An Ode to the Prussian Pickle - Part VIII

The Mind of a Malthusian Megalomaniac

It is important to understand the mindset behind the depopulation movement. Far from being a fringe group of psycho-sociopaths, eugenics has been deeply rooted within establishment circles for centuries. It has employed the minds of some of the most highly regarded scientists, economists and philosophers to validate and rationalize depopulation. If we use history as our guide to investigate the origins of this immoral pseudo-scientific movement, we discover that it is the core philosophy behind the globalist elite of today. Not only do they believe that eugenics and depopulation is essential for the survival of the planet, but that it is critical to their ability to maintain control of humanity.

The Prussian Eugenics Excursion

To understand the origins of eugenics, we are once again taken back to the 18th Century, where Frederick the Great was transforming Prussia into a military and economic superpower. This was also the period in history known as the ‘Age of Enlightenment’.


Without the ideas and freedoms that spawned from the Age of Enlightenment, the American Revolution may well have never happened. This was a Great Awakening of sorts; it was a time where humanity began to observe and ponder the miserable situation they had found themselves in. For those who understood the extent of their captivity, nothing short of a revolution would suffice. The birth of America and her Constitution are direct results of this point in time, and reflect the minds of the men behind the great freedom experiment that is America.

While America was employing the Age of Enlightenment to free itself from the grips of ‘Enlightened Despotism’, European monarchs were panicking at the prospect of this freedom-contagion, which threatened their kingdom’s right to absolute rule. When the French Revolution erupted it confirmed the worst fears of the monarchs of Europe. If the freedom movement was not kept in check, royals all over the continent would potentially lose their heads, just like King Louis XVI.

Well before the French Revolution, Frederick the Great already understood the dangers of these new ideas of freedom, liberty and happiness, and what could happen if they infected Prussia. As a solution to this uprising, Frederick chose to embrace the Enlightenment, rather than oppose it. He worked tirelessly to understand how to maintain absolute power, even as the people began to awaken to their inalienable rights and freedoms granted to them by Natural Law.

To assist in his quest, Frederick engaged the mind of one of the great thinkers of the period; Francois-Marie Arouet, otherwise known as Voltaire.


These two great minds cooperated to create a philosophical masterpiece known as the “Anti-Machiavel”.



This was a brilliant move by Frederick. He understood that the great minds of the day were shaping the philosophies that would soon be adopted by the people. Therefore, using Voltaire as a sounding-board, he embraced the ideas of the Enlightenment, placing himself at the service of his citizens. However, the true motive behind Frederick’s essay must never be misinterpreted:


The end goal for Frederick can be found by asking one simple question: How could the House of Hohenzollern maintain its absolute power while the revolutionary ideas of the Enlightenment took hold?

Frederick the Great became the founding father of ‘Enlightened Despotism’. When the revolutionary movements throughout Europe and America began, Prussia was unaffected. How could Prussian citizens revolt against a kingdom that embraced Enlightenment? It was a ploy of pure genius.

When we take the musings of “Anti-Machiavel” literally, we could believe Frederick the Great to be a loving, benevolent leader who only had the well-being of his people in mind. However, the reality of the Kingdom of Prussia was very different. Its kings ruled with an iron fist, indoctrinated children as early as possible, and saw individual freedoms as a complete affront to Prussian kultur.

Frederick’s thoughts revolved around securing and expanding power. As Voltaire and Frederick got to know each other, the French philosopher became acutely aware of the true meaning behind the “Providence of Prussia”.

The correspondence between Voltaire and Frederick highlight the profound influence they had on the future rulers of Prussia, and later Germany. While they shared their enthusiasm for the virtues of the Enlightenment, they also shared their thoughts regarding race and religion:


For Voltaire, the Age of Enlightenment was primarily about one type of human:


In a similar vein, Frederick confided in Voltaire about his pathological hatred for the Poles:



Did world history fail to record that Frederick may have embarked on a crude Polish eugenics program?

