Prince of Orange, Germany and World Domination

The House of Hohenzollern seems to be an old title, relegated to the history books. Would it surprise you to learn that the head of this House still have claim to the title, Prince of Orange? They still style themselves as the Prince of Prussia or Prince of Orange, despite suggesting Prussia has been relegated to history. The status of such nobility remains unknown; however, they have not ceased to exist. Meet the current Prince of Prussia.


Recall that Prussia is an “army without a state”. These Houses have incredible influence in the regions they occupy or influence. In the same vein as Caesar in the Roman Empire, the head of Prussia was known as the Kaiser. Whatever authority these Houses had, we can observe that they were politically, very sensitive. The Kings and Queens of the day where very careful in their connections. Notice the connection below between the House of Hohenzollern and the House of Doorn.


These 1918 connections from Queen Wilhelmina’s husband to the Kaiser show the pattern of this global monarchy.

Some even believe that Kaiser was the primary WW1 inciter, and that he got away with it and was offered refuge by the Dutch queen Wilhelmina, in the House of Doorn. The dates and patterns around the Prussian strategies of infiltration and invasion show that these accusations having merit. Simon Oak went as far as writing a song about it:

Below is an article that chronicles the events around the Kaiser’s crowning on 18 January 1871.


What is incredible, is that this article celebrating the crowing of the Prince of Prussia as the first German Emperor was published exactly one week after January 6 and exactly one week before the US Presidential Inauguration day in 2020. Was a crowning taking place, that had nothing to do with the will of the people?

Notice that one month after Wilhelm’s crowning, the US Congress passed the Act of 1871 on February 21, which established the District of Columbia as a Corporation.


The authority behind the Kingdom of Prussia had created a highly-sophisticated corporate structure that would allow it to “occupy” the entire earth. It would implement this in the period from 1871 – 1917. WW1 would provide the necessary distraction for the associated corporate banking systems to be inserted into key nations.

Corporations are corpses; they are not living entities. Whether big or small, they have a hidden hand who controls them. In many cases, that hand is us, as we run our business. But globally, there is a much larger hidden hand who controls the Federal Reserve banking system, the World Bank, the World Health Organization and the United Nations. This invisible hand uses debt to control the nations. Who are these authorities?

Lets start with the German Emperor in 1871 and explore the flow of power that would become world oppression.

Photo: Look at the symbols on Italy’s Mussolini and Germany’s Hitler.

Europe was all owned by same invisible hand. The great army of Prussia had a simple playbook: Infiltrate, elevate, militarize, tax, collapse and then govern over the long-term with a debt-based banking system. In this process, all freedom-loving patriots were essentially defeated by their own wives and children, as the need for new money and government assistance was essential for their very survival. Anyone who didn’t support the “build back better” narrative was considered an idiot, when so much new money was available to rebuild.

So, the Prussians had a hereditary Prince from a long-ruling family, now ruling the German State and appearing as the German President. Is this a democracy controlled by the people, or a Monarchy?

Is this is why they can steal elections, because they appoint their Emperors? Where did the Prussians go after 1945? Were the two world wars just massive distractions?

Germany, literally lays out the prototype for how the Prussians would go about achieving world domination. Four Powers created a framework for many world-wide alliances, which were really just military-coalitions, that effective would become the United Nations. Notice how Germany gained its “sovereignty” in March of 1991 and the Maastricht Treaty was signed on 7 February 1992 that was the foundation treaty for the European Union.

Recall, the Prussian ideology does not own nations; it a belligerent occupier. Consistently, through history, its belligerent occupation earned it the right to tax the people. This was the pathway to their desired New World Order.

Condominiums were a way for the unelected monarchs to create the UN to control (and profit from) trade between sovereign nations. These condominiums (treaties and charters) in the mid-1900s exactly reflect the Zollverein treaties of the mid-1800s which was a coalition of German states to manage tariffs. Arnold H. Price records that, “The foundation of the Zollverein was the first instance in history in which independent states consummated a full economic union without the simultaneous creation of a political federation or union.” The UN is a world wide version of these treaties.

Source plus other links:

The Zollverein Treaties served as a ‘road test’ for what the Prussian ideology would impose upon the entire earth one century later, via UN treaties, NGOs and a centralized banking system. This invisible ideological hand had to become more-concealed in order to occupy nations, but it also had to become more-gentle. You see. the horrific attacks the Prussian army waged in the middle ages were no longer palatable for humanity, who was maturing beyond such behavior.

In addition to trade control, these treaties and charters would also create world-wide surveillance capabilities. They appear safe, however we are learning that they are easily weaponized. Notice that the Five Eyes surveillance agreement started in August 1941, right in the middle of WW2, as part of the Atlantic Charter.

As is the Prussian way, these initiatives all appear to bring new freedoms and opportunity, and they did. However the invisible hand of control was also strengthening its grip on the world. As one example, the Atlantic Charter of 1941 and the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 would eventually evolve into what we know as North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). NATO is now an intergovernmental military alliance of 28 nations. It is a legal entity.

Those who control the governments of the world have been crafting their very subtle international laws. Let me introduce you to “Great Power”, which is a sovereign state, which is defined as:

A sovereign state is a political entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states


People look to individual nations as the potential enemy, however the real enemy is not another country; it is a global monarchy that rules over humanity. Thinking in terms of individual countries allows for the deception.

The Prussian model must be thoroughly examined to understand the true captivity that humanity is enslaved within. Prussia would violently crush a foreign nation, feign defeat in a previously controlled area, change their name and fade away into history. The horrible truth is that the people within the country that just had a military victory are willingly controlled by its government, now run by its new victorious leaders. Feeling like they are moving towards a new era, this compliant population support the killing of all dissidents, as they move into their new power. But the victory is an elaborate illusion, as they are really occupied by a nasty military force that will eventually allow for their own defeat, leaving the nation in ruin. Appearing to have lost, this evil invisible hand has a new host and is off planning its next battles, under the guise of a new national power.

We can now see that this Prussian Empire is the same “force” that morphed itself into a new invisible army between 1871 and 1917. Essentially, this invisible hand became an elaborate series of corporations that would place the entire world into financial-slavery and control via Treaties/ Charters/ Great Powers, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and global entities such as W.H.O., World Bank, E.U., NATO, Council on Foreign Relations etc.

The Prussian army went global and in doing so, it became invisible. To truly seize control of the earth, Prussian ideology would need to become owned by the people. It would need to be a powerful idea. Here is Bush Snr (#41) on September 11, 1991 talking about this New World Order “big idea” that will “fulfil the promise and vision of the UN’s founders:

WWI was the smoke screen to set it all up and WWII would seal the deal. To achieve its ultimate transition into a New World Order, it would need to infiltrate every major nation on earth and control their Intelligence Agencies. The UK Crown would be selected one of the main vehicle that the Prussians would use, however the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Arabia would play an equally significant role in the infiltration. The infiltration would be done during the distraction of world wars and the associated economic hardship.

Consider that there is no world war taking place. No nation is waging war on another nation. There are no significant civil wars taking place.

We are in a global war for the mind of humanity. The prize is the right for eternal taxation and control over the will of humanity. This war is against the Prussian ideology. The playbook has not changed for centuries.

The Prussian way is to kill or be killed. They will either conquer humanity or they will be obliterated forever. This is a zero-sum game being played over the right to control humanity in perpetuity.

Only once you see your enemy, can you defeat it. This particularly enemy is an idea or an ideology, which means it is invisible. The enemy is a mental-construct; it is a mind-virus.