In a recent interview on Bannon’s War Room, a fascinating conversation emerged between Steve Bannon and Sam Sorbo. It is 9 minutes well spent and will be the basis for this #PrussiaGate article.
Sam Sorbo clearly understands that the modern education system is a direct threat to the future of the free world. While patriots worldwide are battling on the information front-lines, trying to wake up their fellow man to the horrible invisible enemy and their plans for a neo-Prussian World Order, their children are attending a schooling system that was designed by Prussia.
Recall in Prussian Origins of Modern Education, Prussia specifically constructed their education system to indoctrinate Prussian children to become loyal servants of the State. It was formulated by Hegel’s predecessor, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, as a reaction to the humiliating defeat of Prussia by the little French tyrant, Napoleon, in 1806.
The school masters that Fichte was referring to were loyal servants to Prussia. They saw it as their duty to shape the children’s minds for one purpose: to serve the state of Prussia. Fichte became the rector of the newly formed University of Berlin in 1811. He died in 1814, but his eventual successor at the University, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, enthusiastically carried the torch that Fichte left behind.
The destruction of free will and the enslavement of human beings for the benefit of the State was the basis of Prussian kultur. The great Prussian thinkers of the day believed that freedom represented an existential threat to the State, and therefore needed to be stamped out of the individual as soon as possible. The best way to achieve this would be through the imposition of state-mandated schooling.
The intention behind forced schooling was designed for 6 specific outcomes:
Obedient soldiers to the army,
Obedient workers for mines, factories and farms,
Well-subordinated civil servants, trained in their function,
Well-subordinated clerks for industry,
Citizens who thought alike on most issues, and
National uniformity in thought, word and deed.1
Teachers were considered an essential part of the Prussian war machine. Moulding children into mindless servants would streamline the Prussian army and its quest to control nations, worldwide.
Today, the forced schooling methods of 19th Century Prussia may sound like some sort of Orwellian educational nightmare from the past. However, the Prussian model is exactly what America’s education system has morphed into today.
We have outlined this in detail in Prussian Origins of Modern Education, and encourage those to read that article if you have not already. In short, many elitists of the past enthusiastically travelled to the prestigious University of Berlin to study and receive the coveted Berliner PhD. When they returned to America, many of these men were convinced that the Prussian methods of education, banking, militarism, and politik were the future of the nation. Even though Prussian despotism is a complete affront to the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, those indoctrinated by the philosophies of Fichte and Hegel worked tirelessly to circumvent these rights bestowed on American citizens. They attempted to implement an Americanized version of ‘Enlightened Despotism’.
These German-educated American ‘elitists’ were at the very core of the ‘kult of Prussia’ that gradually managed to infiltrate America.
In America’s most prestigious universities, they formed German secret societies as a means of grooming and recruiting young American men into pledging a ‘higher loyalty’ to the ‘kult of Prussia’. The most famous of these societies is Yale’s Skull & Bones.
The Bonesmen are not the only secret society that began their operations within the highest echelons of America’s educational apparatus, however they are notable for good reason. Many Bonesmen went on to become US Presidents, Attorney Generals, Supreme Court Justices, Secretaries of War, and CEOs of America’s most powerful corporations. This was how Prussian ideology began to work its way through the fabric of American society; slowly and through the generations.
In 1848, Prussia’s Karl Marx published the “Communist Manifesto”. Chaos swept throughout Europe, and many Prussian Marxists fled to America to avoid being arrested for treason. They became known as the “Forty-Eighters”, and many enthusiastically embraced the Republican party. Their socialist viewpoints were tolerated by the Republican party, and they were referred to as the “Red Republicans”.
These Prussian Marxists operated freely in the US, and in some cases had a direct line of communication to Karl Marx in London. Notable 48ers were pharmacist Charles Pfizer, and bankers Solomon Loeb and Abraham Kuhn, all of whom have had a significant impact on modern America.
Solomon and Abraham formed the megabank, “Kuhn, Loeb & Co”. In the late 1800s, Paul Warburg joined the bank and embarked on a decade long campaign to implement a central bank in America. His efforts proved fruitful, and the US Federal Reserve was implemented in 1913; it was a central bank modelled off the German Reichsbank.
These are just a few examples of how the ‘kult of Prussia’ influenced the evolution of America; reaching into the highest levels of academia, halls of power, and even the currency of We the People. However, nothing would be quite as insidious and despotic as the Prussian schooling system that was overlaid onto America’s children.
