Prussian Weaponized Philosophy


True freedom is extremely illusive. I would argue there have been very few times in human history, where humans have been free from tyrannical rule. Maybe when people were truly free, anarchy prevailed, but anarchy is certainly not freedom. Freedom is living within appropriately designed, agreed-to laws which align with our God-given rights. For example, a speed limit has the spirit of love behind it. It seeks to preserve life. Freedom allows each community to choose what that limit might be. If the community choose no speed limit, that is freedom. They may review that law, if too many people die as a result.

1776 was a pivotal year for the United States, but also for the entire world. Freedom was being declared and appropriate laws were being drafted. One could be forgiven for thinking that the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution are only relevant to the US people. I would agree with this comment IF that tyrannical government was contained within the US. But what if a tyrannical government had entrenched itself in the US first, and expanded its reach throughout the globe? If this were true, then the US Constitution may be good news for the entire world.

The uniqueness of the US Constitution is that the ultimate power to govern rests with the people; and those people also have guns. Accordingly, the US Constitution provides a legal right for the people to seize authority back from any government that has become tyrannical.

So, if a tyrannical regime established a system of international government in order to gain world-wide control, any international Constitution offering people freedom would not exist. The head of the snake would likely live in the most powerful country on earth; a country that is home to the world’s banking system; a country whose military has been used as the global-military, oppressing any nation who don’t play by the rules. The Constitution of that nation would potentially be critical for humanity; not just for itself.

I suspect that this is exactly where the world finds itself. People in every nation on earth are now sensing the presence of this evil snake, and we can see the resistance to tyranny growing. There is one Constitution on earth that this invisible enemy is very upset about. The article will demonstrate that this invisible enemy appears to have been upset about the US Constitution, and the freedom it secures, since day one.

The invisible hand of tyranny has been waging war on humanity since time began. The #PrussiaGate papers are revealing the patterns and the playbook of this illusive beast. It has been demonstrated how this Prussian army slowly transformed into a corporate version of itself during the 1871-1917 window, as it seized control of all nations on earth, initially via a centralized banking system and then via international treaties emerging during the two world wars. The once formidable fighting army was morphing into a world-wide ideology, essentially weaponizing philosophy. Make no mistake though; they still believed they ruled over their citizenry; they were still extremely nasty; and they still used weapons. They would now commence weaponizing the collective-mind of humanity.

Let’s explore the exact nature of this battle; when it really started; and who is running the show today. To do this properly, we need to be reminded of a few key events in history.

By the late 1700’s, most of Europe had been brought to submission by this tyrannical rule, and these nations were now busy “building back better” thanks to the new debt-based banking system established in 1694 with the creation of the Bank of England (BoE). Detail is relevant here; as the creation of the London Corporation and BoE was done under the rule of William of Orange, alongside his wife and cousin, Queen Mary II. (Marrying the cousins was quite common among this invisible monarchy, and we still see that in modern times where Queen Elizabeth II married her cousin, Prince Phillip).

Having brought Europe to heel, the invisible enemy was now watching the US very carefully. The preparation of the Stamp Act and Townshend Act would lead to 1770 Boston massacre and much civil unrest. History shows that this unrest would ultimately usher in the American Revolutionary War in 1775. Understanding the key dates is critical to this story, noting that the Prussians usually made significant legal and structural changes during the fog of war.

October 1774

April 19, 1775

Jan 10, 1776

July 4, 1776

July, 1776

Dec 25, 1776

Sept 3, 1783

Sept 28, 1787

March 4, 1789

March 4, 1789

Source links for those interested:

Phi Beta Kappa:

As you could imagine, this was a frenetic time for both the US and the UK, as the powers of control would be shifting. Because Prussia was an army without a nation, it was always infiltrating the leadership of other nations. While hidden from view, the Prussian ideology was always planning its next regime of control. To do this, it controlled monarchy and used secret societies.

This means the formation of the oldest secret society in the US, is worth looking at.

Phi Beta Kappa was founded on December 5, 1776. This was all within six months of the Declaration of Independence! It goes without saying that the Prussian monarchy knew all about the petitions to King George III and the exact nature of the patriot uprising in the US. Is this just a coincidence?

