An Ode to the Prussian Pickle - Part V

MAGA Carta

This series has presented the ancestry, relationships and passions of King Charles III in great detail. Whether it be his connections to Dracula, the House of Hohenzollern, British spy agencies (including Hakluyt) or secret societies, we can observe that the ‘light’ currently being shone on Charles’ public profile is placing him in a bit of a royal pickle.

This part will examine how Charles intends to achieve his global ambitions.

Humanity stands at a crossroads. The collective psyche of mankind has been ruptured into competing belief systems that deem one way of life to be an existential threat to the other.

One group of people hold to the ideology that basic human activities are a posing direct threat to planet earth:

As we presented in Part IV, the true agenda behind the climate change narrative is depopulation. We are now seeing these two themes converge to confirm this assertion. Anyone buying into the climate change narrative is buying into the need to depopulate. The two beliefs are inextricably linked.

The climate change narrative does not use logic to convince its base; it uses fear and science-fiction. Their believers have been placed into a perpetual state of terror as to the hopelessness of the situation, unless something is done immediately. Those offering the solutions, of course, are the corporations and government leaders who stand to make immeasurable profits from this belief system.

Fear sits at the very core of Hegel’s master-slave dialectic, and those who are terrified by the climate destruction narrative are placing themselves in the slave-seat. The ‘master’ is declaring that the herd must be culled for the greater good.

There is no way of knowing how or why climate change will affect “gender-diverse” people more than everyone else, nor how greenhouse gas emissions from high-income countries are more significant than from third-world nations, or even China. Recall in Part IV we presented an advertisement for a CO2 generator which increases plant growth in greenhouses when the CO2 level reaches 1500ppm, or five times the current level in our atmosphere. With plants being nourished by excess carbon levels, it is impossible to understand how CO2 is a threat to our world, nor why it needs to be taxed. It is quite simply a tax on our breath!

None of these concepts are logical, nor do they stand up against any rational argument. However, questioning this narrative sends the collective minds of the climate believers into fits of irrational rage and condemnation. This has developed into a culture labelled as “woke” and an aggressive activism known as “cancel culture”. To question any part of the climate narrative incurs the label of “climate-denier”. All of this has plunged humanity into a bizarre mass psychosis. A huge portion of the western population are trapped in a belief system that declares, “unless we depopulate, we will all die”.

If humanity is going to embrace such a violent solution to a problem that may not even exist, it deserves to be questioned, at the very least. There are three questions that come to mind:

The crazy accusations have even risen to the Executive Office of the United States:


President Trump loves to find people’s trigger points, exposing the psychosis. The other side of humanity are watching events unfold and realizing that the climate-wokists are deadly serious. Somehow, we have entered a reality stream where climate activism has escalated to such an extent, that governments and global corporations are adopting the drastic measure of taxing CO2 and nitrogen, which both exist in fresh air.


This idea of taxing air has been around for a while. In 2012, governments around the world were already performing feasibility studies on the taxation of nitrogen:


Then, in 2021 a strange phenomenon emerged. Natural gas prices surged, unlike any other time in history, and fertilizer plants were being shut down:


If you were not already aware, synthetic fertilizers are produced by nitrogen and natural gas, which powers the process:


What is most important about synthetic fertilizer is the number of people it sustains on the planet:


Put simply, four billion people will starve if synthetic fertilizer production is halted. As we watch fertilizer plants close, Europe run out of natural gas, and governments trying to tax-the-shit out of nitrogen, those applying logic and reason are beginning to understand the gravity of the situation humanity is facing.

Humanity has been placed into an ideological war of the mind, and someone is pulling the strings.

H/T to @aQtime17 on Telegram

One collective psyche is steeped in logic, reason, family, tradition and the ability to ask questions to find solutions. The other group is steeped in hatred and diametrically opposed to logic, reason, family, tradition and even asking questions. Their only solution is that humanity is the cause of every problem, and therefore we must depopulate.

As we look at the climate-wokist agenda, their dyed hair, gender diversity, illogical rants and their catastrophically destructive protests, we also notice a significant phenomenon. Their movement has the support of the world’s biggest globalist corporations, national governments, central banks, and the World Economic Forum.

