Havens, Horse Heads and Hermann - Part I

Trust the Trust

From the writer’s perspective, it would be fair to say that the research that has been undertaken for #PrussiaGate has led down some interesting and highly unexpected pathways. At the outset of this research, there was no way of knowing the vastness of new awareness that would come to light. Many long-term readers have enjoyed watching this journey unfold. Incredibly, there is still much more to bring to light. New information continues to emerge from directions that may at first seem completely random, however as the dots are carefully and methodically joined, we come to discover that the same master is behind it all; Prussia.

This article, and the ensuing series, will bring something to light that was entirely unexpected. We trust you will enjoy the journey!

*New Zealand

While trying not to turn this into a tourist advertisement, it has to be said that New Zealand is one of the most spectacular places on the planet.

Located in the South Pacific, it is home to magnificent beaches and incredible natural habitats.


The fjords, or what they call “sounds”, are truly an incredible sight to behold.


New Zealand has spectacular ski fields, a world class culinary culture, a stunning Māori culture, and some of the nicest people on the planet. New Zealanders are also some of the toughest bastards you will ever meet. The national rugby team, known as the “All Blacks”, is the most successful international rugby team of all time. From 1903-2021, the NZ All Blacks have won 77% of their 612 international games. 3

As an example, one of their greatest players was Jonah Lomu. Lomu played for NZ from 1994-2002. He was 6’5”, weighed 276 lbs, and could run 100 meters in 10.7 seconds. He was nothing short of legendary, and it was lamented that Lomu never played in the NFL.



The physicality, strength and ferocity of New Zealanders, who are also known as Kiwis, is rooted deep within their history and culture. When the British Empire sought to expand its territory to every corner of the globe, they found it almost impossible to subdue the NZ native population:


Today, all Kiwis celebrate the tradition of Māori strength, power and their ability to stand up to tyranny. This is expressed through a ceremony known as the ‘haka’.


A short video of a traditional haka demonstration is worth watching if you’re not familiar with it (1:17 mins):

During the peak of the plandemic, the Kiwi anti-mandate protesters provided a powerful display of their ancient cultural spirit, providing a clear warning to this emerging enemy (1:48 mins):

Unfortunately for New Zealand, the enemy they faced was not deterred by the Haka, protesters or the violent warrior-history of its ancestors. As with every other nation on Earth, the emerging enemy was invisible, and it was arising from within. Years prior, the ReichsWEF had sent in one of their best to ‘penetrate’ the New Zealand government, destroying it through infiltration, rather than invasion.

Quirky Kiwi Land

Like many other countries, New Zealand is not without its eccentricities. For one thing, their lexicon is highly unique and somewhat bizarre: Speed humps are called judder bars; flip-flops are called jandals; swimwear, togs; portable coolers are called chilli-bins. All told, they have somehow managed to interchange the pronunciation of the letters ‘e’ and ‘i’.

These are important things to know when in New Zealand, especially if a Kiwi requests that you, “grab your chilli-bin, put on your togs and jandals and come and relax on my beautiful deck”……

Kiwis also like to have a good laugh at themselves about these eccentricities (2:01 mins):

Dicks and decks aside, perhaps the quirkiest thing about New Zealand over the last few years was the woman [s]elected to run the country; Jacinda Ardern.


This lady, with her eerily equine-like features, needs no introduction. While she is most-certainly not the focus of this article, we must review the highlights of her career as one of the most unashamed modern-day globalists ever to lead a nation:


Hillary was so impressed by Jacinda’s leadership qualities, she even considered moving to the country after her humiliating defeat to President Donald Trump:


It is no secret that Jacinda Ardern’s government was one of the most brutal when it came to the Covid lockdown madness. Even the Haka was no match for the totalitarian-rule of Ardern. Perhaps this was one of the qualities Hillary had seen in Jacinda which tempted her to relocate.