Frederick was thoroughly excited about his operations in Poland, writing of his accomplishments:


It is beyond question that the combined minds of Voltaire and Frederick the Great created the core foundations of Prussian philosophy and culture. When it comes to race, religion and eugenics, Prussian leaders would carefully study and analyze every word that was uttered between these two men. This ideology became entrenched within Prussian policy.

Recall, in Evolution of Slavery – Part II, we showed that the atrocities were occurring under the watchful eye of state-sanctioned Prussian corporations:

In the Not Since 1917 series, we outlined the timeline and events that led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. These conversations between Voltaire and Frederick the Great were paramount in shaping Hitler’s philosophies and racial views:


From 1917-1945, Germany exhausted itself economically, physically and spiritually. By 1945, most of the Wehrmacht was suffering massive withdrawals symptoms from Pervitin (crystal meth) addictions, and the soldiers were simply too sick to fight. The madness that engulfed Germany was a symptom of the mass psychosis brought about by Fascism.

As the Nazi fuse burned out, Hitler was determined to complete his ‘final solution’. Only once the Germans were annihilated did their maniacal operation come to a halt. This marked the end of the multi-century Prussian excursion into eugenics.

Rousseau and the Apothecaries

During the ‘Age of Enlightenment’, Voltaire was not the only revered philosopher in town. Another contemporary and bitter rival of Voltaire was the “Citizen of Geneva”, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Both men debated publicly on many issues of the day; Voltaire would eventually label Rousseau a madman, mocking his work:


The differences in philosophy is not the focus here. We wish to highlight the influence these two men had on the evolution of Western thought. We have already addressed the influence of Voltaire and Frederick the Great. We now discover that Rousseau’s influence may have been even greater:


In short, Rousseau believed that the natural state of Man is inherently good, and that it is the invention of society that causes Man to become evil. Therefore, much of his work revolved around the re-shaping of society to allow humanity to return to nature. Central to his idea was the establishment of a Social Contract, which aims to remove evil from the equation.

By arguing for democracy, equality and the greater good, Rousseau set the wheels in motion for many of the future uprisings, revolutions, and communist dictatorships. Many communist revolutionaries today believe that the ideas of Rousseau justify “tearing shit up” in order to destroy society, and then rebuild it in accordance with Rousseau’s vision.

As we look upon the policies of the radical left today, it appears nothing more than an attempt to destroy Western civilization as we know it, while hiding behind a wall of virtue signalling bullshit. This is eerily similar to the life and times of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. His philosophical arguments are bathed in virtue signalling, heralding a clear march toward a utopian (communist) society. However, the pathway to utopia is drenched in revolution, bloodshed and the complete destruction of society. Not only that, like many radicals, the personal life of Rousseau was a complete affront to anything virtuous; he was also a total hypocrite:


Rousseaus’ personal life was also very ‘colorful’:


Rousseau placed his own children into an orphanage, undocumented. The death rate in these places was 60-70%, and it is highly possible that none of his children survived. This unforgivable act was from a man who believed that society was the root of all evil. However, when it came to his own children, who were mere babies at the height of their vulnerability, Rousseau mused that “society will do a better job than me”. His hypocrisy was on show for all to see.

In this regard, we must thank Voltaire for exposing Rousseau and his moral crimes, for it was he who published an anonymous letter bringing the disgusting affair to light.

Just as it is today, where insane megalomaniacs are offered as worthy advisors and sages, Rousseau was also regarded as one of the greatest thinkers of his time. He was revered by many, irrespective of his immorality and hypocrisy. One of his closest friends was British gentlemen-farmer, Daniel Malthus:


These are important relationships to remember. Not only did the Malthus family have exceptionally close ties to Rousseau, but they were a part of a long-standing medical dynasty that cared for King George I, II and III; all three of whom were related to Frederick the Great, from the House of Hohenzollern. When Daniel Malthus married his second cousin, it ensured that the royal medical dynasty continued to remain ‘all in the family’.


