Not Since 1917 - Part V

Before we begin I can’t thank Patrick Gunnels enough for his epic readings on #PrussiaGate. Please visit his channel for epic readings of our posts and so much more.

His show is very cool and every other post he reads is amazing. I particularly like the thread by . Anyone who mentions Prussia with the Ukraine knows the game.


Righteous Russia - Part 3

Here we go!

From Prussia With Love

Throughout Germany’s hyper inflationary-hell in the 1920s, there was one nation who tried to help them; the United States.

This help was not from everyday Americans; it was from the self-professed elites, many of whom had been planted into the US from Prussia, years before.

American Financial Occupation:

US financial assistance for Germany was enabled by the 1924 Dawes Plan:


The funding was extremely selective, launching two significant chemical and steel manufacturers. The influence of these loans over IG Farben was immediate:


In 1927, Rockefeller joined this emerging cabal, finalizing a partnership with an IG Farben subsidiary:


IG Farben and Vereinige Stahlwerke would become critical to Hitler’s future dictatorship:

Elimination of German Resources, p. 943

Four years later, in 1928, America introduced the Young Plan. This plan was similar in nature to the Dawes Plan, but with a twist:


During the 1920s, Germany was at its weakest. Financially, the nation was at breaking point. Using the Dawes and Young plans, the Prussian-American elite had found a way to securitize Germany’s real assets for pennies on the dollar. The new capital that flowed from America would find its way into German corporate cartels that would monopolize the nation’s resources and supply chains. In turn these cartels would provide jobs and economic stability to the people. Many Germans had already lost everything and therefore willingly embraced this opporunity to “Build Back Better”.

Prussia had formed an efficient method of commoditizing the collapse of nation states. This pattern of finance would eventually become the model for the world. Central banks would operate in “lockstep” to facilitate the transfer of a nation’s assets into a matrix of privately owned globalist corporations.

Opportunity from Depression:

The “Build Back Better” mantra only works if the people have lost everything. This was undoubtedly the case for most Germans by the mid 1920s. The jobs created by the corporate cartels would provide a glimmer of hope to a nation that had been brought to its knees. Germany was slowly recovering.

Unfortunately, the Great Crash of 1929 affected the entire world. The ensuing Great Depression hit Germans particularly hard.

Recall that anxiety and fear are the key ingredients in Hegel’s master-slave dialectic. The average German just wanted to make a living, and was now in a state of total panic that they would revert back to the hell that emerged after WWI. The most important thing at this time was to stay employed. They turned to the largest employers in the country for leadership.

Thanks to the Young and Dawes plans, the largest employers were the German corporate cartels of Big Chemical (later to become Big Pharma), Big Industry and Big Finance. IG Farben was by far the largest of them all, and they now openly supported Adolph Hitler.


Germans willingly submitted to the guidance of IG Farben. A vote for the Nazis was a vote for IG Farben and therefore, jobs. The Nazi party began its political rise:


The Nazis were building significant momentum. All that was required now was a display of force that would convince the people they needed a benevolent dictator.

Controlled Opposition:

The Nazi paramilitary branch was the Sturmabteilung (SA), also known as the Storm Division or the Brown Shirts.

The SA were with Hitler from the beginning, and many of its members were ex-military. They would eventually function as the private army of the Nazi party. They even had their own symbol:

For over a decade the SA engaged in violent street-warfare against socialist and communist gangs. Prior to 1930, their main opponent was the paramilitary wing of the German communist party (KPD).

When the Nazis gained the largest vote by any party in 1930, the communist and socialist parties united in an attempt to halt the rise of Nazism. They formed a joint paramilitary unit named Antifaschistische Aktion, or AntifA.

There are two key things to remember about Antifa’s formation:

To think that this group was formed organically is laughable.

The Prussians love their symbolism. Look at the “AA” within the Sturmabteilung symbol and the Antifaschistische Aktion symbol.

Ironically, the idea to form Antifa followed a violent brawl, in Prussia:


Antifa was intended to be a militant alternative to Hitler’s SA, aiming to convince Germans to vote for the communist party. The plan failed spectacularly.

The 1932 election campaign was extremely violent. The people still remembered the last time radical leftists ran their country, and were not going back to that. The Nazi plan was brilliant in its simplicity: A vote for Hitler would be a vote for jobs, and an end to political violence.


Hitler was now financed by the largest chemical company in Germany and supported by top military strategists. The Nazis tripled their success from 1930 and won 37% of the vote.

If Antifa was controlled opposition, their mission was a tremendous success. If Antifa was a genuine political organization, their mission was a complete failure.

Antifa arrived at the exact moment the Nazis were telling Germans that they could protect them from the radical left. Instead of fighting fascism, Antifa empowered it. Prussian weaponized philosophy was never more violently expressed than by Antifa, the SA and the Nazis, in 1930s Germany.

Rigging the Outcome of an Election:

Despite the Nazis winning 37% of the vote in 1932, Hitler did not win the election for President. That honor went to General Paul von Hindenberg.

Hindenberg was part of the military dictatorship during WWI. Recall, that when everything “turned to shit” for the three leaders, Ludendorff resigned and the Kaiser abdicated and fled to the Netherlands. Hindenberg, however, remained in Germany as a beloved elder-statesman.

