Big thanks to Patrick Gunnels for taking the time to narrate these posts. Much appreciated.
As well as Patel Patriot for his recommendations. His work and research is a big motivator for these digs.
The two World Wars of the 20th Century had a profound and lasting effect on the world. As war broke out in 1914, the new inventions in weaponry provided incredible efficiency in killing. The worst capabilities of man were released upon the world.
Humanity would become catastrophically radicalized by competing ideologies. Nations that fell under the spell of communism or fascism would impose a terrible suffering on their own citizens, bankrupting them economically, physically, morally and spiritually.
Both of these ideologies found their philosophical roots in Prussia. As Hegel once mused, “War is progress, peace is stagnation”. Taking Hegel’s master-slave dialectic to its extreme, communism and fascism sought to expand its influence throughout the world, leading to savage political violence, war and genocide.
Nations that enjoyed freedom and democracy were forced to defend themselves against the scourge of these depraved totalitarian regimes. This was always going to end in war and it was going to be extremely expensive. For the kult of Prussia, this was always the plan.
Not only were the origins of communism and fascism Prussian, so too were the original plans for the first World War. The symbolism of the terrorist group that kicked off WWI would also trace its origins back to Prussia. Germany, under Prussian rule, would break treaties, kill civilians and eventually bait America into declaring war in 1917.
This was the Prussian playbook all along. When America entered WWI, the WWI was soon over, but the battle had just begun.
From 1917 until 1945, America and her allies defended against the most diabolically evil in human history. By 1945 the Germans were exhausted and too sick to fight. Suffering from a collective psychosis of hatred and withdrawals from pyschotic drug addictions, it was over.
In the end, Germany was bankrupted and America had racked up unimaginable sovereign debt. Out of the ashes of war, however, there was one group that had generated inconceivable profits throughout the entire period. The globalist corporations.
Throughout the decades of war and misery, Prussia embarked on an ambitious campaign to transfer the seat of power from Berlin, to Washington. This transfer was symbolized by the founding of the Alfalfa Club. As the world plunged into the darkness of war, it also plunged into an ocean of debt that would take generations of “back-breaking taxation” to pay back.
During the same period, lucrative contracts were offered to the largest corporations in the world who would form cartels and monopolies over entire nations. The same corporations would supply the new tools of war to both sides for unheard-of profit margins. Select banks would find ways to circumvent laws and secretly finance both sides. Money poured into these corporations like a waterfall after a storm.
The shareholders, financiers and directors of these corporations all had one thing in common. Their origins and loyalties were all from Prussia and they aligned themselves with Adolph Hitler, Lenin and Stalin as much as they did with America and her allies.
After WWII, in 1947 the State of Prussia was officially abolished. The “kult of Prussia” is not a State, but an army that controls them. Prussia was no longer a nation constrained by treaties, but a complex network of globalist corporations capitalizing from contracts with nations. On the diplomatic stage they became completely invisible.
Today they are the some of the largest multinational corporations of the world. Their sole purpose is to seek to enrich themselves at the expense of We the People.
“We Were Attacked Like Nothing Else….. not since 1917”
#PrussiaGate began with an epiphany, when President Trump was ridiculed by the MSM for repeatedly demanding to know “the Oranges of the investigation”.
Was Trump referring to the Royal House of Hohenzollern? One of the oldest royal families of Europe which became the Kaisers of Germany, the Kings of Prussia and held claim to the title of the Princes of Orange.
As we unpacked all things Prussian we discovered that this was not a nation, but an army that controlled nations. An army that enforced total autocratic rule upon its subjects. Individual freedom was anathema to Prussia, her citizens had to ‘bend the knee’ and love to serve the State. Anything less would be severely punished.
When the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, an entire nation was born on the principle that:
“all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” 1
This was an unacceptable proclamation for Prussia. America and her freedom has been engaged in a battle against Prussia and her tyranny ever since.
We discovered that Prussia did not invade America, they infiltrated it. They seduced American elitists to Prussian universities with their prized PhDs and indoctrinated them with the principles of Hegel’s “master-slave” dialectic. They created secret societies and clubs that American elitists could join as long as they followed the Prussian method of rule. Prussia became the model for the American education system. Eventually many of those running America’s academia, government and industrial complexes were in some way attached or influenced by Prussia. By 1913 Prussian influence had become so powerful that America succumbed to the creation of the U.S. Federal Reserve; a central banking system modelled, marketed and delivered by those who were staunchly attached to Prussia.
Prussia did not just infiltrate and influence America, their philosophy of “war as progress” plunged the entire planet into 150 years of revolution and world war. By Weaponizing Philosophy, Prussia radicalized millions of people into marxism, fascism and radical islam. Since 1848, when Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, kingdoms have collapsed, nations have fallen and 100s millions people have died at the hands of ideologies that trace their origins from one source; Prussia.
