“The British are Coming!!!”
A recap:
We often honor the military genius of Frederick the Great. At times, Frederick’s army was said to be outnumbered and facing impossible situations, however this never phased the king of Prussia, as he had full faith in his military generals who had pledged their loyalty to him. Frederick’s confidence wasn’t just anchored in the loyalty of his leaders, he knew that he had established the most sophisticated espionage network throughout the entire Western world. His spies constituted an invisible army, who were deeply embedded inside enemy territory.
Through coercion, bribery and blackmail, Frederick ensured that his operatives provided him with an advantage before going into every battle:
Frederick’s genius forged a Prussian ideology, setting it on a course to become the most powerful kingdom in the world. Rival empires feared the guile and brutality of the Prussian army. However, the greatest threat to Prussia’s enemies was not the army they could see; it was the spy network that they could not see. Prussian spies operated at the highest echelons of power, gathering intelligence and manipulating events to place its enemy into a state of vulnerability, ready for annihilation. For Frederick, it was the art of espionage that underpinned his awesome power. His standing army was not the main game in town, it was simply an efficient killing machine.
This article will carefully follow numerous threads of evidence which reveal that this ancient espionage network never died, but carefully placed itself within the British Empire. #PrussiaGate has shown how German nobility infiltrated the British Crown in the late 1600s, after waves of Hanseatic League families migrated to England and dominated banking and trade.While it would be convenient if this powerful force was simply confined to the pages of history, we can now provide evidence that this invisible army has been controlling global intelligence, right up to the present time.
In Part III, we showcased an obscure book titled, “Pickle the Spy, or the Incognito of Prince Charles”. This book confirmed that during Frederick the Great’s reign, he infiltrated the British kingdom to such an extent that yesteryear’s Prince Charles was carrying out espionage on Frederick’s behalf, alongside another competent spy, operating under the alias ‘Pickle’.
In Part V we played a clip of the current-day King Charles declaring a military style war against “climate change”, suggesting that funds exceeding world GDP are available to wage this war. In a bizarre case of history rhyming, the current-day Charles has a close associate in the climate change movement named Hans Joachim Schellnhuber. Hans is a theoretical physicist, and his office is located just a few miles from Frederick the Great’s remains in Potsdam, the capital of Prussia. We were amused to note that his Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research is known as “PIK”.
Ironically, PIK is a derogatory word in Dutch slang for penis. This is amusing, considering that in The Power of the Prussian Micropenis, we presented the brilliant decode of Frederick the Great’s Prussian palatial word puzzle “Sans , Souci.” which was translated as, “Without my little dick, all care stops.” In that article, we also noted the deformed genitalia of Adolf Hitler and other Hollywood sickos. It is impossible to know if Charles and his Prussian mate, Shellnhuber, are attempting to emulate Frederick’s risqué word puzzle, but it is an interesting speculation.
Notwithstanding the PIKs, when a Prussian theoretical physicist, Klaus Schwab and King Charles get together to discuss their eugenics plan disguised as “saving the planet”, we must ask ourselves; Do they actually believe they could possibly be as smart as Frederick in fooling the people?
(Charles, Klaus, and the Prussian PIK)
In Part VI we showed how Trump arrived on the world stage, opposing everything that was dear to Charles’ heart. With what he was saying he would do, his Presidential run had to be stopped at all costs. Even if his chances were slim, ‘insurance policies’ were needed to stop this man.
An invisible army was deployed against Trump which was eerily similar to Frederick the Great’s centuries-old espionage network. It was a unique occasion where the horrible invisible enemy would be unveiled for the world to see.
Operation Stop Trump
When Donald Trump declared he was running in the 2016 US Presidential election, the main stream media, the political establishment and globalist corporatocracy laughed at his prospects. Even in the primaries, the pollsters had him ranked dead last:
When Trump won the Republican nomination, it was dutifully reported that he had no chance of defeating Hillary:
In November 2016, the fear of President Trump gave way to the reality of President Trump. Many began to wonder how such a group of apparently smart people got the numbers so wrong.
The main stream media, pollsters and the globalist corporations were either completely incompetent, or they were pushing propaganda through lies, damned lies and statistics.
No one could be that incompetent; so, who was orchestrating this campaign of deception? How could they coerce an army of people to behave so deceitfully and corruptly?
