I spy
In Part I we explored the ancestry and royal heritage of Charles. The new King has an unbridled passion for Romania, especially after he ‘discovered’ he was the current heir to the bloodline of Vlad the Impaler, or Dracula; that is, of course, assuming that he was unaware of his lineage prior to it becoming public knowledge.
We were intrigued by Charles’ obsession with Transylvania, especially given its connection to the name ‘Dracula’ and the Romanian meaning of this infamous name:
This is not to infer that Vlad the Impaler, or his bloodline, actually consider themselves to be the “son of the devil”; although it does present an interesting question: Do some people in this world believe in the idea of Satan, and perhaps even worship the devil? In this current world-climate, an answer to this question is illusive, as it yet remains a story-being-told.
This question however, brings us to where we concluded Part I – A Romanian hacker named Guccifer had successfully hacked Hillary Clinton’s private email server:
We have no idea exactly what Guccifer discovered, but whatever it was, it led to him to declare that:
“Hillary Rodham Diane Clinton is one of the high priests, a goddess of this occult, (sic) satanic, shadow group. One must see their evil and profoundly corrupt motive to understand what I am talking about.”
Apart from suggesting Hillary was a major player in the Illuminati, it is also claimed that he breached the accounts of up to 100 high-profile Americans, including politicians and generals. This level of hacking requires exceptional intelligence, skill and balls. Many hackers either end up in jail, or they are recruited by the world’s secret intelligence services, into an area known as signals intelligence.
In the United Kingdom, that signals intelligence agency is known as Government Communications Headquarters (or commonly GCHQ), which began in 1914, just after the outbreak of World War 1.
GCHQ is the equivalent of the NSA in America, and is one of the three major British intelligence agencies; the others are Mi5 and Mi6.
Over the years, GCHQ has been embroiled in many controversies, but probably none more infamous than in 1992:
It did not matter if you weren’t a famous princess; no-one seemed to be safe from this spy agency:
These articles provide just a few of the controversies surrounding GCHQ, and they are certainly not the only signals intelligence agency in the world carrying out questionable surveillance. Notwithstanding these damaging leaks and GCHQ’s desire to cover it all up, Charles wanted the world to know the critical importance of their work:
Furthermore, Charles was the first Royal to become patron all three UK intelligence agencies:
Charles’ support for his kingdom’s intelligence agencies goes way beyond simple admiration:
Charles is putting ‘his money where his mouth is’. His son, Prince William, shares the same passion as his father, working to become familiar with the inner workings of the British secret services:
As the world has become painfully aware, the British royal family are embroiled in their own controversies. King Charles’ brother, Prince Andrew, found himself a little too close to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, a little too often:
The people that the two British royal lads were keeping company with were beginning to raise eyebrows. One of the most disastrous friendships that Charles had was with Jimmy Savile:
In an uglier twist, this close friend of Charles was so revered by the royal family that he received an Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1971 and was then knighted in 1990 for his contributions to society:
To be fair, it is impossible to know if Charles had any idea if his brother Andrew knew that his friend was hanging out with a paedophile sex-trafficker. It may also be that Charles knew absolutely nothing about the dark activities of his close friend Jimmy Savile:
What we do know for sure is that questionable men have surrounded Charles and the royal family for a long time. This research also uncovered a curious link between Jimmy Savile and another convicted paedophile, Keith Harding. Keith and Jimmy go way back, with Keith even appearing on a Christmas television special of “Jim’ll fix it.” So, what did Keith Harding do in his spare time?
At every turn there was a paedophile close to or near Charles. Even his good friend Jimmy was associating with other paedophiles who were running the Mason’s Lodge for GCHQ spies. It is hard to fathom that one of the most sophisticated spy agencies in the world, and one publiclychampioned by Charles, was unable to discover and notify Charles of the evil men surrounding him. As the Netflix documentary opines, perhaps Charles was simply ‘duped’.
Regardless, we must always understand that espionage is a dirty and dangerous business, as some from GCHQ have discovered.
#Prussiagate has no idea what information Gareth Williams found about Bill Clinton. What we do know is that blackmail appears to be one of the most valuable assets in espionage. Those who have the blackmail, have the power. This may be why signals intelligence agencies appear bent on knowing what material exists and who has it. In this way, agencies control the blackmail, and by default, become the ultimate holder of power.
If monarchs are just a ‘remembrance’ of the past, then they would have no interest in global intelligence. If, however, the world was still subject to a ruling monarchy, then they will ensure that they always hold the ultimate power. Is this why Charles declared the operations of GCHQ “utterly essential”? Is this why the next heir to the British throne, Prince William, is being trained inside GCHQ?
It now appears that intelligence agencies are upholding the Prussian tradition of maintaining a powerful espionage network. We refer to it as a Prussian tradition because the founder of modern-day espionage was none other than Frederick the Great.
