Evolution of Slavery - Part IV

The Invisible War for Freedom

President Trump outlined the geopolitical context of the world, without ambiguity:

“We’re at war, in a true sense we’re at war, and we are fighting an invisible enemy,” 1

Before we explore the nature of this present war against a “horrible invisible enemy”, we must first understand that in war, ‘to the victor go the spoils’. For millennia, conquered lands not only gave up their territory, but also many of their men, women and children as slaves. They would be duly commoditized as an asset that went to the victor. But what exactly is ‘slavery’?


This definition offers some key components of slavery which are worth considering:

If we look way back in time, we can see that the Spartans did not mess around. They conquered a region, killed off the strong men, and enslaved everyone else. These assets provided Sparta with everything they required to wage war. The legality of this scheme was dictated by the swords, spears and shields of Spartan warriors. A slave remained obedient if they wanted to remain alive. The slave’s work was whatever Sparta required. All in all, it was a very simple system.

It was the Athenians, Carthaginians, Romans and Khazarians who developed more sophisticated methods of enslavement. Rather than directly enslaving peoples, their empires revolved around trade. Trade brought such immense wealth and prosperity that their empires did not need to impose the brutal militancy of Sparta in order to acquire slaves. They simply bought and traded slaves as they saw fit.

Trade, and the ownership of trade routes, therefore, became the path to power and prosperity. Slaves were a luxury afforded by the strongest and wealthiest civilizations. Slave trade represented a terrible threat to the weak and poor that were within the grasp of these empires.

The Khazarians, in particular, implemented the most sophisticated strategy by placing themselves right in the middle of the most valuable trade routes of Western civilization. Anything travelling east, west, north or south was taxed by the Khazarians, who would crush anyone that did not pay the 10% tax on their goods. Khazaria become extremely wealthy and powerful by ensuring 10% always went to the “big guy”; in this case this was the Kagan of Khazaria.

A few centuries later, the Holy Roman Emperor began granting privileges to various ‘Hanses’, which were medieval guilds of merchants or traders in certain German city states. This initiative would morph into the monopolization of trade on the North and Baltic Seas, eventually giving birth to the mighty Hanseatic League.

If any kingdom was not ‘obedient’ to the terms-of-trade doled out by the League, it was seen as an act of war. The Hanse towns would cut off the supply chain to any ‘rogue’ kingdom, and duly plunge it into famine and economic depression. Once sufficiently weakened, the Hanseatic League would then wage direct warfare, subduing their enemy back into obedience.

In terms of the components of slavery, there is much we can learn:

The terms-of-trade imposed by the Hanseatic League certainly fulfil the basic definition of slavery. The subtle thing about the League’s strategy was that it appeared like a flourishing economy, meaning that very few people knew they were enslaved. With the exception of a King and his advisors, the citizens were blissfully unaware that the grain they were harvesting and selling for $5 a bushel, might have a true market value of $10. Effectively, farmers were giving away half their labor and capital to the Hanse.

The Hanseatic League had devised a method of “invisible” enslavement through the monopolization of trade. These mercantilist trade practices permeated throughout Europe and began an evolution of slavery that very few understood. This is the essence behind the ‘horrible invisible enemy’ we are confronted with today. It is worth exploring the parallels between then and now:

Identity servitude will comprise all our individual data becoming centralized into some form of ‘digital identity’. This is not some futuristic prediction; it is already here. No longer a trend confined to China, digital identities are already being set up in countries such as UK, Australia and Canada.


A digital identity will work hand in hand with ‘Central Bank Digital Currencies’ (CBDCs). If there is any doubt as to the authenticity of this claim, establishment-insider Pippa Malgrem spells it out very clearly: (2:06 minutes)

Consider for a moment, the data footprint that exists for each individual through social media, spending patterns, and the use of the internet in general. The technology within AI and CBDCs means that a digital version of ‘the self’ is being created, and the digital image is becoming clearer and clearer. The data attached to the ‘digital self’ can be used to correct an individual’s behavior, via a system of rewards and penalties.

If a digital identity is detected to behave outside of the designated boundaries (ie: mandates), then punishment will ensue – perhaps in the form of blocking access to the economy, until one’s behavior is rectified.

All of this is being planned and communicated to the world. The World Economic Forum along with partner nations intend to make this legal, thereby fulfilling the definition of slavery. In discussing digital tracking, the CEO of Pfizer smiled as he said, “imagine the compliance”: (0:26 seconds)

The intended trajectory of this invisible globalist establishment is to force everyone into identity slavery.

Make no mistake, this is war, and to the victor will go the spoils. President Trump has explained this war and noted that the enemy is invisible. He did this for good reason, as most people cannot see the war, the enemy, their weapons or the enslavement that awaits them, should this battle be lost.

The National Identity Battlefront

The war we face today is like no other in history, and it is being fought on multiple fronts. The invisible enemy has engaged every human being on earth, and their goal is to enslave our identity, and thereby control our will.

Humanity stands on the ultimate battlefront, and President Trump has been a lead-figure in the stand against this tyrannical force. Before we explain how Trump has done this, we must first understand how our identities have been gradually eroded, thereby empowering the globalist’s plans for a New World Order.

In order for the World Economic Forum to achieve its vision and for this invisible enemy to manifest Klaus Schwab’s prediction of a “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, nation states would need to be destroyed; bowing in submission to a supra-national entity. This supra-national body would be a conglomerate of entities such as the World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, and a matrix of globalist corporations all working in lockstep and coordinated by the World Economic Forum.

Those who have followed #PrussiaGate from the beginning will know that this is the post-WWII structure that we suggest allowed for the ‘horrible invisible enemy’ to leave the state of Prussia and become the global force it is today.

As we observe the enemy’s quest for global domination, one question beckons: How can a nation state be destroyed? Using Prussian history as a guide, we can simply look toward the military genius of Frederick the Great and the strategies that he deployed against his enemies…

“Infiltration instead of invasion”.

With military precision, the invisible enemy infiltrated the minds of a nation’s citizens, and convinced them to hate their own country. If successful, the indoctrinated citizen would disavow everything their nation represented, and in doing so, disconnect from their national identity. If enough citizens disconnect from their national identity, democracy could be weaponized to destroy a nation from within:

In Part I, we showed a video of Angela Merkel displaying her neo-Hanseatic qualities and a complete disdain for the German flag.

Merkel’s time in power will eventually be documented as a complete betrayal of the German people. Years of un-vetted migration into Germany has created waves of terrorism:


To cap off Merkel’s disastrous reign, insane climate-driven energy policies now have the nation staring down a life-threatening winter without power and potential economic ruin. President Trump warned Germany back in 2018, which was laughed at by Merkel’s minions: (0:28 seconds)

This is the result of a nation that hates itself; this is what destruction from within looks like.

(Note: It is important to understand that “Prussia is not a nation, but an army that controls nations”. Once Prussia controlled Germany, they used the nation and its people to serve Prussia. No one has suffered more at the hands of Prussia than the German people, and it unfortunately appears as though history is repeating itself.)

Merkel is not alone in sabotaging her own nation. The world is awash with leaders hell-bent on destroying the very fabric of their nation’s identity and kow-towing to the New World Order. Almost without exception, these leaders are associated with Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders program: (0:52 seconds)

The true intention of Klaus Schwab’s ReichsWEF is to “penetrate” the cabinets of nation states. In most cases, this can only be achieved through a democratic process. Therefore, citizens are no longer identifying with the nation their forefathers carved-out for them, but rather they are being indoctrinated to identify as ‘global citizens’ and embrace the suicidal policies set out by Klaus and the ReichsWEF. Global citizens are willingly giving up their national identity.

The battle for national identity has been raging for quite some time. Perhaps the starkest declaration of a nation under ‘identity attack’ came from the Dutch Princess Maxima in 2007. She embarked on a seven-year journey to determine the “Dutch Identity”. Travelling throughout the Netherlands and beyond and drawing on “experts”, she declared:

“The theme “identity” is on the minds of a lot of people in the Netherlands.”

“It has been seven years since I started my personal search for ‘The Dutch identity’. I received help from numerous experts. I had the privilege to meet various people. I saw, heard and tasted much of the Netherlands. It was a beautiful, rich experience, for which I am grateful; but I have not found ‘THE Dutch identity’.”

“The Netherlands are too-many sided, to be capture in one cliché. ‘The Dutchman’ does not exist.”

“As a consolation, I add that ‘The Argentinean’ also does not exist.”

“Prince Claus, my father-in-law, stated: “One question, that is hard to answer, but that is often posed, is ‘How does it feel to be Dutch’.” My answer is: “I don’t know how it is to be Dutch; I have multiple loyalties, and I am a global citizen; and European and Dutch; words that never slipped my mind.” 4

“One cannot demarcate loyalties and identities of people.” 5

These are strong statements when considering it is from the current Queen of the Netherlands. The entirety of Maxima’s speech is worth the listen (English subtitles), and substantiates the globalist plan for nations to yield to the ‘global citizen’ ideology.

Recall in our article The Prussian Pontiff, Maxima was the daughter of Jorge Zorreguita. Jorge was banned from attending the wedding of his daughter:

The Prussian Pontiff article details the nasty history of Maxima’s family, as well as the dark Nazi past of her birthplace, Argentina. This, combined with her marriage into the Dutch Royal family – the House of Orange-Nassau, makes the comments of Queen Maxima a decidedly Prussian affair.

As this battle over national identity rages, Maxima’s declaration regarding the Dutch identity is no coincidence. Today, the Dutch farmers have had enough of the bullshit that has been spruiked by their globalist leaders. The Netherlands “is the largest meat exporter in Europe and the second-largest exporter of food globally by value after the United States.” 6 The Dutch parliament has set a target to reduce the nation’s Nitrogen emissions by up to 70% by 2030. If this were accomplished, the centuries old proud Dutch farming culture and their ability to be the breadbasket of Europe would be completely destroyed. The Dutch farmers are reclaiming their national identity, and in doing so attempting to save Holland from almost-certain ruin:


They are invoking the spirit of the Dutch legend, “Grutte Pier”, or Big Pier, as they set about taking their country back:


The Dutch farmers have no intention of letting their nation fall into the hands of globalists. Around the world, Patriots are realizing their national identities are under violent attack.

Bolsonaro has reinvigorated the meaning behind being Brazilian:


The turnout showed the force of citizens fighting to retain their Brazilian identity:

In South America, the Chilean people have awakened to the globalist scam, and resoundingly rejected a Constitutional referendum that would have seen their nation completely consumed into the globalist cesspit:


The Dutch, Brazilians, Chileans and many other nations are starting to proclaim their proud allegiance to the heritage of their nations. The war for national identity is in full-swing, however the biggest game in town, is the battle for America.

In the Prussian Origins of Modern Education, we presented how Prussia had infiltrated the education system in America. Under the Prussian education model, teachers were no longer viewed as conduits for nurturing the inquiring minds of children, but were seen as an army to shape children’s minds to align with the vision of the State. Our children have been dragged into this ideological war:


The ‘woke’ agenda indoctrinating our children is being carried out by an ever-increasing army of teachers and administrative staff. Since 1970, enrolments of students in public schools have increased by 8%, while at the same time teaching staff has increased by 84%. The most staggering statistic is the increase of non-teaching staff. Staff employed to set the curriculum and behavioural-policies within schools, is up by over 130%!!


The “hate America” campaign is well underway thanks to the Teachers unions. This is the Prussian playbook to destroy a nation’s identity from within. This is not some random event; this is being coordinated and supported from the very top: (0:53 seconds)

In our article House of Saud, we presented the history of the Obamas and their early ties to powerful Trump-hating Saudi princes. The cozy relationship of Obama with Al Waleed Bin Talal, and the origins of the Muslim Brotherhood have distinct, Prussian roots. Michelle Obama’s off-handed statement is mockery and a declaration against the rich American identity.

In 2014, even sleepy Joe Biden was getting in on the attack against what it means to be American: (0:24 seconds)

The American identity was, and remains, under severe attack. While the Dutch have their farmers and Brazil has Bolsonaro, it took a special person to take on the ‘horrible invisible enemy’ in America. The infiltration was so vast, that it would need to be matched by powerful leadership.

MAGA – The Battle for the American Identity

In June 2015, Donald Trump officially declared that he was running for the 2016 US Presidential election. Over seven years ago, Trump already understood what the true nature of the battle America was facing, and his slogan was a brutal shot across the bow of those who were committed to America’s destruction:


‘Make America Great Again’, or MAGA, started as the catch-cry of tens of millions of Americans who felt helpless while their nation was plunged into debt, divide, and economic malaise. Supporting Trump was a chance to change the trajectory of a nation in decline. While Hillary was talking about no-fly zones over Syria, and potentially starting a war with Russia, Trump was campaigning to fix the economy, rebuild the military, stop the immigration crisis and generally ‘Make America Great Again’.

These four words appear simple and self-explanatory at face value, but their true meaning sent a shiver down the spine of the ‘horrible invisible enemy’. To make America great again, Americans must look to their past and remember the great accomplishments their nation had achieved. This would become a reference point, to when America was great, and a vote for Trump would represent a desire to return to that American greatness.

In other words, Trump was declaring that America was reclaiming its authentic national identity, which has been under heavy attack by the globalists.

MAGA not only represented a chance to reclaim American identity, it was a proclamation of war against those claiming the era of American exceptionalism was over.

This is why Trump’s Presidency was under attack from the moment it began. He would endure the ‘Russia Russia Russia’ hoax, two attempts at impeachment, and finally the ‘Chyna’ virus. Despite all of these attacks, Trump managed to give Americans a taste of what it would feel like to make America great again. Trumps manufacturing policies brought capital and jobs back to American towns. No one could deny Trump’s MAGA campaign was working its magic and bringing prosperity back to the nation. Even the main stream media were finding it tough to deny his accomplishments:


When the 2020 US Presidential election arrived, the outcome appeared almost certain, especially considering the incoherent and demented ramblings of his rival, Sleepy Joe Biden, who never left his basement during the campaign.

Those who watched the election closely are painfully aware of what transpired in November 2020, but that is not our focus here. We must always remember that Trump received 10 million more votes than 2016, and more votes than any other incumbent President. Considering the brutal attacks on his character and policies during his Presidential term, America had made a clear statement. Americans voted for MAGA in 2016, and again in 2020. 10 million more people wanted Trump and his MAGA agenda, after seeing him during his first term. Americans were reclaiming their national identity through MAGA.

Understanding the terrain of this identity war, one of the most important accomplishments during Trump’s term occurred two days before his time as President was supposedly coming to an end. On January 18, 2021, Trump released the 1776 Report:

The timing and intent behind the release of this report is no coincidence. President Trump was asking Americans to re-connect with the birth of their national identity:


Trump and his team understood the importance of history as it pertains to the present. In the War against the ‘horrible invisible enemy’, the 1776 Report is the inspiration needed for Americans to reclaim their identity, and ‘Make America Great Again’.

1776 – The War for Freedom

Similarly, #PrussiaGate has looked back in history to understand the present, and we found Prussia; we found an invisible enemy that was anything but dead.

America won the War for Freedom in 1776 and now, armed with the Constitution, the patriots will win this war again. The American Revolution was a battle for Freedom and the antithesis of the Prussian principles and philosophy.

America showed the world that they were willing to die for Freedom, and by doing so they broke the shackles of enslavement that had preyed upon the colonies since their inception.

When the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, it was a complete affront to the ‘Enlightened Despots’ that had ruled the West for so long:

These Enlightened Despots considered that it was their right to rule over their people because they were blessed with ‘Enlightenment’. They considered their subjects unable to be enlightened on their own accord, and therefore it was the duty of the monarch to bring this about. In essence, it could be seen as an 18th century version of uber-progressivism. At the top of all Enlightened Despots sat Frederick the Great.

We have presented that from the moment William III of Orange took the throne in 1688, the British Crown has been in German hands ever since. As the House of Hanover ruled over Great Britain, the crown was eventually handed to Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, better known as King George III. George III and Frederick the Great shared the same grandparent in King George I. They were cousins.

The American Revolution occurred during the reign of King George III. The Declaration of Independence alluded to the despotism that the American colonialists were subjected to by the Crown.

“But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.” 16

In 1776, the colonialists did not have a Constitution to draw on, nor did they have the soldiers, artillery, logistics or experience to defeat the British. The motivation to go to war lay in the discovery of true freedom. In so doing, the Patriots were exposing an enemy that had shackled down humanity with draconian, mercantilist trade practices. The Declaration of Independence not only declared Freedom for ‘We the People’, but also highlighted how tyranny had tied them down so aggressively, that the Patriots knew the only option was WAR!


After their costly but miraculous victory, the American Patriots still found it hard to break free from the tyrannical grip of enlightened despots. We presented in the ReichsWEF series, how Frederick the Great’s brother, Prince Henry, was secretly approached to become the King of America:


As we round out this ‘Evolution of Slavery’ series, it is amazing to think that even after grasping victory over the British, America was subjected to the same playbook that the Hanseatic League had practised for centuries on those who did not agree with their ‘terms of trade’. Letters of credit, or debt, flooded into post-revolutionary America and, if the Patriots had allowed it, a Hohenzollern would have become the King of America.

Fortunately, a government for the People was formed, along with the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Whenever tyranny tried to force Americans back into servitude, the Constitution could be used as the shining light to resist any attack on the freedom of the people.

Slavery has evolved over millennia. From the Spartan direct-slavery model, to the imposition of letters of credit, to central banking and now a planet drowning in a debt-based monetary system. These self-appointed masters have always tried to find a way to place human beings into servitude. Today, slavery has moved onto the high-tech platforms of central bank digital currency, digital identity, and Artificial Intelligence. We are being dragged into identity slavery.

This is war, and the invisible enemy truly believes they will be victorious. They believe that in victory, their prize will be the fall of nation states, the rise of the New World Order, and the total enslavement of the free-will of humanity.

Armed with the Constitution, an army of American ‘digital soldiers’ are embodying the spirit of 1776. They are joined by freedom loving Patriots worldwide, who are intent on exposing the ‘horrible invisible enemy’ and reclaim their nations. The enemy has no chance of winning this invisible war.

Slavery, no more; not ever.

  1. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/24/politics/fault-lines-trump-coronavirus-wartime-president/index.html ↩︎

  2. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/slavery ↩︎

  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9752205/Former-head-Germanys-spy-agency-slams-Angela-Merkels-immigration-policies-fatal.html ↩︎

  4. youtube.com/watch?v=zt0pHmZuDz0 ↩︎

  5. ibid ↩︎

  6. https://www.fairr.org/article/the-dutch-nitrogen-crisis/ ↩︎

  7. https://thegrayzone.com/2022/08/19/farms-food-dutch-farmers-protests-elite/ ↩︎

  8. https://www.ancient-origins.net/history-famous-people/pier-gerlofs-donia-giant-frisian-rebel-warrior-and-pirate-005312 ↩︎

  9. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/07/americas/brazil-independence-day-demonstrations-latam-intl-cmd ↩︎

  10. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/07/americas/brazil-independence-day-demonstrations-latam-intl-cmd ↩︎

  11. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jun/16/teachers-your-unions-anti-american-agenda-is-teari/ ↩︎

  12. https://www.heritage.org/education/report/how-escalating-education-spending-killing-crucial-reform ↩︎

  13. https://www.cnbc.com/2015/06/16/donald-trump-announces-candidacy-for-president.html ↩︎

  14. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2018/09/09/under-trump-jobs-boom-has-finally-reached-blue-collar-workers-will-it-last/ ↩︎

  15. https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The-Presidents-Advisory-1776-Commission-Final-Report.pdf ↩︎

  16. https://declaration.fas.harvard.edu/resources/text ↩︎

  17. http://fourdaysfromnow.deviantart.com/art/Give-Me-Liberty-or-Give-Me-Death-408556534 ↩︎

  18. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/645939/prince-henry-prussian-scheme ↩︎