1918: The “Fall” of Hohenzollern; the Rise of the Invisible Enemy
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, the Allied powers and Germany signed an armistice.
It is hardly surprising that Germany would lose the war. The disastrous Schlieffen Plan (Part II) had Germany on a kamikaze mission that was doomed to destroy the nation and inflict horrific damage on the world at the same time.
For the Allied powers, Armistice Day was a great victory. The Kaiser and all royal families of the German Empire abdicated and a democratic Weimar Republic was established. It was the first time ever that Germans would need to vote for their leaders.
The Kaiser fled Germany for the safety of the Netherlands, where he sought asylum. The Dutch Queen Wilhelmina, from the house of Orange, granted the Kaiser’s request. This seemed reasonable, after all, as he was her cousin.
The loss of WWI was a national humiliation. To rub salt into the wound, the Versaille Treaty was considered a complete joke. The cost of reparations would force the German people into multi-generational bankruptcy. This was never going to end well.
French Marshall General Ferdinand Foch understood the nature of the Versaille Treaty and that another war is in the making. His prediction was Nostradamic.
On the other hand, the new globalist bankers were salivating at the prospect of a bankrupted Germany. Future fiat-maestro John Maynard Keynes thought it best to take everything from the German people.
American financiers would also found ways to profit immensely from the looming German bankruptcy.
https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Sutton_Wall_Street_and_Hitler.pdf page 8
We will unpack the details of these deals later, but it is clear that the financial conditions set upon the German people after World War I would lead to total ruin.
The Schlieffen Plan was a disaster. Baiting America into war was a disaster. The Treaty of Versailles was a disaster. How had the Prussian kingdom that dominated strategic warfare and diplomacy in Europe for centuries, suddenly become so incompetent?
Ludendorff Chess
As stated in Part II, from 1916 until the end of the Great War on November 11, 1918, Germany was in a de-facto military dictatorship. Every aspect of German life was controlled by three men. Within this structure, General Erich Ludendorff controlled the Reichswehr. When Germany surrendered, Ludendorff resigned. His resignation, however, was just a clever Prussian paper shuffle. He would continue to operate in the shadows as the supreme commander; but he was now invisible to the world.
Ludendorff is possibly the most important character in this entire investigation. His philosophy, words and actions were behind everything that would eventually transpire in Germany.
History would judge him as a rambling anti-semite, anti-communist and a sore loser. He was remembered as an incompetent General who became such a violent right-wing extremist that even Hitler distanced himself from him. Behind the scenes, a much bigger game was being played.
Ludendorff Philosophy
By now it should be clear that Prussian culture was to mobilize every citizen in service to the State. When Prussia lost a war to Napoleon in 1806, the University of Berlin effectively declared that children were now wards of the State and to be indoctrinated as Prussia saw fit.
As we outlined in Prussian Origins of Modern Education, this controlling ideology is now the model of today’s education system.
Ludendorff would take the Prussian notion of citizens serving the State to its extreme. His book, not published until 1935, would explain what he was thinking all along. He wanted every industrial complex and every citizen to be mobilized, operating in “lockstep” for one sole purpose. That purpose was total war.
To achieve this goal, every man, woman and child would be required to collecitvely submit to an ideology of militant hatred. In time, Ludendorff’s vision would come to fruition.
Ludendorff Words
After the signing of the Versailles Treaty, Erich Ludendorff went completely off the rails. He refused to accept that Germany lost the war on the battlefield. Instead, he claimed Germany was betrayed by Berlin’s politicians and socialist revolutionaries, many of whom were Jewish. This became known as the “stab in the back theory”, or Dolchstoßlegende. It was this claim, from the top commanding general in the nation, that planted the seeds of hatred that would later be taken advantage of by Hitler.
In the aftermath of WWI, a German Revolution took place which established the communist party as a formidable political force. In these early days of the Weimar Republic, society was effectively run by radical leftists. Ludendorff predicted that Germany would collapse and that these leftist political parties would be held responsible. In the end, the German people would destroy them.