The Founder of Modern Espionage
“The real founder of the business of organised spying in modern times was Frederick the Great. …Like the true pragmatist he was, Frederick considered all things good in themselves which served his ends, and his policies were invariably conceived on his pet principle: “If honesty fails us, we have always dishonesty to fall back upon.” He it was who laid the foundations of that policy of Prussianisation. …no measure was to be considered too extreme or base, nor turpitude too abhorrent, provided it advanced the interests of his House and furthered its ambition to play in Europe that rôle which had passed to the Habsburgs by inheritance from the Cæsars. For Prussia Frederick sought a permanent predominance in Europe. …An understanding of these facts is really the condition of grasping the significance of the elaborate Prussian spy system of our own time.”
Frederick the Great was a military genius, and he considered spies to be highly-valuable in the ‘Art of War’. After Frederick’s death, his military memoirs were published in 1797:
This is a fascinating read from the Prussian master. Frederick devotes an entire chapter to ‘the deployment of spies in war’. It is important to understand that Prussia was ALWAYS in a state of war. This meant that any country that Prussia controlled was always in a state of war. Prussia was unrelenting when it came to war, and equally unrelenting, when it came to spying:
Frederick understood the dirty business of espionage; he knew it so well that he allocated spies into classes! However, it was his pragmatic and brutal approach to warfare and espionage that transformed Prussia into a superpower:
Frederick understood the value of spies and the need to ensure they were properly incentivized; he ensured they were paid handsomely for their duties:
Frederick provides a fascinating insight into the world of espionage. He understood that a successful spy’s identity is never known; they must remain completely invisible to their enemy and rely on infiltration to achieve their goals.
There is nothing new under the sun. Today’s spies still draw upon the methods deployed by Frederick nearly three centuries ago; although today they have access to high-tech signals intelligence. In the same way, we have no clue who the true spies are, or who they take orders from. However, we are learning much about our invisible enemy. This means that we can look to those who hold powerful positions in public office and see if they are being paid “to a degree of extravagance”. We can check their net worth before they entered politics, compared to now. We can observe their statistically impossible successful entrepreneurial ventures:
The Prussians valued their spies as highly as their military leaders. Bismarck’s right-hand man, Wilhelm Stieber, was one of the most brutal spy chiefs in history. His favorite tool was blackmail, and he would stop at nothing to obtain dirt on anyone deemed an enemy of the kingdom of Prussia:
Incredibly, it was Prussia that had a spy running the government propaganda machine, creating a central information bureau, and working with criminals to further their mission. It is not unreasonable to suggest that we stand against this same enemy today.
In an earlier quote, it was Frederick himself who summed up the very purpose of the #PrussiaGate work: “If we were acquainted beforehand with the intentions of the enemy, we should always be more than a match for him even with an inferior force.”
The more we learn about this horrible invisible enemy, the more we can see their global operation quite easily: The entire world is their trade network; every nation must be controlled like a port; and the whereabouts of cargo must be known, at all times. It makes sense now that global merchants would inevitably move into the world of global espionage.
Controlling global trade and information is an incredible power-base to control entire nations. Anyone who desires such vast power, will understand the value of blackmail. For those spy agencies adopting similar means and methods to Frederick the Great, we can be confident that if they need to hurt someone in power, they will either find the necessary dirt, or just make it up:
“Like the true pragmatist he was, Frederick considered all things good in themselves which served his ends, and his policies were invariably conceived on his pet principle: “If honesty fails us, we have always dishonesty to fall back upon.”, Frederick the Great 18
Trump vs Spy
Whether President Trump liked it or not, he has had a colorful first-hand experience with the world’s intelligence agencies. Soon after the 2016 Presidential election, he received a visit from the head of the National Security Agency:
It was an ugly start for the 45th President of the United States. Just months into his term, he was letting the world know that he was being spied upon:
It wasn’t long after Trump’s incredible claim that the internet sleuths found this 2013 gem on Twitter, posted by the very man that Trump was accusing:
The claim from an incoming President that the outgoing President is spying on him, is truly remarkable. If proven true, the implications of such a crime will change America, and the world, forever. Despite the media onslaught, Trump refused to back down, continuing his attack against Obama and the intelligence agencies who he claims carried out the surveillance.
The invisible enemy was visibly shaken at Trump’s unwillingness to back down, and deployed Chuck Schumer to warn Trump what the intelligence agencies were capable of doing to him: (1:37 minutes)
The battle-lines were drawn, and Trump was squaring up against Deep State operatives that were embedded within the intelligence agencies. His accusations were not just levelled at American intelligence services; he was accusing foreign nations as well:
GCHQ lambasted the insinuations that it had spied on the incoming US President:
These public confrontations between Trump and the intelligence agencies had many establishment-bureaucrats rattled. The British Ambassador to the United States had put his thoughts about President Trump into an email, which did not remain as private as he’d probably hoped:
These public confrontations between Trump and the intelligence agencies had many establishment-bureaucrats rattled. The British Ambassador to the United States had put his thoughts about President Trump into an email, which did not remain as private as he’d probably hoped:
Trump was certainly ruffling the feathers of the intelligence agencies, particularly GCHQ. This was all happening in 2017. Two years later, the President was scheduled for a state visit to the UK, and rather than back down, Trump doubled down:
The plot was thickening, but it was impossible to know exactly what was going on at the time. Either Trump was an unhinged madman, or the intelligence services, including GCHQ, were desperately trying to cover their tracks. What the world witnessed was the unleashing of a global media propaganda machine. They were intent on painting Trump as a total madman.
For the first time, people began to wonder if global intelligence agencies were just one finger on a larger, invisible hand.
Hakluyt and the Colonies
Richard Hakluyt was an accomplished propagandist who convinced Queen Elizabeth I to colonize the Americas. He also played a pivotal role in advising and establishing the East India Company, which we showed in Evolution of Slavery Part II, had been moving cargo around the world, including slaves:
Hakluyt was a serious player on the international stage, working on behalf of the British Crown. He was also recruited by the Crown as an intelligence officer:
It is extremely interesting that a Mi6-affiliated spy company brought 16th century Hakluyt’s name back into the espionage game:
The partial privatization of government intelligence agencies has served Hakluyt extremely well. In 2001, just six years after being founded, they boasted having 25% of the FTSE 100 companies as clients. They recruited some of the biggest players in the espionage business, including the former head of GCHQ:
Obviously, we have no idea if Hakluyt are invoking the spirit of Richard Hakluyt and trying to “re-colonize” the Americas, but the name and skill-sets are highly coincidental. At the very least, history appears to be rhyming.
One of Hakluyt’s former directors, Alexander Downer, was the center-piece of controversy with respect to President Trump and the “Russia-Russia-Russia” scandal. He was the Australian High Commissioner to the UK at the time:
Alexander Downer was a director of Hakluyt from 2008-2014, before becoming the Australian High Commissioner to the UK. However, the question beckons, who was Alexander Downer before Hakluyt?
Alexander Downer comes from a rich heritage of Australian political aristocracy. A third-generation politician, Downer was the leader of the opposition party in Australia, although he never became Prime Minister. He was appointed as Minister of Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (the Australian equivalent of Secretary of State) from 1996 – 2007.
Downer’s role oversaw the Australian spy network, and during his tenure, he made some significant ‘improvements’, returning the spy agency to its more-traditional roots of informants, idealism and blackmail. He also reduced the requirement for political reporting, essentially meaning that spies had more influence over a country than national politics:
The “puppet-master” pulling strings at ASIS (the Australian equivalent of the CIA), was assigned by the head of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Alexander Downer. Those strings paved the way for the intelligence agency to begin spying on foreign governments in order to achieve specific outcomes. The use of blackmail in espionage activity would have brought a tear to Frederick the Great’s eye.
While it took roughly a decade to come fully into view, eventually the world learned that Alexander Downer was embroiled in an ugly espionage scandal. East Timor was just the beginning: 31
It appears that Alexander Downer may have “cut his teeth” spying on the East Timorese, ensuring his ticket into Hakluyt in 2008. His abilities must have been highly regarded amongst the intelligence community, because his resume just keeps on giving:
Apart from spying and using Australian’s tax dollars to fund the Clinton Foundation, his family also has an extremely curious tie to the British Royal family:
Sir Alick is Alexander Downer’s father. We have no idea how or why the Downer family are so closely tied to Princess Diana’s family or the British monarch. Neither do we know how Alexander’s Grandfather, Sir John William Downer, came to be one of the drafters of the [Australian Constitution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitutional_Convention_(Australia):
However, what is most intriguing about Alexander Downer is how his family connections seem to have paved the way for a career in espionage. Having such a high-value profile landed him in the middle of the Russia-hoax scandal which may have been used to influence the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election. This all took place while he represented Australia as the Ambassador to the United Kingdom.
It seems that Mr. Downer, and everyone associated with his clandestine activities, have found themselves in a right royal pickle.
To be continued…
https://www.infoplease.com/culture-entertainment/mythology-folklore/terrifying-truth-about-dracula ↩︎
https://newspunch.com/guccifer-hillary-clinton-high-priestess-illuminati/ ↩︎
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/gchq-made-princess-dianas-squidgygate-285324 ↩︎
https://theintercept.com/2018/02/17/gchq-belgacom-investigation-europe-hack/ ↩︎
https://pressgazette.co.uk/gchq-wanted-bugging-programme-kept-secret-stop-damaging-public-debate/ ↩︎
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https://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/jun/26/jimmy-savile-sexual-abuse-timeline ↩︎
https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/579523/Paedophile-Mason-lodge-GCHQ ↩︎
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https://www.hakluyt.com/downloadable_files/Journal/PayneHakluyt.pdf ↩︎
https://sputniknews.com/20190927/hakluyt-citizens-network-mi6-1076906340.html ↩︎
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/nov/05/former-head-gchq-sir-iain-lobban-adviser-shell-hakluyt ↩︎
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