This investigation will focus on another repetitive ‘faux pas’ of President Trump. A ‘faux pas’ he repeated 27 times according to the liberal MSM.
It could be that Trump got the date of the Spanish flu incorrect 27 times and that he managed to mistake the Second World War for the First World War. Anything is possible, but sometimes things are so far outside of the standard deviation that we need to look deeper. Was Trump trying to point out a “horrible invisible enemy”?
The entire premise of #PrussiaGate is that the invisible enemy is Prussia. It is not a specific geographical region or visible army, but a force of international corporations that works in the shadows to infiltrate, subvert and eventually conquer nations. Trump was not the only President warning the world of an invisible enemy:
What occurred in 1917 for Trump to repeat the infamous year 27 times?
Why did he refer to WWII as the end of the “pandemic”?
Was Trump and JFK referring to the same “invisible enemy”? If so, this was never about a virus. It was about an invisible army seeking to retake control of America.
1776 – 1913 : Infiltration
As we have hopefully already well established, during the 19th century Prussian ideology slowly infiltrated the elite echelons of American society.
In 1776 Phi Beta Kappa was founded at William and Mary College, an instution named after the King of England, William of Orange.
By 1780 Phi Beta Kappa infiltrated Yale, a university used by George Washington to recruit members into the Culper Spy Ring.
Skull and Bones was founded at Yale in 1832 by William Huntington Russell, a secret society with deep Prussian origins and symbology resonant with King Frederick the Great’s Hussars.
In 1871, the king of Prussia became the Kaiser of Germany. America and Britain signed the “Washington Treaty” and established the Kaiser as the final arbiter in all disputes.
In 1872, the Bohemian Grove club was founded. A club where the world’s most powerful men come together annually to partake in strange rituals, including paying homage to an Owl. In our previous post we theorized that the Owl was Minerva and symbolizes the great Prussian King Frederick the Great – a man known for his wisdom, military stratagem, patron of the arts and love of men.
From 1872, American patriots were engaged in a fierce battle against the clubs of American elitists over the establishment of a central bank. Those who were strongly in support of a central bank would eventually prevail and implemented the U.S. Federal Reserve; a central banking system very closely modelled off the German Reichsbank. However, between 1872 and 1913 two US Presidents stood firmly against the formation of any central bank system:
President James A. Garfield, who was assassinated five months into his term.
President William McKinley, who was also assassinated.
The shadowy establishment of the U.S. Federal Reserve is already well documented and #PrussiaGate has also gone to great lengths to establish its deep Prussian origins. What is not well documented is the club that was established in the same year as the bank; The Alfalfa Club.
In 1917, one of its founders published “The ORIGIN HISTORY and OBJECT of the Alfalfa Club”.
On the surface, the Alfalfa Club appears nothing more than a harmless gathering of Washington elites celebrating the birthday of General Robert E. Lee. However, when we scratch the surface, the Alfalfa Club appears to symbolize the successful transfer of the rule of Prussia from Berlin to Washington.
America’s freedom in 1776 was a complete affront to Prussian ideology. Over the next 137 years Prussia and her kultish followers worked methodically to infiltrate and gradually erode the freedoms America fought for. The establishment of the U.S. Federal Reichsbank in 1913 represented the capstone of that plan. In that same year the Alfalfa Club was founded; a club claiming to hold the “secret documents” of the Kaiser, the Prince of Prussia. Such documents claimed to be the key to Prussia’s history of military, diplomatic and economic supremacy.
If there is any doubt as to how focused Prussia was on infiltrating America, Hegel made it very clear:
Otto von Bismarck, the Chancellor of Prussia and later of the German Empire, also had a few interesting words on America.
America was to be infiltrated and taken over. By establishing a central bank and indoctrinating the self-proclaimed elites of America into clubs, secret societies and fraternities, Prussia was able to slowly take the reigns of American power and influence the Washington establishment away from the core principle laid out by the Founding Fathers; Freedom.
President Trump has made no secret he understands where the loyalty of Washington elites lay and their betrayal of America’s freedoms.
President Trump’s gaffes about 1917 also points to one of the most significant turning points in human history.
“We were attacked like nothing that’s happened possibly since 1917”
There were many significant events in 1917:
The Kaiser financed Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik Revolution.
The Royal House of England changed their name from Saxe-Coburg Gotha to Windsor.
Prince Philip, the deceased husband of Queen Elizabeth, changed the family name from Battenberg to Mountbatten.
The Balfour Declaration
The Pullitzer Prize was established.
Pres. Woodrow Wilson convened “The Inquiry”, that would inform the creation of the CFR;
The US enacted the Espionage Act of 1917.
While these are all important, it pales into comparison to what President Trump was referring to. In 1917, Germany goaded America into the Great War.
This was no accident. The direct actions of Germany provoked America into war.
