The Marburg Files - A Prussian Dream

Late in 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued yet another warning about another potentially-fatal virus: The Marburg Virus.

Recall that Trump continually referred to himself as a “wartime president” and that the US had been attacked, “like never before; worse than 9-11; worse than Pearl Harbor”. These are very serious warnings and should be heeded.

The world was already learning an old lesson; “the first casualty in war, is the truth”. At the forefront of this war was a virus, and if we truly are in a war against an invisible enemy, as Trump has proclaimed, then anything said by the ‘purveyors of fear’, should be taken with caution.

What intrigued me was the name, “Marburg”. It is odd to name a virus after an old German town. Coincidentally, there are many other strange coincidences surrounding historical Marburg, and they all lead back to Prussia.

WHO and the Marxist

One of the most interesting things about the WHO during the 2020-21 pandemic, is their Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He is not a medical doctor, but rather a member of the Tigrayan Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) – a Marxist political party that is listed in the Global Terrorism Database for its links to gross human rights violations.


Tedros also appears to have an affinity with things which are sexually-unusual. Here he recreates his own version of Frederick the Great’s “sans , souci .” palace.

While we all wish him all the luck in his local bar, our focus on Tedros is on his Marxist, terrorist past. This is going to be important in unlocking the culture of Marburg.

Marburg: The Virus

Drawing attention to the Marburg Virus simply aims to show it was, and still is, potentially real. According to Bill Gates’ GAVI institute, if you get this virus, you have a 90% chance to develop fever, chills, vomit, then bleed out from every orifice, until you die.

And according to GAVI, it could be the next pandemic to strike humanity.


The virus killed 31 people in 1967, after lab workers were exposed to tissues of infected African green monkey. Notably, it was first discovered in the Germany city of Marburg, which is central to this entire story.

Marburg the Town: The Apocalypse of the Four Horsemen

The origins of Marburg date back to 1140 A.D. It was subject to many wars, the most famous being the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648), where Marburg and surrounding territory lost more than 66% of its population. It suffered a loss of life that surpassed WWI and WWII.


The Thirty Years’ War was a far more brutal tale than any normal conflict. It brought the four horsemen of the apocalypse to the Marburg region.


At least eight million people died from not just the war, but from famine and disease.

The war was so bad, it reshuffled the European Order. It was the Great Reset of its day, and Prussia would to rise to prominence from it. There is that familiar pattern, again.


Marburg became a backwater-town thereafter, under the Electorate of Hessen. Eventually Prussia was able to annex Marburg around 1866. Until then, Marburg was known only for its university, but it was also chosen as the administrative center of the Prussian empire. It became known for its academics, students and public servants. It’s library housed many documents that were important to Prussia, as we shall unpack later.

Marxburg the University

Marburg was renowned for its university, now known as Philipps University of Marburg, founded in 1549. By 1609, it became a world center for the study of chemistry. It maintained its strong tradition in chemistry throughout the centuries. The Marburg Virus was named for good reason:

Apart from discovering a deadly disease after fiddling with the African green monkey, the university is also popular for another academic reason: Its proud academic-Marxist stronghold.

Most are aware of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its devastating effects in the schools across the USA. CRT was born from an ideology espoused by the Frankfurt School, known as “critical theory”. The Frankfurt School fled Germany in 1933 when the Nazis came to power, finding a home at Columbia University.

The Frankfurt School birthed devout cultural Marxists such as Saul Alinsky, who in turn inspired disciples, such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

However, as the Frankfurt School fled Germany, a sister-school remained and would blossom over time. That would be later known as the Marburg School.


Marburg has a reputation as a “red university”, eerily reflecting the incredibly violent Bolshevik Red Revolution.

Like all good Marxists, apparently the academics will get it right the next time they get the chance. Despite past failures, Marxism will not ‘always’ in mass starvation, war and death.

So far, Marburg is known for a virus, an Apocalyptic war, becoming the Prussian administration centre, and a Marxist university.

