This is a very mature question. It is an awkward one; but an important one to ask.
Within the context of the United States, those who consider that Trump may be working to expose what he calls, “the deep state - the invisible enemy - the ideological-virus”, it is appropriate and wise to thoroughly check that his arrival into politics and his social media activity, is not all a part of a far more-elaborate deception. However, to even explore such a possibility first requires that the exact playbook of the enemy is understood. This has been the focus of the #PrussiaGate papers.
The Prussian model was to infiltrate and then oppress freedoms, via excessive military control and taxation. Prussia had developed a more subtle form of control than the Roman empire; but only just! Prussia’s ability to create wars that instilled fear in the citizenry, while using bank loans to create the illusion of freedom, was legendary.
Here are some key words to help understand the Prussian regime: Violence, monarchs, lies & deception, force, infiltration, narrative control, trickery, distraction, secrecy, excess and group-think.
Knowing the Prussian playbook that would occupy foreign territory and control people, allows us to begin asking some critical questions which explore the key patterns and forces that exist within today’s social-political structures. Good questions enable a thorough examination of these issues away from our own belief-bias. Here are some examples:
Who is seeking to protect people’s rights and expose what is hidden within society’s leadership?
Do you feel forced to do things against your will, or empowered to make choices?
What people or channels are exposing propaganda, exposing the patterns of the enemy and helping to train people to move beyond group-think?
What organizations seek to aggregate, control and tax people, and what organizations/ leaders promote freedom to choose, lower taxes and nationalism?
Who is suppressing, aggregating, labelling and demeaning people?
Which organizations are discouraging open dialogue about truth and transparency and which are not?
This is not a political war. It is not a battle between left and right.
This is a war for the mind of humanity: This is Tyranny vs Freedom. Freedom isn’t always walking through tulips and roses. Freedom is having free-will to choose. This may not always easy or comfortable, but it is freedom.
Being forced to do things = Tyranny
Being empowered to choose = Freedom
The Prussian playbook consistently activated fear and then arrived with a solution; usually new debt-notes disguised as money and a strong government. This is tyrannical rule, where your rights are stripped away and returned as privileges.
Knowing the Prussian playbook allows for a clear view of this battle-field of the collective mind. The Prussian ideology is all around us, fighting for our mind; tempting us to remove someone else’s right to freedom. A leader from the European Parliament said it well, in October 2021, discussing the imposition of the Green Certificate:
“The difference between tyranny and democracy is very simple: When the government knows everything about you; that’s tyranny. I know how it is to live in tyranny. When you know everything about your government, that’s democracy.”
Source: (his speech starts at 14:10 min mark)
The Prussian use of treaties and tyranny is coming into full view.
So, to answer the question of, “Could we be subject to the next Prussian deception?”
The answer is always yes; but not necessarily. We must accept that a great deception continues, because the Prussian ideology never retreats and their propaganda machine will continue to wage war against the mind of people. However, the discerning person can also see that another style of leadership is emerging on the earth. One that is looking to return power to the people. One that desires accountability and transparency. The people of earth are beginning to gravitate to such leaders.
Seeing the ways of this invisible enemy is the way that we conquer this enemy, together.