Firstly, a very special thanks goes out to two patriots; one who has been live-reading this series and another whose research on devolution has become intertwined with the #PrussiaGate series. Their content and presentations are cutting-edge. Please check them both out:
Patrick Gunnels:
Patel Patriot:
Patel Patriot’s Devolution Series
and on Telegram at:
Invisible to Visible:
We arrive at the final Part in this series which has focused on the invisible enemy’s tactics in Nazi Germany. This history offers a valuable guide for understanding the patterns and playbook of the enemy we are facing today. “You cannot leave a captivity that you cannot see.”
General Smedley Butler is a national treasure. He was the most decorated Marine in history and he used every tool at his disposal to expose the invisible enemy that we face today.
In 1934, he even dared to expose a fascist plot to overthrow the US government. One of the men he claimed was behind the coup attempt, was Prescott Bush.
One year later, the General made a speech which he then published as a short book, “War is a Racket”. For those interested, we featured this book in our article, Hegel, War, the Owl and the Slaves of Bohemia.
General Butler focused particularly on the exorbitant profits made by a handful of corporations after America was baited into WWI. His research offered the world a significant revelation.
General Butler died in 1940. Had he witnessed the horrors of WWII, I have no doubt he would have published a sequel. The lives lost, profits made, and debt incurred upon a sovereign nation, were significantly larger than WWI.
The invisible enemy General Butler identified was not arriving from across the ocean; nor was it arriving from the skies above. He was exposing one that was already occupying the boardrooms of many large corporations.
Blood and Treasure
WWI saw about 20 million lives lost. In WWII, approximately 80 million lives were lost. In addition to the trail of destruction and horrific death toll, by the end of WWII America’s debt levels were beyond anything ever seen before; dwarfing WWI.
America had increased its debt by 82% of GDP. In today’s terms, this equates to approximately $17 trillion. It would take 30 years before the national debt returned to pre-WWII levels. Paid back with back-breaking taxation, just as General Butler predicted.
Germany spent exorbitant sums of money re-militarizing throughout the 1930s and many companies made huge profits from Nazi-government contracts. As the threat of yet another world war loomed, those same companies would make huge profits from contracts with nations who would eventually be forced to defend themselves against the Nazis and the Axis powers.
Who were these companies and what is their legacy today?
IG Farben:
Recall, IG Farben was part of the Nazi-cartel that emerged in the mid-1920s as American capital flowed into German corporations under the Dawes Plan. This enabled them to fund Hitler’s political campaigns. Between 1927 and 1939, the company’s operations doubled in size. Hugely profitable agreements were made with American firms such as Standard Oil, DuPont, Alcoa and Dow Chemical.
Farben was instrumental in setting German foreign policy, giving them a distinct advantage in predicting future global conflict:
As the atrocities of Nazi Germany came to light, IG Farben’s reputation was destroyed:
Farben was ultimately seized by Allied Forces and eventually broken up into separate chemical companies: Bayer (Monsanto), Hoechst and BASF. Today, these companies are some of the biggest chemical, pharmaceutical and GMO food companies in the world.
In typical Prussian style, IG Farben never retreated; it just rebranded.
Strangely, the shell company never disappeared. In 1999, the parent company’s shares were still being traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Over 50 years later, speculators were still betting on Farben:
Standard Oil and General Motors:
Recall that Rockefeller held a major stake in IG Farben. His flagship company, Standard Oil, was critical in solving Germany’s energy dependence problem. Without Rockefeller’s energy partnership, it would have been impossible for Germany to have launched WWII:
Another critical technology in the lead up to WWII was the anti-knocking compound, ethyl lead. In 1924, Standard Oil and General Motors partnered-up to produce the compound. When the Nazis took control of Germany, the US military warned about collaborating with the dictatorship:
The warning was completely ignored. Not only was the know-how shared, Standard Oil and General Motors partnered with IG Farben to produce the compound, directly in Germany!
Today, the legacy companies of Standard Oil remain some of the world’s largest oil companies; Chevron, ExxonMobil, British Petroleum and Marathon Petroleum.
The Rockefeller family remains one of the richest families in the world. In yet another coincidence, the Rockefellers ancestors are from the German principality of Neuwied. Neuwied was under the direct rule of the House of Orange, and eventually to the kingdom of Prussia, potentially making the Rockefeller family one of the world’s wealthiest Prussian Oranges.