Now let us change gear and refocus on where this article is heading. Recall from Not Since 1917 – Part VI that the Nazis were the first to implement a “Health Pass” that established a two-tier totalitarian rule in Germany:


During October 2021, the New Zealand people began to hear the return of that very eerie echo:


While the ‘lockdown Queen’ was busy making the lives of the Kiwi ‘rank-and-file’ completely miserable, there were some glaring exceptions:


Wealthy foreign investors were being given precedence over hard working New Zealanders:


For some reason, the world’s mega-rich seemed to have already prepared to flee to New Zealand in the case of a global apocalypse. In the early months of the plandemic, the elite’s major problem seemed more about how to unlock to their lockdown-bunkers:


While the people were confined to their homes, others were being given clear international passage:


In what appeared to be an incredible Prussian family reunion, the “Lady Ghislaine” arrived into Auckland from Australia. “Lady Ghislaine” was the superyacht that was owned by notorious spy Robert Maxwell, named after his now-infamous daughter, and the same boat that he disappeared from on November 5, 1991. The boat was built for Emad Khashoggi, the cousin of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi, in 1986, before being bought by Maxwell. Incredibly, the boat is now owned by Rupert Murdock’s ex-wife Anna Murdoch Mann dePeyster, after she bought it from a Saudi Arabian lawyer. You can’t make this stuff up!

The Daily Mail reported all this detail and noted:

“That acquiring the old enemy’s once prized possession might have provided an unexpected incentive for the wider Murdoch clan, a kind of posthumous schadenfreude. 17

(Rupert and Anna Murdoch)

It will come as no surprise to our long term readers that the word “Schadenfreude” originates from Germany, or Prussia at that time, and was first coined in the 1740s, which coincidently was the commencement of Frederick the Great’s reign.

Whether this odd turn-of-phrase in reference to the Murdoch empire was a reference to the Prussian regime, we may never know. Whatever the case, this maniacal rush of the world’s elite to escape to New Zealand brings up a very strange paradox: Why would the wealthiest people in the world be prepared to move to a nation whose leader is an unashamed totalitarian left-wing socialist?

Was there possibly something else that ‘We the People’ were missing? Why was New Zealand being viewed as some kind of haven?

A Hidden Haven?

When you love holidays, quiet beaches, seclusion and tranquillity, the word ‘haven’ invokes a very strong imagery. When you love money, power and control, the word ‘haven’ invokes an entirely different imagery.

For those in positions of power and significant influence, tax havens and wealth go hand in hand:


People generally think of tax havens as being in the Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Luxembourg and a host of publicly promoted jurisdictions. In the past, Switzerland was renowned for its private banking secrecy, where dubious deposits flowed freely into Suisse bank accounts.

How many people knew about where the ultimate tax haven was located:



Could New Zealand, a member of the infamous “Five Eyes” be the ultimate tax haven? How could this be possible and yet kept secret from the entire world? Could this explain why the uber-wealthy globalist-elite were clamoring to get to the remote pacific island when the Covid lockdown apocalypse was occurring?

We must return to some simple logic and tangible evidence: How does New Zealand function as a tax haven?

That can be explained by the myriad of New Zealand companies promoting their services in Foreign Trusts:



So, a foreign trust set up in New Zealand, will not pay any tax on income generated anywhere around the world, provided that income is generated outside of New Zealand.

When the Panama “Pandora Papers” were exposed, New Zealand found itself in a precarious predicament. Its tax policies could no longer be seen as normal or fair. Its Foreign Trust laws had been exposed. Hidden no more, the NZ government took immediate steps to publicly ‘rectify’ this terrible situation. This change would placate those who were outraged, however it would also expose an even greater loophole:


When the New Zealand government passed their new 2017 bill, it exposed two things.

What is a discretionary trust?


Put simply, in a discretionary trust, the trustee is in control of the assets and income distribution of the trust. In order for the beneficiaries of New Zealand Foreign Trusts to remain anonymous, they must now ensure their assets are in a “discretionary trust”. This means they would theoretically lose control of the trust’s activities, unless there was a way to control the ‘trustee’ without anyone knowing, and without leaving a communication trail.

The only way to accomplish this would be to arrange private in-person meetings with the trustee. Therefore, regular visits by the trust beneficiary to the New Zealand trustee would now be necessary to protect their financial interests, and to discreetly direct money to beneficiaries, which are no longer ‘fixed’.

Is this why the uber-wealthy and globalist-elite have a new fascination with New Zealand?

The amendment to the Foreign Trust laws came into effect on June 30, 2017. Three months later, ReichsWEF member, Jacinda Ardern, became the nation’s Prime Minister. We already know Hillary Clinton adored Jacinda as a leader, and made several personal visits to New Zealand.

It was not just Hillary Clinton and the uber-rich making frenetic visits to the remote Pacific nation:





Sometimes it is important to follow the money. However, in this case, we have no idea what money or assets are sitting in these New Zealand Foreign Trusts, nor do we know who benefits from them. So, instead of following the money, we simply followed the anonymous hidden tax haven that was the attraction of every deranged globalist on Earth.

It is hard to comprehend the scale of this NZ Trust asset/tax loophole. New Zealand had evolved to become a hidden bank account for the super corrupt. A significant question must be asked:

How did this all come to pass?

To answer this question, we look toward a man who became known as ‘Frank The Bank’. For behind everything that is secret, sits a mad Prussian.

To be continued…

  1. http://www.cntraveler.com/galleries/2015-12-30/the-best-beaches-in-new-zealand ↩︎

  2. https://traveldigg.com/milford-sound-new-zealand-traces-of-the-sea-in-the-green-valley-of-the-snowy-mountains/ ↩︎

  3. https://www.allblacks.com/teams/all-blacks/ ↩︎

  4. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/636967-nfl-why-rugby-legend-jonah-lomu-was-the-best-running-back-who-never-put-on-pads ↩︎

  5. https://www.rugbyworld.com/countries/new-zealand-countries/reaction-rugby-world-mourns-jonah-lomu-52507 ↩︎

  6. https://listverse.com/2017/02/28/10-ways-the-maori-made-life-hell-for-the-new-zealand-colonials/ ↩︎

  7. http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/ockhamsrazor/maori-culture-and-history/8585088 ↩︎

  8. https://islamicstatewatch.com/2021/07/27/isis-terrorist-wont-face-charges/ ↩︎

  9. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/356761/power-selfie-ardern-and-clinton-exchange-gifts ↩︎

  10. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/103707777/hillary-clinton-considered-moving-to-nz-after-loss-to-trump ↩︎

  11. https://militariaplaza.nl/documents-passes-30/nsdap-gesundheitspa%C3%9F-detail ↩︎

  12. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1511063/Jacinda-Ardern-covid-news-two-tier-society-vaccine-passports ↩︎

  13. https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/300309160/wealthy-investors-due-to-arrive-on-new-border-exemption ↩︎

  14. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/24/locked-out-new-zealanders-outraged-as-visa-scheme-for-rich-foreigners-resumes ↩︎

  15. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8235565/Billionaires-fled-doomsday-bunkers-New-Zealand-coronavirus-crisis-escalated.html ↩︎

  16. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11935169/superyacht-ghislaine-maxwell-new-zealand-epsteins/ ↩︎

  17. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9255321/How-Murdoch-sailed-Robert-Maxwells-superyacht-Lady-Ghislaine-named-daughter.html ↩︎

  18. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-27/the-jeffrey-epstein-guide-to-cutting-your-tax-bill-by-90?leadSource=uverify%20wall ↩︎

  19. https://thespinoff.co.nz/business/06-10-2021/is-nz-a-tax-haven-for-the-rich-and-dodgy-the-pandora-papers-reignite-the-debate ↩︎

  20. https://www.theguardian.com/world/commentisfree/2022/apr/14/when-it-comes-to-international-financial-new-zealand-is-far-from-squeaky-cleanhttp://nomoretax.eu/estate-planning/new-zealand-foreign-trust/ ↩︎

  21. http://nomoretax.eu/estate-planning/new-zealand-foreign-trust/ ↩︎

  22. https://mattersoftrust.co.nz/foreign-trusts/ ↩︎

  23. https://www.justia.com/estate-planning/trusts/fixed-and-discretionary-trusts/ ↩︎

  24. https://newspunch.com/john-podesta-new-zealand-major-cyber-attack/ ↩︎

  25. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/james-comey-says-hes-moving-to-new-zealand-if-trump-wins-again-if-hes-not-in-prison-video/ ↩︎

  26. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/us-spy-boss-in-nz-on-secret-visit/7TIUXX6DCB5IMFLXTWP2UMAM64/ ↩︎

  27. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/former-us-president-barack-obama-arrives-in-new-zealand/E5SOVMTVGTA6P2W64XFOROFMJE/ ↩︎