B.F. Skinner was a Harvard professor who refined the process of educational-indoctrination and branded it as the “Behaviorism Theory of Learning”.
Thoughts are derived before action. If one can change the foundations of an individual’s thought process, their actions, or behavior, can also be altered to reflect the wants and needs of the “teacher”. In a fashion similar to Pavlov’s training of animals, this concept is the driving force behind B.F. Skinner’s Behaviorism Theory. Skinner was a pioneer in the art of behaviorism as it applied to teaching, but it was his predecessors that put American schooling on a decidedly Prussian path. American educational luminaries like Orestes Brownson, Horace Mann, Robert Owen, Fanny Wright, John Watson, and John Griscom wholeheartedly believed that America must have a Prussian schooling system for the children.
So, it is here that we find ourselves today. At the core of the early-1800s Prussian education system lies the ideology that children no longer belong to their parents, but instead should be shaped into loyal Prussian servants of the state. Prussian teachers were considered as a “Teachers Corps”, and essential in transforming Prussian children.
Contrast this with today’s administration:
While at school, radicalized teachers truly believe in Biden’s claim that children “don’t belong to parents”. Armed with an array of propaganda, indoctrinated teachers use every psychological trick in the book to convince our children that:
men can become pregnant, chest feed and menstruate;
your biological sex is not your gender;
“Critical Race Theory” is real and necessary;
transgender men can compete in women’s sport;
socialism, communism and marxism are virtuous and a better way of governing;
masks work, and unvaccinated people are dirty and therefore unable to attend college;
drag queen story hour is educational and appropriate;
carbon dioxide is going to destroy the world;
gender dysphoria requires transition therapy which can permanently sterilize the child, however this does not require the parent’s consent, nor prior knowledge;
the world is overpopulated;
a teacher’s sexual preference is important for the children to know;
maths, english, history and science are racist;
Orange man bad;
etc, etc…
The list is endless, however the details of the list are not important. What is important, is that we understand the intention and desired end-state of the tyrannical deep state in order to counter, and ultimately destroy, their maniacal plans. To understand this, we must once again refer to the father of Enlightened Despotism; Frederick the Great:
Education is the weapon with a time-preference that can be measured in generations. The battle for freedom is eternal, and if our children are indoctrinated to think and behave as loyal servants to a neo-Prussian World Order, the battle will most certainly be lost in the future.
The Bud Light Paradox
We can look at the recent Bud Light fiasco to gain a better insight into how the education battlefield could play out in the future if the Educational Industrial Complex is not drastically changed.
In our Urania series, we dived deep into the origins of the transgender agenda. We determined that the origins of today’s pandemic of gender dysphoria have their roots deeply embedded in 19th century Prussia. Regardless, the abject corporate failure of Annheuser-Busch’s marketing experiment with Dylan Mulvaney highlights a complete disconnect between the executives of globalist corporations and their consumer base.
In 2022, Bud Light was America’s favorite beer:
After Dylan Mulvaney’s foray with Bud Light, sales for the beer capitulated and has cost the parent company billions of dollars in the process:
It appears that Bud beer drinkers did not take kindly to the push to popularize the trans-movement, or to Dylan’s mockery of women. After all, not many women these days have time to glam-up and down a few beers whilst having a bubble bath.
Beer drinkers voted with their wallets, and decided to get their beer-buzzes from any other brand besides Bud. This is free-market capitalism working its magic, and the marketing executives responsible for the fiasco have since been dealt with.
In the short term, this is a clear victory for those wishing to live in a relatively normal world. However, if we take a step back and analyze this from a longer time horizon, and through a #PrussiaGate lens, an ominous picture emerges.
The marketing executive at Annheuser-Busch who coordinated the Dylan Mulvaney horror show was Harvard educated, Alissa Heinerscheid. While in college, Alissa appeared to be like every other college student; studious, but with a love for partying. Drinking beer and blowing up condoms were par for the course for the college parties she attended:
When the “tranny-Bud-gate” fiasco sparked outrage, Heinerscheid was unrepentant about her marketing strategy. She laid out her thought-processes to the world, confident that people would understand her marketing brilliance:
Heinerscheid was not the only Harvard alumnus at the company. Her CEO also attended Harvard Business School, after a stint with the CIA.
