We are now at a critical juncture in #PrussiaGate. What started out as a random exploration into President Trump’s “Oranges of the investigation” has morphed into a project which appears to grow with every dig. The information just keeps presenting itself, adding to the weight of insight around this tyrannical rule that has exerted itself upon humanity. We truly do have more than we know; it’s just been invisible all this time.
As Comte de Mirabeau stated, “Prussia is not a nation with an army, but an army that controls nations."
In this investigation we shall try to unpack the philosophy behind the Prussian army. We are in a psychological battlefield that is invisible to many. By analyzing our opponents mindset, we can hopefully shed light on the “Horrible Invisible Enemy” that ‘We the People’ face today.
President Trump, the man who clearly stated we were in a war, asked us to think about the “horrible invisible enemy”. That is hopefully what is achieved in this post.
Prussia: About War
As we have established from the beginning, Prussian kultur was all about war. The House Hohenzollern ruled Prussia from its inception. The name Prussia, however, had nothing to do with the original lands they ruled. It was the name of the lands they acquired from the Teutonic Knights and the pagan Prussians they had conquered during the 12th Century.
The pagan Prussians fought hard. The Prussian uprisings were a brutal, long and bloody war which the Teutonic knights eventually won.
The Hohenzollern family actually started out as counts of Zollern, in the South of Germany. Somewhere around 1200 A.D., they became the Burgrave of Nuremberg (perhaps shedding light on the location of the Nuremberg trials). In 1417 they acquired the Margraviate of Brandenberg, and in 1525, the Hohenzollern received the Duchy of Prussia by the King of Poland. As you can see on the map, it is not near Germany but rather on the Baltic in north-eastern Poland.
When Albert took over the Order of the Teutonic Knights, the House of Hohenzollern had access to the secrets and militant methods of the Order. So impressed by the brutal ways the Teutonic Knights ruled and controlled its “deplorable” pagan peoples, the Hohenzollern decided to name their growing empire after the lands the Knights conquered. Not Zollern (where they originated), Nuremberg, Brandenburg or even “Teutonia”. They chose the name Prussia; the land that was conquered.
This is an important part of the history of the Kingdom of Prussia because it lays out the “ideology” that was adopted by the Hohenzollern dynasty. In turn, this established their methods of rule, right up to the end of WWI. In the spirit of the Teutonic Knights, they placed themselves on a permanent war footing.
If these testimonies about Prussia were not enough, some of the greatest military strategists were also Prussian. Napoleon was glad he would never face Frederick the Great in battle.
There was also Carl von Clausewitz. A famous Prussian general who wrote the book “Vom Krieg”, (“About War”). It is considered one of the best books on the study of war.
The Prussian way of life was all about war. Great lengths were being taken to understand, infiltrate and then conquer foreign nations. If those lands were not yet under Prussian control, they were the enemy.
This is important as we introduce the man responsible for the radical ideologies of hundreds of millions of people since the 1800s. That man is Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
So much has been written about Hegel. From the perspective of #PrussiaGate, we are interested in Hegel’s role in creating the invisible army that infiltrated and subverted almost every part of America and the Western World at large.
In Prussian Origins of Modern Education, we showed how the education system today was modelled off Prussia. We looked at how the elites of the day travelled to Prussia to study and receive the coveted PhD from Berlin, and how many of the “woke” teachers today see it as their duty to indoctrinate our children. If there is any doubt about Prussia’s approach to education, Johann Fichte, Hegel’s predecessor at the University of Berlin, makes the point very clear.
In Prussian Origins of Marxism, we showed how Karl Marx’s mentor and teacher, Bruno Bauer, was taught directly by Hegel and was the leader of the Young Hegelian society. We also presented evidence which supports the assertion that Karl Marx was not a communist revolutionary at all, but a spy for the Prussian kingdom.