The royal apothecaries always had the ear of the Kings of Great Britain; they were in significant positions of power. One must wonder what Daniel Graham was hearing from King George III as the Americans declared their independence from his Crown. However, the British monarch would also be keen on hearing the latest medical breakthroughs from their apothecaries. These conversations would contribute greatly to shaping the royal mind and British elitist philosophy.

In 1766, Henrietta Malthus gave birth to Thomas Robert. This marked the beginning of the British medical establishment moving away from caring for Kings, and they began pondering really ‘big ideas’ such as solving poverty and alleviating human misery.

Malthusian Motives and Population control

We can only imagine the conversations around the Malthus’ family dinner table. Thomas’ grandfather, Daniel Graham, may have provided the latest insights regarding royal affairs; at the exact time the British Empire was in the heat of battle against American patriots. The shared medical expertise amongst the Malthus and Graham families at this point in history, would have provided unlimited topics of interest surrounding the ‘betterment of mankind’.

However, there was one particular topic of conversation between Thomas Malthus and his father that shaped the destiny of the young man:


Put simply, the argument revolved around the human condition. Since Daniel Malthus was a devout follower of Rousseau, he believed that the evil in the world could be solved through the radical transformation of humanity, and a new social contract. This was a utopian ideal. His son Thomas, on the other hand believed that this utopia was never achievable because “overpopulation” was the sole source of human misery, poverty and evil. In Thomas’ eyes, the population levels were too high, and his father’s Rousseau-driven ideologies were an impossible dream unless the population was heavily reduced.

Considering Malthus’ apothecary ancestry, it would be hard for him to present any theory without offering a remedy. He did not actually present them as remedies, but rather as ‘hypothetical’ possibilities that he believed would curb overpopulation and human misery.

The first set of checks were deemed “preventative”:


The second set of checks were termed “positive’:


Considering Malthus’ “preventative checks”, it becomes self-evident that western society has been powerfully influenced by this Malthusian-cult ideology:


In previous articles we presented the globalist push regarding birth control. Perhaps what is less known is the push for universal abortion rights back in 2014; driven by Julian Huxley’s UNESCO:


UNESCO suggests that you need to be educated in order to have a child without dying, and to know “how and where to have an abortion”. This is eugenics 101.

Around the same time, LGBT propaganda was spilling into the schools:


This entire global push was initiated and facilitated by UNESCO, and they continue to play a lead role in this global narrative:


While the first half of Malthus’ ideology aimed to reduce birth rates, the ‘Great Plandemic’ put his full ideological system into overdrive:


Malthus’ preventative checks which curb the birth rate, are being seen throughout the world. Let’s now use a stable and established death-rate indicator to explore an incredible phenomenon occurring throughout the western world:


Life insurance companies provide the most accurate and up-to-date data, simply because they are in the business of death. This ‘inexplicable’ rise in the death rate is a Malthusian dream.

With regards to the root causes behind this increased death rate, we must examine the obvious evidence we have presented throughout this series:

Amidst war, famine, disease, abortion, decreasing birth rates, increasing death rates, a gender identity crisis, and a huge push for LGBT rights, it is worth re-visiting Charles’ and Klaus’ excitement about all this misery presenting a “fantastic opportunity”. Is this ‘opportunity’ the exact moment they chose to implement their Great Reset and the Terra Carta mandate?

Is this all just a series of incredible coincidences, or are we in the eye of the Malthusian Storm?

In typical #PrussiaGate fashion, it sometimes helps to look back in history to see the path forward. Let’s return to 1798 and the Age of Enlightenment, where Thomas Malthus launched his ‘remedy’ for overpopulation:

The title is self-explanatory; the control of population directly relates to the “improvement of society”.

Some of the greatest mathematical minds in history emerged during the Age of Enlightenment. Thomas Malthus was not interested in utilizing these brilliant minds to present his theory. Instead, he resorted to basic arithmetic to try and prove the problem of overpopulation:


Malthus’ assertion was that every ‘excess’ person living beyond the subsistence line would be living in poverty, misery and desperation. In 1800, the world population was roughly 1 billion. Today, 225 years later, the population is approximately 8 billion. Malthus’ algorithmic prediction was that world population would be at 512 billion by 2025. A graphical representation may be the best way to understand the absurdity of his theory:

So, according to Malthus, those living in the orange zone, would need to be put out of their ‘misery’ in order to have a sustainable population.