If Hillary Clinton had won the 2016 US election, the world would never have discovered what was occurring behind the scenes to stop Trump. His victory opened the way for him to be able to finally declare that he had “caught them all” (0:39 seconds):
By trying to stop Trump, a vast espionage network had been exposed. They all now find themselves in a very unpleasant pickle.
The British are Coming!!!
Let us explore Trump’s campaign timeline through the #PrussiaGate lens:
June 16, 2015:
Donald Trump announced his presidential bid, drawing fits of laughter from Europe:
While not everyone in Europe was taking Donald Trump’s campaign seriously, the UK’s spy network at GCHQ certainly were:
It is important to note that the Director of GCHQ at this time was Robert Hannigan. While Trump was focused on his MAGA campaign and winning the Republican Party primaries, in the shadows, the ‘insurance policies’ being compiled against him continued to mount.
February 2016:
After a brief time as adviser to presidential candidate Ben Carson, George Papadopoulos took on a new job:
Papadopoulos had ‘accidently’ entered the British Crown’s global network, rubbing shoulders with a key player who worked at LCILP at the same time:
Most readers will be familiar with the Papadopoulos chain of events. What is more important for us to note here is that Arvinder Sambei was a Senior Crown Prosecutor; an advisor to the British Ministry of Defence; leader of workshops on counter-terrorism issues and dawn raids, as her CV explains 7. In other words, she operated at an exceptionally high level within the British apparatus.
May 2016:
Three months later, Papadopoulos had the infamous ‘boozy chat’ with Alexander Downer:
As we showed in Part II, Downer was a board member of British spy firm Hakluyt; he was on the board of Chinese intelligence firm Huawei; he has significant connections to the British royal family; and channelled significant Australian tax-payer funds to the Clinton Foundation in 2006.
June 2016:
While Downer was doing what he does best, Arvinder Sambei and another Crown Prosecutor were doing the same. The British Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) had been tasked to inform their American counterparts of the “Russia Russia Russia” story. As revealed by Judicial Watch, Bruce and Nellie Ohr were selected to host a lovely dinner party for Alison Saunders and three of her team. This was no low-level dinner party; Ohr was a senior official with the Department of Justice and Saunders was the Director of Public Prosecutions with the CPS 9:
Coincidently, just four days after this May 6 email to Bruce Ohr confirming the dinner party, Alexander Downer had his infamous May 10, 2016 meeting in London with George Papadopoulos. Even more coincidentally, just four days after the June 5 dinner party with the Brits and the Ohrs, the infamous ‘Trump Tower meeting’ took place on June 9, 2016.
July 2016:
When Bruce Ohr proclaimed to his “lovely wife” Nellie, that “The British are coming!”, he was not joking. Just weeks later, the head of GCHQ contacted the head of the US Pickle Factory:
September 2016:
Bruce Ohr’s fascination with the British was remarkable. In September, he developed an email friendship with former British spy Christopher Steele. The two were looking forward to catching up just before the 2016 election:
November 2016 Pre-Election:
In what is now starting to look like a coordinated global operation, Hakluyt let Hillary know they were right behind her:
At the time, many wondered why a British spy firm was so interested in the outcome of an American election. This series is lifting the veil on what was truly occurring behind the scenes leading into the 2016 Presidential election.
November 2016:
By November, Donald J. Trump was President-Elect. The British led insurance policies to stop him had been unsuccessful.
The invisible enemy does not understand the term ‘retreat’. The Prussian way is to kill, or be killed. This meant it was time to move to Plan B. The British would continue to take the lead, constructing the infamous “Steele Dossier”. In typical Prussian style, it was the spies and Ambassadors who did the dirty work. The US point-man was none other than John McCain:
Trump Presidency, 1st Term:
With the establishment reeling after Donald Trump’s victory, the Plan B ‘insurance policy’ needed to be fast. The deep state was not going to lie down and allow President Trump to deliver on the promises he’d made during his campaign. He had to be stopped at every turn.
As we know, it was the material in the ‘Steele Dossier’ dossier that led to the notorious Russia hoax investigation, led by Robert Mueller. The man who gave credibility to Christopher Steele’s story, was the former head of the British Mi6, Sir Richard Dearlove:
Recall that in September 2016, Christopher Steele and Bruce Ohr were emailing each other about catching-up. In that same month, Steele also met with Sir Richard Dearlove to discuss the dossier. It is well known that Dearlove was a close colleague of Stefan Halper and was the one who raised concerns about General Michael Flynn back in 2014; a concern which somehow found its way into the hands of US Intelligence Agencies. The deep state were activating all their A-grade operatives.
