The Wild Carpathian
As this global spy network and its royal connections comes into full view, it leads to an obvious question: Why spy?
Ultimately, spying is all about control. In the case of this invisible enemy, we are learning that control is exerted upon trade, money flows and national intelligence networks. As we showed in The Evolution of Slavery – Part III, the end goal of the invisible enemy is to control the will of humanity. Such a force will always demand compliance.
The ruling monarchs within each nation never really ceased their rule; they became invisible and grew into a global empire, treating humanity as their serfs. The #PrussiaGate articles have laid out how this royal transition began centuries ago, and how it has evolved into the system of global rule that we face today. It sits in plain sight that most governments are not really run by the people, but are under the control of organizations such as the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, United Nations, European Union, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, etc. This is the system of international control that is currently demanding our compliance.
This global system is no longer as simple as a king instructing a standing army to go to war. The horrible invisible enemy now comprises a global network of spying and blackmail, where corporate leaders and bankers work with monarchs and intelligence agencies to push their agenda upon humanity. The depth of these relationships is captured perfectly in this 2015 photo in London, where Sir Evelyn de Rothschild tells King Charles that he’s spilled something on his tie.
Throughout this series, we have explored King Charles III passion for Transylvania and intelligence agencies. However, these pale in comparison with the effort that Charles applies to his true passion, which is his quest toward “sustainability”. This is what the maniacal global network is currently pushing upon humanity, and is the primary focus of this article. This article will also reveal that environmental foundations and NGOs are also integrated within this globalist empire.
In ReichsWEF – Part III, we outlined the principles and philosophy behind the climate change agenda. In short, we postulated that climate change is nothing more than a psychological operation designed for the West to blame everything, including the weather, on themselves and their culture of greed. Their goal is to de-industrialize the West and destroy Western culture. This operation was led by World Economic Forum founding member and global-fraudster, Maurice Frederick Strong:
Maurice’s achievements in dismantling the West could not be achieved alone. His relationship with the Rockefellers, Klaus Schwab and Henry Kissinger gave him the credentials needed to be selected for the World Economic Forum. Maurice Strong also received weighty support from other factions, and we now come to discover that it was a thoroughly royal affair.
Operation Transylvania
When Charles discusses his love for all things Transylvanian, his arguments to “sustain” the Transylvanian ecosphere are quite compelling: (1:32 minutes)
The documentary, Wild Carpathia, is a fantastic series exploring the pristine landscape of Romania:
Charles is resolute in his determination to preserve Transylvania’s natural beauty, and goes as far as to explain how the ecosphere of the region is a model that the rest of the world can learn from. However, there is one glaring problem with Charles’ assertion; Romania is by far the poorest country in Europe:
For Charles, the pristine beauty of Transylvania is something that should be cherished and preserved, serving as an example to the world. However, for the people of Transylvania this means a life of permanent, abject poverty. As Europe is currently discovering, a life without affordable electricity plunges the middle class into poverty, almost instantaneously. The invisible enemy has always abhorred the middle class; it is where hope, freedom and entrepreneurship resides. The middle class must always be exterminated in a slave-master environment. According to this invisible ruling-monarchy, the elite and the impoverished are the only two acceptable classes.
In Transylvania, the impoverished have lived this way for centuries. Notwithstanding, Charles professes the virtues of the Transylvanian ecosphere as the “sustainability” model for all the world. The people of Transylvania are still using a horse and cart in order to survive. If the people were given a voice, they may disagree with their “Prince of Transylvania”. We must never confuse the difference between free will and coercion. Under duress, human behavior can appear to be exercising free will, but it is really a response to tyranny and oppression. The choice to live off the grid should not be the result of force applied by a tyrannical ruler, but rather the exercise of free will.
This control over the free will of the Romanian people reminds us of Charles’ ancestor, Vlad the Impaler. Let us explore the ways in which he controlled his poverty stricken subjects:
Vlad’s brutal method of lowering the poverty line was to implement a cruel and heartless medieval depopulation program. Those who accepted Vlad’s hospitality were inadvertently accepting their social status as poor; accepting that they were unable to provide for themselves, or their families. The homeless were deemed unproductive members of society, providing a sickening justification for Vlad’s decision to burn them alive in the feasting room of Tirgoviste. This depopulation program reduced the number of people living in poverty, thereby making Transylvania more “sustainable”.
Global sustainability is the latest catch cry of Charles, and he is supported by Klaus Schwab and his ReichsWEF, as the new King crafts his mandates to force the entire planet into submission to the will of these self-appointed rulers. Effectively, Charles’ success means transforming the world into one giant Transylvanian ecosphere.
