An Ode to the Prussian Pickle - Part IX

In the Name of the King

A recap

This series is an investigation into the lineage of King Charles III and the extent of the British spy network. We looked into the world of mandates and how Terra Carta is planned to quietly subvert the freedoms granted by Magna Carta. This led us to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the 1001 Club. The 1001 Club is an extremely secretive group of spies and royals, who are currently funding the implementation of global environmental mandates and expanding their control of wildlife reserves, in order that humanity descend back to nature… and be taxed into oblivion in the process.

We contrasted Charles and Pickle the Spy from the 1700s along-side the current-day Charles and his passion for the GCHQ intelligence agency. Hopefully this series provides some valuable insights into the globalist’s strategies being deployed against us today. “You cannot leave a captivity that you cannot see.”

Part VIII crawled deep into the mind of the enemy, exploring their evil justifications behind a dark ideology which is now King Charles’ passion to depopulate the planet. It showed the history and evolution of the deadly mind control operation currently being deployed upon the world.

This final article concludes with a look at the lesser-known environmental funding network; the 1001 Club. We reveal some nasty criticisms of the WWF’s performance, despite the organization having a royal stamp of approval. We will also introduce a question about the legal jurisdiction in which the British monarch operates and how their activities may be protected because they are carried out “in the name of the King”.

1001 Pandas

Today’s march toward the Great Reset is being led by royal families and prominent world leaders. Part VIII revealed that the people and organizations behind this hellish plan can trace their ancestry back to the ‘Age of Enlightenment’, where the ideas that shaped this maniacal cult were born.

We have also presented that the Hohenzollern bloodline remains deeply intertwined within the British royal family, despite the two kingdoms appearing publicly to be rivals, even during WWI. This ideological syndicate was really a cabal of intellectual and medical elites, guiding government policy and influencing every aspect of society. Among them were Voltaire, Rousseau, Malthus, Graham, Darwin, Huxley and many others. These influencers, who had the ear of the British royal family, all shared a common passion; eugenics.

The launching of the proverbial Prussian cannonball for the global eugenics’ movement appears to have been by Julian Huxley. He combined the collective thinking of all the eugenic luminaries and was taught personally by his grandfather, Thomas Huxley. After serving in British military intelligence, Julian’s focus moved to the Tavisock institute, which spawned the WHO and UNESCO. However, Julian Huxley’s greatest achievement for the globalists may well have been the formation of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

After establishing UNESCO, Huxley went on to found the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. From this platform, he used his long-term family ties with European royalty to launch the WWF, calling upon the services of Prince Bernhard and Prince Philip.

Prince Philip would become the first President of WWF - UK from its formation in 1961 to 1982, and International President of WWF from 1981 to 1996, and then President Emeritus until his death.


The WWF mission statement was clear: Royals and global leaders must use the power of their network to save the panda, the elephant and the black rhino.

After 25 years of operation, a report was commissioned into the performance of the WWF and its chief funding arm, the 1001 Club:

This documentary exposed the scam that is the WWF. And is highly recommend viewing in your own time (27:41 mins).

For those reading prior to watching this Cook Report documentary, we will provide some quotes and summaries from the show. Suffice to say, it raised serious suspicions regarding the 1001 Club, whose members are WWF benefactors. Some of the club’s own members blew the whistle on their colleagues, stating that it appeared to be run like some sort of “secret society”.

One whistle blower even lamented that the WWF was launched as a modern Noah’s Ark that would save endangered animals, but “the animals have now missed the boat and WWF has sailed on without them”. This whistle blower was Mrs Jeanne Marchig, herself a member of the 1001 Club.

She went on to say:

“I don’t think the public knows what is going on. The public that provides most of the money to the WWF is not aware of what is going on in reality.”

“I think the WWF is in a position of an ill patient. It is a sick organization; and it has to undergo treatment; it has to undergo a major surgery.”

Furthermore, it was alleged that there was no financial oversight of the WWF at all. In response to these allegations in the Phillipson Report, WWF leaders responded urgently, asking that the report be “tightened up” and that final payment to Dr. Phillipson “should be with-held until this was done.”