In Prussian Weaponized Philosophy, we showed how Phi Beta Kappa was used to infiltrate American universities and later to become the selection criteria for elitists who were aligned to the Prussian cause. Phi Beta Kappa, translated as “being governed by knowledge”, morphed into other secret societies. The Alfalfa Club was one such evolution. Its founders claim they hold documents outlining a secret power that was previously in the hands of the Kaiser of Germany. The Alfalfa club then provided America with think tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and others.
In The Prussian Origins of Skull and Bones, we showed that Phi Beta Kappa moved to [Y]ale. William Huntington Russell travelled to Germany to study and he was most likely heavily influenced by the teachings of Hegel, as that was ‘all the rage’ of the day. When he returned to Yale, he founded Skull and Bones with Alfonso Taft in 1832. Upon investigating the skull and bones symbol, we come to find that the Order is a militant arm of a German secret society which resembles Frederick the Great’s military branch, the Hussars. Alfonso Taft went on to become the US Secretary of War.
In The Prussian Origins of the U.S. Federal Reichsbank we discover that many of the elites pushing for a central bank were heavily influenced by Prussia, either through academia, industrially or by direct lineage. Many of the key players bamboozled the public into believing that a private U.S. central bank was a good thing for the People; something completely contrary to the views of many of the Founding Fathers.
All of these initiatives have one thing in common; the philosophies of Hegel.
Hegel and his devotion to Prussia
Karl Popper was considered one of the most important thinkers of the 20th century. He is famous for providing an alternative to the popular scientific method, known as the Theory of Falsification. In short, “The Falsification Principle, proposed by Popper, is a way of demarcating science from non-science. It suggests that for a theory to be considered scientific, it must be able to be tested and conceivably proven false.”
This would be a wise approach today, where elitists demand that we “trust the science!”
The other incredible contribution Popper gave to humanity was his book, The Open Society and its Enemies. Popper attempts to address the philosophical and psychological sources of totalitarianism, offering his version of a peaceful “utopian” world he termed the “Open Society”. Ironically, this book has been viciously criticized by academics. It has also become the namesake of George Soros’ “Open Society Foundations”. Soros claims to have been heavily influenced by the book, which is odd considering his non-profit organization is anything but “open”. Think mirror. Think projection.
(Open Society Logo) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Open_Society_Institute_(logo).jpg
Popper blames the rise of totalitarianism (he wrote the book from 1938 – 1945) on Plato, Marx, and Hegel. Popper devotes two entire chapters on Hegel. He explains why he believes the legacy of Hegel has led to 20th century totalitarianism. Most importantly, he states that Hegel was not a free thinker at all, but rather was appointed to serve his master and provide the intellectual justification for their totalitarian methods of rule, including their “kultur” and passion for war.
Popper believes that Hegel’s master was none other than the Hohenzollern; the Kings of Prussia.
Hegel was living in a time when Prussia was mobilizing its people to be totally devoted to serve the state. Fichte, his predecessor at the University of Berlin, was unapologetic and stated this clearly. It seems illogical that Prussia would simply hand over control of the most esteemed academic institution in the world to Hegel if he was a free thinker. Hegel had to be, first and foremost, loyal to his Prussian king.
Popper quotes Hegel directly regarding his loyalty to the State of Prussia:
It was no secret that Hegel loved his State and wilfully served his Prussian master.
His view on freedom is intriguing. Considering the period, America had just declared its independence, defeated the British and implemented a constitution which endowed the people with freedom and rights endowed to them by God. Americans had fought bravely to obtain their freedom. Conversely, Hegel’s view on those who wanted freedom is that they must die.
Why would American elitists want to travel to Berlin to receive a PhD from this guy? In case there is any doubt on Hegel’s thoughts on the matter, Popper summarizes from Hegel’s Encyclopaedia.
Hegel was an unapologetic ‘intellectual minion’ for Prussia.
The Institution of Hegel
At the time American elites were clamouring to travel to the finest education institution in the world, Hegel and his philosophies were all the rage. To return to America with a Prussian certificate of approval (PhD) would give you access to the finest jobs in academia, politics and industry.