Much is known about Henry Ford’s association with the Nazis, and his allegiances were recognized in 1938:
When did Henry Ford begin nurturing his relationship with the Nazis?
Recall in Part V we showed how Ludendorff infiltrated and brokered deals between political parties and wealthy industrialists. In 1922, Henry Ford was one of Hitler’s first backers:
Henry Ford developed a long running relationship with Nazi Germany, as did his son Edsel. Edsel Ford was president of the Ford Motor Company and was also on the board of directors of IG Farben.
Banking and Finance
Henry Ford was not the only wealthy industrialist supporting the early Nazis. Ludendorff also courted the largest steel magnate in Germany, Fritz Thyssen:
Thyssen’s private banking operations included “Bank Voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V.” This Dutch bank controlled the Union Banking Corporation (UBC). The directors of UBC were Averell and Roland Harriman, and Prescott Bush. These men would help Fritz Thyssen bankroll Hitler:
Both Harriman brothers and Prescott Bush were members of Skull and Bones; a secret society with deeply Prussian origins. Their connection between the US banking cabal and the Nazis was hiding in full view:
The Quandts:
We introduced the Quandt family and their Nazi connections in our article, Globalist Families: Evidence of Prussian Control? Today they are one of the richest families in the world with a fortune of approximately $43 billion, and remain the major stakeholders in BMW. There are a few other things about the Quandt family, however, that are extremely interesting.
The Quandt dynasty was founded by battery magnate Geunther Quandt. Geunther and his wife, Magda, divorced in 1929. A few years later Magda found the love of her life, and married…
Joseph Goebbels.
The Quandt children were raised by one of the most heinous Nazi war criminals of all time.
One of the more notorious Nazi accomplishments was the implementation of the “Gezundheitspass”, or health pass. This worked as a means to restrict the movement of people that the Nazis defined as “unclean”.
Bizarrely, today a similar “health pass” is being established in the form of digital vaccine passports. One of the companies involved with the implementation of the worldwide program is ENTRUST. ENTRUST is owned by the Quandts.
International Telephone and Telegraph (IT&T):
ITT worked unashamedly for both sides of the war. They controlled companies in Germany and paid bribes to SS leader, Heinrich Himmler, in order to win lucrative Nazi contracts.
By 1979, IT&T became the fifth largest employer in the United States. The company has since reorganized but remains on the New York Stock Exchange and generates billions in revenue.
General Electric:
Before the Nazi era, GE made a fortune from Russia. When Vladimir Lenin succeeded in his Bolshevik Revolution, he handed the entire task of Russian electrification to GE, creating one of the most profitable monopolies in the world:
During Germany’s descent into hell in the 1920s, GE purchased a controlling stake in a German energy company named AEG. AEG would become the second largest financial contributor to Adolph Hitler, behind IG Farben. As the Nazis expanded and re-militarized Germany, AEG would be awarded many contracts. GE obviously profited handsomely from their investment.
Controlling energy contracts would become a keystone Prussian strategy in its quest for world domination.
“Escher-Wyss was founded in 1805, and developed unique engineering, manufacturing and high-strength materials capabilities focused on gas turbines, compressors, power generation, heat pumps, hydraulics, ships, thermal and hydroelectric power, and related automation controls.” 10
Under the Nazi regime, Escher-Wyss was awarded the title of “National Socialist Model Company”. These titles were significant because it gave the companies a favored status when bidding for contracts with the Nazi government. At the time, many considered this to be a fantastic business model.
From 1929, Escher-Wyss was building critical components for the emerging nuclear industry. One of those key components was heavy water, which could be used in the creation of an atomic bomb.
In Telemark, Norway, Escher-Wyss built a plant to manufacture heavy water for that very purpose. The movie, The Heroes of Telemark, tells the true story of the Norwegians who successfully sabotaged the Nazi/ Escher-Wyss plan.
Like everything Prussian, Escher-Wyss disappeared, as they quietly evolved into a new corporate entity. Their nuclear operations would expand greatly after WWII:
Their nuclear technology would be sold to anyone who wanted it:
Escher-Wyss thrived under the policies of Nazi Germany and its access to concentration camp labor. The most startling aspect of the company, however, were the men behind its operations:
Klaus joined his father’s company and eventually was appointed to the board of directors. During his years studying at Harvard, the young Klaus found great inspiration from his teacher and mentor, Henry Kissinger.
