Council of the Gods - Part I

Peace, Paperclips and Prussian Deception

In Urania – Part IV we highlighted the horrific mind-control research taking place in Nazi Germany, and introduced Operation Paperclip.

Urania – Part V noted that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was probably funding projects abroad, to avoid scrutiny within the US.

Urania – Part VII closed out the series with a chilling enquiry: “Are corporations, with the full endorsement of the state, creating a new, immensely profitable market of future transgenders?”

Is humanity entering a war against globalist corporations?

This series will explore the origins of Operation Paperclip, but with a focus on its coordination from inside the US government, in partnership with monopolistic corporations who were already influential inside the US government.

This first article will reveal that Operation Paperclip was not the start of US infiltration, but evidence of an already-embedded enemy that is continually trying to subvert the freedom of ‘We the People’, provided by their Constitution.


Operation Paperclip 1 was a classified program to bring Nazi scientists to America immediately after World War II. It had an innocent enough public face – Advanced space and rocket programs which were essential to match those of the Soviet Union. This series will inquire whether Paperclip may have been something far larger.

Before we start, there is an important context that is relevant to much of what was taking place at this point in history. In 1947, America established legislation to form an agency that could deal with threats of national security:


With legislation to protect national security, and the context of war still fresh in the minds of the people, the idea of bringing Nazi scientists into the country seemed acceptable, provided it kept them safe from the Russians.

The Nazi scientist who will kick off our story, is Dr. Otto Ambros. Annie Jacobsen is a pre-eminent author on this topic, and we used her research efforts as a starting point for our own research:


Let us formally introduce “Hitler’s favorite chemist”:

(Source: CIA CREST Database) 4

The above CIA image confirms that Ambros was known to the US government, as was his expertise in poisonous gas and synthetic rubber.

It also appears that these Nazi scientists were not exactly being ‘squirrelled away’ deep in the basement of the CIA building. Otto Ambros was known to be an IG Farben executive, and he was at the top of a hand-written list being compiled by the US Bureau of Mines:


The Bureau of Mines was essentially the fore-runner to the US Department of Energy (DOE), which was opened in 1977. When the Bureau of Mines was shut in 1995 most of its operations moved over to the DOE. Does this list, compiled by the Bureau of Mines, suggest that these scientists were of interest to the broader US bureaucracy? Was their research potentially influencing energy and weapons development?

Much of the following evidence we provide comes from a declassified 1959 CIA report. This report is significant in terms of understanding the extent of Nazi infiltration. Throughout this series, we will let this report do much of the talking.


Let’s go right to the Nuremberg defendants, and look at their associations with the infamous chemical cartel – IG Farben:


This first screenshot provides detail that will set the direction for this entire series.

The first detail is that Max Ilgner was running IG Farben’s spy network “abroad”; AND it could seize foreign enterprises; AND he was a Fascist.

Secondly, we can finally see why Otto Ambros was referred to as Hitler’s favorite chemist: He was on the Board of IG Farben; he was the Chief of the Toxic Substances Branch of the Nazi Ministry of Armaments; he was the head of an IG Farben plant in Germany. This guy was a serious high achiever!

Thirdly, and most-notably, the above text introduces us to “the council of the gods”. It seems that those who were on the “council of the gods” were found not guilty by an American Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, despite their guilt having been proven with “great completeness”.

As an aside, there is a 1950 East German movie titled, “Council of the Gods”, which lays out much this story. The plot suggests that the authors of this film appear to have been genuinely trying to reveal what had just taken place.


Not surprisingly, the “council of the gods” led directly back to one of our favorite Prussian corporations – IG Farben. The IG in the name has a very intriguing meaning:


Its full German name is in the source link, however it could be translated “Syndicate of Dyestuff-Industry Corporations”. IG Farben was the world’s largest chemical cartel.

Obviously, IG Farben no longer exists, but did their breaking up end their influence?


The activities of IG Farben (noted as “I.G.F”. in the article below) seemed well known to the CIA:


There are a few things to look at here, which we’ve highlighted in red:

  1. Brutal, inhumane experiments were carried out at Oswiecim, which is the Farben plant where Otto Ambros was the Director.

  2. The “council of the gods” were a secret group directing the IG Farben cartel, and they were also Fascists. The CIA report provided more detail here, describing the “council” as a “small group of administrators and large stockholders”.

How were the “council of the gods” found not guilty by the US military? This series will hopefully shine some light on this question. Before we do, some dates and details will help establish some critical context which will help understand what took place here.

The Nürnberg or Nuremberg Trials were a series of trials held initially in 1945–46, in which twenty-four (24) former Nazi leaders were indicted and tried as war criminals by the International Military Tribunal. For those wondering, there were twenty-two (22) convictions. Of those not convicted, one committed suicide while in prison, and another’s mental and physical condition was too bad. Of the twenty-two (22) convictions, three (3) were acquitted; four (4) were sentenced to terms of imprisonment ranging from 10 to 20 years; three (3) were sentenced to life imprisonment; twelve (12) were sentenced to death by hanging, which happened on October 16, 1946. Hermann Göring committed suicide before he could be executed.

What is unknown to most people, is that many more war criminals were incarcerated as a result of the twelve (12) Military Tribunals that followed the main Nuremberg trial. These trials occurred from December 1946 to April 1949. Of the one-hundred and forty-two (142) Germans convicted of war crimes, eighty-eight (88) men and one (1) woman remained incarcerated at Landsberg in January 1951.


The top brass in the US military were in attendance during these later tribunals, but then things took an unexpected turn:


Notwithstanding the Nuremberg Trial sentences, US High Commissioner for Germany, John McCloy, oversaw the release of these incarcerated war criminals in 1951, via a series of hasty evidence-reviews. Despite the US Supreme Court having previously refused all prisoner appeals, McCloy essentially suggested that American justice would be impartial, and everyone should trust this process.

This was a unique operation within a wartime context. So, what occupied McCloy’s time when he wasn’t running Military Tribunals?


The CIA records that John McCloy was a member of the “council of trustees”, which was a group who represented the “largest US monopolies - mainly Rockefeller’s". Are the trustees also the “council of the gods”?

Whatever the case, his own thoughts about what he achieved at Nuremberg was revealing:


Contemplate McCloy’s quote and then reflect on his role in Nuremberg. He was the head of the “Advisory Board for the Clemency of War Criminals”. Was the intention to offer leniency to these criminals known beforehand?

Was the “rebuilding” that McCloy referred to, rebuilding the “council of the gods”, which the CIA said had been “established again” after Farben had been disbanded?

To be continued…