At the time, Thomas Malthus’ theory sent shock-waves throughout British establishment circles, including the British royal family. Malthus was revered as somewhat of a political-economic superstar. He became a professor at the East India Company College, and was eventually admitted to the British Royal Society in 1818. 31

By teaching this garbage to the British establishment, including the British East India Company, the pseudo-science of eugenics took hold and became a commonly accepted principle amongst the globalist elite.

Charles, Erasmus and the Bulldog

By 1825, Malthus’ theory was still reverberating amongst elitist circles, but there was an emerging flaw in his theory. The population of the world had not doubled as he had predicted, but only risen by 10%. Additionally, food production was skyrocketing thanks to the agrarian economy now exploding in a free and independent America. Worse still, a booming middle class was evolving throughout the West, and people were becoming independent, free thinkers. The American middle class was the embodiment of hope and vision, and many were beginning to doubt Malthus’ warning of an impending population apocalypse. Malthus passed away in 1834, and his “Principle of Population” was following him to the grave; that is, until his essay received a desperate public relations boost:


Within no time, Charles Darwin rose to become a pre-eminent bullhorn for the Malthusians. Regardless of what one may think of Darwin’s theories, his personal view regarding eugenics were extremely clear:


Just like Malthus, Darwin was elected into the Royal Society, and was soon hobnobbing within the elite circles of the British establishment. It was in this network that he met a staunch ally in Thomas Henry Huxley; a man who became known as “Darwin’s Bulldog”. Huxley gained access to some highly influential platforms to share his views:


Like Malthus and Darwin, Thomas Huxley was highly regarded amongst British establishment circles. Huxley’s success in promoting Darwinism provided him the confidence to publish his own theories regarding evolution:


Huxley clearly saw himself as one of the “higher races”, and it was from this ivory tower that he made his most chilling statement:


Thomas Huxley looked to keep his intellectual prowess “in the family”, and he found talent in his grandson, Julian Huxley, whom he began personally teaching.


The lessons given to young Julian by his grandfather shaped the boy into the man he was to become. Eugenics was literally in Huxley’s blood, and he did everything in his power to impose this sub-intellectual practice upon humanity.

Julian Huxley served in the British Army from 1917-1919, as a Second Lieutenant in the Intelligence Corps. His network was vast:


One could be mistaken for thinking that all these essays and ideas were simply the ramblings of madmen. However, in typical Prussian style, there is a strange coordination to it all. Let’s summarize those individuals involved up until this point:

Far from being a group of madmen, these men have had a profound impact on the direction humanity has taken over the last two and half centuries; politically, economically, militarily, philosophically and spiritually. What is their common idea? Control the human being and regulate global population for the ‘greater good’.

As George Carlin once remarked, “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it!”

There is no doubt this “big club” is even bigger today. While the Prussian rulers are now invisible, operating in the shadows, the ‘big club’ is hidden in plain sight; seen only by those who know how to look.

Their agenda is dutifully pushed out through global think-tanks, whose authority to guide human behavior is deemed unquestionable. This invisible enemy also runs a global espionage network to ensure their maniacal agenda remains on track. Partner corporations control the main stream media, social media and scientific journals, ensuring the merits of their agenda echo around the earth without interruption.

While these global organizations have some familiar names, we are drawing closer to finding some of the less familiar names who drive this global ideology of control and destruction.

As we have presented earlier in this series, it was Julian Huxley who engaged the royal families of Great Britain and the Netherlands to found the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Prince Bernhard was appointed to create the 1001 Club, while Prince Philip nurtured his son Charles to eventually become King of the climate-eugenics movement.

Today, in conjunction with Klaus Schwab’s ReichsWEF, King Charles and his team are busy orchestrating the greatest depopulation operation ever undertaken in history.

To be continued…

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