In Part IV we demonstrated that the climate-wokists are the victims of an extremely well organized psyop. Over the last 100 years, organizations that spawned from the Tavistock clinic are now wielding exceptional power over the direction of humanity, embracing a clear objective to control “population density and overall population”.

In 1992, Charles was enthroned as king of the eugenics/depopulation movement, disguised as environmentalism. We will now lay out how they intend to impose their psychopathic plans on the entire planet, and the only thing that can stop it.

**The Fire-Drill

In Part IV we showed that UNESCO, the WHO and the World Wildlife Fund were all founded by people connected to the “psychiatric branch of the British Empire”. It was the WHO that declared the world to be in a ‘global pandemic’ on March 11, 2020. However, the WHO does not have our best interests at heart:


We have no idea what Tedros’ involvement was in Ethiopia, but these atrocities could easily be used as blackmail. If Tedros was involved, this would place him in a real pickle, vulnerable to being forced to do the bidding of another.

Whether coerced or not, Tedros declared the global pandemic which resulted in the WHO issuing a strategic plan for nations around the world. This pandemic was looking to be much more than just a health crisis:


Although the WHO had no theoretical control over nations, this 6-point plan was immediately adopted by governments worldwide.

The world was subjected to lockdown mandates, mask mandates, social distancing mandates, quarantine camps, and a “whole-of-society” behavioral change.

The mandate madness that engulfed the world during 2020 was like nothing ever seen before. It was almost as if there was a massive psychological operation to completely “reset” human behavior. Understanding the origins of the WHO, makes this notion entirely possible.

President Trump was not impressed:


When Biden took up residence in Washington, the world began administering the Chyna vaccine on an industrial scale. This was all achieved using mandates.

For many, the word ‘mandate’ implies a law. However, the definition of mandate provides a different view:


This word deserves careful examination. Contrary to popular belief, a mandate is simply an agreement. If one agrees to a mandate, it must be performed without payment and with total liability being placed on the one who agreed to it.

In today’s world, it would be unlikely that you could compel someone to sign a contract to work without payment, while also bearing full liability. However, that is exactly the definition of ‘mandate’, according to Black’s law dictionary.

We cannot reverse the events since 2020, but we can learn from them. We know that mandates were imposed all over the world with frightening regularity. Most people became numb to the word, and most misunderstood its true meaning.

Were we being trained to believe that a mandate is the law for potentially bigger things to come?

Magna Carta

One of the greatest moments in Western civilization was the signing of the ‘Great Charter’:


The Magna Carta is more significant than many may realize. It provided the pathway for American patriots in 1776 to make a stand against the tyrannical rules of King George III. Without Magna Carta as a precedent, the United States Constitution may never have been written to become the most important document of our time:


1776 was one of the biggest turning points in world history. Given this, there is little doubt that The 1776 Report released by President Trump in early 2021, was an attempt to focus our attention at this point in history and understand its impact on human rights and freedom. Magna Carta limited the power of the monarchy, and gave rights to the freeman. The Constitution re-asserted and defined those rights, completely severing the tyrannical power that had been controlling America. The patriots knew the possible global significance of what they’d just achieved in America:

Today, the world is watching the United States and its Constitution. Americans may have freed themselves from the grip of King George III, but George’s first cousins in Prussia had other ideas. Recall that Frederick the Great’s brother, Henry, was secretly considered to become the King of America. When that plan failed, Prussia folded back, and began a slow and steady program of infiltration. It was a plan to completely takeover America.

Today, King Charles is challenging the very essence of Magna Carta and the US Constitution, as we shall reveal shortly.

The Great Reset

Recall in Part IV, that when the global ‘plandemic’ arrived in 2020, Charles and Klaus Schwab took the opportunity to present their vision for ‘The Great Reset’:

In June 2020, most people were locked in their homes, facing bankruptcy or being informed that they could no longer see their grandparents. Prince Charles and the World Economic Forum thought this was the perfect time to launch their ‘initiative’:


There is no way of knowing how LGBT+ relates to a post-pandemic success, but the Forum’s insane narrative was on full display. Maybe the Monkeypox is part of their success? During this time, everyone could feel that their world was about to permanently change, With Charles at the helm of the ‘great reset’, it appeared the onset of the pandemic was simply his ‘go-time’.

