Council of the Gods - Part III

“My name is Legion, for we are many”

So far in this series, we have learned that a powerful executive committee named “Legion” served an invisible group known only as the “council of the gods”, who were now operating within the US National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).

In service to the gods:

Let’s go right back to the beginning:


The organizers of Legion were known as “the twenty”, and the CIA suggests that Legion “faithfully serves their interests”. Let’s look at a few of the founding members:


The founders of Legion were monopolists and significant business leaders. Roosevelt Jnr (specifically, Theodore Roosevelt III) and the Rockefeller dynasty appear to be significant early contributors. Legion was founded by “active military” personnel, with the inception meeting taking place in Paris.

This first Paris meeting aimed to represent all armed forces, including the American Expeditionary Forces (A.E.F.) and Survivor Outreach Services (S.O.S.), which are referenced in the article below. “The twenty” were ordered to Paris by the British General Headquarters (G.H.Q.) for meetings with the “Intelligence Sections of the General Staff” 3. Was this meeting a pivotal point when national intelligence networks prepared to establish global alliances?


To understand the scale of connections at this time, we observe that Lt. Col. D’Olier represented the Survivor Outreach Services (S.O.S.), but the CIA notes that he was a Rockefeller banker, with wider links to the Morgan Group and Prudential Insurance. His directorships were with companies involved in banking and railroads. This general pattern of monopolistic directorships was common among Legion founders.

The General Staff of a standing army 5 originated in Prussia. It was a full-time body at the head of the Prussian Army. General Staff were responsible for the continuous study of all aspects of war, and for drawing up and reviewing plans for mobilization. This regime had long been installed in Britain, and more-recently, Germany. Were the US now being invited to embrace the same model of an internal standing army?


Regarding the founding of Legion, it is worth noting that Theodore Roosevelt Jnr’s father was the Harvard-educated 26th President of the US. While he left office in 1909, President Roosevelt was the leader of the Progressive Movement which was introducing left-wing ideology in the US; an initiative that was also making some very positive changes to the manufacturing sector. Roosevelt was the Progressive Party nominee in 1912, essentially fracturing the Republican vote. Whatever his intention, it paved the way for Democratic Woodrow Wilson to become President, at a time that would see the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank, and the US entry into WW1.

Was it just a coincidence that former President Roosevelt was reforming the manufacturing sector with progressive new laws, while his son, Lt. Col. Roosevelt Jr., was forming Legion and the “council of the gods” inside the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)?

With monopolistic powers operating in the shadows, it is noteworthy that the aims and objectives of Legion, were prepared in 1916, “three years before the legendary meeting in the hospital”. We mention this detail because this was before the US entered WW1, AND because one of the stated aims of Legion was to prepare “millions of simple Americans for war”.

Could it be that Legion’s commitment to veteran care was just a ‘public front’? With a stated vision to ensure that wars continued indefinitely, was Legion’s real objective in relation to veterans simply to ensure there was an endless supply of them?

The CIA report goes on to note that the American Storm Troopers (Sturmabteilung) were already operational inside the US:


The oppression of the personal rights of the US people was staggering. However, the US continued to stand as a Republic, not a democracy. “Suppressing the democratic forces of the American people” did nothing to remove the people’s freedom; but it did identify the tyrants.

In The Evolution of Slavery – Part III, we showed that Henry Kissinger commenced the infiltration of China in 1971:


Was the purpose of this visit to create China as a global manufacturing superpower, and slowly collapse the manufacturing sector within western world countries? The Prussian way has always been to infiltrate that which you eventually intend to destroy. However, this only happens once the infiltration of the next host has been completed. Could this be why the “council of the gods” located itself inside the NAM?

With fascists embedded within the US manufacturing community, the rapid growth in the manufacturing industry around WW2 effectively created a huge working army. After the war, any destruction of the US spirit would have to be done at an undetectable pace, and with surgical procedure, as that pesky US Constitution would be a real problem if the US people ever woke-up to the objectives of Legion, which were to keep the country on a constant war footing.

At the end of this final 46-year Prussian aperture of 1971 – 2017, something unpredictable happened: President Donald J. Trump entered the scene, like a wrecking ball. He exposed the fake news, prevented illegal migration, sanctioned Chinese imports, stimulated US manufacturers and farmers, and he began to remove the US forces from all global wars. He also started a conversation about Marxist, communists and terrorists who were located within the US.

By the end of Trump’s four years, the entire world was questioning the main stream media narrative.