Fiona Hill:
Some may recall Fiona Hill’s testimony against President Trump during the first impeachment trial:
It is worth taking a brief look at Hill’s bio:
Fiona was born and educated in the UK; got her degree at the Scottish University of St. Andrews; travelled to America where she studied Russian at Harvard; and it was not until 2002 that she became an American citizen.
Perhaps the most fascinating part of Fiona Hill’s resume is her association with Igor Danchenko and Christopher Steele, over ten years prior:
With all that was revealed during Durham’s case against Igor Danchenko, it is fair to assume that intelligence agencies, surveillance contractors, prosecutors and people like Fiona Hill, could yet find themselves in a right royal pickle.
Sir Nick Clegg:
Nick Clegg is an accomplished British politician and former head of the British Privy Council:
In 2017, Nick Clegg left politics and joined the private sector. In 2018, Facebook appointed him as a lobbyist and public relations officer, taking on the role of Vice President of global affairs and communications. In January 2021, Facebook banned Trump from its platform:
With the idea of free speech lying in tatters, Nick Clegg had obviously proven himself a worthy asset, and earned himself a promotion:
Nick is a very busy man, and obviously committed to supporting the British Monarch:
Now that we have lined up all of the mysterious allegations made against Trump from the moment he declared his intention to run for President in 2015, a strange connection can be observed:
GCHQ: British cybersecurity signals intelligence agency.
Hakluyt: British corporate espionage firm founded by ex-Mi6 spies and corporate execs who were on board Charles’ yacht in 1991, alongside Al Gore.
Arvinder Sambei: Senior Crown Prosecutor in the UK and former advisor to the British Ministry of Defence.
Alexander Downer: Former director of Hakluyt, Australian Ambassador to UK.
Alison Saunders: Director of Crown Prosecution in the UK.
Robert Hannigan: Former head of GCHQ in the UK.
Andrew Wood: Former British Ambassador to Russia.
Christopher Steele: Former Mi6 in the UK.
Richard Dearlove: Former head of Mi6 in the UK.
Fiona Hill: British-American advisor to US Government, and who introduced Steele and Danchenko in 2011.
Nick Clegg: Former Deputy UK Prime Minister, Former Lord President to Privy Council, and global Facebook executive.
Incredibly, this list above does not reveal any Russians, but it does reveal numerous high-level British operatives, British spies, British intelligence agencies, British ambassadors and even one member of Britain’s privy council.
Given their senior roles within the United Kingdom, these folk would have almost-certainly pledged the “Oath of Allegiance”:
Blackmail and Power
Recall in Part VI, we highlighted that Trump had declared he would end radical Islamic terrorism, with success being seen in Saudi Arabia. We also showed that the Muslim Brotherhood was deeply connected to British intelligence.
This series is investigating the operational strategies used by this invisible espionage network and how the British monarch appears central to it all.
In 2004, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) was listed as a terrorist organization. In what is becoming an undeniable pattern, this organization has a relationship with British intelligence:
In 2011, the head of LIFG, Abdelhakim Belhadj, was the Libyan rebel commander involved in the overthrow of Libyan dictator, Muammar Gaddafi. His forces took control of the country during the Libyan civil war.
On September 11, 2012, the United States Embassy in Benghazi was under attack from Jihadi organizations. The lead assailant had his origins in the LIFG:
In 2015, US politicians John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal honored the head of the LIFG:
In the same year, Belhadj was leading ISIS in Libya:
When Sir Andrew Wood approached John McCain in November of 2016 with material that could “compromise” President-elect Trump, is it possible that Wood also had material that could possibly compromise the Senator? Such blackmail material could be held over any powerful political figure, compelling them to act on behalf of another:
McCain’s action instigated the great ‘Russia hoax’ investigation, and severely limited Trump’s ability to carry out his job as President.
What we do know is that in February 2017, John McCain made a secret visit to Syria. We are not sure what forces may have shadowed McCain. Unfortunately, we may never know because his health began to deteriorate rapidly, and he passed away in 2018.