This invisible enemy had just commenced the infiltration of the US. Cleverly it would remain hidden behind a veil of philosophy and truth, as Phi Beta Kappa was a harmless “academic honor society”. In time, all truth would be undeniable, because they would define it. Questioning truth would die a quiet death, because those who ever questioned the truth of this regime, also died a quiet death.

While humanity was searching for peace, this self-appointed, evil monarchy was making its own rules. Perhaps seeking to dodge universal spiritual laws and possible karmic blow-back, the invisible enemy created a convoluted system of Admiralty Law that declared humanity “lost at sea, or elsewhere in the realm”, ensuring it only ever engaged with dead humans.


For those interested, the set-up for our current system of civil laws and debt-based banking all took place during the 1666 – 1702 window, under the reign of William of Orange. This is detailed in the #PrussiaGate 1666 article.

The emergence of Phi Beta Kappa suggests that a new ideological weapon was covertly being established within the US from 1776 onwards. It was a kingdom of the mind, parading around as absolute truth. “Trust the science”, it would say. This invisible enemy were creating a realm of philosophy. Without realizing it, humanity was being placed into a mind-control program. Eventually, it would be a crime to question anything, let alone suggest there is an invisible enemy, or a Deep State!

The name may have come from the Greek motto ‘philosophia biou kybernētēs’ – “philosophy – the guide of life”. This confirms the direction that this society would head. Here they are today:

Unfortunately, there is an emerging reality on earth that is very different to what we all thought. The vast influence of this invisible enemy is being slowly revealed. This is a journey we will all take together.

Knowing that this invisible enemy uses symbols, coded-language and public clues to communicate their actions, let’s explore the founding of Phi Beta Kappa?

The Society was founded at the college founded by William of Orange in 1693 and named after he and his wife, Mary. The house of Orange was tied deeply to the Prussian rulers, the Hohenzollern, who hold the title prince of Orange.

Understanding the history of Prussia will inevitably lead you to the House of Orange, which was also the House of Hohenzollern. This is all detailed in the #PrussiaGate papers.

The origins of tyranny, far too consistently come back to the Oranges. This leads to an awkward question. Rather than being a dope, and unfit to be President; was this what President Trump meant when three times he “accidently” said we need to get to the “oranges” of the investigation?

Don’t think for one minute that the British didn’t know the power of secret societies! Obviously, Freemasonry is a famous one, but several were around during the 1700’s. For the deep diggers, here is a comprehensive article looking at the European monarchy and their marriages. It shows a devotion to preserving the royal lineage descended from Rosicrucian “Alchemical Wedding” of Frederick V of the Palatinate and Elizabeth Stuart. This was no hobby, this was a vast, planned network of rulership.

Alfalfa Club:

Prussia was an invisible army that remained continually mobile. The #PrussiaGate papers have shown the significance of the 1666 – 1702 and the 1871 – 1917 windows, where Prussia infiltrated, oppressed and then activated their corporate/ banking strategy. This playbook was applied first around Europe (1666 – 1702) and then around the entire earth (1871 – 1917).

The creation of the Alfalfa Club in 1913 just before WW1 in 1914 was significant, particularly given its notable membership (listed later). Here is a 1917 publication outlining the origin history of the Club:

The fascinating story of Alfalfa’s history records that these great royal secrets had been discovered at some unknown location in a secret chamber that was discovered behind a loose stone. In recent times, this was confirmed by documents found in Germany.

The story goes on to note that Alfalfa Club name was given by King Menes, of ancient times. The Alfalfa Club was entrusted to protect the “great royal secrets.” It seems that these great secrets had moved around various monarchies for centuries. The secrets were said to be “the power behind the throne through generations of dynasties.”

The book goes on to say the secrets included knowledge about ancient herbs that seemed to provide the “pep”, essential to surviving war and oppression.

The above screen also makes a very unusual reference to the District of Columbia. If accurate, this further confirms our previous assertions that the Prussian infiltration into global corporations took place during the 1871 – 1917 window.

Recall, that the Prince of Prussia was made Emperor of Germany in January 1871 and Washington DC was made a Corporate in February 1871. Whatever this ancient code or knowledge that the Alfalfa Club had, they were now using it to craft new laws for the District of Columbia.

What on earth could these new laws for DC be about?

What we do know is that the Alfalfa Club was founded in 1913; in the same year as the Federal Reserve Act. I do not consider this to be a coincidence.