Let’s see what else we can unpack about the wonderful Prussian town of Marburg.

Fairy-tale Anon: Marburg and the Grimm Tales of Child Abuse

This chapter is also available as a stand-alone post here

Marburg was significant to the rise of Prussian ideology and it became the administrative and educational capital of Prussia.

Marburg is famous for the Brothers Grimm. Known for their epic collation of fairy tales, “The Brothers Grimm”, their journey is more elaborate than the story of Snow White.

Born around 1785, the brothers were plunged into poverty when their father died in 1796. It is suggested the experience of poverty deeply affected them. Whether that informed the darkness that was portrayed in their books, or perhaps a drive to succeed and rectify the problems of a disjointed Germania, we may never know.

By 1805, the brothers had enrolled in legal studies at the University of Marburg. At the University they discovered a passion for German folklore. Perhaps the reason why Prussia turned Marburg into its administrative center is that the University was a treasure trove of historical documentation on past events, tales, folklore and other curiosities of German history.

It appears the brothers Grimm also found this information useful, and decided to write over 200 “fairy tales” , revealing the information they had discovered.

Fairy-tale Anon:

Back in the day, free thinkers in Europe were a danger to the autocratic rule of the king. Germany, and in-particular Prussia, was no exception. In fact, Prussia treated dissenters very severely, including its future kings, as Frederick the Great knew, all too well.

The brothers’ Grimm were known as political activists. Later in their lives they had a vision that Germany needed to be united under a constitution, rather than by segregated principalities. This opinion led to their dismissal from the University of Gottingen, as it was considered an act of political radicalism.


Where is this all going? The brothers had a treasure trove of historical information at their fingertips at the University of Marburg. Their book was offered as a collaboration of events, myths and legends; stories that could only come from the historical records of documented fiction. Was it fiction, or the narration of documents collected throughout the ages?

What if the brothers had stumbled upon documented events and were horrified at what they had discovered? If this were true, exposing these events to the public would seal their fate, as the ruling nobility would surely ‘have their head’ for exposing the secrets being held at Marburg.

What if the only way to get these stories out to the public was through “fairy tales”? Were they revealing horrible truths cloaked as fantasy in an attempt to bring awareness to the general public of an evil that lurked within their midst? Could “fairy tales” contain much more truth than we ever knew?

If true, in order to remain alive and get the message out to the public, the brothers Grimm would need to become 19th century Anons: They would become Fairy-tale Anon.

It appears the original version of The Brothers Grimm was not definitely not intended for children.


For those who dug deeper into the original Brothers Grimm, the underlying themes they were discovering, and revealing, were shocking: child abuse involving neglect; emotional, physical and sexual abuse; and cannibalism.

The original versions, as translated by Jack Zipes ( paint a vastly different narrative, character-development and overall plot, than compared to what we know in today’s “adjusted” editions.

This is where it gets ugly:

It is my view that the brothers believed they were acting as literary historians, rather than fictional writers. In some cases, stories were eventually cut out all-together. They were being censored.

Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella, Frog Prince and the other 200 stories written were all completely different to what we know of them today. Were they just twisted to suit our current standards, or were these movies an attempt to hide what Fairy-tale Anon tried to expose so long ago?

The Original Snow White:

Written in 1812, there are stark differences between the modern, accepted Snow White story and what was originally written. Here are some:


There is no concrete evidence that the Brothers Grimm were trying to warn the world of a network of ritual child abuse and cannibalism. However, we are dealing with an invisible enemy!

In yet another crazy coincidence, we learn that notorious pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, and his friends had a weird association with Snow White in their communiques.

An even stranger twist, is the elite’s obsession with red shoes. Just like Snow White’s cannibal mom, are they also dancing around in red-hot slippers?

These are very strange coincidences that seem directly related to a horror story, first tabulated by the Brothers Grimm. The brothers were two men with a goal to improve the situation in the lands of Germany, in which they lived. Considering themselves to be literary historians, they decided to start digging and publicly tell the tales they were uncovering in private.