In yet another crazy coincidence, 2017 was also the year that Belhadj commenced legal action against the British government, winning the case in the following year:
Incredibly, Alison Saunders, the Crown Prosecutor who dined with Bruce and Nellie Ohr in 2016, was desperately trying to keep the Libyan terrorist’s court case a secret:
It is impossible to know exactly what was going on and exactly who was involved. All we can ascertain is that there appear to be secrets everywhere, and operatives like Alison Saunders work overtime to keep them hidden from the public.
We can observe that Alison Saunders was protecting a British spy from exposure. She was operating among many secretive figures, hidden from public view. Eventually, somehow, this network of corruption led to John McCain passing on the fake Steele Dossier to FBI Director, James Comey.
Could these simply all be coincidences, albeit statistically impossible?
As an interesting side-note, John McCain’s widow, Cindy McCain, was considered for the US Ambassador’s role to the United Kingdom by the Biden administration. The relationship between the McCain family and the UK still remains strong.
In the world of espionage, whoever holds the blackmail, holds the power. If a deep secret was to be made public, the power behind the blackmail becomes worthless. Such an event would ensure that those who once operated in the darkness would be brought into the light.
For this reason, Alison Saunders was becoming extremely busy.
The Dark Side of the Spy Moon
Alison Saunders’ time as the head Crown prosecutor was mired in controversy, particularly after “Operation Elveden” come into the light:
In 2018, Alison Saunders agreed to a lucrative exit from the government, but only after leaving a trail of collapsed rape trials in her wake:
Alison Saunders left a string of prosecuted rape trials, where the Crown withheld critical evidence that would have proven many young men’s innocence.
In these cases, Saunders declared that it was time to ‘believe the victim’. However, behind the scenes, her prosecution team knew the truth that these men were innocent. Was this the politicization of justice, or a distraction from something far more sinister?
While Saunders was busy prosecuting cases that led to the potential jailing of innocent young men, there was one sex case she refused to pursue:
We must ask ourselves, who on earth is Alison Saunders?
Former head of British Crown Prosecution;
Was appointed to engage US operatives, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, at a private dinner party;
Demands that a trial involving the Libyan ISIS leader and an Mi6 agent be kept secret;
Prosecutes men accused of rape, while withholding evidence that proved their innocence; and
One could be forgiven for thinking that Lords, Dukes, Knights and Dames have a different set of laws to everyone else!
Not to be outdone, another Brit who was part of ‘Operation Stop Trump’ was showing his true colors. It was just back in 2021 that Nick Clegg proudly and publicly de-platformed President Trump from Facebook and Instagram. However, when it comes to pornography, Nick has a vastly different set of standards that he applies:
In June 2022, a couple were arrested for running a multi-state sex trafficking ring through Only fans. We don’t know exactly why Nick would turn a blind-eye to OnlyFans in exchange for a bribe, but we certainly hope it is not related to content on these sites:
Nick Clegg and Alison Saunders are not the only list of British subjects involved in ‘Operation Stop Trump’ and with questionable connections to the dark world of child abuse.
Another major player in ‘Operation Stop Trump’ was an early casualty in the invisible war. Within days of President Trump being sworn into office, the head of GCHQ, Robert Hannigan, resigned from his position. Hannigan insisted his resignation was family related:
How could the head of GCHQ not be aware of a person’s background when providing a character reference?
Why would Robert Hannigan provide a character reference for this ex-priest AFTER it was known he had been caught with child-rape videos?
How could Robert Hannigan, knowing the crimes this ex-priest committed, consider him to be a family friend?
After he was found guilty of re-offending, why did this monster ONLY get 31 months in prison?
When we look at these dark nefarious actions of Robert Hannigan, Alison Saunders and Nick Clegg, we must all ask: WTF is going on here?
Ugly Rings of Power
Let’s quickly review some of the dark discoveries we have made throughout the #PrussiaGate articles:
In the ReichsWEF series, we outlined the deep connection former UK Prime Minister, Sir Edward Heath, had with Klaus’ Schwab’s annual Davos gatherings. In one particular year, Ted Heath paid tribute to the “International Year of the Children”, but was also “named in a secret government dossier about an alleged VIP pedophile ring, obtained by a senior Labour Party politician in the 1980s.” 39
One of Charles’ closest friends and personal advisors, Jimmy Savile, was exposed as one of the worst serial pedophiles in history. If you want to know how bad and how connected to the British royals Jimmy was, please read this pepeslivesmatter.substack article.