Lastly, Ludendorff became a staunch anti-semite. However, he did not stop at the Jews; he would wage war against anything that might lead to peace.
During WWI, Ludendorff became the most respected man in Germany. Millions would look to his inspiration and guidance as the humiliation and cost of the Great War set in. The General would use his public influence for one purpose only; to attribute blame.
When Hitler finally came to power about 14 years later, Ludendorff’s philosophy and accusations would be ingrained into the collective German consciousness.
Ludendorff Actions
Philosophy and vitriolic words are one thing, but Ludendorff was not a man of empty words. He was a man of action and he was rolling out an aggressive plan.
To get the party started, he created a division of military intelligence known as the “enlightened commandos”. Central intelligence was infiltrating German politics. Hitler was an early recruit.
This commando unit was allegedly created under the ‘Abwehr’ to help in the defence against military espionage. The Abwehr was the German military-intelligence service for the Reichswehr.
The Treaty of Versailles prohibited the Weimar Republic from establishing an intelligence organization of their own. This commando structure meant they were not violating the Versaille Treaty. The commando unit would be used to infiltrate as many political parties as possible.
Adolph Hitler’s boss was Captain Karl Mayr. Mayr recruited many others just like Adolph Hitler for his infiltration program. The infamous Gemlich letter shows that Karl Mayr was managing multiple field agents, all with similar tasks to Hitler.
In September 1919, Mayr ordered Hitler to join the German Worker’s Party (DAP). After attending a few meetings, Hitler joined the DAP. The official story is that Hitler joined the DAP full time and was discharged from the military in March 1920. However, in Karl Mayr’s own words, Hitler did not resign from the Reichswehr until June 1920 and stayed in the military barracks until that time.
Mayr even paid Hitler to assist in his mission.
Notice that Mayr mentions Ludendorff by name. Mayr states that Ludendorff personally ordered him to have Hitler join the DAP and grow it. He honored this request out of respect for the General. The only problem was that Ludendorff was no longer a part of the Reichswehr. Do you remember? He had resigned his post.
Why is all this important?
Hitler may have resigned from the military, but he was still being paid by Captain Mayr. This detail reveals that he was a covert military agent operating inside a political party. The true role of the “enlightened commandos” comes into view. While technically this was illegal, Hitler’s role as a ‘contractor’ to the central intelligence apparatus, was a way around those pesky Treaties.
Furthermore, Mayr claimed to still be receiving orders from Ludendorff, again revealing that Ludendorff was still running the Reichswehr, or at least parts of it.
Just like Hitler, Mayr had other field agents infiltrating all the political parties. All of this intelligence information was available to Ludendorff, upon his request.
This model is beginning to look strangely familiar. It truly was “infiltration instead of invasion”.
Ludendorff was running an invisible military operation. Welcome to the origins of the shadow government.
Order Out of Chaos
What exactly was this shadow military operation that Ludendorff appeared to be running?
By infiltrating political groups with covert agents, unsuspecting members could be radicalized into committing acts of violence. Having crazed activists terrorizing the German people could eventually be used as a political pretext, where a “strong man” or savior would be needed to solve the desperate situation Germans would find themselves in.
Once Hitler had infiltrated the DAP, he set about building it up as quickly as possible.
With money pouring into the DAP, Hitler had the name changed to NSDAP, which would later become the Nazi Party. He was also able to build his own private army, known as the “Sturmabteilung”, “SA” or “Storm Division”.
For maximum civil unrest, Hitler’s SA would need worthy opponents to fight on the streets. Given that Captain Karl Mayr’s mission had infiltrated numerous radical political groups, that could no-doubt be easily arranged.
Ludendorff would not just promote unending war; he was the man behind Mayr and the political chaos that was planned to occur between radicalized political groups. As we will unpack in later parts, he would also act as broker between the world’s largest corporations and the political parties they fund.
Germany was about to be fed to the wolves. Fortunes would be created, while the nation would fall into an abyss so deep, that the people would eventually look to one man for salvation.
The order of Hitler would only come from the chaos that preceded it.