Klaus would leave the firm and instead follow his personal ambitions. In January of 1971, he founded what was to become the World Economic Forum.
Too Many to Name:
The list of companies that profited from the Nazis appear to have no end. While most were German, many were large multinationals:
There are simply too many to name:
This was not the careless act of a few greedy corporations; it was a multinational feeding frenzy.
The audit of such evil was not carried out until 1945 when the mounting toll of broken and mangled bodies would come to an end. No one would escape the tragedies of WWI and WWII.
For America and her allies, the spoils of victory would be overshadowed by debt levels beyond anything seen before in human history. The only winners from this tragedy would be the global corporations who actively participated and profited from the Great Wars, and the turmoil in between.
Over the centuries, a very distinct Prussian pattern emerges:
From the ashes of the Teutonic order rose the new State of Prussia and the nobility of the Hohenzollern.
From the ashes of the Thirty Years war rose the Kingdom of Prussia.
From the ashes of the Thirty Years war rose the Kingdom of Prussia.
Where Are They Now?
Today, the size of this corporate-collective is staggering. They represent a huge proportion of our global stock market and are the biggest employers in the world. They are an overwhelming majority of the industrial complexes of BigPharma, BigFood, BigTech, BigAuto, BigIndustry, BigMilitary, BigMedia and BigFinance. They receive enormous government contracts from nations who spend well beyond their means, perpetually drowning their citizens in oceans of debt.
Post WWII, the state of Prussia was abolished. As we contend, they never disappeared, but instead transferred their seat of power from Berlin to Washington and their economic capital into a complex matrix of globalist corporations. Effectively, the ‘kult of Prussia’ became the world’s largest stockmarket investor.
How have their investments performed over the last 75 years?
The Prussian portfolio in Germany initially experienced a roller coaster, but in the long run became the best performing investment in the world.
The Prussian long term investment in German corporations has paid of handsomely indeed!!
During the same period, America also experienced phenomenal stock market growth. The globalist corporations who profited immensely from WWI, the Dawes and Young Plans, the Nazis and WWII were able to reinvest their ill-gotten gains into the most productive nation in the world, effectively piggy-backing off the greatness and resilience of American free-markets and the new enterprises it spawned.
Similar to the German market, the Prussian long term investment in American corporations hovers near all-time highs, providing near unlimited financial resources for the ‘kult of Prussia’.
As the graph illustrates, while the average American wage has experienced some growth since 1945, it pales in comparison to the growth of globalist corporations over the same period. In addition, Americans have had to shoulder the burden of an ever increasing debt pile that has metastasised when compared with wages.
Remember that during Weimar Germany, globalist corporations made fortunes while the average German’s standard of living collapsed via hyperinflation. The hyperinflation, however, was preceded by the Versaille treaty and a debt obligation that was impossible to meet. When Germans found themselves in economic and moral catastrophe, they would eventually submit to the Nazis, who in turn would suspend the constitution and strip away almost all the rights of German citizens.
As we witness events unfold in America today we see many politicians operating with a blatant disregard for the Constitution as well as for the balance sheet of the American people. The same corporations that capitalized on humanity’s misery a century ago now appear to operate in lockstep, imposing mandates that are unconstitutional and depriving Americans of their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. While all of this is occurring, the national debt is exploding and corporate profits have never been higher.
The collapse of the Weimar Republic took a little over a decade. The US appears to be following a similar pattern, but across multiple decades. America’s situation has progressed slowly but methodically, like a frog in a pot of water slowly being brought to the boil, unaware of its fate.
Since WWII there have been 3 presidents who have warned us about the horrible invisible enemy: JFK, Ronald Reagan and Donald J. Trump. JFK was assassinated and Ronald Reagan was shot. President Trump has avoided being shot despite openly engaged in a war against an enemy that everyone could sense, but no one could see:
“I want to assure the American people that we’re doing everything we can each day to confront and ultimately defeat this Horrible Invisible Enemy… We’re at war, in the true sense we’re at war and we’re fighting an invisible enemy. Think of that… A couple of people have said it, and I feel it actually. I’m a wartime president. It’s a war.” 14
“The closest thing is in 1917, they say, the great pandemic. It certainly was a terrible thing where they lost anywhere from 50 to 100 million people… Probably ended the second World War, all the soldiers were sick.”