With all this in mind, who exactly was the target-market of Heinerscheid and Whitworth’s marketing campaign? Heinerscheid clearly described the new demographic. They were young people, and the use of Dylan Mulvaney as the spokesperson for the brand defined what type of young people she was targeting; the “2SLGBTQQIAA+” crowd; whatever the fresh hell that means.8
For those interested, CBC Kids YouTube channel provides a 6 minute description of this alphabet carnage. This is not necessary viewing for #PrussiaGate readers, as what’s important here is the demographic Heinerscheid was targeting with Beer-Bath-Boozer, Dylan Mulvaney. The target market was our children.
Corporations now believe that the booming new market for their products are radicalized, woke, 2SLGBTQQIAA+ students. How do they arrive at these conclusions? To answer this, let’s start by looking at the top American universities that were once the target of 19th century Prussian infiltration:
Heinerscheid and Whitworth may have been observing the trends occurring at Harvard and other Ivy League schools and extrapolated that as a harbinger of things to come. However, we must look deeper into the thought processes of these “Harvidians”. In order to establish a clear demographic trend, one cannot simply look at the latest fads of college students. Are younger kids also aspiring to emulate their college mentors?
We are not sure why the CDC were measuring non-binary levels in US high schools, but it is clear now that the tranny-pocalypse is at pandemic levels at our universities, highs schools, and even our elementary schools. If this trend were to continue, there will be tens of millions, perhaps even 100 million people in America who will identify as 2SLGBTQQIAA+ in the not-too-distant future.
Herein lies the Bud Light Paradox:
The collapse in sales of Bud Light across America illustrated the state of mind of Americans and their ability to use the free-market as a means of protest, today.
However, this does not guarantee the consumption choices of future generations. While our children are in schools and indoctrinated to believe the plight of the alphabet soup brigade, corporations are betting that the future consumer will be 10, 20 or even 50% non-binary. If this transpires, Bud Light could become the beer of choice for future college students, tomorrow. It may even be seen as a powerful ‘return of serve’; a satisfying way to protest against their anti-woke parents.
In other words, what is a victory for rationality and common sense today, could be defeated by radicalized wokism tomorrow. The probability of this taking place grows exponentially if our children continue to be indoctrinated and “schooled by the enemy”:
While this article might be beginning to sound like an Orwellian black pill, there is a relatively simple solution to the Bud Light Paradox. The collapse of Bud Light will be a small victory in a much larger war that will be lost if our children embrace the ideology of this tyrannical regime.
However, if Americans can do to the Educational Industrial Complex what they did to Bud Light, the indoctrination of our children will be crushed, and a golden era of learning and free-thought will emerge.
This is not just about removing children from schools, and avoiding the Marxist’s plan to destroy America; this is about understanding the potential of intelligence. This will unleash the almost unlimited potential human beings have when that intelligence is discovered.
Forget Artificial Intelligence; the future will belong to Natural Intelligence.
The Scales of Tyranny and the Revolutionary Tool of Marxism
Before we explore the potential of the mind, we must first understand the differences between freedom and tyranny; left and right. We are constantly reminded that the political left are battling it out with the political right, and that far-right extremists are a “danger to democracy”.
All this rhetoric is abhorrent to the true nature of freedom. If we extrapolate left-wing politics to its extremity, we arrive at communism. Conversely, if we do the same for right-wing politics, we arrive at fascism. Both are the ultimate forms of tyranny, and they both originated in Prussia. True freedom is non-existent if communism and/or fascism exist as the governing body of the state.
Therefore, when the arms of tyranny are allowed to expand in either direction, the freedom of the individual is gradually erased until man has descended into the abyss of slavery.
When the political intelligentsia argue, their agenda is generally labelled as right wing or left wing. They are not arguing on behalf of We the People, they are battling over which form of tyranny to impose upon humanity.
This is the fundamental nature of what is also known as the “Uniparty”. The right and left each produce “bread and circuses” for the people, but they are united in their intention to steer humanity toward tyrannical rule and, eventually, under the rule of the New World Order. Today we commonly refer to this group as the “Deep State”. In 1917, when Russia fell to Lenin’s Bolshevik revolution, they labelled themselves as the “Vanguard Party”:
It is imperative to understand the true nature of the horrible invisible enemy we face today. Whether we call them the Deep State, Uniparty, Vanguard, ReichsWEF, or neo-Prussia does not matter; their end goal is the enslavement of the many, for the benefit of the few.
