Council of the Gods - Part VI

Crowns, Cronies and Corporate Intelligence

This series has revealed the incredible power that large corporations had over government policy; many of which openly embraced a fascist ideology. We looked specifically at Legion, who was founded to prepare the United States people for war, and serve the interests of the monopolists who founded it. We learned that the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) was happy to use tax payer dollars to fund the KKK and other fascist organizations. This article will close-out this series.


When you scour declassified government files, you sometimes find random things. On this occasion we found that large corporations weren’t just influencing government decisions, they were being afforded significant levels of security access:

Source: CIA CREST Database1

An internal CIA file-note reveals that Mitre Corporation appeared to be coaching the US intelligence agencies:


Now, to be fair, the eighties were a while ago; we should check if the Mitre Corporation even still exists.


Not only are they still around; business appears to be booming! They even look like they are running a modern version of Operation SAFE?

A search of the company’s website reveals they are a massive player in space technology, Artificial Intelligence, and cyber-security. We were particularly intrigued by a page on their website which lists “Government Innovation” as one of their nominated Focus Areas:


Are these guys contracting to government, or are they running it?

A couple of questions arise here: Do we really want our governments innovating for us? Wouldn’t a true free-market economy allow the people to innovate, while the government takes more of a back seat?

Whatever the case, the above screen shot from Mitre Corporation’s website reveals the extent of their influence in every facet of modern society.

Also, what on earth is “mission execution”? When you have a government that needs to improve “mission execution", it is an indicator that they are running some kind of operation. The only question is what kind of mission are they involved in. What are they trying to achieve? Are they conducting an operation against some type of unknown threat?

We certainly don’t know much, but what we do know is that the CIA asked for the Mitre Corporation to be cleared as a pseudo-agency in 1983, and they still appear to be pretty cozy:


Earlier in this series, we showed that IG Farben’s “council of the gods” was operating inside the US, as the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). We have shown that this self-appointed group of leaders, were also the heads of huge corporations and banking houses. These fascists were exerting considerable influence upon the US way of life. What might a society look like today if control of that nation has been handed over to globalist corporations?

While they received security access in 1983, Mitre have been working with the government for quite a while:


The founding of Mitre provides us with a very interesting data point. It was a brand-new not-for-profit organization that managed to jag US Army sponsorship, prior to being operational. Was this an organic start-up, or was it an installation? Was Mitre Corp. a creation of embedded fascists operating within the US at this time?

We detailed the vast coordination taking place in global intelligence, during 1945 to 1956. While we may never be able to definitively answer these questions about Mitre, it is worth summarizing some of the details that we’ve learned throughout this series:

Just two years after the establishment of Five Eyes, the Mitre Corporation was founded in 1958. Despite having no obvious track record, Mitre secured significant military sponsorship from the US Air Force – for research. Their stated mandate was to bridge the gap between academic research and industry. Was anything taking place at this point in history organic, or was it all being carefully orchestrated?

We showed in Part V that Gehlen was involved in establishing NATO in 1949, and he was also ensuring that Nazi “specialists” were being installed into the intelligence agencies of numerous nations. The CIA also noted that he was doing all this while maintaining “close contact with the United States Intelligence”.12

We highlight this detail because there was another critical detail that Gehlen was hoping to achieve during his 1949:


This Nazi-Vatican connection is significant because of Pope Pius XII’s failure to condemn the mass murder of Jews during the Second World War. His papacy stretched from 1939 to 1958.14

Was it Gehlen’s Vatican connection that led to some highly-unusual assets within the CIA?]


One is forced to consider that what we assumed were separate, disparate organizations, operating in the interests of humanity, may just be ‘shop-fronts’ to hide the invisible enemy. Were these organizations noble, authoritative entities, or part of an elaborate deception?

While we digest the fact that the Vatican was also a part of the global spy network, lets briefly touch on the Knights of Malta; a legendary Vatican order dating back to the Crusades, where “warrior monks” served as the military arm of the Catholic church. Today, these ‘warrior monks’ are known as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta16(SMOM).

Although the SMOM has no land mass other than a small headquarters in Rome, this unique papal entity holds the status of a nation-state. It mints coins, prints stamps, has its own constitution, issues license plates, and issues passports to an accredited diplomatic corps. The grand master of the Order holds a rank in the church equal to a Cardinal, and is recognized as a Sovereign Chief of State17 by 41 nations, with which the SMOM even exchanges ambassadors.

The SMOM continues its tradition of the original knights by supporting international health care and relief efforts. They offer aid to the needy regardless of race, creed or religious affiliation. However, history does record that at one point, the SMOM had a very dark underbelly:


For those interested, the issuance of Vatican passports to Nazi criminals, with the help of the International Red Cross, was featured in our article, The Prussian Pontiff.

Recall also, in Urania – Part IV, we featured Klaus Barbie, who magically escaped conviction at Nuremberg. Maybe the “council of the gods” had greater plans for Klaus? The above record suggests that Klaus Barbie was one of the “needy” that was aided by the SMOM.

Klaus Barbie would go on to work with the CIA and Western German Intelligence:


Let’s return to the SMOM, just for a moment. One of its more prestigious awards is titled, “Grand Crosses of Merit”.


Gehlen was certainly not exaggerating about his close ties with the Vatican!

Did Reinhard Gehlen coordinate a global spy network that essentially merged the UK, US, Germany and Italy into one integrated intelligence operation? Recall that Gehlen was also working with NATO nations to embed Nazi “specialists” into their intelligence network.

Were these international connections in the late 1940s and early 1950s setting a foundation for a one-world government?

It is hard to believe that any major appointment, any new organization, or military funding, was not being carefully overseen by the fascists who were embedded inside the US, at this time.

It was notable then, that the Mitre Corporation arrived on the scene, resourced with tax-payer funds, and would go on to be one of the most significant “not-for-profits” cyber organizations on earth:


We understand that Mitre’s name was derived from an initial connection with research occurring at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) at Lincoln Laboratory. While this makes sense, the way they spelled their name was certainly ‘unique’.

Having its name derived from MIT makes more sense than the other “mitre” that kept popping up in our research!

With a mandate to bridge the gap between academic research and industry, Mitre may be one of the earliest Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), established in preparation for the hectic decade of research that would follow.

This research story will be continued in another series, Trust Ze Science.

A final thought:

Throughout our articles we’ve identified what we call Prussian windows, which are apertures of time where we observed the invisible enemy covertly setting up for its next occupation. Today, we stand in front of another aperture – but this one is ours, not theirs. We are being presented with an opportunity to resist and expose this centuries-old regime of oppression and control.

Is this the point in history that we finally expose an ancient cult?

Is this the inflection point when the people of earth powerfully choose to “end the endless”?

The End.

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