I believe that the Alfalfa Club was established as a think tank of carefully-selected political and business leaders, assigned with crafting laws and language applicable to corporations (corpses) and banking. One example of such language is the term ‘mortgage’, which literally means “death pledge”. The reference to DC laws involving “wet goods” is a reference to commerce, and relates to products containing liquids. The sale of animals is an example.

History records show that the late 1600s and early 1700s were characterized by the massive African slave trade into America, coordinated and funded out of the UK by royals, politicians and merchants, via the Royal African Company. This trade accelerated under the reign of William of Orange in 1689. The House of Orange/ Prussian regime now controlling the UK Crown, likely developed and refined the techniques and laws that allowed the legal trade of human cargo (being “wet goods”).

By 1917, the central reserve banking system had been established and it was planned to place all citizens into an elaborate system of commerce. This captivity would eventually be seen as debt slavery, but in the early days, it was cleverly framed as opportunity and prosperity. New language and new laws were being introduced to the US people. The Alfalfa Club appears to be the vehicle empowered to do this.

Language is essential to casting the spell over humanity. When people adopt the invisible narrator’s language and global story-line, we come into agreement with their creation. We are not creating; we are responding. Our agreement confirms we are in an active contract and we are now joined together in civil law. A mandate is just an offer of a contract. If it is not agreed to, there is no law. Tacit agreement by compliance, is what creates the law. It matters not that it violates our freedoms, because we agreed to a contract. This is a modern expression of ancient Roman Trust law, where the Trustee in Roman times could legally steal and deceive in perpetuity, provided the beneficiary didn’t object.

This Alfalfa document goes on to reveal that these ‘secrets’ were essential to winning wars, and that the Kaiser (Prince of Prussia) depended on these for his successes in battle. This is an incredible connection, linking Prussian ideology to current international government. Furthermore, don’t forget that at this time, the Prince of Prussia was the German Emperor, who was also the Arbiter of the Treaty of Washington (1871) between the US and the UK, created in May 1871.

The story of Alfalfa goes on to note that things need to remain hidden “until there is a termination of the present conditions”. The statement goes on to suggest that these secrets will eventually give Germany supremacy. Supremacy over what?

The connections between (1) the US entry into WW1, (2) the Alfalfa Club laws for the District of Columbia corporation, and (3) the role of the US central bankers, cannot be discarded. The Zimmerman Telegraph shows that US were essentially goaded into the war, after they were attacked by Germany.

1917 would also see President Wilson launch ‘The Inquiry”. The intricate planning around 1917 is obvious, once you know where and how to look.

The Inquiry planned the peace treaties that would follow WW1, and launched the leaders that would go on to attend the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, which then directly led to the creation of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1921.

Weaponizing Philosophy would eventually require the “scholars” to be installed into global leadership, The origins of The Inquiry and the CFR reveal exactly when and how this took place; it was in 1917 and it was overseen by philosophers.

The CFR is a think-tank discussing international issues, running the David Rockefeller Studies Program (whose family-line was Prussian) and advising presidents, congress and interacting with media, while also being the “story-teller” to the world in respect of foreign affairs. That is some power!

Not only was the US were attacked by German missiles in 1917. We are now able to show that their academic system had been attacked, their finance system had been attacked, their secret societies had been attacked, their political system had been attacked, their scientific community had been attacked and their media had been attacked. The rise of global corporations would mean the media would be easy prey for infiltration, over time. The myriad of Treaties that would emerge during the two world wars, would ensure their intelligence agencies would also be brought under control.

This is why Trump said:

“We were attacked like never before; not since 1917”.

“1917 - the Great Pandemic, they say, which some say did not end until the end of 1945; the soldiers were too sick to fight”.

Back to the Alfalfa history. Supremacy, or control, would only be achieved if “it is for the benefits of this country, which, of course, would be the realization of my ambition.” This appears to be a direct admission of German infiltration of the US. The method behind the new DC laws would be design to make the US people think that this new banking system was for their benefit, and was in their interests. The presence of new money after a powerful performance in WW1 was the means to achieve this objective. Prussia was seizing its next host, while creating a new legal language and public narrative that would make the people buy-in to this new regime.