In my mind, this appears nothing more than a successful marketing campaign. Hegel and the university leaders were devout Prussian loyalists. Why would citizens of other free nations seek the approval of a totalitarian state funded University?
The first clue to answering this question lies in where the modern PhD originated. Of course, it was Prussia.
The second clue lies in the intellectual bamboozling of students. Bizarrely, Hegel’s ramblings were incoherent, as Popper points out:
Just in case you were doubting Popper’s view, one of Hegel’s contemporaries of the day, Arthur Schopenhauer, appears to be the only man at the time brave enough to point out that Hegel was a nutjob.
Was the phrase “mercenary followers” referring to an army? Schopenhauer was trying to expose Hegel as a babbling, nonsensical puppet. It appears there is nothing new under the sun.
If Hegel was appointed by Prussia to espouse the will of the State, and much of what he stated was incoherent babble, why was he remembered as a “Great Philosopher”? Was the goal to create an institute of elites who could only take part in the great Prussian march toward world domination? Popper explains:
It appears that the “Institute of Hegel” was nothing more than a marketing campaign to attract the elitists of the world to their esteemed Prussian universities. Learning to endorse fellow brethren and speak mindless gibberish seemed to provide access to the club of Prussia – either through the newly formed PhD or entry into a secret society. Upon receiving membership, the elites would return back to their home-countries and receive some of the most prized career paths their nation offered. This was best illustrated in America with Skull and Bones.
It must be acknowledged that this is one of the best plans of infiltration ever executed in human history.
The “Institute of Hegel” was an elitist Prussian cult.
Hegelian Philosophy – Master, Slave and World Domination
The philosophy of Hegel was the philosophy of Prussia. The core of this philosophy is known as the Hegelian Dialectic. For the purpose of #PrussiaGate, a simple infographic provides the best explanation.
What Hegel (Prussia) unleashed has been credited to the creation of radical communism and fascism, and the hundreds of millions of deaths that followed.
This is also substantiated by Popper:
How does Popper and other derive their conclusions on Hegel and his legacy? This is answered by Hegel’s ultimate dialectic, the Master-Slave Dialectic:
The philosophy of Hegel = The philosophy of Prussia.
The Prussian ideologists fundamentally believed that the human conscience is in a constant state of war, unto death. This results in a reality of master-slave relationships; a realm of constant tussle.
The “fear of dying” is what determines the status of a slave, according to Hegel. This concept did not die with Hegel; it morphed into a science for power and profit.
As we watch those around us devolve into fear and panic at every turn – thanks to the Main Stream Media – the “powers that be” (that Schopenhauer explained) seek the wilful submission of their subjects. This is not science fiction; they were planting this narrative into humanity. Popper points out the absurdity of the whole concept:
It appears Hegel’s obsession to wage war on human consciousness is merely a projection of the long-standing Prussian ideology of world domination. Hegel had lured the mind of the world into the ultimate war – a war of the mind.
Today, the panic merchants of the MSM have led many to live in a state of fear. The nature of the Hegelian war is for your enemy to submit to fear. President Trump stated “we were attacked like never before, not since 1917”. Was he referring to the weapon of fear?
Hegel and War
How did the Hegelian dialectic lead to a rise of extreme communism and fascism? Simply put, Hegel believed that the world needed to be in a continual state of flux in order for the State to progress. That flux would best be achieved by War.
How would a state of war be achieved? As Popper points out: Instead of having rational argument on a topic in where common-ground is achieved, Hegel wanted a clash to the death of two opposing ideas. The master and the slave would evolve. One must submit to the other. Tyranny versus freedom.
This was not about rational debate. It was about developing ideologies that would radicalize people into believing their defined identities [as defined by the experts, or the State] were real. Instead of finding common ground, it was about the annihilation of those who disagreed.
Hegel wanted us divided. Divided we are weak.