In a final act of desperation, Prince Philip sent a facsimile to the Director General of the 1001 Club, Charles de Haes, almost pleading for guidance. Highlighting their obvious familiarity, Prince Philip’s fax to de Haes about the damning Phillipson Report was eye-opening:

“I had no idea it might land us in such a pickle. Whatever we do with it, we’re bound to get into trouble. If we don’t publish it in full we are going to be accused of trying to cover up something. If we do let it out all the mischief-makers will have a field day.” 2

Charles de Haes had consolidated the 1001 Club after his predecessor; the club’s first Secretary General, Fritz Vollmar. In the broader #PrussiaGate story, it is highly significant to note that Fritz Vollmar was recruited to the 1001 Club from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). We exposed the Red Cross’ connections to Klaus Schwab and the role that they played in assisting Nazi war criminals in ReichsWEF Part V. Vollmar’s recruitment as the inaugural Secretary General of the 1001 Club was extremely significant, because global leaders and royal families do not just appoint random people into these top jobs. Given what we have unearthed about Julian Huxley’s ideological views and the WWF’s connection to royal families who share his views, we can be confident that Charles de Haes would have been comprehensively vetted by the British royals and the global establishment prior to his appointment to the WWF.

The Cook Report episode featured the documentary ‘Ten Pence in the Panda’ which was produced by Irish journalist, Kevin Dowling. The show left very few stones unturned in what it revealed about the WWF:

As the WWF displaces native populations and allows globalist corporations to plunder the lands they control, it becomes quite clear what the WWF stands for.

Dutch attorney J. Wilgers investigated Kevin Dowling’s work on ‘Ten Pence in the Panda’, and reached similar conclusions about British intelligence and its use of WWF-managed nature reserves in Africa. According to Wilgers, the IUCN, WWF and the 1001 Club were created to serve as fronts for British neo-colonial policies, and Huxley was the key man:


Nine years before the Phillipson Report, a 1980 article titled, ‘Lowlife Fund’ by the British magazine Private Eye, was already raising questions:

“The answer lies in the fact that the WWF International, in the cause of conservation, is increasingly shaking hands with economic and environmental ministers from Third World countries who control the important resources and markets which industrialists so desperately need. Under the guise of the WWF, businessmen can casually meet politicians who share their view that what is good for business is good for bank accounts.” 4

To the unsuspecting mind, the evil dished out by the WWF is inconceivable. However, when we understand the true intent of the organisation and the eugenics philosophy guiding those who formed the WWF, the picture unfortunately becomes crystal clear.

Below is a picture of a tribal chief in Cameroon pondering what his government, along with the WWF, has just agreed to on behalf of his village, which is to be relocated:

While some tribes did embrace the opportunity to relocate, several African nations are echoing Wilgers’ thoughts, accusing the WWF of “neo-colonialism”, which is the control of less-developed countries by developed countries through indirect means. Control has always been the Prussian way.

In a way, this Cook Report documentary is so damning that we can only report the low-lights, as there are really no highlights to speak of. We commend the work of Kevin Dowling and Roger Cook as they help in exposing the darkest truths in our world. The video is truly worth your time.

Having honored Jeanne Marchig as a courageous whistle-blower, let’s introduce some of the more colorful members of the 1001 Club:


The list appears endless, and no doubt will require a more focused investigation to fully understand what is truly going on at the WWF and the 1001 Club.

Over the years, there have been numerous calls to investigate the WWF for violations that are hard to comprehend, especially for an organization that appears to be trying to save the planet.

(1:59 mins)



We must understand that the upper echelons of the WWF and the 1001 Club are descended from royal families and networks dating back centuries. They all conform to the same pseudo-scientific principles of Thomas Malthus, who in turn was bombarded with the radical philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The result is a network that is as close to a death-cult as one could imagine. This network, which is part of the “horrible invisible enemy”, is terrified at the prospect of free-thinking human beings acting on their own accord; especially with regards to breeding.

The WWF mission is not about saving the panda; but it is about control of nations:


Many within the WWF probably have good intentions towards conservation, however at the highest levels of control we discover a network of royals, dictators, arms dealers, drug smugglers, corporate executives and spies; many of whom believe that the greatest threat to the planet is the human population.

In 1988, the WWF controlled approximately 10% of the planet’s land mass. We do not know what they control today, but it can safely be assumed to be significantly larger. This would make the WWF the largest country on earth, and potentially constitute an invisible empire.

Finally, if Prince Philip declared in 1990 that the panda was probably doomed, why does the WWF still proudly promote the animal as its logo?

The Power of a King

Recall in Part II, Charles found himself in the unfortunate circumstance where one of his closest friends, Jimmy Savile, was exposed as being a horrendous serial pedophile. The Netflix documentary that addressed the heinous crimes of Savile determined that Charles had simply been “duped”.