With its current population of 8 billion, it is hard to imagine the planet coping very well with Charles’ Transylvanian economic model. Without adequate electricity, industry, safe roads, access to running water or satisfactory healthcare, most of the world’s population will descend into poverty, supporting the globalist assertion that a population of 8 billion humans is unsustainable. Prices will skyrocket, and the general population will find themselves living well below the poverty line. We are already witnessing this in Europe, as they blindly march toward the suicide that is global sustainability:
As Europe shuts down its nuclear plants, coal plants, gas powered plants and de-commissions fertilizer plants, it is blindly plunging its citizens into a Transylvanian-like poverty. Those who are unable to rise above the poverty line will become an enormous drain on the EU’s welfare system. We hardly expect hundreds of millions of poor Europeans to enter feasting halls throughout the continent, only to be burned alive to solve the looming poverty problem, as Vlad did. However, it is hard to imagine Europe’s current population can be maintained if the insanity of their leaders continue to follow the wishes of King Charles III and his drive toward “sustainability”.
The question beckons: Does Charles’ sustainability project include a depopulation agenda?
The Princes and the Psychopath
We will address Charles’ Sustainability Initiative later, but first we must understand the origins of why the globalists suggest a depopulation solution to ensure sustainability. It begins with the World Wildlife Foundation:
Many may already know of Julian Huxley’s brother, Aldous, who wrote Brave New World; a book that was essentially issuing a warning; touching on control, humanity, technology, and excessive societal influence.
Like his brother, it seems that Julian Huxley was also interested in humanity, control and societal-influence. He was also an avid believer in diversity:
No one could ever accuse Huxley of being a racist. While this may be accurate to an extent, he was one of the most outspoken and radical eugenicists of all time. In 1946, Huxley was elected as the Director General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO. In the same year, Huxley wrote UNESCO’s mission statement:
In this manifesto, Huxley lays out his assertions about where humanity is headed:
What was Huxley hinting at when he stated that the “unthinkable may at least become thinkable”?
While Aldous Huxley was writing a dystopian science fiction novel about the future, his brother Julian was actually implementing dystopian policies upon humanity. We are not sure what Julian’s “optimum range” of population density was, nor what his optimum population for the world would be. However, we do know that he had every intention in carrying out his maniacal eugenic control program. To achieve this outcome, he partnered with two princes.
Recall from ReichsWEF Part I, that Prince Bernhard’s had an association with the Nazi intelligence services, and was involved in founding the Bilderberg Group:
In addition to Prince Bernhard’s stunning resume, Julian Huxley also engaged British royal, Prince Philip, to help found the World Wildlife Foundation, or WWF. #PrussiaGate has gone to considerable lengths describing Philip’s history, however we recommend reading our article, Marburg Files, Prince Philip, Hitler and the Queen of England, if you wish to get a good look into the British royal family’s past, as it pertains to the German town of Marburg.
In the article, we presented a fascinating quote from Philip which gives us an insight into his thoughts on eugenics:
This was not a flippant comment. Philip was clear on his objective: (0.35s)
Philip’s statement correlates well with Julian Huxley’s vision of “thinking the unthinkable” when it comes to population density and global population. Regardless, These are three men who set about implementing their global vision through the World Wildlife Foundation.
Evolution of Propaganda
In 1928, Edward Bernays published his infamous book, Propaganda.
Bernays was Sigmund Freud’s nephew and applied his uncle’s theories to public relations and advertising. He is known today as the father of modern advertising.
While we cannot be exactly sure what invisible government Bernays was referring to, we are starting to get a pretty good idea. The important focus here is the birth of propaganda as it relates to manipulating the minds of the masses. The British Empire was all over this exciting new field, and set up the Tavistock clinic. Julian Huxley would become a key player in this new British institution:
Huxley’s work at Tavistock is critical to understand within the context of what we are facing today. The head of the institute was a Brigadier General, implying that this was a military psychological operations department; better known as “military psyops”. Another key person working at Tavistock under the General was G. Brock Chisholm:
(I highly recommending the entire article by Matthew Ehret, from the
With UNESCO, the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) all in place, this psychological operation upon humanity could begin.
Three Sides of the Psyop Triangle
By the time the WWF was founded in 1961, humanity was facing three major organizations which ALL found their roots in the militarized “psychiatric branch of the British Empire”. Since we can now safely assume these organizations were born from the secretive (think: invisible) propaganda arm of the British Empire, we are compelled to look at the objectives of UNESCO, WWF and the WHO.