Jimmy Savile: Pedophile, murderer, Satanic, and unofficial royal advisor to Prince Charles.
Prince Andrew was close friends with convicted sex-traffickers Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, who also spent time at the Royal abodes, such as the Queen’s log cabin in Balmoral.
British Crown Prosecutor, Alison Saunders, decided not to prosecute pedophile, Lord Janner.
Privy Council member, Nick Clegg, is alleged to have taken bribes to favour the OnlyFans platform on Facebook.
Former British spy chief, Robert Hannigan, provides a character reference to a man who posts on child-abuse sites that he is “interested in sex with babies”.
How long will we remain asleep to these horrors?
We currently live in a time where these crimes continue to occur, and many who are convicted, are soon free to reoffend. What is worse, it appears there is a shadowy force trying to prevent the exposure of this heinous evil:
This is obviously a global issue, but it is not a new one. Over three decades ago, rising political superstar, Lawrence E. King was eventually jailed for fraud, but another very dark claim accompanied his illegal activities:
“…had received numerous reports, to which he clearly gave credence, that instances of child sexual and physical abuse were linked to the scandal……he told of boys and girls, some of them from foster homes, who had been transported around the country by airplane to provide sexual favors, for which they were rewarded.” 41
Oddly worded emails between Jeffrey Epstein and former CEO of Barclays Bank, Jes Staley, revealed the use of the term “Snow White”.
Recall in our Marburg article, we presented the history of the Brothers Grimm and documents they found at the University of Marburg. They transformed these historical documents into the Grimm’s Fairy Tales. These were not children’s tales, but stories of murder, cannibalism, necrophilia, pedophilia and revenge.
In the original Snow White fairy-tale, Snow White is abused and tormented by her mother. Her mother eventually hires someone to take Snow White out into the woods and kill her, but the man must bring back her organs so her mother can eat them. Snow White is spared, but abandoned. Still a young girl, a prince discovers her. They decide to marry, and also plot revenge on Snow White’s evil mother. The mother is invited to the palace. When she discovers Snow White is still alive, it is too late. Snow White and her prince place red-hot iron shoes on her mother, and she is forced to dance in them until she dies. A fatal red shoe dance was her punishment.
We cannot imagine that this was the inference in the emails between Jeffrey Epstein and the banker, Jes Staley. However, we must wonder if there are people out there who are willing to ‘put on their red shoes and dance’.
To get a better understanding of this dark and opaque world, we highly recommend reviewing everything Liz Crokin has presented on her substack relating to the matter, especially when it comes to the Podesta family (Tony Podesta is middle-front in the above group picture).
Jeffrey Epstein the Pedophile Superspy!
Kamala’s Venn Diagram of Absolute Corruption
Putting the red-shoe festivities aside, it is critical to digest that everyone we have named here are in exceptional positions of power. In many cases, their actions and decisions affect billions of people around the world. In this article, we are revealing how this network was mobilized to complete a single mission; ‘Operation Stop Trump’.
Many aspects of espionage operates within an environment of blackmail. This series has shown a nasty, but compelling connection between spies and pedophiles. If you observe carefully, you will notice that pedophiles and spies have something in common; they use code-words. When Frederick the Great created his word puzzle “Sans , Souci.”, he probably didn’t realize that he was setting a trend for future spies, and for future pedophiles. When Pickle the Spy took his name, he probably didn’t realize that he was also creating code to be adopted by future spies.
We are learning that today’s spies are the bearers of dark, horrific secrets, and will do anything in their power to keep them concealed. We are also learning that not all spies work inside intelligence agencies; they have infiltrated government, banking, main stream media, big-tech, big-pharma, religious institutions, education, law enforcement, and Hollywood.
If a pedophile was to reach the highest echelons of power in any sector of society, and their darkest secrets were known by another; then he who holds the secret, holds the blackmail; and he who holds the blackmail, holds the real power. It is right here that we can begin to see the face of the horrible invisible enemy.
Prussia was never a nation; it controlled them. This complex sits in full view today. A giant, dark web of espionage facilitates the desires of the darkest, most depraved human beings on earth. From this cesspit, individuals are carefully selected, and their careers are elevated toward positions of power, influence and wealth. With a litany of blackmail attached to them, they do the bidding of their masters, akin to a puppet. Their puppet-master, of course, is now able to operate in the shadows, invisible to all.