Hindenberg always remained loyal to the Hohenzollern. In 1920 he wrote to the Kaiser asking for permission to run for President. In 1925 he was elected President of the Weimar Republic.

If there was a Hohnezollern plan to restore Germany to a dictatorship, Hindenberg would be dedicated until the end. Cleverly, he ran as an Independent in 1932 and won the count easily.

The chaos that transpired during the 9 months after the election was unbelievable. It is impossible to know what anyone was thinking, or whether the chaos was coordinated or accidental.

After the first election, Hitler demanded to be made Chancellor. He was refused and another election was called. After a series of resignations and political maneuvering, Hindenberg caved.


Why did Hindenberg believe he could control Hitler?

Recall that Hindenberg was once in a military dictatorship with Ludendorff. Ludendorff had indirectly ordered Hitler to infiltrate the DAP. If Hindenberg needed any background information about Hitler he could have retrieved it from Ludendorff. Alternatively, he could also request it from the man who was Hitler’s boss at the time, Captain Karl Mayr:


If Mayr thought of Hitler as a “stray dog looking for a master”, it makes sense that Hindenberg thought he could control him. However, once Hindenberg had appointed Hitler as Chancellor, the fate of history was sealed. The old Prussian bull died the following year in 1934. Hitler seized the moment and immediately consolidated the positions of Chancellor and President, and declared himself Fuhrer.

Having elected an Independent President, the Germans might have thought the worst was behind them. Over the next 12 years, nothing could be further from the truth..

Goodbye Constitution:

Once the Nazis had installed themselves into power, they moved quickly to circumvent the Weimar constitution. This would require a false flag, at the nation’s capital:



The Germans had lost their rights under the Weimar constitution. The Nazis then moved to eliminate any uprising, and Hitler established the Gestapo. The Gestapo was the combination of all Prussian secret police agencies. Prussia formed this unit officially in 1851, after the ‘48 Revolution, but the secret police was originally formed by Frederick the Great.

The Gestapo would eliminate all potential political rivals. The first priority was the German communist party. Its leader, Ernst Thälmann, was arrested, tortured and held in solitary confinement for 11 years. In 1944 he was sent to a concentration camp and then executed, after a direct order from Hitler.

The SA was targeted next. This brutal clean out was known as the “Night of the Long Knives” or the “Röhm purge”. Hitler, urged on by Göring and Himmler, ordered numerous political executions, each intended to consolidate his power and alleviate concerns of a coup.

Just like Antifa and the communist party, the Sturmabteilung had no further use and was duly sacrificed. All three had played their role as terrorists, helping with the re-establishment of totalitarianism.

The SA were betrayed. Nazi ideology would say anything to win over the masses. Everything was a means to an end.

Captain Mayr on the truth behind the Nazis:


Hitler and the Nazis were salesmen for the invisible enemy. Captain Mayr knew the plan was to restore the Hohenzollern seat of power. However, the return of the Hohenzollern monarchy would not be seated in Berlin. The Prussian seat of power was already being transferred to Washington, and its capital base into a network of monolithic global corporations.

Hitler was doing the bidding of his paymasters. This marked the beginning of the biggest wealth transfer in history. Germany was open for business.

Nazi Inc.:

Socialism took on a strange flavor in Nazi Germany. It was simply implementing the old Prussian culture of “service to the State and sacrifice for the State”.

Not many realized that the State itself was about to be sacrificed. Prussian leadership was on the move. Prussian capital was transferring into globalist corporations. The Nazis would ensure a smooth transition.

The Nazi regime would ensure people were totally dependent on the welfare of the State. No protest against this regime would be tolerated:

A cheap, compliant and dependent working class created the perfect labor market for corporations who wished to do business in Nazi Germany. While socialism was forced onto the people, rampant crony capitalism flourished.

American capital was already heavily invested in Germany since the 1920s. However the new Nazi dictatorship provided even more incentive to invest. Dozens of corporations took advantage of the situation and were scrambling to do business with Hitler.

Wall St. had formed silent partnerships with the German elites. Within a few short years of Hitler in power, these companies dominated German industrial production.


Hitler’s socialist accomplishments were being achieved by “for profit” corporations.

As the Nazis declared Germany open for business, the globalist corporations were calling the shots:


The corporate cartels were running Germany, and Hitler was their salesman. The re-militarization of Germany was about to become an immensely profitable exercise.

The year was now 1939. With the German monopolies in place and the US Federal Reserve banking system in place, Prussia would progress their global plan in the only way they knew how – War.

World War II: Through the Prussian Lens

We all know the atrocities of WWII. Our focus is on how the invisible Prussian enemy manipulated the world into war for its future benefit.

(For those interested in a quick review of historical facts of the Nazi regime, a great timeline can be found here)

Infiltration Instead of Invasion:


It was strange that Hitler infiltrated the US so quickly after coming to power in 1933. That is because it was not Hitler’s doing; it was the work of global corporations. It was IG Farben advising Hitler and helping to set German foreign policy. The cabal of corporations had infiltrated well before the Nazis took power, as this article shows:


1926 was the midpoint of the Dawes and Young Plans. The American elites were nurturing hugely profitable partnerships with German corporations, ultimately ensuring they became monopolies. These partnerships meant that spies could be easily embedded within American industry.