The world assumed Trump to be a fool; an amateur historian with no grasp of dates or logic. His enemies in the main stream media relished the chance to ridicule him. For us, having Trump refer to “1917” over 20 times, meant it was time to read some history books that focused on WWI and WWII.
In 1917, America was baited by Germany into WWI and placed into a spiral of debt servitude. This would not end until 1945, when America and the allies simultaneously steamrolled the Nazis and imperialist Japan. The Nazis, however, were also suffering from horrendous drug withdrawals and were literally too sick to fight.
It appears President Trump was no fool at all, but a master historian. His gaffes about ‘1917’ were giving us a history assignment to better understand the horrible invisible enemy we face today.
Just as in 1917, when President Trump had the “Chyna” virus forced upon him, he also was forced to take on a significant debt load:
However, President Trump did not blindly throw America into the economic abyss. Recall in the addendum of The Prussian Origins of the U.S. Federal Reichsbank, we presented the case that Trump used the CARES Act to take the power away from the Federal Reserve and set up multiple funds that would prevent American businesses defaulting on their debt obligations. This prevented a wave of defaults that would have made the 2008 Global Financial Crisis look like a game of monopoly.
The Horrible Invisible Enemy tried to destroy the American economy, just as they had done to Germany a century before. President Trump’s weapon of choice was not guns or bombs; it was depriving the enemy of the power of a central bank; instead using the power of the Treasury to protect American businesses, jobs and livelihoods.
Trump truly is a wartime president. War is not a one-off fight; it is a series of battles. By no means is this invisible war Trump referred to over, but just as darkness is destroyed by the presence of light, so too is the invisible enemy destroyed when it becomes visible.
Almost everyone reading #PrussiaGate is likely aware of Patel Patriot and his Devolution series. His work is an absolute must-read at: His research on the theory of Devolution as enacted by President Trump is not just compelling, it’s outright convincing. Patel has done the heavy lifting on this topic: The Executive Orders; Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs); and the defection of Dong Jing Wei to the DIA.
As the evidence mounts that the US government is in a state of Devolution, there is now considerable evidence suggesting that this is happening worldwide. There is one question which underpins the Devolution series, and was also the inspiration for the #PrussiaGate research:
Devolution from whom?
It should be clear by now, that I contend the “Horrible Invisible Enemy” that forced President Trump to even consider a devolution plan, is the ‘kult of Prussia’. It is not a foreign State, but an army of globalist corporations, aided and abetted by central banks and “asset managers”. As signalled by the birth of the Alfalfa Club in 1913, the seat of power transitioned from Berlin to Washington.
Incredibly, no one could describe this corporate state of affairs better than the geriatric Child-sniffer in Chief, Resident Joe Biden, in his recent address to the Washington swamp:
“We come from the land of corporate America. There are more corporations in incorporated America than every other state in America combined. And I still won 36 years in a row.”16
In an unusual moment of clarity, Joe Biden declared exactly what we have been demonstrating for months. Thanks Joe.
Biden did win 36 years in a row as Senator in the State of Delaware, and his legacy is self-evident:
Devolution provides the military with the necessary tools to perform its role to defend, uphold and protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. To paraphrase Patel Patriot: “It would be a dereliction of duty if Trump did not invoke Devolution.”
While the military may have been the only way, Trump’s recent CPAC speech suggests that we too, are part of the plan:
Trump did not incur all this new debt for America to enter another century of excessive taxation. He ensured that Americans would survive the coming storm, and then get back to Making America Great Again, again.
We now draw the curtain on the “Not Since 1917” series.
It has been an amazing journey to research the patterns of the last decades of Prussian statehood and now see it playing out almost identically in the US, and around the world. Just as they sacrificed Germany a century ago, America has been ‘fattened’ and prepared for a similar slaughter. Everything was “at the ready” for Hillary to take the helm in 2017. “They never thought she would lose.”
President Trump arrived at a critical point in humanity.
Let’s close this series with President Trump’s iconic speech prior to the 2016 election, where he powerfully described the ‘kult of Prussia’, and put them on notice:
#PrussiaGate/ The Great Awakening
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