In a fascinating turn of events, the man who exposed Jimmy Savile now claims there is someone else out there, who is potentially worse:


Every decent human being on the planet would be appalled to think there is a pedophile out there who is both ‘untouchable’ and ‘un-prosecutable’. How could one individual be so far above the law, especially when it comes to child abuse?

As we pondered this question, we found something remarkable:



Does exemption from the law effectively make Charles ‘un-prosecutable’?

Alex Shattock, a part-time Bar Practice Course student, won the Legal Cheek Award for Best Journal 2017. His winning entry explores the concept of legal immunity. This piece originally appeared on the Legal Cheek website in November 2016. He concluded:


An examination of the British constitution adds even more interest to the matter:



The powers of the King are exercised “in his name” by the servants and agents of the Crown. This is a very puzzling circumstance. What is the history of this provision within the British constitution? What are its intentions in law?

Could the corporate executives aboard Charles’ royal yacht in 1991, which included future chairmen of GCHQ contractor, Hakluyt, be considered as agents of the Crown?

Having been led to believe that the British Crown is more of a remembrance, rather than being active in running the Commonwealth, we are learning that this may not be entirely accurate. Recall in Evolution of Slavery Part II, that the English ‘deplorables’ were tricked into believing that the Parliament was above the Crown when they passed their Bill of Rights in 1689. However, it was a classic Prussian paper shuffle, because only the Hanseatic League merchants had the voting rights.

Could a similar trick have occurred with the UK Constitution? Far from the Crown becoming some dusty old historical artifact; it seems that the power of the Crown was designed to expand as ‘democracy’ grows:


When the globalists scream that Trump and his MAGA army are a “threat to our democracy”, they may be making a genuine Constitutional claim. The expansion of the British Monarch’s power was designed to grow as democracy grows, and it was written into the UK Constitution. The powers of the British Crown include all elements of the government, whether public or private. It is the most likely answer as to why the globalists like ‘big government’. The bigger the government, the bigger their power.

However, the US Constitution provides for the people to remove a government that grows in power, to such an extent that it becomes tyrannical. Are we living through a war of two Constitutions?

In Part VII, we explored the incredible efforts made by Deep State actors to stop Trump at every possible turn. We then discovered that almost every obstacle placed in Trump’s way was initiated by operatives from the United Kingdom. Were we witness to an invisible war raging behind the curtain?

These British operatives all appeared to be attempting to operate in the shadows and in every case undermine the sovereignty of America. Perhaps Trump was correct when he stated, “he caught them all.” Recall:

Why were so many British working overtime to stop Trump? Could these be interpreted as interfering with the United States Government, and therefore considered an act of war? Have Americans who have been compelled to act on behalf of the Crown, committed treason?

At this stage, these are questions that are yet to find an answer. However, the answers may be hidden in plain sight, and yet at the same time be completely protected from discovery. If all of these British operators were “acting as servants or agents of the Crown”, their nefarious activities may never be prosecuted under British law.

Simply put, by operating ‘in the name of the king’, their activities could be immune from British law and therefore discovery. ‘Crown immunity’ that is afforded by King Charless III is, perhaps, why he could be considered the ‘keystone’ in this horrible, invisible war.

The British Crown is a conundrum. On one hand it offers an incredible legal loophole for immunity, while on the other hand, if the family falls, the state falls. It is both powerful and fragile.

The “sovereign immunity” of the Crown hasn’t been hidden from the people. It was recognized by Queen Elizabeth II, where she proclaimed that while she could not be prosecuted, she would behave within the boundaries of the law “in good faith”. She also declared that the Royal family will exclude itself from political bias, so that the Constitutional Monarchy could function as a stable democracy. However, in 1975, this was ignored and the power of the Queen was on full display in Australia:


According to the Constitution of Australia, the Governor-General is appointed by the British Queen or King. The Governor-General is the Crown’s agent, and has the power to fire Prime Ministers if they suspect the political party is not abiding by the Constitution. Therefore, the King is currently the head of state in Australia, and the law is enacted in his name.

This is not just the case in Australia; there are 14 other Commonwealth realms where King Charles III is now considered the Head of State. Canada, New Zealand, Jamaica and Papua New Guinea are among them.


With Charles now on the British throne, the world is watching to see how he will exercise the Crown’s power with regards to political matters; especially considering his alarmist views on climate-change, the human population, and the Great Reset.