Once America entered World War I, it had fallen into a trap it could not get out of until the end of World War II in 1945. That trap was debt and the newly formed Federal Reserve was only too happy to facilitate it.
If Trump was referring to the eye watering debt levels imposed on nations from 1917-1945, his statement makes perfect sense; we haven’t seen anything like it since 1917. As General Smedley Butler noted, “War is a Racket” that provided unimaginable profits to a few corporations while placing the People into debt servitude and “back-breaking taxation” for generations.
Trump’s reference to a “great pandemic” and “sick soldiers” is ambiguous. Clearly the MSM believes he is referring to the Spanish flu which would make Trump completely incorrect, 27 times. However, there was another disease that was very prominent during that period; not a physical disease, but a mental one.
Through the lens of Prussian Weaponized Philosophy, the world became radicalized in their belief systems and were convinced they must battle to the death against their ideological opponents.
The world had been divided by nations, race, religion, communism and fascism. The latter two are vicious and both have their philosophical roots with Hegel and his beloved Prussia.
As the world fell into the darkness of wars, plague, famine and death, Prussia had a bigger plan in mind. Their plan was to become invisible.
When the Alfalfa Club and Federal Reserve were created in 1913, Europe was at the precipice of total unrestricted warfare. If the Alfalfa Club symbolized the transfer of power of the “kult of Prussia” to Washington, Germany was no longer its home. The German people, the Kaiser, and Prussia would be sacrificed in the eyes of the world. The “kult of Prussia” would no longer exist in an official capacity, and therefore become invisible.
Trump mentioned 1917 as the year when America was attacked and 1945 as the end of the “Great Pandemic”. However the timeline for the Prussian plan was from 1914 – 1947. 1914 marks the outbreak of World War I. 1947 was the year Prussia was officially abolished and ceased to exist.
In 1914, Germany was the envy of the world academically, economically, culturally and militarily. By 1947 the world was so abhorrently disgusted by a Nazified Germany that there was no other option but to conduct war crime tribunals, executions and abolish the State at the heart of theis hell.
Were the 33 years from 1914 – 1947 in Germany just a series of unfortunate, disconnected accidents, or were they part of a planned demolition of a nation no longer needed by the “kult of Prussia”?
We contend it was all planned. Once America had been successfully infiltrated, Prussia undertook a plan that would ultimately lead to the eradication of its own State. With the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, World War I kicked off soon after and over the next 33 years the German people descended into military, economic, cultural and psychological annihilation.
As Germany began to fall and drag the rest of the world down with it, there was a new group that began its rise to power. This group transcended national borders and were able to profit regardless of wars, famines or plagues. This group would become collectively known as the “Globalist Corporations”.
The largest transfer of capital in history occurred in Germany from 1914 – 1947, and America was not too far behind as it plunged itself into debt to defend itself from the ideological scourge that cursed Germany. The common benefactor were the corporations which supplied military solutions to the many crises the world faced during those pivotal 33 years.
This was not a new playbook for Prussia. Her successes always rose like a phoenix from the ashes of a world plunged into war, famine, plague and death. Coincidentally, Prussia’s national symbol is eerily similar to the Phoenix.
The Prussian playbook was centuries old. The knights of the Teutonic Order fought for nearly 80 years against the pagan Prussians over a geographical region on the Baltic sea. After decades of bloodshed and heavy population decline, the Teutonic Order eventually triumphed and repopulated the land with “Germanized” peoples. When the Hohenzollern family acquired the lands of Prussia from the Order, one of their family, Albert of Prussia, became The Grand Master of the Teutonic Order in 1510. By 1525 Albert had disbanded the Order, and in return his lands were recognized as a “Duchy”. From the ashes of the Teutonic Order rose the new State of Prussia and the nobility of the Hohenzollerns.
The Thirty Years war from 1618 to 1648 saw Europe suffer one of the worst population declines in history. An estimated 38% drop in population occurred from the ravages of war, plague and famine. For some towns like Marburg, the population dropped by as much as 70%. It is recognized that toward the end of the war, the duchy of Prussia began its rise to eventually become a kingdom. From the ashes of a Europe divided between Catholics and Protestants rose the kingdom of Prussia.
In 1914, the world was about to face decades of war, plague and famine. As Germany marched toward its eventual annihilation, corporations around the world began making profits that were unimaginable during peacetime. By 1947 these corporations represented an enormous chunk of the world’s means of production. Many of the stakeholders and CEOs of these corporations were indoctrinated through the secret societies and clubs that found its origins with Prussia. Be it Skull and Bones, Phi Beta Kappa, Bohemian Grove or the Alfalfa Club; all paid homage to Prussia. Out of the ashes of two world wars rose the “kult of Prussia”, seated in Washington with their assets housed in a matrix of Globalist Corporations.
The German Empire went completely rogue in 1914. However, as we will unpack in the next part, this was not a reaction to a set of random events; it was well thought out and long prepared for.