Charles was now working full-time with Klaus and the World Economic Forum, providing his unique perspective on the direction of humanity (0:36 seconds):

Charles summarizes everything we need to know in this clip. He blames the pandemic on climate change, and explains that if we don’t RESET toward his vision of a ‘sustainable’ planet, we are going to get more and more pandemics.

Since the origin of the Chyna virus is apparently unknown, how on earth could Charles know it was due to climate change? Furthermore, how would he know that more pandemics are on their way unless we implement his drastic climate policies?

Now that we understand the eugenics strategy embodied within the climate change agenda, Charles is really implying that we must depopulate or we are going to die from a barrage of pandemics.

Charles is behaving like an Enlightened Despot. Does he truly believe it is his duty to change the world, and force humanity into compliance with his maniacal plan?

As we know, the founding father of enlightened despotism was Frederick the Great. It appears more and more like Charles is reading from the handbook of his ancestors at the House of Hohenzollern.

Terra Carta

In 1992, Charles attended the annual gathering of psychopaths and megalomaniacs at Davos. There, he laid the partnerships that would achieve his intentions:


Charles’ strategy was clear. Corporations were earmarked to be the driving force behind the implementation of his grand plan. If global businesses could operate in “lockstep” with governments and charities, they would shape the world, as he required.

We showed in Part IV that 1992 was a big year for Charles. A year earlier he had hosted Al Gore and several corporate executives on the royal yacht, and laid out a strategy to be unveiled at the Earth Summit. From here, Al Gore went on to become the Vice President of the United States, and the executives from Shell and BP teamed up with ex-spies from Mi5, Mi6 and GCHQ and formed the private espionage network named Hakluyt.

Nearly 30 years later, Charles has emerged from hibernation and is finally ready to take charge, along with the corporate members of the ReichsWEF:


If we combine Charles’ “Sustainable Markets Initiative” with the words he uttered at Davos in 1992, we see that he has not diverted from his strategy at all. He has engaged private corporations who are loyal to the ReichsWEF, and provided them with a mandate, which many have already agreed to. Corporations who accept the Terra Carta mandate are now the driving force behind Charles’ vision for global sustainability… and depopulation.

Knowing that the invisible enemy hides in plain sight, we explored what lay behind this global initiative:

The chilling statement that Magna Carta just “inspired a belief” in human rights and liberties needs scrutiny:


Is Terra Carta suggesting the Magna Carta is just an 800-year-old opinion?

Before Magna Carta, a freeman did not have any declared rights, and the rulers considered the people as basic property. In other words, the freeman and his family were no different to the soil, plants and animals that a noble believed to be their property. These could all be used as the noble saw fit.

Fast forward now to Charles’ Terra Carta program: It expressly states that it will “reunite people and planet”, by giving “fundamental rights and value to Nature”. Rather than take away the rights of the people, Terra Carta wants to give rights to Nature, thereby placing the people back on an even footing with the soil, plants and animals. This will reinstate the captivity that people were freed from under Magna Carta, 800 years ago.

How does Charles think this will be achieved? He is using corporations and their acceptance of mandates:


The US resident-in-chief is already signing up to this grand plan:


H/T to for her brilliant summary of Charles and this Great Reset. I recommend her article which brings all of this to light.

Meet The Great Reset King – Charles III

With respect to receiving the seal of approval, it appears that corporations and chief executives from all over the world are clamoring to be part of Charles’ Terra Carta club:

The companies committed to the Terra Carta mandate were joined by governments, completing Charles’ vision decades earlier:


It is notable that Terra Carta Supporters are ONLY corporations. It is also notable that the entire British Commonwealth appears to have accepted the Terra Carta mandate.

