They tried to warn us.
First JFK:
Then Ronald Reagan:
And now Donald Trump:
“The closest thing is in 1917, they say, the great pandemic. It certainly was a terrible thing, where they lost anywhere from 50-100 million people. Probably ended the Second World War. All the soldiers were sick.”
“We went through the worst attack we’ve ever had on our country, this is the worst attack we’ve ever had. This is worse than Pearl Harbor, this is worse than the World Trade Center. There’s never been an attack like this”
“I view the invisible enemy as a war. I don’t like how it got here, because it could have stopped, but no, I view the invisible enemy like a war”
“I am a war time President”
It appears that the monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, with unlimited resources, has arrived. Its cloak of invisibiliy? Liberalism in the form of wokeness. Within the halls of a monolithic public service sector (Big Government), and in the cubicles of monolithic corporations and Industrial Complexes (Big Business), the enemy, as described by Trump and warned of by JFK and Reagan, has attacked.
That Horrible Invisible Enemy is Fascism
Trump gave many clues as to the nature of the secret, repugnant conspiracy that we were facing. But the origins of Fascism need to be explained. The Fascist enemy can be found in the history and growth of an empire – a Military State Order - that exists now in name only.
The rulers of Prussia, the dynasty of Hohenzollern, became Kaisers of a united Germany. Their titles include:
King of Prussia
Kaiser of German Empire
Prince of Orange
And in classic Trump fashion, he trolled the propaganda arm of the enemy – the MSM – to broadcast his warnings. They saw him as an Orange clown spruiking misinformation and relished at the possibility to humiliate him. He saw it as a way to get the message out to as many people as possible, especially the ones that had been programmed to hate him.
So let the trolling begin:
1. “We were attacked like never before”, “The Closest thing was 1917, they say, the great pandemic”
What happened in 1917?
The US declared war on Germany in April, 1917, after the British intercepted the infamous Zimmerman Cable, that invited an alliance with Mexico against the US – a clear act of war. (
Lenin received suitcases of gold and was sent off to Russia to begin the campaign known as the Bolshevik revolution. (
The British Royal Family changed their name from Saxe Coburg Gotha to Windsor,
The British dynasty of the princely German house of Battenberg changed their name to Mountbatten.
What did all of the above have in common? It all originated from one place. Germany. And the Kaiser, at that time was the King of Prussia, Kaiser Wilhelm II.
(Incidentally, the US Military, which was on a massive recruiting drive through 1917 also engaged the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, and by January 1918 soldiers were given 3 doses of a bacterial meningitis vaccine – before they went to Spain. Rockefeller also took a large strategic stake in IG Farben – later to become the chemical company of choice for the Nazis).
1917 was a big year. Attacks, moves and countermoves – with the outcome leading to the defeat of Germany and the abdication of the Kaiser. The first steps in what was to be the greatest attack on the world. Fascism.
Turns out Trump’s statement may not only be correct, but was delivered in a way that was broadcast repeatedly by the enemy’s propaganda arm to their mass psychosed audience. Repeating something is a psychological weapon used in psychological mass manipulation.
2. “The closest thing is in 1917, they say, the great pandemic. It certainly was a terrible thing, where they lost anywhere from 50-100 million people. Probably ended the Second World War. All the soldiers were sick.”
Trump signifies the Great Pandemic started in 1917, and didn’t end until 1945. Fascism began its attack in 1917. The rise of fascist Nazi Germany ensued, costing the lives of 50-100 million people – in some of the most efficient, degrading and inhumane methods ever implemented on humanity.
Fascism is a psychological virus. Seeking mass psychosis through the means of propaganda, government policies, and feeding insecurities which in turn lead to justified violence and hatred.
The Nazi war machine, armed with the Fascist principles of pure hatred, medicated with Pervitin (Crystal Meth) to super charge their psychotic blitzkrieg tactics, were always going to eventually run out of gas.
Like a long term ice addict, the Wehrmacht collapsed on itself. All the soldiers were sick – from the hatred that Fascism fed them, and the withdrawal symptoms of ice kicking in. Fascim is mass psychosis and is a disease, and as Trump said
“this virus is highly contagious”
Trump, again, explaining the Invisible Enemy and its methods.
3. “We are at war with an invisible enemy”
China, Russia, NK, or the CCP Virus. All are explictly visible to the range of human senses. What is truly invisible is something that does not exist.
What does not exist that existed back in 1917 – 1945? The state from which militant Fascism originated. Where it was cultured, like a virus, to attack the world.
The state that was officially abolished in 1947. Prussia.
Prussia, where its King, Kaiser Wilhelm II Hohenzollern abdicated in 1918. No King of Prussia, no Prussian state. Gone.