This Alfalfa history provides a fantastic insight into the Deep State; why they need to remain invisible and keep the people under a spell. We can now begin to see what long-term enemy-plan the 2016-2020 Trump-era leadership interrupted. Trump simply revealed that this plan wasn’t “for the benefit of this country”, and people slowly began to see it. In four short years he destroyed an infiltration plan that commenced in 1776, and got fully launched in 1917, during the fog of WW1.

Let’s summarize some facts around 1917:

Contemplate the vast authority and context that the Kaiser had at this time. Really consider it. He had active influence in all three major nations in WW1, including one that attacked the US. He appears to have been passing on secrets to the Alfalfa Club, who would become one of the most significant Clubs in the US; with Presidents, politicians and billionaires on its membership. Furthermore, all three of the nations he was overseeing were working together to establish a centralized banking system that would eventually control every nation on earth through a debt-based monetary system. The role of the Prince of Prussia on earth at this time, cannot be overstated.

The US was at war was from 1917 – 1945. The Prussian Empire was dissolved in 1947; exactly 33 years after WW1 commenced in July of 1914. Could this be a Masonic clue that the transfer of Prussian power into the global corporations and banking system had been successfully achieved?

In my view, 1917 saw the launch of the most significant mind-weapon upon humanity. Philosophy had been weaponized on a global scale. Banking was involved; education was involved; science was involved; media was involved; religion was involved. All the pieces were in place for an incredible assault on humanity.

“It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.” – George Carlin.

This entire infiltration is summed up brilliantly by George Carlin in this short clip:

Here is a link to many recognizable people who are members of the Club (the Alfalfa Club).

Here is just one example of a significant Prussian agent who is a member of the Alfalfa Club and also linked to an elite academic society.

Prussian ideology had weaponized philosophy, ensuring that the world would be endlessly fighting each other about correct belief and which philosophy you identify with. This war against human consciousness is ferocious. This mind virus is controlling people’s belief systems, luring them into ideological arguments, all while this evil monarchy remains hidden in the shadows. Dressler’s speech in The Sum of All Fears suggests that the internet and television would allow for the creation of such an airborne virus:

Who is the President of Alfalfa Club today, and are they relevant to society?

Who is the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations today?

H/T Patel Patriot for finding the current, active authority of the Alfalfa Club in the US and in global governance:

Devolution - Part 14

This is another fantastic article by Patel Patriot that connects the current devolution of the US government with the #PrussiaGate papers. It also explores some incredible connections between the Alfalfa Club and its leaders today and the other organizations they influence. It is quite brilliant. I would encourage all readers to read this article carefully, and all of Patel’s articles on devolution. They encourage expansive thinking.

Patel Patriot’s article provides a powerful conclusion that shows how the US government became so infiltrated, and that some form of devolution of government was the only way to defeat this invisible enemy. After all, the invisible enemy had been planning for this moment since 1776.

Devolution reveals a covert patriot operation taking place just out of public view. This is ironic, as the enemy’s infiltration of government was done precisely the same way; covertly, just out of public view. While the head of this beast in the US, it now has a powerful influence world-wide. The vaccine for this mind virus, was deployed by Trump. The vaccine was total freedom. Equally, any directive by Trump about the vaccine would have been labelled tyrannical and conspiratorial, allowing him to be presented as a dictator. He simply gave people the freedom to choose and stood aside. This is the correct way to fight an ancient philosophical weapon. You cannot just take the counter-view, as this perpetuates the philosophical war. You must always promote freedom of choice. In this war of tyranny versus freedom, the vaccine was Trump’s greatest achievement.

My sense is that we will need to revert back to the constitutional freedom established in 1776 and get about winning the real battle that commenced during the fog of World War 1, which I am suggesting actually commenced in 1917, exactly as Trump told us.

There is much work to be done to win this war and create transparency in government. Essentially, we must remove the Prussian ruling monarchy for their authority seats, along with all its ideology. This requires us all to recognized what weaponized philosophy actually looks and feels like. The media gaslighting, critical race theory and identity-accusations are a good place to start learning.

This tyrannical desire to rule others must also be removed from within ourselves. Tyranny has been at play on the earth for a long time. We have all been oppressed by it, in some way and we have all oppressed others, in some way. In a way, humanity could be considered as an abuse victim. Self-examination brings the permission to begin healing.

Good luck.