Let’s have a look at the major economic powers within the Commonwealth to get a better understanding of where they are positioned with respect to implementing Charles’ political views:

New Zealand

The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, is a [ReichsWEF Young Global Leader](http://The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, is a ReichsWEF Young Global Leader and a staunch promotor of Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset.) and a staunch promotor of Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset.


Prime Minister Trudeau needs no introduction; he is also a ReichsWEF Young Global Leader.


Australia has just elected a new government. While the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, does not appear to have an international profile just yet, his Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade is certainly ranked amongst the ReichsWEFfers.

Penny Wong holds the same position that was occupied by former Hakluyt board member, Alexander Downer. This is a key position of power in Australia, because it is the portfolio that oversees Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) which we noted in Part II. Wong is also completely committed to transforming Australia toward “net-zero”. 22

United Kingdom

Finally, we address Charles’ homeland, the United Kingdom. Far from adhering to his mother’s wish for the House of Windsor to remain apolitical, Charles is happy to advise at the highest levels:


This unsavoury habit implies that Charles has no intention to remain apolitical. If someone within the halls of Parliament do not agree with him, he seems happy to use his power to correct it. As this entire series has uncovered, Charles is the head of the environmental movement, and he is likely to use his Crown agents throughout the Commonwealth realms to implement his radical depopulation agenda.

As Charles took the throne, there was a leadership spill in the UK and Liz Truss was installed as Prime Minister. Much to the disgust of Charles, Truss’ program involved lowering taxes and opening up fracking in the UK so that it had energy for the Winter. This was an utterly unacceptable outcome for Charles; within 45 days in office, Liz was replaced by ReichsWEF supporter, Rishi Sunak. Things got back into line with Charles almost immediately:


When we look at the four Commonwealth superpowers; Justin, Jacinda, Rishi and Penny are working feverishly to ensure that Charles’ Great Reset and Terra Carta mandate are fully implemented well before 2030.

All this work is being accomplished in the name of the King.

An Invisible Empire ?

An Ode to the Prussian Pickle has been a series devoted to all-things-Charles. We have explored his ancestry through to his current campaign as head of the climate depopulation agenda.

For nearly a century, the world has been slowly orchestrated to move in lockstep with this globalist plan. Masquerading as saviors, UNESCO, the WHO and the WWF all shared a common mission; population reduction and controls upon humanity which will ultimately lead to total enslavement.

Understanding the ideological history of all of these organizations, throws light on the musings of Julian Huxley’s brother, Aldous:

The world has been subjected to a massive psychological operation. Akin to a mass-hypnosis, humanity has undergone a century long ‘Great Slumber’. During this time, the WWF and the 1001 Club of spies, dictators, royals, arms dealers and drug runners, undertook one of the greatest land grabs in history. The WWF’s initial mission statement to ‘save the panda’ was a complete farce, and one must now wonder why they continue to proudly display the panda as their logo.

Our exploration of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Part VIII showed that he believed that society must be transformed and mankind must be returned to nature under a new ‘social contract’. Reconcile this vision with what we presented in Part V regarding Charles’ ‘Terra Carta’:


Now, think back to Malthus’ five checks to reduce population which we outlined in Part VIII:

To understand the longevity of this depopulation ideology we are currently facing, we are reminded that Malthus’ initial essays on the subject were in the late 1700s. Over 200 years on, we can reconcile Malthus’ five checks against today’s agenda of the radical left, the ReichsWEF, and every globalist think-tank supporting the ‘Great Reset Initiative’:

This series presents us with several sobering questions:

The implementation of this incredible plan required an army of globalist corporations to gradually takeover the world’s supply chains and then operate in lockstep at the exact moment it was required.

A core assertion underpinning #PrussiaGate is that Prussia completed its long-term quest for total invisibility in 1945 after successfully transforming itself into an Empire of global corporations. The strategic planning and implementation was undertaken during the 1871 – 1917 window, and the matter was sealed in 1945. The myriad of Treaties that resulted from the two Great Wars provided them with the control they required, and the ongoing threat of war provided them with an ever-increasing grip on humanity.

Supported by numerous global ‘think-tanks’ such as the UN, WHO and the ReichsWEF, reams of mandates are routinely presented to nations for approval. While the world focuses on this web of global governance, the WWF has been quietly seizing control of huge swathes of land all over the earth.

The Prussian strategy is quite brilliant, and we have often said that we truly do face a formidable enemy. The real brilliance lies in the fact that Frederick the Great’s strategy of control remains invisible to who is not aware of how the horrible invisible enemy operates.