Hidden in plain sight is the revolutionary tool that tyranny uses to steer humanity into enslavement. During the 20th century, when a nation fell to tyranny, a Marxist revolution almost always preceded it:
Lenin in Russia (after receiving the go-ahead from Prussia)
Mao in China
Castro in Cuba
Pol Pot in Cambodia
The examples listed above all resulted in brutal and bloody communist dictatorships. However, what is perhaps less known is how the communist’s sworn enemy, the fascists, implemented their dictatorships:
Mussolini was not the only fascist of his era to use Marxism as a means to consolidate power:
The common thread weaved throughout the 20th century’s brutal and bloodthirsty dictatorships, and the billions of lives affected, was Marxism. Marxism is less an ideology, and more a revolutionary tool used to steer humanity through the gates of tyranny.
Marxism seeks to burn down an existing civilization and then hand the ashes over to the tyrant. The tyrant then installs a regime of control, providing a false sense of security to the people, which remains as long as they accept the tyrant’s directives and embrace its ideology.
In Prussian Origins of Marxism, we showed how Karl Marx developed and applied his revolutionary tool throughout Europe. He married into Prussian nobility, and his brother-in-law was the Prussian Interior Minister. When Marx was in England, allegedly in exile from Prussia, the most ruthless Prussian Gestapo chief in history, Wilhelm Stieber, made personal contact with Marx in London. Everywhere Marx travelled resulted in his fellow comrades being arrested or turning up dead; everyone that is, except Marx himself. When Marx published the communist manifesto in 1848, Europe was set ablaze with the first Marxist revolution. Everywhere descended into chaos, except for Prussia, which crushed the rebellion with militant efficiency:
Recall that in 1806, Prussia was given a shellacking by Napoleon’s army. It became clear that a united France would always pose a threat to Prussia. The 1848 revolution in France sparked a financial collapse, and a collapse of the monarchy. Severely weakened, France installed the “French Second Republic” and crushed what was left of the waning Marxist revolutionaries. However, the rot had already set in, and in less than 20 years, Prussia would utterly humiliate France in the Franco-Prussian war.
When the Marxist fire began to burn, France descended into perpetual weakness, and never presented a real threat to Prussia ever again. The revolutionary tool of Marxism was therefore successful in neutralizing the French.
France was not the only power that presented a clear danger to 19th century Prussia. Russia was a behemoth that gave the Prussian generals nightmares. During an exile in London, Marx struck up a friendship with the highly influential British politician, David Urquhart:
Urquhart possessed a pathological hatred for all things Russian, and therefore would be a useful tool to Prussia if his hatred could be channelled into “meaningful change” within Russia. Urquhart’s connections with British intelligence provided him with many contacts in the Russian underground. These underground revolutionaries were radicalized by Marxist doctrine, and were activated to terrorize the Russian people. In 1881 the Russian Tsar, Alexander II, was assassinated by the radical socialist terrorist organization, Narodnaya Volya. Lenin’s brother soon after became the head of this Marxist organization, and participated in the attempted assassination of Tsar Alexander III. He was executed for this crime in 1887.21
However, the events that unfolded in Russia during the 1880s plunged the empire into chaos. Marxist terrorists were hunted down and executed, but this entailed a brutal and expensive campaign of oppression by the Tsarist police force. Discontent spread throughout Russia as the battle between Marxists and Royalists raged. The Marxists were relentless with their terror attacks. When World War I broke out, Russia was already sufficiently weak, and the German Reich wasted no time in completely annihilating Russian forces.
By 1917, Russia was a shell of its former glory. The empire was defeated, broke, and infested with Marxist revolutionaries. For the German military leaders and the Kaiser, all of whom were Prussian, they chose to send Vladimir Lenin to Russia with their blessing. The Bolshevik revolution burned Russia to the ground, and the Soviet Union was born.
Behind every Marxist revolution is a tyrant waiting in the shadows to take over the nation and enslave the people with extremist ideology. If the Marxist fire burns through a nation, freedom is wrested away from the people and they are forced to live under the rules and regulations of their new Despot.
Today, the Marxists are alive and well in our finest halls of academia. College students congregate and participate in orgies of destruction; from the antics of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, to openly desecrating statues that pay homage to the nation’s great men and women. They criticize everything from history, math, literacy and science. Nothing is truly safe from the critique of radicalized Marxist student gangs.
Herein lies the essence of Marxism: Criticize everything before destroying everything. This is the philosophical foundation behind their “critical theory”, and its bastard son, “critical race theory”.
However, the largest threat the Western World faces today is not the temper tantrums of poorly educated juveniles at college. The proverbial Marxist match has been struck, and it has lit a fire which is now burning around our most vulnerable asset - our children. The schooling system, with its Prussian foundations, has been quietly weaponized to indoctrinate our children to embrace the revolutionary tools of Karl Marx, and teach our youth to hate everything that America once stood proudly to defend.
If this is not stopped, the Bud Light Paradox will undoubtedly come to fruition.
Don’t Play With Matches
Perhaps this is the point in human evolution when we learn why free-societies do not play with Marxist matches. In order to learn this lesson, we must understand the nature of intelligence and its awesome power, especially against the forces of tyranny.
With this simple definition in mind, the process of developing intelligence does not come easy. Sentient beings must nurture a self-discipline in order to acquire, understand and use knowledge. However, human beings have the gift of almost unlimited intelligent potential. Unfortunately, many no longer value this aspect of our species, and are now giddy with excitement to replace our own intelligence with something “artificial”.
There are many theories of how people learn, from Sternberg’s “Triarchic Theory of Intelligence” to Gardner’s “Theory of Multiple Intelligences”. We will present a simple parable to highlight the main pathways in which we learn, and therefore develop our intelligence.
Little Johnny and the Matches
Little Johnny was the youngest of three brothers. His older brother was the most obedient and always followed his parent’s wishes. The middle boy was completely the opposite, and rebelled at every opportunity. Little Johnny, on the other hand, was a quiet boy who always appeared to be daydreaming through life.
One day their mother sat them down at the kitchen table. She explained that she had to go down the street to get groceries. She left a box of matches on the table and explained to them that under no circumstances should they play with the matches. Johnny’s mom then shut the door behind her and said she’ll be back in an hour.
All three boys stared at each other from across the table, as well as staring at the box of matches. Little Johnny began to daydream, as he always did, and started thinking about what could possibly happen if he played with the matches. While it sounded tempting to light a match to see what happened, his mind wandered around all the possible scenarios. He could burn himself; he could start a fire that got out of control; he could burn down the house and make his parents mad. Little Johnny gamed out all possible scenarios in his head, and determined that it was probably best not to play with the matches.
Little Johnny’s decision was based on an intelligence that was inner-directed.
His older brother listened to his mother, and under no circumstances was he going to touch the matches. He did not understand why or how, but only that “mom said so”.
The older brother’s decision was based on an intelligence that was *other-directed.
The middle boy, however, predictably rebelled against his mother. He immediately picked up the box of matches and began to strike away while walking through the kitchen. Burning matchsticks were dropping all over the floor, and the little rebel was dizzy with excitement. On the other hand, the older brother was losing his shit, yelling at his younger sibling that “mom said don’t play matches!” Neither of the two older brothers were aware of the danger that was unfolding. One was trying to obey his mother, the other was rebelling against her. Their argument was pointless, as the discarded matchsticks were starting to burn into rugs, curtains, and some of the furniture.
Little Johnny had already gamed out this scenario in his head, and he quietly exited the building while his older brothers argued. Neither of the older boys realized what was transpiring until it was too late. With the house ablaze, they stopped arguing and ran outside to watch the family home turn into a giant bonfire.
After the event, the middle-boy, who burned down the house, had also learned a lesson; his intelligence was acquired the hard-way.
The parable of Little Johnny and the matches highlights the three main ways in which human beings learn and develop intelligence:
Inner-directed: where one thinks strategically, models scenarios and trusts oneself;
Other-directed: where one learns from a narrator, or by the direction of another; and
The Hard-way: where on learns through trial, error and the brutality of experience.
Playing with the Marxist Matchbox
Today, humanity has a large matchbox sitting on the kitchen table. However, the flame that is lit when the matchstick is struck is Marxism. When the fire of Marxism burns, it does not reduce a house to ashes; Marxism burns entire nations. When the fire is burning in all nations, humanity is on the brink of descending into worldwide tyranny; a New World Order.
The lure to play with the Marxist matchbox is strong. Many are seduced by Karl Marx’s promise of doing nothing and getting free shit.
People who are suckered into this lie are represented by Little Johnny’s middle brother. They are addicted to the smell of society burning, and continue to light Marxist matches wherever they can. The BLAntifa student gangsters have replaced the Bolsheviks from the prior century. These experiential learners will only learn the hard-way, because history has shown them to be nothing more than useful idiots; their fates are already sealed by their inability to read a history book.
However, perhaps the most dangerous group within humanity today are the other-directed folk. These are the ones who require a narrator to describe how life is unfolding; who listen blindly to the television, and their favorite influencers; who adore the Marxist apologists.
At this point in history, the battle for “who controls the narrative” is the battle for who controls the other-directed folk:
When they are told to wear masks, they wear two masks for extra-credit;
When they feel sick, they get a Covid test, even if they no longer need to;
When they are told that “Orange Man is Bad”, they vote for a senile, child sniffing geriatric;
When their teacher says, “2SLGBTQQIAA+”, they immediately find the letter that best suits them.
However, there are also many in the other-directed crowd who are against Marxism and the Alphabet Mafia. They do so because they are told by their “influencers”, who are more conservative. Unfortunately, these people do not know WHY they disagree with a 300 lb cross-dressing Marxist; they just get told it is bad.
Finally, there are those, like Little Johnny, who have sat back and had a good think about the world around them. History books are replete with examples of the disasters of nations who embraced the lunacy of Marxism. Reading history, combined with the ability for an individual to game out numerous future possibilities, allows the inner-directed person to see the writing on the wall.
For those who can think for themselves, they will trust their thought processes enough and use the knowledge they have acquired to not only avoid trouble, but put an end to the madness.
Little Johnny walked out of the house before it burned down. As Marxist revolutionaries infect every aspect of Western society today, it will be nearly impossible to simply walk away from the carnage that is beginning to take place. Unlike Johnny who calmly left the house, a fire extinguisher will be needed to put an end to this Marxist fire, once and for all.
The Mind Excursion
All methods of learning provide a pathway to the development of our intellect. However, when it comes to the Prussian method of schooling, there is only one pathway being used to build the minds of our children; the other-directed pathway.
This narrow method of education places the human mind into a box. Schools became NPC (non-playable characters) factories, producing human widgets to be used as the State demands. None of this was an accident. It was, from the very beginning, a Prussian invention designed to do exactly what it is doing today.
The old saying, “you are what you eat”, is equally applicable to the education of a human being: “You are what you learn”.
If our schools adopt Marxist doctrine and practices, then they will produce Marxist revolutionaries. It is through the prism of other-directed education that this becomes a fait accompli.
However, if the mind of an individual were allowed to wander outside of the rigid Prussian box of controlled thought, great things begin to happen.
Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity, but he loved to play around with it, especially after he attended a lecture on the topic. He famously used a kite to establish the link between electricity and lightning. He made women’s hair stand on end, set alcohol on fire, and charged up glasses of wine so his party guests would get a shock.23 His antics changed the way people in his day thought about electricity. In this case, he combined other-directed (the lecturer) with inner-directed (his own curiosity) to conjure up experiments that he applied in the real world (the hard-way).
In 1903, the academic experts at the New York Times believed it would take millions of years before human beings could build a machine that could fly:
A few months later, the Wright brothers proved the experts otherwise:
History is replete with innovations that changed the course of humanity; all created by the minds of men whose thoughts wandered outside of the box.
Thomas Edison: at the age of 12 had left school and set up a laboratory in the baggage car of a train. The knowledge he gained during these years led to the formation of Edison’s electricity business, now known as General Electric.25
John Snow: The British physician who went against the prevailing wisdom about cholera. He was ridiculed by his scientific peers when he surmised that cholera was a water-borne disease, most likely caused by raw sewerage mixing with the water supply of London residents. After his death, he was proven to be correct, and millions of lives have been saved as a result of his discovery.26
When the mind wanders, it goes on an excursion into the unknown. Using intellectual curiosity like a compass, ideas are discovered in the same way a new continent is discovered; by accident. These ideas, coupled with a madness to try something different, are where the innovations that change the trajectory of humanity forever, are born.
The Ultimate Wanderer
Magnus Carlsen is considered the best chess player of all time. He became a Grandmaster at 13, and ranked number 1 in the world at 19. One of his claims to fame is to have simultaneously beaten the top 10 chess players at Harvard, while blindfolded.
While we can lament at not being present at this brutal crushing of the Harvard intelligentsia, what is more fascinating is how Carlsen developed this apparent super-human intelligence.
Firstly, we note that Carlsen does not consider himself to be a genius. Was it the methods that he employed to train his brain that made him the ultimate chess titan?
Apart from studying the game for hours a day as a young child, memorizing up to 10,000 games of previous grandmasters, and humiliating Harvard blindfolded, the most curious aspect to Carlsen’s game is his ability to let his mind wander and walk away from the chess board. Even as a young teenager, Carlsen walked away from the heat of battle against the great Garry Kasparov.
Imagine falling asleep or walking out of a Prussian classroom while in the middle of class! In the old days, the teacher would give you a detention, or extra homework; you may even get the dreaded cane. Today, one does not need much imagination to envision a child having to recite the trans-alphabet 1000 times, and then being forced to identify with one of the letters. For Magnus Carlsen, mind-wandering was an essential ingredient in applying his intellect to the chess board.
When the mind embarks on imaginary excursions, it can return with new insight. It returns from a place that Artificial Intelligence can never venture, and therefore will never discover. It is in this space that we can use game theory to forward-think; to explore future possibilities. It is in this space that humanity’s greatest innovations take place.
A New Way?
Perhaps the best book ever written on the subject of education is by John Taylor Gatto.
This book unlocks the Prussian connection to modern schooling. It details how a former New York Teacher of the Year became so disgusted with the system of schooling, that he decided to quit and do something about it. Gatto dedicated his life to exposing the Prussian scam and the “prison of modern schooling”. His book also outlines the many alternatives to education.
Gatto published his book decades ago. Today, we must ask, “what has happened to modern schooling since then”?
What kind of education system mandates masks, isolation, and a cocktail of potentially-dangerous jabs before entering the classroom? When Biden declares that children do not belong to their parents when they are in the classroom, who do they belong to? When books are written on various sexual acts and provided to young children to study in the classroom, what is the intention of the author, the teacher, and the school curriculum?
In this article we have presented the origins of modern schooling, Marxism, 20th century revolutions and tyranny. They all originate from Prussia; an army that seeks to control entire nations. When Marxism becomes vogue amongst college students, statues are toppled. When Marxism is being taught to young, impressionable children, a revolution is on its way.
What can be done? If Gatto was able to quit from the system and re-invent his livelihood, why can’t anyone else simply walk away from the same system?
The question beckons: Is there another way?
We return to Sam Sorbo and her brilliant interview with Steve Bannon. Not only is there another way, but there are many ways. Just as Magnus Carlsen’s brain wanders off into the nether-world to defeat his opponents blindfolded, every human being has the same opportunity to “be like Magnus”.
Our children do not need to study hours of chess daily. Instead, they need to follow their intellectual curiosity in the same way the Wright brothers did a century ago. This does not mean jumping off the roof to try and fly, but to find what captures their imagination so that their unique intelligence can develop.
Learn how to sail, fish, fight, read, write, play music, cook, dance, compete, sing, daydream and, of course, play chess. Maths, physics, language and all matter of academia underpin every endeavor. Acquire the gifts of knowledge through all avenues: Inner-directed learning, other-directed learning and experiential learning.
Gatto wrote his book when the internet was in its fledgling phase. Today, modern technology has allowed for the rise of countless online schools. There are teachers, all over the world, who are sick of the Marxist doctrine being spewed out from state-mandated curriculums. This trend includes a multitude of teachers in sports, music and art, throughout many local communities.
General Flynn has declared, “local action has a national impact”. Removing our children from a Marxist curriculum that is served to them in Prussian-styled indoctrination camps that we call schools, requires local action. Building local and global communities around innovative new ways to educate our children will have a local, national and global impact.
In short, the best way to defeat Marxism is to ensure our children are never poisoned by this deadly ideology. Like a poisonous snake, if you allow Marxism into your home, it is going to bite you.
We have the technology today to build platforms that would not only decentralize education, but would probably outperform modern schooling in almost every aspect. If done properly, not only will leaving the Marxist school system be easy; it will be sought after.
The alternative is to keep our children in a system that does not promote freedom, but enforces tyranny. A Marxist revolution is baked in the cake if we do not find the will to change. This is a precipice we have spent too long staring into the abyss. If meaningful change is not engaged soon, our children may wake up homeless on the lands their fathers conquered - drinking copious amounts of Bud Light.
The End.
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