As a case study, let’s look at how this mandate was accepted in one Commonwealth nation, to see if we can find any familiar patterns:

The ‘Prince’s Trust Australia’ website notes Charles’ long-standing affinity with Australia:


It goes without saying that the Board of the now King’s Trust in Australia would be carefully hand-picked:

The Prince’s Trust Australia Chair is Julie Bishop, who was the former Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister, and was President of the UN Security Council during the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2014:


The Deputy Chair is Ian Smith who is a political lobbyist who founded an organization named ‘Bespoke Approach’. Highlighting the connections within this vast globalist web that Charles has created, Bespoke has an alliance with ‘Albright Stonebridge Group’ in Washington DC, linked to Madeleine Albright, many of whose alumni joined the Biden administration in 2021.

This connection to Albright is notable, as she had left politics after the Carter administration, but was called back to active duty in 1992 to support the Clinton – Gore administration in assembling the National Security Council. She was then appointed United States ambassador to the United Nations from 1993 to 1997, a position she held until her elevation to Secretary of State, until Clinton left office in 2001. We’ve discussed the significance of 1992, and Albright was clearly part of the team.

These connections to the United Nations and the climate agenda can no longer be ignored.

What is even more notable is that Ian Smith, the Deputy Chair, co-founded Bespoke Approach with Alexander Downer, of Hakluyt notoriety, who we featured in Part II. There is an entire article that could be written on this company alone, but suffice to note that Bespoke has a relationship with several major Australian energy companies and telecommunications giant, Huawei.

Charles’ pickle network is now well established in Australia, in preparation for Charles’ global move into his sustainable future. Australia has its royal seal of approval.

Charles did not pioneer the idea of corporations receiving a special seal. There was another time in history where corporations competed for a chance to be listed as a ‘model company’. That time was in Nazi Germany. Recall, Klaus Schwab’s father, Eugen, was running the Escher-Wyss Ravensburg plant, and received the coveted “Nazi Seal of Approval”:


Given Charles’ family history, and his father’s connection with Prince Bernhard, we should not be surprized that his ‘Terra Carta Seal’ was inspired from Nazi Germany.

The entire premise of #PrussiaGate is that Prussia never disappeared, but instead became invisible, and is now nestled within a complex matrix of globalist corporations, all coordinated through the World Economic Forum.

As Charles’ presents his “Sustainable Markets Initiative” and “Terra Carta”, the globalist corporations loyal to the ReichsWEF are in a frenzy to receive the Great Seal.

All this begs the question: Was Nazism every truly destroyed? Has this evil curse of fascism simply transformed into ‘eco-fascism’?

Regardless, CEOs have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders. Now that we understand the word ‘mandate’, why would a CEO even consider accepting the Terra Carta mandate, where they must uphold a contract without pay, and accept total liability for its consequences? Does a yet-unknown liability potentially value these companies at zero?

In this typical style, President Trump offered his own assessment of this corporate-wokism (0:31 seconds):

We have no idea why any large globalist corporation would mobilize itself behind a movement that would destroy humanity as we know it. However, the nature of the ‘horrible invisible enemy’ is not about profitability. It is about power, control and enslavement. To this end, we are now seeing many world leaders moving in lock-step.


To fully understand the scale of what Charles is trying to achieve, we turn to another speech of Charles which appealed to the climate-alarmists. This speech, at the COP26 at Edinburgh in November 2021, clearly explains his exact strategy (2:37 minutes):

Let’s review some of the key phrases presented in this hair-raising speech:

Today, according to the world bank, global GDP stands at $91 Trillion USD. Charles is inferring that there is someone else behind the scenes with the ability to transform the global economy, and who has more money than global GDP. Everyone should be interested in knowing who HE is.

If the transition into Charles’ plan for sustainability was necessary to save the planet, one would think it would be offered with a message of peace, love and prosperity. The transition would simply be a proposal to make the world a better place. Instead, Charles brings a message of war. Charles’ speech raises more questions than it answers. Who is this war against? Why is Charles so obsessed with engaging in a war about the earth’s climate?

It appears that the Prussian apple does not fall far from the tree:

Napoleon understood that the Prussian way was to remain in a constant state of war. Voltaire understood that Prussia “was not a nation, but an army that controls nations”.