Karl Marx achieved this by having his Marxist followers identify as the slaves (the oppressed). The slaves were to overthrow their capitalist masters (the oppressors) and flip the master-slave relationship around by subjugating or exterminating anyone who identified with capitalism. This ideology became reality for many. Believers were radicalised. This placed nations into a state of war. Since its inception, communism has destroyed many nations and countless millions of lives.
For the fascist Nazis, the master-slave battle was about race. The Nazi interpretation of the Ubermenschen declared the Aryan as the master race. The term “master” explicitly infers its opposite, being the slave. This was an ideology that became hellish reality for Europe from 1933 until 1945.
The hatred and wars fought between communist and fascist armies left a trail of destruction beyond anything seen in human history. Yet, both find their ideas rooted in the Prussian philosophy of Hegel, and both end up with the same totalitarian government structures. Out of the ashes of these ideological wars rises the progress of Hegel’s ‘ideal’ State. The emergence Prussia.
Hegel was unashamed about his view on the value of war. He believed, war was ultimately the best thing for the State and therefore for Prussia:
It is hard to fathom that anyone would take this stuff seriously. Unfortunately, not only was it taken seriously, it became deeply embedded within elitist circles in America and around the world. Men would return home from Germany with a certificate and a radicalized belief that a master-slave battle was essential to the survival of humanity.
The first American expansionist war was the Spanish-American war of 1898. This marked the rise of America on the global stage and the fall of the Spanish empire. Theodore Roosevelt was deemed a war hero, and so began his ascension on the political stage.
The President at the time of the Spanish American War was William McKinley. You may recall in Prussian Origins of the U.S. Federal Reichsbank that he was one of the eight Presidents who openly opposed central banking.
When McKinley was assassinated in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt, his Vice President, took over as President and dropped the banking anti-trust legal proceedings against North Trust. In 1904 he appointed Skull and Bones member William Howard Taft as the Secretary of War. In 1908, Taft became President and began promoting the idea of a central bank. His close associates ensured the central bank model would be similar to that of the Prussian Reichsbank. The Prussian window of 1871 – 1917 truly was when this enemy became invisible and went global.
The Spanish American War showcased the rise and progress of all things Prussian. Hegel was unashamedly confident of his theory. Here, he talks about the invention of gun powder as a tool of war:
Gunpowder would not just be available to these Prussian psychopaths. In the same metaphoric sense, patriots would have the fire-power to begin to expose this evil ideology. Let’s meet one of the greatest patriots who ever lived.
General Smedley D. Butler: Prussia, Hegel and War Rebuked
Proudly carrying their new German certificates of academic achievement, the political, academic and industrialist elite were swept up in Hegel’s vision of ‘War is Progress’. Innocent people were subjected to some of the bloodiest and costliest wars in human history.
One of the most important books of our time is “War is a Racket”, by General Smedley Butler. In stark contrast to the incoherent ramblings of Hegel and his followers, Butler’s book is clear and concise, and can be read in about an hour. His message is as simple as the title: War is a racket.
“Butler served in several major world conflicts, including the Spanish-American War, the Philippine-American War, the Boxer Rebellion, and World War I. During his time in service, Butler became known for his bravery and relentless leadership in battle, and he was rewarded with several distinctions, including multiple Medals of Honor, an Army Distinguished Service Medal, the Marine Corps Brevet Medal, and a Navy Distinguished Service Medal.In total, Butler served for 34 years in the Marine Corps, and earned 16 medals for his time in service. He is currently the most decorated Marine veteran of all time. He died in 1940 at the age of 58.”
The guy is a no-nonsense Patriot. Besides his book, he is most famous for exposing a coup; a plot to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install a Fascist Government.
If you are not aware of General Butler’s role in exposing and foiling the Fascist coup, I strongly recommend you read the article below. It’s chilling to think that America had already fallen so far that the Prussian infiltrators were confident enough to carry out a coup d’etat. It was an incredible time on earth. 1933 was Hitler’s official rise to power and the timing of this US plot was not a coincidence. One of the accused conspirators was Skull and Bones member, Prescott Bush.