All that digging came from the relatively unknown Prussian town of Marburg.

Marburg Files, Prince Philip, Hitler and the Queen of England

This chapter is also available as a stand-alone post here

When Adolph Hitler rose to power, he made no changes to the administrative infrastructure of the Kaiser. In fact, the #PrussiaGate papers will show that Hitler was dutifully administrated by the Kaiser and his loyal Prussian army. The centre of Nazi administration was Marburg.

The appointed chief of the administration was a man by the name of Erich Koch.


Erich Koch was considered one of the cruellest Nazi war criminals.


As head of the administrative office of the entire Nazi apparatus, Koch would have had access to every communique that Germany possessed, past and present, including the information the Brothers’ Grimm used to write their “fairy tales”.

One such communique was discovered by David Silberberg in 1945. Siliberg was a First Lieutenant in the Combate and Counter-Intelligence Section of the 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division. Discarded papers were found by US troops and taken to Marburg Castle. Siliberg noticed that they had been signed off by the foreign minister of Nazi Germany, Joachim Ribbentrop.

These files contained communications between the Nazis and the Duke of Windsor, Edward VIII. The documents would become known as the Marburg files.

One revelation in the Marburg Files was known as Operation Willi - a Nazi plan to kidnap the Duke and Duchess of Windsor so he could work with Hitler. The plan failed, but was it all a distraction? Could the Nazis and the Crown already be aligned, with Operation Willi acting as the designated failure?

(Duke of Windsor, Edward VIII and his wife Wallis Simpson with Hitler in 1937)


King George VI and Winston Churchill worked overtime to have the files suppressed at Marburg, where they stayed for a while until finally released in 1957. Allegedly, this caused a huge rift between Edward and the Royals.

In the world of the Royals, optics are very important. To assume that the Duke of Windsor, Edward VIII, was a lone wolf, or traitor, and that the British Royal family were aghast at his secret dealings with Hitler, would be naive.

As we shall find later, the British Royal family were direct descendants of Germany royalty. When William III of Orange invaded England and took the crown, he oversaw the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694. The dynasty that would take over following his and Queen Anne’s death were from the House of Hanover. The current UK Royals are from a German-nobility bloodline, with the Hanover nobility marrying into Prussian nobility.

Providing evidence that the Crown DID NOT consider Edward VIII a Nazi traitor or the black sheep of the family, he was allowed to freely engage with the family. Here he is teaching the future Queen Elizabeth II the Nazi salute back in the 1930s.

Uncle Edward was not hiding his affinity with Nazi ideology. He seemed to be grooming the family to align with Nazism, with Operation Willi running decoy, as the designated failure. In the eyes of the public, this heinous possibility was thankfully extinguished. This Prussians were learning how to become invisible.

The young Princess Elizabeth can be forgiven for being led down the path of Nazism as a young child by a wayward uncle. Controlling children to become leaders is horrific and beyond the comprehension of most people who believe in democracy.

Notwithstanding the horrific nature of this Prussian-control, the future Queen of England had been prepared. Incredibly, her future husband also had a remarkable connection to the Nazis.

Phillip’s Nazi connections are numerous, as are his family relations. His sister was photographed in 1935 having lunch with Hitler and Hermann Goering. Phillip’s family was deeply entrenched within Nazi Germany.


It is also claimed that Edward VIII set up a back-channel communication line with Phillip, and Phillips grandfather – Lord Louis Mountbatten, who was one of the central figures in setting up the Nazi-British communications.


Phillip’s connection to Nazi Germany, rumors of his communications with Edward VIII and the discovery of the “Marburg Files” in 1945 would certainly make him a national security threat? Well, not so much. In fact, he was now considered by the British Royal family as a potential suitor for the future Queen of England and the British Commonwealth.

In 1947, Elizabeth married her cousin, Prince Phillip.

In an extremely strange twist, in 1988, Prince Phillip stated he had a desire of returning as a deadly virus that kills off the world population. He died in April 2021. A few months later, the cross-dressing, dancing Tedros announced the deadly Marburg virus.