To keep nations on a constant war footing, the people must be generally on board with the idea. Frederick the Great understood this very well:

Charles’ Prussian heritage appears to be playing a key role in his “war for sustainability”. The ReichsWEF’s army of corporations have now been mobilized under the mandate of Terra Carta.

Many ‘eco-warriors’ believe they are fighting to save the world. However, they are actually fighting in support of a depopulation agenda, and potentially their own elimination. In line with what Frederick said, if the ‘eco-warrior’ truly understood what they were fighting for, there would be no war.

Until this globalist agenda is truly understood and rejected by the masses, the climate change program will march forward with its insane environmental mandates that claim to be saving the planet. Chillingly, the real crisis humanity faces is the catastrophe of planned depopulation.

This is already unfolding in Europe. The continent now finds itself on the precipice. Faced with a war in the Ukraine, a broken energy complex, looming food shortages and economic annihilation, Europeans are about to learn the true value of their ‘sustainable’ wind and solar farms. As their leaders continue to throw billions at the Ukraine and virtue-signal their allegiance to global sustainability, over 600 million Europeans are about to experience a very dark and cold winter.

Europe is not alone in succumbing to wokism. Sri Lanka has also descended into hell with food, fuel and fertilizer shortages after their government banned synthetic fertilizer. Sometimes the people can’t be told, they must be shown.

The lessons being learnt across the globe are coming at a very heavy cost. Billions of people are being plunged below the poverty line, and billions more will follow if this insanity continues.

Sadly, it appears that Charles’ declaration of war is aimed squarely at the 8 billion human souls on the planet.

How does Charles intend to solve the poverty generated by his maniacal plans? It is hard to know the mind of a madman, but we do know that Charles’ ancestor, Vlad the Impaler, solved his medieval poverty crisis by burning the poor alive while they feasted, and impaled anyone who did not agree with him. It may be time to take a stand.

America: The Last Stand

The only thing that stands in the way of this maniacal plan is America, her Constitution and her system of government. It must stand as a beacon of freedom for the world to see. What we do know is that America had already started to question the policies of this ‘horrible invisible enemy’ back in 1992.

Eugenics Summit: 1992

The 1992 Earth Summit did not just place Charles at the helm; the conference demanded nations sign up to their plan;


In addition to Agenda 21, the Earth Summit also presented the UN Biodiversity Treaty, which was a UN attempt to circumvent national sovereignty:


In 1992, G.H.W. Bush was President of the United States. Al Gore was not part of the official US delegation, but was given a seat at the conference by Maurice Strong. When Gore and Bill Clinton took the reins of America six months later, they immediately reversed Bush’s decision:


Gore and Clinton were in a mad rush to have the Treaty ratified by Congress. By utilizing the fear generated at the Earth Summit of an impending “climate apocalypse”, their administration worked overtime to convince Congress of the absolute necessity of this Treaty. However, they overplayed their propaganda hand, and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) produced a report which alarmed American patriots:


Why would this Treaty need to “reinvent government”? It was only the first year of the Clinton-Gore administration, and they were already trying to change the way America was governed! Considering the close relationship between Charles and Al Gore, could this have been a US Administration that was now doing the bidding of the ambitious Prince Charles?

We do not know the answer to that question, but we do know that Al Gore was aboard Charles’ yacht in 1991 with people who went on to form one of the most powerful private espionage networks in the world. Would these people working at Hakluyt have access to information that could potentially be used to “convince” American politicians to ratify a Treaty that would circumvent American sovereignty?


Fortunately, America’s system of government prevailed. Patriot Republicans knew something was wrong with the Treaty, and when they realized some of the organizations behind it, they moved to have it stopped immediately:


Congress was awake to the fact that the Wildlands Project sat behind this push:


The Wildlands Project resonates exactly with the aims and objectives of the World Wildlife Foundation and Charles’ vision for a pristine, Transylvanian ecosphere:


The main point here is that the areas marked for “wilderness corridors and reserves” will all have one thing in common; no human population:


To get a better understanding of the culture embodied within the Wildlands Project, we must look to its founder:


Charles’ wish to “reunite people and the planet” by circumventing Magna Carta with the Terra Carta mandate, is remarkably similar to Dave Forman’s wish to return America back to 1492.