UNESCO would coordinate its member states on matters relating to education, science, and culture. This would present the public with an official body that would claim to have the highest moral authority on all these topics. To question UNESCO would be to “question the science”. UNESCO was implementing its global agendas via a centralized, top-down structure. By 2016, UNESCO was well-advanced in altering the culture of the West:
If you are wondering where or how the school curriculum became so dedicated to indoctrinating our children with pronouns, you can thank Julian Huxley and UNESCO.
Considering the events that have transpired over the last few years, the WHO hardly needs any introduction. Recall in Marburg: The Four Horsemen, the Marburg Files, Snow White and Revolution – A Prussian Dream, we analyzed the goings-on at Marburg. Our inclination to research Marburg occurred because the WHO Director declared that the deadly “Marburg Virus” was on its way to kill us all. Furthermore, we knew of his unsavory background prior to heading up the WHO:
Perhaps the most telling aspect of the last few years was the close ties between the WHO and the CCP, and it would also seem, with the Hindu god Shiva:
Note the date of Tedros’ tweet. We can now observe that just one year before the arrival of the Chyna virus, the CCP and the WHO were sharing pictures of their cozy relationship with Shiva. What does Shiva represent?
We have no doubt that the Hindu Trinity represents a sacred balance amongst the Hindi people. However, we also have no doubt that the CCP and the WHO have no commitment to “balance”, of any kind. When we consider what the CCP and the WHO have accomplished since 2020, their reference to Shiva appears to focus more on the destruction of the universe, than anything else.
From 2020, the world watched on as the WHO deployed its global pyschological campaign, instilling fear into the most precious part of the human psyche; personal health. The presence of the global fear being fuelled by the WHO ensured that Hegel’s master-slave dialectic was in full effect. The WHO was the custodian of the “guidelines”, issuing recommendations to member nations as to what to do with their citizens. They had established themselves as the “masters of global health”.
The WHO recommended mandates and excruciating rules resulted in billions of people succumbing to lockdowns, PCR tests, QR code registrations, mask mandates, vaccine mandates and an economic depression that has only just begun.
In this regard, the WHO has certainly invoked Shiva in “incredible destruction and transformation”.
The third side of the Tavistock triangle is found in the World Wildlife Foundation. We have already discussed the role of the WWF and the eugenics plan behind it. What scale of population reduction were these people planning?
To answer, we can look to Prince Philip’s 1988 vision “to contribute something to solving overpopulation”. This comment was made when the world population was around 5 billion, not the 8 billion it is today. If Philip thought the world was overpopulated back then, we can assume that today, he would expect at least 4 billion souls be removed from earth to solve “overpopulation”.
Given Philip’s offer to return as a virus, it is a bizarre coincidence that he died during the largest ‘plandemic’ in human history.
Huxley, Prince Bernhard and Prince Philip were carrying the WWF torch since 1961. Thirty years later, it was time to pass the depopulation program onto the Prince of Translyvania. As heir to the bloodline of Vlad the Impaler, it is time for King Charles III to invoke the spirit of the Wallachian lands, and “destroy and transform” the world back to the Transylvanian ecosphere he lovingly describes as his second home.
If this were to occur, our planet could no longer sustain 8 billion souls. The Green New Deal and Great Reset would guarantee that world productivity would nosedive. Food and fuel shortages, as Western Europe is now discovering, would result in billions of people plunging below the poverty line. With Charles in charge, one would hope he does not have a similar solution to his ancestor, Dracula, in solving world poverty. If he did, it would be considered the greatest dePOPULATION event ever conceived, and confirm the desires of Julian Huxley and Charles’ father, Prince Philip.
Making the Unthinkable, Thinkable
We have discussed the origins and the objectives of UNESCO, the WHO and the WWF. Their commitment to eugenics and population manipulation is not hidden. If depopulation is their ultimate objective, even in today’s world, most people would consider this as an utterly unacceptable pathway.
Therefore, how can these psychotic-eugenicists achieve a goal toward global depopulation without people realizing? By unleashing a long-term psychological operation upon humanity, which aimed to convince people that their very existence is a threat to the survival of the planet.
With Huxley, Bernhard and Philip ready to go, the WWF was launched:
On face value, protecting wildlife is a noble cause. However, now that we know the backgrounds of its founders and their desire to depopulate the world, we can argue that this was simply a front to hide their true agenda.
If the WWF is so concerned for the wellbeing of the Bald Eagle when they started, why are they also promoting wind power?
The Bald Eagle reveals the insane hypocrisy behind these organizations. While their mission appears noble and worthy, their outcomes are despicable and catastrophic.