Control over the world’s largest reserves is now achieved through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), giving global corporations control and access to public funds, both nationally and internationally. Look carefully at the patterns of this strategy: The government retains ownership of the land, however management control lies with the Private entity. As Comte de Mirabeau quoted: “Prussia is not a nation with an army, but an army that controls nations.” Just as they have for centuries under the Prussian regime, Africa remains a focal-point for control:


African Parks is a perfect example. Not only did it pioneer the PPP model using mandates, it is now an NGO with more parks under management than any other on the African continent. Relevantly, African Parks has a stated management deadline of 2030 and has partnered with the WWF since 2007:


Taking control of vast wildlife reserves was the prelude for total world domination. King Charles has now called upon an army of corporations to enforce the Great Reset and Terra Carta. This partnership began in the same year that Charles was on his yacht hatching the details for the 1992 Earth Summit. Originating out of the UK, a network was born that would “save” the world’s forests:

Generally speaking, it is a noble cause to preserve the world’s natural beauty an rain forests. However, in this case the WWF and the 20 UK companies involved, were still able to take timber from certain forests, but only those which were managed by the right entities:


This group of corporate pioneers established the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), who provided an “independent means of credible certification whose claims the public could trust”. What began as the WWF 1995 Group in the UK is now the Global Forest & Trade Network (GFTN). Today, the GFTN is working with 240+ companies employing 1.4 million people, managing 21.6 million hectares of land.

There’s little doubt that these networks do some good things, however our focus is on the glacial-like speed at which the invisible enemy has infiltrated governments, environmental organizations, funding sources and lobby groups. With the first PPPs commencing along-side the climate change narrative in 1991-92, we can now observe that this infiltration happened by stealth, with no-one believing that Charles’ army of global corporations was being assembled, ready to be unleashed at the appropriate time.

Alongside Charles’ corporate army exists a long-standing global espionage network. This critical piece of infrastructure uses propaganda, bribery and blackmail to coerce world leaders, politicians, CEOs and bankers to march forward in lockstep, implementing this catastrophic playbook.

In Part VII we unearthed the disturbing correlation between high-level operatives within the British government and the horrifying crime of pedophilia which too often went unpunished, or was ignored altogether. We pondered that a powerful espionage network may be inextricably linked to a global pedophile network in order to maintain and expand power for its own purposes.

Having now exposed this same network within the WWF funding structures, we must now ask ourselves some very dark questions:

If such a network of organizations did exist, it would be one of the most horrific, transnational criminal organizations the world has ever known. When we look at the Executive Orders President Trump declared with respect to such organizations, we observe a man who certainly appeared intent on eradicating such evil from the face of the earth.

A Final Thought

You may find it amusing to know that An Ode to the Prussian Pickle was only meant to be one article. As we began to compile and source our initial discoveries, we were drowned in a flood of information, completely overwhelmed by the scale of what we were finding. The result is this mammoth IX-part series, which we are now concluding.

We hope you have enjoyed what we have presented, and the questions which arise from it all. #PrussiaGate was never about revealing static facts, but rather joining dots with evidence that is available to us all. This makes research a journey of discovery. There is a mountain of research still to come, as we all continue this journey to “make visible, what was once invisible”.

When the American Revolution got underway, the Patriots were not just fighting the British; they were battling against the ideology of ‘Enlightened Despotism’. We have shown that the monarchs of the day retain absolute rule of their kingdoms so long as they remain in the service of its subjects. This was not just a British ideology, but one that was deeply embedded within the European power structure and solidified by King George’s Prussian cousin, Frederick the Great.

America defeated the British in the War of Independence, but they did not conquer them.

We began this series with the last successful invasion of England. It was 1688 when William III of Orange took the English Crown. From that moment, the British monarch has remained in German hands, and every noble house in Germany eventually pledged their allegiance to the House of Hohenzollern.

Today, the globalist establishment and the radical left are riddled with so much hatred for President Donald Trump, that a viral meme has reached every corner of the globe:

Acting as though they had sovereign immunity, the world-wide Pickle Factory activated their spies within Intelligence Agencies and media outlets to destroy Trump before he was elected, and then again, after he was elected. They were unsuccessful, but more importantly, these global spies left footprints and fingerprints everywhere!

Is it possible that another ‘orange man’ could stand in the face of this horrible invisible enemy, and destroy its ‘Crown immunity’ once and for all?

Whatever the case may be, it is becoming clear that the British monarchy find themselves in a right royal pickle, just as they did in 1776.

“The best is yet to come.”

The End.

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