This was all happening well before Hitler. This truly was infiltration instead of invasion.

The Trigger. Another Prussian False Flag:

World War II kicked off when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Using a new Blitzkrieg strategy, the invasion was brutally swift. Germany justified the invasion by claiming that it was Poland who invaded them first, but nothing could have been further from the truth.

First, came the propaganda campaign to allow Nazis to amass troops on the Polish border:


The next stage required a shocking scene. The method chosen was to sacrifice prisoners from a nearby concentration camp:


The final stage was the false flag:

As WWII kicked off under completely false pretences, the Nazis were about to embark on yet another wartime suicide mission.

Schlieffen Plan 2.0:

The Schlieffen Plan was a total failure in WWI. Leading into WWII, Prussian military officers were still controlling the Reichswehr, and their knowledge about the philosophy of war was unparalleled. It is impossible, therefore, to understand why they would implement Schlieffen 2.0, unless the plan all along was to lose.

The only twist in the Nazi war plan was the initial invasion of Poland. Perhaps it was to engage Russia on its border before they could mobilize.

After invading Poland, Hitler immediately invaded and occupied Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Greece and Yugoslavia. He then bombed the daylights out of Great Britain. Their ally and partner in war crimes, Japan, did a similar thing in Asia Pacific.

Once Germany and Japan had managed to piss off the entire world, the Nazis invaded Russia.

Germany was back fighting a two-front war and committing heinous war crimes at a rate that dwarfed their WWI efforts. They were doing the very thing that failed in WWI.

As the world united to take down this evil enemy, the Nazis decided to give their soldiers a little psychotropic edge.

Free Meth Pipes, Anyone?

When the world descends into madness, addictive drugs are always nearby. Nazi Germany was no exception. As the atrocities of war advanced the mass psychosis, the market was flooded with Methamphetamine, commonly known as crystal-meth, or ice.

According to Norman Ohler, an award-winning journalist, crystal meth was freely available in Nazi Germany and it was “mandated” for the Reichswehr to use in the midst of military operations. The generic name for the drug was Pervitin.

As the German people swallowed the weaponized philosophy of fascism, it seemed they were also swallowing substantial quantities of crystal meth.

The Blitzkrieg military operations took on a whole new meaning. Pervitin was mandated for Nazi soldiers. From Generals to foot soldiers, everyone was blitzed.

Hitler was also wired.


Germany had a crazed pill-popping President causing global carnage and who was actually just a puppet for the invisible puppet master.

Why does this scenario sound so familiar?

The Nazi Reichswehr became functioning drug addicts, leaving a trail of death and destruction without emotion. Blitzkrieg had unleashed an army of psycho-warriors onto the battlefield. However, as is the case for all junkies, the party had to come to and end at some point.


As the Reichswehr suffered from catastrophic drug withdrawals, it was only a matter of time before their reign of terror ended. Schlieffen 2.0 was never about winning a war; it was about inflicting unimaginable terror and misery upon humanity, including their own soldiers.

When we understand the mass psychosis and addiction the Nazis were going through, President Trump was absolutely right when he said: “1917 – the Great Pandemic they say; probably ended the second World War. All the soldiers were sick”.

When the Allied Forces began to steamroll over the Third Reich, Hitler would also be suffering a form of psychosis. He would retreat to his final bunker and stare vacantly at a portrait of his beloved mentor, Frederick the Great.

Perhaps seeking inspiration from the man he believed shared a similar penis malfunction, it was to no avail. Germany would soon fall back into the abyss. An abyss that was originally formed when they goaded America into WWI, back in 1917.

The Cloak of Invisibility

Hitler’s role as a salesman throughout this transition cannot be underestimated. His tyranny provided the perfect distraction. As the world looked on in horror, governments mobilized to either join the Nazis or defend themselves from the ideological scourge.

This was an expensive exercise and relied on contracting the largest corporations in the world to supply the latest military technology. As the world plunged into debt, the industrial complexes of Big Pharma, Big Industry and Big Finance made obscene profits. Mankind was in trauma, but the global corporations were wealthier than ever. It was the largest transfer of wealth in history and the corporations who benefited the most were all connected in one way or another to Prussia.

As WWII came to a spectacular end in 1945, the world would discover the true extent of the horror the Nazis accomplished. War crime tribunals were set up at Nuremberg, the town where the Hohenzollerns originally ruled. Coincidence?

The world was so disgusted by the crimes of the Nazis that they decided to dissolve the State where they believed the ideological scourge had originated. In 1947, Prussia was abolished.

It was at this exact point in history that the ‘might of Prussia’ disappeared from view. However, the world’s capital had been transferred into globalist corporations that would now be controlled by the ‘kult of Prussia’. The ‘Horrible Invisible Enemy’ was born.

What appeared to be a series of clumsy war strategies from 1917 - 1945, was really an elaborate plan to quietly take control of the world.

Prussia was again, “an army without a state”.