminati in the 1700’s. “Having reformed the French branch of the order, Willermoz (high level Martinist) in 1782 succeeded in persuading the German mother branch to adopt his reforms – though not without meeting considerable opposition from other branches of the Strict Observance, such as the Illuminati founded by Adam Weishaupt on May Day 1776 in Bavaria.” (Wikipedia)”
Karl Marx was quite clear in what he thought about all this Prussian influence:
The Rheinische Zeitung was launched on 1 January 1842, with Moses Hess serving as an editor. The paper originally expressed a pro-government stance, but its political line soon shifted to better accord with popular sentiment among Rhinelanders, many of whom regarded the Prussian government in Berlin as an oppressive alien entity.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheinische_Zeitung
Understanding Prussia leads to the Illuminati, which leads to Germany. Germany was the launching-pad whereby the Prussian enemy became invisible, which led to world wars, which led to Treaties and international laws, which led to the United Nations; whereby, “Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’”.
How does this self-appointed divine authority control humanity? It does it by ensuring that all humanity is contained within three realms of consciousness:
The Prussian military playbook achieves this: Hostile take-overs, infiltration, war economy and mountains of money all drag people into these three states of mind. Problem-Action-Solution. Most activity on earth is just people reacting to the wilfully-ignorant, who are digging trenches that don’t need to be dug. The Prussians use this confusion to create lock-step thinking. The rule of law is above this ‘war’ and is waiting for humanity to realize. It must be done by the rule of law.