Incidentally, Dave Foreman’s “Earth First!” group was mentioned in a 2002 FBI testimony regarding the domestic terror threat posed by eco-terrorism:


Dave Foreman may have just been hanging around the wrong people, however his views were not only endorsed by his colleagues, they were championed:


Finally, the strategy for the Wildlands Project was laid out in five steps. One of these strategies is particularly disturbing:


Please take a moment to fully digest what almost transpired in the first year of the Clinton-Gore administration:

This was a huge victory, not only for America, but for the world because it showed that America’s system of government works when it is allowed to function as a Constitutional Republic.

The Supreme Court vs the EPA

Another example of America defeating tyranny, was in a recent ruling by the Supreme Court against the EPA:


Even after the UN Biodiversity Treaty was defeated in America in the ‘90s, environmental agencies continued to march forward with the globalist plan. When Obama took over the Presidency, the climate change agenda was back in full swing. By 2014, many Americans were discovering the horror of what was unfolding:


The Supreme Court ruling was a massive victory for Americans, and will hopefully have far reaching consequences for other agencies attempting to usurp the rights of citizens.

It shows how important the US Constitution is in defeating tyranny. It is now obvious that none of this would have been achieved unless President Trump won the 2016 Presidential election, whereby he could appoint federal judges, three of which were to the Supreme Court:


We are now learning what would have transpired if Hillary had won:

When President Trump appointed Neil Gorsuch, he explained the simple logic behind his decision:


In other words, Trump has shown us that if a Supreme Court judge interprets the Constitution as it is written, the life and liberties of Americans will be protected. This means that the EPA, and agencies like them, will have their powers removed and returned back to Congress, where they belong.

These are two clear examples of how the American system of government have proven to protect its citizens and their freedoms. One involved the Congress rejecting the wishes of President Clinton and Al Gore; the other involved the power of the President to appoint federal judges, and a Supreme Court rejecting the overreach of the EPA.

As we all face the magnitude of what lays ahead for planet Earth, we can see the importance and power of the US Constitution, and how it serves as a model to defeat the ‘horrible invisible enemy’.

MAGA Carta

Part V of this series has exposed how the depopulation agenda is being implemented throughout the world. Once the pandemic arrived, Charles came out of hibernation and released his Terra Carta plan, which is no different to the Wildlands Project.

We have shown how Terra Carta claims that people’s fundamental rights and liberties given by Magna Carta are simply beliefs, reversing 800 years of freedom and progress.

We have shown how the US Constitution is a reassertion of rights descended from Magna Carta, and specifically defined for American citizens.

There is one nation that has granted its citizens the power to reject the decrees of the new British King. That country is America. While her Constitution remains in place, America can never fall to the tyranny of Terra Carta and the eugenics agenda behind it.

When President Trump appointed judges, particularly on the Supreme Court, he was looking for candidates who “love our Constitution and will interpret them as written”. This applies to every person sworn to uphold the Constitution. On December 8, 2017, President Trump explained the MAGA vision perfectly: (watch from 57:45 to 1:00:45)

President Trump achieved a lot in his first term. However, Trump was ONLY a President, and much of what he built has since been dismantled by the nappy-in-chief. America can be rebuilt again, but it needs more than just a President; it needs freedom loving patriots who “love the Constitution and interpret it as it is written”. Patriots need to be everywhere, and sitting in every authority seat in the land. As Congress, Senate, Governors, Secretaries of State, AGs….everywhere!

When this occurs, Terra Carta, the ReichsWEF and every organization attempting to subvert the sovereignty of America will be unable to implement their psychopathic depopulation strategy, and America can be made great again.

When this is achieved, America will become a shining light to the rest of the world and declare their independence from enlightened despotism, just as it did in 1776.

The upcoming elections are not another four-year election. They are the 2022 midterms. With what we have revealed about the globalist plans of the invisible enemy, this may just be one of the most important elections in world history.

Terra Carta or MAGA Carta?

“The world is watching”.

To be continued…

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