There is yet another glaring hypocrisy in the aims and objectives of the climate change agenda. If CO2 is so damaging, why is the free market still manufacturing and promoting CO2 generators?
This is how a psychological operation plays out upon an unsuspecting public. We notice that basic logic easily gives way to fear and anxiety, and outright lies magically transform into truths. Submitting to the rules of a psyop occurs when people believe that their fears will be alleviated by their “master”. Submission to this Hegelian narrative can only occur when people believe that the story being given to them is true, no matter how insane that “truth” may be. A former Director of the Pickle Factory, explained it perfectly:
When the WWF was founded, Charles was a teenage boy and probably unaware of the enormity of his father’s ambitions. The propaganda organization needed a front-man to act as custodian until the Prince of Transylvania was ready to take the reins. That man was Maurice Frederick Strong.
As we have presented, Maurice is known as the ‘father of the environmental movement’. In the 1960s, Bernhard and Philip installed him to the advisory board of the WWF. He was given a similar position in Julian Huxley’s UNESCO. After amassing enormous wealth in the oil industry, he spent the rest of his life trying to shut down the use of fossil fuels. Strong was the penultimate hypocrite and bullshit artist. This made him a perfect fit for the WWF, UNESCO, and of course, as a founding member of Klaus Schwab’s ReichsWEF.
Eventually, Maurice’s fraudulent activities caught up with him, and he was forced to flee the West. When he fled, he found refuge with the CCP. China was not a foreign land for Maurice, because he used to visit his Maoist aunt, Anna Louise Strong, and occasionally catch up with Mao Zedong himself.
Before he left for China, Maurice Strong had to pass ‘the crown’ of the environmentalist movement to the heir apparent. Charles was now mature enough to accept this huge responsibility. The 1992 Earth Summit in Rio marked a new era in the age of eco-fascism.
With over 30 years of propaganda and psyops having been implemented before his arrival, Charles was ready to turn the world into a Transylvanian ecosphere.
Charles was now the ‘Wild Carpathian’. It was time to de-industrialize the West.
Prince of Transylvania, King of the Great Reset, and the Wild Carpathian
Charles is the man who called for “The Great Reset” in June 2020. While people were being financially crippled or being arrested for not wearing a double mask, Charles was giddy with excitement at the opportunity offered by a ‘global pandemic’:
A picture tells a thousand words. Klaus and Charles were not social distancing back in January 2020, and they looked ecstatic about what lay ahead. Within months of this picture, the stock market collapsed, businesses were shut down, the elderly were dying in nursing homes, unable to see their families before going on to meet God. This is an obvious picture of excitement; and this alone, should alarm everyone.
Charles is front-and-center at this pivotal point in history. As Prince of Transylvania, it is his mission to emulate the Transylvanian ecosphere across the entire world, and raise the poverty line beyond anyone’s imagination. Klaus’ ReichsWEF is right behind him:
The 1992 Earth Summit in Rio was Charles’ coronation event. Before this could occur, Prince Philip, Maurice Strong, the ReichsWEF and the WWF would need to ensure there was a smooth transition of power from Maurice Strong:
The above work by Richard Freeman and Scott Thompson on Charles’ leadership in the eco-fascist movement is remarkable. For our purposes, we will focus on how Charles’ eco-throne was prepared so that the ecological eugenic movement could move into full swing.
There were three pillars being established to set the stage for Charles: The ReichsWEF, Al Gore, and the 1001 Club.
Charles, Klaus and the ReichsWEF
Judging by the earlier photo of Klaus and Charles, it appears the two have an intimate friendship. This is not surprizing given the fact that Klaus had honored Prince Bernhard in Davos in 1973, Charles’ father, Prince Philip in 1986, and Maurice Strong had been a founding director of the ReichsWEF.
In 1992, Prince Charles was placed into the Davos spotlight:
Al Gore
Many believe Al Gore to be the father of the climate change agenda, publicly launched at the Earth Summit in 1992. However, nothing could be further from the truth. In an interview with Maurice Strong, we come to discover that Al Gore was in contact with Prince Philip and Maurice well before 1992:
In 1986 it was Prince Philip, the WWF, and Maurice Strong who were controlling every aspect of this globalist movement. Essentially, Al Gore was being interviewed by Prince Philip to see if he would fit into a leadership role, alongside Charles.
Maurice Strong confirms that the ideological connection between Gore and Charles was solid:
Strong’s assertion makes no bones about the joint intentions of Gore and Prince Charles. They both wished to shape the world to their own vision. Chillingly, we have now learned that hiding behind the facade of climate change, was an eco-fascist eugenics program.