Seeing the puppets allows us to watch the shape in which the puppet moves; seeing the patterns of the puppet’s movement allows us to see the strings; seeing the strings allows us to see the master.
Is it conceivable that there is such a network of evil present today? Have people been installed at the highest echalons of power, simply because of the heinous activities they have undertaken? Could a pedophile network become so powerful that some of our “global leaders” are simply puppets to the network’s aims and objectives?
How could such an enormous feat be achieved? It would require vast resources and a network that actively recruits pedophiles. It would require a database of the heinous crimes committed, and a real-time record of the power that person yields, both currently and potentially. Such a system would be akin to the largest blackmail exchange ever known on earth. Those with access to such a network would have unimaginable power within governments and corporations throughout the world.
Such a system could only be carried out by an army of the most accomplished and unscrupulous individuals who have the capacity to gather, organize and utilize the darkest of intelligence information. It would be a network whose value and power is derived from the misery and abuse of humanity’s most vulnerable.
Such power would be achieved by the meshing of two rings:
If such a horrendous network did exist, it would mean that the world could be controlled by a group of spies, traitors and pedophiles. A group whom President Trump once remarked deserved a “swift trial, death penalty”.
A spy is invisible; walking amongst the enemy, masquerading as an ally, much like actors pretending to be someone they are not. Their secret is only known by themselves and the group they work for. Once their identity is revealed, they are not only worthless, but dangerous. A captured spy is doomed, either way. Not only does the enemy wish them dead, but their own network wants them dead as well; and the sooner the better. If their global network is revealed, the entire invisible enemy would be exposed, and potentially destroyed.
A caught spy is an existential threat for the espionage network they represent. In many circumstances, the only viable option is “suicide”.
Horrible. Invisible. Enemy.
Frederick the Great valued his espionage network. By the 18th century, the Prussians had infiltrated every part of the world. Today, if a similar espionage network existed, using a professional blackmail exchange, it would constitute an invisible global army. This enemy would walk amongst us, employ us, and possibly even govern us. Their power would be without parallel. Their evil beyond imagination.
They would indeed be a horrible, invisible, enemy.
At this juncture, we should take the time to remember the late Jeffrey Epstein:
With Jeffrey dead, and his girlfriend in jail, we are yet to discover to whom they trafficked children. Is it to the four corners of the earth, as the shape of Little St. James Island suggests?
We have come to learn that as a prince, Charles used his position to advance a depopulation agenda that was carefully hidden behind a climate-change narrative.
His brother, Prince Andrew, travelled back and forth from Epstein Island. A place that can only be described as “Hell on Earth” for the victims who found themselves on the island.
Charles’ father, Prince Philip, spent his post-WWII years dedicated to the World Wildlife Foundation, as well as dreaming of being reincarnated as a deadly virus to “solve overpopulation”.
And yet another royal, Prince Bernhard; a man who married into to House of Orange-Nassau. Working alongside Philip at the WWF, he formed an exclusive club that included royalty, drug-runners, and spies; the 1001 Club.
Could these roads lead us to an espionage network of the most powerful people on the planet?
To be continued…
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https://www.thesun.co.uk/archives/news/91126/an-abuse-of-justice/ ↩︎
https://boingboing.net/2022/10/12/former-uk-deputy-prime-minister-nick-clegg-identified-in-court-as-facebook-executive-bribed-by-onlyfans-to-blacklist-rival-adult-entertainers.html ↩︎
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/feb/24/ex-gchq-head-robert-hannigan-quit-paedophile-priest-edmund-higgins-reference ↩︎
https://www.mylondon.news/news/west-london-news/former-catholic-priest-who-used-14834280 ↩︎
https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-mysterious-case-of-the-pedophile-prime-minister-sir-edward-heath ↩︎
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/uk-police-department-savaged-defending-convicted-serial-pedophile-against-hate ↩︎
https://www.nytimes.com/1988/12/18/us/a-lurid-mysterious-scandal-begins-taking-shape-in-omaha.html ↩︎
https://nypost.com/2021/11/12/former-barclays-ceo-reportedly-exchanged-1200-emails-with-jeffrey-epstein/ ↩︎