General Butler took the invisible Prussian enemy head-on and brought their evil deeds into the light. Without his efforts on the battle-field America, and the world, would be a very different place today. I believe the same praise should be given to his book.
War is a Racket
General Butler pulls no punches. The opening paragraph explains everything:
His research was significant, as he looked into the income tax returns of the profiteers:
He did not need to do his research on the cost side. General Butler was a frontline Marine who already knew the cost of war on the People:
Before we analyze the numbers, it must be understood that it took a military man with experience and courage to speak out about this travesty. The Military was the only way to produce a man of such bravery.
General Butler’s numerical analysis paints an ominous picture of what really transpired in America during WWI. The expenditure and profit making is on a level completely unfathomable, even compared to today’s trillion dollar spending bills:
Back in the day, gold was money and was fixed at $20 per ounce. If gold were still money today, the $52 billion would equate to approximately $4.7 trillion. General Butler also points out the cost per person in America; $400, or 20 ounces of gold per person. If 20 ounces of gold was spent for every American today, it would equate to nearly $12 trillion.
What’s more, America did not enter WWI until 1917 and in less than a year it was all over. In this time, 2.6 billion ounces of gold left the coffers of the American government and flowed into the hands of the Corporations. Unlike today’s fiat world, this was real money. The People would have back-breaking taxes to ‘earn’ it back.
President Trump was correct when he said, not since 1917 had America been so badly attacked:
General Butler provided the financial numbers of specific corporations, as detailed from their tax returns pre-WWI, and during WWI. While young Americans were sacrificed in the trenches, the owners of corporations made profits never before seen in human history.
Below a table is provided to illustrate the increased annual profitability.
While ‘We the People’ shoulder the burden to pay back the debt incurred from this racket, the real cost is far greater:
This evil appears to have no bounds:
The Liberty Bonds were perhaps the biggest scam of them all. As General Butler points out, most banking organizations were partnerships. This meant that their profits were not able to be researched as well as companies. He knew, however, that the Liberty Bonds and bankers ‘stank to high heaven’:
It is a timeless and brutally honest view of the true nature of war.
General Butler brilliantly showed who profits most from these activities, as well as who suffers. From the viewpoint of Hegel and the Prussian-ideology he served, this was always the desired outcome. The cost and sacrifice this weaponized ideology placed upon humanity is in fact their goal:
None of these huge corporate profits would have been possible without the centralized banking system established in 1913. The Federal Reserve streamlined the US Government’s ability to mobilize debt into private corporations, who in turn were happy to supply the government with whatever they required… for a heavily marked up price of course:
For Hegel, war was essential to progress the State of Prussia. For General Smedley Butler, war is a complete racket that funnels enormous profits to ‘the few’, while incurring unfathomable costs to ‘the many’.
By the completion of WWI, America had its highest debt levels since the civil war. Using the Federal Reserve, Americans were being placed into debt servitude.
In Hegel’s master-slave dialectic, things were exactly as it should be.
The Bohemian Obsession
Every year in the woods of San Francisco, some of the most wealthy and powerful elite men of the world attend a camp known as Bohemian Grove.
There are many conspiracy theories and documentaries made about the event. For #PrussiaGate, we will focus on how it has been influenced by Prussian kultur.
Here are a few:
It is an all-male event. This is similar to Frederick the Great’s palace, “sans, souci.” All females and minors are to leave the premises by 9 or 10pm.
There is pageantry, theatre and some cross dressing. Again, similar to “sans, souci.”, the men are engaging in activities they would otherwise not perform in the public eye.
Richard Nixon once stated about the Grove, “The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time—it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd.” Frederick the Great, as we know in Power of the Prussian Micropenis, was gay.
It was founded in 1872, one year after the King of Prussia become the German Kaiser, DC became a corporation and the Washington Treaty made the Kaiser the final arbiter in all disputes between the US and UK.
There is a strange reference to worshipping of a 40-foot Owl. Some suggest this as a satanic ritual and that the Owl represents Molloch. With respect to the march of the invisible Prussian army, we will come back to this point.
Was Bohemian Grove named after the region of Bohemia? This is in modern day Czechoslovakia, but the history of Bohemia is very interesting.
First Conquered Land for Frederick the Great
When his father died, Frederick the Great became king of Prussia in 1740. The hatred Frederick had for his father was intense. Frederick’s father forced him to watch the decapitation of his boyfriend, and then later married Frederick to a member of the Austrian Hapsburgs. The Austrians at the time were having a heavy influence in Prussian politics.
To celebrate the death and hatred for his father in 1740, Frederick the Great immediately attacked the Austrian Empire in Silesia. Known as the Silesian Wars, Frederick took over all the lands of Silesia from Austria and cemented Prussia as the dominant military power in Europe.
The lands seized by Frederick included the lands of Silesia, Moravia and Bohemia. Frederick would battle back and forth with the Austrians for control of these lands.
Fast forward to WWII, and we see that Hitler signed the Munich Agreement which annexed the German speaking parts of Bohemia (the Sudetenland) from Czechoslovakia in 1938. For some reason, Bohemia was of great interest to Prussia, and later, to Hitler.
Slavery in Bohemia
When Europe had abolished slavery, Bohemia stood as an exception. There are significant accounts of people being born into slavery around the time Frederick the Great was at war in Silesia.
Bohemia was mainly populated by serfs, who had to do “coerced labour”:
Is this the reason why Frederick the Great chose Bohemia as his first conquest? Would the slave class of Bohemia provide a handsome treasure for his belove
Wolfert Katz
During the 1800s, one of the largest slave owners was a man by the name of Wolfert Katz.
Incredibly, Wolfert Katz was from Bohemia.
The most interesting thing about Wolfert Katz and his enterprise, were the people he did business with, which included merchant banks. Slaves were treated as commodities, and therefore they attracted the investment capital of merchant banks.
Upon Wolfert Katz’s death, we discover that Barings Bank, the largest bank in the world at the time, was heavily invested in slavery. How much capital did Barings invest with Katz?
For a company that was once considered the “6th Great Power” of Europe, that’s a lot of money to invest with one person, especially given the nature of the Bohemian’s investments. As was discussed in Prussian Origins of Skull and Bones, Barings has German origins and its logo is styled on the Prussian eagle.
There are many odd coincidences between the activities of the elite at Bohemian Grove and those which occurred at Frederick’s beloved palace. Geographically, the area of Bohemia was the first target of Frederick’s war campaigns, as well as Nazi Germany. Bohemia still had a form of slavery operating in 18th century Europe. Lastly, we discover that one of the largest slave owners in the world was from Bohemia, and his merchant banker was the German-British Barings Bank.
The patterns of slavery, banking and long-standing networks cannot be ignored. It is a trick of the mind that ancient things simply no longer exist. Bohemian Grove is a window into an ancient cult.
What else can the events at Bohemian Grove show us?
The Cult of the Owl
Cults tend to have a strong need for symbols. They are empowered by hiding things in plain sight that ‘We the People’ do not understand. Symbols are the glue that bonds a cult together. Conversely, when the meaning behind a symbol is discovered, it becomes the ‘achilles heel’ that leads to a cult’s downfall.
Bohemian Grove, a “men only” summer camp for the world’s wealthy and powerful, is replete with symbology. The male only pageantry and escapades are remarkably reminiscent of Frederick the Great’s male only palace, “sans, souci.”.
Bohemia was a place to be conquered, its inhabitants enslaved and the human cargo adequately financed. Did Frederick and Adolph Hitler understand its significance? More importantly, is that part of the symbology behind the namesake of ‘Bohemian Grove’?
Bohemian Grove also has elitists paying hommage to a 40-foot owl. While some suggest this is a satanic ritual representing Molloch, we shall look to a quote from a man that prided himself on the “‘master-slave dialectic” and appears to be at the center of it all. Hegel.
What is the owl of Minerva?
Interestingly, Frederick the Great was also considered an extreme intellect (wise), founded the future Reichsbank (trade), was a great patron of the arts and one of the greatest military strategists in human history.
Although Frederick was a master military man, you will have undoubtedly noticed by now his effeminate ways, particularly in his youth. Is Frederick’s feminine qualities a reason why some men at Bohemian Grove cross-dress?
Is Bohemian Grove and its all-male elitist attendees invoking the spirit of Frederick the Great, his military successes and the Prussian philosophy of world domination by the means of war and the indirect enslavement of humanity? All symbolized through the ‘owl of Minerva’?
If anyone were doubting the owl is Minerva, another interesting aspect of Bohemian Grove is the club’s motto, “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here”.
It seems spiders and Minerva do not get on.
Minerva obviously did not like competition, they would be turned into spiders. Are ‘We the People’ the transformed spiders that are not welcome at the Grove?
The Followers of Hegel
Hegel was not a free-thinker but rather a bullhorn for the Prussian ideology of totalitarianism and conquest. For Hegel, the apex of Prussianism was under the rule of Frederick the Great. The glory of Prussia was due to Frederick and Hegel would have grown up to know this as an absolute truth. Hegel’s philosophy was for Prussia and for the man responsible for its rise to power, Frederick the Great.
In turn, Hegel was idolized by his followers. Inspired by his rhetoric and the master-slave dialectic, the elitists who followed Hegel would go on to create their own subset organisations and philosophies. Notably;
Karl Marx and the communist revolutions that followed. A war of the classes.
Fascism and the rise of the Nazi ideology. A war of the races.
Skull and Bones and the production line of the future wealthy and powerful elite of America.
And now, it appears, the Bohemian Grove. A summer camp for the most powerful men in the world to congregate and pay homage to the man who is the embodiment of applied Hegelian master-slave dialectics; Frederick the Great.
Some of the world’s most accomplished philosophers have cast serious doubt on the true intelligence of Hegel. Karl Popper and Arthur Schopenhauer viewed him as nothing more than a waffling fraud with a chorus of followers who celebrated him not because they understood anything he said but because they could be part of a club that was attempting world domination.
If Popper and Schopenhauer are correct then it would imply that this “club” would be nothing more than a cult. It would also imply that its members, some of the most influential, wealthy and powerful men on the planet, were stupid.
To paraphrase Schopenhauer:
This has been a long unpacking but necessary in understanding the minds behind a centuries old cult that seeks to divide and control humanity, forever.
No other time in human history have the people been so divided. Whether it be by race, religion, class, political affiliation or gender. Our institutions, in conjunction with the MSM, have radicalized people into believing that their ideology is absolute reality. When competing ideologies become polarized, the people are taught to fight each other – even if it means war.
For Hegel, war is ethical, right and allows the progress of his beloved State. For ‘We the People’, war incurs the senseless loss of life, a permanent psychological burden on our soldiers and a financial cost that places all of us into debt servitude.
When we become divided, we fight each other and become weak. We pose no threat to their system of control. We must find ways to become united. We must find ways to defeat the ‘war and wisdom’ of their ‘owl of Minerva’.
Ending Wars
Chapter four of General Smedley Butler’s book provides a simple three point solution on how to smash the racket that is War.
Step 1: “Take the profit out of war.”
Step 2: “Permit the youth of the land who would bear arms to decide whether or not there should be war.”
Step 3: “We must limit our military forces to home defense purposes.”
This is the message from the most decorated Marine in U.S. history. A man who had plenty of ‘skin in the game’. A man who risked it all to expose the plot of a fascist military coup by a group of elitists. One of those elitists being Bonesman, Prescott Bush.
Ending the Cult of Wisdom
Before the unfortunate descent into conflict, people first become polarized by their ideologies. Wars begin when the people are convinced their cause is just and worth dying for. When “ideals” become “reals”, the storm-clouds of war gather.
The clash of ideologies is at the core of Hegel’s philosophy. Engaged in a battle to the death where only one idea can be “master” and the other its “slave”, a trail of destruction generally ensues.
When the world’s elites began flocking to study at the University of Berlin, Hegel’s philosophy permeated throughout the world. A Hegelian cult of self-professed elitists infiltrated and took over our systems of governance.
Today our international think tanks, supra-national bodies, intra-governmental panels, organizations, councils and committees all have one thing in common. “Experts” who tell us:
how to think and behave,
how we destroy the planet and how they can solve it,
what our status is as a gender, race, religion or class,
who our enemies are and the WARS we must fight.
As we battle the “horrible invisible enemy” we must know their biggest weapon is the radicalization of ideas to keep us divided, weak and controlled. When they parrot their Hegelian waffle through the MSM bullhorn, the best form of defense is to stop listening to them.
It’s time to trust ourselves and think for ourselves.
“The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk.”
ADDENDUM: President Trump and the Grovers
President Trump has been engaged in an invisible war against the world’s most powerful and wealthy elite. In a speech on August 6, 2020, President Trump described some of his “rich enemies”.
Many of those rich enemies would attend the annual owl worshipping summer camp at Bohemian Grove. The attendees at the Grove is an eye watering “who’s who” in the world. World leaders, CEOs of multinational corporations and celebrity legends all clamber to get a seat at the Bohemian table.
In 2019 a list was provided of approximately 3000 attendees from 2008 – 2018.
Here is a small sample of names and their positions:
These are just some of the very rich and famous people who attend the Grove. Most likely President Trump was calling some of them out. We shall look at two that Trump engaged specifically.
Colin Powell
Powell apparently was an avid attendee of the summer camp.
Powell and President Trump did not get on. Powell apparently liked to talk about Trump at Bohemian Grove with former Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper.
Similarly, President Trump had no time for Colin Powell. In 2003, Powell addressed the United Nations on his belief of Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction”.
For Trump, Powell was nothing more than fear mongering Hegelian that dragged the US into a war in Iraq.
Powell died in October 2020. Even after his death, Trump was unrepentant on his assessment of Powell. If President Trump read General Butler’s book he would surely know the true human cost of Colin Powell’s infamous “weapons of mass destruction” speech. He represented everything that Trump fights against in America.
Grover Bush and the Thousand Points of Light
From what we have so far unpacked in #PrussiaGate, let’s have a look at the profile of George H.W. Bush.
Skull and Bones initiate.
Phi Beta Kappa.
Member of Alfalfa Club.
Member of Bohemian Grove (Hillbilly)
That’s a lot of Prussian boxes ticked. We also know that his father was outed by General Smedley Butler as one of the conspirators in a fascist coup attempt in America and also had his company’s assets seized for allegedly financing a part of the Nazi regime; but let’s not blame George for the sins of his father.
In a famous speech, G.H.W.B. discussed the “thousand points of light”.
No one really understood what he was talking about, including President Trump.
“What the hell is that? Has anyone ever figured that one out?”.
I had no idea, until researching this dig. There is Adolph Hitler’s reference to the “Thousand Year Reich”. As we know Hitler idolized Frederick the Great. Perhaps what is more interesting is the other group that worshipped Frederick through a 40 foot “owl of Minerva”.
It’s a theory, and a fun one at that. When dusk falls and the owl spreads its wings, it operates in the darkness and hunts its prey with stealth efficiency. Was G.H.W.B. referring to the owl of Minerva - and by default an invisible Prussian domination - when discussing his “thousand points of light”?
More importantly, did President Trump bring light into a world falling into darkness and proclaim, “I see you”?