By 1990, Al Gore was a US Senator. He had met several times with the British monarchy and with Maurice Strong. When he accepted Charles’ invitation aboard the Royal yacht, his preparations for the Rio Earth Summit the following year were well-underway. Gore would be given a seat at the table, regardless of the American political landscape at the time. Maurice Strong made absolutely sure of it:
Al Gore was being elevated by Maurice Strong; he was cozy with the British monarch; and he ideologically aligned with Charles’ Transylvanian-style vision for the world.
Earth Summit took place in June, 1992, and one month later, Bill Clinton chose Al Gore as his running mate for the Presidential election. Breaking with conventional wisdom, we notice that yet again, Al Gore was being elevated:
When Al Gore became Vice President in 1993, he wasted no time in promoting the eugenics-based climate agenda. Gore led the US delegation to the UN conference in 1994:
How times have changed. Evidence that we are in a psychological operation is becoming quite clear now. What was once the unthinkable, is not only thinkable, but demanded. Abortion defines humanity’s line of morality, and it has been well and truly crossed, as humanity is marching towards depopulation.
Gore was unrepentant in his whole hearted belief that climate change is real, and the human population was to blame:
We have no idea why Bill Clinton broke with tradition and appointed Al Gore as his running mate. However, we do know that those who have the blackmail, have the power. Was Bill Clinton’s campaign in 1992 compelled to take on Al Gore?
Perhaps the joke is on us, and what we are witnessing is far larger than we realize. If there was dirt on Bill Clinton that could compel him to break with decades of tradition and choose Al, a bigger question must be asked: Who had the dirt?
We address this question by looking at who gets an invite onto the royal yacht.
1001 Points of Light
In 1991, Al Gore shared the royal yacht, not just with Prince Charles, but some of the biggest corporate executives and bankers in the world. As we noted earlier, Johnathon Dimbleby in The Prince of Wales: A Biography, explained who was in attendance:
“chief executives from such as Shell [the Anglo part of the Anglo-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell oil company] and BP [formerly British Petroleum Company]” 36
What is the significance of BP and Shell executives accompanying Charles aboard his yacht?
As we presented in Part II, Hakluyt was formed by former British spies from Mi5, Mi6 and GCHQ, along with oil executives. Sir Peter Holmes died in 2002, but just prior, another Shell executive took over as chairman of Hakluyt. The year was 2000; and the man was Sir William Purves. We could not connect William Purves to the royals, until we discovered his membership in the 1001 Club which, incredibly, is linked to the WWF:
As a member of the 1001 Club, William Purves would have been active in funding the initiatives of the WWF, and by default, benefited from the ‘secret-society’ style connections to the Dutch and British princes. (Joel van der Reijden has made a fantastic overview of the 1001 Club and provided a members list, which the WWF works very hard to keep secret).
Going back to the question regarding blackmail material on Bill Clinton, the answer might be quite self-explanatory. The people that Al Gore was rubbing shoulders with were not just royals and oil executives; they were career spies.
Given the company Al Gore was keeping and the scale of the global reset being planned, could it be possible that someone recommended that Gore join Clinton for the 1992 Presidential election? Now, who would make such a request?
A Final Note
The scale of the information around this topic just keeps on giving, and we feel compelled to present it through the #PrussiaGate lens. There is still so much more, and we are looking forward to sharing it in the next part of this series.
This article has explored Charles’ deep passion for the environment as it pertains to solving overpopulation. Before we end this article, we must introduce another gentleman who also has a close connection to the British monarchy; Hans Joachim Schellnhuber:
In addition to his award from the Queen, Hans has received many other notable awards, mainly from Germany:
Charles and Hans have a close working relationship and Hans has also worked closely with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). However, Hans’ biggest achievement was the establishment of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
As many loyal readers are aware, Potsdam is the capital of Prussia. It is also the location of Frederick the Great’s beloved gay palace, “Sans, Souci.”. Interestingly, the remains of Frederick the Great were moved to Sans, Souci. Potsdam in 1991, of all years! One year later, the Earth Summit took place in Rio, and Hans Joachim Shellnhuber founded his Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, which he calls “PIK” for short.
It is stunning to think that there is a man whom Charles and Queen Elizabeth II treasure so highly and is considered a world leader on the “climate change” depopulation agenda. It is mind boggling that his operations are located in the capital of Prussia, and less than 2 miles from the bones of Frederick the Great, and he quietly names his institute “PIK”.
You didn’t think we would end ‘An Ode to the Prussian Pickle’ article without finding another Prussian or another pickle, did you?
To be continued…
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