The Religious Edict of 1788 is the Prussian declaration of divine rule, much like the 1302 Papal Bull, Unum Sanctam. They took responsibility as the “sovereign” over people within their dominion. This group were likely working in concert with the 1666 Sabbatai Zevi proclamation, as this Edict is created within 12 years of Adam Weishaupt founding a secret society (The Illuminati) on May 1, 1776.
Now the timing of this in respect to the US revolutionary war in 1776 is incredible. Furthermore, this Edict was also around the time the Crown began colonizing Australia and the Pacific Region in 1788! These self-appointed world leaders were getting very busy.
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This edict created such conflict that pastors were resigning and there were public protests! The war was between those writing pamphlets and the Prussian media. This sounds familiar…
This edict is coming from a place of knowledge. He knew exactly what he was saying and the ‘subjects’ were not going to have a voice. This was the exact moment that the teachings of man carried the same authority as the bible; specifically, the New Testament. Recall, that the old Pharisees had ‘locked up’ the Old Testament in the same fashion. Jesus’ teaching was dangerous because he didn’t sit under the authority (or the yoke) of any ‘anointed’ teacher. The Deep State needed to bring the teaching of Christ under their authority in the same way. Free thinking, away from the establishment’s narrative, will not be tolerated.
The censorship machine of the day, moved into full gear:
Incredibly, Fredrick William III defeated this dogmatic ideology, during his time. I suspect evil learned how they failed and moved onto debt slavery to create more distraction from these “damned free-thinkers”. His blueprint: Embrace the Socratic method of continual questioning and stop worrying!
Prussia appears to be more a concept/ideology than a state. Initially, Prussia was an area occupied by tough pagan tribes. The Teutonic Knights were invited over to “tame” them. This took over 60 years, but eventually “order” was established from the “chaos”. The Hohenzollern did not rule Prussia straight away, but had managed to survive and stay high within the ranks of Charlemagne Holy Roman Empire. This family-method of rule involved expansion predominantly through acquisition and treaty; crushing patriots and aspiring-nobility (which was essentially the middle-class of the day) within their lands to avoid uprisings. The Teutonic Order ran out of money and gave their right-of-rule of Prussian lands to the Hohenzollern. This resulted a merging of the Teutonic Knight Order (think Templars) and the Hohenzollern ideology of ‘expansion through acquisition’. The Hohenzollern ideology now enjoyed the benefit of a Teutonic order-based military.
Both these Orders were about taming and crushing dissent from within. How is this best achieved? By enlisting its own citizenry and creating a professional standing army. This was something other rulers could not afford. Any internal dissent would be crushed & punished. That is the idea of Prussia and is exactly why they were labelled “not a state with an army, but an army that controls states”. The patterns today are identical. The use of propaganda has created a citizenry that bows to the invisible enemy that enslaves them. Indeed, many desire to be “governed harder” and mock anyone who suggests that an invisible enemy even exists.
The evolution of Prussia would never have been about Germany itself, but building a strong base from which to dominate the world. This would explain Jesuits, Bavaria illuminati, banking, corporations, organized religion and global governance such as the U.N., W.H.O. and the World Bank.
The pattern is consistent: The invisible enemy effectively is defeated in the public eye, in order to become invisible. While there are many off-shoots and other detail, this is a summary of the invisible enemy’s take-over of humanity:
Persia lost to Greece.
Greece to Rome
Rome to Charlemagne (Holy Roman Empire (HRE))
HRE to Hohenzollern/ Prussia
Prussia to Germany
Germany to International Corporations/ USA/ Crown/ Fed Reserve Banking System
As a more-recent example, look at the US defeat of Germany in the 1940s. Look at the lunacy of Hitler’s decision to go to war.
It appears that the U.S. were victors, but the required infiltration had taken place decades earlier. In reality, the enemy was already printing the people’s money for them! The invisible enemy had planning this, well before-hand. The people of the winning nation celebrated and become willingly compliant to their State, oblivious to the fact that they are empowering the invisible enemy, that had just infiltrated them and would destroy them at some point in the future. This same pattern occurred in the Revolutionary War of 1776 where the ‘Crown’ appeared to be defeated. Citizenry think in terms of nations, but the Prussian’s are an army without a nation. The invisible hand would return soon after the Battle of Waterloo, dressed up like the Bank of England and the Rothschilds, placing them into debt slavery.
Spiritually, this tyrannical rule has served several purposes:
crush the creative capacity of the human soul with creative capacity, in order to test how much humans truly desire to have a free-will;
create a highly disciplined regime, which is critical for human survival during a low frequency, fear-driven period on earth;
train us to experience duality (right and wrong) and conditional love, so that the experience of unconditional love has a richer colour and context;
provide an exercise for our free-will to choose peace and love over evil;
learn what tyrannical rule feels like, so that we learn how to be leaders who lead with wisdom and compassion.
Once we realise the presence of this old guard, it must be put away. To live with it would be to side with the agenda of evil. Consciously, we cannot live with evil once it is evident in our consciousness. This is why it is reasonable to suggest that the real sin that humans commit, is unconsciousness.