Prince Philip’s odd connection to the Marburg Files, what do maniacal demons believe they are creating?

Marburg: The Plan

There is perhaps a more damning Marburg association: The Bolshevik Revolution.

The Bolshevik Red revolution in 1917 will be a topic requiring a much deeper dig. It could be considered the first color revolution; a part of a long and deliberate plan to destroy Russia from within. This chaos and death mirrored what was occurring throughout the world, particularly over the last century. Its seeds can be traced back to none other than Kaiser Wilhelm, and Prussia.

Lenin and Trotsky’s ‘revolution’ was nothing other than a well-financed and contrived plan by extremely wealthy and powerful parties. The most prominent man at the time was Kaiser Wilhelm II, the King of Prussia - the Prince of Orange.

In 1917, the narrative was that the Kaiser would de-stabilize Russia by aiding Lenin and Trotsky in their attempt to overthrow the Csar, and implement communism. The Kaiser agreed and Lenin leapt into action.

For the Prussians, Lenin was nothing more than a useful idiot. However, like any good communist-revolutionary, Lenin knew the ‘People’s Revolution’ would never work unless it had lots of cash to support it. In a paradox that exists in today’s ‘woke’ world, Lenin looked for funds. The Kaiser opened up the German imperial treasury:


However, 2 million marks would not cut it. This grass roots movement of communism needed some really serious coin. The plan was hatched to get it from a place with very deep pockets: Wall St.

The Guaranty Trust was set up by J.P. Morgan. However, there were far more Wall St. players involved in the raising of funds for Lenin and Trotsky, [surprisingly] with German sources continually being found on every corner.

As a side note, the same structure was used to finance Sun Yat-sen in China. The revolution that led to the eventual rise of Mao.

This leaves one obvious question: Why would a group of hardcore banking free-market capitalists have a vested interest in financing the world into communism, seemingly at the risk of having their own wealth confiscated by the communist ideology?

This is the very nature of the plan hatched by the banksters: The Marburg Plan.

The plan was one of signalled virtue. The cooperation of the bankers and the socialists would be able to ENFORCE peace. Enforced peace is an irony not too dissimilar in today’s dystopic happenings. But, how would this be achieved?

And so was born the idea of Governments socializing with the aid of international financiers. Considering that this was before the idea of the central Federal Reserve banking system, the international financiers of yester-year, would be known as our central bankers, today.

This claim was written in 1974 (could not find source. Be more specific), just as the world banking system was departing from the Gold Standard. Rather than criticize this claim, observe the actions of governments, the uber-wealthy elite and central bankers and ask yourself if the claim has any merit.

Note: the author of the Marburg Plan, Antony C. Sutton, was highly persecuted for his claims but never prosecuted. Considering the defamatory nature of the claims, one would think such accusations would be vigorously contested in court. They were never challenged.

Source for above screen shots: )

Marburg is mentioned yet again. This time in a plan to enforce peace through revolutions into socialism and financed by the world’s wealthy elite.

What’s Next Marburg?

I’ve got nothing against Marburg. In fact, it looks like a beautifully quaint Prussian town.

However, when the Director-General of the WHO, a devout Marxist with direct ties to an Ethiopian terrorist organization, and ties to Bill Gates’ GAVI Alliance, declare that the Marburg Virus could be the next world pandemic, we must all ask the question – WTF are they talking about and what are they planning?

We should also ask, how serious are their plans?

Humanity must now ask some very urgent and serious questions:

The patterns of Prussia cannot be escaped. As the Horrible Invisible Enemy comes into full view, the smart-money is on the Patriots who knew long ago of the of the maniacal Providence of Prussia.

We are in an invisible war, expressing itself as an information war.

But what if the enemy is no longer invisible? What if humanity could see the once-invisible enemy?

Once we understand how to win; we will win. This is #PrussiaGate.

Here is Trump speaking openly about the “Horrible Invisible Enemy”: