Evolution of Slavery - Part III

So, What’s Next?

We’ve shown in Parts I and II how merchants took control of trade. We showed how controlling trade led to central banking, and central banking led to debt slavery. We’ve shown that the Hanseatic League didn’t really come to an end, but quietly moved into corporations and central banking, while also developing the deepest relationships with the monarchs of the day. The distinction between merchant bankers and government was essentially non-existent. Today we see this invisible enemy running the entire world as a global trade network, where they view countries as ports, and people as cargo.

Part II concluded with the idea that the patterns of centuries-past are still playing out today. As in the 1600s, the globalist merchants are happy to subject nations to military violence or economic persecution, in order that countries to continue to play by their rules in the game of global trade. Humanity stands on this incredible precipice, staring down these Prussian merchants.

Humanity is coming to the end of a long period of enslavement at the hands of global debt, engineered by the unending issuance of letters of credit. It could never last forever. People are fatigued and desiring release from the shackles of centralized banking and its excessive taxation.

Recall, that the Prussian way is “to kill or be killed”; the word ‘surrender’ is not in their vocabulary. This invisible enemy is still rolling out its plan upon the nations. It will block trade routes in an attempt to weaken the nations and bring despair to its citizens. The enemy seeks to impose one final layer of slavery upon humanity. This third and final stage will be a brutal examination, but I believe it will be far shorter than the other captivities because the enemy’s playbook is now known to us:

Captivity 1 – Physical slavery

Captivity 2 – Debt slavery

Captivity 3 – Identity slavery

The keen mind will observe that phases 1 and 2 still exist in the world. This is because the Prussians are masters at disappearing, but never leaving. This became easier once they occupied the realm of international law, thereby controlling Treaties and Trade Agreements.

Once the Prussian overlords were installed into the World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Bank, World Health Organization, Council on Foreign Relations, etc., they could literally control the entire world. Aid Agencies and NGOs all over the world would help create the illusion that slavery and human trafficking had ended, and that any re-emergence of such atrocities was isolated, and would be quashed by these noble international watchdogs. Sadly, we are now observing that not all these agencies can be trusted.

Today, all three layers of human slavery are being brought to light. The enemy is not backwards in telling us what they are doing, but so many people are not paying attention to one of the most serious issues on earth, at this time – a digital identity.

Identity-slavery is taking place on two levels.

  1. The abstract self:

Ideological warfare and color revolutions force us to confront an abstract identity of ourselves. They call people racists, neo-Nazis, homophobes, xenophobes, right wing, left wing, and on it goes. The media gaslighting is the primary origin of these attacks, but so is long-term indoctrination, thanks to the education systems.

The enemy’s plan is for us to either agree with these accusations or fight against them. Even this process of choosing, plays into their hand. As people join with the gaslighting and start accusing others, more noise is created around these false identities. Any engagement with the arguments around a false identity, gives it life.

As outlined in two previous articles: (1) Prussian Weaponized Philosophy and (2) Hegel, War, the Owl and the Slaves of Bohemia, the key to avoiding this form of identity-slavery is to simply understand Hegel’s ‘master – slave dialectic’. Understanding that we are being tricked into identifying as a slave or a master; a victim or a tyrant; allows us to transcend this narrative completely. Victory is ours when we just don’t play their game.

  1. The corporate self:

The second aspect to identity-slavery is more sinister, and this awareness will be a unique journey for each of us. Once the Prussian enemy took control of corporations, we have demonstrated that they quickly took control of the world’s chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

In recent years, these globalist corporations have created more and more medicines and owned their patents. For the most part, these recipes were synthetic versions of natural remedies, which cannot be patented, because they occur in nature. Someone once said, “you can’t patent what was created by God”. The corporations have honored this, and resorted to a strategy of “modify it, in order to own it”. This approach logically took humanity into the realm of genetic manipulation.

However, in 2021, something significant occurred. An aggressive world-wide push was made by the World Economic Forum in partnership with the World Health Organization to have the entire human population vaccinated, with a trial therapy using a system that had never been tested on humans. Given such an unprecedented event, many are raising questions about whether the motive behind such a push, really was about protecting human health.

The exposure of the Schwab family and the WEF is detailed in our article titled ReichsWEF – Part IV, and there is reasonable cause for concern:

Did the name of Klaus’s father provide a grim foreshadowing of the horrors that would follow during the Holocaust? Eugen is an uncommon name meaning “noble aristocrat”. Was Escher Wyss committed to perfecting noble gene sequences?


We are now learning that the Covid-19 vaccines are better described as gene therapy, due to the insertion of mRNA into the body. It is emerging that this therapy appears to exert some level of control upon the behavior of the immune system. Some speculate that it may even change the DNA, but confirming is still a way off, although the invisible enemy’s infatuation around DNA and merging our biological identity with their digital identity is not hidden:



Dr. Zelenko consistently claims the following comment by Klaus Schwab:


Klaus is certainly consistent in his intent and his messaging. Here is a screen shot from a 2016 video, where he talks about the imminent arrival of personalized robots:


Klaus has also written openly about the need to separate humans from natural and environmental processes, by creating a digital identity:


His wording is clever, but the awakening masses are no longer fooled. The globalist’s desire to tax carbon and nitrogen tells us all we need to know; they want to charge us for fresh air and our right to breathe. They are taxing the very essence of life. At some point we all need to say “no more”.

The current stage of humanity’s transition towards identity-slavery sees people being asked to contract their faith to a corporate drug, rather than trust their natural immune system. Could the next host that the invisible enemy controls, be the very essence of life itself – human DNA?

Unfortunately, there is emerging evidence supporting this push towards transhumanism, or a digital identity. Look at Patent “WO2020060606 - Cryptocurrency system using body activity data”, which is owned by Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC


The conditioning around the arrival of a digital human identity is everywhere:

In line with the ancient Prussian playbook, right when the push for a new regime of control begins, the new money is present, ready for deployment. This time, revealing the nature of their planned enslavement, the new currency is digital.

The conditioning for a global currency and its estimated launch date was foreshadowed by the Rothschilds in 1988. The Economist article offered a very familiar graphic to represent this new-world currency:


Just as they did with’ new money’ back in 1694, the Bank of England are leading the way. However, this time the money can be tailored to what your ‘slave master’ deems to be essential for your needs:


Windows in Time

#PrussiaGate looks back in history to try and understand how and why the world is unfolding as it is today. In looking at the evolution of slavery we can see that the tools of enslavement have become increasingly sophisticated; almost invisible to the unsuspecting public. Today we find that our own identity is under attack as the Prussian invisible enemy embraces a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) while planning to merge our biological identity with a digital version of ourselves in order to control every aspect of our lives.

During our research, we also discovered an interesting correlation in time with respect to how humanity devolves into the next layer of servitude. The parallels between 1871 – 1917 and 1971 – 2017 are remarkable.

1871 and 1971:

In Part I we noted that in 1871 the Hohenzollerns were crowned the Kaiser’s of a united German Empire, or Reich. The Kaiser ruled over all the German lands and its people, including noble families. This included the family ruling the British people and some of the world’s largest banking dynasties and trading houses; all remnants of the mighty Hanseatic League.

Perhaps the most important power given to the Kaiser was his appointment as arbiter in the 1871 Washington Treaty, between the United States and Great Britain. Coupled with the immense power wielded by German banking and trading houses, this power afforded the Kaiser to oversee and reset the terms of global trade.

Exactly 100 years later, Henry Kissinger made his secret visit to China:

As outlined in ReichsWEF Part II, Henry Kissinger’s trip to China opened up new trade opportunities with the communist dictatorship. Nixon and Kissinger also decoupled the US dollar from gold, marking the end of sound money and the beginning of the Petrodollar. Kissinger’s and Nixon’s actions in 1971 resulted in something eerily similar to 1871:

They oversaw and reset the terms of global trade.

Rising Powers:

During the 1871 – 1917 window, America embarked on a huge economic expansion which saw the nation transform from a pre-Civil War agrarian economy, into an industrial powerhouse. In 1872, the Kaiser oversaw an arbitration of the Washington Treaty that resulted in a win for the United States, and Great Britain was forced to pay $15.5 million to America. As money was backed by gold back then, this amount was the equivalent of 775,000 ounces of gold, or $1.3 billion in today’s terms.

Britain was sufficiently deterred from meddling in American affairs, and the nation never looked back. Capital flowed freely into America, laying the foundations for it to become the world’s superpower.

Exactly 100 years later, during the 1971 – 2017 window, China was also given extraordinarily preferential treatment by globalist corporations. Mao had already purged China of its rich-soul and ancient culture, and reduced the citizens down to nothing more than cheap laborers; akin to slaves. This cheap labor-force provided a huge advantage for globalist corporations. Capital flowed freely into China, laying the foundations for it to become what it is today – the second largest economy in the world, rivalling America.

New Monetary Systems:

In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed.


Paul Warburg, from the Prussian town of Warburg, had successfully implemented a central bank in the US, based on the German Reichsbank. Over the following decades, the US dollar and the US Federal Reserve would become the world’s reserve currency. This power did not happen instantaneously, but arrived gradually as the world began choking on insurmountable levels of debt. In time, the entire world would watch with “bated-breath” the now-regular meetings where the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors determined the ‘price of money’, otherwise known as interest rates.

The globalist central bankers have been unrepentant in forcing debt down the throats of humanity. From their intellectual ivory towers, they have mastered the art of justifying the horrific predicament the world finds itself in today, with debt levels beyond anything seen in history:


Fractional reserve banking has simply re-imagined the old Hanseatic League families who slipped quietly into the realm of international banking, applying the principle of “one man’s money is another man’s debt” to its ultimate limit.

If anyone tells you these global debt levels are manageable or even repayable, they are either stupid or they are a Prussian agent.

Exactly 100 years after the birth of the Federal Reserve bank in the US, 2013 saw China experience a severe credit crisis. The ‘powers that be’ declared that something had to be done, immediately. Their answer was simple, and the world was introduced to Central Bank Digital Currencies.

CBDCs are all the rage now amongst ReichsWEF attendees and central bankers, but they come with one nasty condition. They link your money to your identity. It wasn’t long before the control this afforded the government was tested by China:


China is leading the charge with respect to CBDCs, which incorporates a social credit score system and the ability for the CCP to turn off people’s access to cash.

This new monetary system represents humanity’s potential descent into full-blown identity slavery, however this can only happen if America falls off a cliff and into an economic, military and Constitutional abyss. If this does happen, China’s place as the world’s superpower would be complete.

The Alfalfa Club

Recall, in our article Prussian Weaponized Philosophy, we discovered a document that marked the birth of the Washington-based “Alfalfa Club”; founded in 1913 where the uber-elites of Washington allegedly gather to celebrate the birthday of General Robert E. Lee.

Perhaps what is most startling thing about this mysterious document is that it claims the German Kaiser depended upon it for success in maintaining his ongoing supremacy:

WWI was kicking off at the time, and the document has stayed with the Alfalfa Club ever since. From that moment on, Germany never won a war again. Not only that, when they goaded America into the Great War in 1917, Germany began a descent into hell that did not end until the completion of WWII. As we described in our Not Since 1917 series, after losing WWI, the Kaiser abdicated and the nation was taken over by socialists. Excessive money printing led to a greatly devalued Weimar currency; there was an energy crisis that led to insane hyperinflation, famine and the complete degradation of German society; the LGBT movement exploded, particularly in Berlin; and globalist corporations behaved liked vultures, buying up the entire German production and supply-chains, for pennies on the dollar.

Once we understand that the “success” Prussia was seeking was obviously not success for Germany, things become much clearer. The “success” they were seeking was the infiltration of the entire world via large corporations, central banking and global trade agreements. Merchants were quietly taking over the entire world, and they were doing so with great success.

100 years later, in 2013, the Alfalfa Club marked its centenary anniversary. As detailed in ReichsWEF Part II, Henry Kissinger, the man whose policies led to the exponential rise of China, was the honored VIP guest at the function:

More importantly is the obsession Henry Kissinger and his globalist friends have applying “Thucydides Trap”, and the disastrous war that entails, to relations between America and China. Just as Germany goaded America into war in 1917, the plan was to have “President Hillary Clinton” take the US into war with Russia and Syria in 2017:


These were incredibly strong words just prior to the 2016 Presidential election. Had Hillary somehow won that election, America would have been at war with Russia. This would have severely weakened the American military. If Russia formed an alliance with China during such a conflict, the outcome could have been catastrophic for America. Another significant problem was, that under Obama, the US Military had been significantly and deliberately depleted, as President Trump clearly stated:

(0:47 seconds)

Just as Germany suffered complete annihilation from 1917 onwards, it appeared that there were forces at work creating the same stage for America, exactly 100 years later under ‘Madame President’ Hillary Clinton.

“They never thought she would lose.”

History records that it was President Trump who took office, and instead of America completely losing its identity, Trump’s burgeoning base re-instated the meaning of what it meant to be an American. America would not fall into the abyss or into the hands of the ReichsWEF; it would start a long restoration process and Make America Great Again.

The 1871 – 1917 window paints an incredible picture of planned infiltration, especially now that we can observe the identical patterns by looking through the 1971 – 2017 window. Far from being random events and accidental wars, these events were highly sophisticated global trade resets. As it was back in the days of the Hanseatic League, those who submitted to the ‘will’ of the merchants could trade and pay their taxes; those who challenged these global merchants were cut off economically and sometimes met with harsher consequences.

The Will of Humanity:

The “will” of humanity is now being powerfully tested by these globalist merchants. Our markets are being controlled; our movements are being controlled; our bodies are being controlled; our children are being controlled; our minds are being controlled. The globalists have essentially drawn the battle lines: Do we wish to remain “a people of free-will”, or do we want corporations to make key life-decisions for us?

Here is Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab’s mentor and advisor, talking about the digital and biological revolution that is coming, which will take place “under the skin”, and effectively make the idea of human free-will obsolete:

(1:13 mins)

The Prussian globalists have long-been committed to “progressivism” - which essentially requires the continual advancement of every facet of society. This self-appointed ruling monarchy has infiltrated globalist corporations, taken control of the global media and weaponized progressivism into the entire world. Left unchecked, this dangerous ideology will inevitably find its way to eugenics; as its insatiable appetite for control means they will eventually force our natural biology to “progress”. This awkward point of inquiry is where we find ourselves today.

Resisting this tyrannical push to use our body as a host for Artificial Intelligence will take extreme bravery. We must reject the unending ream of contracts being forced upon us, “mandating” our agreement with the insane edicts of these maniacal globalists. Engaging with the fear-narrative they peddle, is what keeps us enslaved, and them empowered. New money has consistently been used to distract people from their enslavement. It is all a trick of the mind.

H/T @AwakenedOutlaw on Telegram and Truth Social.

Now, for the first time ever, a significant army of brave souls stand at the ready, in every nation on earth. This army has suffered personal loss, relational turmoil, endured financial hardship, had reputations destroyed, lost jobs, and been branded as crazy.

Never forget that the Prussian way is “to kill or be killed”. The globalists will not halt their advance to corporatize our bodies and digitize our identities. As they advance more publicly, we can observe that they truly do consider humans as ‘cargo’. Their ideology, deployed during the 1666 – 1702 window, remains the same today; only the scenery has changed. The globalists are creating yet another corporate-version of us that they can monetize and trade.

Humanity has been evolved from actual slavery, into debt slavery, and is now being coerced into identity slavery.

It is us who must walk-away from this false, digital identity of ourselves. In this way, we must identify with our living being, not our corpse-person. This awareness will reveal that we are not the slave, but neither are we the master. We must simply step away from this ancient Hegelian master-slave dialectic. The fences that appear to contain us, only exist if we agree they exist. A corporation can never rule over a sovereign-being without consent. This invisible enemy will continue to exert its control over people, but its only authority is in the realm of corpses; that realm of international law, with its endless statutes and conventions, that the globalists created during the turmoil of the Great Wars.

Once we awaken to our true identity, it is over. We are many, and they are few.

It is time to explore life beyond the fences of the mind that have long been placed upon humanity.