The US Founding Fathers were all about self-government; not an elitist, top-down form of government. A government “by the people, and for the people” is a bottom-up form of government. Accordingly, the US Constitution provides incredible power to the people, allowing them to establish a government of their choice. The monopolists knew that any infiltration of the US government must occur by stealth in order to remain hidden to the people. To remain undetected, the embedded enemy must continually create the illusion of freedom, while covertly exerting their control.

It is almost impossible to provide highlights from this CIA report which we are spot-lighting, as every paragraph is so compelling. The following screen shots summarize how this corporate enemy sought to control the United States people:


Let’s take a moment to summarize what we’ve learned so far in this series, along with the information from the above screen shots:

Finding someone with just the name “Howard” was a challenge. Rather than search directly, we decided to start with some key players within the Nazi scientific network who were significant to IG Farben, as this was the cartel “Howard” was negotiating with:


The German government’s relationship with the ‘Buna rubber experts’ was noteworthy. The character of these men was further exposed after Nuremberg:


Before we resume our search for “Howard”, there is a bit to learn from Fritz ter Meer’s journey during the Nuremberg trials, and what happened to him afterwards.

Firstly, his Nuremberg testimony revealed the true nature of this monster:


Secondly, despite his unremorseful testimony at Nuremberg, Fritz was able to slip away, almost like a two-tiered justice system had conveniently been established beforehand:


Fritz ter Meer was instrumental in developing rubber products (Buna), and putting the chemical and rubber industry into overdrive, using “forced” labor.

Fritz’s role within IG Farben allowed us to find the trail that would lead us to this elusive figure known as “Howard”. This disclosure further exposed the secret partnership between Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and IG Farben. Fritz may have been one of those corporate “emissaries” that the CIA suggested were operating during this period.

Joseph Borkin’s – “The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben” (Chapter 4) records it beautifully, and shows how the ‘cover of war’ was essential for all these shadowy business deals:




Could it be that Frank Howard and Fritz ter Meer were secret agents? Whatever was taking place, Borkin noted that Frank Howard was Head of the ‘Standard Oil Development Company’ (p.47). The CIA report we are referencing corroborated everything that Borkin was saying:

(Source: CIA CREST Database) 17

History records that the flow of critical “know how” was not smooth during the war. This was largely thanks to a tricky condition that IG Farben placed on Standard Oil, which we highlighted in the Borkin article. Transferring the patent to Standard/ Jasco without the ‘know how’ was a brutal betrayal, and disastrous to the America war effort, who went on to experience a major rubber crisis. However, we’ve been able to demonstrate that the assignment of patents to Jasco, and the other emerging business partnerships, were pre-planned to blossom after the war.

Whether this conflict between the two “cartel partners” was real or contrived, we may never know. Could a higher power have been coordinating things, despite the constant push-and-shove at the lower levels?

With such powerful spy networks and corporate partnerships being established, this story must eventually turn to Allen Dulles, who became the CIA’s first civilian director. Prior to this role, Dulles was recruited into the Office of Strategic Services by William J. Donovan in October 1941. He was then assigned to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in Bern, Switzerland. Here, he developed significant European contacts and was integrated into the European spy network. In 1952, after the election of President Eisenhower, Dulles took his post as Director of the CIA:


Given that the head of the CIA is one of the most important roles occupied by the embedded enemy, Dulles was almost-certainly known to IG Farben’s “council of the gods”. We support this assertion by pointing out that Dulles’ early business connections were in oil and chemicals, and his business clients were extremely notable:


The Dulles brothers were partners in Oliver and Cromwell LLP, who advised JP Morgan on Edison General Electric Company in 1882, helped establish US Steel, and did the legal work for Ford Motor Company. Known as a leader in the world of financial structuring, Dulles was providing advice in relation to Trusts owned by the Thyssen family, Robert Bosch and IG Farben. It is fair to assume that Dulles’ appointment to the CIA was vetted, or at least known, by the powers that be.

The above screen shot is from Fred Cook’s book, “The CIA”. For those interested, he provides a compelling history of the early days of the CIA.

Recall, we showed in Parts I - II, that Allen Dulles’ brother, John Foster Dulles, was a key player in this infiltration that was taking place; even rising to Chairman of the “council of trustees” of Rockefeller’s oil fund, serving with John McCloy, the man who had offered clemency to the Nazi war criminals:


We concluded Part II with the enquiry that the prophets of war, profit from war. We will conclude Part III with a similar enquiry:

To be continued…

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  2. ibid ↩︎

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  16. ibid ↩︎

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