But many do not know the origins of Prussia, the shrewdness of its rulers – the Hohenzollern - nor its incredibly intelligent tactics of total and unrestricted war.
“Prussia is not a nation with an army, but an army that controls nations”, Comte de Mirabau, 18th Century.
The genius of Prussia is its “Big Idea” of a “New World Order”. Its ability to wage total war without a state. Effectively becoming an invisible enemy, to those who do not know their symbols.
4. “These people are sick”. “a corrupt political establishment which seeks to protect and enrish itself”, “stripping a nation of its wealth”.
Fascism behaves similar to a virus. It infects its host nation by a process of mass psychosis of its citizens – through a media campaign of fear and paranoia, the decay of moral values, and the creep of socialist principles of Big Government solutions but outsourced to Big Corporate partners. Its citizens are mobilized to hate and vilify the enemy ( a minority part of the population), while the Government sets about stripping its nation of all of its wealth into protected Corporations.
From 1917-1945, the peoples of Germany were economically destroyed, military crushed, psychologically humiliated (by the atrocities caused by mass psychosis), and left in the ruins of a once great nation. However, the Corporations that fed off the Nazi war machine became so powerful from the profits obtained during the period – corporations worldwide – that they exist as some of the biggest companies today in all sectors of the global economy. Especially BigPharma.
They had successfully stripped the German sovereign of her wealth and protected it within the Corporate Industrial Complexes of today. Setting sail for their next target, the world and a NWO.
5. “I want to get to the Oranges of the Investigation”
One of the greatest trolls of all time. Trump did a magical thing by being portrayed as a clown by the propaganda arm of the enemy – the MSM. He lived rent free in their heads, but they believed they were getting the upper hand by humiliating him. Accusing him of being an idiot. By repeating his statement on their platforms, over and over – on the news, the fake comedy shows, the radio and the newspapers, he was actually penetrating the collective conscious of those who had already succumbed to the enemy’s propaganda.
What are the Oranges? That would be the Hohenzollern dynasty. The Kaiser of Germany, Prussia, and the princes of Orange.
The Kings of Prussia, an Army that controlled states, who completely disappeared from statehood in 1918, and a trail of devastation in Germany and its peoples, while corporations worldwide fed off the German corpse – transferring its wealth from the people to the Corporation.
The Kings of Prussia had its hand on almost every aspect of the modern world, and yet somehow disappeared into oblivion.
In what may be another incredible compliment to his troll of the Oranges, Trump has magically transformed himself from pale white to an interesting Orange skin tone. While the MSM ridicule his looks, Trump may have been telling the world he has the Oranges in his sights, and those who “discover the Oranges of the investigation would all win Pullitzer prizes.” Genius.
6. “My father was born in a beautiful part of Germany”
This is an interesting quote, and leaves more of a question than a definitive answer, but as we can see Trump’s apparent misinformation is anything but. This statement could possibly open up a Pandora’s box of how far back the Prussian infiltration goes back. Prussia, for centuries, worked on all aspects of military tactics against its enemies – infiltration instead of invasion appeared a favored method.
Why would Trump make such a statement?
We may hark back to a quote from Theodore Roosevelt.
Interesting thing to say. An enthroned invisible government? An unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics? Sounding familiar?
Teddy Roosevelt was President from 1901 – 1909. Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was born in 1905 in “a wonderful part of Germany”, which was New York.
Roosevelt was certainly outlining the makings of an invisible controller of government which certainly sounds very similar to the Fascist beast that arrived in 1930s Germany.
Did someone already “own” the US before Fred Trump was born in 1905, and is Donald Trump implying it was Germany – which at the time was under the rule of the King of a United Germany, who was the King of Prussia and the princes of Orange?
Germany was united on 18 January, 1871, under the Kaiser Wilhelm I of Prussia. One month later, February 21, 1871, the United States Corporation Act was passed. Due to financial problems faced from the Civil War, the newly formed US Corporation was owned by foreign interests.
The Hohenzollern family, since 1061 AD, acquired German territories that found themselves in financial difficulties.
Has Trump shone the light on a dark secret?
Winning Bigly
Trump has engaged the invisible in a war that has already won before it is fought. His mastery of the the troll is on a proportion so epic, especially given how high the stakes are for freedom and for humanity itself.
Fascism is a virus, a highly infectious one, that creates a state of mass psychosis within its targeted collective and inflicts untold pain and misery upon humanity, while at the same time enriching itself beyond anything imaginable.
These people are sick. We, the People, are the cure.
George Patton fought the enemy on the battlefield of bombs and bullets. We are faced with the same enemy in unrestricted hybrid warfare. Informational and psychological. Trump has shown us the way to defeat them, and fuelled with the inspiration of Patton, we can.