To grasp the magnitude of 1666, we must understand the emergence of corporations within society. The earliest Trusts were not legal entities as they are today, they were powerful statements of claim. They were Express Trusts. These required little formality and could even be created orally. They were commonly used for property transfers.

The first significant Express Trust, in terms of its authoritative claim over humanity was Unam Sanctam, decreed in 1302, where Pope Boniface proclaimed Unam proclaimed himself ruler of the World and everything in it.

In celebration, the Pope commissioned a gold-plated head-dress in the shape of a pine cone, with an elaborate crown at its base. The pine cone symbolized fertility traditionally associated with Ba’al.

Cloaking yourself in gold is an ancient ritual and one that suggested you were a god, or had a higher authority over another person. Hollywood “stars” still perform this ritual today.

This proclamation of rulership would become significant in the future rise of the Prussian Army. The Prussian army continually evolved into new hosts; it never loses. To best understand the Prussian army, we must understand this: The nation that wins the war, just got occupied by the Prussians. The only reason they won, was because they were already infiltrated, decades earlier. The victory completes the infiltration and seals the belligerent occupation.

The longer-term evolution of this controlling-force was from Persia to Greece, then to Rome and then to Charlemagne, the Holy Roman Empire (HRE). This ‘hosting’ technique was how the Romans would retreat and re- emerge as wise guides (the Vatican) rather than obvious tax collectors and oppressors. Their payment was now a “voluntary tithe”; not a mandatory tax. Don’t be fooled though: If you didn’t pay the tithe, you were amongst the great unwashed that would burn in hell. With a compliant population established, taxes were renamed indulgences and the Roman Empire was reigning again.

The future Prussian playbook was already emerging within the cult leadership of the Vatican. The HRE would hand off to the House of Hohenzollern that would in time, become Prussia.

The 13-foot-tall pine cone in Vatican Square symbolizes the role of the Pope as the intermediary between people and God. This was the same authority that resolved the medieval disputes surrounding spiritual and secular jurisdiction over people. The pine cone also represents the pineal gland, or spiritual eye.

In the culture of the ancient Roman Trusts, if no one stood up again their deception and claim, then it remained lawful. All that was ever required was for humanity to resist this regime and the Trustee must stand down.

Adopting this Roman-style rule, the Prussian army was exceedingly violent and the people easily became compliant. In time, this “army of the compliant” would become the Nazi army that willingly stood aside while the government killed all dissidents. Over time, the invisible Prussian Army, would occupy all large corporations around the world. Money was the key, but an even more powerful force, was the imposition of debt. Debt is a powerful form of control. Debt does not have the rights of an owner, but it also enables total control over a corporation. It dictates the behavior of that entity. The Prussian ideology was: “Kill or be killed”. This is the same spirit that we see in corporations, world-wide and it is evident in how they do business.

The Unam Sanctam Express Trust proclaimed ownership or control, of every soul on earth and would eventually be incorporated into the “Code of Canon Law” (Codex Iuris Canonici).

The jurisdiction offered by Unam Sanctam was still recognized in the days of Martin Luther. While impossible to fully verify, it is even suggested that he may have privately posited that the pope was the anti-Christ.

All modern religion has a culture where the ‘anointed’ will have rights to rule over another. Christianity teaches that some will “rule and reign” with Christ. Despite Jesus going to great lengths to wash feet and declare his followers must be “servants”, this counterfeit version of Christianity continued to influence society and endear people, ensuring that they wanted to be ruled. This is the type of the Kingdom of Saul in the bible’s Old Testament.

Under this Unam Sanctam holding trust, sat 3 Testamentary Trusts:

i) Romanus Pontifex (1455).

This Papal Bull (or public decree) conveyed the right-of-use of the “property” within Unam Sanctam (meaning all the earth) as Real Property.

These rights were given to the Pope and successors, forever!

ii) Aeterni Regis (1481).

This means “eternal crown”. This is the realm of the Commonwealth (Crown) and where birth certificates create a registered version of ourselves that can interact with corporations and trade legally. Interestingly, it was created on 21 June which is the winter/ summer solstice.

It records how nations were gradually being placed under the rule of the Crown and the Papacy. Humanity was being conditioned to be ruled by strong leaders, just like King Saul in bible times.

Several famous treaties such as the Portuguese Treaty of Alcáçovas of 1479, record this incredible transition of nations as a result of the victory of the Catholic Monarchs with these countries.

These nations were lured in to this emerging power-base, as they conquered adversaries and became a part of this new authority that would rule over the people of earth. This spirit of oppression was gobbling up the earth, submitting all nations to its control, and preparing itself to go for world domination.

Already preparing to erode human identity, this Trust relegates human status to our person (which is a created legal identity), rather than our divine self, or soul (this is our true spiritual identity).

iii) Convocation (1537).

This is not directly related to the Crown, but was set up to claim all the “lost souls” which were lost to the See. Baptismal certificates were held in the church archives to record the issued title over each soul. This will make more sense when we are introduced to the 1666 cestui que trust.

Sources to explore this topic further:





This global idea, seized ownership (really control) under the authority of the Pope, was again proven by Columbus’ return to Europe in 1494, which saw the signing of the Treaty of Tordesillas, which effectively sub-divided the Americas between Portugal and Spain.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Tordesillas

All authority for these decrees was provided by Pope Alexander VI. Pope Alexander issued more Papal Decrees, gradually building up more ‘ownership’. This authority really did control the earth and everything in it. They were doing it by deception; however, they were doing it legally; at least according to their laws. The use of the name “Trust” is also quite telling, now that we can see the broader context. Did Trust Courts once exist in society?

Source: https://www.guampedia.com/treaty-of-tordesillas/

More treaties would create new controlling jurisdictions throughout the earth during this period, adding to the vast authority of Aeterni Regis. World leaders petitioned the church for their authority. This was a true merger of church and state, all motivated by people’s desire for safety in numbers.

Forget legalities for a moment and consider that Unam Sanctam represented a powerful idea or belief-form which every state and territory would operate under. These unelected people crafted tremendous spells which were energized by the belief and acceptance of all nations and their people. It made sense because the government was able to protect them by partnering with banks, who would prosper them personally and nationally. Even today, many people still ask that their governments protect them. Humanity has become incredibly reliant on big government and big corporations. This union is the foundation of Marxism.

How could such a force wield such power over the minds of so many people?

To answer this, it is helpful to look to the year 1666. Three significant things happened in this year:

  1. A man named Sabbatai Zevi proclaimed himself as Messiah and rapidly developed a large following.

  2. Humanity was declared to be ‘lost at sea’.

  3. The Great Fire of London destroyed medieval London.

Let’s explore each of these events.

1666 – Sabbatai Zevi:

Zevi’s movement grew rapidly and would soon gather some very powerful names who would become well known as the founders of more familiar movements such as the “Illuminati” and the founders of the modern banking system. These names were Jacob Frank, Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Bauer (later Rothschild). This progression is noted the book, “1666” by Robert Sepehr (image provided later in the text).

Weishaupt and Rothschild were born five years apart and their connection was pivotal to the US, as the Bank of England was utilised by Rothschild in the early 1800s to place the US into debt slavery after the 1776 Revolutionary War and the Battle of Waterloo in 1818. Having just removed the Crown from an obvious enslavement, the US would invite the Crown (the Prussian/ German Rothschild banking system) back to assist with the rebuilding effort. This transition created the illusion of incredible freedom and prosperity; however, it was really just a new form of captivity to the Crown. We are now learning who controls the Crown.

These crypto-Jews (origin from Greek kryptos - κρυπτός, ‘hidden’) had no connection to the Jewish religion. The Crypto-Jewish phenomenon is defined as the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing another faith. This other faith was Catholicism and in more modern times, Judaism or Christianity. The term was applied historically to Spanish Jews who outwardly professed Catholicism, also known as Converso, Anusim, or Marranos. The phenomenon was especially associated with renaissance Spain, following the Massacre of 1391 and the expulsion of the Jews in 1492.

The dates of the Express Trusts Romanus Pontifex (1455) and Aeterni Regis (1481) sit in perfect alignment, as the Crown gathered the nations together into one ownership. The lure was always protection and power. The people willingly submitted to leadership that offered such power.

The first Crypto-Jews may even have been Portuguese. As was happening in Spain during these years, these same timeframes would forge humanity to align with the Catholics (enslaved) or the crypto-Jews (slave masters). The choice is clearer for us to see now, but was not so clear back then, when all the people could see was war, death, disease and hardship.

History even records that people who didn’t convert to Catholicism were “forcibly baptized”, becoming the first Iberian crypto-Jews.

Source: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fgene.2015.00012/full

Their origins don’t overly matter, as they are effectively not of our bloodlines. These crypto-Jews were a ‘created bloodline’; originating from the rebel Jews who would eventually become aligned with the dark satanic movement started by Sabbatai Zevi in 1666. They would proclaim themselves as evil, separating themselves from a humanity that was striving towards love, peace and trust. They would happily align with any religion, lying in order to escape death, and continue on their evil way.

The crypto-Jews would soon take over the world media and become sorcerers who would cast the deceptive spell over all humanity, who were believing in peace and trusting their fellow man. This narrative would compel vast collective agreement, thereby creating the human reality. This spell ensured that those who trusted in authority figures and the media, would be deceived.

Any thought that countered the declared narrative would be shut down. Shutting down such narrative would involve being burned at the stake, removed from authority seats, prohibited from speaking publicly and being labelled as a conspiracy theorist. Eventually, anyone straying from the approved narrative (or the spell) of the major industrial-establishments on earth, would be labelled a heretic, hippy or a quack. Such people would be ‘shamed’ back into the fold or be decried as an outcast and maybe killed – actually or metaphorically, depending on the era you lived in.

Here is an excerpt from the book, “1666” by Robert Sepehr:

Mayer Amshel Bauer was a Prussian and changed his name to “Red Shield” or Rothschild. This was the Prussian way: retreat and appear to lose, while infiltrating the next host. It is actually quite a brilliant war strategy.

These secret societies created spells that essentially informed people’s reality and their context of existence. This ‘global narrator’ and would act as a collective mind virus. With our ongoing permission, this story-teller will continue to rule us and guide our experience of life. It is all done via our agreement and belief in its truth. When presented onto television, these spells gathered enormous collective energy.

The good management of the earth and the people upon the earth, have now become heavy burdens that sit upon humanity. Actually, the Pope took full responsibility for it all, if I recall correctly.

Humanity is now under the spell of many Corporations (Prussians) who are joined with the mainstream media (the narrator), through collective ownership. Corporations are the modern and ‘glamorous’ face of an ancient system of Trusts that considers that it ‘owns’ us all. They don’t just believe it; they are enforcing their rule over humanity.

The Prussian ideology governs the will of mankind. They ask that we assign our free will over to them, to do with as they please. Without people’s resistance, these world leaders consider that we are in tacit agreement with their rules, which effectively operate like contracts.

1666 – Lost at sea:

An obvious question is how do large corporations control humans in this way? Being a part of nations that are the property of ancient trusts, the birth of humans become something that was registered by a birth certificate. Similar to cargo, the parents would sign the bond document as “informants”. The child (asset) is now held in Trust, which is held as collateral. The Trustee is the government, but above that it is the Crown and the Vatican. From here, each person is made liable for taxes and fines. Essentially, citizens are like a balance-sheet and we’ve forgotten that the asset being managed, is ourselves.

In 1666, the Crown declared that all people on earth were lost at sea. The Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 declared that if our natural being remained beyond the seas or elsewhere absent in this Realm for seven years without proof of life, then that person shall be accounted as naturally dead.

Source: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/aep/Cha2/18-19/11#commentary-c919469

The word ‘corporate’ has its origins from the Latin ‘corporatus’ and ‘corporare’ meaning “form into a body” and is derived from the word ‘corpus’, or corpse.

Is there any way to redeem our identity inside this Realm? Yes. Our true identity has been declared to be a corpse, however the Act does provide for a restoration of the estate if there is proof of life. From this declaration, the burden rests upon us to proclaim proof of life. Being aware of this legal provision is a work of consciousness and remembrance of our soul, as one with God.

The Act also provides for a return of profit and interest.

1666 – Fire of London:

The Great Fire of London swept through the central parts of London from 2 – 6 September 1666. The fire gutted the medieval City of London inside the old Roman city wall. It threatened but did not reach the City of Westminster (today’s West End) or Charles II’s Palace of Whitehall. It destroyed 87 parish churches, St Paul’s Cathedral and most of the buildings of the City authorities.

The relationship between ‘the city’ and ‘the Crown’ was often tense. The City of London had been a stronghold of republicanism during the English Civil War (1642–1651) and the wealthy and economically dynamic capital still posed a potential threat to Charles II. Recall that the tensions between the jurisdictions of church and state over the rights to control the people was the predicate for Unam Sanctam in 1302. So also, the English Civil War revealed emerging powers (likely economic, political and religious) that posed a threat to the Crown (Charles II at this time). A new structure (or context) would need to be ushered in.

1666 would prove to be a significant year, where the nature of human enslavement would be recontextualized allowing for people to be held in Trust, as corporations. This would give rise eventually, to debt slavery, but only after a series of contrived wars and famine, which was the Prussian playbook.

There is no surviving record of a charter first establishing the Corporation as a legal body, but the City is regarded as incorporated by prescription, meaning that the law presumes it to have been incorporated because it has for so long been regarded as such (eg the Magna Carta states that “the City of London shall have/ enjoy its ancient liberties”).

Evidence of this 1666 shift in the nature of “corporations” would impact the City of London, soon after. The City of London Corporation had its privileges stripped by a writ quo warranto under Charles II in 1683, but they were later restored and confirmed by an Act of Parliament under William III of Orange and Mary II in 1668-1690, after the Glorious Revolution. Significant political unrest followed over the next few decades.

The Revolution ended a century of political dispute by confirming the primacy of Parliament over the Crown, a principle established in the Bill of Rights 1689. This appears to establish the authority of the people, but remember, London is a corporation and the people have been declared to be lost a sea, twenty-three years prior. The unsettled patriots would stand down, believing they now controlled the Crown, but it was a trick to settle the uprising.

Additionally, the origins of global central banking started in 1694 when William III of Orange ruled over the creation of the privately owned Bank of England (BoE) as the Government’s banker to fund its wars, which were emerging everywhere. This bank would help place most of Europe into debt. Some good references are here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_III_of_England

The 1694 BoE was eventually nationalised in 1946 and is now wholly owned by the “Treasury Solicitor”. Don’t be fooled by the name, as the new owner is still just another corporation masquerading as government. The Treasury Solicitor Act of 1876 established it as a “corporation sole”.

Look at the lead up to the establishment of the BoE. Understanding the Prussian playbook reveals that nobility was essentially working together. Battles and changes in Monarchs were irrelevant as the Prussians were nobility and they were collaborating to create the prototype for central banking.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchequer

As a side note, the timing of the nationalization of the BoE in 1946 and the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 is too coincidental. Recall that the area known as Israel had been held under the British Mandate from 1920 – 1948.

Look at the patterns around the BoE and the funding of the rebuilding of Europe. Now look at the patterns behind the Rothschild’s entry into the United States. Rothschild took a considerable hold on the UK banking system following the battle of Waterloo in 1815. History shows that Nathan Rothschild knew of the Waterloo result in advance, sold British Government Bonds, creating panic and then bought them again for a fraction of the price. Effectively controlling the BoE, Rothschild would commence the rebuilding of the US, who was looking to rebuild and grow from the Revolutionary war of 1776.

The rule of these evil people under the guise of corporations, sits in full view, provided you know where to look and you give conscious-permission for such a captivity to be a part of our reality.

Even the Rothschild name was derived from the German words “rothen schild”, meaning “red shield”. The emblem is Prussian.

Look at the head-dress and clothing of the Hessian army mercenaries/ soldiers. They were Prussian soldiers who fought with the British against the US in the Revolutionary war. The pictures speak powerfully. Interestingly, it has been noted that half of Germany’s top ten banks are located in Frankfurt-on-main in the Province of Hesse, short for Hessenland or “land of the Hessians”.

After 1776, the Prussian army would need to reinvent itself in order to remain hidden. As slavery was slowly becoming less-acceptable, debt-slavery was far less obvious, because it feels like prosperity.

Globalism may look sophisticated, but the authority behind it is extremely evil. This dark authority almost seemed prepared, morphing quickly into something that appeared benign - finance. This was a key purpose of The Treaty of Paris in 1783 where the King of England would continue profiting from the corporations in America. It appeared to give freedom, but it was just a new form of slavery.


Recall that hilarious Trump interview where three times, he said we must go back and look at the “oranges” of the investigation, being the 2016 attempted coup against him. He said we must go to the beginnings. Could he be revealing that William of Orange may be have been the start of our debt slavery, which is our current captivity, when he created the privately owned Bank of England as the Government’s banker to fund its wars? The evolution of Prussia from 1694 would suggest it is absolutely possible.

Trump ‘oranges’ interview:

This BoE would help place the world into debt, but first it would place Europe into debt-slavery, as a trial run. The Prussians love to trial their initiatives and build capacity before they implement them.

Source links for this section are provided at these locations:


