Hello Davos!
As Voltaire once mused, “Prussia is not a nation. It is an army that controls nations.” Today, that army is an invisible enemy, hiding behind a complex matrix of globalist corporations. It has infiltrated governments and central banks worldwide. It has taken over national education systems and indoctrinated our youth to hate everything about their culture. At the helm of this monolithic beast sits the World Economic Forum, or as we have named it, the ReichsWEF.
In partnership with King Charles, the ReichsWEF have pronounced their new joint-venture to the world. That venture is The Great Reset. Charles and Klaus publicly launched the initiative early on in the Great Plandemic:
What is the main purpose of the Great Reset? As we explained in [An Ode to the Prussian Pickle]({{> ref “/An Ode to the Prussian Pickle” >}}) series, it is a depopulation program that enslaves what’s left of humanity into a digital-identity prison. The world’s resources and supply chains will be controlled by member companies of the ReichsWEF, as well as “nature trusts” such as the WWF and the shady members of the 1001 Club.
These are all neo-Prussian entities, adopting the same ideology that the Kingdom of Prussia relied on for centuries to maintain its power. That ideology is war.
Nothing has changed. Prussia is intent on ensuring that the world remains in a state of war. Its vice-like grip on nations has never been more vast or powerful. Today, their legacy lives on, and the people who idolize the Prussian way have declared war on humanity.
We are in the midst of a battle like no other fought in history.
In this article, we will present some of the weapons used by this enemy and how to identify them. In typical #PrussiaGate style, we will look to the past to understand the current mindset of the enemy. We will also reveal what we believe to be a significant part of the invisible enemy’s playbook.
We have been through some turbulent years. The onset of the plandemic in 2020, the imposition of injection mandates in 2021, and the political controversy in America and Brazil in 2022. If history is anything to go by, 2023 will see events accelerate. This is not a time to be complacent. It is a time to reveal the horrible invisible enemy for all to see.
With the annual gathering of socio-psychopaths at Davos underway, it is our chance to take a look at what plans they wish to deploy for the year. The ReichsWEF is the global coordinator of the neo-Prussian army. We are at war, and we must understand as much about our enemy as possible.
We will analyze three aspects of the enemy’s playbook;
their use of deception,
the research they have undertaken to achieve their objective, and
the strategies they are implementing to reach their stated goals and the Great Reset.
Sun Tzu provides a timeless insight:
Deception will always be a valuable tool in war. Those who are deceived have accepted a web of lies as truth, and therefore are willingly manipulated to the enemy’s advantage.
The art of deception is to seduce an enemy into believing a false narrative as truth. In Beavers, Foxes and Propagandists, we showed how the British media barons who helped found the Tavistock institute proudly boasted that their “news” was simply propaganda:
Propaganda, by definition, is deception. The skill sets of Lords Beaverbrook and Northcliffe were handed down to the Murdoch family, who run today’s NewsCorp media empire. News outlets ask to be trusted; suggesting they are the custodians of truth, and protecting us all from dangerous disinformation. Are we to assume that today’s media corporations no longer implement deception campaigns cleverly disguised as “news”?
The bipartisan approval of this reform was known as the “Smith-Mundt Modernization Act”.2 From that moment, America and the world would be attacked with a myriad of propaganda, or deception campaigns, from every direction. Ten years later, as humanity struggles to understand what is real or fake, the effects of this reform could not be more evident.
Before we continue, we must first address the basic differences between truth and lies.
The truth takes time to unfold. Like a detective at a crime scene, evidence must be gathered, theories must be developed, motives must be established, and critical thinking must question every conclusion and/or decision reached. It is almost impossible to determine the truth in an instant. Conversely, a lie can be generated instantaneously. It does not require anything concrete to be disseminated.
Truth also has no intention; it is an absolute reflection of reality. Lies, however, are designed to deceive. Deception always has an intention to manipulate another toward a particular direction or action.
It is possible to detect a possible deception when two criteria are met. After an event, if someone instantly provides an assertion of the “truth”, it is highly unlikely that all facts have been established at that point. Secondly, if their version of the truth compels people to act, or think in a particular way, it means there may have been an intention behind their narrative. Both of these criteria require one to take a step back and critically think through the situation.
With all this in mind, think back to Charles and Klaus’ unveiling of The Great Reset, and the media storm around the Great Plandemic.
The world was plunged into the midst of mask mandates and mass lockdowns. There were grainy videos of people in China collapsing and dying on the street flooding social media. Real scientists were gathering facts and trying to ascertain what was really happening. They all knew it was going to take time to get to the truth. There was one man, however, who seemed to have all the answers in an instant.
Let’s briefly review the career of Fauci since the onset of the Chyna virus.
He was immediately placed in the spotlight and established as the man who could get to the truth as quick as possible,
he was remarkably quick to come up with solutions. One of the first recommendations was to implement a snap-lockdown; “15 days to flatten the curve”,
When this was implemented, a myriad of other recommendations followed. The people were compelled to accept perpetual lockdowns and mask mandates. This would send the global economy into a tailspin,
Let’s not forget the push for mail-in ballots for the 2020 election,
Vaccine mandates followed. Billions upon billions of profits were generated by the globalist Pharma companies who produced them; all of whom are members of the ReichsWEF.
It has taken nearly three years for the truth to begin to emerge from the myriad of false narratives that flooded the news cycles since early 2020. As this occurs, we must ask ourselves: is Fauci a modern-day ‘prophet’, or a deception agent for the horrible invisible enemy?
Plandemic of Deception
Dr Paul Alexander was on the frontline in Washington during the pandemic. He was:
“a former COVID Pandemic evidence-synthesis advisor to WHO-PAHO, Washington, DC (2020), and former Senior Advisor to COVID Pandemic policy in the US government, Health and Human Services (HHS), Washington, DC.” 5
Dr Alexander has recently published a book:
The title Dr. Alexander’s book is self-explanatory. His claims are backed up with clear evidence. Recently, he was interviewed on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom regarding the book and his claim that Fauci, Birx and the medical deep state conspired to take down President Trump. The link is here and highly recommended listening.
The pandemic was an orchestrated coup against President Trump.
Trump was always against the lockdowns and mandates, however was forced to submit to Fauci and Birx due to their decades of experience and public notoriety as public health gurus.
The goal for Fauci and Birx was for Trump to accept the “15 days to flatten the curve” mandate. Once Trump submitted to these demands, in Birx’s own words, “they knew they had him.” The medical deep state could then continually manipulate the situation to ensure America, and the world, would be in a state of perpetual lockdown and chaos. The media and BigTech would ensure all the events would be blamed on Trump. Do you remember the Trump death clock?
Dr Alexander claims that the modelling the CDC used was ‘corrupt, bogus manmade models meant to deceive the public’.
The PCR test was a total fraud, generating up to 95% false positives. The actual mortality rate of people under 70 was 0.05%.
According to Dr Alexander, the entire Covid narrative supplied by Fauci, the CDC, NIH, and the WHO was a deception to take down President Trump. If all warfare is deception, we may have discovered those who are at war against We the People. An invisible enemy that walks among us, is invisible no more.
Edward Dowd
On the same day Bannon interviewed Dr. Alexander, he also interviewed former BlackRock manager, Edward Dowd. The link is here and highly recommended listening, however we will again present the key points.
The financial market expertise that Dowd brings to the table is priceless. He uses hard data points to present his thesis that is gradually becoming the stark reality the world will soon face.
The disability rate in the world amongst the employed is skyrocketing.
Most of those currently in the labor force had to submit to the vaccines to maintain their employment.
Since February, 2021, the employed population of America have been “basically poisoned”.
Similar to Dr. Alexander’s interview, these are incredible claims which imply the vaccines are highly correlated to disability in the workforce. However, Dr. Alexander and Dowd’s work is interrelated. Without the pandemic, lockdowns, and mask mandates forced on America by Fauci, Birx and the CDC, the vaccine mandates in 2021 would have never been accepted by the public.
In other words, the Fauci deception was followed up by the vaccine mandates, and billions upon billions of profits for BigPharma.
As national statistics bureaus slowly compile their databases, a picture emerges as to the true extent of the damage inflicted on the world over the last three years. Another substack contributor, The Vigilant Fox, has done an outstanding job collating the details surrounding the infamous jab.
In one of his latest article, he has supplied a terrifying graph which correlates the enormous rise in excess deaths relative to the number of doses a given population has received:
Deception Overview
If we look at the events that transpired over the last three years, we were initially presented with a vast array of narratives and solutions to what appeared to be a dire situation. As time progressed, more information and facts were gathered, and we came to find that much of what was spruiked in the beginning was not based on facts at all. Instead, the original information compelled humanity to act in a way that greatly benefited a small unaccountable group.
As the facts begin to emerge, it becomes evident that a great deception may have been deployed.
Recall, all war is based off deception. The deceiver brings the required narrative long before the truth can be unveiled. The deceiver also compels their enemy to act in a way that weakens them. If there is a war against humanity, we can find our enemies by looking to those who have deceived ‘We the People’.
An invisible enemy is hidden in plain sight.
Deception is merely a tool in war. Those engaged in battle are fighting to reach their stated objective. If we are to take the words of King Charles, Klaus Schwab and other globalist elites literally, their desired end-state is quite clear:
Significantly reduce the global population (ie: solving overpopulation) and return the world to nature. In Charles’ mind, Transylvania is the perfect model template. The only problem for Transylvanians is that it is currently the poorest region in Europe.
Regardless, it is important to understand that while these sound like the ramblings of mad men, they have incorporated an enormous amount of time, capital and research to try and reach their objective. Before we look at the strategy they are currently deploying, we must first understand the research that has been undertaken to validate their method.
Fauci and the medical deep state are not the main players in this war. They are a unit that was deployed to prepare the social-psyche of humanity. When we look to the founding father of social psychology, we come to find that it was a Prussian by the name of Kurt Lewin.
Kurt Lewin was born in Prussia in 1890. He was a gifted student who eventually found himself studying at the University of Berlin as a medical student, gradually moving into the field of psychology. He was forced to flee Nazi Germany in the 1930s and migrated to America.8
On his journey to America, Lewin stopped over in England, where he met Eric Trist. Trist worked for the Tavistock Institute and was greatly interested in the works of Lewin. Trist later proposed to Lewin that he write for a journal sponsored by MIT and Tavistock. The founding journal of the Tavistock contained two papers written by Lewin.
In addition to Kurt Lewin’s association with Tavistock, he was also involved with the communist ‘Frankfurt School’, which we outlined in The Prussian Origins of Modern Education.
Lewin died in America in 1947, the same year Prussia was officially abolished. He was considered a world leader in the field of social psychology, and Tavistock was eternally grateful for his contributions. He conducted many experiments, and one of note was the Leadership experiment:
Are we surprised to discover that a Prussian born, University of Berlin educated, Marxist leaning psychologist would conclude that an autocratic structure is the most productive of all leadership styles? Hegel would have been very proud indeed.
Let’s compare Lewin’s observations with some real world historical outcomes.
Firstly, Lewin left Nazi Germany because it had been taken over by Hitler and his autocratic leadership. This is a rather important point because Lewin was Jewish, and Hitler effectively excluded them from society. Nazi Germany’s productivity would never be shared by the Jews. How could Lewin consider this to be an acceptable method of leadership?
Secondly, Lewin fled Germany and migrated to America, which by the 1930s had become an economic superpower. Most importantly, the dramatic economic rise of America can be attributed to the post-Civil War period known as Laissez-Faire Capitalism:
As we know, Hitler’s autocratic Prussian-style rule did not end well for Germany, while America progressed to the become the superpower of the world. Therefore, Lewin’s observations are in complete contrast with historical outcomes.
Additionally, Lewin was closely associated with the Marxist Frankfurt School. They were also forced to flee to America, where they re-established themselves within American universities. The Frankfurt School did not come to America to enjoy freedom. They were cultural Marxists, and were intent on destroying the very essence of American freedom and free-market capitalism.
Lewin’s communist leanings and Prussian heritage is in stark contrast to America’s freedom loving, free-market capitalist system of the day. Nevertheless, he migrated to America and immediately rose to the highest echelons of higher education. Working at Harvard and MIT, Kurt Lewin successfully intertwined his knowledge within American institutions that would work together with the Tavistock Institute.
His legacy would inspire a new generation of psychologists and scientists that explored the darkest corners of social psychology.
Drowning in Hopium
Recently, it was discovered that Anthony Fauci conducted brutally inhumane experiments on puppies in Tunisia:
Unfortunately, this disgusting display of cruelty is nothing new amongst megalomaniac scientists with a God-complex. After Kurt Lewin’s initial experiments involving groups of young boys, psycho-scientists decided to take things to the extreme, and animals suffered tremendously as a result.
Curt Richter was referred to as a “psycho-biologist”. In 1917, he began his academic career at Harvard, and progressed to Johns Hopkins University, where he eventually became director of the institution. In the 1950s, he conducted a series of experiments with rats. These experiments, he claimed, proved a link between hope and an animal’s will to live.13
The Drowning Rats Experiment involved placing a rat in a bucket of water and see how long it took for them to drown.14
There were three stages to the experiment:
Stage 1: Twelve domesticated rats were first used in the experiment. A few died after only a few minutes. However, the rest of the rats were able to survive for days in the bucket before drowning.
Stage 2: Richter then performed the same experiment using 34 wild Norwegian rats. The expectation was that they would last a lot longer than the domesticated rats because they were considerably stronger and had a fierce will to live. The outcome was completely the opposite. All of the rats drowned within a few minutes.
Stage 3: Bemused by this outcome, Richter theorized that the wild rats found themselves in a hopeless situation, and therefore simply gave up the battle to survive. Richter’s new experiment would now provide these rats with hope. A new batch of wild rats were captured. They would be placed in the bucket and, just before drowning, they would be rescued and allowed to recover. Once recovered, the rats were placed back in the bucket and the process was repeated several times. Richter believed that the rats had now been given hope, and therefore would fight a lot longer in the water bucket. He was proven correct. The rats now swam for days in the bucket before drowning.
The basic hypothesis from Richter’s experiments was:
“the rats quickly learn that the situation is not actually hopeless” and that “after elimination of hopelessness the rats do not die.”
Many have theorized that the experiments illustrate the power of hope and its ability to nurture resilience when faced with dire situations. However, when we look at Richter’s background, we potentially discover something a little darker; Prussia.
Richter’s parents were German immigrants. He travelled back to Germany to study engineering at a Technische Hochschule, before moving back to America at the outbreak of WWI. He eventually found his way to Johns Hopkins University, where he became director of the institution.
It is no secret that Johns Hopkins University was founded by significant members of Skull and Bones:
Recall in The Prussian Origins of Skull and Bones, Daniel Coit Gilman helped incorporate Skull and Bones with the founder, William Huntingdon Russell. The incorporation took place after Gilman returned from studying at the University of Berlin; the same place Russell studied two decades earlier 16. The origins, philosophy and symbology of the Yale-based secret society is clearly Prussian. Johns Hopkins University was simply an offshoot of Prussia. Johns Hopkins played a significant role in the Prussian infiltration of America, and Curt Richter was considered one of the top pioneers of the institution.
Having re-established Johns Hopkins in this context, let’s now apply a Prussian lens to Richter’s brutal rat experiments. The wild rats initially thrown into the bucket had lived a free and wild life. Their short lifespan in the bucket did not reflect their lack of will to survive; they simply did not fear death, and quickly accepted their fate as free rats.
What Richter began providing the wild rats was not hope, but the idea of a false savior. By saving the rats, only to have them drown again, Richter was measuring how much the rats would fight to survive in the hope to be rescued by an “invisible hand”. From a Prussian perspective, this was a social-psychology experiment to validate Hegel’s master-slave dialectic. How much more can you get out of your slave if they believe you are also their savior?
Free-wild rats be damned; if you submit to your master, you will receive his love and strive to do his bidding. You might live a little longer, but your fate will be the same, regardless. This was an experiment with Prussian fingerprints all over it. The poor rats simply prolonged the inevitable, and finally drowned in a sea of false hopium.
The Prussian Behavioral Sink
Let’s revisit Kurt Lewin, and the influence he had on the development of American Institutions:
It should come as no surprize that Prussian ideology was obsessed with social psychology, particularly in the field known as “behaviorism”. By understanding social behavior, these Prussian psychopaths would be able manipulate significant collectives to ‘behave’ in the way they desired. The final infiltration, therefore, would be the human mind.
Kurt Lewin’s connections with Berlin, the Marxist Frankfurt School, and the Tavistock Institute made him an excellent candidate to establish similar institutions in the United States. Of particular note, we will focus on a man who worked for the National Institute of Mental Health, or NIMH, named John B. Calhoun:
Calhoun’s experiments on mouse populations and behavior caught the eye of many Prussian agents. He worked for the NIMH for 33 years, and performed a number of experiments now infamously coined the “Mouse Utopia Experiment”. An overview of this experiment has recently become viral. We present the video, however we will provide a summary of the key points:
Calhoun created closed facilities that would provide near unlimited food, water and space for a small group of rats, or mice. They were free to live and breed to their heart’s content. In almost every case, the rodent populations would reach a particular level before descending into a rapid population decline and inevitable extinction.
However, what accompanied every decline was a slide into abnormal behavior which Calhoun termed, the “behavioral sink”.
The abnormal behaviors were not limited to freaky sex acts and cannibalism. Calhoun published numerous papers on the topic, one of which is part of the namesake of this article, Death Squared. He outlines the weird activities the rodents started getting into:
The females stopped building adequate nests. This means they were caring less about their litters and stopped providing them a safe home.
Female rodents usually keep their litters clean and do not mix up their pups with other litters. They began mixing their pups, which gave mother rodents less incentive to protect their young. When litters needed to be transported, some mothers would leave their babies for dead along the transport route, and the babies were eventually eaten by other rodents.
As the behavioral rot set in, male rodents began significantly altering their sexual behavior. Initially, males began mounting each other, resulting in a significant increase in homosexuality. They would then begin mounting juvenile rodents in open displays of paedophilia. Eventually, the sex became aggressive, with mounting males aggressively biting their partners on the neck during the process. This left the recipient of their sexual advances with heavy scarring around the neck.
Weird acts of aggression also became the norm. Rodents were bitten on the tail. However, the aggressor would not simply bite the tail, they would hang on until their victim either set themselves free, or the tail was bitten off completely.
Some rodents completely withdrew from society. These were termed the “beautiful ones”, who would spend their entire day pruning themselves to look as beautiful as possible. However, they would not breed and they were significantly less intelligent than the average rodent.
There is perhaps a final, strange twist in Calhoun’s rodent experiments. Amongst the rampant cannibalism, paedophilia and violence, the rodents did not choose to disperse and form other communities, despite there being plenty of space to do so. They chose to live in cramped conditions, which in turn facilitated the violence. Utopia had deprived them of the generational knowledge to move somewhere else and rebuild:
Calhoun knew that he had created a living hell. He also knew it was not specific to rodents:
With his decades of experimental evidence, Calhoun realized what could be the cause of this voluntary extinction:
It was this realization that led him to believe he could perhaps solve the problem by providing the rodents with a “conceptual space”. His later experiments would try to nurture the rodents’ spirituality and creativity, before his career with the NIMH ended:
When we look at the origins of the NIMH, we discover its Prussian founder, Kurt Lewin. The decades of service that Calhoun gave to the NIMH provided a valuable insight into psycho-social behavior as it relates to population density and behavior. When he began exploring solutions to the problem he had discovered, his services were terminated. The Horrible Invisible Enemy already had what it wanted.
Unfortunately for Calhoun, he will be remembered by many as simply the inspiration for the cartoon: “The Secret of the NIMH”.
From Research to Strategy
Generally speaking, the foundation for any good strategy relies on solid research. The research we presented above pertains to social psychology, or understanding the manipulation of the masses.
How could the rodent research pertain to a strategy applied to humanity today?
Before we can answer this question, we must first reiterate the main objectives of the horrible invisible enemy. In short, it is to secure the world’s natural resources and supply chains while simultaneously solving a fictitious eugenics problem of overpopulation.
If they are successful, the vision laid out by the ReichsWEF would become a frightening reality.
Owning nothing would be similar to what transpired in Weimar Germany during the 1920s. Through a series of financial crises, the German people were left with nothing while the nation’s resources and supply chains were gobbled up by globalist corporations, many who pledged their future loyalty to Hitler. It is safe to say that many Germans were not happy, as they were plunged into misery and poverty.
How, therefore, does the ReichsWEF believe the people of today will suffer the same financial calamity, but be happy?
The answer may lie in the results observed from the rat experiments. In other words, they will be content because of the work of mass-social pyschology.
The “Rat in the Bucket” Psyop
Thinking back to Richter’s “rat in a bucket” experiment, we observed that wild rats would willingly give up and drown in the bucket in only a few minutes. However, when they were rescued from the bucket several times, they developed the hope that they would be rescued, and struggled to survive for days thereafter.
Even though the rat’s fate was sealed from the beginning, the mindsets of the wild rats was completely different to those who were rescued (or domesticated). When faced with certain death, the wild rats accepted their fate. The others, however, essentially looked to their Prussian masters to be saved.
What is important to note here is when the rats were placed in a hopeless situation, many of them believed the situation to be hopeful. Their mindset was completely out of touch with their reality; unable to discern what Richter really had in mind for them.
Let’s apply this concept to the last three years of the Chyna virus.
At the onset of the plandemic, the world was inundated with horrific scenes coming out of China:
At that moment in time, it appeared that humanity was facing a Black Death level threat.
Essentially, we were being placed in the proverbial rat bucket. Soon thereafter, Dr. Fauci was on the scene to allay our fears.
Fauci arrived, and we were removed from the bucket, for now.
Within a month, the fear mongering was ratcheted up again, and we were being placed back in the rat-bucket.
Now that Fauci had been established by the propaganda machine as the “savior”, his appeal was used to pull everyone out of the bucket……with a few conditions:
And so, in 2020, the Chyna virus feedback loop was generated:
The news from China was that a horrific virus was killing people in the streets. Using Richter’s experiment as a template, the metaphorical “bucket of water and certain death” was unleashed upon the world.
Fauci arrived as a trustworthy savior. He would rescue us from the bucket.
When the plandemic arrived in America, lockdowns and masks were necessary to rescue us from the bucket.
During the 2020 US election, the protection offered by mail-in ballots would rescue us from the bucket.
When Biden took office, vaccine mandates were needed to rescue us from the bucket.
New Covid variants emerged, and we were placed back in the bucket.
The global advice was “get your boosters”, in order to stay out of the bucket.
This control exerted upon humanity went on and on.
The rest, as the saying goes, is history. History is now providing some useful data points that are now being gathered by people like Dr. Alexander and Edward Dowd. Rather than portraying Fauci as a sage (and a sex symbol??), it is portraying him to be the new Curt Richter. Rather than testing out a hypothesis on a few hundred unfortunate rats, Fauci applied the hypothesis en-masse to a hapless global community.
Richter’s experiment did not show that hope created resilience. It showed that domesticated rats would do anything in the hope that their master would come and save them.
Many still follow Fauci’s sage-like recommendations. Their obedience provides them with hope and a sense of “happiness”, even though the data is beginning to tell a different story.
The Chyna Virus is just one of many “rat in the bucket” experiments; just one of the socio-pyschological operations that have been deployed on humanity. There are now buckets of water being created from every direction. One of the wilder ones is, “the planet will die, unless you eat bugs.”
Another one is, “stop using natural gas, to save the planet.”
The list goes on and on. These are all offshoots of Curt Richter’s original experiment.
When we return back to the ReichsWEF’s mantra “you will own nothing and be happy”, it now makes sense from a Prussian perspective.
We will own nothing because their goal is to secure the world’s entire capital base through a matrix of globalist corporations. How can we own anything if their end goal is to own everything?
We will be happy because as each crisis unfolds, we will be rescued from the metaphorical rat-bucket at each turn. We might have nothing, but we will be happy because we were “saved”.
At least, that’s what they intended for us to think….
We have explored how Curt Richter’s experiment has been used to reinforce Hegels master-slave dialectic. This allows the ReichsWEF to shape global policy, ensuring that humanity submits to their will.
Think back to John Calhoun’s mouse utopia experiment. In every single experiment there was a population collapse. Before this occurred, the rodents experienced severe abnormal behaviors that would precipitate the depopulation event.
We know that the ReichsWEF and their partners believe an overpopulation problem exists. We also know that they believe themselves to be the “masters of the future”.
Their narrative begs the question, how do they intend to solve the overpopulation problem?
Let’s look at some of the bizarre psychological behaviors displayed by Calhoun’s decaying rodent populations, and compare them to the policy recommendations of the ReichsWEF and their affiliates.
Calhoun mentioned that cannibalism became rampant during the rodent population decline.
What better way to make cannibalism cool than to eat celebrity meat.
Calhoun observed that male mice began to display rampant acts of homosexuality, which then morphed into non-breeding sex acts and paedophilia. It was Calhoun who coined the term, pansexuality.
Recall that it was UNESCO, founded by eugenicist Julian Huxley and Tavistock, which began implementing the mandatory acceptance of all sexualities and genders within school systems.
In addition to pansexuality, the most-evil of sexual traits is trying to be normalized within our global community; this evil is paedophilia.
Random Violence
Calhoun also noted that nasty, unwarranted violence began creeping into the rodent colony.
The rapid rise in crime across many US cities was preceded by a political drive intent on defunding the police.
Forgotten Children
Perhaps the most tragic part of Calhoun’s mouse utopia experiments was the decline of female rodents’ desire to look after their young. Many young pups were left to die, and usually were eaten by others. There was also a spate of female pregnancies failing to reach full-term. These tragedies left the colony with a rapidly decreasing birth rate, which eventually fell to zero.
Again, the pro-abortion protests after the Roe v Wade decision illustrated some eerily similar patterns to Calhoun’s experiments.
Another Tavistock invention, the World Health Organization, goes as far as listing abortion as an essential service:
Social Psychological Rhyming
By now it should be evident that a strange correlation exists between the abnormal psychological phenomena observed in Calhoun’s mouse utopia experiments and the policies and programs that are being promoted by celebrities, governments, the WHO, UNESCO and the ReichsWEF.
These similarities exist because they are one and the same.
We must reiterate that the abnormal behaviors of Calhoun’s mice were observed at the same time the rodent colony population began collapsing toward extinction. Is the horrible invisible enemy attempting to generate the same socio-psychological environment for humanity, thereby preparing the grounds for a similar population collapse?
This may sound like a terrible sci-fi movie plot, but Calhoun believed it was possible. From his infamous paper, Death Squared:
Calhoun observed that it is “complex behaviors” that ensures a species’ survival. These complexities create the necessary skill sets that allow a species to breed, nest, feed, defend and most importantly, raise healthy new generations into the future. There is an innate drive in almost every male and female to complete the tasks accomplished by their ancestors, and prepare their children for the same journey.
When that drive is lost, Calhoun asserts that it almost certainly means the death of a species. Critically, and more specifically, Calhoun describes this dangerous scenario occurring when these complex behaviors become fragmented.
To wit, we present to you the 2023 motto of the ReichsWEF at their annual gathering of psychopaths in Davos:
Given what we have presented thus far, does one think it’s merely a coincidence that the ReichsWEF have chosen this theme, at precisely this point in time?
Where Do We Go From Here?
We are at war with a monolithic neo-Prussian entity who wishes to secure the world’s resources and supply chains whilst simultaneously depopulate the planet.
The battlefield is no longer land, sea, air, or even space. It is in the minds of every individual, and it is a worldwide war. We are in a battle where each individual must make a choice between freedom and free will, or to align with an enemy presenting themselves as a savior.
The ReichsWEF motto of “fragmentation” sends a clear message of their intent.
They want us fragmented; they want us divided. Divided we are weak, and weakness within a population means it can be conquered. In this war, we must learn, unlearn, and relearn how to stay strong; we must do this together.
Sun Tzu understood that knowing the enemy is half the battle. We sincerely hope that #PrussiaGate has provided helpful insights in this regard. Sun Tzu also noted that it is imperative to know yourself; specifically, the inner works of your mind. These two conditions are vital in overcoming the fear of battle.
From this perspective, I thoroughly recommend General Flynn and Sergeant Boone Cutler’s study guide “The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare”. It provides all the relevant information needed to navigate this unprecedented psychological battlefield.
Not only will you be able to see the enemy and their advances upon your mind, the guide provides valuable introspection vital to understand one’s self through the battle.
“When you know your enemy, and you know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.” Sun Tzu
https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/14/u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/ ↩︎
https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/5736 ↩︎
https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/493026-fauci-on-petition-to-make-him-sexiest-man-alive-where-were-you-when-i-was/ ↩︎
https://www.realclearpolitics.com/2022/08/26/anthony_fauci_a_prophet_for_public_health_578024.html ↩︎
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https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/02/17/nih-disease-official-anthony-fauci-risk-of-coronavirus-in-u-s-is-minuscule-skip-mask-and-wash-hands/4787209002/ ↩︎
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https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/fauci-predicts-americans-will-likely-need-stay-home-least-several-n1164701 ↩︎
https://www.theguardian.com/food/2021/may/08/if-we-want-to-save-the-planet-the-future-of-food-is-insects ↩︎
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